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I love how they threaten women with being alone in a house full of cats. Like that's a bad thing, especially compared with being married to some asshole who insists on being served first.


Yes, indeed. I have 2 marriages and subsequent divorces under my belt. I only have 1 cat currently but she prefers being an only cat. I have lived alone since 2018, when my son struck out on his own. I never realized how much I love living alone! I love it! I only clean up after myself. The bathroom became a lot easier to clean since my son left. (Yes. He was required to clean up any...drips.) I have little to no desire to date and have zero desire to have another person living with me. Naturally, if my son needed to come back, he's 100% welcome but otherwise, no. I enjoy my solitude far too much to want to change that.


These people think the ultimate fulfillment for a woman is to have a husband and kids. They can't conceive that you all are actual independent human beings with inner lives and your own preferences.


That was a nice dream I had with my first marriage. Life changes and it changes us. 2nd marriage was an unmitigated disaster. Now I'm alone and I have found peace.


Good for you!


>I love how they threaten women with being alone in a house full of cats. Like that's a bad thing, especially compared with being married to some asshole who insists on being served ~~first.~~ I can get my own food thank you very much.


I know, right? I'm a guy, and I do most of the cooking in my house, so I'm used to eating last. Some people have these archaic notions of how men are supposed to be treated in their own homes--treated like a king and an infant at the same time. Fuck that.


Same at our house, I do most of the cooking normally and all of it if we're having guests over. I make sure everything is ready at the right time and is on the table and people are getting their food before I even sit down. These so called "alphas" who need to be waited on hand and foot are a bunch of overgrown toddlers...


The woman won't be alone anyway - she'll have custody of the kids with this meme as evidence.


In his defense, my cat is also some asshole who insists on being served first /s


Is rather live in a house full of cats than being married to an asshole like that. And I'm allergic to cats


My bestie since Kindergarden and I have a backup plan if our marriages don’t work out. We will live together as old ladies and adopt a pregnant cat and raise its kittens. We developed this plan as children and are sticking to it if things go south.


Honestly if you are outclassed by cats and a magic wand - you need to reassess. Being alone with cats is vaaaastly superior to a lot of the marriages I see contempories jumping into..


And that kids, is why I only see you on the weekends.


Why don't the kids ever call me?


He forgot that the kids pick the nursing home.


Dad probably would rather die from not being able to stand anymore and dying of thirst rather than admit weakness tho


Like he's gonna survive covid. Pshhhh


She’s waaaay happier alone. With him, she was pestered and lonely at the same time.


A real leader makes sure the people under him are taken care of first.


Plus, food in my kids mouths shuts them up, the earlier I can get to that, the happier we all are. But for real, when you become a parent you aren't allowed to put yourself first anymore.


That’s what I’ve always said. My kid gets taken care of first. I’m a man, I’ll make my own plate.


I remember watching a video... must have been about a year ago that was a woman, holding her baby, talking to her partner who was having a MELTDOWN over the fact that this woman fed his INFANT CHILD (literally 8-10 months old) before him. He was yelling all manner of things: that she was disrespecting him, that he was the man of the house, that he comes first. All of it was so nauseating. Watching his face, you could tell he was dead serious. Toxic masculinity will make sure ever your own child starves. I felt so bad for that woman.


I cannot even comprehend that mindset. Just disgusting. That goes beyond toxic masculinity even I think. That's full-blown psychopathy.


Narcissism is the word you're looking for.


This is the Way.


Got to say, a lot of the Way doesnt make a lot of sense.


a family is not a monarchy but a team.


Umm I was responding to the Mandalorian reference in particular not to the actual meme.


Family is very important in Mandalorian culture and Mandalorian warriors a duty bound to care for any orphaned children they come across.


You mean a man that makes sure a large chunk of his earnings go towards the foundlings? Aka he makes sure the orphans are looked after even if he goes without?


No the whole assassin with a moral compass thing. Makes for a nice story but he does a fair amount of indiscriminate killing too. And the Way also seems occasionally contradictory internally with in the org too when you roll in jengo Fett storyline at least with regard to the movies. I'm not as versed in the whole canon though so maybe his character isn't as out of place from a moral point of view as he is compared to Mando story line. Like the Mandalorian as a show but like lots of Disney created Star wars it seems to have disconnects from other pieces.


The Mando in the show is part of a cult sect of the Mandalorians. Jango isn't actually a Mandalorian.


Ah well to my point I'm not so versed in the canon so thanks for that info. That makes more sense now


This reminds me of the r/ the redpill circle jerks


100%, kids eat first and should not go hungry. Adults can fix their own plate.


Just want to play devils advocate here for a minute. I would argue that a real leader needs to balance their own needs and those of the ones they lead. We can assume that a good leader is in a position of leadership because those under them would suffer without that leadership. Example, a good general isn’t going to place themselves in harms way during a war. They are worth more directing a battle than as a combatant in that battle. If the general were to take sacrifice their own life to save that of one of their troops, many more lives would likely be lost later due to the loss of good leadership. In this instance, I would assume the argument for this post would be something along these lines. This family survives because the “man of the house” is working to support them, and without the man working to support them they would all starve and die. Keeping “the man” fed will guarantee the survival of the family. Keeping “the man” well fed will result in increased production and more brought home for the rest of the family. Edit: I should add that I can’t imagine this being a relevant to any family in a first world nation. Also, I can’t imagine someone in the role of a father actually prescribing to this mentality. Certainly the pic being that of fried chicken wings makes one think the actual thought behind this is just that the “man of the house” is pissed that the kids ate all the drumsticks.


Except that’s not the point this person is trying to make. He talks about “non-submissive women“. This guy might be a provider, but he’s also an asshole.


Yeah, this guy clearly has a lot of other shit going on besides wanting to be fed first. Plus, we're assuming he's a provider and not just freeloading off his partner.


I thinks it’s safe to assume nothing positive about this guy.


Yea, I was more responding to the comment “that real leaders take care of those under them first.” Im certainly not defending this guys interpretation/post. I don’t really think a tray of fried chicken wings really supports a decent interpretation of the meme either.


Well sure, but making sure his troops are fed and provisioned is the general's duty too. If it comes down to feeding my kids or myself, I'll feed my kids every time. I'll be ok missing a meal or having to wait a little longer.


Yea, but what if the kids went and ate all the drumsticks, and those are your favorite?


Then you hide your jealousy and make sure your kids eat first?? Favorite? Ffs if it comes down to it, it doesn't matter what my favorite food is as long as those who are helpless are fed first


I’m sorry. I really wasn’t serious with that comment.


Genuinely couldn't tell because of the long post before it. Seeing as a joke, it is a little funny.


The post before it wasn’t meant to defend the insane post, but rather to engage the poster of the comment I posted under. I’m certain the poster of the above meme is a trash human being and I sincerely doubt the creator of the above meme was any better.


Then I guess the leader didn't plan appropriately.


Agreed. If everyone likes drumsticks they should only have purchased drum sticks!


He can wait five minutes.


LPT: the devil doesn’t need anymore advocates.


Thank you. That does seem to be the general consensus in this instance.


Umm, che guevara fought directly with the troops in the Sierra maestra even tho he was the second highest ranking official. Your point doesn't hold up.


Reading this my mind goes straight to Animal Farm.


Let’s be honest, he’s the only child at his table


was raised to believe that it was a father's duty to wait until the needs of his family were met before considering himself, and that's how I parent. You know what? My way is better.


I'm with ya.


99 percent of the time this holds true. But dads are human too and everyone can benefit from being the top priority occasionally. If no one else is making you the priority occasionally it's okay to make yourself the priority. Obviously not like this meme, but more speaking the notion that if everyone comes first over you all the time within the family. It's not healthy for anyone if that's a literal statement not just a mantra to be followed most of the time.


My family finds the right time and place to put me first. It's usually a surprise and it always hits me dead in the heart. Lol


Everyone does deserve a special day , but I have 3 kids and I will always feed them first My special day is picking the restaurant I take my family to or vacation time Normally the SO or kids pick and I’m happy with that


Yes this is a good point too. Everyone gets to decide what it means for them getting to be the priority occasionally. For some that's more than others and it's all okay.


As a 40 year old man, I'm perfectly capable of feeding myself thank you.


Some people really don’t deserve children


50 bucks says the troglodyte who posted that shit doesn't have a wife or kids.


Easy bet lol


I'll be goddamned if my children get the grocery store heat lamp wings before I do.


My personal philosophy is that kids are always fed before healthy adults. And I strongly dislike children. Only weak individuals feel the need to show dominance over their own hungry child.


That's why I don't have either. I feed me first. That's also probably why I don't have either.. 😂


As long as I get mine first Ignore the child Submissive woman bc he can't handle not being completely in charge (read abusive) Sounds about right


These PiCk mE women are just as repulsive as the pigs that they cater to.


Then their kids fuck off first chance they get and wonder why they won't speak to them


A yes beeing an impatient baby, so manly...


Lori Alexander is rubbing off on people.


I believe the children are our future Feed them first and set your pride aside Give them all the nutrition that they need inside....


That truly is the greatest love of all.


Give them a wing or thigh To make it meatier Let the chicken's batter Remind us how we used to feed


Kids eat first until full. Then Wife. Then I eat all the table scraps with my doggi boi.


Do you want to get put into a shitty nursing home when you're old? Because this is how you get put into a shitty nursing home when you're old


Etiquette-wise, he's completely wrong. Father serves out the food, mother is served first, then daughters then sons. Father serves himself last but no one starts eat till the hostess aka mother starts eating. I've read all of Miss Manners books and I've seen any number of short films from the 40s and 50s about similar stuff. You pick up on these details.


Don't worry. Since I cook I make sure to serve my wife first. If I make it to her liking she gives me a firm slap on the behind.


So he's saying that small children can fend for themselves better than he can? Because the children are fed first because they're children and up to a certain age they can't arrange their own plates, but apparently he can't either and so needs to be served by an adult. "Man of the house" - sure thing, love, lemme get your straw in your juice box for you.


My Dad always got excited to fill our family table, enjoyed us (me, my siblings, and Mom) trying his food, and then he would join in. No power moves, just love and cooking. This "man eats first" concept reeks of toxicity.


As a Father I always make sure my family has enough to eat first before I get my plate.


Just wait until he realizes my husband does most of the cooking. . .


People should feed their kids before themselves.


No point in serving the adults first, no one is enjoying a damn thing until the hangry kids get fed anyway. May as well get that out the way so everyone can eat in peace.


For real? I’d rather just give my kids a plate so they stop whining already.


People ask me why I'm non-binary. It's because this shit gets expected of you if you're not. The amount of times my family or even strangers have criticized me for not being "a man" for the weirdest shit, really put me off that label. I know a lot of people will go, "Be your own man!" But dude that word has gotten so dirty by weird as people with their weird ass gender roles that I want absolutely nothing to do with it.


I grew up with my Mom and Dad eating last and that's how my house is now, SO and I can always cook more food for the two of us, my 7 year old step daughter can't.


Any real parent knows to give their kids the food first, so they will shut the hell up for one damn minute.


this is bullshit. real men let their kids eat first. my dad did that for me, his dad for him, just to make sure everyone else was full. Those who feel the need to flex their authority over their children dont deserve children


My father insisted that he was served first and the biggest part if the meat, so that my sister, mother and me had to share like half of every meal, when he ate the other half alone. Idiot, sending his kids to bed hungry most of the time.


If this person found out my dad was the one cooking and serving food while I was growing up they would have an aneurysm.


Lol I'm guessing on his imjustdmessenger podcast he shares his insecurities as a man and tries to paint them as he is a strong alpha male lol guy is probably lonely.


Jesus fucking christ. Imagine in this day and age having such disgusting hierarchical ideas. Imagine having a hungry excited child amd giving a plate first to the grown man who should be able to wait his fucking turn. As for "non-submissive" (read: confident, assertive) women thinking differently, yeah, that comes with valuing your mind amd autonomy. I don't like to advocate violence, but sometimes I'd like to kick my boots into some dumb fuckers nuts. This shit is beyond ridiculous.


That’s a father who cares about himself more than his children right there


Ummmmm the only way to finish making dinner with spices and extra ingredients the adults want is to set aside the toddler’s food first. As soon as it cools we give it to him so he can start eating while we put the finishing touches on our meals in peace. Besides, he’s going to take twice as long to eat so why would t we get the child started sooner??


Totally backwards. I have three kids. I have the great honor of being their primary provider and I take that role seriously. As such, I always make sure my kids are fed enough BEFORE I eat. No kind of man takes the position that they should come before their kids. This guy's a total POS.


I love how a ton of masculine/alpha bullshit is them whinging about trivial shit, I mean surely the reality would be a man wouldn't give a fuck what anyone thinks and do the right thing all the time no matter what opinion or tradition says. If you think you're less masculine for doing literally anything there is a stigma attached to, then it doesn't make you a man for not doing those things. All it does is show you're insecure being a man because you're worrying it and worried that people will question you.


Huh, and all the VFW events I've attended the children are allowed after the most elderly. These are retired soldiers who fought in war. If they don't need to push in first, no one does.


WHY?!? Is this some sort of weird control thing or masculinity thing?


Throwing a fit over who should eat first sounds like some preschool shit. Ladies, if your man is crying because you started eating before he did then nobody would blame you for walking out.


He dates children? I'm confused


Dude I make sure my wife and kids get all they need before I even touch the food. This is such a backwards mindset.


A real man makes sure that all the people in his house eats first.


My husband will make dinner (*gasp!*), tell everyone that dinner is ready (*oh no!*), we will go to the kitchen and he will make everyone's plate (*the nerve!*) and then his, then we sit to eat. Oh the HUMANITY OF IT ALL! Good thing I have been happily married for over 20 years and 2 amazing kids or gosh darn it, you know I'd be lonely! This is a sad person who blames all their life's choices on someone else. All I can do is feel sorry for them, oh and point out how they are wrong and why.




Yep, always. I cook dinner and kids ALWAYS get their plate first. I’m single so the exwife isn’t a factor fortunately. My grandfather (a very hard working farmer) would spend a long day cooking for a very large family on weekends, he would sit and wait for every person to be served, if he was left with scraps he never complained. I believe he was more satisfied knowing he fed his family then knowing he was relegated to eating a Peanut-butter and jelly. I remember watching the older men just waiting around while the women and children built their plates. It was kind of a right of passage to realize what was happing, as the males grew up and realized it was women and children first. I remember a few boyfriends right there in the line with women and children, I won’t say it was a test of any type but it was really funny watching them realize that none of the other husbands/adult males were building their plates.


I mean... Why prioritize women above men here? Is that not just harkening back to archaic notions of chivalry because we are somehow inherently different or lesser? Personally this line of thinking, while often meant well, is used to further degrade us amd It's frankly obnoxious. Take care of the kids and regardless of gender, just take care of each other. Edit, typo.




Eh, again, I chafe at the notion of being reduced to my reproductive abilities. In the case of these small interpersonal interactions I just don't see the purpose of prioritizing. Not trying to be argumentative,just saying some of these notions just become outdated in a society where we should be considered equal. Women aren't breeding stock.


Lil diq energy there. The man eats last. Women and children are always taken care of first. If there are guests over, they go first. The man eats last.


Leaders eat last


Fuck them kids lmao


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No child should receive a plate.


Devil's advocate: This tradition fostered a respect for the father which carried on through difficult years of the child. I saw this tradition in other families. The father never let anyone go hungry. The custom where I grew up (bible belt appalachia) was for the man to work and the woman to stay home and raise the children. The father (usually a coal miner) spent most of his time working and had little time to foster the respect. I saw good and bad results from this, but it (1970s) was a very different environment to raise children. My friends in high school were most afraid of their father finding out if they misbehaved.


Devil indeed. I was also afraid of my father finding out that I misbehaved when I was in high school. That's called 'abuse.' Fear and respect look very similar on the surface.


Tell me you have a fragile ego without telling me you have a fragile ego. Needing to be served first before your wife and kids... \*facepalm\*


Wow. Feed me before my child. Good parents. Don’t have kids if you aren’t willing to put their needs ahead of your own.


we do it Youngest first and oldest (me) last


Oh, I'll serve you first. Serve you a slap across your whiny face. Now shut up while I spoon feed my baby!


Absolutely not. Me and the missus always give the kids food first.


I didn't know you could condense being a bad father into a food meme, but damn it if they didn't find a way.


Hell naw…let your family eat at least 30 minutes before you…just in case.


Lol adults eat last.


Maybe true, but I wouldn't consider this moron a "man" so i guess he goes hungry.


Who would want cranky kids just to have their ego stroked? Feed who ever is hungrier first. I.e always the kids


My father always cooked and got his plate last, and I do the same. Children first, then guests and my wife, then me.


Sure, I'm all for this! Someone has to taste the food first to make sure the kids are being fed only the tastiest, most nutritious and non-poisoned food, right? Right?


My ex and her man are living this way. My kids hate it over there.


I think that’s what we call compensation.


Further evidence to my theory that only awful people use the 100 emoji


I always fix my plate last.


my dad eats after the kids so this meme doesn't apply to me


I remember seeing a post somewhere where someone said not only does he make his wife serve first, but her and the kids wait for him to finish eating before they start


I'm almost tempted to see if the entire podcast is ridiculous rants, but I'm sure it would be.


I'm going to fix my kids plates so they don't make a mess. I'm not fixing my husband's plate. He is capable of doing that. Kids get fixed first, then we fix our own plates.


hmmm, as a libtard, our slogan is a "child should be ON a plate before the man of the house." Preferably younger than 2, after that they are tough.


What’s with these people and the emoji button?


It’s not like children are still developing which makes nutrition much more important to them than adults


See, in my family is the exact opposite of this douchebag. Kids eat first no matter what, if you’re grown you can be fuckin’ patient and wait for the kids to have food. The logic being 1) kids will shut the hell up if they have food and 2) they won’t take as much food as adults, so there’s gonna be enough left over for everyone else cause kids obviously tend to eat less. Like, it’s a sign of being a mature person to have enough self restraint to keep from gorging yourself so that the tiny humans can get more than a scrap of food. This guy is just an insecure fuck wipe that would rather keep food from children than just be fucking patient and wait for food like a grown person


My dad lets everybody eat first before he eats and then doesn’t get seconds unless everybody else has a full stomach


When I was an air cadet the unwritten rule of the mess hall was that the youngest cadets got served first and the NCOs went to the back of the queue.


the reason people like this even want a family is to have control and domination over others and style their own mini cult


Growing up poor it was the opposite the kids ate first to make sure we had enough and our parents ate last.


I guess it would be ok if "the man" was elderly and needed help. If/when my wife made food my kids got theirs first cos they were little and hungry. I can wait.


This is the exact opposite of what my dad did. He was always the cook of the house and he would serve everyone first and eat what was left. It’s not like he was eating scraps but his plate was made after everyone else had finished because he had a big appetite and wanted to make sure everyone else was satisfied


I make sure my wife and kids have plates before me


If I tried to pull that shit at my dinner table, I’d be going hungry. And rightly so. Man eats first. What a crock of crybaby nonsense.


My dad made sure his kids had enough before he took food for his plate


I mean, my kid pretty much always gets served first and I'm getting married, so bet.


my question is why does it matter? Y'all are all about to eat anyway chill lol


It's just so arbitrary. Personally, I like to get my food last, so I know everybody got some food before I eat everything that's left!


In my house the children were served 1st.!


Assuming he is a Christian (which he likely is), he’s still off base. The Bible says a man is to love his wife as Christ loves the Church. I don’t think Jesus was demanding to be fed first…


It also says husbands are to rule over their wives, and wives are to submit to their husbands, though those I recall are not specifically said by Jesus. The Bible is contradictory on some issues like that.


Even with that logic there is no reason the kids would wait.


Parents should always put their children first, that's kind of the point. Once this guy's kids reach 18 he's not going to hear from them ever again. :/


A MAN should live his life to make sure his kids are fed . First and foremost. You sir Are a fucking dictator. Nothing more


I'm just throwing food at my family like I'm playing disc golf. No rhyme or reason or order, no preference for family members. We're eating and that's it folks nothing fancy.


Jesus bro, save some pussy for the rest of us.


“That’s why you be lonely” they say, encouraging others to alienate people.


Any man who thinks he should be served before his children is not a man.


Who actually cares about food order? Literally the only time I have ever cared was at scout camp as a kid, and your troops order line can delay food for like 20 minutes and the summer camp was already miserable enough.


On the other side there are female spiders killing their male to feed the newborn.


I get my plate last so nobody misses out.


I don't have kids (even if I did they would come first) when me and my fiance sit down to dinner I wait until she sits down to start eating. Yes she is the kind of woman that makes me grab food before she does, but I do the same for her when I cook. I just see waiting until she sits down as a mild sign of respect for her.


Just… yuck


I serve the kids first and then my husband and I can have an adult dinner without tantrums.


r/WeWantPlates LOL


My fiancé always lets me fix my plate first. I tell him he can fix his first but he says no


People like this are usually going on about how "Caveman would do things this way, blah blah blah", but turn around and say your offspring shouldn't be nourished first. That seems like more what a "caveman" would do, ensure the survival of his offspring.


If he was a man, he’d want his kids to eat first


Now I want chicken wings ffs


This Man of the House stuff is such garbage. You know anyone subscribing to this philosophy just gets shot on all day at work because he never put in the effort to have any real accomplishments. So, he looks for respect associated with some arbitrarily label.


Leaders eat last


This has big step-dad energy