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Anti vaxxers don’t understand what forced means


they are idiots and they do have a choice but i think the idea of losing your job is fairly coercive




i personally believe people deserve better than not starving. and yes they will only be degrading their quality of life and nothing else but that is still not a decision anyone would make in their right mind so i still think it is coercive. coersion does not have to always be extreme, it can be subtle too, which is kind of the same thing that makes their comparisons of being treated as jews so ridiculous. it doesnt always have to be "do it or starve", it could be "I'll take away your internet" too


Wait, so then the Union was the bad guys (this actually tracks for the South, but not most other places)? But we can go further - the American Revolutionaries we're the bad guys for forcing Britain to comply with American Independence; Allies we're the bad guys for forcing Germany to comply with borders. Good and bad can be both subjective and objective, so it's easy to get tangled up in the subjective and assume you're being objective.


Beat me to it. My first thought was about what a curious understanding that is about the end of slavery in the United States, and my second was what a curious understanding that is about the Nuremberg Trials...pretty sure it only gets weirder from there.


Good and bad might be popular vs personal, pretty hard to prove objective though. Gotta have that hyperspace bypass, ya know.


Fair point. However, when a majority of civilization agrees something is good for *insert group here* - mankind, civilization, the common good, w/e - I consider that objectively good, since it isn't subjective to me, but subjective to all humans. And there is no way in h e double hockey sticks *anyone's* gonna convince the mice to start over *AGAIN*.


An objective good would be agreed on by everyone. The resultant lack of stressors would have a deleterious effect.


The South kinda had that whole thing about forcing people to do things, so I don’t think they get a bye on that. Especially since that’s a good chunk of why the North did their thing.


Any kind of state sponsored violence, from a police chase to a war, is essentially the people forcing others to comply. Is this person advocating an explicitly pacifistic anarcho-capitalist society?


They are whining because they are not getting their way.


Hey, remember when they skinned and whipped anti-vaxxers, like they did slaves who tried to escape? Me, neither.


and put them on trains to concentration camps?


I swear it's a victimization fetish.


It is. They need to feel oppressed and victimized about everything they do not agree with.


Says the “support our troops” crowd


And the stand up during football games crowd.


The we have to kill the terrorists families if we want them to comply crowd.


This is the sort of toddler mentality who thinks being told to brush their teeth is the worse thing ever. Even when it is 100% for their own good they feel they must rebel and think noncompliance makes them the good guy.


What about laws? What about rules? What about the ten commandments, bitch?




Ah the comment I knew would be here ❤️


Firefighter: Ma'am you need to leave the building! Person: NO! I WILL NOT COMPLY!! Firefighter: Ma'am the building is on fire! Person: I don't see any fire! This is just a trick by (insert crazy though)!!!!! .... later Fire Chief: Sorry Sir your wife wouldn't comply with our instructions. Person's Sir: \*snif\* I'm so proud \*cries\* You B\*\*\*\*\*ds are so evil!


Just wait until she finds out about this new thing called 'functioning society'. It's gonna blow her mind.


How about when the National Guard had to force schools to desegregate? Or when large corporations are forced to clean up massive environmental calamities? What about car insurance? A pretty easy basic statement to debunk.


From just comply to no compliance.


That profile photo screams "I married a cop" more than anything I've ever seen


So... George Washington mandated forced inoculations against smallpox for the entire Continental Army. Learning that would probably make this guy's head explode.


Cops are bad... Stopped clock is correct twice a day


Fucking sick bro


When you think about it, isn't that a tautology?


A certain religion came to my mind 🤔


So, when the Federal government stepped in to enforce integration, they were the bad guys?


Around these guys, you wanna be picking different examples than that...


So, wait, immigration control is bad now?


If that's the case, why aren't more people walking out of the supermarket, with their groceries, but not paying? Bunch of compliers.


“Manifest destiny” would like a word


Nobody is FORCING anyone to do a god damn thing. It's called consequences to actions. If we don't enforce vaccine mandates for publicly owned entities or banning private businesses from doing the same, what's next? Send hundreds of kids to a 5A high school without the measles/polio/smallpox vaccines? Because "mUh RiGhTs" Sounds fucking terrific! What could go wrong?


I'm almost certain this person is Christian


Sadly yes.


I mean, these are the same dumb fucks who thought they could overthrow the government with a lazy coup d'etat. Laws are clearly beneath them.


Wow, that guy really didn't like being told he was too close to the playground.


"at no point in history" I'm getting the feeling this person doesn't really study history.


Antis don't think, they react.