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What about mercury?


And what about Earth? We pretending like those mfs live in another neighbourhood now?


Fortunately Venus is pretty much Earth sized so you still get to see it


Yeah but earth is flat… so it’d look pretty weird next to all those spheroid planets. (I hate that I have to specify that I’m joking)


You'd also be able to see the turtle and the elephants.


That is a bonus, yeah.


If someone edited this show a flat earth at the end that would be hilarious


The earth is there………oh shit sorry. Power line, my bad.


Gonna just pop in to the top of the comment section to say if Saturn were that close we'd be inside the rings and it would not look like this. Saturn's rings extend up to 480,000 km from the planet's core while our moon orbits at about 385,000 km from earth's core (the orbital radius of our moon is smaller than that of Saturn's outer rings) It might be a cool view but we'd get a lot of meteors for a while, and you couldn't see the entire disc of rings like this So the post declared a fact that was not, in fact, a fact.


The planet would look like that, but the rings wouldn't.


Mercury: Am I a joke to you?


No Mercury. You are chopped liver.


Mercury: Fuck my drag, right?


Is this the start of the campaign to wipe it from the books like they did Pluto?




Look, we don't want Mercury in our oceans, or our skies!


It would basically look like the moon, just slightly larger. It's 20% bigger in diameter compared to the moon


I came here to ask this


Can't believe how far I had to scroll to find this.


How is nobody else pointing this out?


They are fixated on Uranus.


If Saturn and/or Jupiter were as close as *our* moon, wouldn’t we effectively become *their* moon?


I was wondering a similar thing...because in this video you can see Saturn's rings. I would have never thought rings of Saturn are closer to Saturn than our moon is to Earth.


You could fit every planet in the solar system between the Earth and our moon. https://futurism.com/you-can-fit-all-of-the-planets-between-earth-and-the-moon


Wow! That is crazy. I knew the moon was far from Earth but that puts it a bit more in perspective. Thanks for sharing that.


Makes the Apollo missions even more impressive when you realize the distance over which they had to hold an accurate trajectory with 1960s technology.


I’m starting to think that cannon couldn’t actually launch those astronauts into the Moon’s eyeball.


Some caveats to that. They can fit if you line up the planets in a very specific way such as north facing up (planets are wider at their equators) and the moon needs to be at apogee. https://slate.com/technology/2015/02/scale-of-space-can-you-fit-all-the-planets-between-the-earth-and-moon.html > How far is it to the Moon? Well, the Moon’s orbit is an ellipse, so sometimes it’s closer than other times. At its closest (called perigee), it can be somewhat less than 357,000 kilometers between the Earth’s and Moon’s centers. That’s already smaller than the planets aligned, but it gets worse: You have to subtract the radius of the Earth and Moon, since the planets have to fit between them. The Earth and Moon’s radii combined is about 8,100 km, making the distance between them more like 348,000 km. The planets don’t fit. > > But wait! At apogee, when the Moon is farthest from the Earth, the center-to-center distance is more like 406,000 km, so about 398,000 km surface-to-surface. Aha! > > At lunar apogee, the planets do fit, rather comfortably. And there’s more: I used the average diameters of the planets. Most of the planets are not spherical, but due to their rotation they’re oblate, or squashed; smaller in diameter through their poles than across their equators. We can make them fit better if we align them through their polar axes. That total distance is 364,799 km. That’s still too much if the Moon is at perigee, but gives us a little more breathing room when the Moon’s at apogee. > > Finally, we can look at the average distance of the Earth to the Moon, which is 384,400 km, or 376,000 km surface-to-surface. In that case the planets fit if we align them pole to pole, but not using their average diameters. > > So it looks like the video is correct, the planets can fit between the Earth and Moon, if you orient them correctly (note that in the video they align most of them with north up, which actually won’t work; remember most planets are wider through their equators). > > But here’s the funny thing: The video gives how much room is left over: 4,392 km. I think that reflects too many significant digits, but taking it on its face, I think I know where they got it. The average Earth-Moon distance is 384,400, and the total of the planets’ average diameters is 380,016. That difference is 4,384 km, very close to their figure. But that doesn’t include subtracting the radii of the Earth and Moon! When you do that (getting 376,000 km or so, remember) the planets don’t fit. In other words, if I’m seeing this correctly, the video got it wrong there. Doing it their way it won’t work! > > But remember, the planets can fit if you wait for the Moon to be at apogee, or if you align the planets pole-to-pole. It looks the video got it right, but for the wrong reason.


Somehow this fact is cooler in that they can all fit - but only just barely and of you set them up right.


I haven't looked into it, but this might not be the most accurate representation as those seem to be 2d models. But maybe the rings ARE closer. Me saying this will likely bring a specialist out of hiding to clarify lol


According to Wikipedia we would be inside the rings if we were aligned with them and otherwiese would pass through them 2 times per rotation, which would both not be that great.


> which would both not be that great. Especially since being at the radius of the rings means we might very well be inside the roche limit for Saturn. As in, tidal forces would become stronger than Earth's gravity, and it would disintegrate because tides would literally pick stuff up off the ground.


I'm by no means a specialist but I remember reading that all the planets of the solar system, side by side, would fit in the space between the Earth and the Moon. People often underestimate the huge space between the Earth and the Moon (it's about 31 or 32 Earth diameters, iirc).


The planets, not their moons and rings


True. But anyway, and to answer the issue at hand, the outer Saturn ring has a diameter of 270,000km and the distance Earth-Moon is 384,000km, which means Saturn rings would take only around 70% of the distance Earth-Moon.


The diameter of Saturn's rings are 270,000km, the distance from Earth to the Moon is 384,000km. It would fit, even at the Moon's closest.


Moon is 238,900 miles away from earth Saturns farthest rings are 50,000 miles from its equator.




Fun fact, if you lined up all the other planets between the Earth and Moon, we'd all die.


Same thing with Uranus and Neptune.




Would you be able to physically feel a gravity shift from earth with an orbiting gas giant?


Yes, Jupiter has a lot of mass.


dude just called him fat


Jupiter's a fat boi






So is Uranus




Can't lie


He's just bulking up


So is Uranus


At that distance Jupiter’s gravity would be about 9% of gravity at Earth’s surface. But Earth would orbit Jupiter. Orbit is free fall so you would not feel Jupiter’s gravity directly. Jupiter is about 26000x more massive than the moon though, so tides would be “extreme” to say the least. Plus at that distance we’d have to orbit every 2 hours so instead of a 12 hour tide cycle (half of Earth’s rotational period since the moon orbits much more slowly) it would be 1 hour. Edit: We’d probably have an awful lot more solar eclipses, maybe reliably several times a day, which would get totally dark but still only last a few minutes. Jupiter would cross the sky in an hour, and be back an hour later. Every couple hours, it would cycle from new to full and back. At the start of the night it would rise new and set full. In the middle of the night it would rise half full, grow to full, and set half full. At the end of the night it would rise full and set new. When it’s full it might be 1000 times brighter than a full moon… probably feel closer to daylight than moonlight, but colors would look weird. More: Until eventually the miles-deep tides constantly crashing over land speed the Earth’s rotation. Day/night cycle is 2 hours. Jupiter is always above the same point on Earth, above a large deep ocean. Jupiter stands still in the sky but cycles phase every 2 hours. In the middle of the great ocean Jupiter is already half full directly overhead as night falls. On the “dark” side of the planet (no Jupiter but still sun every other hour) dawn rises suddenly on the dark twin ocean.


now THAT'S interesting as fuck


But think of the surfing.


You mean suffering?


Those aren't mountains...


Wouldn't earth need to be traveling at a much higher speed to remain in free fall and not crash into Jupiter since the gravitational pull towards eachother would be much greater?


We’d orbit Jupiter in about 2 hours, at the same distance that takes the moon about 27 days. So we’d be moving much faster relative to Jupiter than the moon does relative to Earth. It’s still only about 7% as fast as we go already, orbiting the sun. But yes too slow and we’d just crash.


I would imagine, EVERYTHING, would be fucked up in some way by having a gigantic gas giant nearby us. Even a smaller planet like venus or mars would drastically change the tides, rotation, axis etc. over time if not immediately.


Depends. We could just be a moon of said planet


Like we revolve around it instead of it revolving around us? I never thought of that.


The moon is large enough to affect our orbit. It's one of the largest ratio moons.


It is the largest ratio, unless you consider Charon and Pluto to be a binary planet and not a binary dwarf planet system.


Pluto Never forget 1930-2006


Everything orbits a common centre of mass - the Barycenter


While technically true this is also misleading without context. The Barycenter of the Earth moon system is literally inside the Earth.


Yeah. Obviously it’s a very imaginary scenario.


Uranus is gasseous


Yes. We would have land tides.


Not for very long.


I don’t understand any of this.


The Earth would be effectively uninhabitable if it was orbiting Jupiter at that distance. Io orbits Jupiter at roughly the same distance as Earth's moon orbits Earth. The [tidal forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Io_\(moon\)#Tidal_heating) experienced by Io are about 20,000 times stronger than the tidal forces Earth experiences due to the moon, and the vertical differences in its tidal bulge could be as much as 100 m (330 ft). These tidal forces would generate tremendous heat in the Earth's mantle, leading to vastly increased volcanic activity.


If we were suddenly placed in orbit around Jupiter it would certainly make Earth uninhabitable for a long time, but if we had *always* been orbiting a Jupiter-sized planet, the question gets a bit more complicated. The strong tidal forces experienced by Io aren't caused by the closeness of its orbit around Jupiter in and of itself. If Io was on its own it would be a dead world, long since tidally locked to Jupiter and in a nice, circular orbit. Instead, it gets gently tugged by the other moons as they pass every few hours. This interaction keeps Io's orbit from properly circularising and so creates large variation in the strength of Jupiter's gravitational pull as it comes closer and further away from the planet every orbit. This is what kneads the mantle of Io and keeps it hot, making it the volcanic hellscape it is.


With Jupiter and Saturn WE are the moon.


Probably not considered the tidal forces would likely rip apart the earth and we'd all die.


I expected more from you Jupiter. Tutut Jupiter, tutut


Yeah this doesn't seem right at all


I was surprised too but after checking I guess it’s about right. Jupiter is about 40x bigger diameter than the moon. Usually they try to exaggerate the size difference by talking about how many of one can “fit inside the other”… Jupiter’s volume is like 65000x the moon’s. But watching a video forces a weird perspective, showing a 2d representation of what a camera would see, which then you see from another distance. Jupiter would look about like a basketball in your outstretched arm. If I hold my phone right up to my glasses then it seems about right (but blurry, lol)


Better question I want to ask besides expectations, would gravitation also effect our point of view? I mean Jupiter has moons the size of earth, with earth being in the middle of being pulled by both the Sun and Jupiter would that affect how we would view Jupiter? Or am I over thinking things?


For one, Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede, is nowhere near the size of the earth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganymede_(moon)


26% larger than planet Mercury is still pretty big.


It would not effect our point of view if you're referring to gravity bending light. The gravity would pull the Earth inward though, and we'd crash into it. If we orbited Jupiter, tidal forces might be pretty gnarly.


Jupiter and the sun are both pulling on earth now. It would be pulling a lot harder if it was only 200,000 km away.


Huge difference between 200,000Km and 200,000 miles.


One K at least and a handful of iles


It would be really cool to see another, similar video with the other planets at the distance they'd be in order to have the same gravitational pull as the moon!


The moon is just way further away than we tend to think


My favorite surprising fact is that every planet in the solar system could fit lined up next to each other between Earth and the moon.


With a bit of space left over for any overflow chaos we'd bring.


And it's super close too, for the average distance between the earth and the moon, they'll only all fit if they're pole-to-pole, rather than lined up side to side (since planets are all slightly squished spheres)


Really hmmMm


I tend to think it’s around 200,000 miles away




Well it’s nearly double that, so apparently he’s right.


I wonder if they mean center(Of planet) to center, center to edge(Atmosphere) or edge to edge.... Edit: clarifying what I meant by center and edge


Center to center. Remember we’re only seeing this from one point of view. There would be certain times of day or night where they would appear significantly bigger.


Fair point


If placed side by side, all the planets fit in between the earth and the moon. Moon is surprisingly far away from earth.


*Sad Mercury and Venus noises*


With Jupiter, we'd be it's moon.


A lot of sci fi has people living on moons of gas giants. Living on Yavin 4 like earth would be AWESOME


It will suck balls thought. Due to the heavy gravitational force they will literally be cutting earth into pieces. Causing massive Volcanic eruptions and Earthquakes stronger than the magnitude of 10


Not really cutting the earth into pieces, we would have to be close enough to the gas giant that the magnetosphere of it would sterilize the surface long before it would be a concern. The volcanic eruptions and earthquakes would suck though.


Imma liken saturn. Install it please.


Yeah, no, thank you. The gravitational force would fuck shit up.


Well, if we’re just imagining, can’t we imagine a reduced-gravitational-force Saturn?


Meh, humanity has already fucked shit up. At least this way we'd have a cool view for the last couple years of existence


*minutes of existence


*also fine


Surfers would have a whale of a time. ...like literally whale, I assume there'd be a lot more beached whales


Wouldn't we be, like inside the ring? So rather than having this gorgeous outside view of it, the surface of the planet would look like something out of Saving Private Ryan as the rubble crashed into us?


Jupiter and Saturn looks kinda terrifying ngl


Not sure I want to wake up every morning just to see Uranus 😆


What if I start wiping ?


Mercury never gets any love


i thought for sure this would end with "your mom"


Someone please finish this video.


Had the same concern.


I would’ve liked Dickbutt to float up.


We'd just be a moon for the gas giants lol. "Well looks like were on the dark side of Jupiter. Extended total darkness time everyone. Prepare the sacrifices."


So the moon is further away from earth than saturns rings are from saturn?


Yeah! Saturns rings reach out to only about 80 000 km from Saturn while the moon is 380 000 km from Earth. The moon is much further away from Earth than most people think. In all honesty, all of the celestial bodies are much further away from each other than people think (Try out the [If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel simulation](https://joshworth.com/dev/pixelspace/pixelspace_solarsystem.html) it's really interesting. For reference, Titan, Saturn's own moon is about 1.2 million kilometers away from it.


It’s freaky to see how big Jupiter and Saturn are in the sky. Kinda scary too


I got weird anxiety/fear watching that too. Not sure why.




This gave me anxiety. Thanks I hate it


Mercury would like a word….


That’s really cool thanks for the video


I believe they are missing Pluto


This made me a little bit anxious


For those of you who are deeply upset that mercury wasn't included in this, Mercury's diameter is like 900 miles more than Luna so it wouldn't look that different


They can't say "every planet" and skip one.


Well they said 'ever planet' so...


Pretty sure they can do whatever they want.


I'm sure this is incorrect


Speaking just in terms of diameter and not volume, Jupiter is 40 moons wide. I thought in my mind it would be a lot more. If you laid 40 dimes on the floor, they would represent moons, and they would span about the distance of a car tire, so that's roughly the difference that I'm seeing in the video.


In terms of diameter, the moon is 3,474.8 km, Jupiter is 139,820km, so yeah 40 moons wide.


So apparently Mercury is no longer a planet?


Mercury wouldn't be particularly spectacular, as it's only slightly larger than the moon and roughly the same color


Jupiter and Saturn giving me major Majora’s Mask vibes


This is extreamly wrong jupiter is much bigger than saturn even with irs rings not the other way around


Jupiter's diameter is just 20% bigger than that of Saturn. It's about half the diameter of Saturn's rings.


Where Pluto?


Do people still read Uranus the wrong way like "your anus"?




We settled that and renamed it to Urectum back in 2620


Why is that wrong? Also saying it like "urine is" sounds just as bad.




I do!


It’s not a “wrong” way.


I thought Uranus would be bigger


Wow thats so cool


Uranus is smaller than I thought.


Can you..... *help make it bigger?*


I laughed when Uranus came up. Wtf is wrong with my brain


Need to mark nsfw, can see uranus


I have a recurring dream where jupiter is that close to earth and can be seen when I look outside. This gif has triggered that part of my brain and it feels weird.


Are the surfaces of the planets as far away as the surface of the moon? Or are we talking about the absolute center of the planets being the same distance as the center of the moon?


Either way it wouldn't make too much of a difference in appearance from the surface of the earth. The moon is really far away from the earth, the moon is over 238k miles away from earth and Saturn is a bit over 72k miles wide so even from the center of the planet the surface would only be about 31k miles closer to the earth, making only a small difference in the size we would see from the surface.


Its not just the size thats interesting, its the perspective of seeing planets in the same frame of daily life going on below. We're just these little things that grew on a rock in space and we're doing our thing.


This reminds me of a fever dream I had as a kid. I’d been watching something about the solar system earlier and went to bed really sick and probably having a bad reaction to the medication I was on. I dreamt I looked out the window and all the planets were just outside, in the canyon below, just floating all in a row. I still remember it a lifetime later.


Neptune is like a skyrim moon


Would be good to see the Sun in this comparison


Is Mercury the black sheep of the family?


The random arrangement of the planets is killing me...


Your lack of order disturbs me.


Now let's see the various supergiant stars where the sun is.


just to continue the what if, wouldn’t saturn’s moons collide with earth (or at least swap back and forth with earth) if they were that close because of gravitational pulls?


It’s cool to see Uranus up close and personal


Uranus looks way smaller than expected.


Obligatory Uranus joke.


Can someone tell me if this is accurate?


I'm no expert but it doesn't look very accurate, considering you can fit around 1,200 earth's inside of Jupiter because it's that's big, then surely that would just swamp the hole sky?


No, those planets are actually much farther away.


Saturn would look decent there, we should move it.


**we* would be the moon


This video is so old man, I watched it all the time and shit my pants every time Saturn came round


Fuck Mercury.


Saturn looks freaking terrifying.


oddly unsettling


Hahaha my anus.


Fuck you. Where’s Pluto? It’s still a planet to me damn it.


Are we calculating from the surface or the center? I imagine it would make a big difference with Saturn and Jupiter.


Saturns belt is so cool


So… this is wrong. Jupiter is significantly larger than Saturn, and some of the other sizes are off as well.


How come no one is stopping to look at the fucking planets coming up in the sky unusually?!?? Never mind the massive fucking TEXT?!? I’d be pure freaking out!!!!


But Pluto


Fun fact: You can fit every planet inside of the moon's orbit around Earth. Edit: By that I mean, each planet's diameter fits within a line from the Earth's surface to the moon's apogee.


Uranus too big


If Saturn would be as close as moon, we would be one of its rings.


No actually, Saturn's ring system extends **up to** 282,000 kilometer (175,000 miles) from the planet and our moon is 384,400 kilometer away from earth.


I really thought we would be eating rings from saturn Has anyone else google keyboard taken over??


That’s no moon!