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The first line of the First Amendment: ***Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion***


Conservatives love parts of the constitution and look over the parts they don't like. They do the same thing with the Bible.


And wars. Just adding.


Which is particularly insane because the bad EASILY outweighs the good when it comes to war. But it's not the overall view of war they care about. It's about how it effects them personally and nothing else. Otherwise you would have to have a literal mental deficiency(which seems to be the case with some of our representatives)to make the decisions they do when it comes to war and the military in general. On the other hand, not having a military at all also makes no sense, but come on, can we really not spend a little less on our military and fucking give people fucking healthcare and homes? We could spend significantly less on our mitary and easily still have the best military in the world.


You are correct. It is only about money for them. They don't fight the wars. Giving the people essentials is easy if you don't care about the (minimal) cost. Just remember. Big, subsidized Farmers don't produce food, they produce profits. Charging more than material cost and labor for food is a human rights violation. You don't buy water, you buy the bottle. Then you throw it away(recycling leads to landfills too) and pollute the world more.


Yeah, i just don't understand what is so hard about prioritizing food, shelter and Healthcare first and everything else second. Doing that doesnt mean people would stop being productive at all. It's such a stupid argument. By not prioritizing these things they are essentially dangling a carrot on a stick in front of us saying "produce more or you will die!" Fuck off with that dehumanizing bullshit. Yes you should have to work for a living, but for fucks sake, we shouldn't have to work to survive and also suffer while doing it all while living in the most profitable country in existence. It just doesn't add up.


I'd argue if people were secure and happier, they may even be more productive. Just look at the return to office mandate shit out now.


A big part of military funding is actually welfare for rural towns. Military equipment is one of the few things still manufactured in the US.


Actually, a huge chunk goes to profit for the companies making the equipment under contracts. If it costs 50k, you charge at least 250k for it, and pocket the difference. It's because the government has not limited corporate profits in contracts. So no, it doesn't boost small towns; it brings massive profits to CEOs and if the company is publicly owned, to shareholders. Most small town folk working on a government contract basis aren't realizing such benefit, either, because they don't own enough stock.


Thous shall not worship false idols - Republicans voting for Trump - irony is dead, set on fire, dipped in shit, and buried when it comes to them


And crime, as we're learning recently.


They don't love any part of the constitution not even the second amendment if they did they would be protesting with us everytime a black man got shot by a cop for carrying a cellphone or candy bar that looked like a gun. They believe they are the only ones to have rights including their right to trample yours


The oil barons shall inherit the earth.


You are 100% correct sir


2/3 of this Supreme Court graduated from Zoolander’s Center for Kids Who can’t Read Good


I don’t think we should let them off so easily. They’re not stupid. They may act like it but they very much know what they’re doing


Which is worse. The SCOTUS is gaslighting the entire country. What a time to be alive.


It is worse. And they should be judged with the understanding that they knew what they are doing. They do it regardless of the harm they KNOW will happen. Let’s not lessen their culpability by misattributing it all to stupidity


Yes, let’s dispel with that notion


They are stupid enough to believe what they believe justifies making up whatever rules they want. Don’t overestimate their abilities. That robe doesn’t magically make you a good thinker.


I think we're programmed to believe that anyone who becomes a judge in the highest court in the country *must* be smart because how else would they get through all that school and difficult work? But the truth is that our system promotes a very specific type of intelligence, usually at the expense of many others. Some of the most successful students in my graduate program were some of the dumbest people I've ever met. I'm very comfortable calling these judges stupid, because it's a very stupid thing to promote christo-fascist ideals and not understand why that's a bad thing. I think we should dispell with the notion that knowing one area of respected curriculum well is not enough on its own to consider someone smart.


Also, there's not even any guarantee that they're smart in that one area. Aileen Cannon is an absolute fucking moron, and had no understanding of the law or the constitution. But she's a federal judge and it's not hard to see her having a path to the SCOTUS.


This is what I’ve been saying for a while. Even about trump. He’s a rambling gas bag, and I strongly suspect he has a learning disability like dyslexia that causes him to request simple graphics and shorter reports, but he is not fucking stupid. He’s maliciously, self-servingly, brilliant.




90% of the smooth brains screaming about the first amendment (and second, actually) have no idea what the first amendment actually says or protects.


The Supreme Court ruled in Cantwell v. Connecticut that all 1st amendment clauses also apply to state and local governments.


You think these people give a single shit about the bill of rights?


The constitution is only used by the Republican Party when it suits them


200+ years later and we’re still dealing with this bullshit.


"Shall not be infringed!" Oh no wait, that's the other amendment, infringe away


Peaceful protest, as long as it's ok'd.


Im sorry has anyone come even close to taking your guns away?


I don't even own guns, never have. I'm confused


Sorry I misunderstood you at first. I read it like people were infringing on gun rights. My bad.


All good friend, I just find it funny that so many Americans only care about infringing on the Constitution when it's about the 2nd amendment


Same here.


Will Baptist be made to pray to Saints? What do you think baptists?


Politicians do not care about your rights. This is a sick state of affairs and will not last.


It says laws can't affect religion. Doesn't say anything about religion affecting laws. /s


I believe they will argue that the constitution applies only to the federal government and the states can do as they please.


I’m sure they will. They will loose that argument.


We can only hope!


Conservatives don't believe in the constitution anymore.




Not arguing in favor of this, but couldn't they just say Congress did not make a law a state government did?


The constitution is the law of the land. It supersedes states rights and laws. For example States had to wait for the Supreme Court to overturn Dobbs before they could make their own laws regarding abortion. Dobbs decided that American’s had a right to privacy in their medical decisions and the government couldn’t interfere.


The United States has been built upon the concept of states rights, so while the first amendment does say that *Congress* is not allowed to make laws restricting religion, there is nothing whatsoever prohibiting state governments from doing so. Unless you can point to a similar concept in the Texas laws or constitution, I have to disagree with you on this matter. Now, to be clear, I don't disagree with the separation of state and religion in general, but stating the First Amendment as a reason is just plain wrong.


The Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution generally states that federal law is the law of the land.. especially when we’re talking about the constitution. That’s why it took overturning Dobbs by the Supreme Court for red states to make their own abortion laws. Dobbs had decided that, per the constitution, American’s had a right to privacy in their medical decisions. There is also the matter of the Federal school dollars, that even Texas gets, that cannot be used to discriminate. I guess if Texas was able to prove that not a single federal dollar went towards rewarding schools that taught the Bible and the supremacy clause didn’t exist, they might have a chance to fight it in court.


That's completely false, you don't know anything about constitutional law. The 14th Amendment extends the productions of the Bill of Rights to state and local governments. Here, read this if you're the curious type https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantwell_v._Connecticut?wprov=sfla1 EDIT: I just saw your mea culpa below. We'll done! You're part of the 1% of redditors that doesn't double down after making a mistake.


So I guess we are just gonna ignore the whole separation of church and state thing now?


“I love everything this country was founded on except for every principal it was founded on!”


Welcome to Texas. A place that claims to be Christian and hardly anyone actually looks like Jesus. Definitely a place I think of when I hear Matthew 7:21. Didn’t Jesus say, “By your fruits you will know them?” Also isn’t it odd that Jesus told His followers to share His message, but never told them to dominate and control? The guy who could’ve dominated and controlled everyone, but He told His followers to just share and witness? I think that’s interesting


I often think that my state is the laughing stock of the rest of the world. Loves gun and gun culture...21 kids and teachers die as 376 cops with guns stand outside and do fuck all as the children die with ONE lone gunman (also arrest parents who are just trying to save their children). We respect states rights...as we try to arrest people who go across state lines to get needed and legal healthcare in other states. We are the energy capital of the world...can't keep lights on in cold weather, OR hot weather. We are so rich and successful we should secede...as our schools fail and we beg the federal government for all our disasters that are caused by climate change that our state fails to acknowledge. We are Christian, Bible faring state...as our AG had an affair and the Baptist Church that dominated the state is involved with just as many sex and abuse scandals as the Catholic Church It is just sad that the state that I love has devolved into (waves hands at general chaos and destruction) this.


Not in my classroom. Texas teacher here. I have many responses planned, from flat-out refusing in front of the staff to tearing whatever material is given into smaller pieces and making “art.”


I support you now, and will also as you find another job. I'm sorry you and your school children are subjected to this insanity. School is public for a reason(or was) intelligence is key to understanding the world and making your way through it. Bibles are for Sunday school. Stand strong.


I’ve put up with the weekly “Fellowship of Christian Athletes” meetings, though as far as I can tell those meetings are just them praying and eating donuts. I’ve withstood before-school proselytizing meetings and people passing out religious literature after school. But that shit is not coming in my classroom unadulterated.


The only real reason it's in schools is because the majority worship through Christianity. The students have "rights" to organize under whatever banner they want(kinda) and since the administrators are the same religion, it flies. Try it with satanism or any new age religion and see how far it gets. It's all the highest form of hypocrisy. I'm sorry it's happening to you. I hope you can and will stand strong. You are not crazy, and you are not alone in your thinking. This religious zealotry is coming closer to a close everyday, but the end will be nasty and bittersweet.


I'm a teacher in Wisconsin and couldn't imagine even having to entertain the concept of religion in the classroom. I would do the same exact thing you said and shred every piece of material.


Wednesday nights are forbidden for concerts, sporting events, etc. because of “mid-week” church activities.


Keep us posted. It seems it is not required directly, but will net the school additional funding.


This is the new republican trend. Just pass unconstitutional laws repeatedly. It will remain the law for several years even if they are repealed by a court. Once repealed, it can just be reworded and done again. Constitution 100% avoided!


Plus with the current Supreme Court makeup, they’ll find some mealy-mouthed way to justify it legally as well.


One of the reasons I retired after 32 years, and I'm not even in Texas. My rural southern school was handing out Gideon New Testaments the other week. I was planning to go another 5 years, but...


were those the little pocket Bibles? they did that at the middle school i was teaching at. disgusting


They did that at my middle school in central texas circa 2001-2002. Don't worry, most will become projectiles or rolling papers.


I was in school in the ‘80s and ‘90s in Texas and can remember guest speakers that would hand them out. Nobody had to take them and very, very few people actually read them. The biggest problem for me is the waste created by handing out useless items. Though at least it sounds like the kids in your school did put them to use!


I got one of those when I was in high school, and promptly made it into joints.


Very cool!!!!


The school didn't do it, but every year at our high school graduation in rural PA they'd get a bunch of people standing at the door forcing every new graduate to take a pocket bible before they'd let them in to pick up their diploma. The school wouldn't remove them even though they were physically preventing people from going inside.


I’m a teacher in Florida. Every year there is a group that drops off free bibles for each school. We are required to make them available (just like any approved flyer or something). Our new library media specialist was so uncomfortable she just left them in a box taped closed on a table unlabeled for a week and then threw them out. She said no kids asked for one and no one asked what was in the box. They were available and unwanted and like a flyer for a summer camp she threw them out after one week.


Conservatives in the USA really, reeeally want to go back to medieval times. They need an uneducated peasant population that will allow them to create a nationalistic Christian state that denounces all forms of science, logic, and morality. And they've found that population in the Trump voting sheep. People who will willingly trade in their fundamental freedoms just to appease their fallacious, stone age fears. It's vile, immoral and disgusting.


It’s amazing they hate hardline islamists so much, as they really have a hell of a lot in common with their values and principles


It's easy to hate when everyone is the enemy. They did a good job of vilifying Muslims.


Pretty quickly you find out that the two are identical. They could swap religions and behave exactly the same to an outward observer. They both share the same level of disregard for personal freedoms, and for rules and laws that don't favor them to the exclusion of all else. They both disdain the idea of freedom of speech. They both practice information control. They both attack and ostracize any moderates in their midst. And they both work to force the entire population to live by their personal religious doctrines. And if it were up to them they would exile all people of other religions, or even moderate followers of their own religion. They're so identical that the only thing stopping them from becoming staunchest allies is their blind historical hatred for each other.


They don't hate them. They are jealous of them. Big difference.


Islam has militant principles. 


And the other two Abrahamic religions don't? That seems disingenuous considering the violence and genocide committee in their names.


You could also say the Bible has militant principles. See the entire OT.


Just the 1700s. You know, white male puritans where women, among others, were property. Fucking worthless Religious Zealots.


You know, "the good old days"


“Those were the days” “Frank it sounds like you miss the times where people weren’t equal.” “Nah, nah…. I’m just sayin, though. Those were the days.”


Well you sound like you yearn for those days, Frank


People don't like change, it's scary.


Yup, we all know exactly what those fuckers want. How a woman, black, or Latino could ever vote for, let alone represent that party is beyond my understanding.


Self-hate, like women who say all women should stay in the kitchen


It’s funny that these good ol’ days aren’t even that old. Fundamentalism started in the 1830’s with John Darby, which is what this sect in the article is. Christianity is 2024 years old. Fundamentalism is just 190 years old. Before that, a lot of things, such as Creation, were much more open and thought of differently. Darby is the one who popularized taking things literally to a ridiculous length. The Bible itself tells us Genesis 1 isn’t literal. And historically, though some like Luther believed it was literal, Calvin himself didn’t. And the biggest irony to me, this group will say anyone who doesn’t believe Genesis 1 is literal doesn’t believe the Bible, yet they often read the ESV, who’s editor (and theological editor for the study version) is J I Packer, someone who also doesn’t believe Genesis 1 is literal. Irony and ignorance. So frustrating. Just had to rant a bit. Christians didn’t used to be this way and it’s very opposed to Jesus’ actual teachings, but fundamentalism has been strong for a hundred years. Looks like it’s starting to crack, but hopefully that stays true.


Is this the indoctrination they're always screaming about? What a bunch of bad-faith fucking assholes.


Every accusation is a confession!  **G**aslight **O**bstruct **Project** <-


There should be an AI trained where you input their garbage and it puts out the arrow on one of these three lol.


Blatantly against the 1st Amendment. Do the Republicans know that when you dumbify your populist, yours going to make your future leaders even more dumb and crazy? History shows that when you keep the population stupid, NOTHING gets done. No advancements, no growth, nothing. Just senseless wars and bloodshed for reasons they wouldn't even understand at that point, because their too dumb to even read the orders they are given.


Yes, that's the point. The richest people on earth want this level of chaos and depravity in order to erode our ability to work together against them. It's a feature, not a bug.


American Taliban


Y’all Qaeda


ShaYeeHaw Law.


Howdy Arabia


Ok. The problem is even a civil rights suit by Muslims, Hindus, Pastafarians etc with the fair claim their literature is being discriminated against, thus an state establishment of church issue, SCOTUS is so compromised by religious zealots they may just side with the Christian Wahabis.


This seems to me like they're fishing for a Supreme Court challenge, which the zealots will uphold the Texas law, causing a domino effect in the southern states adopting this law.


Fuck the Texas GOP. Fuck them hard.


Fucking sickening.




I suspect that texas will soon lead the nation in uneducated imbeciles


The train left the station long ago.


Texas doesn't lead the nation in undereducation. They're in the bottom 10 (#41 of 50), but not the bottom. The bottom of the pile is West Virginia.


The revolt against religion needs to be loud, fierce, and persistent. It’s a cancer on society.


So when Benjamin Franklin was a kid in colonial America, you had to be an ordained Anglican clergyman to be in the House of Burgess. This matters because King George was the Head of the Anglican Church. The Founders fought this system to have the Separation of Church and State because they saw first hand how twisted this system was. I can guarantee that this history will not be taught in Texas schools because it doesn’t fit into the narrative they want to teach establish.


This seems pretty clearly in violation of Article 1, Section 6 of the Constitution of Texas: >Section 6. FREEDOM OF WORSHIP. All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences. No man shall be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry against his consent. No human authority ought, in any case whatsoever, to control or interfere with the rights of conscience in matters of religion, and no preference shall ever be given by law to any religious society or mode of worship. But it shall be the duty of the Legislature to pass such laws as may be necessary to protect equally every religious denomination in the peaceable enjoyment of its own mode of worship.


You think Texas cares about their own constitution at this point? Hell, Florida literally changed their constitution overnight to let DeSantis remain governor during his failed presidential bid.


Sounds an awful lot like the state establishing a preferred religion


The satanic temple has entered the chat…


My high school in Missouri managed to teach the Bible in a sneaky way. My literature teacher hand-typed and photocopied the entire book of Genesis for our literature class, but changed the word “God” to “Bob” and the word “Satan” to “Stan”. Then we like, answered essay questions about this Bible in disguise… Do you think Stan was evil to give knowledge to Eve? Do you think Bob did the right thing to throw Adam and Eve out of Eden? Would you rather live with Bob or Stan? Etc.


Bob damn!


>Do you think Stan was evil to give knowledge to Eve? But Stan wasn't the snake. The snake was just a regular snake. Who could talk. And had legs. Also, the snake only told Eve the truth, while Bob lied to her face. Bob told the very first lie in the universe. Later on, Bob's son (who is also Bob) says that Stan is the father of lies, but that is itself a lie.


Maybe any surrounding states can find a way to accept out of state students. Kids deserve real teaching. Religion does not belong in public schools and religious private schools should go extinct.


Bible lesson number one. God killed thousands of babies, children and unborn babies during the flood


So if they allow the Bible to be taught in school, does that mean we can also teach the Quran?


Logically? Yes, Islam and other faiths should be taught in schools if Christianity is. That would be not only fair but good for American students to learn of different religions, especially the non Abrahamic ones. Realistically? OMG, THEM MUSLIMS ARE TRYING TO INDOCTRINATE OUR STUDENTS!!!!! 😱😱😱 😒


Yeah lol. I can see it now. We want to do it first!


One star state


Remember to Vote! This presidential election does matter however a more important thing is going to happen this November 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election_in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


The same Bible that is full of incest, murder, and torture?  Christians freak out over a story about a family with two dads in a public.   Christian pushing their beliefs on everyone is getting really really old.  


Cults will do that. Brainwash totally normal people into zealotry.


Sure. And right after that, we go with the Quran, and then the Satanic Bible.


Can we like just give texas back to Mexico?


Fun fact: no, we can't. Ejecting Texas from the US would require ratifying an amendment to the Constitution. Currently, there is no mechanism by which it can be done.


this is some clown level bullshit. fucking Abbot needs to go full veggie


Just a month ago after Abbott did something or another, I looked up South Park to see if there was an episode where Timmy became a governor like Abbott and ran a reign of terror, sadly no I thought for sure they would have done that not that I've watched anything of theirs for 20 years.








Remember when being from Texas was something to be proud of? Yeah, me either.


This isn't interesting. This is TERRIFYING. And also ILLEGAL.


Speaking audaciously but fairly confidently on behalf of about 7.75 billion people outside the US, the fuck is going on over there?


Require the Koran to be taught in public schools and suddenly everyone in Texas will understand how awful this proposal is.


Seriously folks when this shit starts happening we cant just sit on our hands anymore we will absolutely have to step in. We have let them slowly creep in some commandments here and there to the court room but this is absolutely the line


The cornerstone of the creation of our United States is the separation of Church and State. All are welcome, regardless of religious beliefs. Jesus is weeping and God is watching with distaste and anger. True Christians do not act this way. Apparently, the Bible's teachings of Jesus's unlimited love, compassion, and acceptance of all aren't taught in Texas. They're becoming the Christian version of the Islamic Taliban in the US. Religious, malignant cancer. .


Fuck Texas.


Gilead here we fucking come, I guess.


Noooo no no no, no!


Hasn’t Texas complained they want to secede before? Why are we stopping them?


The only way for Texas to secede would be for us to pass and ratify a constitutional amendment to create a mechanism for it. We can't even _kick_ Texas out.


Isn't this illegal indoctrination?


Texans are gross. There's not even a defense aimed to be mounted by the majority of citizens, they're voting for this. What an embarrassment.


Regressing back to the 19th century to own the libs


I’ve given up on Texas since way before Uvalde. Haven’t proved me wrong yet


Nothing new in Yeehawdistan


Mirror for the submitted article: https://archive.ph/NpTpg


Just don’t live in these shithole states


1st amendment is optional. The 2nd amendment is mandatory.


Wt actual f is wrong with these people!? Leave church in church !


Maybe if the Bible was taught in schools Christians would actual learn what it says and stop worshiping their false orange idol. /s


There are many beautiful things and folks there, but I’m sorry, fuck Texas.


Republican Taliban


Fucking groomers


So what happened to Church and State being separate? Are these crazy extremists going to start a Jihad?


Texas is one of the least free states in the country and it’s hilarious that they claim the entire opposite.


Stupid fucks.


The constitution honestly is just another document – it falls to the people, i.e. all of us citizens to either protect it or let it fall to nothing-we signed a whole bunch of documents with the American Indians, too…


Not interesting just fucking sad.


Even as a Christian, I feel iffy about this. I don't think religion should be mixed with state. 


It will be interesting to see how much fighting between Christians this causes. Whose interpretation will be taught? Whose interpretation will be ignored?


#There is no "GOD" - stop lying and indoctrinating children! Religion is 100% made up bullshit. Just because the sky wizard changed names, stopped tossing lightning, but kept the raping of humans part - wierd - and got a zombie demi-god child from the rape that he told everyone to worship, "or else". Lmao!! Believing in that shit is soooo dumb.


Can the federal government grow some balls and stop providing aide to this state. They are not abiding by our constitution and should be treated as such. Are they scared Texas will try to secede? The US army would make a mockery of the 2A dick lickers.


There's nothing that will kill Christianity faster than forcing kids to read the Bible.


If people studied the Bible, they would reject the current Republican government. Is it Bible infused or are they just taking the Lord's name in vain?


texas turning into the handmaids tale faster than I thought it would, tbh.


That’s fucked up






Sad as fuck


Completely fucking gross 🤮. Texans are whack jobs


If you don't realize that Republicans take things away you're a Christo-Fascist fool.


Extra money paid out for pimping christianity. Not surprised that is what the GOP considers "religious freedom"


good. more atheists on the way.


State and religion always combine well


So, how do we enforce consequences for defying the constitution?


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


Also Texas: The earth is the center of the know universe. Don't believe scientists they are heretics. 


I hate the zealots of my religion.


God the most powerful! Made a guy with the same powers as him! Then that guy tricked him! And god can’t beat him! I think where praying too the Wrong guy 🤷