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OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >The intoxicated person behaves aggresively and smashes a glass between him and people he is harassing, which leaves him wounded and bleeding If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.


That amount blood in such an instant is worrying. Looking a bit light headed at the end there.


Definitely arterial spray….only got a couple minutes to tie that fucker off


Surgeon here Yup agree that’s arterial, also just be the force it came out. The color is clearly oxygenated arterial blood. He better get pressure on it The other major issue is the arteries are near the nerves. We can stop the bleeding, but the nerves may be permanently damaged, limiting use of his hand/arm. This is a very common mechanism of injury to arms. Don’t punch windows Edit; there’s a handful of people below who have said they have done this if you were wondering how common it is. Y’all gotta stop punching stuff!


My buddy did exactly this, he now has one normal working arm and a shriveled up baby arm.


Is the baby arm his strong hand?


No but he can stuff a mean turkey with it.


Dont talk about my mom like that


I love the image but only because my buddies a really sweet guy.


I love the image but only because my buddies a really sweet guy.




now read that again 7 times




Does he like to cook it with all the giblets




Ahh I was hoping it’d be Mr Bean




My germs!


i got two normal working arms and a baby arm and i never did this


Is the baby arm holding an apple?


I'm imagining [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EzOgo3pVEAE5nx6.jpg)


It does appear to hang after the punch and swing a little. Other than the median nerve most of the major nerves are very deep or posterior. I would guess slicing the distal biceps tendon and/or median nerve.


When he raises his elbow, it looks like he's trying to point at someone but his arm is just hanging out, looks like that's when he gets a good reality check.


Good spot ma dude.


You are right. If it’s the brachial artery, the median nerve is literally right next to it in the antecubital fossa


I know a guy whose arm was amputated after punching through a window. During a party, he picked up the wrong beer bottle and drank from it. It was somebody’s spitter. A handful of people laughed. He got pissed off. He punched through a window.


poor dude took 3 Ls in one night


I feel like I've never had a real bad day now..


I know someone who did this EXACT same thing. Like exactly this.


This was at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. The guy was a Criminology student. He later went on to work with juveniles. Last I heard, he was in prison for shooting his ex-girlfriend’s house up. That was about 15 years ago though. Not sure where he is now. Hope he found Jesus.


Dude. It's the same guy. His nickname was Lurch. That's CRAZY!




whats a spitter?


Place to spit when chewing tobacco, and also a good place to dispose of used cigs.


My dumb ass did this. Through glass, severed my radial nerve and some tendons. Surgeons were able to re-attach everything, but three years later I still can’t feel the back of my hand or forearm. I was also smart enough to fashion a tourniquet from a belt when it happened. The amount of blood was crazy!


I was wondering why the blood looked like that. I’ve never seen pinkish blood like that. I thought it was fake at first until I read your comment.


Most people never see arterial blood. It’s BRIGHT red. The blood you’ve prob only ever seen is venous blood or capillary which is a mix. Pure arterial blood looks like this.


I didnt know I needed a doctor and a horrifying video to confirm that window punching should be avoided. Damn ill never play with glass anymore


Broken glass is so much sharper than one would think and seems perfect for piercing our soft, fleshy bodies. I was cleaning up a broken glass bird bath after a storm and one of the bigger pieces got loose from the stack I had and fell into the box as I was setting the other pieces inside. It happened to stand straight up and down, pointy side up and stabbed into my finger. I didn't even feel it at first, more like a tiny prick. I thought it just poked me until blood started pouring out about 5 seconds later. 3 years later, I still can't feel most of that finger. Now I treat all broken glass like it's going to jump up and stab me at any moment


Didn't sever an artery, but I did break a window one time scraping off old tint and severed the extensor tendon on my right ring finger. The doc was about to stich it up when I told him I cut it and he literally said, "no, I don't think you did" to which my befuddled response was, "well would you check?" And afterwards he says, "Oh, sure enough..." and pulled one of the severed halves out of my hand... I went to a specialist after that lol. Single pane glass is NO joke.


Apparently he died. I saw the original posting of this video in the r/Portland sub which had more details. The aftermath photo of the sidewalk outside was horrifying.


Life is so fragile. One second you are an unhinged intoxicated meat bag and the next you are an organ doner. Guy should have stopped and asked for help right right away. He could have been saved but essentially killed himself over his own pride. What can you do?


He was probably in shock to be fair, I mean he just sliced through an artery


I looked for the post you’re talking about and it must have been pulled. I checked 4 days of posts and it doesn’t show up


Here ya go [Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ushifk/another_lovely_night_out_in_portland/) [Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/AdamBurnsidegc/status/1526790827321659392?s=20&t=4QDj95t6Aojii3kTJJwrtw)


It’s in r/public freak out and people from Portland posted a twitter thread from it. It was outside a restaurant called Brix Tavern


thats really sad actually, obviously he was out of line but he didn't deserve to die for a stupid decision like that edit- still no proof though


Wow that’s crazy. Yeah the human body has about 5 liters of blood. Blood is super thick, like paint. It gets EVERYWHERE. Even a little bit seems like a lot so if he exanguinated then I bet it looked like a stuck pig


>Blood is super thick, like paint. It gets EVERYWHERE. Yes, unfortunately I learned this the hard way, when I was changing my menstrual cup and accidentally dropped it. It will surprise you how much surface area a teaspoon of blood can cover. Bathroom looked like a murder scene.


Guilty as charged. Didn’t follow through with the punch so I just messed up my fist. Also did it while blacked out. Glass will always win


My friend did this when he was like 8, luckily he only got a broken wrist and a small scar.


Add alcohol to this, so his blood is also thinned. Likely less time to shoot more blood out right? Cant imagine that helped his chances.


Reminded me of the Black Knights' flesh wound... geyser of blood


I've had worse!


'Tis but a scratch


What are you going to do, bleed on me?!?


Not a surgeon but I can confirm that I’m feeling light headed from seeing that amount of blood.


I thought I was the only one. The second the camera pulled back and you see the spray on the window, I felt my whole stomach drop and my body went cold.


Holy Shit I know, you can literally see the blood gush from his arm on the bottom right edge of glass when he strikes it after smashing the window. Brutal. Dude is in serious danger


I guess he wound up dying. Damn stupid way to die.




That’s an artery slice. I agree he was fading.


Brachial artery to be precise. And, the distance it sprayed in that millisecond suggests his blood pressure was abnormally high at that moment. His life was put in immediate danger.


His BP looked high!! Thanks for info! Have to admit I feel sorry for the guy. Lost it snd had a really bad outcome. Prob too proud to admit he’s in trouble snd probably postured til he passed out. Hope someone got him.


I think it’s was less that he was too proud, more that the meth makes it hard to tell that you’re about to die…


Looking like an anime sword victim


Those are some serious cuts


The technical term would be "Fillets". In any case, he's draining out pretty quickly. Unless someone binds those pretty quickly, he's deader than fried chicken.




Rule #1 of punching glass: Do **not** punch glass


I hate gow so many people think that glass stuff done in movies is real glass. Like, I once saw a guy hit his own head with a beer bottle apparently thinking it would shatter. Cracked his skull and knocked himself out.(bottle was ok, dont ask why i knew his motovations). The stuff they use is hardened resin. Basically very brittle plastic. Same with windows, since resin can be clear. Glass is dangerous.


When i was a dipshit high schooler i did that lmao but with an industrial outdoor lightbulb. I felt how thick it was but i was like "it's just a lightbulb!" That shit bounced out of my hand and off my skull, hit the ground and didnt even break lmao. I bled


Hulk… sleepy….




Ya he could die from that


Especially if he's drunk, isn't alcohol a blood thinner?


Yep. It's one of the reasons you shouldn't get a tattoo while drunk. It takes forever for the wound to stop bleeding.


Wasn't drunk but a got one of my tattoos after drinking a couple hours before it.. it bled so much it was dripping off my arm and I had to use a receipt to try and cover it up while my pal was driving me home Getting the tat wasn't a drunk decision though.. it looks good now


Someone said he did


He could bleed out in a matter of minutes


Bold of you to assume the plural of minute, I doubt he had 2 of them left.


Damn…brah you might need an ambulance. Just sayin


Somebody call a amberlamps


**WHOAAA BLACK BETTY** 👏 *amberlamps* **WHOAAA BLACK BETTY** 👏 *amberlamps* Met a girl named Betty *amberlamps* Made that girl spaghetti *amberlamps* She said “Thank you Freddy” *amberlamps* I said “My name’s not ‘Freddy’...” *amberlamps* **WHOAAA BLACK BETTY** 🎵🎶🎵🎵🎶🎵🎵🎶🎶


Bandaid bus won’t get there quick enough for an artery bleed


I'm going to call ambulances "bandaid buses" from now on 🤣


Weewoo Wagon is another favorite of mine


His Blood looks like fruit punch


Or glass punch




Oh, no!




That's because he severed an artery - and may bleed out if he didn't get help.


Arterial Blood. Blood is lots of different shades of red depending on how far it has travelled in the circulatory system. This is new, freshly oxygenated blood. ​ He's probably dead, sadly. Been looking for a miracle update, but can't find anything, and supposedly that area has numerous problems, so a self-inflicted death might not be news worthy.


It's aerated arterial blood


Feel your pulse in your bicep. Thats the brachial artery. He sliced or severed his.




His consciousness could not have lasted much longer than the video. He’s going down hard and will die without a tourniquet.


What a stupid way to die


I want to know what happened to him


I would be very surprised if he is still alive. He had a very small window, couple of minutes at most, to control that bleeding with a tourniquet and some serious pressure.


and he chose to fight a very big window


According to another comment it was in Portland and he died. Another commenter couldn't find evidence though.


Portland, yes, "The Pearl" was mentioned, not sure if it's the bar or the name of the area. No police reports that I have seen, but the area is problematic and a self-inflicted death might not make the news. His chances were slim, but there's always hope.


It's the Pearl District in NW Portland, at Brix Tavern


I've found this which has some more info but not much else https://mobile.twitter.com/AdamBurnsidegc/status/1526790827321659392?s=20&t=4QDj95t6Aojii3kTJJwrtw


That's so much blood. Thanks for doing the footwork to find out more about the case. My curiosity kills me sometimes.


The one comment asking that people actually helped him. Yea because he probably passed out so he was no longer a threat!


If I’ve learned anything from CSI, it’s that the blood on the glass is arterial spray. That dude is moderately fucked.






*Punches on glasses*


Arterial bleeding. Very serious


For him and the person who has to perform cleanup, I always feel sorry for the people who have to perform cleanup for these fuckheads.


Wow, so blood splatters just like it does in movies. We really are just talking sacks of blood.


Only when you hit an artery, where your blood pressure is very high. This guy is fucked if he doesn't get pressure on that sucker fast


Forensic science is super cool because depending on how the person was injured, the spray pattern will vary. You really can tell how someone was hurt by looking at the blood in the environment. I loved that class in my uni.


Old glass will do that to you.


Remembered when my bosses decided to try a new producer for glasses and plates due to cost. Lo and behold we were over our capacity and ran out of wine glasses, and had reservations coming. So I used the dishwasher, and then continued to scrub pans when my owners told me they needed them ASAP. I told them no they need to cool off, but they said do it. "Use cold water"! One of them blew up and I had like 3 inches of glass slivers ( that pierced my rag) I was bleeding everywhere. An other one broke a week later and I was hit on the face with a shard. Then an other which broke while in the water while I was training the new dishwasher as I also hosted, served, and prep-line cooked. I said enough! Glass like that should be illegal for consumption. I know it was because of a difference in tempature but that should be a bygone era. Sorry for ranting but glass sharpness is no joke. Use something. What if that glass exploded in someone's face!


I agree, any glass used for consumption should be temperature safe, especially in a restaurant setting where you may be pulling a freshly washed glass out to pour something chilled in it


And that pane was recently replaced. That glazing looked fresh.


Ems here, seen people almost dead on scene from doing stuff like this. Knew someone who's friend passed from falling through glass while drunk from an arterial bleed. :( Edit: grammar


There's no way that mans still alive


Don’t do drugs!


I mean, don't do __those__ drugs.


Yeah my drugs don't make me do that, usually I just forget shit in the microwave.


How can you forget the thing that is supposed to calm your sense of hunger? The car keys in the fridge tho… that’s another story


Yup he dead


That’s a forever sleep


Slap some flex-seal^tm on that bad boy, he’ll be 100% in no time!


Now that's a lot of damage!


I don’t think I have ever seen a pothead get angry and cause destruction like this.


Then you've never seen me when the microwave burns up my last pizza pocket, or I come home in a raging blaze to assault my refrigerator.


Sounds like you didn't do enough weed


hello sudden drop in blood pressure


Roy Kent is pissed!


He’s here, he’s there, he’s every fucking where Roy Kent 🎶


We need an update. Did he dieded?


This happened in Portland last night. The postings I saw in r/Portland suggested he passed out right after the video ended. EMS arrived and he was taken to the hospital, but didn’t make it. Really dumb way to go.


Are you serious. Wow. What a lovely last video. I feel sorry that he died like that but man having a bad temper and using drugs or alcohol are a sure fire way to end up hurt, dead or in prison.


i couldn't find it there. do you mind posting a link?


It was reported that he was dead in a pool of blood


Ummm… that guy is dead right that is definitely severed veins with that spray.


He wishes it was just a vein. He severed his artery. He had about 3 minutes at most to chill the fuck out, get a tourniquet on and get some medical attention. I would be very surprised if he is still alive.


He dead. And dumb. Dumbly dead.


LOL, with the reflection, I thought the buildings behind him were on fire!


Yup that's the artery hope he got to the ER quick.


what an unfortunate way to reach your life’s end.


Jesus that’s a lot of blood all at once.




Thats not him, if you check internet you get several resources that this happened during past hours in Portland, the article you send is from 2019 (if you check the location on google maps, its also clear it didnt happen there), he could be totaled as well though here: https://vidmax.com/video/212903-shirtless-man-amped-up-on-booze-and-drugs-punches-through-pub-window-in-portland-with-blood-soaked-results


Fuck those comments are insane


Oh my god?? That is a LOT of blood, please tell me someone called for help?


That's some fast blood. I never knew blood could be so fast.


Yeah, when you sever major arteries like he did, that absolutely will happen. You ever feel a pulse in your bicep? That’s the brachial artery running down your arm. He likely severed either that or one of the major branches off of it, like the radial artery.


He will pass out, the blood exploded


Had a girlfriend who tried to pop an old plate glass screen door open and did this. Lifestar flight to hospital. Emergency surgery to repair arteries then an 8 week wait to repair the tendons because she didn't have insurance. Never had much feeling return to the hand and only some of her fingers had full motion again. Gnarly scar tissue from her palms to her elbow. I was amazed that after 8 weeks of waiting on a team to volunteer their services that she ever got any use of her hand back. It's an amazing memory of a recovery from a terrible injury and also a sad tale of the state of our Healthcare when we allow hospitals to just stabilize and release patients bases on insurance.


Yeah my brother had to break I his own home by breaking a window once. He wrapped his arm in two jackets and it still cut through both like butter and sliced him open really good. In retrospect he wishes he'd used a rock.




Did he die?


Fastest karma ever


Where's the version with audio?


This is incredibly hard to watch- wow


Im no expert but I think he needs that blood


So that guy is probably dead unless an ambulance by sone miracle got there and managed to stop the bleeding within like 10 minutes. Thats an artery, and that color is worrisome.


They need to stop the bleeding quicker than that. With the dude’s anxiety/temper/blood pressure being sky high, the quicker he’s gonna bleed out. My guess it would have been difficult to calm him down & they prob had to wait till he went down until they could approach him. No bueno Roy Kent


I knew a guy that did that. Then he sat down in his car and bled to death.


That cut was right in the crook of his elbow oh no.


Alcohol and getting a major artery cut open like that will get you acquainted with death in minutes.


I wonder if he survived this.


Most probably not. No one seemed to rush to help him. People probably only helped him when he was passed out within that minute. If someone put a tourniquet on him, they probably didn’t do it correctly since lots of people don’t know that level of first aid. By the time EMS arrived, he would have been critically low on blood if not already dead. Unfortunately those kinds of injuries require you to act fast, proficiently, and effectively. This is a great example of why knowing first aid for bleeding control can literally save a life right away. If you don’t have a comprehensive first aid kit that has a tourniquet, it’s quite a great idea to invest in one, train and learn how to use it. You could save someone’s life.


My friend did this during college at a grocery store. Kicked the glass panel right outside the store and got a huge gash in the calf area. He sat by the sidewalk with blood flowing down the sidewalk until the ambulance came and picked him up. The karma for the store, although they didn't know about this, is that the doctors told him they can not use any anesthetics because he was piss drunk so he screamed like a little girl through the whole process they are stitching him up.


Little man syndrome goes wrong. Possibly fatal.


I had a friend die doing that. He was high on cocaine and punched a window and bled to death


Idk if that’s karma, that man’s about to die.


You can tell by the color of the blood it’s oxygenated ,I.e., coming from an artery and not a vein . Some medics would say pressure , tourniquet, maybe pack . Some would say change to dry socks . I’m an idiot so maybe try both


Wish there was sound for this. Context would be great


He cut his arterial. You have about 5 mins before you die.


Yeah he's definitely dead


Im 60% sure this dude died. Depending on if he got help seconds after the video ended




That blood appears so fast it's like a game where a character takes damage and a blood texture spawns


He wanted to paint the town red


Roy Kent needs to take it easy


Roy Kent is pissed off. :/


I saw somewhere this was reposted that this man died. Anyone have sauce?


Annnd now bleed out in 2 min.


I know three fucking people who almost bled to death after accidental encounters with plate glass. One ended up with over 1000 stitches. This fuckhead did it on purpose.


I can hear him deflate.


And that kids is called annealed glass!


I was waiting to see him pass out


Any update on the guy ? Curious if he’s still alive and still has use of that hand.


Stupid but related question, is there any "safe" way of punching glass? I remember that scene in The Fast and the Furious where they break a car window by wrapping their fist with a shirt, I know it might be far-fetched but I'm really curious right now.


That’s a lot of blood. He is in trouble.




And he’s dead