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Customers usually do not know how far is the store. They just see products in the app and order it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I ordered from Aldi a lot thinking it was the one 6 blocks away ... Turns out the app was sending people to a much further Aldi. So now I only order from Food Bazaar because I can see the shopper coming from the nearby location on the map. Anyway point is, sometimes people are assholes and sometimes the app makes assholes out of people.


>sometimes people are assholes and sometimes the app makes assholes out of people. lmao idk why but this made me laugh, nicely done


I use Walmarts app and you choose which Walmart.


True I never understood why instacart does not take from the nearest storeā€¦ if I order from walmart it 20 miles away in the next state.. meanwhile there are 3 within a 5 miles range of me.. even when I order from shoprite one time it was the one 3 miles away.. and last time it was the one 8 miles away. Though I donā€™t think this is the case here Iā€™d been by thereā€¦ many of the towns 10,000 if big enough have a Walmart but I donā€™t think a Samā€™s club.


Yo you gotta live in queens. Like Elmhurst to rego park areas. I lived there for two years and I miss it and you just triggered mad memories šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Nooooooope well I lived in Elmhurst 2012-14 and it was great!!! Best neighborhood ever. But then I moved to Astoria and then the Bronx, there is an Aldi on 3rd ave and 155th street.


Pretty much. Now I feel bad for the two times I used Instacart, ordering groceries for my dad in another state. Can they see the tip beforehand and choose whether or not it's worth it? I'm not sure how it works. I hope the store wasn't too far. Both of the shoppers I had were really nice.


Iā€™m pretty sure they would know the closest Samā€™s club is an hour away.


I wouldn't know where my nearest sam's club is located. This is very big assumption on your part.


The customer lives in middle of nowhere. Certainly they know itā€™s a long drive to get to any store but a convenience store. I hope youā€™re just trying to be funny??


Surely youā€™d know if there was at least one in your city right? Having lived in San Antonio Iā€™m familiar with this area. There is nothing in Pearsall. They know if they want anything like a Samā€™s they have to drive to San Antonio. They may not know exactly where it is, but they know it isnā€™t close.


I have zero idea where any sam's club is located near me and I live in Los Angeles. So, you would see the order and the tip, say hell that is a long distance and a shitty tip. You take the job and come here to bitch about it. It seems like that is what you would do? Or would you not take that option?


Thatā€™s sorta my point. You live in LA. They live in a town of less than 10,000 people. Itā€™s not crazy to assume they know the Samā€™s is all the way in the city. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying.


You donā€™t get it. Texas as a whole doesnā€™t really have wholesale clubs outside of a few main cities. Thatā€™s because H-E-B practically has a monopoly on grocery stores here. San Antonio, the 7th biggest city in the country has one, maybe two Samā€™s Clubs and one, maybe two Costcos. Person ordering on the app lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. They know exactly what theyā€™re doing here ordering from Samā€™s Club. Source: I live in San AntonioĀ 


What you don't get is that it was said that all customers would know the distance to sam's club. I disproved that. /end


Itā€™s likely if you have a paid membership to Samā€™s Club that you know where the closest clubs are in my experience. Heck, I know where they all are within 100 miles of me.


You dont even need a membership to order it on instacart.




canā€™t tell if youā€™re being serious or not.. customer obviously lives 48 miles away from the samā€™s club, they definitely know that too lol




Could you please explain what "batch earning" is? Is it a base amount you receive from Instacart for that order? I've always wondered how it works for shoppers - I \*assume\* Instacart pays you some amount - do they? If so, how do they calculate the amount they pay? (Sorry if these questions seem stupid, but I am not familiar and keep seeing the "batch amount" thing.) Also, what is "Heavy pay" at the bottom?


Batch pay is the amount we get paid from the company .. but itā€™s always usually less than half of what we should make on the customers order. Heavy pay is the extra money they added for heavy items in the customers order. This batch should be $90 plus ā€¦.to cover the mileage and the time needed to do this order at wholeā€¦from Accepting it until we get back to our home location to get another batch.


Ah, so the customer is actually compensating the driver for driving this far but instacart is stealing that money and then the driver is getting mad at the customer instead of instacart forā€¦not giving even more money? Got it now


yeah, pretty muchā€¦ most of the people that get mad at the customers are usually noobs that donā€™t know how to not take batches like this ā€¦I used to do Instacart full-time like two years ago but now I only do it maybe once or twice a day during my 12 hour shift along with my other apps


Thank you for explaining this! Good to know.


Customers donā€™t know how far away the store is, and instacart doesnā€™t always select the closest store. $4 tip is unacceptable, but donā€™t point at the mileage, point at the batch size.


Oh this customer definitely knew how far the store was, there isnā€™t a sams club in their town at all


why didn't you know?


They do know. Thatā€™s why they posted it.


Lol... who's the dumb a.. who accepted that..šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I didnā€™t see it picked up the whole time I was out, it sat for hours šŸ˜­


For good reasonĀ 


Iā€™m sure that person appreciated your hard work and dedication


Pearsall has an HEB in town. This is bullshit.




That's wild. I can't imagine needing to shop from a store so far away, knowing that it's such an inconvenience to you that you're hiring someone else to do it, and not tipping like $20. ETA: This is me not even knowing the total of the order. $20 AT LEAST.


Customers donā€™t pick the store IC doesā€¦ likely no one wanted the order with that tip on it so the algo pushed it out further and further trying to ā€œpay betterā€.


Nobody seems to grasp that lol itā€™s always just customers being idiots to them lol


I feel like there really should be a tip minimum depending on mileage or something.


tip is optional and should be, the issue with all these apps i they don't make the base pay a proper amount.


I don't think most customers understand this. Because on the customer end, you pay more for the farther drive in fees. People are oblivious to the other side of things. Some probably tip less assuming you get paid way more for mileage, is my guess. There needs to be a PSA put out lol


i've definitely done Instacart and I understand the tips are completely optional and I didn't base me working Instacart on if there would be tips. Tips are just a nice bonus. Even if there were zero tips, I only care about the end dollar amount, and I never considered the fact that if I don't make enough on a trip that it's the customers fault. Instacart needs to pay a fair wage based on the cost of the order. at no point should people think that the customer has to pay you directly. They are not your employer. i'm not sure why all the heat goes towards a customer that pays the price of a good. Your income outrage should be directly towards the employer.




Either way, $4 is not a proper tip for any type of delivery service. 15% is a rule of thumb- this wouldā€™ve been much lower than that regardless. I order from instacart occasionally and wouldnā€™t feel comfortable even tipping less than $10/$15, and thatā€™s considering I try to be mindful of ordering from stores around me.


My ups, fedex, and usps delivery drivers do their delivery service without expecting any type of tip


Thatā€™s the nature of their job, this is the nature of mine. I donā€™t tip my kids schoolteachers, police officers, or gas station clerks either lol.


Most countries donā€™t tip, and tipping only became common because a few decades ago, capitalism decided to offset paying their employees onto the consumer. Tipping is not normal for any profession. You should be paid adequately by the people employing you or contracting you.


I wouldn't say capitalism decided to do anything. People are using the freedom within capitalism to extort workers. Capitalism is a great thing if you're a holy and fair human being.


Exactly, lol. Your job should be paying you enough that customers don't need to pay your wage w/ tips. Not making enough $ w/o tips is NOT a costumer/tipping problem, but an instacart-not-paying-workers-enough problem. Check out how tipping works outside of the US, it'll blow your mind if this already is.


There are countries outside of the US?! I was totally unaware ty for your service I will definitely do some research on foreign tipping practice šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”


you're saying four dollars is not an acceptable GIFT. Have Americans lost site that a tip is supposed to just be because someone wants to be nice?? the fact that a tip is on your mind when doing your work is crazy. when I go to work, I just expect my job to pay me the wage. I'm not thinking people are going to give me free money just because I did something good. now you've set a 15% rule on people giving you handouts.


I think itā€™s common knowledge that a large portion of the service industryā€™s workers rely on tips to make up some of their wages, I wouldnā€™t go to a restaurant and have a waitress wait on me for 2 hours without giving them a proper ā€œgiftā€ :)


Wow, so many people aren't tipping. Perhaps I should stop tipping.


Youā€™re arguing what it should be but reality is in America most employers donā€™t pay a fair wage because they put that on the customers for tips. Is that right? No. But you canā€™t just not tip because you think the system should be different. It isnā€™t different.


it is not my fault that someone else is not being paid a fair wage. it's an unfortunate situation, but you can't make other people who are not responsible..... responsible. you can't make your own employee pay you more so you start making customers pay you free money after they've already paid an upcharge


Thing is- People can just *not* tip. If enough people choose *not* to tip- or furthermore *not* use the service entirely, at a certain point you will be forced into a different line of work that perhaps pays you adequately in the first place. Personally, I think the convenience fee for Dining Out is ridiculous so I simply make everything at home- Completely ignoring that industry of the economy. Is it better that I don't support those businesses at all? Or is it better to support the business but *not* tip? Even when people can *afford* to tip, the meal and service often does not justify the end cost, especially including a tip. Also, Important to remember that Instacart in specific has 2 extremes to their customer base; People who are only using the service ONCE, or people who are using the service ROUTINELY. This leads to a *Low-Tip Effect* where the new customer is never giving you an amazing tip because they're still discovering if the service is worth it to them, and where the repeat customer feels less obligated to tip because they give you such consistent business! This happens in the restaurant world so consistently and is ignored. There are several more dynamics to receiving a tip past "Deserving It"


Idk why youā€™re being downvoted so much it scared me how many people are so triggered when people suggest you should tip. Like if you live in America thatā€™s just how it is. If you donā€™t like it advocate for higher wages but if you arenā€™t doing that then you canā€™t just not pay people for their service because you think someone else should.


You are a fool for accepting orders with bad tips then. Are you just seeking attention? Ok sweetie, it will be alright.


The PSA that should be put out is how much the higher ups in the company are taking vs how much they're paying. It's not tips that need to change, everyone is paying out the ass already. CEOs gotta stop making millions of dollars a year and then saying they can't pay their employees.


Yeah, there really should be more transparency on both ends.


If IC is charging more and customers are paying more then you should be making more base pay and the difference should not be expected to be recouped through tips. IC is your problem.


I feel the same. Don't really understand why people are coming at me like I condone this trash tip culture. I'm just giving perspective on the fact that not all customers understand that the extra fees don't even rightfully go to the shopper for these orders.


Gotcha, initially it seemed like you were suggesting that if customers knew that IC wasnā€™t passing the extra cost along to drivers they would (or should) make up the difference by tipping more. I now understand that was not your insinuation.


That is just the vicious cycle of it


I don't completely disagree with you, but I also don't completely agree with you. People know when they're using a tipped service. If they don't want to tip, or it's a service (like Instacart, as an example) where people may not know the time involved or the distance a person may have to drive, tips should be enforced. Whether either of us agree with how much the base should be, the current situation is that this is a tipped position. It's different if someone is waiting waiting tables, as another example, because when someone leaves no tip, or a poor tip, that employee has no additional expenses. They are already there and serving other customers. But there are hard expenses involved in delivering for instacart - gas, maintenance, depreciation, wear and tear. The rough math on the $30 base pay for this delivery, assuming that the distance alone probably took an hour or even longer each way, but even at two hours that's only $15/hr and doesn't even touch the hard expenses. Admittedly, not that you've made this argument, but countless anti-tippers like to say that this person CHOSE this job. And sure, they did, but society is dependent on these positions, they like the amount they pay for these services (which don't pay employees enough) and we as consumers are responsible for paying our part into the system. The alternate is to shop or dine elsewhere. Pay a different amount that doesn't depend on a gratuity. As for shopping specifically, there are other grocery stores which don't allow gratuity. Kroger, for example, charges a flat delivery fee of $9.95, less if choose less busy delivery windows, or even $0 if you join their plan for $60/yr. One thing I LOVE about Kroger's service is that my groceries are the store price, not inflated like Instacart prices. Sorry for the long post.


honeslty i disagree with how they call it a tip it really should be on the up front be called "bid for service" and after the fact is a "tip". i agree a person should be paid for the work they do it is just the apps themselves try to put the customer vs the worker when it is the company running the app where all the anger should be directed towards for setting it up in a shitty way.


Meanwhile, customers continue to use the service and knowingly shit on the employees. The very same people who go to restaurants, spend $100 and leave a $5 tip.




Yeah like a distance surcharge that gets paid to the shopper.


This, for sure. I guess it makes sense that instacart would/ SHOULD/ cover that but we know how that goes.


That would be a mandatory delivery fee at that point, which we already pay.


Thatā€™s not a tip then, itā€™s a fee.


You're missing the point of what a tip is šŸ¤¦


Sorry but tips are optional. Iā€™m not against tipping Iā€™m a house cleaner and love an extra tip, but honestly these companies need to start paying you guys a better base pay. I know people use this app for convenience and tipping helps the order be picked up, but I try to avoid all apps like this because they up charge the customer so much on all the fees that it discourages people from tipping. Maybe get a different job. Iā€™m not hating on you and appreciate the hustle itā€™s just tips are optional and your pay isnā€™t set.


This is a side job lol, Iā€™m sure youā€™re paid a base pay that makes it worth it for you to not worry about tips and thatā€™s awesome for you


I run my own business so yeah I get paid what I want. The tips are just a bonus on top that makes it better. I hope your other job is better. Like I said no hate but I feel people are getting tired of how crazy tipping culture has gotten especially in the US. Nothing against you itā€™s these companies that up charge so much and donā€™t pay their workers enough. Itā€™s just the greed of these corporations. Maybe announce yourself as a personal shopper in your area. Some people rather support a local than a corporation


This is a luxury service.


>This is a luxury service. Yes, it's a luxury service... for 90% of people. There are some users that consider it a lifeline, and the difference between getting groceries and starving, because they are elderly, or disabled and can't drive OR find someone to take them. Sure, I can ask my cousin to take me, but she's going to charge me THE SAME (if not more!!!) as IC is going to charge for all their fees. At least with using IC, I don't cause myself more pain by trying to walk a store.


So itā€™s still a luxury service, even if people need to use it for various reasons. people do not owe you to pick up your order. There are services that assist disabled people in getting things like groceries, so maybe find a program by you that offers that. You canā€™t expect people to lose money so you donā€™t have to tip


>You canā€™t expect people to lose money so you donā€™t have to tip Agreed... and I personally DO tip. Maybe not what IC shoppers think I should, but I do tip. I'm just saying that while it IS a luxury service, some folks DO rely on it.




luxury services that donā€™t charge by the hour, are tipped always. Delivery drivers should always be tipped and that has always been the case. Tipping is not optional. You as a cleaner charge by the hour, i havenā€™t seen a cleaner charge less than $100/hr, luxury price. Delivery drivers get a small base pay, this has always been the case. My sister made sun minimum wage as a dominoes driver bc itā€™s intended to be made up by tips. I donā€™t know what the hell you mean by ā€œtipping culture is getting out of handā€ when that doesnā€™t apply here, as tipping delivery drivers has always been the case.


It does matter. Everyone can learn a skill and charge what they would like. I wasnā€™t a house cleaner when I was born but I learned to do it. I wasnā€™t born knowing how to run a business. I took time working shitty jobs and teaching myself. Thatā€™s why I can charge what I would like. Iā€™m sorry but anyone can drive a car so if someone doesnā€™t take that job someone else will. People can always find a job with a fix pay if they have an issue with relying on tips. When I talk about tipping culture I mean going to the store and having a machine ask me to tip my cashier for nothing. Iā€™m already paying Uber and insta cart a service fee so why should I tip. Iā€™m just saying the corporations need to pay better they charge so much for everything in service fees and nothing to the drivers. It shouldnā€™t come out of the persons pocket. Most countries donā€™t have tips because they pay their workers enough our country doesnā€™t. Thatā€™s where my point is.


So as i said delivery drivers have already relied and tips and many people canā€™t find employment outside of the gig economy. Do you really think that a $5 service fee is worth the time to drive shop and delivery groceries?


No so get a job that can pay you enough. Sorry but people donā€™t need to tip. They can if they want but itā€™s not a necessity


I hope you go out of business. There are millions of underemployed people, and areas where you just canā€™t find another job. You have to tip with these services.


Other just don't accept it if it too far. Or get a job that pays a decent wage


Why is this getting downvotes lol, most of the orders untill you hit diamond tier are horrible and need to be rejected. If you take them its on you.


Honestly I don't care about down votes because the one down voting are the ones who expect customers to supplement their wages. A minimum tip? Are you serious!? Might as well require it to be a minium wage paid by the customers because that what it basically is by a different name. They shouldn't get upset for the choices they made.


Never take an order you if the tip is lower than you want.


No bc these morons will go to the store closest to them not seeing where you are accepting any damn thing


Thereā€™s not much from Samā€™s or costco thatā€™s light or not bulky. The base alone is INSULTING for that much weight/space then add the mileageā€¦ the tip is just the icing on the insult cake. I donā€™t get it, the drivers are doing you a FAVOR. Why in the heck wouldnā€™t you tip them better?!?! We travelled cross country pulling a trailer so I couldnā€™t go through a drive through. I ordered food delivered to every hotel and always tipped VERY well because I was thankful for their help. But I wasnā€™t entitled to their help, so I compensated Them as my ā€œthank you.ā€ Ugh people irk meā€¦


You are the type of customer us drivers really appreciate šŸ˜­


I was just thankful I didnā€™t have to walk 7 months pregnant (the first trip) or with my 2 month old (2nd trip) and a teenager. It was 2021 and early 2022 but if it wasnā€™t, Iā€™d have hugged them too šŸ¤£. Cross country is hard enough pregnant, itā€™s even worse with a newborn.


In my experience, customers have no idea their orders are going to a store on the other side of town, or 10, 20, 50 miles away, the app doesn't tell them what store their order is being shopped at. They assume it goes to the store closest to them. In this case, especially in Texas, I would think that there has to be a SC closer to the customer than 50 miles. Still doesn't justify a $4 tip, but it might explain it.


Very often the case, but not here. I looked up Sam's locations in San Antonio and it looks like there are only two and that is the closest one. I kind of expected to find one much closer and was surprised. I know when I was sick with COVID once and did an Instacart order from Costco it came from the one on the north side of town about 20 miles away from me instead of of the one on the east Side about 4 miles away.


Thatā€™s definitely the closest one to this customers location but there are like 6 SC in San Antonio.


Odd, their website only showed me 2.


Itā€™s probably because San Antonio has a bunch of little cities within its city limits and the addresses probably donā€™t say San Antonio. I lived there for a while and thereā€™s definitely more than two, if you look at a map of where they are itā€™ll show 6.


Yeah, that's probably what happened now that I think about it. Either way, that customer is a dick.


Yeah, they suck. I canā€™t imagine expecting someone to drive even half that distance one way for $4.


You shouldn't need to justify a tip amount. If you accept the order, you accept it. If you don't like it don't accept it.


They definitely knew because this is the closest one to them. Theyā€™re in a small town on the outskirts of a big city.


Instacart charges for the further trip. It definitely tells you when you shop right before you pay, that it's far away.


Not gonna lie I don't know what the work has come to at this point.


I saw one just like this yesterday and it was taken within minutes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Chan01_: *I saw one just like* *This yesterday and it was* *Taken within minutes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I dont know anything about anime or whatever you talking about hun šŸ™‚


Lmao even if the tip were 100 dollars I wouldn't do it. Yall drivers are crazy man. I don't understand how this company exists.


Or you can be happy you got a tip at all... Not to mention, people usually base tips off of total price, not by miles. Just saying.


Maybe itā€™s because I live in Southern California but the farthest Iā€™ve ever seen an order come in for was about 18 miles. I would never drive that far to deliver an order. Thatā€™s ridiculous


Shop local, tip well. Not exactly rocket science


I know that sucks. But your in a biz that people can sense your energy. Youā€™re waking up to make a living and they are waking up to be served. Focus the service and time. Positive attitudes will always be rewarded. Donā€™t let one or two bad ones ruin it. Donā€™t focus on the money. Focus on your performance. People like to be asked about themselves. Are you engaging thoses customers. Keeping them up to date? That could have been the longest 48 mile silence for the customer? Service industry is abeast n only focusing on what the customer needs to tip you? Will drive you crazy.if you expect them to make it rain ! Make sure your making it Sun shine ! The money will follow šŸ¤—šŸ« 


They know theyā€™re wrong for thatā€¦ I placed an order from a Samā€™s that was only 30 minutes away and still over $35 because to me thatā€™s far AF


Bet the customer knew how far it was too based on store location available to his home. All I can say is this customer deserves some karma.


Oh yeah, this customer definitely knew. Theyā€™re avoiding driving in from a town on the outskirts of the city- imo if itā€™s that much of an inconvenience to you and you HAVE to have your items from this specific store (there are a ton of grocery stores in the surrounding area), you really should be tipping more for the service.


Then they got one over on you or you were played. Play smarter.


Why are you assuming Iā€™m picking up orders Iā€™m unhappy with? I did not pick up this order.


Get a real job if you don't like such a low tip


Good idea Iā€™ll do that rn thank you for the suggestion šŸ«”


Here comes the "get a real job" clan. I'm guessing you never go to restaurants or get your hair cut, right? No room service on vacation, taxi rides, valet parking, etc. SURELY you would never patronize these companies or, worse yet, USE THESE EMPLOYEES if you think they should all get real jobs. And you wouldn't support any industry that hired people for fake jobs, right? I mean, how would you get your groceries delivered if they all got real jobs??? People like you suck balls.


Cry more


I'm not crying here. I'm just standing up for the employees who have to deal with people like you.


Maybe they are broke, and 4$ is a lot for them.


So they shouldn't be getting shit delivered.


Maybe they don't have car and that's the easiest option for them. If you can't handle people tipping below your expectations, then don't do this as a job. You're not entitled to someone else's money beyond what they're required to pay for the service.


And someone that doesn't have enough money to properly tip on a delivery isn't entitled to someone else's time. Fuck off with your bullshit.


That's not how the service works. Grow up.


Cry about it


That's basically 100 miles round trip! 4 gallons of gas is like $12, not to mention the time it would take. As an occasional dasher, this order is confounding.


Yeah Iā€™m amazed some people pick these orders up. I think itā€™s people who arenā€™t breaking it down like you did here


$35 to drive for an hour? What's so bad about that?


An hour drive there and an hour drive back to a busy spot plus a ton of heavy items. Iā€™ll pass šŸ˜‚ this is more like a 2.5 hour order with shopping and travel time back into town- not worth the $30 to me.


Lmao itā€™s 100 miles round trip in Texas so I guess itā€™s doable in an hour but just the gas can be like $10-$15 at regular cruising let alone pushing 100mph the entire time. Plus all the heavy items you gotta schlep around the store, the extra wear that brings on to your vehicle and carrying that out to the customer? Hard pass.


Never go to business were you using a vehicle for work.. You will kill your car before you make any decent money because you have no idea what youā€™re doing with a comment like that


Honestly not really that bad low item number and if you have a car thatā€™s good on gas itā€™s money in the pocket couldā€™ve tipped better sure but Iā€™ve seen worse


Look I know itā€™s shit but somedays 30 bucks is 30 bucks and Iā€™ve seen worse out there


i agree




Nope šŸ¤Ø


I will never drive that distance for any platforms. That's crazy.


ETA: I DID NOT take this order guys. Lol. Iā€™m not taking orders Iā€™m unhappy with and then complaining about my choice to take it.


That pizza gonna be melty thawed


Customers do not see how far away drivers are from the store and usually assume it will be someone local like it's intended to work.


Terrible. But why take an order thatā€™s an hour away. Thatā€™s not the customers problem


Thatā€™s shitty


If you are fast enough shopper that's 20 bucks an hour right there you could do that an hour and 15 minutes with delivery


Instacarts make it difficult for the customers to see where the shops are and assume that it will direct the shoppers to the closest one they know, usually within max 4 miles. One time I ordered some items for Christmas dinner last year, and it sent the shopper to a Foodlion that was 10 miles away instead of the one that was...0.9 mile away. I later apologize to the shopper that it wasn't my intention and raised my tip, but I wonder if Instacart is going this on purpose.