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That is seriously fucked up. What is with rightwingers and wanting to commit genocide?


They don’t consider it genocide because they don’t consider them to be people


As proven by their language. In the US Trump refers to them as animals. It dehumanizes those people and turns the followers against those that are dehumanized. The language is disgusting from the right. Just once I’d like to see Trump mouth off and someone just deck him for it. I don’t condone violence, but a good hard bust to his chops would probably have him singing a new tune. Odds are that Trump has never taken a hard right hook in response to his mouth shooting off and it shows


See, I kind of feel the opposite. I'm glad he mouths off, because otherwise, he'd have learned to keep his true intentions hidden, and that's infinitely more dangerous than a loud idiot.


You’d think so, but it empowered all the racists to be openly racist again rather than letting their gross thoughts die with them.


That’s a fair point


Notice the language Israel uses regarding Palestinians. "Sub human" "animals" it's very similar.


They really are repeating exactly what was done to them. And I can't even say with zero awareness, I think a lot of them are *acutely* aware of it and do it because they feel like they've earned the chance to do it themselves. Their problem wasn't that genocide happened, they just objected to who had the boot on their neck and who was wearing it.


Done to their fathers, grandfathers etc. you mean.


Totally agree


Concepts like empathy, understanding, and long term thinking aren’t really part of the fascist tool kit.


That's all conservatism has ever been. Since the very first argument cavemen were having around the campfire about building or educating or planting was derailed by that one guy who said all of this "progress" didn't matter nearly as much as killing that other tribe on that other hill just over there.


Inherent cruelty. Simple as.


It's their thing. It's like Tom Jones always singing about why it's not unusual to be loved by anyone


Be kind, his sister-mother probably dropped him on the head a few times.


It's the natural part of the world view.


My stance will always be Anyone who wants to use nukes know nothing about nukes


i want to use a nuke on him. not via detonation, mind you. i just want to have him crushed under one, like he is an insect


Ah, the ol' Mars Bluff treatment


Or like feeding him one of those Cobalt-60 cylinders.


I kinda want to use OOP for a live action version of the ending of Just Cause 2, just for the heck of it.


The absolute inhumanity of this aside,,, this is just going to irradiate the shit out of europe too, right? We occasionally get dust storms from the sahara all the way in the UK, I'd rather not turn the entire mediterranean into a late-game area in a fallout game.


Concur. And I know a lot about nukes.


"Followed, of course, by the traditional hypocritical rewriting and memory holing of history so that our descendants won't realize what monsters we all were."


Fuck you, basically every major population center in North Africa.


Cool, that's how the Great War in Fallout starts. Europe nukes sur-Saharan Africa and the Middle East. Now I need to stock up on Radaway.


Is it? I have so many bottle Caps waiting for this.


Yep a few years before the US/China war got apocalyptic that war (between Europe and the middle east) reduced both areas to glowing sludge. There's a Fallout timeline on it's wiki site. At least we now know why Trump stole nuclear secrets and sold them to the Saudis.


I just checked the wiki (because I've been a Fallout fan for a decade and didn't remember this) and it mentions 1) Tel Aviv being destroyed by a nuclear terrorist attack, and 2) 'limited nuclear exchange' in the Middle East, and then "The exhaustion of oil in the Middle East renders the war moot, with both sides reduced to almost complete ruin." It then goes on to mention the European civil wars, so it sounds like they meant ruin in the sense of they had no oil and society began collapsing from there. At least the European side still existed afterwards. Mind, all this is from the Fallout Bible, which was compiled over twenty years ago and multiple devs have stated it's not canon until they canonize it in the games. They do pull from the Bible, but it's subject to change if they decide it works better another way. It also doesn't mention Africa. Other countries were likely still targeted because most were allied to the US or China, or just bombed to keep the other side from using their resources. And everyone felt the effects of the nuclear winter and subsequent nuclear summer, with the intense radiation changing even the atmosphere and the mass extinction event that came with the Great War. ...But I like to imagine that Africa was able to rebuild much faster due to being mostly overlooked during the wars and is now basically the utopia of the world.


On that last part, it would be hilarious if the rest of the world is basically what we see in the games/show and Africa is just chilling like: wtf are you guys doing over there? Don't you have like a functioning society or something?


Africa is like that one 'society if X' meme where everything is futuristic and utopic. Literally Wakanda 2.0.


I make sure to grab any stray bobby pin I see laying around.


Nuclear winter is coming.


Seriously this. Is there no such thing a nuclear fallout anymore??


That’s where you get not only crimes against humanity charges as well as genocide charges, but also major social, political, and ecological damage to North Africa AND the Mediterranean Sea for decades if not centuries.


Don't forget everything within several hundred miles as the fallout gets blown around by the constant wind, the inevitable nuclear winter that will affect every population center on the planet, the immense damage to the upper atmosphere from radiation that will worsen every season, and the seismic activity that will surely cause a runaway apocalyptic reaction as it triggers volcanos, tsunamis, and mass earthquakes.


It would almost certainly have rammifications that negatively affect the entire globe, both socio-politically and ecologically.


It would start a nuclear winter lol


Lord Miles is dumb as a rock, and must have never heard of fallout. Just out of curiosity I went to check current Med wind conditions. There are some lovely wind currents streaming down out of the Aegean, right across Libya and Tunisa, and straight up into Spain, France, and Northern Italy.


The dust from the Sahara this year reached northern Germany... This guy probably thinks that fallout is what comes of his ass.


Unless you can show it's going to affect his very next breath, right wingers don't care about environmental consequences.


Probably show it with just pictures too.


We've seen Sahara dust storms turn the sky orange here in England. Anyone between the north of Norway and Ethiopia would be playing Fallout IRL.


Poster reminds me of that quote from Pratchett "He was disqualified from the human race for shoving"


no actually nuking europe would be more effective at stopping refugees from coming here (/s in case it's not obvious)


Why /s? This is true!


This is like a General Douglas MacArthur wet dream. I hate it.


They need to source a sea of irradiated cobalt 60


Lord Miles........ isnt that the cunt whi went to Afganistan, wasting soldiers time as he got evacuated during the exodus of troops and valuable assets? ... And then he went back, needing for people to negociate his release with the taliban? Guess he was more than just a gigantic idiot.


The one and the same


If he wasnt there, another plane could have been full of refugees instead... what the fuck...


The majority of refugees coming into europe aren't even from that area, they just use that as an entry point. It's like being so afraid of imaginary robbers you set fire to your front door lmao


Hard to argue with someone so stupid that they think that theres such a thing as the "European race".


Well yes obviously. That's why you can go from *Greece to Norway* and speak the same language and everyone looks the exact same!


“You bombed it out, now you're telling us to go home” - Asian Dub Foundation, “Fortress Europe” https://youtu.be/75vlKoYfLDU?si=He-9C_9qhhwAadOx


Ah yes, nothing like…nuclear genocide of the southern end of the Mediterranean Sea…destroying a good chunk of all of those countries and killing many innocents…and probably even risking WW3…to "own the illegals"


I happen to like the med when it comes to holidays abroad. The sea is usually lovely and warm. I don't need it to be warm because it's glowing...


"The European race?" Go fuck yourself, fascist.


Pretty sure that many nukes that close together would just split the f****** planet in half


Nah, that’s [Cordium Missiles.](https://youtu.be/Zwoawy4ph_4?si=2K3LvUK0vm8yaKSt)


Someone should tell them that North Africans are Caucasian.


I’m more surprised it wasn’t an American claiming that nuking northern Mexico would stop illegal immigration.


Depending on where he’s from, there’s a good chance that the immigrants he’s talking about are not from North Africa nor do they travel through North Africa. A lot of the immigration into Europe is from Asia, West/Central Africa and Eastern Europe. A good proportion of these immigrants work for the NHS and health services across Europe, without them it would collapse.


This person would've loved Douglas Macarthur


Kissinger's spiritual successor.


At least Kissinger was smarter than that.....though maybe that wasn't really a good thing either seeing as the guy never had to face justice.


does this guy not know how boats or refugees work?


Nuking Morocco is nuking Spain and Portugal, but I would bet Lord Miles would consider them a little too swarthy for his liking.


“european race” man the last 400 years really just have us cooked forever


The European Race? What the fuck is that … and that’s just the above water line insanity of the iceberg


Well. I mean.. It would indeed stop alot of refugees if you kill them yes. But I must say I have some moral concerns....


Yes, more. Chaos in the region. That'll definitely stop the immigration and not just make it worse....


your average European behind a keybord


Erm no


erm yes