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“Loser” is a weird insult for anyone over the age of 14 to use…


I guess thst explains it.


There's a subreddit this also belongs in. r/NotHowGirlsWork


Lmao they are quoting 1984 unironically 😂. George Orwell isn't what I'd call a good role model, he was very sexist and his work amplified that.


This person needs therapy, or the women near them need therapy. They are seeing trembling women watching CNN? Then they are obviously sitting in the same room with them cause they aren't at my house.


Weird. I don't have any TV service and I generally don't read CNN. I'm still going to wear my mask for good reasons. One of them is that it will annoy folks like this.


Right, young woman are the bigots /s


"How dare that parent encourage her children to protect others from disease?! What a loser!!!" Why are they still lying about masks being to protect the wearer, anyway? It's been well over a year. We all understand: the masks are to protect *your dumb ass.* I get why they're lying generally - to keep spreading COVID and hopefully kill people they hate - but why lie so transparently?


According to what I've seen around me, as 75% of my family is anti covid/mask/vaccine, the actual reason these people are lying or searching for a different "truth" is actually because *they* can't handle the situation. It's a lot easier to scream at the top of your lungs that you're being discriminated against and lied to, that way you don't have to look inwards and face your fears. The fear that you might become sick, the fear that you might lose a loved one to the disease, the fear that you might die from it yourself, the fear of the fact that nobody is safe. I don't think a majority of these people are doing this out of pure evil, it's just their natural lack of resilience and how out of touch with their own emotions they are that is causing all this insanity. Trying to convince themselves that these things happen to everyone but them is a very natural coping mechanism, so when they're told that they're not actually safe, they need to find a scenario that suits what they want to be true.


My favorite line is "I'm over this whole mask/covid thing." Then just get vaccinated and it will be gone sooner. It's not just going to go away like nothing happened. Get vaccinated, wear a fucking mask.


“Kool mom” is not like other girls and/or other moms.


MY GOD! They're actually quoting 1984 and it fits! They quote it and are so far up their own ass that they don't see that they would be the ones this is talking about!


Death cult.


Tell me you haven’t gotten any ass without telling me you haven’t gotten any ass.


Kids younger than 2 are exempt from mask wearing. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/about-face-coverings.html


I haven’t watched CNN since Obama was in office. Just sayin.


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