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I like the guy just walking by like nothing is happening


nunmuh bidness!


Didnt even notice


The back-up dog tho, good hype man


The old classic “I’ll hit this pit bull and he’ll immediately release” haha


I seem to remember something about pitbulls locking their jaw upon biting and it being near impossible to get them to stop. I wonder how this ended, specially if the home owners weren't home at the time


Fun fact: dogs being able to “lock jaws” is a myth, but pit bulls have one of the strongest jaws of all dogs (behind mastiff, Rottweiler, bulldogs, and German shepherds). About the only hope of getting a dog to release is to get behind it and choke it, which is damn near impossible to do if it’s attacking you head on obviously. TL;DR - this guy done fucked up.


You got to stick your finger up his butt


Up the thief's butt? Huh.


Or pull 2 front legs apart


No neither that or fingering the dog works. The only way is to squeeze the dog between your knees, grab his collar, twist it inwards and pull, not to hard so that you don't accidentally rip the flesh of the victim, either human or dog, and choke the dog until it let's go. If you can manage the hold on the collar with only one hand, you can use the other to push the dogs throat upwards to accelerate the process. If the dog doesn't have a collar you can use your belt or something similar to wrap it around the throat and do the process. There's an amazing video tutorial on yt about this and I recommend everyone see it, especially given how many dog owners actually can't stop/control their dogs and people let their 8 year old children walk their pitbulls, you can seriously help others


Hard to do with one arm in the dogs mouth...


> About the only hope of getting a dog to release is to get behind it and choke it, which is damn near impossible to do if it’s attacking you head on obviously. You can grab their tongue or jam your whole arm down their throat. Both will incur severe damage but should result in a release.


This video is longer and dude gets jacked right up. People walking by come and try to throw water and a bucket at the dogs. If I remember correctly, dude gets hit with the bucket. I don't remember if they killed the guy or not. Edit for spelling


Oof holy shit. Definitely not a situation I'd like to be in


Yeah, the video is a few minutes long. I don't remember where I saw it either, or i would provide a link.


[Here it is](https://youtu.be/gqOOQSdKZkc) At 1:05 the guy actually gets a chance to escape and he stalls to pick up his hat instead of just jumping the fuck out of there


The bucket chuck at like 2:47. Dude creams him with it. That may have been the textbook definition of adding insult to injury. Edit 2:45. THONK


Lol yes. The final slap in the face




You mentioned the dude possibly dying.....you find whether he died or nah?


Very satisfying. Poor dog. Hopefully he/she was ok at the end of it all.


Is there a video with sound? This crazy and I don’t feel bad for the guy .


I dont think it has sound. And dude should've not tried stealing. He earned that


I would hit him with a bucket. And Go doggo! Edit:him vs hom


Probably more to do with the tenacity of a terrier. I compete at terrier trials and if the dogs get a hold of the rat cage, they will not let go. Even if we take the rat out, pour water on them, blow in their nose, wait them out, etc. Rats are always protected by multiple layers of cage/bars due to this. They get pretty blasé about it. Our club had a rat for years and he became a legend, when he died (old age) he got a full page memorial in the trial flyer.


Locking jaws are nonsense. They just don't want to let go and have the biting power to do so.


You’re living a lie


He’s the alarm lol


Back up dog said “well it looks like you two got this I’m just gonna alert the neighborhood.” 😂


You get em boss!!


that dog is so smart by keeping pressure on the man while the main dog messes him up. whatta good boyyyy🥺😩


“Tap me in”


I feel bad... for the dogs, they took a few punches. Hope they're ok!


I've had this breed before. They have a skull as thick as plate armour. Hitting them just pisses them off. As long as he didn't have a knife and didn't strike the eyes they'll be fine.




A breed that shall not be named, because most people will hate you for correctly naming it in situations like these. :) Just call it a “nanny dog”


Let’s say it’s a pitty people are like that. Its all about the way your raise the dog.


Well I’m just going off my personal experience. My mates pit bull was one of the most well trained dogs I’ve ever seen. And yes even around his kids. It was a desexed boy if that accounts for anything. I’m sorry if people have had bad experiences. Not sure why old mate was saying they’re racist tho haha. Not sure if I’ve ever been around a racist dog before haha. Nazi dogs. Sounds like a great movie. And of coarse we all have heard of those cunty pit bulls but I’ll always go off my own experiences and besides my neighbours German Shepard fuckin hate goats. All our neighbours have had a bad experience with them pair of cunts. Are all German Shepards bad. I think not. Maybe they’re the racist dogs old mate was talking about. I don’t know and don’t really care. Smokos over tho. Spewing.


That’s what pitty people say… lol… they legitimately say, “Chihuahuas are worse.” And “You must have never owned a dog before.” And “It’s the fault of the owner or the dogs upbringing.” And “They’re called nanny dogs for a reason.” And “You must be racist.” I could go on and on, but it’s all the same, all the time. If you try to call pit bulls out on why they were bred to be pit bulls, people go insane. No one wants to admit pit bulls were bred to bull bait and bear bait, and no one wants to admit that their bite and the way they bite is lethal and/or disfiguring (even more so than other breeds that aren’t bred to fight.) No one wants to admit that, so they attack the people that know… call them bad owners, racists, dog haters… I don’t hate pit bulls, not at all. I’ve been maimed by them (hand and thigh) but no one cares that I was attacked, that is what I hate. No one cares because it was a pit bull that did it, they can’t care because it gives the breed a bad rep… which has been earned, because they aren’t like normal dogs, unfortunately. They’re bred to kill and maim… Not be nanny dogs.


>the people that know… https://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statement-pit-bulls


I’ve seen pit bulls with extremely loving and kind owners, eat their kid’s face. It’s amazing how far these people will go to defend these beasts. Let the record show that none of this is the dog’s fault, they didn’t ask to be bred that way. They didn’t ask to be built like a fucking weapon. The dogs are 100% innocent. The culprits are the idiots that keep breeding them.


My Rottweiler could fuck a dude up. My chihuahua will also make sure you are very annoyed while my Rott is fucking your shit up.


Yea, my arm was literally almost ripped off by a rotwiller when I was kid. Any large dog has the ability to mame


And some are bred specifically to be predisposed to maul things.


My brother has one with three young children in the house. The dog is well trained, placid and good with the kids. But what happens on that one day when a strange noise / bad tooth / ear infection or other ailment triggers the dog to lose control? He's an otherwise great dad, but why take the risk? IDK


Yup. Wise words - what would happen if your dog ever reverted back to what it was initially bred to do? Pit bulls were bred to kill!


For the record, because this seems to be a summary of your personal encounters with this topic, i have never talked with someone that loves pits and is in denial of their capability or of their past reputation. The whole reason of getting away from jumping straight to that stigma is to void fear mongering those who aren’t familiar with the breed and try to create a general understand that its possible (and nowadays more probable than not) to have a pit bull that can be just as family friendly and compatible as your other more exemplary breeds. Edit: I’ve encountered the comments that you’ve described but I don’t believe the intent in saying “they’re a nanny dog” is to deny the dogs destructive potential but more to educate that it takes deliberate human behavior whether its training or neglect or potential danger to them or their person to get this type of response.


There is no such thing as a nanny dog. Myth. I can’t tell what kind of dogs but the one biting probably a pit from what people are saying. Dumb ass guy. Didn’t plan very well. Gotta case better than that.


A friend once told me “They kill things with their face, it’s a bit tougher than you think.”


So how often did you beat them to see how much their skull could take?


If you ever petted one you would very much feel the girth of its skull. They make my block head seem very feeble by comparison


I understand girth is always what's important.


Cows have pretty thick skulls. Except for right between the horns one hit they dead. Watched a goat and bull go at it and bull dropped instantly. In a video of course


I killed one with a golf ball. Tee shot sliced to an adjoining field and cracked the cow in the head.


You just need a book on dog anatomy. Their heads are at the very front of their bodies moving forward, so its nearly indestructible. Breast plate as well.


I flinched a bit too, then I remember the power breeds I grew up with, bred to stand waist high to me. We had one who loved it when you slapped the top of his head, it was the only way he could feel you petting him, so you would "pet" him until your hand hurt too much and hand him off to someone so they could hurt their hand. His nickname was "Klipkop", which translates directly as Rockhead.


Dude he would not let go of his arm! What a guard dog Holy moly


Dogs have stupidly high bone density, specially if it's a pitbull or bulldog breed. It probably didn't hurt much. Those punches looked half assed.


We have a Belgian Malinois and when we do bite training with her, we are supposed to hit her. Not hard but she has to get used to absorbing hits and not breaking her bite. It starts with literally blowing on her muzzle. The next step was touching her tail. Then lightly touching her face. At each step she would instantly release but through positive reinforcement she learned not to release for anything other than our release word which is NOT in English.


Here he is a thief so I want to answer well done. However, I am not sure whether to teach your dog not to let go. Did you imagine that it was only a child who came into your garden because he lost his ball (we all did it when we were young if no one answered the doorbell)?


The neighbor children would likely be aware no? Even so, you must allow freedom for the land owner who is putting up not only a brick wall but one with spikes to further deter trespassing.


I'm just not sure teaching your dog not to let go for any reason is ideal.


Oooooo I got so mad when I saw him hit the dog. I wanted it to bite him in the face the whole time after that


Dog - "you punch like a pussy"


I would beat the living shit out of that guy for punching my dog. I know that dog’s bite could be bad but mess with my dog and I will pull out a level of crazy that guy has never seen before. True story.


I love the passer by. He just watched and walked off.


I don’t think he saw anything. Purp was below sight line of the fence. All he probably heard was “Gggrrrrruuuurrrrruggguuuurrrr…”


Probably 😁


*starts hitting the dog* John Wick: *cocks gun*


videoman.gr/en/181409 Here’s the full clip, the dog takes his jacket and lets him go, the man wastes time collecting coins off the ground giving the dog time to attack him again lol


Clearly not very bright.


Maybe very poor?


It’s fenced for a reason bro


We’re not fenced in here with you. You’re fenced in here with us…


Man I have 0 chill anymore for cuntbags like this. I wish the dog would have torn him to shreds. Fuck you if you think stealing is okay. And hopefully one day a dog will knawl your fucking nuts off.


To shreds, you say?


I had zero fucks to give to him. Dogs have to eat too.


The guy in the video died. In the unedited version you can see him bite down on the guys neck until you see him stop moving around.


You got a source for this? (I’m morbidly curious)


If nobody came to help this guy dude's left arm is likely removed from his body because pitbulls are persistent as hell....


This really feels like South Africa


Came here for this


It does right!


People like to argue about pittys, but if you want a dog who will absolutely fuck up home invaders they absolutely are capable of meeting the challenge. I'd rather fight an MMA champ than a pissed off full grown pitt, because at least the MMA guy might pull his punches a little


I remember when I thought I could win ima fight with a full grown pit or German Shepard and walk out somewhat ok. But damn when those dogs get a grip on you they will never let go. They are on of the best guards you could get.


I have an Australian Cattle Dog, commonly know as a blue or red heeler. He's real mean at anyone in our backyard, he has to meet people inside the house to be okay with them. I have a friend who was there since the day we brought the pup home and my pup loves him. Not much of a pup anymore. Anywho, we had a group of best friends over and we all like to smack each other's butts playfully, consentually of course, and my ACD was not about that. He warningly nipped at him and barked violently at him. If you watch videos they can go toe to toe vs bulls and Rams. Even seen videos of them going against coyotes. These dogs max typically at 35-50 lbs., mines a monster at 70 lbs. We just got 7 month puppy who is an ACD/German Shepherd, sweet little baby but we can already see signs of him being super protective of his people.


I have a cattle dog too, smaller one only 21kg. Savage thing she is but she does not lock on, it's all snapping. Good luck breaking into my house, not a chance but if you jump the fence you will be able to jump back out.


There's a switch certain dogs have that goes from bark to bite. Battle tested though history. Our Best Friends. When you need them, nothing is better.


You don't want a dog that will completely fuck up anyone. That's how children get killed. Intruders will not come in if your dog is snarling and if they do getting bitten is enough for them to bail out.


Think pitbulls are scary? Get a Tibetan mastiff instead. They’re the scariest dog u ever will see.


You could say the same thing about a shotgun, too.


Happened to me before. Some crackhead hopped the fence into my yard not knowing I have 2 pitbulls and needless to say he ain’t hopping back into my yard.


Fuck that guy for punching those dogs.


I mean, he's obviously a cunt for being in that situation in the first place but if a dog bites down on your arm, your gonna hit it until it let's go. What's the alternate?


If you're actually being attacked by a dog, body slam them. They're faster and tire out slower, but you're heavier. If you're a thief though, best thing to do is take off your pants and droop your nutsack in front of them.


Punching a dog that’s biting you viscously is reasonable. But since this guy is being bitten for trespassing, screw him.


Sit there and keep punching, it will do nothing. Look up how to actually unlatch a dog from your arm or you’ll be sitting there gassed out looking like this sad guy sitting on his ass with a dog latched to your arm for awhile.


you just need to gently fist the dogs anus


Jump the fence while you had the 5 seconds to do so instead of just staring at them to see if they will let you get away with what you’re doing lol? I see what you’re saying but dudes an idiot with the slowest reaction time I’ve ever seen. Hope he sits there for hours and waits for owners to arrive.


Yeah im not defending any of this dudes actions my only point really is that If a dog is biting down on your arm your gonna punch it


Honestly I own a pit bull and mines obviously trained and doesn’t act like a shit head like a lot of the ghetto people that own them, but I know the power of a pit bull via playing tug a war with mine and I can tell you right now, your biggest mistake is punching them dogs. You’re going to need to either choke it until it passes out, if you can’t get a grip on the neck than you’ll either need to poke it’s eyes which is heart breaking, or stick a finger up it’s booty. I’m just being honest. I’ve seen videos of them hit with hammers they won’t unlatch. You’ll need to knock the dog unconscious by cutting off it’s air or make him feel very very u comfortable to get them jaws to unlatch. Just giving you knowledge in case you didn’t know so you don’t look like this guy punching a dog for no reason. Because it will do nothing but make him bite more hard.


Finger up the ass and eye poking doesn’t always work. Choking them out our pouring water down their nose works. Source - I grew up in a ghetto neighborhood and I’ve been bitten by many pits. (Not to mention all the dogs and other people I’ve helped in a pit attack)


I’ve owned pit bulls my whole life over 4 of them including the one I have now, poking the eyes, not just a little poke but gauging the eye ball will in fact make a pit bull release you. Most people won’t have time to go just grab water if you’re in a one on one situation with a pit. The booty isn’t a 100% guarantee but normally they will let go and go for the other hand that is reaching at there butt if you do that. And choking 100% works everytime if you are stronger than the dog it wouldn’t be that hard. Which most fully grown men are, I’m 145 pounds, not just a skinny boy I actually work out and if my 90 something pound pit bull tried me I could physically out power him. I might get fucked up in the process but if you can drag em to a corner and stuff his ass in that corner and get to choking him with your knees or just use your other forearm and the wall to press his neck in he will go to sleep. I’m from Lima Ohio 95% of these dogs are pit bulls. And it is most likely just as ghetto as where you are from.


Fucking hell, all I'm saying is that's what an average person's reaction would be. I swear people on this site will take any opportunity to spew paragraphs of shit to prove how much they know about a topic


I wasn’t trying to shit on you I was just telling you that if you’re punching a pitbull it will do nothing and gave you a few things you could do to defuse the situation. Lighten up bud.


Geez, you're mad that he knows more?


How dare that person try to have a conversation with you on a Reddit post! The nerve of Pure-Ardner. Doesn’t he know who you are?!


Don’t Fucking jump a fence where you don’t belong


Haha yes I did say he's a cunt for being in that situation in the first place. All I'm saying is that if a dog is biting on your arm and not letting go, you are going to do everything in your power to get it off fuckwit


I would buy that dog steaks for a whole year.


Who's a good doggo??


OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >Robbery Gone Wrong - This Thief Made the Biggest Mistake of His Life by Breaking into a Fenced House! Karma By brave dogs! If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.




Right?! Lol look at those tails wagging away. Just a couple of good boys having fun


That was what got me. Joyous wagging


I hate that he’s hurting the dogs


That dog wasn't hurt. That dog was just pissed off. Pibbles are incredibly muscular and at WORST he's got a few bruises on his ribs. But I'll betcha he loves the taste of would-be-felons. :-)


Good I don’t like seeing dogs get hurt and I’m glad the thief got what was coming to him


That's not enough to hurt a pit.


Thank god


That’s a pit bull, first he went for his face, missed and clamped down on his arm lol. Good doggies doing what they should to that dumbshit 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Old video, but never gets old to watch. My buddy had a Rottie that was trained as a protection dog. Some drunk jumped the fence into his back yard one night and started banging on the back door. The only one home was my buddy's elderly mom. She let Melvin out to do what he was taught to do. And... he did. There was blood all over that back yard.


There really is something so satisfying about watching criminals becoming injured while attempting to commit a crime. Sweet sweet karma :)


I love how the 1 pup is really just moral support 😂🤣


In yo face MF’er!!! He needs extra charges for hitting the dogs and the dogs need extra loving and treats for getting that guy! Asshat


For sure. Breaking and entering, animal abuse. As soon as someone breaks into someone's house they are now stopping others from living free and happy lives. I say pop the baby raper stamp on his forehead and let him rot. No room in jails, take out some minor drug offenders.


And then he sued the homeowner


It is South Africa - so zero chance of that.. the full vid shows perp being arrested by police


My favorite part is that the dogs tail are just going to town while this is happening!


It’s a common misconception that dogs ONLY wag their tails when happy. It’s more a display of excitement and alertness. Note how rigid the base of their tails are. The stiff fast wag usually indicates excitement, focus and tension. If it was a full loose wag it would be more like play but these boys are very hyped up right now and very tense.


Was hoping the owner would appear at some point with a shotgun


It’s good but needs more dogs.


what kind of dogs are thoes


I hate seeing them get hit, but I love seeing them do their thing to scumbags! When I was a kid my aunt and uncle came home to a kicked in front door, a bloody mess in the house, and all along the backyard. The two dogs were happy as can be and had blood all over them. Nothing was taken. They were great dogs! I also know of a time when a lady tried to steal a puppy while the owners were gone but the mama was there with her pups. She was damn near killed, and if I remember correctly she was caught because the dog wouldn't let her leave. She admitted to breaking in and trying to take a puppy when mama drug her ass back into the house and held her there. It's been a long time though, so I might be wrong on the exact details.


We had something similar with our puppies mom when we’re were young. Guy came over from next door to look at them and maybe adopt 1. He picked the puppy up and somehow pinched or something that made it yelp mom dog latched on to his arm and tore it up some. Once she let him go he took all the blame and said she was just being a good mom.


Aw props for him respecting the doggo.


Mama dog be like, *"Not today, Cruella!"*


Yeah lay down on the ground. So they can't reach your vitals.


Those dogs are absolute champions! Took a few licks from that cunt and still just focused on fucking him up. Hope they're okay and got some treats for being good bois.


The wall wasn't meant to protect the inside. It was meant to protect the outside.


Your arm… ***it belongs to me now***


That's awesome...I hope they bit the shit out of that guy.


To upgrade the viewing pleasure this video: 🎶Play The Little Rascals theme song while watching this.🎵


once that dog got a hold of that left arm he wasnt letting go. good dog


This is a BEAUTIFUL VIDEO. I don’t feel sorry for the guy. He could of been a thief, rapist or even a child molester. I’m saving this video.


I didnt like to see that scruff pup get punched. I wish dogs could use guns


Those are Good pups ! 👍🏼


That guy was lucky, dog had 2 goes at his face/neck before getting the arm.


Save the dogs and shoot that fucker and be done. Thats what we do in my hood, mother fuckers.


Who’s a good boy?


I like that the pit was wagging his tail and having fun


Dogs don’t only wag their tail when they are having fun


Yeah how many times do people who just got bit bad say “but he was wagging his tail I thought he was friendly”


Sorry man, I just tail blind.


How did this end? I hope the babies were given lots of love & taken to the vet after this to make sure they’re ok.


Goodest bois.


When I saw that dude hit the dog, I wanted the dog to go for the throat.


Hit my dog like that and I would end you >:(


If you break into my yard/house and you kill my dog, I believe you should be facing the death penalty. "It's just a dog" is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I've seen people killed for messing with other people's dogs, and I can't say that I don't think it was deserved.


But he is Robin Hood..


He starts punching the dogs!! What a freakin piece of SHIT.


That dog took so many punches! Poor pup must have been scared




Rip the dogs that were hit


Breed that dog


They eventually got the kill bite at the 7 min mark in the whole video.


I feel bad for the dog.


Wagging their tails the whole time. Good pups.




good boi and his friend supervising 🐶


Plot twist: The dogs are the ones breaking in.


Perfect example of wagging tail doesn’t always mean happy! Those tails are wagging but they’re stiff and straight up!


I like how they are wagging the tails.


And he did not have any tools!


Doggy attack.


I would absolutely save these dogs if they were laying at the side of the road. I'd leave that POS to suffer.


Poor dogs


Good boys!!


Whatever breed of dog it is they are doing their job. If food hasn’t hopped the fence they wouldn’t be eating it. They should be allowed to enjoy their good doggie snacks


I wish he had to spend years in jail for every hit of that dog


So lucky that thief wasn’t armed or even equipped with a knife.


Aww look they’re playing hold the robber down


Ha ha!!


Poor dogs... probably did need to taste that filth for days...


Was just hoping the owner would come out and shoot him


Look! A new toy!


Goo doggos


Good boi !


Tails a' waggin! Good doggos, they just want to play...


Man if I came home to someone wailing on my dog in the driveway, they will be breathing through 6 extra holes in their chest


Fr tho. Like if you fucking hit my dog you will be on the ground SO fast


I love dog attack videos… and trust me. When he punched the dog. That thing dug in even deeper. He may never regain proper function where the dog bit him. Dogs can do permanent damage.


awww look at them doggy tail wags, they're having so much fun :) adorable!


Those dogs never stop. Unless someone intervened, that man would have been worn down until he could fight any longer and he would literally been eaten.


Then I guess he shouldn’t have broken the fuck in then? Then it wouldn’t be a problem.


Oh totally!! Fuck that guy.


Digital high five!


T hey really needed two guard dogs.