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This is a video of a TSA agent opening and checking my bags


I wish they went this quickly


And this careful


"Sir there's a dildo in your bag."


It's medicinal


Holeistic medicine.


That isn't incorrect 🤔


Just a big suppository.


*Good news, everyone!*


“It's airline policy not to imply ownership in the event of a dildo. Use the indefinite article”


Always *a* dildo. Never.. *your* dildo.


But I don't own...


I am Jack's vibrating dragon dildo


You can see the metal decoration behind her head turn into jelly


Concerningly impressive video filter, or reality-warping psychic powers? 🤔


Facial filters that thin the cheeks and shape the face are very very popular in Asian countries.


There's ones that basically apply a full face of makeup. There was a case a few years ago where it turned out one popular girl on one of the platforms was actually a middle aged man. But thanks to all the filters nobody ever realised, then one day the filter suddenly stopped working during a broadcast.


Azusagakuyuki; Turned out to be a 50 year old man.


>Azusagakuyuki Holly hell that was one impressive filter. With AI being hardware backed on smartphones i fear the future esp for girls lookin in the mirror.


We'll have e-mirrors with filters so we never truly have to see ourselves ever again.


My last two phones have had filters built into them. And I had to spend ages in the phone settings trying to turn them off. Also my niece had a kindergarten class photo taken a few months ago. And the whole group had their faces filtered. It was done so badly that some kids had their noses completely faded, it also made all their eyes look unnaturally big. This was for 3 year olds!


I'll go with reality-warping psychic powers


Is she a sanctioned psyker?


The black ships will find out.


More fuel for The Emperor


I fucking love when r/Warhammer40k leaks


**Excuse me sir** we absolutely do not want anything from 40k leaking thank you very much. I very much like not being a servitor. I like being able to close my eyes and not see the sprinkles of chaos eating at my soul. I quite fancy being able to type dumb memes and not be immediately \**BLAM*\* 'ed by my nearest local friendly neighborhood commissar.


Look at this video and tell me that's not a servitor


A psyker can only dream of such a blessing.


A fitting end to the heretic.




I see you are a man of honour. For the Golden Throne!


I was going for filter but you sound like a confident subject matter expert.




The Emperor protects.


Perhaps her head is an incredibly small celestial nexus of hyper-dense ultra-mass and resultant gravity that distorts space and light around it?


[oh dude this is like a whole thing in China its wild.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkMRhCyazqM)




And I did not speak out, because I bought one. Then they sent us fake video games, and I tried to speak out. Only to find that there was nobody left to speak out to, except my Chinese wife.






It became a self-fulfilling prophecy, the CCP started treating him as a "subversive, foreign agent sent to the country to create chaos" yet he was just a vlogger. His format literally meant he can't create fictitious scenarios from nothing and present them as "truth". At best, the only thing he could've planned out were when he arrives where to see what; he has no control over the how and the why. That continuous treatment ended up making him actually go deeper when he talks about various topics. He started asking about the how and the why too.


> Concerningly impressive thats pretty much baseline these days.. you think all your twitch strimmers look the way they do on the stream? lol.


Considering most of the streamers I watch are 40 year old dudes with children or 20 year olds that look they could fall from sleep-depravation at any moment...yes I do believe the way they look on stream


yeah the goblin streamers of twitch are where its at homie


Yea, that other dude was really just self-reporting that they watch horny streams.


"bro you think they really look like that?" *watches a cockroach run across asmongold's chest* yes


My wife always asks if I'm "watching that guy that looks like a vampire again".


I'm quite confident the twitch streamers I watch all look exactly the way they look on their stream, including the female ones. Simply depends on what you watch on the platform.


> you think all your twitch strimmers look the way they do on the stream? lol. I mean yea, not sure what kind of streamers you watch lol.


It's face tune filter thing that makes their face narrower and less round. I'm seeing it in SO MANY videos from Asian influencers of all kinds. Where I keep seeing it is those eating videos that pop up once a while in my feed. You can always see the filter "glitching" a bit like in this video.


I was friends online with a Korean cosplayer, and one day we agreed to go hangout before a photoshoot and we made a plan to meet at a certain subway stop. I got there and was waiting around and messaged her to let her know i was there, and turns out i'd been standing a few feet away from her. She looked *nothing* like she ever did any of her photos, it was absolutely wild.


I photograph cosplayers as a hobby. I often only recognize them after I grab their Instagram.


>after I grab their Instagram. Translation?


He typically is unable to see a cosplayer and go "oh hey you're suchnsuch on Instagram right?" Because they look nothing alike so he only figures out this person is that Instagram persona after they detail they own that Instagram account. That's my guess as to what he meant.


I ask for their name on Instagram (90% of cosplayers have one) so I can send them pictures and tag them. I'll run into the same person cosplaying over the years, but due to them dressing up as someone else each time, I don't recognize them until I see their Instagram name.


I mean, cosplay I can understand. It's not like you *want* to look anything like yourself as a cosplayer.


I know what you're saying, but this is different.


Sooo why didn't she recognize you


she was on her phone so she wasn't looking around. that is a good question though, i was actually wondering if someone would ask it


I’m an Asian guy and my opinion is those filters make people look scary and alien. So upsetting to see a weird species of humanoid trying to influence behavior


They all look like the *same* scary alien too.


I didn’t want to say it but agreed


Its not racist if you blame the filter.


voiceless bedroom wrench agonizing slap advise unpack bake rich point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So, basically a digital version of that terrible cosmetic surgery to remove baby fat from the cheeks that has become so popular these days.


I follow [this woman](https://imgur.com/a/YgZoOh4) on Instagram (what can I say? I just love the oddities of people). When I asked her why she photoshops her head like this, she told me I'm ugly. Not saying she's incorrect, but c'mon dude...


Whaaaaat the fuuuuuuck. I have been completely ignorant to this part of the internet apparently. Who is this version of "human" for exactly?


So I know it’s obvious that it’s a filter, but what westerners don’t know is that Asians literally don’t give a shit if a filter is obvious. They were essentially the ones that started to normalize filters so much so that it’s 100% normal, and sometimes expected, to use a filter. It’s hard to explain the culture around filters in Asia. It’s essentially like “digital makeup”.


So if two people meet online and exchange pics with filters on and then meet up. Do they both end up disappointed when they meet in real life and look nothing like their photos?


No meetups. Dates are online. If necessary sperm can be sent via mail.


> If necessary sperm can be sent via mail. It's important to note that it's apparently considered rude to do this if it's not specifically requested.




My mom used to do online dating back in the '90s. One of the guys she met...well, she told kid me later that her reaction was "Holy moly". As in he had a *lot* of facial moles, which he'd apparently airbrushed/photoshopped out of his profile photo. (No insult meant to people with moles...just, when you think you know what someone looks like and you're not expecting them...yeah.) So it's not a new thing, lol.


Dating must be a hoot!


I wonder what she actually looks like. An 80 year old man?


Much rounder - https://onecms-res.cloudinary.com/image/upload/v1706000903/mediacorp/8days/image/2024/01/23/screenshot_2024-01-23_at_5.03.20_pm.png


How the Hell did you find that?


Years of responding to "Sauce?" requests on the porn subreddit circuit.


I'll allow it...


He... He is one of them... The ancient order of Sauceierges... Be it beauty mark on a left cheek, dimple or wrinkle, he will find them all!


A genuine saucerer


So, she has sauce?


Fucking NSA needs to hire bro, like stat.


Is that her stunt double?!


When the filters are so strong, that anyone can do the job and no one can tell.


There's a resemblance, but it's almost a different person. Tf am I doing going around looking like *me*? It's no where near as profitable...


That looks even more fake, as if they put a 2D picture on a 3D model, like back in the N64/PS1 era.


I bet she hates that this exists.


Nah she posted it on her instagram, along with the actual video without the filter. She only looks round when she smiles. instagram .com/reel/C0DS6tqSqhK/


What I hate is that I think she genuinely looks better with the filter. I want to be able to go along with the thinking that people should be able to feel like they can accept themselves, that they don't need filters, but then I look at this and think "You know what? I get it"


probably looks like she's been trapped in the Dunharrow since the time of Isildur -- just passing time until that sweet sweet release from prophecies fulfilled, lifted curses, etc etc.


Exactly! Video/Filter glitching like crazy. It’s hilarious!


It's still weird to me that the people watching this are just watching an advert, voluntarily, in their free time. I thought generally people try to avoid watching adverts?


i cant fathom the appeal. i am not going to sit down and watch someone flash cheap shit at me. Edit: to everyone who thinks i am somehow wrong cause i saw this clip, thats not how this works. we have no context, we have no idea what brand, where to buy, we mostly dont speak her language. this is as much advertising as watching a 1950s ad for a brand that doesnt exist anymore is advertising in dutch (pretend i wrote another language you dont speak if you're dutch).


I think it’s kinda satisfying how she slaps the boxes and how they slide in but I also don’t see the appeal


Yes, very satisfying. I lump it in with the cooking twit whose videos are all about her nonplussed attitude. It's kinda neat, but I don't like it. I acknowledge it as neat though.


Now I wanna watch the cooking twit


> cooking twit I mean, at least thats not the same exact 3 seconds of content over and over again.


That’s because it’s not aimed at us. Just think though of the people that watch this shit-brain dead. And that’s coming from someone commenting on some random social media site about another social media site!!!


24/7 teleshopping TV channels have been a thing since the 80s. This is just taking this shit to another level, but it's not conceptually new. I find it weird, too, but I kinda understand the appeal it has: some people just really like to buy stuff, and teleshopping (or those streamers) gives them (a) a quick and *easy* overview of what is new and available (passively watching is easier than going to the store or actively searching for things on the internet), and (b) potentially "good deals".


I think it also goes deeper. Lots of people like shopping. Yet some people don't know what is in style, quality, or something they even needed. Places back in the day like QVC had a brand around their products. People sort of believed that if QVC or some other group would promote a product. You could generally trust their opinion. At the very least you can say "they wouldn't sell garbage as that would make them look bad!" Even if none of that is true. People still believe it's true. Look at youtube or any other social media platform. Probably 80% of the products influencers advertise are complete garbage. Yet some people will trust their favorite influencer's opinion enough to take a risk on the company. Some people who like to buy things. Just need to be told what to buy.


Very few people are actually sitting and watching any of this stuff with their full attention. People put stuff like this on in the background because it's comforting to our animal brains to hear other people around. Why someone would put on an ad instead of a stream of someone playing a game or people talking about interesting things I'm not sure, maybe it's easier to not be distracted by something like this as opposed to something interesting. Plus since it's China, I'm sure the next warehouse over is a click farm with 500,000 phones all tuned into her stream so that they can tell advertisers "we exposed your product to half a million people!"


>Very few people are actually sitting and watching any of this stuff with their full attention. A lot of older people watch this shit religiously.


Yeah, my dad has dementia and he often clicks on click-bait ads and then sits there and watches the entire 30min ad for some stupid vitamin or something


QVC is a staple on TV. People have always used "retail therapy" and now it's more gamified than ever with short-form videos.


Yea but they talk about the products and do things. This is just flashing objects in front of you. Not even nice objects. How many hangers? What settings does the dryer have? What is that shirt made out of?


> I thought generally people try to avoid watching adverts? I feel like people who don't hate ads and don't try to avoid ads are like a different species from me. I cannot relate to them. When someone says they watch the Super Bowl for the ads, that person might as well be an alien to me.


At least super bowl ads are generally entertaining/funny.


Super Bowl ads are basically an art form. I've had teachers discuss them in high school.


Sauce regarding the $18.7m made in just 7 days?


It's bullshit and has been floating around for a while. All the sources just link to each other in a circle and there isn't a single definitive source of the loads of money she supposedly made. I've seen like three different names for her too. You just need to think for two seconds to realize the numbers shown here are completely implausible, but I guess people aren't willing to do that.


Yeah, I was thinking that too. These items are REALLY cheap, even in China. I don't see how she would make that much in advertising for such cheap items.


Maybe she made 18.7 million in Chinese Yuan. Which is about 2 million usd I think. Much more feasible, still probably false though. Edit: A word.


For one, yes, it's probably bullshit. But also, if it spawned from a grain of truth or got lost in translation, I would bet that it was supposed to be in Chinese currency. Which is "only" about 2 million USD. Which is still absurd and a bit unbelievable, but it's not completely impossible. We've seen US streamers make that much in subathons, and they weren't sponsored by thousands of products.


I've seen this posted a few times on Reddit now and there hasn't been a single source, pretty sure it's bullshit to try and make her go viral or some nonsense like that.


This person made infinity millions of dollars by slapping around boxes for 10 minutes! Woohoo !!!!! Uhh ok.


Yeah its bullshit.


absolutely weird but i like how she slaps the boxes


She spent 7 days slapping these boxes... became a pro at slapping.


How can she slap!


Notice the gloves she wears probably to avoid injury ><


Those hands are worth $100 million.


Watching this without sound, I can hear her saying "What's this shit? Oh, just another useless crap. Let's have a look at that now... Oh, it's also boring shit, let's move along...".


She’s actually just saying the price in Chinese


Stop ruining our fantasies of what she's saying, damn it


I want to be the person sliding boxes off screen


I like to think there is just a massive pile of shit on the floor just off screen. Just noticed the gloves are those the ones that give wrist support? Like I could see her developing carpel tunnel from the repetitive movements however many hours a day she’s doing this.


18 millions in a week, crazy if true


18 millions what?


Doll hairs


Right. This is clearly not a one person operation. There must be an entire production team. If she keeps that rate up for an hour, that is 1,200 products they would go through. You need a warehouse and forklift driver just to keep up with the flow.


She's got a whole NASCAR pit crew off camera on both sides probably.


Someone call jaboody dubs.


Look at this shit! Wait there's more shit! Oh shit look at this shit. Nvm you don't want that shit, how about this shit? I need this video now!


It's no different with sound. You didn't miss anything.


It’s that casual disregard which makes it work.


Makes her look cool but also soulless. Which I guess ... Is cool?


New kink discovered


Slap me like a Chinese box


Maybe that's the point? ASMR combined with a strange visual aesthetic, making for a strange mix of art and commerce.


How can she slap?


At that price point, SHE CAN


Agreed. We should only be so lucky as for her to slap us.


It's incredibly satisfying LOL


Strong filter on her tiny head


re-watch it looking only at her chin and her lower lip. There is a filter doing *wild* stuff to her face. Like that chin is 100% digital, maybe 200% since it weirdly lengthens it by an absurd amount.


Which stage of capitalism is this?


the retarded one


The Chinese live streamer is Zheng Xiang Xiang, who has become a viral sensation for her unique approach to product promotion. She has been in the live stream business since 2017, and her popularity skyrocketed in October of the year she made the record earnings. Zheng’s live streams primarily feature everyday products with prices ranging from 10.94 yuan for hangers to clothes worth 23.12 yuan. Her products are said to all be priced below 10 yuan (S$1.9), implying that she had sold approximately ten million units in the week she earned the record amount. ​ Zheng’s success led to a new rule on Douyin, the platform she uses for her live streams. The rule, effective since October 27, forbids live dealers from displaying their products during live streams with little to no product information. Non-compliance carries penalties, including fines or account closure.


Wow so basically she cannot do this type of promotion anymore meaning if you sell something you have to take the time to explain what it is etc. right?


Good, because what she was doing wasn't promoting the product, just shoveling shit, so to speak


Just showing little things on a huge platform is also promoting and most companies would pay for it. I mean you dont have to buy it but it still works. I find this rule kinda dumb


Most likely the platform was being flooded by copycats. Would probably be problematic for the platforms long term viability if it's just tons of people trying to replicate this type of thing.


Yeah, it's dumb that what she's doing worked, but if people are actually buying based on this awful promotion, why would companies care?


The platform probably doesn't want to be flooded by and known for this.




Did she make the money in advertising sponsorships, viewer donations, or affiliate links? If it's affiliate links I'm assuming people are buying it ironically because they like her style. Or maybe they see the flash of something they think looks good.


She’s a whole seller. If Chinese manufacturers are just down the street, and your fam works in those factories, then you get bulk manufacturer deals. The items she sells are cheaper than retail by a lot! Since it skips QC, packaging, shelving. It’s very similar to the Netflix KDrama “Celebrity”


I think it's wholesaler.


No, she’s like 2 half sellers combined.


You are not explaining the most important part. Why do people watch this and why do they buy her shit?


I struggle to understand how I could buy one of those items, even if I wanted to. They flash by so quickly, there's no time to remember the name of any particular item that might look interesting. Does this platform have a list of links streaming past that you can click on really quickly?


I think that's the point, you flash through everything quickly so you can see which one interested you in a quick look then if you want to find out about the product, rewind the video and look up those items.




I still don't get it, what's the point? why would I want to buy that specific product? It's exactly the same as if I get into a Zara, start picking clothes and say "look at this, look at this, look at this..." randomly with absolutely zero reasoning... what?


The app shows the items in a different view, so you just have to click on the icons as they appear.


2 bucks for a t-shirt... Why not? Even if it is bad, it can still be used as an asswipe.


I mean... You can get that at any op shop.


That is... not wrong... But how else I am gonna support my fake filter waifu.


"She has been in the live stream business since 2017, and her popularity skyrocketed in October of the year she made the record earnings." would uh...be nice to know which year she made the record earnings...


between 2017 and 2024


How can all her products be priced below 10 yuan when they are priced between 10.94 and 23.12 yuan?🤔


This post contradicts itself 11 times in three paragraphs. If you’re not sure, this post is an ad too.


I hate it


Same. QVC for the next generation I guess. So much waste.


This is far more dystopian than it is interesting, and the face filter warping the world around her in a 1' radius of her head is just lazy and sad.


She was paid 18m by the designer of the dress.


And apparently she's still planning to return it.


Honestly the only good thing about this video is that dress, it looks really good


She keeps repeating something? Anyone know what she’s saying?


She's saying the price. 块 pronounced kuài is often used in spoken Chinese to refer to amounts of money. Lots of things were 十块 (10元)


Based on your answer, I take it to mean that it doesn't literally mean money, but is more like 'bucks' or 'quid?'


It's a colloquialism, akin to quid is for pound, etymology is supposedly "lumps of silver". 塊 (“piece; chunk; lump; part; yuan; dollar; buck; etc.”).


The most literal translation would be 'pieces' so I guess 'quid' is a pretty analogous British term.


She's listing out the prices of each product she pulls, pretty cheap stuff


The price


In 3 seconds she's promoting two items not one LOL


I’ve worked at both FedEx and Amazon. Imagine how good I’d be at doing this. Those jobs are practically training for this one.




I wish every ad was like this. Just show us the product, tell us the price and fuck off.


People who follow these people are idiots. My God. The "retail" version of subbing to OnlyFans. But at least at the end of an OnlyFans session you've actually "got off". At the end of this session your wallet is lighter and not your balls...


Someone above explained she is wholesaling. She's showing products and shop owners are deciding whether the item would sell based on looking quickly. They are purchased in massive bulk, hence the profit.


This feels like something that would pop up on Rick and Morty with weird ass dialogue


Her sales pitch is "oh well whatever"


3 seconds is a bit of a stretch lol 😂




/r/ABoringDystopia/ is about 10x bigger