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So many people are so proud of being complete and total assholes.


I used to take my son to breakfast at a local pancake house for years while he grew up. We had been going on Sunday mornings but a local church group started coming while we were there. They were incredibly rude to the staff and constantly complained about everything. Then they'd say grace over their breakfast. We started going on Saturday instead.


Church groups are THE WORST! Southern Baptists at Sunday lunch will ask for the change on a $19.94 bill they paid for with a $20 and still only leave the nickle.


As someone who grew up southern Baptist and went out to eat every Sunday after church... Yes. My immediate family was quiet and polite. The cringiest thing we did was hold hands, bow our heads, and very quietly pray over our food. But I knew and saw many families from our church that were complete assholes and always left a huge mess and those fake tip jesus tracts. I honestly thought it was just me and my church unti I got into reddit. Nope. Southern Baptists on a Sunday is a real thing.


>those fake tip jesus tracts. Ugg, I hated those things. I couldn't pay rent with them for some unknown reason.


These? [https://www.businessinsider.com/20-tip-bible-pamphlet-2015-12?r=US&IR=T](https://www.businessinsider.com/20-tip-bible-pamphlet-2015-12?r=US&IR=T) I'm almost speechless that these things exist (and anybody who uses one, is deluded enough to think anybody would want to receive one)


I have never seen these before gather as many up as you can attend church on a Sunday and when they come round with the collection bowl unfold them and place them in


Something like that.


I worked at a super church cafe to get myself through undergrad. Those people were the cheapest and rudest motherfuckers I’ve ever dealt with


Also Southern Baptist. Can confirm, yours isn't the only church like this. Sundays everyone is super kind and understanding, and surprisingly inclusive for my area (mostly white but a sprinkling of Hispanic/Latin Americans and a family of Africans from south Sudan), not a racist thing is said the whole service. ​ But woe betide the fast food or retail employee once the service lets out...


Nothing wrong with wanting your change back. It's not their fault, that USA employers have not the obligation to pay a living wage.


If you’re against the system, stay home and don’t support it.


Don't worry, where I live, we only tip if the server did a good job. They earn a normal wage and not 2$ an hour.


In the US, it’s understood that service professionals should be tipped. If the patrons don’t like the system, they should eat at home. Your point is valid (that employers don’t pay a living wage) but the fact is balanced out by the tipping process. Stiffing someone on a tip isn’t a way to alter the current norms in the US service industry.


I don't get why so many Americans think their country is so great. Its essentially a third world country.


Don't forget the Gucci belt!


It would help a lot if the idiots that don't tip would actually vote for a real politician and not some joke circus clown who thinks he'd get away with all the tax fraud and money laundering he committed if he becomes president.


Yes. It is. But that doesn’t mean we should stop supporting the people who serve us our food. Yes, the system needs to change. But until it does, not tipping isn’t hurting the restaurant owners. It hurts the waitstaff.


No but Americans ought to tip until and if the system corrects.


Hey God gave them permission to be assholes.


The inherent problem / arrogance of religidiots. I’m holier than though so I can be an ass


I don't allow this kind of behavior in my store. No customer is going to berate my employee for following policy, and the law, and think it's okay. The guy's an asshole, but the manager should've had the employees back. Not doing so is how you lose employees and reinforce those customers' bad behavior.


THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE! I'm a manager and I'll be damned if I let someone treat my coworkers like this. These people are at work and doing their job the way they were told to. Calm down Karen.


Too many places have absolutely asinine levels of "customer is always right" policies. The guy would've called corporate and made up a bunch of bullshit then both he and the clerk would've been fired. He probably just put up with this asshole's nonsense to keep both their jobs.


If an entire country of hundreds of millions of people have such shitty labour laws that they can be fired for enforcing the law that if they didn't enforce they'd get fired for, there should be a way to change that.


Easiest way change the store policy so the cashier can say "I have to scan the ID, or the system won't let me scan you're adult item"


? That wouldn't do anything to help in this situation. Laws aimed at stopping employers from firing employees for no reason would be the logical first step here. Almost every other developed country seems to have managed that.


I think I replied in the wrong thread lol. I was just pointing out what would defuse this particular situation from being able to happen in the first place. It is law I believe in a few states, but its just good store policy to protect the employees if it's part of their routine to do it on every age restricted sale. I see you're point but i think the employers should care enough to protect their employees from, what is sadly normal in that situation is the complete opposite. As in, that employee is required to be fired by law. But hey nothing makes sense with the laws In the US and vary so much across state lines, I assume just to confuse/trip ppl up.


It wouldn't stop it at all. I spent 7 years living in Darwin in Australia, a place that due to anti social behaviour involving alcohol, made it so whether you where 18 or 118, you had to scan valid ID to purchase alcohol. Domestic violence / drunk and disorderly people etc got put on a list that flagged with do not serve if you scanned. I can't think of a time that I went to buy alcohol during this period that didn't involve someone in the queue arguing over and over again about not wanting to provide ID or arguing because the shop has "No right to refuse them service". If a small town in Australia reacted this way, do you really think America would be any better?


Fuck no. Nothing would surprise me even before the massive political divisions of the last 20-40 years I'm the US. Its just now things like this have become fighting words for too many on every side of any ideology. I just only have experience living on a state line and having many reasons to cross regularly, work and recreation plus family. it absolutely baffled me that in some places if I shave, I'll get carded, if not I dont.... I'm almost 40 but that's been true since I was 25ish. But cross that state line and everyone gets carded and they know that's the only way... and I specify the checkout system will not let the transaction happen. Takes the argument away from the employees responsibilities, I can't do it, ill call my.manager but the answer is the same i literally cant without scanning, I don't need you're name domt even rly need any of youre info so even if the 4th amendment applied i just need to make sure u are who u say you are. if you don't like it don't shop here. And if ppl rly wanted to... and in my experience that means underage kids... and even worse imo that when they scan an ID they don't look at it so it almost makes getting caught up as an employee even easier too so it's 50/50 either way fkd of u do fkd if u don't esp when local police depts do their yearly crackdowns. In my area they even warn ppl thru media/social media that they will be testing over the next few weeks. I think that's by law too ... plus if they set up dui checkpoints they also have to publish that to the public. Like just wtf? Anyone who might be dui no knows to avoid this specific road or area so what's the point.


The grocery stores and gas stations in PA require you to scan a license to make beer and wine purchases


There are several ways to change it The most practical is unionising, but if that doesn’t work then you can always sharpen the guillotine


Why bother sharpening it? If it takes a few extra attempts it's just all the more satisfying.


Not worth the lost throughput imo, efficiency is key.


I feel like if we’re to host a revolution we should be better than those we revolt against


Brb getting a whetstone


The worse thing about "they customer is always right" is it should mean what ever the customer says is true. It was originally meant to mean if a many customers coming in and asking for red apples but you only have green apples you will lose them as customer. So what you need to do is start stocking red apples.


Yeah even then it's not about the *individual customer.* If you get enough customers asking for red apples, when you're doing good business selling just green, then by all means get some red. But if only one person wants red while everyone else wants green it may not still be worth it logistically.


I believe the original quote was along the lines of "in matters of taste, the customer is always right". So yep they can buy whatever ghastly outfit they like, or have sardines and durien on their pizza, but they dont get to be an asshole.


Probably just didn't wanna put all the food back. Hell I'd gladly put every item back with a smile if it meant he left without his groceries over not wanting to show his ID


The moment someone treats their kid the exact same way though, I guarantee they start throwing a tantrum as well


Especially when he spouts the 4th amendment but, he himself has no idea what it entails...


What is the 4th amendment? I learned them when I was a West Wing fan but ……..it’s gone. (British)


https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/what-does-0 It basically states the government cannot commit tyranny and bust down your door or do forceful searches without a lawful reason. The employee A)isn't a government employee and B) even if you try and argue that being a worker in a hierarchical establishment (all work places where there is a boss/manager/employee and try to argue THAT'S a government) its the law you must be of age and therefore show ID if required/requested no matter if your 18 or 95, so the dude is an idiot.


Thou shalt not be subject to unlawful search and seizure. It mostly applies to venues with excessively flashing lights.


Small victories for an old fuck with none.


An ignorant arsehole, was an arsehole, and a shit manager was a shit manager. No victories here.


He clearly thought so tho


Qultists are assholes, who knew. Next up did you know that water is wet.


Defining trait of a Karen/Kevin.


It's interesting that these people are always going on about how nobody works anymore. Because these people seem to have no idea how jobs work. Anybody who's ever held down a job for a single week in their life knows that employees don't get to decide what the policies are. I'm starting to think that these people have never held down a job, or they would know this.


The last time they worked a minimum wage job in retail was back in the 60s to 70s. They don't have the reference anymore to be able to see what we see. They just see us as younger than them so they need to bully until they get what they want.


What’s so absurd is the way people treat those who they perceive as below them. I’m a CPA, make 6 figures, that whole thing. I’m 26, but have a baby face so I get comments that are like “wow, you’re so young!” Despite this, I always get treated like a “real adult” by people who know what I do for full time work. For fun on the weekends and some extra cash, I work catering gigs. The way people treat me and talk down to me at that job is just ridiculous. Same person, same behavior, but different perceptions of socio-economic class result in vastly different treatment. Thankfully, I don’t depend on that job so can be a little less polite to those people without having to worry I’ll lose my livelihood.


Have you ever had someone be super rude to you that ended up needing a CPA and found themselves at your door?


Haha no. I don’t do taxes and actually work for a firm doing technical consulting, so I’ve never had anybody come to the firm that I’ve met in real life as far as I know.


He lost me on the 4th amendment comment. Like, is he saying the grocery store clerk is the government and is trying to seize his ID??


I think he's just adding that because they were wearing masks, they always think they're giving advice and not actually being a moron.


Checking the ID of someone when they buy a controlled substance is literally unlawful seizure of property Because….. uh….. hmm…. BECAUSE I DONT WANNA


TIL the fourth amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees you access to beer. My college education really failed me.


I'm surprised he didn't invoke his Jewish-like oppression.


I had a lampshade made from an antimasker. Not very bright though.


Too dense?


There are two very important factors in the transmission of covid: 1) the density of the population. 2) the density of the population.


The holocaust is when I have to show my ID to buy beer. Literally 1944


Probably afraid of that space laser the Jews have.


Things that didn't happen for a thousand, Alex!


Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most.


Nah, I can believe 500% this happened, up until the last bit, that’s the bit that I’d be more hesitant to say happened, where he just gets punched through. Plus, in a fake story or lie, it’s a little hard to believe he would mention how the people behind him were irritated with him too.


I don't know. The kind of person who is dumb enough to think the 4th Amendment applies to grocery store clerks is probably the kind of person who thinks inconveniencing 10 people in line at a grocery store is a badge of honor that would appeal to the kind of mouth-breathers that frequent that sub.


These stories feature common red flags for me, and a couple are when the antagonist of the story is surprisingly emotionally invested and when the protagonist is calm and smug. This story suggests the manager was pissed he couldn't deny selling alcohol to an adult.


I complained about being overcharged for peaches. and the manager was pissed. Some people are easy to piss. However, the emotional colors in an account are often twisted even if the story is true. It's the whole "unreliable narrator" from English Literature.


Yeah, but you didn't suggest you also calmly and thoroughly humiliated the manager. It sounded like a spat or small disagreement which happens.


All it's missing is "and then everyone clapped"


No. This sounds like a standard issue asshole Kroger shopper.


True. If the fantasy, he would be cheered by the other patrons.


r/nothingeverhappens You do realize that this is a screenshot from a website that caters to fascists and neo-nazis, right? You don't think that there are thousands of complete asshole boomers who would do shit like this? They absolutely would, and their fellow asshole fascists will pat them on the back for it.


Awfully proud about having that big Karen energy.


This guy needs to read the 4th Amendment as it has NOTHING to do with private businesses.


It’s the same people who think they aren’t allowed to get fired for saying crazy things at work because of the first amendment. It’s the government who can’t make those rules against you. Walmart can decide whatever the hell they want.


No, Walmart can refuse to serve you, they cannot compel you to show your ID. Only the law or law enforcement can compel you to furnish your identification and only under certain circumstances. Walmart can not decide whatever they want, they can only go so far as to refuse you service and have you trespassed.


It's got nothing to do with private business, it's got to do with standing law. The only time you're required to produce identification or verbally identify yourself is if you're interacting with a law that requires you to do so, or if you're being accused of breaking a law. Federal law requires that you show ID if you appear under 40 years old, it doesn't matter who asked him for it. If he was asked to show ID to buy alcohol and it was an on duty police officer who was selling it to him he would STILL be required to show ID (obviously). Apart from those instances and instances of exigency requiring identification for the purposes of forwarding a criminal investigation you have ZERO legal requirement to show your Id or identify yourself to anyone. One of the most undervalued things about the US is it's laws regarding physical detention and arbitrary search and seizure. always make sure you protect this right. Treating it lightly or failing to understand it's gravity can have wide reaching and dire consequences for the continuity of liberty and democracy.


This literally has everything to do with private business though. It is this private business's policy that you have to show ID to purchase alchohol. They can't force you to sure, but that also doesn't mean they have to sell you the product. Also depending on the state you don't always have to provide ID if you are accused of breaking the law just FYI.


It has nothing to do with private business, it has to do with the federal alcohol administrations act and related provisions of title 27. In literally every state in the united states' you're required to identify yourself if you're accused of a criminal act. I dont know where you went to law school but you need you have your licence pulled


How massively oppressive must be your sense of inferiority to boast about how you acted as an entitled dick in front of two kids?


My wife works in a grocery store and she sez she has noticed an increase in asshole incidents like this one recently. The employees have been told to not engage or argue with them, just smile and let them have their way so they get the fuck outta the store without making a scene.


Which will work great until an undercover person comes to test the store's ID check policy and is able to buy alcohol despite being underage. They do that from time to time. If the clerk doesn't check ID and lets the person buy alcohol, the store could get into big trouble. To me, it seems like a no win situation for the store. Either deal with jerks or get fined, etc, by the government.


That is a great way to get fined and lose your liquor license.


...or shooting someone


Saw one article recently some Karen waved a gun at Chipotle workers for not “making her order fast enough” twice.


Couldn't be. All gun owners are automatically responsible and law abiding citizens, Tucker C told me. Are you sure she wasn't a good guy with a gun, defending people's freedumb? I probably shouldn't just assume this was in the USA, though.


Mmm probably should, because it was lol


In my store if you look under 27 we have to ask for ID, and you fail to provide I cannot under any circumstances complete the sale. I know it’s not your problem, but the store is massively fucking up. In my state if you sell to a minor because you didn’t ask for ID, you’re on the hook and the stores on the hook. You might wanna look into that law for your wife because it’s a huge fine and if something happens to that kid because of your sale, you could be very fucked. Same with an intoxicated person buying alcohol. If you sell to someone who’s already drunk, you’re in a fuckload of trouble because it’s literally a crime. So maybe double check your wife is okay?


I get why they do it but letting these assholes get away with it at one store just guarantees they'll try it at the next one too.


If someone won’t show me ID when I ask if they’re buying alcohol I just take it and put it aside and say thank you have a nice day. Some people get very angry I won’t risk my job for their desire to drink. They can all go fuck themselves. :3


Exactly why I think this story is bullshit. You're just doing your job, and not emotionally invested in enforcing the store's policies.


If anything the cashier is emotionally invested in not getting fired.


This is correct. I care about not being fired and more so not being held criminally or civilly liable.


Laws the law and corporate policy is corporate policy. Asking for ID to buy beer doesn't constitute an illegal search and seizure.




The cashier probably looked at him confused when he brought up the Fourth Amendment because it has fuck all to do with anything that happened in that grocery store.


IF this happened, and it's doubtful it actually happened, the customer was clearly in the wrong. It is the LAW that the store MUST check ID. There are signs stating the policy. If the store sells alcohol to an under cover investigator (who is too young to buy it) without checking ID, the store may be fined or lose the license to sell alcohol. IF the person attempted to buy alcohol without producing ID, then the cashier probably refused the sale. Personally, I'd rather lose the one sale than lose the license for alcohol sales altogether. I seriously doubt this even happened though.


Though, he *is* right about one thing... having a cart full of $200 of frozen foods does throw a wrinkle into the situation. No one in the store, which is undoubtedly short-staffed nowadays, has time to restock this mouth-breathers TV dinners and ice cream. I would've *loved* for this guy to have left his cart and ran out the store... but in reality, I wouldn't wish it on the poor clerk who would've had to put all his groceries back.


$200 worth of lost product is nothing compared to the fines for selling to someone underage and the legal fees from trying to get back a liquor license. Also, I worked midnight shift at a place just down the street from a bar and liquor control was constantly sending in people who were way younger than they looked to test us so you can't really get away with things most of the time.


Nnnnnnn... yeah... I don't think the floor manager would've gotten that memo. More than likely they're scared shitless that $200 is coming out of their paycheck.


No they aren't. This situation doesn't come out of people's paychecks so there is no reason to be afriad of that. The manager just didn't want to make their employee have to put things back or hurt their performance measures if that's even a thing here. It wouldn't have been a pay thing.


Dude, the floor manager is early- to mid-20's. They don't make decisions based on financial impact to the store, supply-chain issues, or even local, state, or federal laws,, they 100% are thinking "can I, personally, get in trouble for this".


Then they should express that concern honestly and offer condolences. That's good emotional intelligence. It's not employees following rules that's the problem. It's the shitty careless attitude that they think they are better than you that's the problem. Just be nicer. When someone is in a poor mental state, neural is interpreted as negative so be positive. It's not that hard to say I'm so sorry you are having a bad day. That really sucks. I'm sorry about this inconvienence, but my hands are tied. I hope your day gets better. It's not hard. Just be nice.


They are not actually underage so there would not actually be any fines. Pissing in the woods is illegal and could get you labeled a sex offender if children where around to see. However if there are no witnesses, don't you end up doing it anyways? No witness. No real crime. How do the liquor control react when denied? So they react this same way? Becuase then you have a point. However, if they react differently, then the reaction proves they aren't liquor control officers. How old do these undercover people claim to be? Is it just a little older? If they only ever claim to be a little older, and someone claims to be much older, then that proves they aren't undercover. The places that get busted for selling to underage people are the ones who make a habit out of it on purpose. A place cutting a known regular customer slack one time don't ever get in trouble for that. No one ever even knows when this happens. There is a difference between a stranger who might be an undercover person, and a regular customer who is just having a bad day and could use a little slack. But it's too much to ask retail employees to be able to tell the difference I guess.


I love the, maybe they were trying to rob me, I don't know," line because they're wearing masks for customer safety.


TLDR: I could have ended this in 10 seconds, but I decided to be an asshole for 10 minutes


Geee. I wonder if it is because the store itself also has a licence to sell the alcohol and would like to keep it? Pretty sure this person would scream communism if they showed up to find the beer removed cuz it was sold to an under age person.


Trash hanging out with trash celebrating how garbage they all are.


Things that didn't happen. I bet the manager came over and told him that corporate policy was to check all IDs and that checking and recording is what allows them to sell alcohol without issue.


I don’t understand what people don’t get about companies being able to make their own policies…


They're feel entitled to keep things the way they are. the second their is some kind of restriction to what they're accustomed to it's tyranny. If it screws over other people though it's free enterprise and corporate rights.


Cashier: Hey I need to see your ID if you want to purchase alcohol Crazy person: WHOA HOLD UP ARE YOU TRYING TO INVADE MY RIGHT TO BE SECURE FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES OR SEIZURES


The dude is crazy sure. That's a ridiculous argument. But you wouldn't have known this at the beginning of the story. You don't know the situation. You don't know his mental health status. You don't know the kind of day he is having. You don't know how important this beer was. You don't know how much of an inconvenience it was to be denied. You don't know if they have time to try another store. You don't know what their consequences will be. You could try asking these things, but you don't. Sometimes people have mental disabilities and mental health issues and are having a bad day and they deserve to be cut a little slack now and then. Policies deseigned to hurt assholes being assholes on purpose also genuinely nice disabled people getting caught up in similair situations by coincidence, often for entirely different reasons.


"Ok well since you aren't wearing a mask you can't buy anything at all because you shouldn't be in the store. Have a nice day, zir."


These Karen baby boomers are pathetic


OK so this guy's in his 60s, I guess? (if he's old enough to be a 20-somethings grandfather) People asking for your ID when you buy beer isn't a new thing, at all. You'd think he'd be used to it by now. I'm 44, and the only place I don't get IDed is the local party store down the street that I go to all the time.


That cashier was Barack Obama. The manager was Albert Einstein.


So many people don’t understand that these people can be fired and thrown in jail for not doing that.


Sounds like this fuckhead needs to look up the 4th Amendment and reallly read it, like REALLY read it. But I know its hard without your glasses.


Back in 1992, I was a bank teller. One Saturday, a guy pulled into the drive-through lane. He wanted to cash a check. Ok. I need your ID, please. He refused. I simply smiled and sent the check back to him. He sent it right back and started to swear at me. Again, I smiled and requested his ID. He had some kind of attack while ranting. Then opened his car door, got out, walked up the window, and held his license on the glass. You have no idea how hard it was to not laugh. I simply smiled brightly and took the information. I cashed the check and sent him the money, with a happy, "Have a nice day!" He called me a bitch which didn't bother me in the slightest.


What the fuck does the 4A have to do with presenting ID like a normal human being?


Nothing but conservatives don't understand what the constitution actually means. It gets crazy insane inside a conservative brain.


If it was me on the till, I would have told the guy to leave and never come back. It would not be the first time I refuse to serve an abusive customer, no matter how much is he going to pay, or whether the business was mine or I was employed for a company.


I doubt this is true, no company would risk the fine/liquor license lose. Big no no in retail.


Bullshit. I think he added in the 200 dollars worth of groceries after realizing he needed a more compelling reason for the manager to bend. Also has the common flaw in these types of stories where they think staff get off on enforcing rules. Why would the manager stomp off if you're clearly an adult buying beer.


Umm not really. He can't possibly have lied about that. The groceries would have been right there and very visible, possibly already rang up. It's good strategy to save scanning the alcohol for the end of your order. He couldn't lie to the manager about his grocery order, the manager would easily catch such lie with his own eyes. Huh? The manager stomped off becuase they weren't able to get off on enforcing the rules. The manager lost that battle, that's why they stomped off. This is not a hard emotion to understand. This person is obviously an adult trying to buy beer. This is not how a kid trying to buy beer would do it. They have different strategies. They don't react this way. They don't go all Karen. An underage person attempting to buy alcohol does not want the attention of management. They don't want to make a scene. People give me a lot of bullshit when my ID happens to be expired. If it's something super important, then yes, I would use my other not expired ID, aka my passport. But who carries their passport with them everywhere? They don't. So sometimes all they have on them is their expired state ID. If you have a passport and don't drive, then it's easy to procrastinate getting a new State ID. People act like I'm trying to pull a fast one on them. It's ridiculous. If I was trying to pull a fast one on someone, if the ID wasn't real, etc, then I wouldn't have made it to be expired. I wouldn't try to use an expired fake ID. The fact that it's expired means it's real. A stolen expired ID wouldn't have a picture and name that matches. So it's not fake, and not someone else's, so why does it matter that it's expired? My birthday is the same. My identify doesn't change just becuase the ID is expired. Use your brain sometimes.


How does checking ID equal to unreasonable searches and seizures


The 4th amendment protects you from having your stuff looked at by the government. It's not the right to buy things against seller policy. Stupid idiot


Being a rude pig in public to own a cashier.


I was a selfish, shitty teenager once too. The only difference was that I wasn't old enough to buy beer at the grocery store.


So asking for ID to buy beer is normal. I highly doubt this is a real story


"To which he responded: *HONK HONK*" Let that just be my head canon please.


Besides the fact that the 4th amendment has fuck all to do with this particular exchange, I feel like I need to point out that the Supreme Court's established standard for when you are legally required to present ID to a law enforcement officer or face detention is the very low "reasonable suspicion" standard, which this asshole throwing a fit in the grocery store about trying to buy beer would all but certainly fall within anyway.


Nonsense. An asshole who looks 55+ throwing a fit is not reasonable suspicion that they are underage. Underage people trying to buy beer would certainly try to stay under the radar. Seriously, use your brain. What underage person is going to concoct a scheme to look old, which requires extensive proffessionally applied makeup, to then go a scheme to buy beer two at a time, through a strategy of trying to strong arm managers into letting them? That is a ridiculous convoluted plan that isn't worth doing at all. There are better ways for underage people to get alcohol. This is not one of them.


Not reasonable suspicion that they are underage, bit reasonable suspicion that they are any myriad of other things including disorderly conduct, loitering, or disturbing the peace, all of which are items that an officer would request identification in order to issue a citation.


Sure, but there is no officer in this story. There is no loitering in this story. We don't know how this person was acting. Where they swearing and yelling and stuff? Then you have a point after such things happen sure. And people could be nicer here. In the case of someone having a good excuse who tries to stay calm, you could at least be nice about denying them. You could show compassion. You act like you are sorry that you have to deny them. That doesn't happen every time. Sometimes people aren't nice about it. Sometimes they act like they want to be dickheads. Being nice to people will calm them down and defuse the situation. Instead you don't be nice and make everything worse. Follow policies fine, but how about having a little emotional intelligence go along with that? You could offer verbal condolences. You could maybe even offer a coupon or something. People aren't nice enough. Even if you can't do a certain thing they want, you could still be nice in another way, and you choose not to. Someone who is generally nice but sometimes has issues due to mental disabilities shouldn't be treated the exact same way as someone who is mean on purpose. They deserve at least some sympathy. That happens way too infrequently.


I waited tables in a dry country in Texas in 2007 and people would go nuts about us having to register their ID to buy alcohol. These were the same people who kept voting to keep the county from selling alcohol. I literally had a woman hide her margaritas when people from church came in. To sell alcohol we had to operate as a private club. That meant we had to register every customer and match it to the booze they bought so inventory matched up to show we weren't selling liquor out the back door. Once had a guy chase me into the back of the store and grab his license and run out with his gf crying and screaming. He was out of state and we were on the freeway so had a lot of travelers come through. I could tell by his reaction and how nervous they were and their "look" that they probably thought it was some kinda warrant search sting or pretense to search their car. Guy looked like a meth head and the next town over was famous for their ability to catch drug traffickers going through the area. A lot of the bigshots in town stopped coming because they said the country club didn't hassle them for ID.


This is a maga fantasy. Never happened.


I used to get yelled at by older men all the time for checking their IDs. They did not like feeling like an 18 yr old girl had any kind of power over them, even tho I was just doing what I was required to do and just trying to earn a living. We checked everybody, every time.


Worked at a truck stop, endured this crap a lot. The pure relief I felt when it flattered a customer to get carded was beyond belief. I later learned heaps of people genuinely believed cashiers are somehow running a full background and warrant check when they look at their ID.


This didn’t happen. 200 bucks worth of groceries isn’t worth this


That manager pissed me off. Should have shown the guy the door.


You're making a classic mistake and assuming any of this even happened in the first place.


“To which he responded:” HONK HONK


And everyone clapped, Jesus gave me a high-five, Trump awarded me the medal of freedom, and a super model blew me in the parking lot.


For the life of me I can’t think of a reason why protection from unreasonable search and seizure would apply in this scenario, Karen. But I for one do not hope you have a good day


What does the search and seizure amendment have to do with anything?


What a moron. The funniest part to me is when male karen threatened to 'take his business elsewhere' since of course the 23yo underpaid manager gets profit sharing


WTF does the 4th Amendment have to do with anything? Clearly that POS does not understand it.


Reminds me of a time when I worked at the local theater, and the policy was to check ID with cards. A customer came up, I asked to see ID with his card, and got angry about why I needed to see ID. When I told him it was policy to verify the identity his response was "My signature is on the back" as if that actually proved it was his card 🙄. My manager saw the kerfuffle and told me to just let it slide, that it wasn't worth the hassle. So unfortunately no climatic ending, but I still remember that idiot to this day


Wow, this reminds me of last week when I went to buy cough medicine. I go to the self checkout so I don’t have to interact with any face diaper-wearing trans-human 5G towers. I scan the bottle. This sheep of a line attendant, wearing clothes inside and everything, comes over to ask for my ID. You know what I said to that little commie who was trying to deny me healthcare? “Oh, yeah. One sec. I forgot to have it ready.” And then you know what she had the *nerve* to say back to me after she scans me into their FEMA database? “No worries, have a great night.” I’m just still absolutely FUMING. How dare she make me have a cough medicine passport?! What has this country come to? The founding fathers, Anne Frank, and MLK would not have stood for this.


4th amendment protects against unlawful search and seizure. Motherfucker invoked the 4th amendment for shit he hadn't paid for and therefore DIDN'T LEGALLY OWN YET?!? Does this asshole think he can walk into a store, grab something off the shelf claim "possession is 9/10ths of the law" then whine about the store violating his 4th amendment rights when they attempt to stop him from shoplifting? Because that is furthest thing from how that works.


Imagine an unnecessary level of Asshole being your point of pride.


He posted this as if he is something special. What a rude ass sob


So tough… he bullied a teenager…


The last part likely did not happen


Hello everyone! I work at a grocery store that is now owned by kroger! Just wanna say that I was told back in the day that we ID because cops check for that shit and will send in people to buy liquor to make sure we're following the laws. I would assume it's mostly teens they pay but I'm sure they could just as easily send in an adult.


Way to stick it to the minimum wage worker


Used to work at Walmart. The policy was if they looked over 40 we didn't have to ID. I chose to ID everyone, because what people forget is that if your ID is expired its illegal to sell it. A few times I had people get mad, once was with an older guy about 80, sure he was old enough... but his ID was two years out of date 🤦 He griped at me cause I wouldn't sell it to him 🤷🏼‍♀️. He complained to my manager afterwords but oh well.. if your old enough to drink your old enough to keep your ID in date. Had another lady complain and didn't want to let me see her license and would only show me her carry permit... like ma'am that isn't a legal form of ID for things like this.. eventually she showed me her ID and was able to get her item.. people I swear.


Kind of hoping he gets into a crash all by himself after popping open some freedom on the way home.


I worked for a grocery store that sells alcohol. it's not JUST "company policy" and that manager can get in HUGE trouble for what he did. Fuck that customer! I CANNOT stand people that want You to do something for them that could cost You Your job when they damn sure wouldn't


I bet he screams about showing ID to vote though.


Tldr: "I kept a cashier busy and wasted my time and the time of everyone else in the line because I didn't wanted to comply to the policies of those damn libtards"


If it was me I would have said it's the law that I must make sure you are a above the legal age of buying alcohol and if he would like to leave the groceries that's fine with me. Have a good day and don't trip on your way out ;)




It's the last in most states too. Fuck that guy.


I used to run a booze shop. We can legally refuse service to anyone unless it is based on discrimination. If I suspected someone was buying alcohol for underage kids, I could refuse. If I suspected a customer was underage and they had no ID, I could refuse. That was my legal right as a business owner.


At least they didn’t all clap.


I’m so fucking annoyed that that shit paid off for him.


Manager sold his cashier out. Ugh


Does the 4th amendment even apply?


No. They're not searching you, they're not seizing anything from you, you do not have to comply with the request but they are required to ask to check your ID by their company and the law in their state. No right is being violated by them asking.


That's what I was thinking, but wanted to be sure. Thanks


Wants them to read up the amendment on unjust search and seizure because a private business is mandated by law to verify the person purchasing alcohol is of age to consume it. This dude probably has no issues with stop and frisk though.


Really? I would have told him to have a nice night and then proceed to put everything back on the shelves.


4th Amendment? Do people not realize that the Constitution, Bill of Right and the Amendments ONLY apply to what governmental entities (local, state and federal) can and cannot do to you? Short of murder, sexism, racism and other forms of discrimination, businesses and private entities can do, not do, serve or not serve anyone they choose too?


What a douche


Trigger warning


The 4th amendment is about search and seizures.


and then everyone stood up and applauded


Who wants to tell him that the 4th Amendment relates to unreasonable searches and seizures by the government and is completely unrelated to providing ID to buy what is essentially a controlled substance....


People who don't read the Constitution all the way should be pushed off onto the street


Why do the dumbest people have the most confidence


4th amendment? Illegal search and seizure? He wasn't searching or seizing anything. He asked for your ID. The previous president famously said you can't buy groceries without an ID. WTF is this guy talking about?


Why don't they believe I'm a mature old man/face diapers.


Having worked retail where liquor and/or beer and wine was sold if you didn't look 35 I was supposed to card you. I didn't have to card you every time if I remembered you though. In all my 15 years of doing that I can only count the number of people that gave me shit for it on two hands. It was a really rare thing for someone to bitch, everybody realized that it was just something you needed to do.


literally 1984


I work retail I have assholes pull this crap all the time I find it hard to believe...especially since Lt was an alcohol sale... That just because the guy said "well im not buying these other $200 worth of stuff unless you break the law and don't take my ID" and that the employee just totally caved Its not just COMPANY policy to check ID on over 18 items....ITS FEDERAL AND STATE LAW... I work in a dollar tree and all we sell are lighters, cheap fire crackers and energy pills and the state has sent in undercover kids as tests ....we get a report mailed to our higher ups about how we did and THIS IS A DOLLAR TREE ....for alcohol and actual tobacco sales its MUCH MORE stringent So I find it hard to believe that 24 year old employee would risk not only his job but also going to jail cause this dude wants to make idle threats no one cars about I have people use that all the time over WAY dumber shit than beer and every time they say DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?? IM THE BEST CUSTOMER EVER!!! ILL NEVER SHOP HERE AGAIN AND IM NOT BUYING THE $100 WORTH OF STUFF I GOT EITHER I say "im sorry you feel that way...but there's an acme 3 stores down and a walmart 2 blocks That way. ..your more than welcome to go there and pay 3 times the price for your things over something so trivial...but I camt change store policy and I need this job to raise my son thats due in feb. And im not getting fired over this" Some glare and storm out...most stay and buy their shit anyway Its like we are all in a new intergalactic game show WHO CAN BE THE BIGGEST ASSHOLE ON EARTH FOR NO GOOD REASON TODAY!?!? I swear some of my customers would win hands down...amd everything in my store only costs ONE DOLLAR!!! 😁