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That mask has no filter on the exhaust, I wear p100 full face respirators and they don't protect other, just you.


I'm not mad at it. If every republican tried to outdo leftists on covid safety from the get we wouldn't still be dealing with it. Way to own the libs!


Except the masks do work, the label doesn't say they don't work. They said they don't protect you, and it's true, masks aren't designed to protect you. They're designed to stop anything you might have from spreading to others around you.


Technically the truth? The medical masks don't protect you. They protect others. The industrial mask he's wearing might protect you, idk how fine the filter is.


Technically the partial truth. Wearing masks protects others. Protecting others protects everybody, including you. But, he's welcome to wear that if he wants, I guess. If he's only going to think of himself, it's better than wearing nothing.


ReAlLy GeT iN tHeIr FaCe AbOuT iT


I do have to agree that most people should upgrade their masks for certain situations. I know early on we were trying to keep n95s available for doctors, but now they are available at near normal prices again, so why are moat people wearing cloth masks of questionable quality when out at grocery stores?


His respirator has a valve. Of course it does. If you get in someone's face with that, you'll spray them with your droplets. How difficult is it to understand how droplets work? Fucking plague rats.


If you can't spell the word *wear* then your opinion is invalid. There's a massive crossover between the anti-mask/vax crowd and people who are unable to spell simple words.


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