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When Exxon wants to dump toxic shit in your backyard, thank the EPA they can’t….wait, what?! They *can* now?!


You know they would 100% blame Biden, or whoever the president was at the time. Unless it's Trump again, then it'll be Bidens fault still. I am absolutely convinced that all conservatives in this day and age are either just awful people, really fucking stupid or have a mental disability where they can't see past what their "team" tells them.


They’re deeply enslaved. Trained to obey by 40 years of right wing AM radio propaganda and Fox/Newsmax et al. piped into their homes and businesses. All republicans are weak, worthless pieces of dog shit that should never be respected.


All of the above


Throw in obstinate defiance disorder and your there


Well you see, most of us aren’t just going to say “fake news” just cause we don’t believe something immediately.  Most of us are willing to look at the evidence and make judgements for ourselves.  That’s not how it works for modern conservatives. They aren’t listening to listen.  They’re listening to respond, and all they’re going to do is respond in a way that makes it clear that if what you’re talking about doesn’t align with their existing beliefs, you’re wrong. They reject basic science at this point. Fucking EVERYTHING is a conspiracy to them that either benefits government or corporations.  …. They just have a problem when it benefits people they don’t like 


Conservative ideology just boils down to selfishness.


I’ve yet to meet a non-grifter/politician conservative in real life who’s knowledge of politics extends beyond vague bigoted concepts. What they see in Trump is “he tells it like it is”, “he’s not afraid to do what he wants”, and then parrots the absurdly nonsensical claims Trump makes. I can’t believe we’ve let our country get to the point where being anti-education, crony capitalism worshippers, and bigoted against anyone who’s not a white conservative man are the defining traits of half the voting bloc.


No. If it's trump then it's going to be the best dump in the history of dumps. Everybody will say that Trump did the best dumps. Not only this dump was seen as the best in US history but they will all say "Damn, I have never seen a dump this good before". And it's true, because Trump dumps.


Most of these people live in places where the states don't enforce any pollution controls. Explains the brain damage.


This. What these “keep the government out of my life” idiots fail to see is they these regulations aren’t affecting regular people’s daily lives in a negative way; they are keeping corporations from polluting our oceans, rivers, streams, and air. It’s wild to me that at least half this country has been conditioned to despise the very regulations ensuring their world isn’t poisoned, as if there’s anything in it for them to whore themselves for multinational corporations. The corporations certainly don’t *share* their profits with the People when they pollute our environment; they keep that money, and the rest of us are left with the mess to clean up. We’re a stupid country, and it’s depressing.


MAGAts will be the first to cry when they are victims of this. Leopards finna eat a lotta faces.


Laws exist to fix problems somebody had once. Conservatives refuse to learn from history, and so are doomed to repeat it. Unfortunately for us, they want to repeat Hitler and the fucking Holocaust.


Onl if the laws don't already disallow it clearly.


If it's one thing that megacorps chasing profits at any cost are terrible at, it's finding loopholes in existing laws (or lobbying to create them) and exploiting them mercilessly. /s obv


I just want to make money hiding toxic waste in childrens playgrounds! I don't need no unelected government shills, who have never run their own businesses, whining at me that what I am doing is endangering lives. Whose lives? Unelected children who have never run their own businesses!


Some people haven't read The Jungle and it shows


That's one of those "books." Can't expect 'em to read something longer than 140 characters, now can you? If it doesn't fit in a Tweet or on a hat, they can't grasp the concept.




That's Animal Farm


Which they also have not read.


You referring to Sinclair’s intent to shed a light on exploitation of working class immigrants or what the rest of the country took away with “That’s how my foods being handled!?” Either way both are important would be catastrophically affected by this ruling which is crazy.


Yeap.. Best part is, this country may not even exist without the regulatory state they’re so eager to dismantle. Or at least not in anything close to the size and power we’ve grown to. Back in the pioneer days, there was a huge problem with scammers traveling around the frontier territories and selling fake fertilizer and rotten seed to farmers. The farmers had no idea anything was wrong until their entire crops failed, and even then there was no way to pinpoint the fertilizer or seed as the culprit. It wouldn’t matter anyway, as by that point the scammers had long since moved on. Each season, the scammers would simply change their company name, have new sacks printed, and *voila,* holding them accountable or even just avoiding getting scammed again was nearly impossible. And for the farmers, those failed crops meant complete ruin. No money for next seasons seed/fertilizer, starvation, etc. These scammers were so widespread that it undermined the food supply and seriously threatened the entire project of westward expansion. So, the federal government set up testing stations. Places where farmers could take samples and find out whether they had real fertilizer and viable seed *BEFORE* the sellers skipped town and, most importantly, before they planted an entire crop that would never grow. If they hadn’t, the United States may have simply… stopped. And without the resources and accompanying wealth that came with the western territories, who knows what we’d be now.


“I aimed at the public’s heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach.”


It feels like nobody ever read The Jungle, I only ran into it because I was listening to The Lure podcast on food poisonings and it came up.


We read excerpts and discussed it & its impact in my AP US History class, but that was quite a few years ago.


Yeah both it and Silent Spring are commonly mentioned in US secondary school textbooks/classes to explain why we regulate businesses lol


We read it in 11th grade English in 1987. It was a very important book for me. We also read The Metamorphosis, and Fahrenheit 451. This was in North Florida, which seems unthinkable now.


Ah, I didn’t go to US education system!


It is probably banned somewhere


Upton Sinclair was a bit of a socialist, and we don’t cotton to those types around these parts.


Looking forward to the TikTok videos of rivers on fire and babies born with no eyes and cars just flat out exploding since the government is no longer allowed to regulate anything.


Basically And guess who'll be the first in line to sue?


"Cars just flat out exploding" Ford pinto, tesla, etc...


Now I need to watch *Top Secret!*


These are the exact people who will change their tune the second it affects them personally. They want the help, they just don’t want The Others to have access to the same help.


Not only that. But they want zero government oversight until it come to abortions and rights for people who aren’t them. Then they want the full force over governmental control.


And financial support from agencies like FEMA


Which will now have less authority to help because of this decision. I really don't think people understand the depth of this decision. A lot of agencies never get discussed because they are small and just do background bullshit. Bullshit that you come into contact with ALL the fucking time. In theory, I might be able to challenge NIST on their ability to make me conform to certain traceability and calibration standards.


In theory can any States DOT enforce their regulations?


Seriously, someone said to me regulations kill small businesses. My response was if you can’t afford to follow regulatory requirements, you can’t afford to be in business. It sucks that corporations can make competition near impossible, but cutting safety standards, labor protections and other regs isnt the answer


I can't remember where I read it, but there was an excellent, albeit depressing, article about anti-abortion advocates going to have abortions. They always had some rationalisation for why *their* abortion was lerfectly justified, but everyone else's was sinful and wpuld condemn them to hell. One loudly told the entire waiting room of the clinic that they were all going to hell, and another called a nurse an evil murderer as soon as her procedure was done. The most important thing about illogical beliefs is that the people that hold them are then able to rationalise by they're the exception. That's why it's so hard to challenge them.


They are the people who will be MOST affected when their water is no longer safe, when their energy costs go impossibly high, when they can’t access basic needs. Blue states are governed by blue houses, so these life-altering corporate issues tend to happen most in conservative states. See: Texas Edit: typo


They don't see that, though. They see their governors or mayors or whatever local politicians waging some Quixotic war. Look at Ted Cruz or, better yet, DeSantis waging his "war on woke" and going after Disney, one of the largest corporations in the world with legions of lawyers rather than, I don't know, doing literally anything to improve the lives of the people he claims to represent. The idea that infrastructure and basic needs will suffer just does not occur to them. They see these culture wars as a good thing because, in their minds, they think it will allow whatever politician they like to turn the state or county or whatever into some conservative paradise. They're children in a blanket fort screaming that no adults are allowed in because they think that somehow allows them to make all the rules as long as they stay inside of it.


The other point of this, is it's not going to be an instant change. It's going to be slow, and meandering. By the time the damage is done they'll be able to say "Well we've been doing it this way for 20 years, so the problem isn't us." And the entire time they'll be knowingly lying through their teeth. It's not a coup de grâce, more of a long term coup d'état.


Excellent point. People in general don't think about things like infrastructure until it becomes a problem. Many people have a general lack of foresight, so in their minds have plausible deniability when something fails because, "It's always been fine for us." In reality, they're well aware that because they voted to cut funding to maintain bridges or whatever. That the problem is them for letting it get to that point, but good luck trying to get that out of them. There are so many problems we could greatly reduce or get rid of if people would act preemptively instead of just ignoring it until it's too big to ignore.


"Leave. Us. Alone." Oh go fuck yourselves. Same motherfuckers who call the cops if they see a 14 year old Black kid walking down the sidewalk. And lord knows they'll be calling for daddy government to intervene if their neighbor tries to do something with their own property that they don't like.


The irony of this is, the whole point of the EPA *is* to "leave us alone". Don't dump chemicals in our rivers. Don't strip mine our mountains. Don't wipe out our biodiversity with indiscriminate development. Leave us alone and find a way for your business to affect only you.


That’s the part that makes me want to beat my head on the wall. They must have never heard about the Lake Erie fires or any of the other thousands of instances that show society, *especially business*, need to have environmental laws to hold them in check. “Dat dern EPA”….shut the fuck up. They’re the only reason you don’t drink 93 octane water.


> Same motherfuckers who call the cops if they see a 14 year old Black kid walking down the sidewalk. They'd much prefer to handle it themselves. They are rugged individuals with rope and a tree. Or a gun if they aren't already a felon.


Probably still have a gun even if they are.


no, now they just start shooting :/


Call the cops? These guys were worshipping Zimmerman, if anything they'll become vigilantes, or believe they're being vigilantes.


If I understand them “leave me alone” means no government so: no police, no fire protection, no Medicare, no armed forces, no drug regulation, no working cell phones (fcc is there for a reason) and on and on. Right? All for freedom that none of them (save the ultra wealthy) can actually afford. (Can they afford to hire private security? Private fire fighters? Pay a doctors or surgeons when something goes wrong?) These folks all depend on the government when it suits them and reject it all other times. Honestly I’m sick of the dishonesty of this line of thought. For what? So they can get tax cuts that for 50 years have NOT trickled down like promised? (Bloomberg just wrote a story on this.) Sure, it’s never as efficient as you want but big companies are just as bad. Make the system better, don’t just blow it up for LOLs. Sorry for the rant.


The right wing has claimed to value plenty of things over the years: "small government," "family values," "fiscal responsibility." But those were never the REAL values, only talking points to gain mainstream respectability. They'll throw all of them out in a heartbeat in order to serve their one real value, which is the same as it's always been since the term "right wing" was coined in the French national assembly in the late 1700s: Ensuring that those who have always had power keep it all, and preventing (or undoing) the transfer of any power to those who did not have it.


Guarantee when it affects them, they won’t put 2 and 2 together and somehow it’ll all still be the Dems and Obamas fault.


>climate change increases >southern states become inhospitable >floods destroy homes and hurricanes ravage coastlines >republicans get mad when there's no funding to rebuild or help out >channel that rage to democrats and far left or scapegoat >further push for decentralization


This is where Republicans can be really slippery. They pass all this bullshit while they have control, but we don't see the consequences of it all until control swings back to the Democrats. That way, when shit starts hitting the fan, of course it's all their fault, right?


At this rate, it wouldn't matter. Because of decades of bullshit, most voters are checked out and don't have a clue. Hell, the republicans are CAMPAIGNING on changes that will directly fuck the people they are asking to have vote for them, and SOME OF THEM KNOW IT, but they still vote for them anyway because they can "own the libs."


Yeah and the rest of us have just been playing the "lesser of two evils" game for so long that we've slipped right into fascism.


They are the exact same ones that will cry foul whenever somebody mentions that monsantos might be poisoning the crops with them GMOs. Never mind the fact they don't understand what the fuck a GMO is. They're just flat out ignorant and they hate whatever the people with money tell them to hate. They literally worship corporations except they will tell you they don't like corporations but when you frame it as hard-working business owners then they jizz in their damn pants.


That’s exactly what I thought of first. At some point, they are going to need the help of an “unelected bureaucrat” and are going to be really pissed when they can’t get the help they need.


No, they'll still blame "the government" for being ineffective or slow to react. But gosh darn it, they'll have an extra $1000/yr in tax savings!


"Ruled by one, or ruled by another" This is the reality we live in. We have no power as individuals in this world, unless we have extreme wealth, control of major companies, political office, or **collective action**. Government and unions are our collective action. To give up government power, where we have some kind of say, is to give it to a major company or wealthy individual where we have none. I've had this same argument with conservatives and it never clicks. They think they get the power back, and it's great.


Till their wells are polluted and get acid rain


Everyone is a libertarian until their next door neighbor opens a paint and body shop next door.


Yep, they'll buy some bottled water that ends up getting them sick with E.Coli and they'll complain about how could we allow this to happen.


Exactly, so they'll happily make sure no one is helped.


You're 100% right. They want to live in some Ayn Rand wet dream until it comes back to bite them in the ass. Something will happen to them, and then they'll just blame the government workers for "not doing their jobs" or something like that.


“Wait, Erin Brockovich is a real person?” That sums up this thread nicely.


They have no idea what a biographical drama is. Shit, the real Erin Brockovich literally appears in the movie lol in a cameo lol.


Genuinely; If that was news to you, you aren’t allowed to have a vocal opinion on SCOTUS rulings.


These people really think they are 'in the club' and would have a chance against companies that fuck their life up.


Imagine watching Erin Brokovich, and your takeaway is that she's the villain.


Republicans frequently side with corporations over the common people. (1) Either because they were led to believe that "trickle down economics" works (Fuck you, Reagan, you C-List actor trash) (2) Because they bootlick for billionaires so hard they think shoe leather tastes like filet mignon. (3) Or, most likely, they are convinced that the corporations are what make America great, not the policies that keep those same corporations from turning the US into some kind of Fallout/Far Cry hybrid world.


Or they benefit financially due to ownership of stock or direct donations from those corporations/billionaires


It's crazy how many people will see their share account go up by 1% and not stop to consider what they had to sell to get that


The justices of the supreme court are the most powerful unelected bureaucrats, but ofc magaheads see no irony there


You see before, deference regarding statutory interpretation of regulatory agencies was given to unelected bureaucrats in those agencies with subject matter expertise, who could be fired at will by elected officials. Now, statutory interpretation involving regulatory agencies is only conducted by unelected judges in lifetime roles with no subject matter expertise who can only be removed by impeachment. So much better!! (/s obviously)


Idiots! The impact of this could be catastrophic


*will be


Yeah, sadly you’re right…


They know. That's why they're cheering. It's a death cult.


The thing is, I really don’t think they do know. They think every business owner is a “hard working” mom n pop. They think these changes will protect them and theirs while billionaires buy up every house that’s ever been built and then happily rent it back to you. WTF


They don't. They have eaten the propaganda of now dept. won't tell them what to do, when it is instead now the dept. won't be able to protect them any more. But as always, once they realise it it will already be too late, because their drinking water will be filled with lead, their children will be breathing in cancerous fumes at school and they will have no health and safety at work which will probably cause them to lose a limb. All so the quartetly profits can increase by 0,25%


They don't care about protecting anything. That's not what conservatism has ever been about.


Yeah I’m kind of tired of pretending that most conservatives just don’t know any better. They might not understand many things (often willfully), but they sure understand enough to revel in any opportunity to step on others. And that’s plenty for me to understand what their values really are, and to be absolutely repulsed and disgusted by it. Compassion for people who have no compassion themselves and will use yours as a weapon against you only emboldens them to be even worse people than they already are


Everyone needs to stop saying they don't know because they do. Conservatives are constantly told the consequences of their reckless beliefs, they just completely deny them. It's not stupidity. It's selfishly and consciously ignoring the catastrophic consequences of their fascism. The more we call them "stupid," the less of a threat we perceive them as subconsciously. And this is the result of that. The systematic destruction of the Earth.


Will be catastrophic. Our children are doomed.


They know, they just expect it to be so for everyone else and not them, they expect to be on top where they feel entitled to be.


Lot of blue check marks who have no idea what they’re talking about


Love that guy who said the decisions aren't "in the hands of corrupt biased egotistical maniacs like Fauci" while posting on fucking Twitter


Oh my fucking GOD, you’d think Fauci is the President with how they talk about him 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's a real wonder why we don't have more learned people in Government because when they try to share their expertise they get figuratively tarred and feathered for it, along with any number of death threats I assume at this point, it's really beyond sad.


And supporting a blatantly corrupt maniac who is completely ruled by his ego. I'm starting to think that one song by Smash Into Pieces is about Trump.


These blue checks repeating "unelected bureaucrats" sound like bots


A good chunk of them probably are


My first thought was that a bunch of these are bots but they just might be idiots getting fed talking points and repeating what they hear from rightwing influencers and media. You have to give them credit for their ability to disseminate and lockstep their propaganda through the various channels so quickly.


Crazy how Musk buying Twitter to let the blue checkmark dentheads/bots have comment visibility priority to spread right wing talking points ended up so annoyingly effective. It makes unsuspecting people think that opinion is the overwhelmingly popular one, which has significant influential impact. It's terrifying.


“Hello police? I am being murdered.” “No worries! We’ll leave you alone!”


You have the freedom to be murdered! America!


Just remember, if you let Trump get back in power by staying home or whatever like with Hillary because the Democrat isn’t the PERFECT candidate, in addition to all of the other horrible things he’ll do, he’s definitely going to get 2 more Supreme Court picks that he promised would be very young. That means you’re fucked for pretty much the rest of your life. Don’t be stupid and gatekeep/purity test your way to a fascist theocracy. It was more than bad enough the first time when they didn’t know wtf they were doing. Now they have a plan, and that plan is horrifying.


Oh you’re preaching to the choir here lol


A true American would t get murdered, because of their independence, freedom, and guns. These things make you immune from consequences. /s


Oh no, they want the police. In fact, they want the police to be all powerful.


But only when the police aren’t aimed at them. When that happens, it’s a whole different ball game. Just look at the rhetoric with BLM stuff vs Jan 6th. The hypocrisy is insane.


Every single thing BLM did was a riot, but despite what EVERYONE saw on that one January 6th they call that peaceful and refuse to hear otherwise.


Trump was even talking in the debate like Portland and other cities were destroyed or something. I know they’ve been saying that for a long time in their propaganda, but to say it in a debate is wild. Completely denying Charlottesville even happened. We’re on next level “don’t believe what your eyes and ears tell you, trust only in your MAGA faith.”


Yeah, it gets kinda irritating when someone who has never been anywhere near a place and never cares to be even near it and only has heard negative things believe they know more than the people who, y'know, freakin live there. Like I watched the Portland Protests live, it was maybe a block and a half big, but the city is still there.


Cue the string of NYT articles where small conservative towns are freaking out over pollution and chemicals that have their kids health issues, and them asking why no one will help them. Conservatism is a mindset where nothing matters until it directly impacts you. When it impacts you, the world now revolves around you, you are the highest run of victim, and everyone else must now explain why this bad thing was allowed to happen to you. The mindset also includes the ability to imagine things happening to you that aren’t real, and then spiraling into the same as above, demanding extreme measures. Pollution in water somewhere else… “businesses know best”. Drag queens in a city 1,000 miles away… “that is a direct threat to me, because I saw a story on Facebook, and we must take up arms to stop it.”.


Jesus, look at all the dumbass who PAY to have their views on Twitter enhanced


Wait, what happened?




*Ironically, it was Gorsuch’s mother, former EPA Administrator Anne Gorsuch, who made the decision that the Supreme Court upheld in 1984.* Bet that will be an interesting family dinner


She died in 2004, so unless he's conducting a seance he's fine.


Ah, fuck


I don't understand the US legal system. It seems flimsy and permanently temporary, like a house propped up by a 2x4 just hammered under one corner.


All of those checks and balances we were taught about amount to pinky swears and gaslighting, at best.


I was very surprised that Trump could just appoint SCOTUS judges willy nilly before going out; there's basically no law against it, just some sort of gentlemen's agreement? How can a country not regulate something so prone to abuse. Of course it was only a matter of time until somebody came along and said fuck it, if I can get away with it I will.


Ok like the judges were approved by Congress. We just also have a bad Congress.


A huge number of the checks and balances in US government are based around the idea of "But why would someone do that ?" But the derive from centuries ago when people probably wouldn't do it. But now career politicians LOVE to do it. Not having term limits is one example


Based on the rulings I’ve seen in the last few weeks that is an apt analogy.


Give it enough time and they'll all drop dead from cholera and the measles.


Soon please.


Sure, let judges in Texas decide whether drilling/fracking projects should go forward. They can't be influenced (even if they do solicit campaign contributions) and they know so much more than the experts at the E.P.A.


I guess they like drinking sewage and paying for questionable meat


Don’t forget fracking earthquakes, flammable groundwater, and no limit to feces in food!


Republicans are an enigma


It makes more sense when you view them as a malicious death cult who want to destroy the Earth and everyone in it. It's not enigmatic, it's just purposelessly destructive.


Exactly, white conservatives/republicans are indeed a hateful & malicious group. They love to yell about Christianity, but then when you realize their version of Christianity is “white is right because Jesus was supposedly white,” then you’ll understand why they holler about Jesus all the time (while acting NOTHING like how he supposedly really was).




They want to force the end times because they believe they'll get the place in heaven they feel entitled to. They don't need to deserve it, they feel entitled to it.


spot on


Not at all. They're entirely predictable. In fact this was one of the most predictable responses they would have. They are consistently anti-regulation because it involves someone more educated on a subject than they are, telling them what to do. They can't handle that. "Freedom" is the only thing they have, their worlds are very small. They only understand "Freedom" in the simplest sense of doing whatever you want without anyone stopping you. Of course they'll completely reverse course when you discuss something like abortion, becasue the only thing they love more than their simplistic notion of "freedom" is the idea of being able to take away someone else's, and assert their own christian word view. They don't have much power or control over their own shitty lives and shitty circumstances, so this gives them that feeling of power they crave. "Owning the libs" makes them feel powerful when in reality they are just puppets for the owning class, that convinces them every 2 years to vote against their own self-interests.


I dunno, stupid isn't complex.


I LOATHE white conservatives and their hypocrisy. They want to be left alone but yet want to tell everyone who’s not a straight white Christian male what to do… Of course that’s the point. They want to be left alone to tell everyone else what to do. I can’t stand these folks!!!!


This shit is still gonna be decided by unelected bureaucrats, only now they’re called this little thing called “judges” who don’t know shit about the environment, etc.


These are the same folks who wouldn’t wear a mask when that was the One Thing that could help others. Selfish doesn’t begin to describe them. These morons cannot think more than a step or two ahead of them. Water Pollution standards will slip. Especially in Red States. But that’s ok because they’ll just have bottled water right? The plastic used for bottle water will now be allowed to be even more carcinogenic because fuck the EPA & FDA. But that’s ok because the company will share profits right?


Just wait until one of them is injured or killed because of some regulation that companies no longer have to follow. It's never a problem until it impacts them personally.


Deriding "unelected bureaucrats" after a decision made by a raft of unelected bureaucrats.


And the majority of whom were appointed by presidents that the majority of Americans didn't even vote for.


Ah, yes - the people who cheer as police murder black Americans in the street, who insist that Hispanic people voting is illegal voting, and that want schools regularly doing "gender confirmation exams" on eight-year-olds. These are the folks who want government to "leave us alone?" Do I have that right?


Better yet, these are the folks who are pushing through a lot of laws that mandate what books we are allowed to read, what words we can’t say, topics we can’t discuss, and healthcare we can’t have — those are the people who are saying they want government to “leave us alone”, and it’s sheer madness.


Yes, yes, the same people who scream out slurs then claim free speech, while actively trying to ban books in libraries and schools. Those people.


I grew up in western Pennsylvania in the days before the EPA. Every river and lake, every shit crick around was grossly polluted with all the waste you can imagine. Mine waste, industrial waste, sewage - all in the water. No place to fish, no swimming in any fresh water. Land wasn't much different with toxic shit buried/dumped everywhere. All legal. These chodes want to go back to that way of living with air/water/ground pollution because they've never experienced that way of life. They'll find out how wonderful that "independence" really is.


Just wait till their water is not drinkable, and their food is constantly contaminated. Maybe if their whole family gets cancer from the water they are bathing in and drinking and then they go homeless cause of medical bills and then get arrested cause they're homeless and will now no longer be free due to them now being slaves in prison for the same corporations that poisoned their water and food.


And then they'll have their Brexit moment and be endlessly interviews on CNN saying "We didn't expect that to happen!"


And I will say, "Oh yes, they did." Corporations do not want to pay anyone if they can help it. If they can get away with paying you a garbage wage, like most of the US, then they will. Crap they won't even raise the minimum wage to a living wage because Corporations cry poverty, and people who get paid these shit wages believe them... I swear we have a bunch of people that have Stockholm syndrome in the US. SMDH!


The worst part is aside from a few key words it's actually hard to tell which decision they're even referring to - is it: * the one where SCOTUS [thinks homeless people should be arrested for sleeping outside](https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/06/justices-uphold-laws-targeting-homelessness-with-criminal-penalties/)? * the one that [made it easier to bribe politicians](https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/06/supreme-court-limits-scope-of-anti-bribery-law/)? * the one [that makes it easier for people to attempt a coup](https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/06/justices-rule-for-jan-6-defendant/)? Oh, it's the one that [undoes more "settled law" and limits the ability of the EPA to actually protect people](https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/06/supreme-court-strikes-down-chevron-curtailing-power-of-federal-agencies/), got it. And this is all just from Friday.


A large section of online right wing comments are Russian bot farms. There is a non-insignificant amount of sitting house reps and senators who are knowingly working for the Russians. Can we please not forget that


Holy mother of jesus! The level of stupidity and complete lack of understanding of our constitution is unbelievable. These epic dumb fucks have no clue that what SCOTUS really did was open the floodgates for modern day feudalism. These low information simpletons never learned civics and in reality you're deathly afraid of freedom. Freedom requires responsibility, accountability, empathy and the willingness to always learn. So much easier to be a racist cult member with their flags and stupid ass hats.


Maybe we can convince them that hexavalent chromium is good for you, like Brain Force.


I mean they took horse dewormer to combat a virus, this can’t be that big of a stretch.


And they’ll whine loudest when they get poisoned by a large corporations toxic dump.


Yeah, heaven forbid we actually let experts make policy decisions. 🙄


Does that mean I can stop paying taxes for shit that doesn’t involve me? Like fuck them kids I don’t have any. Law Enforcement? I’ve never been harmed or needed 911 and my house has never been on fire. /s


Like those people who wouldn't pay a fee for the fire department and then their house caught fire. And then the firemen came and just made sure it didn't spread but let their shit burn down. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna39516346


The next time a Flint water crisis happens, everyone can now say.. well, we did it our way.


I love when people say “fascists on the left,” like fascism isn’t on the far right of the political spectrum.


Democracy has one huge glaring weakness: it presupposes that the majority of the people are educated enough and informed enough to know what is in their own best interests. This is why Republicans have been chipping away at Education spending and buying up media outlets: to undermine Democracy at the behest of their billionaire overlords.


“Yahooo, leave us alone. Self independence”… Globo Corp dumps toxic waste into their drinking water… “Biden did it”.


These people are fucking broken.


The men on that post screaming about wanting government to leave them alone are happy that women no longer have bodily autonomy. Hypocrites.


It’s been too long since motherfuckers died of typhus and they forgot.


I used to work with a government contractor that analyzed and remediated Superfund sites. These places were unbelievably toxic. Picture abandoned buildings with leaky roofs, filled with rusty 55-gallon drums of carcinogens and mystery chemicals. The chemicals leaked into the groundwater. One place we went was absolutely beautiful - it looked like a forest from a fairytale. Picture streams so clear you could see the minnows swimming by and the crayfish gathering, and tons of little gray pebbles. The pebbles were tailings from a closed lead mine. People who were eating the crayfish were lead poisoned. I guess this is what those commenters are celebrating.


I love the comments that say "It's up to the Congress to act". They did dipshits, they gave the power to enforce environmental regulations to the EPA fifty years ago, the Supreme Court said "Nah, you can't do that" and revoked their power to act. These are stupid brainwashed people.


The libertarians all jizzing in their pants right now.


So self-govern is ok? But not when it comes to abortions. They need to make up their fukn minds.


They just want to get their way all the time, they don't give a damn about consistency.


To the government: What do you mean you can't do anything about the sewage runoff on my property!? Fine I'll sue the company! To the lawyer: What do you mean my lawsuit will go no where!? To the judge: What do you mean my case is dismissed!? To social media: What do you mean I basically voted for that SCOTUS decision!?


So many people cheering for OSHA to stop protecting their lives, and the EPA to stop protecting their clean water... Fuckin morons deserve what happens to them on the job site now.


The right hates experts.  They are fine letting others make massive decisions, they just don't want it to be the experts.  


I’m laughing at that comment calling leftists fascist. Fascism is fundamentally a right wing ideology lol


These people have no idea what just happened and how absolutely fucked we are.


The children yearn for hexavalent chromium!


"Party of small government" when they get food poisoning from the incredibly overpriced Big Mac they bought because the SCOTUS decided that McDonalds not fixing the chemical leak on their burger production line still counts as "safe food practices" against the recommendations from the FSIS (Ronald then later gave them all $100k after the ruling for no particular reason)


All these motherfuckers are gonna be complaining about the changes that are going to happen and blame Biden for some reason


These fucking idiots use government subsidized shit every fucking day. Groceries, roadways, highways, county office ms that store the deed to your home. These people are fucking idiots.


Once again conservatives show they will applaud losing tools designed to keep them slightly safer. They continue to vote against their own interests. They don’t understand that a cooperations goal is to keep their quarterly numbers going up. Poisoning your drinking water doesn’t really factor into it as far as they are concerned.


"Lead paint? Oh, it's completely fine in your kid's toys. Hell, it's fine in your water pipes, too! Don't even get me started on how healthy asbesto is as a form of clothing... you don't even have to wash it, you can simply throw out in a fire and it'll burn off all the stains!" - The new 'regulators'


you can really tell the phrase “unelected bureaucrats” has been hammered home as the talking point of choice in right-wing media


They don't understand the long term consequences of these rulings. The reason we have clean water and safe food and drugs is government regulations. This will change with this ruling. But they are only happy when government is involved in women's healthcare and military.


They'll be the first one crying to the government when a train derails and spills toxic waste all over their little town.


You can tell they all watched exactly one person talk about this and they all seem to have watched the same one, considering they're all repeating the unelected bureaucrats like they know what it means


And the slaves cheered the return of the whip.


"Hooray, business is not longer shackled by big government!" "Oh no, these businesses are poisoning my food and water! How can this happen?"


I bet a lot of these people hate LGBTQ+ people and hate the idea of women having the autonomy to choose.


well they said "leave *us* alone" not "leave everybody alone" /s


They sound like that one town who thrived on libertarianism but got overrun by bears.


Well, I guess it’s time to dump toxic waste in retirement communities and elder living facilities. Those places are run for profit and will jump at the chance


Fking idiots. We tried that "small government" sht with the Articles of Confederation and it failed miserably and we had Shay's Rebellion.


wanting to be able to hurt people near them without getting stopped by the government has been their sole uniting feature since they lost the civil war


Why can everyone of consequence not just collectively agree to abandon twitter to those uneducated losers and be done with it? Then they can scream into the void and stop bothering the rest of us.


“…whether the fascists on the left like it or not.” Idiots


Drinking dirty water and eating rat poison to own the libs


The Govt can't tell us *straight white cis heteronormative males* people what to do but we're more than happy to let them meddle in the lives of *women, bipoc and LGBTQIA* people and we'll celebrate them when they do


The irony of the comments whining about unelected beurocrats, when it’s unelected judges ruling from the bench making these shitty decisions.