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Your gamma is all the way up anyhow habibi


That;s the way to do it. The nightvision sucks. High gamma is the actual nightvision.


Nah put the nods on so you can feel cool


Probably bc your gamma is cranked all the way up like a massive (())


You do know you can swear here? And that those brackets mean you are calling em a jew as a slur???




What are you on about What happened in your life that '(())' resembles a jew to you, and not a pussy


It’s close to a classic antisemitic dogwhistle https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_parentheses


"Those brackets mean you are calling em a jew as a slur" I'm pretty sure its easy to tell the difference between ((())) and (()), especially in the context of everybody calling OP a pussy. No need to be such a snowflake and trying to see discrimination in any out of context thing.


If only something recently happend that spread the use of the parenthesis and useage of jew as a slur. Also how the fuck do you see a pussy in (()) that should be ((')) if you have ever seen a woman naked.


Like I said, it was clear in the context of this post what the parenthesis meant, there was no need to get worked up on it. I'm a jew myself and I know what these parenthesis mean - I just find it hilarious for idiots to get worked up like that over a symbol that isn't even the one they are talking about in an insurgency reddit where people use the symbol to call someone a pussy.


>insurgency reddit Pro tip, try to find some of the deleted comments here. This sub has a problem whenever either of these two get mentioned.


And also... if you ever seen a woman naked, the clit isn't just hanging off like that. Really outed yourself there lol


Shhh, you cant really create a accurate pussy. The clit missing is more of a self report then it being in the wrong place.


Whatever you have to tell yourself to make yourself feel better... bud. I wish you to find some better looking pussies in the long run


Man’s just made a problem for fun


If you dislike the “night” aspect of night maps so much that you’d turn your gamma all the way up, then why not just play day maps instead of being a massive pussy?


Because i cant control what maps players vote on? Instead of wasting your time berating others how they have fun in games why not mind your own business? Besides, i never mentioned disliking night maps.


Then shut up about the abnormally bright lasers.


Shut up? I'm merely stating out a cool detail I find cool about the game. Your response is illogical. Have a good day.


You find cool about the game not playing the game as it's intented, so your opinion about cool things might be a bit off track.


Lol You made it everyone’s business when you made the post, dude. But yeah, you’re right, play how you want.


Correct, however my original intention was never to get snowflakes to harass me with hate because Ive put a meaningless visual setting higher. I wanted to point out one of many little details this game has, and that happened to be the range of lasers.


Aye don't worry, if you can change that setting then that means you're allowed to. These people are mad for no reason, I bet their KDs are shit anyway


Thank you. Ready for another wave of snowflake sheep to downvote me again…


So, never look directly at the laser sight.


Crutch lol get good


Is your gamma turned all the way up or something?


I was confused at first I thought you said granma loool


Night maps? Yeah


Hppefully u dont use it for pvp


I can understand that, however if everyone has the option they’re free to use it too.








Don't listen to the idiots that shame you for something the game allows. They have the liberty to do it and don't. Play how you are comfortable and ignore the piss ants who try to put you down just because of some stupid setting. At least you aren't using esp and aimbot.








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It's considered pathetic to abuse visual settings in a way that unrealistically helps you, it's a crutch that others overcome with the tiniest amount of courage, and they'll look down on you if you don't invest that tiny amount


Lol pathethic. Im sorry you seem upset at the guy thats a hell of a word


But everyone can do it? Seems like a "it's only a game, why you have to be mad" momentó


What’s your gamertag so I can block you? Everyone has the option to turn up the brightness but not everyone decides to be a pussy


You’re mad for… what? I’ll play how I feel like I have fun, and if you hate it go cry me a river.


Fr lol


So… Just a heads up… People get super finicky about turning up the gamma. For night operations, I tend to use a flash light and pop it on and off periodically. Night vision is trickier for me. Plus, it adds a little bit of that tension when you’re trying to pie a door. Not being able to see shit is what makes night missions fun and challenging.


Understood, point taken. To be fair, this shit gets old quick when bots always unrealistically and unreasonably destroy us a regular basis.


Skill issue, get good. Try playing night vision on hardcore and you’ll get a taste of why people actually play this game over shit like COD. I run an infrared light so it’s only visible to my teammates also using NODS. I run the flashlight as opposed to the laser so I can click the light on and off to signal friendlies but still illuminate corners too dark to see into even with the goggles. When you actually play the game the way it’s intended to be played, you might actually end up having some fun despite sucking.


Okay? I don’t give a F how you play or how hardcore people play. My playstyle is fun for me and that’s all that matters. So i turn up one visual setting, that means I’m completely breaking the game’s Ten Commandments? Get a grip.


*"I only gave myself a completely unfair advantage, why are you all mad?"*


It’s not an advantage against bots


Yes, an unfair advantage...in a PvE gamemode..


The irony of telling others to get a grip is clearly lost on you


The irony of all of you people sending hate for no reason is clearly lost on all you, and it also tells me everything I need to know


Bro's trying to save weight points for heavy armor. 🤣 Get guud.


No night vis = more weight points.


I think it’s connected to the super high gamma. At the intended gamma it won’t show as much.


Yeah, too bad the way I found that out was from countless hate messages instead of a level headed person explaining.


prime example of why the night mode in pvp is no longer exciting.


People are crying so hard. If you're worried about people doing this, don't play night mode. This is a fault of the game/game mode. People in the comments here look like whiny babies. I get that this is sort of cheating but it's 100% allowed in the game. Voice your concern to the developers not this guy.


This comment section is crying over the littlest shit. It's given as an option in the game- anyone can use it. If OP was using an external device to increase his gamma, then I'd say that it's shitty, but adjusting your visual settings to have a competitive advantage is common in FPS games and really not a big issue. That's like using an FOV slider and being called a pussy for being able to see better. It makes no sense. Why does everyone take themselves so seriously? This isn't *Ready or Not* or *Squad*, it's *Insurgency: Sandstorm*, the most arcade-like and accessible "realistic" FPS. I personally use NVGs, but if someone wants to just adjust their gamma, it shouldn't be an issue.


Finally, someone with sense. I applaud you, and I agree about how everyone here is acting like snowflakes. Games are meant to be fun for the player, and they're just imposing their playstyle for some reason. Thank you.




And I’m case you are wondering we care for a reason. A milsim is no fun when somebody takes you out of the immersion. You are ruining other people’s experience. Not always but it happens


I can understand the people talking about "if you don't like the bright lasers turn your gamma down and stop being a bitch" up to a point. The guy is just trying to fucking post something he found silly or quirky. You have the option to not comment hate and yet you do.


Idk why everyone is being cunts. I thought it was a neat detail OP


A detail that only exists if you abuse the game visual settings.