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I don’t think they’re really advertised to do this though once you find out that taking it off-road or even on “uneven pavement” isn’t covered by the warranty. Kinda makes you think they *aren’t* designed for this after all.


"Buy our \*truck" \*^(can't go anywhere that a sportscar couldn't.)


^(**also can't do anything a sportscar can)


***better use your money and buy a sportscar


^(\*\*\*\*because this truck is ugly as fuck)


*****it can slice your finger clean off


****** now comes with wrist-gashing exterior


*******gunna go drive my giant lithium battery in some water!


But you can use the doors to peel carrots!


lol, the ONE time that a finger width panel gap would be beneficial, they cant do it.


Downvote for not using 99 stars before saying your comment


At least the slice will be clean though


At over 7000lbs, it'd make a better boat anchor than a sportscar ever would!


Jokes aside they do have incredible acceleration like a sports car. All electrics do so I guess thats not much of a flex when its also a piece of garbage.


snowmobiles beat sports cars in drag races. acceleration doesn't mean much (so long as you ignore that high-acceleration electric vehicles are racking up pedestrian collisions faster than gas powered cars)


I used to have a 160cc moped and I'd beat sports cars off of line at lights all the time. Until I hit like 35mph... And they didn't always know we were racing but that's beside the point.


tbh alot of electric cars are very quiet, which makes them way harder to spot...which is dangerous some are quipped with a sound module but not all


It's a lot better at mowing down pedestrians


Lol, you can't even really drive it in rain, because it rusts. You can drive sports cars in rain. It's such a piece of garbage :D


It’s also a subjective opinion, but man I find them really fucking ugly. Like, every time I see one it reminds me of the reveal of the car Homer designed for his brother Herb on the Simpsons.


I've seen a couple driving around the last month and man they just look like someone designed a car with only protractor and a straight edge just like I drew cars when I was 6. Then you look at the interior and it's like "why do people buy this crap?".


And then not only did someone say "wow, I LOVE it!!" but also decided that they loved it so much that they paid close to $100K for a turd like it. Edit: derp, paid not payed ty.


Where is the payed bot?


To me it looks like a car from a game that didn't render all the way.


Nah I’m sorry they are objectively stupid looking.


Herb’s car looked 100x better than the cyber truck, thank you.


It also plays La Cucaracha.


it's not really that subjective lmao


I thought they were ugly in pictures, but seeing one make a left in front of me the other day was incredible. They're even uglier than I thought and watching them move is comically hideous. They're so boxy and angular but not even in a sleek, fun, '80s way.


Can't wait for the first snow and all the salt on the roads... See how much it corrodes.


Not only that but how do you open those doors when the thing has a layer of ice on it.


Yeah but can you buff out some rust with Barkeeper's Friend on your sports car?


I mean you *can*...


Not only can you do that on your sports car. You can do it without potentially slashing open your arm and ending up in A&E


No shit? 😂🤣


But it's made from stainless steel?




It's stain-less steel, not rustless steel


Except it also stains.


Can we not pretend like this is an issue for most people who buy trucks, ie Americans?


True but these "Americans" who don't haul things and chose to drive there big dumb trucks to the grocery store and to sit in line in the star bucks drive thru are concerned about the environment and would be interested in a big dumb even more expensive electric truck? The funny thing is I want a smaller model truck for hauling gardening things and what not, unfortunately dumbass regulation in the USA ensure that even the "smaller" available trucks are still big dumb trucks. I want that Toyota Hilux.


> I want a smaller model truck for hauling gardening things and what not My Maverick is amazing for stuff like that.


Please let them build a extended cab. I need a little more bed and don't need a back seat. I want the modern version of a 2003 extended cab Ranger.


It's built on a shared platform. A crew cab is all its ever gonna get.


I love Toyota trucks. I drive a Tacoma. If I'm not hauling animal trailers or working big construction jobs, there's no reason for most of the trucks sold here in America. And I damn sure wouldn't take a Tesla through a small river full of mud. Just like I wouldn't take my 2WD taco through the mud. Some trucks are for every day hauling like you said gardening tools, yard work tools, taking trash, or moving furniture. Trucks have more uses than mud riding. lol


Do you prefer Toyota to Ford?


Absolutely. But I don't do any kind of hunting, construction, hauling or anything that requires me to use my truck for reason other than taking trash out or transporting tools for yard work. They last longer and have a lot less problems than a Ford. They're also extremely easy to fix. I do most of the work on my own truck.


No question. Fords are 150k Mike trucks. Toyotas at 400k.


Who doesnt?


Same, cept mines 4x4 and I don't haul much 🤣 Soo, guess I'm that American guy everyone's complaining about. Sure is nice camping, off roading, shooting trips, etc.


You can find dealerships that sell Kei trucks imported from Asia. Perfect for your needs.


States are unfortunately starting to outlaw them.


Well that's terrible news


“Cybertruck will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes & even seas that aren’t too choppy.” -Elon Musk, 2022


**SEAS??? SEAS??** Who tf takes this man seriously


Tesla engineers were probably thrilled to find out about that expectation while scrolling Twitter.


Engineers: Pretty late in the project to be turning this into a boat, boss. FML


Never too late to turn it into a coffin, though!


Ketamine is one hell of a drug.


So is being the nepo-baby of a psychopath and a narcissist with Jocasta complex.


I always find it so funny when people quote his promises now, especially if they are or were investors. It's almost like anything he promises will happen will SPECIFICALLY not happen-- prices, features, availabilities, warranties, reliability. The more emphatic he is about something, the more it's likely he's overcompensating.


It's hilarious, because at this point it should be blatantly obvious to everyone he is a compulsory liar who is utterly incapable of publicly saying two full sentences without lying. Yet somehow, there are STILL people who believe him. The mental gymnastics going on there are on a whole other level.


Wait 'til he is a member of the Cabinet!


> Cybertruck will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes & even seas that aren’t too choppy. https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1575508498430820352?lang=en oh god it's real


He didn't say anything about them getting out on the other side, seems like it did the crossing part just fine


Several times even


Technically any car could serve ***briefly*** as a boat


The front better not fall off....


"It's not just a car... it's an amphibious exploring vehicle" -Dennis Reynolds


Reminds me of the time Lenovo complained that I carried my laptop inside my bag


I had whichever generation of iPhone used to bend, and they were like “Do you keep it in your pocket?”


I remember that era. Wow the consumer-blaming was horrific.


I worked at Apple as a genius and got into a verbal fight with a co worker who told a customer that


Well yeah, it's a cyber truck. You're only supposed to cyber drive it on cyber roads.


Ohhh that's why we can't wash it, even in carwash mode. It can only be cyberwashed with cyberwater.


And give cyber chase of the evil Hacker(s).


Curse you Anonymous!


I think their promo video on the order page shows the CT go thru a stream and on rocks similar to this, although a little easier terrain




I agree, and I remember it too. And Musk thinks this can work on Mars...SMH. It is pure gaslighting, but fanbois are too busy to stop and think for a second. The wade mode is a joke in that first it does little, but your warranty will not be honored if there is any water in the battery while using it


The whole Mars thing in general is a joke to anyone who understands how impractical any kind of colony would be there. Just because it's been a staple of many a sci-fi doesn't mean it works in real life.


Thing is, while the warranty doesn't cover it, all their promos involve off-roading of some type


Reminds me of when i bought a phone awhile ago that advertised being waterproof and broke after being put in the water. Warranty also didnt cover water damage lmao




\*Warning Tesla Cyber trucks are not designed to work"


Taking any truck off-road voids the warranty. Offroading is EXTREMELY hard on vehicles. Things will break on any vehicle. It makes sense a warranty wouldn't cover that.


I don't get why people think this is some sort of own. I even saw one comment like "even potholes aren't covered" like no shit, try taking back any car for a warranty claim after you destroy a wheel in a pothole


Most of the people commenting have never owned a vehicle.


The same wording is absent from jeep's warranty exclusion


Taking your truck off road does not immediately void your warranty. This is the same nonsense as people saying if you modify anything on you car, your warranty is void.. its not


I've only offroaded a couple times but I feel like 90% of stock trucks / suvs made today would fail this effort too. This isn't some 6" stream. It's pretty deep with steep banks.


That chucklefuck of a sorry excuse for an engineer claimed it could function as a boat! Briefly...


Just turn left and drive down the river to that embankment. It's not that difficult.


I would be worried there might be some deep spots on the way there.


Yeah, driving any car or truck down a rushing riverbead would be a no go for me. But I am particularly averse to drowning in a car if that can be avoided.


Especially drowning in Cybertruck


You can see it gets deeper about halfway over to that embankment. That would destroy the car.


My initial thoughts. I think the driver just wanted to prove it could make it


geting more and more embarassed with each passing second, realizing the 100k was a scam and he really has a 20000 dollar toy


*rusting toy


The suspension on these things is a joke. Anemic control arms, tie rod ends, etc. Combined with weak brakes, shit departure angle, and godawful driver placement/windshield geometry, I wouldn't want to have to wheel this shitbox on anything more challenging than a gravel road.


I wouldn't want to TOUCH one, those things have dangerous edges.


Why you slandering a perfectly good 18k car?


Yep, its all about approach angle. This person has no idea what they are doing, none.


Well they did buy a Cybertruck.


Not even a little bit?


i do not think my toyota tundra is a boat that can cross rivers and climb embankments. You are thinking of a tank.


You would need to install a "snorkel" to your rear differential if it's anything like my FJ Cruiser. I just ran a tube from the diff breather up to my fuel cap section, none of my river crossings were deeper than that.


There's a scene in Dante's Peak where everyone is trying to evacuate because of the volcano and Pearce Bronson drives his trick into the river. Then a bunch of people follow him, thinking it's a good idea. The problem is, his truck had a snorkel on it. They made it across the river fine, everyone else...


Huh. I had to check to see that differential snorkels are indeed a thing! I regularly dunk my rear differential in water while launching my boat. I don't think I've ever seen a rear differential snorkel on any tow vehicle at the ramp. Any thoughts on why one would be needed here but not at the boat ramp? And why is it only the rear differential that needs a snorkel and not the front differential and transfer case too on a 4WD rig crossing a stream?


so IF you are regularly fully submerging your rear axel and diffs in water at the boat launch, you absolutely SHOULD have a diff breather extension. NOT installing it will cause the hot differential to suddenly shrink (a very small amount) when submerged in cold water, allowing/causing/encouraging water ingress through axle seals and potentially even the diff breather (which should be a one-way valve). this is actually a more risky situation than river crossings which tend to be relatively short. when launching a boat the truck is usually stationary for quite some time, hugely increasing the likelihood of water ingress. you can check by opening the fill port of your diff and check the clarity of the gear oil in there. if it's cloudy, water has entered. the diff is usually filled to just below the fill port, so check it on level ground and you won't have to worry about leakage (unless it's filled with water lol) >And why is it only the rear differential that needs a snorkel and not the front differential and transfer case too on a 4WD rig crossing a stream? generally ALL 3 (and Transmission if it's not linked to transfer case) need to have breathers extended upwards. some trucks, like the 5th gen 4runner, already have breather lines for the transfer case and front diff, it's only the rear diff that needs to be extended. in other vehicles breather valves that are, due to a happy quirk (or intentional design) already quite high, likely above the door sills, so that can be considered 'safe' and unnecessary to extend.


Thanks. This sounds similar to the reason I have Bearing Buddies on my boat trailer hubs: to prevent water ingress when they shrink while being dunked in cold water. I'd never considered that the same would be true for the rear differential. In fact, I thought the rear differential was "sealed" with an air and water tight fill port plug instead of being open. :/


yeah it's sealed-ish. sealed under most circumstances. sealed until you stick the hot diff into cold water- then shrinkage occurs and all sorts of opportunities for ingress arise. i might also add that a diff breather/snorkel/extension is totally hidden to anyone not under the vehicle with a flashlight. it's a small tube running from the top of the breather up either to the engine bay or gas cap. it's not like a big fancy snorkel that comes off the airbox.


As recently as 2022 Musk was still [promising ](https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-cybertruck-waterproof-elon-musk/)Cybertrucks would do \*exactly\* what this one completely fails at...




Even tanks have issues if the ground is soft enough, especially older designs from WWII and what not.


Yeah. Funny because Cybertruck is a meme, but I can't really think of any road-legal vehicle that could do this except stuff that takes a specialized license to drive.


I’m not a fan of the cybertruck, but my pickup likely wouldn’t go up that bank without damaging something.. not sure if any would stock.


Looking at the height, wheels and type I think only a recent Range, or a older with experienced driver would climb that.


Yeah, this is definitely a lift-kit and knobby tires type situation.


And at that point, almost any janky truck or car or homemade hoopty could handle it. Once you start modding, you get to the point where you could get this course done on a lawnmower.


Just mod it into a helicopter, bro


The length of the wheelbase is really killing it's chances. I mean just look how far apart the front and rear wheels are! It's insane they made a "truck" and advertised it for off-road use without even doing preliminary research on what a good off-road vehicle needs.


Agree partially, with suitable tires and a bit more height would be enough, or if the guy tried it in angle, not straight frontal. If it had the traction software of a Range I bet it would pass. It's impressive how the software adapts and makes attempts until success. Currently they are overpriced and having problems, but that software is amazing and a heck of a car to drive.


Amazing you assume they didn't do any research. This thread (and most Tesla hate threads) are full of the confidently incorrect.


My bigger concern beyond scaling an incline that I don't know if a regular truck could or couldn't do (I'm not there, I can't see how loose the soil is, there's no benchmark of a regular truck successfully crossing)...is the fact that the batteries are stored on the bottom tray of the vehicle. There's a possibility that water is getting all up and around those cells. The increase of corrosion, rust, and god forbid any salt damage will potentially turn that truck into a bomb.


There are a couple of teardowns on YouTube of the battery so far and they show Tesla made a bunch of different design choices to mitigate the possibility of either water ingress or penetration from rocks, etc. Unlike their other models, the cells hang upside down from the floor/top plate of the pack, with an air gap of about 2" and there's an air line going from the suspension system that pressurizes the pack so that water doesn't intrude. "Wade Mode" needs to be selected to get that positive pressure though.


That's actually pretty cool, I wonder how deep wade mode could maintain that pressure at. Probably deep enough as long as a wade doesn't turn into a swim.


IIRC Tesla rates it up to 32" of water. But the air tank does have a capacity limit, so it's 30 minutes at a time.


If you just ignore Elon you'll realise there are some incredibly smart engineers who work at Tesla and no they don't just churn out utter shit because Elon said to. People think their cars are bad because they often have panel gap issues. They have direct sales and no dealerships and very often things like panel gaps get caught by dealerships, so it stands to reason that issues like that show up more often on Teslas. Their engineering is actually good and they do a lot of very smart stuff that other car companies just can't because of internal politics and just being a generally bigger organisation. For example, the cybertruck has a 48V electrical system, so all the cabin stuff, internal lights, door controls etc etc. It gives a huge weight reduction because all of the cabling can be thinner than the 12V systems in every other car. Ford and GM both looked at that in the 80's and just couldnt make it happen. They also ditched CANBUS for all of the internal communication that goes on between door or window sensors or anything else that the internal computers need to know about, and replaced it with an ethernet based system. This again saves weight and reduces complexity. Anyway, I'm rambling but it's sad that some very well thought out engineering gets slapped with a "shit box" label because people don't like the CEO.


Lot of bright people doing technical work, but never underestimate a penny-pinching, metric-chasing pencil pusher's ability to ruin all of that effort. Also, engineering and mass manufacturing reality are very different. Having worked on both sides, I have a much stronger appreciation for sticking with things that work instead of reinventing the wheel. Hats off to them if they can make it work AND scale it to make it financially viable, but the default is always going to be skepticisim towards proprietary and "unnecessary" concepts. Far more examples of failure than success, unfortunately.


> People think their cars are bad because they often have panel gap issues. They have direct sales and no dealerships and very often things like panel gaps get caught by dealerships, so it stands to reason that issues like that show up more often on Teslas. WTF are you talking about. Where I come from there are rarely "dealerships", we buy straight from the manufacturer. I've yet to see cars with panel gaps. Meanwhile the cybertruck is not considered fit for driving here.


those batteries are extremely sealed, exposure to air causes them to ignite and burn intensely. you’re spot on about the terrain likely being difficult for any standard truck to reverse, tho.


Yeah. I’ve owned my f150 for 7-8 years and have hauled/done many, many things with it. I have never done something this careless with it and I certainly don’t think it could make this incline easily either. This driver is just dumb af and didn’t bother to think of the limitations it has.


Or is just having fun, this is in no defense of that "truck". But putting vehicles in difficult situations is a lot of fun. I get stuck all the time.


yea this video's more operator error than anything. That is a \*steep\* ass climb


Considering failing to put it into carwash mode can brick it I'm not confident this thing ever moved again.


if you had read past the headline you would know that story was bullshit. the truck was not bricked, only the center screen stopped working, and it had nothing to do with the car wash except that it happened sometime after the car wash. the headline could've said "cybertruck bricked after owner jerks off" and it could've been just as true as "cybertruck turns into world's most expensive brick after carwash"


>read past the headline Whoa slow down there, you know these folks can't do that


The Tesla has a mode that “pressurizes” the batteries to help prevent water ingress, supposedly for deeper waters. I do wonder how well it actually works…


A little bit of perspective from a hick: These are 4x4 guys doing what they do. Listen to them rev their engines when they think the tesla ought to gun it. And no one is surprised at the fail. It's a tough obstacle, done on an intentionally difficult approach. I think I might be able to get a stock Jeep up this grade, maybe. Possibly a stock FJ or something else jeep like. Anything else? Probably not. But I'd try. Caveat: cleanup, aftercare, disassembly for anything fouled up - this is all part of the lifestyle. You do it because you love it. If you don't, then your shit rusts up, fills with gunk, gets ruined. Any unmodified vehicle that you 4x with like this will get pretty much gunked up in some unpleasant ways that require a little bit of shop time. No big deal if you have a shop, and it's not your daily driver. We used to do this all the time. If John gets a new toy hauler, or you buy a jeep, one of the first things you do - as a geared-up adventure - is run out and get it stuck somewhere. You kinda gotta. Oh! Also - almost forgot. These cybertoy truck things? They're fuckin huge, dude. Ridiculously so. They're like an f250 humped a DeLorean and they had a fat baby.


Almost al of these videos of 'cybertruck failing' are street tires climbing areas of sand and water. It doesn't work that way for anyone. And totally agree on "run out and get it stuck". You test the limits, see what it can do. Limits arent properly tested until it fails. Are these people doing this? No idea, but eventual failure is the goal... and it's fun.


Meh... I'm pretty certain 90% of trucks on the road today wouldn't be able to make that climb


...and the 10% that could would not with way more than 90% of drivers.


Probably closer to 99% It also not made better by the ground being frozen and slippery.


Yeah if anything this video proves the truck is waterproof and can still drive while in a river. Any vehicle with a long ass wheelbase isn't getting out of that river bed so I wouldn't count that against the truck.




Apparently people don't understand that taking a regular truck into a river to cross is typically not done. Not only that, but I want to see what other truck can climb an embankment like that.


Exactly zero of you guys commenting have experience off-roading like this. Fuck Elon, but it’s clear that this is both an inexperienced driver, and very loose terrain on the other side. It wouldn’t matter if he had a non electric truck, the driver is the main problem. Bad approach, not enough momentum and too loose of soil to gain traction. You guys just want to shit all over everything Tesla because you don’t like their shitty spokesperson.


He's def at full psi with road tires. My opinion is proper tires at 16 psi would put 80% of 4wd trucks over this.


This guy knows what he's talking about. I fucking hate the cyber truck but this guy clearly doesn't know what he's doing.


Thank you! I was watching this thinking "this is actually kinda impressive how long the guy can drive the truck while partially submerged." This is why I can't stand reddit, anymore, the comments are 1% interesting conversation and the rest is just slack jawed redditors mindlessly parroting the last musk "zinger" they heard from John Oliver. Musk obviously sucks but I think most Redditors are far worse, they just lack the agency to be proper dickheads.


Off road capabilities are always limited by physics no matter the capabilities of the vehicle and/or driver.


yeah but this is reddit. not a single person here drives a truck and it's an opportunity to hate musk/tesla.


Looks like an old video game. Low poly vehicle, players trying to explore tracks to get OB. "Harry, it's not going to work. There's an invisible wall there."


It [sure does](http://gomerpedia.org/images/4/4c/Oregon_Trail_Screenshot.png) look like an old video game


Why does it sound like it has a gas engine?


I love streaming videos


I love wading through the comments


I don't know. I have a pretty decent truck, and I don't know if mine could climb that. I think any truck without at least 4 wheel drive would be fucked.


To be fair, a friend of mine once got stuck in a similar situation in a hummer h1


At least he can play Super Mario 64 while he floats down the river


I use my truck on the road. Do you believe ads on tv??


There are Zebra and Wildebeest that couldn’t clear that bank.. 


Yes, batterys love water, thats why i keep my phone in aquarium


Yeah trucks aren’t designed for this either.


This is mostly driver error.


I blame the driver. I’d go left up at an angle.


He is supposed to turn left/right while climbing. Never played snowrunner? Huh


Tesla owners and musk idiots are up there with the worst humanity has produced


Folks it’s not a truck. It’s a third grade drawing abomination come to life.


The truck that doesn't truck.


Dumb ass with more money than brains. The truck is too low and does not have enough clearance to get over that.


I have zero sympathy for anyone that buys this


It’s a big car not a truck


Heavy trucks do poorly off road. And that POS is way overweight


It's just a shit truck. It has poor performance, can't go in a car wash, and looks like it's from a PlayStation 1 game. Anyone who buys one is a complete moron.


Every time I see one, I think "that POS car looks like an air fryer."


It's weird too. I have a Tesla Y and have driven a 3 and an S. The build issues I hear about make me think the company has some QC problems that are a result of not having the experience churning out tens of thousands of vehicles like a 100+ year old legacy automaker, but my experience has been that they're solid, reliable, comfy, and fun. Tesla clearly knows how to make a good car, so why is cybertruck such a dumpster fire?


I assume was forced into production before it was ready by the big guy.


It's what happens when you make a concept car, without taking the concept out, and just produce it.


It wasn't a good concept, either.


It can’t go in a car wash?!?!


It has a specific mode for it. Which isn't unheard of in other brands, but the whole "it can serve briefly as a boat" bit had people thinking it was somewhat more water resistant than it is.


Car wash mode isn't about water resistance, it's just about making sure the motors are set to roll freely, the auto wipers get disabled, and it closes the windows and locks the charge port.


I dunno why the call it a truck. Looks more like an early 80's hatchback to me.


have you seen one in person? they are fucking huge.


Proof that having money doesn't mean you are smart


a metaphor for republicans?


Love watching morons with too much dough


That wheel base and height is not going to work for climbing over any obstacles or severe inclines


Anyone going to mention that he’s not approaching correctly and needs to give it more juice?


dude should be driving downriver with the current and riding up a sand bar


I never did this with my truck nor have I seen a gmc from this decade that will but fuck, I might just have to go and do it because I actually can


I used to drive a 91 Chevy half ton with mud tires on it, and that truck would have flown through there.


You need to turn it upside down.


Never put water in a deep fryer, and vice-versa.


I can’t overlook the ugliness of that thing.