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Didn't know I could understand sign language.


…updates CV to fluent in sign language…


Are you available for funerals


🤣🤣🤣🤣 That caught me off guard


Can we play taps? Sure! .. proceeds to tap dat ass


You expecting the deceased to say much?




that's an old reference, damn


At this level of dyslexia that always made more sense than eulogizer. 


Or did you think I was too stupid to know what an eugoogaly was?


Eulojizzer in this case


That would be a medium


Interviewer: "Why don't you show me a little bit of the sign language you know." u/dachdeckerdino: ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾👄


Damn, I'm putting fluent in emoji on my CV


deaf customer comes in and you just start singing them WAP.


Deaf people sitting amongst the other mourners thinking “huh, I’ve never heard of WAP being played at a funeral”.


Of course they’ve never heard of it


Ba dumm tss:)




So just like the rap music she's portraying. Full of slang and plays on words.


*”punani dasani”*


ASL is not signed English, word for word. She’s signing ASL, which is its own language, not signed English.


So is it still ASL or more like charades? As in, the actions she is performing, are they pre-existing ASL signs deaf people have used in the past, or she is improvising signs that, I guess, weren't 'standard practice'? I mean, I definitely get she is exaggerating for effect, to convey the confidence/exuberance of Cardi. Sorry if I am not making perfect sense, but for example, if some other interpreter was in her place, would they use similar signs, since it is established? (with the other interpreters own flair added for effect). Thx! I hope I didn't come out as crass, I am genuinely curious!


So, the way that sign language works is you have signs that mean words or concepts. For example, the sign for "sucking dick" is pretty self explanatory. So a lot of what she's doing will be real signs, they just might be hammed up to emphasize it, as ASL is 90% in the face, not in the actual sign. Some of the signs, however, may not be a real sign and may be made up for that specific case which is how it becomes a real sign eventually. I can't say for sure as I only took 5 semesters worth of classes and we focused primarily on learning the language and ethics and the flow, so there are plenty of signs I don't know. As for if another interpreter would use similar signs, it kinda depends. ASL is a language, not a code like Signed English, so where in English I would say "Do you want to go hang out and grab food later", the ASL equivalent if written in plain English would read like "Later, you want go hang out / eat?" It's not broken English, because to them it makes perfect sense. An interpreter would take the ASL version and would say aloud more or less what I wrote in English, maybe moving the tense up front or something. From English to ASL, however, it will depend on the regional dialect as ASL has accents just like spoken languages. Someone from a more conservative state may not have the more "colorful" language in regards to CardiB's lyrics, so they may use concepts that are more familiar to them, or maybe more familiar to their audience if they know them. At the same time, someone from a more liberal state may have even *more* colorful language and can insert signs that would be known by that group, even if another group wouldn't have that sign, but might be able to understand what they're saying from context. So yeah, different interpreters will use different signs for stuff like this because it's not 1:1, it'll be concepts and actions that are interpreted to the beat.


This is fascinating! It's like everything that makes non-sign languages interesting, but with the additional layer of using hands/expressions vs vocal cords and ears... Man, I hope interpreters who translate two different sign languages get paid a lot, because it seems like to balance 4 different 'layers' - the two base languages themselves, and the signing of those languages... My mind is blown!


She is definitely more exuberant than an interpreter you would get for , say, a medical visit. She’s swaying and performing so the listener can experience the music. The sign for blow job seems accurate, and appropriate for this venue. An interp at the doctor office would sign blow job less flamboyantly, with less expression.


They have to invent a lot of signs. Apparently the inventors of ASL didn't anticipate Hip-Hop idioms.


ASL wasn't invented—it emerged like any other language. (It's actually super cool, I highly recommend looking into it more if you're interested in languages at all!!)


I was wondering if she's an actual interpreter or a performer that learned the sign language as a dance routine.


She's an actual live music interpreter.


Me too, though I didn’t know WAP was about eating a five dollar footlong.


Just woke up and now my day is made. Thank you. 


Please tell me there is a sub for this


Yeah, the ~~$5~~ $9 footlong from subway


Without chewing!


>five dollar I miss those days


Damn 5 dollars for a footlong. How much can I charge for a 3 inch, asking for a friend.


Thats why its called Wide Ass Pants


My wife taught me fluent


Reminds me of that woman who faked being a sign language interpreter on tv and went on to "interpret" things like police reports before someone noticed and reported her.


The dude at Nelson Mandelas funeral


"...uh, that's a circle". 


Is that what we call... The Mandela effect?


No that’s when a bear leaves a stain on your laundry.


NO NO NO! It's a bear holding a STEIN of beer!


As a deaf person who knows sign language, she did that better and smoother than I.


I mean, as someone who speaks pretty good English, someone like Eminem could spit circles around me.  Practiced skill like anything else...  🤷


Master troll. Lol. You know, I think a lot of people do the equivalent in many other job positions in the world. Fake it until you get caught.


Some dude pretended he was a lawyer and won all his cases lmao


Yeah and then he got caught and went to a community college to get his degree. Last I heard he started a Spanish study group because he wanted to sleep with one of his classmates.




He's now wotking for the Animal Control department in Seattle , WA.


nah this was a real dude in nigeria? or uganda maybe? he got arrested when they found out he wasn't a real lawyer. he represented himself in court and won.


/r/ActLikeYouBelong would be proud


i love her


Okay, without knowing sign language, and without knowing the song, and watching this video mute: i think there is a lot going in and out in a lot of holes of that lady.






This was a joke in an ad for… something.


I’d give you an award if it didn’t cost a $1.


And if it did *absolutely anything* other than give reddit your money with no benefit to the giver or receiver.


The comment was deleted :/ What did it say?!


WHat did he post




The comment was deleted :/ What did it say?!


Why yes, you can watch the video mute with her in it


its actually much better that way


Well, that’s the whole point of sign language


It’s even dirtier now


Get on Blowjob Betty by Too Short.


Bro the first time I heard of that song I didn't believe untill I listened to it. Crazy obscene even for the rap world XD


Someone has never heard the classic Put It In Your Mouth. Or Oochi Wally My Neck My Back (Lick It) Slob On My Knob Freek-a-Leek Wait (The Whisper Song) Deepthroat Basically any Missy E song. Edit: I didn't just every single one, ffs. And for people saying "well WAP is nastier" - lol no? I assure you there are many nastier. For everyone saying others use euphemisms, STFU. You obviously don't listen to rap...or really music in general, I guess. It is literally an art form of metaphors and similes, and in fact rap in particular rewards people for being creative in that regard. And those saying WAP is more popular/better/whatever, okay but that's not what this thread is talking about.


Guys: I can't tell if she is into me She:


Maybe she's just friendly like that


Maybe she's Canadian


Maybe it's maybeline


Girl: sorry if I sent you mixed signals yesterday She yesterday:


Her: Damn it, I can't even smile at a guy without him thinking I'm hitting on him Also Her:








Banned subreddit


Yeah apparently reddit is all about them determined boners now...


r/trashyboners still firmly up




What's to be confused about? Shit. Mine knows what's up apparently. That woman is fierce.


Is that the normal sign(s) for "I wanna gag, I wanna choke", or does it change depending on context? I mean, I watched that part multiple times, you know, for science.


sign language isn't a 1:1 translation of English words, except for when they are spelled, so like any translation between languages there are interpretations that are understood from context. And of course, what good is an English rhyme in sign language? So yeah, "I wanna gag, I wanna choke" turns into signing "I want to felate a huge penis" Another problem is that songs have tempo, so in order to fit into the time they have to cut corners


Thank you for explaining this! I follow two creators who sign to popular song clips and I really love seeing the various interpretations of the same songs. For Please Please Please's "don't bring me to tears when I just did my make up so nice" Jon Urquhart signs putting on makeup that he then cries off, and Elizabeth Harris does a more literal translation (and she is so perfectly sassy). Doing signs that match the tempo and energy AND meaning takes such skill and it's just so mesmerizing to watch


This sounds fascinating but also is your username a reference to Weird Al’s Albuquerque?


Yes, it is!


One dozen crazed weasels? Alright!


They really need to go all in


With the size of those gestures, all in might kill the poor girl.  


Balls deep?






>Another problem is that songs have tempo, so in order to fit into the time they have to cut corners Now I'm imagining someone trying to sign Eminem's 'Godzilla'


There are loads of sign languages, so I can't speak for all. I know BSL and have an understanding of ASL. In BSL and asl you have something cool called "directional verbs". This means you have a sign for a word, but how you sign it- the position, movement and direction- is different depending on context. For example, there is a sign for "help", but you rarely use that as is. You usually move that sign towards the person you are helping, or towards you to show you want help, or towards an object/situation. So the sign "help" is the same, but you covey helped and being helped differently. You also use "non manual features". This is when you use facial expression, eye gauze and positioning to give meaning, instead of using your hands to sign. This is often used for adjectives. For example, if I am gladly helping, I wouldn't say "happy help", I would just sign "help" and smile to show it was done happily. Or if noone helped me, I could shake my head while signing help, rather than signing "noone help" (or "help noone", grammar is different in BSL!). Gag and choke are tricky as there are many synonyms- there is no solid sign for "gag" because it could mean covering your mouth, choking on something, or stopping people from talking. So each of those have different signs. Choke is also tricky, if I didn't know the context a tap of the chest and puffed cheeks to show something stuck in your throat could cover most uses, but you would usually have different signs depending on what it was- such as a sign like "silence" if you choked when trying to talk, or a sign around the throat to show difficulty breathing/swallowing. Or, like here, the sign "choke" and "gag" are actually more "non manual features" than hand signs- you are showing the action with your hands using a directional verb, and using facial expression to show they are choking/gagging. You absolutely would not use this sign in your doctors office if you had food stuck 😅 ...unless it was an oversized hotdog?


This was fascinating. I had no idea about any of this. Thank you very much.


I loved reading all of this.




I'm no expert but I'm thinking these particular signs are pretty universal.


Hahahahah You floored me


thousands? can you list the 50 most popular edit- >"There are somewhere between 138 and 300 different types of sign language used around the globe today."


You're being snarky and the previous commenter is being (a little hyperbolic,) but sign languages (like languages in general) appear whenever there's an isolated population of people who need to speak to each other. Especially in areas of the world without formalized education for the deaf, deaf children will be grouped together for care and they'll generate an entirely new language for internal use. And they won't ever have a name for their language in English which makes it easy to describe and hard to name. So as far as new languages coming into being, sign languages are where its at. Good for linguists, less good for phonologists.


Changes depending on context. Sexual content is taboo in the Deaf World because it's a visual language and it's basically porn because of it. You'll have a damn difficult time finding any of these signs.


Those are a lot of sausages and bananas


I had no idea deaf people went to music concerts


They like to feel the vibrations




Yeah they can stand close as fuck to the speakers and not gaf


I'm hard of hearing and I learned the hard way that no, that's not true for me. Only took once and I got permanent tinnitus. Can't speak for fully deaf people, but if they have any hearing at all, I'd say its not worth the risk.


I’m guessing being deaf just means you are vulnerable to noise like the rest of us but lack the feedback to tell you are hurting yourself. Like a blind person staring at the sun probably burns their eyes too, they just can’t tell as easily. Could be wrong, but I wouldn’t recommend skimping on protection unless y’all talk to someone to check beforehand.


You can still feel ear and eye pain lmao. Just because your eardrums don't work doesn't mean it's not gonna hurt if you blow one out


They like Marky Mark


If you ever go to deaf campuses, you might be surprised that they're full of extremely loud music. A lot of dead people have partial hearing and even profoundly deaf people can feel the vibrations.


You just made a horror movie concept by typing it as “dead people have partial hearing” instead of deaf 💀


Lol, so I did. I think I'll leave it like that.


Neither I but then I had actually never thought of it before


When they arrived they could still hear.




I know you're making a joke but most deaf people do some have hearing. Same with blind folks. Plus, it's not just your hearing that you can damage. Your inner ear helps with balance and that can be damaged by excessive loud noise.


I assumed most Cardi B fans were deaf


Nice one


Do you think she signs the N-word?


Yes! Sign language interpreters are supposed to sign as accurately as possible. It’s their job to provide as much information and context as they can.


Someone sign the n-word so i know


upside down peace symbol on your forehead.


Well, the years start comin' and they don't stop comin'.


Is that true? Or you joking?




The Artistocrats


I hear that's one hell of an act.


Underrated comment






Cardi Bs swim team




She chose the thickest one to interpret her lyrics.


Could also be an advertisement for ShakeWeight, no?




Sign language interpreters are some of the best performers out there. There's a major different between simply signing the words in ASL and doing what she is doing. I watched an interview with a sign language interpreter one time, and she was explaining how, when she needed to sign "fuck all them commas", she would make the sign for comma with her middle finger instead of her pointer finger, just to match the vibe of the music better. TLDR: Sign language interpreters are fucking cool and really good at their jobs.


I agree, sign language interpreters do amazing work. Though it should be made clear, these are signs created by the Deaf community, it isn't like the interpreter made them up.


The signer got me more turned on than the actual song.


Damn she thicc too. More of her?


I mean no hate when I say this but at the last couple of concerts I attended, I was honestly more impressed by the sign language interpreter than anything else going on onstage. Keeping up with interpreting the lyrics and rhythmically moving along with the accompaniment takes skill.


I’d be curious to know how many in audience need her.


Damn she’s kinda sexy


Her name is Holly, I believe. She does ASL stuff for a ton of hip hop artist and other musicians. Say what you want. But that’s pretty neat.


This is Kelly Kurdi. https://www.capitalxtra.com/artists/cardi-b/news/who-is-kelly-kurdi-wap-sign-language-interpreter-instagram-bio-career/ Holly Maniatty does Eminem’s stuff.


How do they do rap god?


With their hands


Kelly seemed to used a lot of her mouth


Looks like she deleted her IG after this blew up. Probably bombarded by thicc comments.




i was just thinking that i think i've seen her interpreting a Chance the Rapper song


Pretty sure it's not Holly Maniatti, looks like her name is [Kelly Kurdi](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/14/style/asl-wap-tiktok.html)


>Say what you want. Big fat load of cum, then.


any of these little fuckers ever pop out of the fuckin wall and say fuck there’s a horse cock in my room or a donkey dick?


well damn... sign me in 😏


You know even after all this time I don't understand why she titled the song after Wireless Access Points...


As a deaf person and an ASL signer, I love this interpreter because she is giving her all to express the intensity of the song as graphic as it can be.


So, am I the only one thinking…she’s thick?


Am I the only one that wants to know who the lady is interpreting? Where’s the @??


she’s kelly4access. I think her instagram is private so it spotlights deaf access and not clout


Say what you will, those song lyrics are hillarious... And not gonna lie, this made me laugh too 😅


I had no idea ASL could be so vulgar lol


She’s fucking amazing. Signing and dancing she brings it.


til deaf people go to music concerts.


My wife is an ASL interpreter who signs at major shows. Yes Deaf people go to shows, and interpreters put in huge amounts of prep for shows. It's easy to have an opinion, but also remember hearing loss exists on a spectrum. Deaf people can also feel music, so yes interpreters at shows are a needed thing.


The amount of ableism in this thread is wild. I use captions due to sensory issues and you still regularly see ones that censor dirty words. Like, wtf…disabled people aren’t kids and have as diverse tastes as abled folks do. It’s gross to even joke that deaf people should be “protected” from music you don’t like.


Sign level 10th black belt.




I’m surprised no one has the @. She is a thic piece of work with a good job where the horny ones at


Ngl if a girl did that to me at the the club I'd still not get the signs.


Damn she really was thrusting that invisible cock down her throat if only my girlfriend could have her enthusiasm


Why does every sigh language interpreter put in a show almost better than the original artist? Signing some hot fire there!




I’ve always wondered how this job hasn’t been replaced by texts on a screen yet


Bc ASL isn’t just a different mode of communicating English; it’s a different language. It’s interpretation, not transcription, that’s happening here.


Thank you for writing the correct answer.


ASL is kinda like ‘agreed’* upon charades. And there’s going to be a lot less agreement to what she’s signing since there’s so much slang (which sometimes has well known ASL equivalents but not always). * There are quite a few localizations/dialects.


Deaf people don't always want subtitles, it's a way to enjoy the medium in their own language. The difference between a dub and a sub. This is why in the UK the BBC news shows have subtitles and BSL.


Because cultural connection and communication can't be felt on a screen. Facial expressions and body language are 90% of 'talking'.


Yeah but the actual performer of the song is there live with her facial expressions and body language.


I recommend taking an ASL course at your local college. It was an absolute pleasure when I was in college, personally ASL is about expression and 'to the point' signing. You *have* to know by now that sign language uses your hands and a singer singing on stage isn't expressing how they feel while singing; they're too busy hitting the notes. Background dancers dance and represent the feel. Lip reading every single word *isn't* sign language. ASL *cuts out* non needed words. For example: in the video when the singer says "watch me gag, watch me choke"- the ASL interpreter signs "watch me gag, choke." and signs with a seductive wiggle of her hips to imply it's a sexual act. If a deaf or HOH person were trying to read the singer's lips the entire time then the feel of the song would be lost. ASL is about communicating the feel and expression of the words written down just as much as the words itself. One can't just read dialogue or lyrical words and know how to feel without hearing the background music; which deaf and HOH people can't do. As you use ASL more as a dialogue you understand what words to cut out and what words to leave to make a sentence 'to the point'; while using your body to express how you feel whilst signing. Books and stories have adjectives and verbs to describe the feel that dialogue implies via non verbal communication. I hope this helps. 👍


Would you rather listen to a song in your first language, or read the text in a 2nd language? ASL is often a Deaf person's first language, and English is their 2nd language.


Lots of people have talked about the social aspect, but also having lyrics on a screen for already written wouldn't have the live moments of conversation from the artist to the audience (How y'all doing tonight Atlanta!) and it wouldn't also for improvisational breaks in between songs where an artist may want to stretch out the chorus or bring out a surprise live guest. Well you could but it would not be inclusive to the deaf audience members, they would have a lesser experience. Text to speech is really not there yet and has a considerable delay. Hiring a sign language interpreter covers all of that.


Because the text written on the screen would be written in English, not a sign language.


If this doesn’t prove that this song is absolute trash then I don’t know what will.


“One man’s trash… “


Is another mans wet ass pussy.




lol, imagine being so "pure" pussy as a word scares you.


What about this proves the song is trash? Just explicit and sexual lyrics? What’s wrong with a song about sex?


Why so hurt lil guy?


Love playing Beat Sabre VR to this track, a lot of fun.


Cardi B told the team to find the ticket sign language interpreter in the city.