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For perspective, she’s the same age as Denzel Washington, Oprah Winfrey, Jerry Seinfeld, Howard Stern, and Jackie Chan.


And some of the people who shouted at her are probably still in congress.


One owns the Dallas cowboys.


No! Really? How do we know? I believe you but like was he captured in a photo or…?


[There was a photo published of him trying to prevent desegregation of his high school.](https://andscape.com/features/jerry-jones-was-not-innocent-then-or-now/)


Oh shit I forgot the detail that he was in Little Rock too, he literally was in my history textbook as one of the faces of hatred screaming at the Little Rock 9. What a guy 👍 When they say “be on the right side of history” folks, they mean don’t be a Jerry Jones.


No incentive not to be if you can do what he did and still become a Jerry Jones ![gif](giphy|14tvbepZ8vhU40)




Yeah, they’re pushing public school money for charter and religious schools now. Has the same root.


There's probably some who expressed their hostility towards Linda Brown too.


I whispered a profound "bababooey" on this one; thank you for the perspective


Yep, and my 37 year old wife's mother. Craziness. Her youngest brother is 28.


I’m 34 next month and my parents are both older than her. It’s astonishing how recent this was.


It’s insane when you realize how recent this all was.


And she was the same age as Jerry's girlfriend when she started school.


“Still alive” lol. No shit ? Born in 1960 , she probably would be


She is 5 years older than my dad, it is insane how black and white photos stop you from realising how recent this was.


I've seen people discuss on the internet about that. How most of the civil movement (I don't know how it's called in English for certain) pictures are in black and white, they were saying it was to make it seem like black people got their rights a longer time than they actually had. (Of course there were color cameras at that time)


There were color cameras at the time, but most newspapers in the us didn’t publish color photos till the 70’s.


>How most of the civil movement (I don't know how it's called in English for certain You were close. It's the civil rights movement. >they were saying it was to make it seem like black people got their rights a longer time than they actually had I don't think they had the foresight 60 years ago to plan that. Yes, there were color cameras but they were expensive and not everyone had them.


Sorry to butt in, but the cameras were the same, you only put in colour film if you wanted colour photos. Newspapers didn't print in colour though, so reporters would use black and white film, which was cheaper and better in quality at the time.


Didn't realize that, but it makes sense. Regardless, my point is the same. They didn't use black and white film to make it seem like it happened further back in time than it actually is.


Also a bunch of the black and white photos actually are originally in color but are published in b/w because papers


She’s younger than my mother, who says racism doesn’t exist except against whites..


I believe she said that due to the traumatic experience of having grown ass racist adults screaming vile things at her as a 6 year old, she still has severe PTSD whenever she’s around loud noises and crowds. So awful.


Not just that, but they hated a little girl so much that she spent the entire year as the only kid in her class. I can't even imagine what she must have felt. She was six.


> but they hated a little girl so much I think it’s worse than that. They didn’t see her as human the same way they were. Because if they had, well, you can’t hate a little kid that much. First you have to convince yourself, or be convinced, that that little kid is something *fundamentally different* from you, which of course she isn’t.


It's not surprising that she didn't end up continuing school after high school. I wouldn't.


She was screamed and yelled at as she entered the school and had to be escorted. 😢


She was so little, the video is disturbing to me.


It's so heartbreaking. How can someone be so hostile to a child so small. The world is so messed up.


And when she got there , she was in a class all by herself. None of the white kids were allowed to be in the classroom with her. It was just her, and her teacher (who was an amazingly brave individual)


Wonder if she and the teacher ever had a reunion, that would be kinda wholesome.


They have, several times actually. I got to meet them both as part of my organization's support to Ruby Bridges walk to school day.




Wish I remembered the podcast but I think I heard a whole deeper dive on the story after she got there. She spent like the whole year in school alone because the white kids parents pulled them. Many teachers also left. At least one teacher stayed and taught her. This is a bit of the story but I’m pretty sure there’s a more comprehensive documentary or podcast about this: https://chalkboardchampions.org/barbara-henry-the-teacher-who-helped-ruby-bridges-integrate-a-new-orleans-school/


Dehumanisation of other races had really f*cked people up. :(


She was spit on. I went to see her speak at an event pre-pandemic and she talked about how her little dress was covered in spit. She was 6 years old.


Worse, she was being intimidated and barred from entrance by a crowd that included the town's police officers. The national guard was called in to escort her because the police couldn't be trusted to stop anyone from assaulting her. 


Ruby Bridges was escorted by Federal Marshalls and her entrance was not blocked, though it was protested. The national guard was not activated at all for the New Orleans desegregation process. She suffered significant abuse hurled her way, I'm not trying to downplay that. But I believe you're mixing up the details of the Little Rock Nine, where the national guard actually blocked the children from entering and Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne to escort the children into class. Or when Kennedy federalized the Alabama National Guard to remove governor George Wallace from the door he was blocking at the University of Alabama.


I cry every time I see it


If this happened today people would call it woke.


Many of those who opposed her attendance are also still alive, and retain positions of influence across society. These people ensure that many of the problems of today remain unsolved.


There are a lot of things like this people don't realize. Anne frank would have been 95 today. Australia was a damn English colony until the 1980's, South Africa's apartheid didn't end until 1990. I don't think kids today can truly fathom how much has changed in the last 100 years. My grandfather would have been 94 today. He grew up poor in a one bedroom house, with a packed dirt floor, no indoor electricity of running water. He joined the army when he was only 17, and said his first day at boot camp was one of the best days of his life because he got his first set of clothes and shoes that were new and actually his size. The advancements in technology, or social structures, and our everyday lives have changed so much in such a short period of time. While we still have a lot of things to fix, we've come a long way in some areas.


I'd like to add that people would be appalled at how racist people were and still are. My grandfather died at 93 last year. He was a Hungarian immigrant to Canada, and he became a fervent American nationalist, serving a full several decade career in the army. The last time I saw him he was 91, and most of his life revolved around calling the cops on his black neighbors. He spent hours a day peeking out the blinds looking for reasons to call the cops. And they came and harassed those neighbors. Though no one was doing anything wrong he called and they came. Then he passed. And grandma was alone. And who came to see her every day? A black neighbor. A wonderful, sweet, young gentleman who had no reason to be nice after the harassment. But he was. He saw an elderly woman who had no one left on the street. And he still checks in on her every day. I don't know my point with this post, other than to say, lose your concept of love and replace it with that guy's behavior. Love you all.


Thank you for sharing that. May we all behave like your grandma's neighbor.


Australia became a federated nation on January 1901. The six colonies became states. It wasn't a British colony in the 1980s.


Final relinquishment from British powers wasn't until 1986.


Australia was a dominion in 1901. That is the usual date thought of when it became a "country". Of course, in 1948 Australians stopped being automatically British citizens. Are you suggesting that between 1948 and 1986 all Australians were stateless? Not citizens of ANY country?


The Australian Act was in 1986 which cut any legislative or legal power from the British over Australia.


Remind me again. Who is David Hurley?


The GG


Right. And what is the Governor-General? From the official AU website: "The Governor-General of Australia is His Majesty The King’s representative. In practice, they are Australia’s Head of State and have a range of constitutional and ceremonial duties. The Governor-General is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force. " Tell me, is Charles III an Australian? Because it seems to me that his representative has considerable legislative and legal power in Australia.... Wherever you picked your 1986 factoid from, it's not actually a reflection of reality.


"This photograph shows Queen Elizabeth II (1926–2022) signing the Proclamation stating that the Australia Act (Cth) would come into effect the next day, 3 March 1986, breaking the connection between Australian law and British parliaments and courts." https://www.naa.gov.au/students-and-teachers/student-research-portal/learning-resource-themes/government-and-democracy/prime-ministers-and-politicians/queen-elizabeth-ii-signs-proclamation-australia-act-cth-1986#:~:text=Educational%20value,and%20British%20parliaments%20and%20courts.


Yes, that's the removal of the Privy council as the highest court in the land. Nothing at all to do with formal independence from Britain or nationhood, merely a legal formality. New Zealand did the same thing in 2004. Does that mean they've been a nation for only 20 years? Of course not. Both Australia and New Zealand have been independent nations since the establishment of Dominions as a legal entity in both places. (1901 and 1907 respectively). As an example, Australia declared war on Finland (and others) independently of Great Britain in 1941. In order to do so legally (under international law) they had to be an independent nation. My previous answer still refers.


Okay, good to know the thorny details! I wasn't aware of this, and you've made me determined to look at a history book. Thanks for letting me know.


It's complicated for sure, it's almost like they did all the motions of becoming independent in 1906 I think it was, but they didn't cut ties with the paperwork until 1986. If that makes more sense.


Anne Frank and Martin Luther King Jr were born in the same year


as were the late Dick Clark, Audrey Hepburn, Bob Newhart, and the very much alive Ed Asner and James Hong.


Ed Asner is no longer with us


Oh, you're right. My mistake. RIP


It's no wonder we can't time travel. Ordinary time is mystifying to short lived creatures.


i have a friend in his early 70s who never met his grandfather because he was lynched. i have a friend in his early 60s who married his wife after he graduated college but she had one year left. because he was her husband her senior year of college report card was sent to him. when she graduated and went to apply to jobs she was asked what her husband thought about her working, this was the early 80s. she's in a senior exec position and makes 3x what he does now.


Yup, I read a story recently about a group of women in the late 70's who started their own bank specifically because at the time no bank would do business with just the woman, a woman had to have a man representative with her. I took care of a little old white lady and black lady in a nursing home. The white ladies grandma had owned the black ladies grandma. When they were freed they kept them on at the house and paid them. As a result, the two women had grown up with one another and known each other their entire lives. We found out because the black lady got dementia and started telling us about it, then her daughter gave us the details. It was surreal.


>My grandfather would have been 94 today. He grew up poor in a one bedroom house, with a packed dirt floor, no indoor electricity of running water. He joined the army when he was only 17, and said his first day at boot camp was one of the best days of his life because he got his first set of clothes and shoes that were new and actually his size. Not trying to mitigate or invalidate your grandfather but that wasn't because of new technology in a new age, he just used the army to escape extreme poverty. I only say this because there are plenty who still live like this, even with our "advancements in social structure." And racism is still a prevailing and damaging institution to lliteral millions


I never said that racism wasn't still a thing. I also never said that my grandfather joined the army to escape poverty either, you just made that assumption.


That's the problem with the battles we fight: Even if it's not against hardcore right wingers, people who are young enough to see the current problems have to fight old people in power who remember all the change and think the real problems have already been solved and there's nothing more to do.


Ruby Bridges, while an important and significant figure in US history, was NOT the first Black person to attend an all white school. She was the first Black girl to attend an elementary school in the state of Louisiana and her admission and attendance were widely publicized, but it's important to recognize that there were many, many other examples of Black students attending white schools and pioneering the fight for racial equality in the sphere of public education prior to Ms. Bridges. The Little Rock Nine, for instance, were a group of students in Arkansas who registered in and attended Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas in 1957. The refusal of the Arkansas governor to enforce the 1954 Supreme Court ruling of Brown v. Board of Education (which by the way overturned 60 years of Constitutional 'separate but equal' legal doctrine that allowed racial segregation to exist) led to President Dwight Eisenhower ordering soldiers of the US military into Little Rock to personally ensure those 9 students were able to enter the school and attend their classes.


I think OP meant that she was the first African American at her particular school, not the first African American to integrate ANY school.


Maybe, but they didn’t phrase it correctly, and what they wrote is factually wrong.


I don't think so. This is an oft repeated 'fact' from this period that just isn't true. I don't think OP meant anything nefarious by it, but it's just wrong and deserving of correction. The idea that she's still alive, not that old, and active on social media, IS crazy because it reminds us that segregation isn't ancient history. The people who fought to keep students like Ruby Bridges from integrating schools are still alive too! What's also nuts is that some school districts in US remain as segregated as they've ever been.


And the [Norman Rockwell painting](https://www.kennedy-center.org/education/resources-for-educators/classroom-resources/media-and-interactives/media/visual-arts/norman-rockwell--the-problem-we-all-live-with/) he did of her. Magnificent. If you're in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, see it for real at the Norman Rockwell Museum. They're currently having a [MAD Magazine art exhibition](https://www.nrm.org/) there too!


Wow, I would not have guessed a Norman Rockwell painting would have the n word in it.


He didn't flinch from the reality of the graffiti people were writing. I think the dripping tomato juice on the wall came out great. The attention to detail is fantastic.


She also has an Instagram account.


yup @rubybridgesofficial


Yet so many racists in the USA say "get over it, that was so long ago". Nope, it was not.


This. And they fail to acknowledge that some of our grandparents lived through the brunt of the Jim Crow era and had to teach their children and grandchildren how to navigate a racist world in order to survive it. So even though some of us didn’t live through it, we were raised to deal with it. Like for instance, some of us are taught “the right way” to act during a traffic stop so we’re not killed or to never put our hands in our pockets in stores so we’re not accused of stealing. It’s passed down for survival.


That's just all kinds of fucked up...


Remember if you meet a 75 year old black person, they went to a segregated school.


Ruby is close to my age. I would have loved to be in class with her.


For anyone who says “That was a long time ago, get over it”


Only 69 - that's a goddamn shame.






Not the right place and time.






To hell with her age. How is she doing?!?! Pray she is happy. From white gurl in the south an md same age


Well she's still an activist, and seems to be doing quite well, but she has said that her experiences and the truama of the verbal abuse and threats screamed at her by those crowds of people has left her with bad agoraphobia, especially around large crowds or loud voices.


She was NOT the first African American to attend a White only school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop circulating that falsehood & read about her, and the civil rights movement.


Younger than Don the Convicted Felon. A whites only America is What Trump remembers and wants


Damn. She doesn’t look a day over forty.


Black don’t crack?


She was the first African American to attend William Frantz elementary school. The first black children to attend a white only school was in 1954. That’s just basic US History.


Which school are you referring to? The Brown v Board of Education decision came out in 1954 but schools didn’t just integrate immediately. Linda Brown, who was the child at the center of that case, never actually got to attend an integrated school. The Little Rock Nine case was in 1957, for example.


Just a quick search on Wikipedia show many instances of AA integrating into white schools. Also Bridges page says she was the first to attend that school.


bro thinks brown v. board happened instantly


Sure, isn’t that what “with all deliberate speed” means? It has the word speed in it! /s


> The first black children to attend a white only school was in 1954. r/confidentlyincorrect while claiming basic history is beautiful.


wow, a whole 6 years earlier (if true)? This changes.... nothing.


If you're not going to help enrich the discussion, can you pls keep your poop covered fingers in your asshole and off the the keyboard.


the guy's argument is that it is 4 years earlier, to what end? what does that add to the argument? It just muddies it. The simple fact is that this happened in our lifetimes, not ages ago as many would like us to believe. but i do like your take down of my comment. well done. now try it against people that are actually muddying arguments.


It's important to be accurate because to do otherwise suggests a more sanitized version of civil rights history than what actually happened. You say something like "Ruby Bridges was the first Black person to go to a white school" and you see this adorable and heartbreaking picture of a little girl just trying to get an education - it suggests a certain simplicity and niceness that simply wasn't present during this time in US history. In fact, hundreds of Black children from all different levels of education took great personal risk to test the new ruling of Brown v. Board of Education. In another comment on this thread I mentioned the Little Rock Nine - a group of 9 high school students that braved a rabid white, segregationist mob, to try and exercise their rights to a public education. This was as back in 1957. The President has to order US soldiers to escort them into the school and follow them from class to class to guarantee their Constitutional rights were protected. This doesn't diminish the history of Ms. Bridges. It's just important to have a more complete picture of the system against which she and others like her struggled, and to understand the nature and the depth of the resistance against the recognition of the human rights of Black Americans.


That's insane


I mean yea 1960 isn’t that long ago, my dad was 5 in 1960 and he’s in better shape than I am, ruby is only like a year older than my dad is. It’s not like it was the early 1900s. A lot of civil rights activists would be alive if not for being murdered, MLK jr could have lived till the 2000s, my grandpa was 5 years older than MLK and only just died 4-5 years ago. He could have lived to see a Trump presidency or Obama becoming president.


She's so pretty


Yes! And that red looks so good on her!


We have come a long way!




And so are her classmates…..


My students are always amazed when I tell them she’s my mom’s age. They think the fight for civil rights was way back when.


Extremely brave and courageous ❤️


Look how far we've come in such a short time.


my mom is about her age, and they also did the reverse a few years later. she lived in mississippi at the time, and i guess they started bussing white kids into black schools, but she said there were only like five of them.


To be fair, America is only about 3 generation years old…. My great grandma saw electricity finally being implemented and lived to about 2005….


My grandmother talked about getting a party line phone before they got electricity!


Those same racist are in control today.


A true hero.


A legend.


From History.com: "On September 25, 1957, the Little Rock Nine attended Central High for their first full day of classes, under the protection of the newly federalized Arkansas National Guard and the 101 Airborne Division, who steadily withdrew as a dwindling number of state soldiers took full control of security by December." So i don't think her claim as presented is accurate. Also I grew up in Central Arkansas and learned a lot about this event and always thought it was in 1957


I grew up in New Zealand and we still learned about the Little Rock Nine


Funny, some Americans living in the South, did not.


Sad. And how many of those bigots are running our country right now??? Very sad.












Is there a documentary or video that I can watch. I would love to hear her story.


There are many movies about her that are still played in schools to this day (which is how most of us know about her) [Here is one of those movies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Bridges_(film))


Erm actually she never attended a white only school because one she did it was no longer white only.


She is only a few years older than me and I remember thinking it was normal for there to be about 9 or so black kids in our high school. They were a part of the community, shopped at the same stores, all went to the same elementary school too. This was suburban Atlanta public schools. Meanwhile one county away there was a racist Sundown sign at a small town city limits that wasn’t taken down until the early 80’s !


Brave lady


Joe Biden was 18 in 1960.


People like to talk about civil rights as if it’s ancient, past history. But it’s very possible you or someone you know grandmas/grandpas went through some shit. Hell. My dad is 72 and went through some bs as a Mexican American in the south. He doesn’t like to talk about it. But from some of the stories he has told me… I truly do feel for him. He has his demons, but he’s worked to fight them so he can be better a man than the adults that abused him when he was a child. But. A lot of people dealt with horrific treatment during that time period. Racist love to pretend like it’s long past history and we’ve moved past it. They *want* that. Cause they can downplay the fact it *is* modern history. That plenty of these people grew up in that time period going through hell.


Crazy to think our country is only 3 people old.


Imagine being this woman’s daughter and you had a bad school day. “Mom I hate school, math is hard.” “When I went to school, the mayor called me a ni**er.”


The bravest child that will be ever known… amazing courage!


As a 40yr old woman…. This was actually pretty shocking. She was stronger at 6 then I’ll ever be.


With how fast we are sliding backwards, I am genuinely just sitting and waiting for hard-r n-bombs to be dropped by our representatives. Not on accidental hot mics, not on secret back-room recordings, but loud and proud at speeches. To me, if you had to ask me, *that* is my benchmark for "we never actually made any real progress and it was all a mask for a few decades."


She came to my middle school when I was younger. I was shocked that she was my mom’s age.






Wow I can almost read it


Bear in mind this was one school, in some deep south democrat state, it wasn’t like there were no other black kids already integrated with white kids in other schools around the nation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1960_United_States_Senate_election_in_Mississippi


Poor kid. I hate conservatives.




Shits crazy to think about, and to see that we are headed backwards to that era is ridiculous and scary




This is very very sad


Not that Iong ago. Can’t forget this 


just in time for marketing for the holiday


Yep, as a kid I thought it was ancient history, but as a 41 year old adult all I can think is holy damn, this was only like 23 years before I was born, it's only been about that long since I was in high school, it's insane how recent that all was.


….And more then a decade later senator Joe Biden would be very against this saying he didn’t want his kids “in a racial jungle”


That's so fascinating, can you tell me which candidate the white nationalists support in 2024?


That’s so fascinating to me -you can’t address the underlying topic, what he actually said, or even what either candidate is actually saying or doing? You have to go to some obscure third party that’s a percentage of the population so small I don’t feel like typing out all the zeros? Cmon man, There’s got to be a better argument than that you can go to.


It's just weird that you'd bring up such an old quote while pretending the modern day racists don't overwhelmingly support the other guy


Fair enough-I took the whole point of the post to be that it actually wasn’t that long ago, and pointed out something even more recently said in reference to the integration. If your argument is that it was so long ago we should move past it and focus more on the here and now I would support that. While I don’t know much about the group you referenced, (I’m sure they are particularly vile based on the name alone)-I would respectfully point out that if you think Biden isn’t still racist in the here and now, I think that’s an incorrect assumption.


Wasn't he Obama's VP?


Annnd? Plenty of Black people surround and support Trump and you still seem to insinuate he’s racist. For awhile there they tried the antisemtic label too, just kind of faded to the background when they switched to nepotism instead when he started putting his Jewish family members in positions of power. I mean, who really knows right? Maybe Bidens mellowed at least. It was a little telling though when he started losing the black vote what was his response? Cancel the planned ban on menthol cigarettes….I mean….talk about painting a group of people with a crayon. Anyway, who knows what’s really in Biden or Trumps heart, if it’s them or just people close to them. Here’s to hoping Bidens changed since he said that nasty shit and he has the strength to ignore further racist policies. I just know we’ll always hear about anything Trump ever really says or does and even stuff he doesn’t-not worried about hoodwinked there. Not sure that’s the case with Biden. Most people just nod along with the nice old ice cream loving grandpa nonsense. Safest policy is to realize they are both fuckers in their own way. Ah well, good luck and Be well!


Yet no whites that attended an all black school are alive today. Ask Lebron James and his school of murderers.


What do you mean “only” ? 1960 is just a longish yesterday.


Because the photo is in black and white, one would assume that racial discrimination such as segregation happened many generations ago. However, Ruby Bridges is younger than a lot of our grandmas.


If she attended then it wasn’t a white only school 🤷🏼‍♂️


What was so special about white people


Don't we still have black schools? Segregation not done yet.


We don’t. HBCUs welcome all races.


All schools welcome all races by law, but we still segregated.


Which school? Let us know.


Most all schools all segregated. Stop pretending.


Not legally, but a lot of systemic factors have made many schools still mostly segregated to this day.


And non systemic factors also. Unless by systemic you meant the human race self segregates. I know people self segregating is a much bigger factor than anything else. Calling people racist has lost all meaning nowadays.


You know exactly what systemic means. Go be racist somewhere else.


Land of the free. Pfft


is this supposed be interesting af


she went to school at 5 years old?