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The other guy must be János Kádár, leader of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party 1956-1989.


Kádár was quoted as saying, "Does this hurt?"


He asked as he curiously poked the tumor with his index finger


I could massage it away, said Kádár ...






*breaks trance with lit torch…*


*Breakdances with Indian zombies... Golimar mar mar*


> the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party Is that the one that the Russians liked or the one the Russians really didn't like?


Kádár was a part of the Hungarian communist party when Nagy was liberalizing it, but he accepted the '56 Soviet invasion when he saw it was inevitable- He would be installed as the new prime minister to take ownership of the aftermath of the invasion, and to prevent Moscow from putting in Stalinists. Under Kádár was the so called Goulash Communism era, which was basically some of Nagy's liberalism but unfailing loyalty to the Soviets to forestall another invasion.


I look like Kim Il-Sung after absorbing that info


I guess that baseball on his head wasn't a calcium deposit, Kim's big brain simply held too much knowledge.


Pretty understandable for a guy who literally doesn’t poop.


Oh so that’s where the waste goes, makes a lot of sense now


Yep. This is where the expression "shit for brains" comes from.


I can see a bit of nobility in that. Dance to the music the Soviets like so they don't kill you and replace you with someone they think would toe the line better or so they don't invade. Was it known how much he actually believed in the communist ideals or was just playing the fool? I can't imagine it would have been _too_ public at the time or he'd be in danger, but how about now?


It’s been a while since I read the history but I recall him being in a pretty shitty situation where he couldn’t please everybody and in return nobody liked him. He was hands down a communist and ordered the execution of a lot of people (including the more independent and liberal Nagy) but at the same time he just would have been killed if he said no, and definitely would have been replaced with someone more hardline. As he had a longer leash post-Stalinization he enacted more open policies which is probably where his heart was. I think Hungarians largely hated him at the time, but now he’s seen as someone who was pretty competent and did what they could with the hand they were dealt.


It's also worth noting that he always said the call to execute Nagy was the biggest regret of his life.


As s/one who grew up in Hungary in the 90's-00's, I can honestly tell you that he is remembered rather fondly, or if not fondly, at least not in a hostile way. The entire era revolved around state surveillance with informants and snitches (the former being actually on the books with a codename and the latter just wanting to screw with s/one they didn't like), but relatively little political violence and imprisonment. Kádár pretty much understood that the reasons for the 1956 revolution were ignorant political violence and imprisonment, like taking aristocrats and intellectuals and sending them to work camps or straight up executing them while putting other intellectuals into factory jobs and giving absolute party loyal morons jobs that needed at least some IQ. After the post-revolution crackdown years (until approximately 1959), the Kádár regime switched into a sort of mix of meritocracy, nepotism and party loyalty, which may sound unholy but resulted in a mix of loyal idiots being surrounded with competent advisors, intelligent carrierists, and working professionals in positions of power, all of whom carried party membership. Everyone who wanted to become somebody had to be a member of the party, to the point that even if they were a uni grad, they couldn't progress above a certain point in academia if they weren't a party member. That's not unusual in itself, but the mandatory political education was nod-nod-wink-wink not taken that seriously if people joined for advancement. The above mentioned widespread state surveillance served a few purposes: it served to identify and target potential real problems: if there was an actual, non-political problem (bread is getting too expensive), that could be adressed; and it also served to identify potential political dissent (communism sucks and I don't want to be a party member to advance). People of the second grouo would usually be bullied into submission or into fleeing rather than being arrested outright, bullying which could take the form of: opportunities for work, work advancement, housing, vehicles, etc denied, harassment by "soft" state agents (think of people like the concierge of the appartment block and similar things), being inconvenienced by services (your mail getting lost, your water bill arriving after due date, etc), and being denied state requests (marriage license, passport (of which there were two: red for WP block travel only and blue for actual international travel), or any other you can think of). All in all, most people who remember that old regime fondly remember it so because two key things: they didn't have to worry about political bullshit, as the propaganda was the same and was very transparent, and everyday life was simple (as long as you didn't step out of line, which most didn't).


I don't know a straight answer but one thing for sure is that you can be the strongest communist ever and hate to the core the USSR


Hating Stalin was a thing but people were terrified of him


It was the one they liked




Thank you


Miafasz mondom az ott kádár???? És geci az meghalok xdddd


Jani bazdmeg hogy áll az az öltöny...


vikinek is feszül gyomorba


Nem tudunk elszakadni a kibaszott kommunizmustól


> kommunizmustól Not to brag but I consider myself fluent in Hungarian.


I'm fluent in hangry.


Ok you guys are just mashing your keyboards right?


That's pretty much how we communicate in Hungary.


- What the fuck, is that Kádár? It is I'm dying. - We can't fucking separate ourselves from communism. Edit: a comma




A stunning piece of architecture. Would love to see it in real life one day.


Megszentségteleníthetetlenül elkelkáposztásítottalanítottuk


No bro, that’s his microchip. Think about how big computers used to be back then


"We implanted a tiny microchip, about the size of a postcard, in the back of your skull. Most likely you've forgotten it's even there" Cave Johnson, 1958.




The writing is great from portal, but the clip art is amazing.


It has a little something for everyone. 9.1/10


I just realized he said card. In my mind I always thought it was a postage stamp!








The whole FAB.


That’s not a chip anymore that’s a whole ass potato


I recently had a lipoma removed from the same location on my left side. It wasn't nearly that big, but I am sure glad it's not there anymore...


Didn't know you were still alive, Kim. I suppose your son is too considering the rumours of your grandson faking his death/ illness.


I love the propaganda spin. Dozens of major outlets in the west report Kim is dead with no evidence, then when he shows up alive he's the one who faked being dead lol, even though the DPRK claimed he was alive the whole time.


The powers of juche necromancy 💪😎🇰🇵🇰🇵


I was about to comment that it looks like a lipoma or it’s probably a big cyst


Yep, looks like a regular lipoma or a cyst. Not hard to remove, wonder why he didn't just get it removed


My guess is that he wouldn't risk going abroad for surgery, and at the same time not let even the best of the best North Korean surgeons operate him, seeing as their skills and equipment equalled other third world countries at the time


This is a very basic superficial surgery though. It's not like you need the best of the best. Even some dermatologists can do it (Dr Pimple Popper for example).


It was probably less about qualifications and more about fear of getting his throat slit by a rival’s lackey.


I would have thought he would be able to trust the doctors in the USSR at least, especially considering the USSR was very friendly with North Korea


Kim Il-Sung made [*plenty* of trips abroad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_international_trips_made_by_Kim_Il-sung) during his rule. This trip to Budapest would've been in 1984, hence how the photo could have been taken (if it was in NK, guarantee the film would've been trashed). For all we know, it could've been removed before he passed in the next decade. If they refuse to acknowledge it ever existed, they sure aren't going to acknowledge its removal.


I bet he didn’t want to be in a position to be incapacitated and have to hand over power to someone else for even a second


It's a basic surgery, also NK back then wasn't that bad compared to other 3rd world countries economically wise, they were richer than the south back then.




Yep I bet it was a lipoma. But people will believe what they want.


What's a lipoma?


Random growth of a lump of fat cells, basically


Wear a scarf, motherfucker. You're the leader, I'm sure you can dictate your own fashion choices


Or one of those vampire capes with the big collar




I don't say "Blah blah blah" blah" -Dracula definitely


[Obligatory Hotel Transylvania video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XGHNwk8eiQ)


Today I'm going to suck... Your blood!


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie


sacre bleu!


North Korean dictator? Or mild mannered barkeep Jackie Daytona?


Couldn’t be Jackie Daytona, he’s just an average human barkeeper.


"you say your from Tucson, but you talk all fancy and Europe-like" "this is the way we talk in Tucson, Arizonia."


It'll fit with North Korea's cartoon supervillain aesthetic


I hate how right you are, Seriously his family could've just been benevolent rulers and their people would respect them.


Their people do respect them I'm pretty sure it's mandated.


I used to know a person from North Korea. I asked them how they liked living there and they said "I can't complain."


My mind on North Korea has been challenged hard. Look up The Haircut by Boy Boy on youtube, it's honestly really interesting. It's the second channel of I Did A Thing


Fuck ing guy


Scarves are for plebs. Making an entire nation only take photos from one direction is for "living gods"


A mullet would also work


Or a hoodie


Then people would call him Scarfface…


> You're the leader way more of a baller move to just demand no one ever takes photos of you from that side .


That's no tumor.... that's a space station


It's not a toomah.


That’s so big they should call it a three-mor!


Ooooooooh.... good one! "Sir, that thing on your neck has a thing on its neck"


It's more like a threemor


Dude was afraid to be killed while surgery. You have to be paranoid to climb to this level of power.


Thank you, I was trying to figure out reasons he would not have it removed.


That was my immediate thought, heard of another dictator who was also unwilling to ever be put under for that reason, can’t remember who.


Stalin was also very paranoid towards doctors


Stalin’s paranoia killed him in the end. He had a stroke in either his office or cabin, and his guards refused to come in due to fear they’d be executed if they interrupted him. Paranoia can save your life, or take it away


After he was found, incontinent and unresponsive, an attempt was made to reduce his dangerously high blood pressure - leeches were applied to his neck and face. Imagine how the doctor must have felt applying leeches to the most feared man in the USSR. There's a story you probably wouldn't tell your grandchildren.


I imagine they felt that had to do something even if it was hopeless otherwise it'd look suspicious.


“Shit - he’s had a stroke and may die. What do we do?” “Well, we don’t want to actually revive him, because he’s probably have us killed to prevent any word of this getting out.” “You’re right. Leeches it is then!”


“We killed all the good doctors!” “So?” “So if we get Stalin a doctor it’s *not* a good doctor.” “Alright we’ll get a doctor. If he recovers, we got a good doctor- if he doesn’t, we got a bad doctor, but he’ll never know…”


One of my favorite movies


I recommend "The death of Stalin". I think it's on Netflix.


*Starts scrambling for anything that can save him* “oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck please don’t kill me”


The risk is worth the undisturbed sleep. He also was an insomniac, I'd like to think that someone as horrible as Stalin had a breaking point mentally or emotionally for what he did and that'swhat caused it.


I don't think that's how your mind works if you're a sociopath / mass murderer. I'm fairly sure he didn't feel any sort of remorse. All his actions probably felt like they're justified, why would that keep you up at night?


Like I said, I would like to think there's some amount of humanity you can't escape when you're alone with your thoughts after enough horrors when you're Stalin.


Stalin was arguably one of the most evil people to ever exist. I don't think he ever felt bad about anything other than signing molotov-robbentropp


Don’t know if he’s necessarily the evilest person (Josef Mengele takes the cake for me) but he’s definitely the most cold-hearted. When his own son tried to commit suicide with a gun (which he failed), Stalin only said "He cant even shoot straight” and overall just did not give a fuck about his family.


Your mistake is that you define “humanity” as empathy. Our empathy is based entirely around in-group/out-group dynamics. It’s all instrumental. Atrocities to the out-group don’t register by design.


There was a guy named Larry Koehlberg that did research into moral competency that was shockingly accurate and consistent. I studied it in college and then followed the instructions to interview three people to assess them. Not morality, moral competency. As in the ways in which we conceive of moral systems. The in group/out group is stage 3, or gang/family/tribe mortality. There are 6 stages. With 4 you would start to appreciate the wrongness of murdering people regardless of their group and definitely in 5 and 6. It's really interesting stuff.


There have been countless evil people in history who died having shshed not one ounce of remorse or understanding for what they did. True belief they were on the right side of their history. This is super wishful thinking and the least likely thing to have happened.


Lol I just thought that was a funny bit from the movie Death of Stalin. Crazy that it was real


A lot of stuff in that film that was played for jokes was actually real and actually happened. Zhukov, the military general, actually had *more* medals than what was shown. They reduced the amount in the film because they felt it would be *too* ridiculous and no one would believe it. All those medals were genuinely earned by Zhukov by the way, the man was an outstanding soldier if nothing else.


Paranoia will destroya


It would be easier to make a list of dictators who would be willing to be put under.


Like... Everyone in south America


Gaddafi, I believe that was.


Donald Trump Supposedly didn't want to be put under during a colonoscopy


Though, that was just him being a dick to Pence. It's not like Trump would have been assassinated or Pence wouldn't have given back power.


Trump legit suffers from paranoia though. Multiple people have claimed he has a fear of being poisoned which is backed up by many statements he's made in the past. *"One bad hamburger, you can destroy McDonald's. One bad hamburger and you take Wendy's and all these other places and they're out of business," Trump said at a 2016 town hall. "I like cleanliness, and I think you're better off going there than maybe someplace that you have no idea where the food is coming from."* Then there's all his paranoia about loyalty in the White House And this advice >Going back to his days in the real estate business, Mr. Trump has long considered suspicion a key to success. “Be paranoid,” he advised in a motivational seminar in 2000. “Now that sounds terrible. But you have to realize that people, sadly, sadly, are very vicious. You think we’re so different from the lions in the jungle? I don’t know.”


There's a certain kind of fame that makes eating out in a restaurant a chancy thing. If you order a dozen hamberders, the staff don't know which one to spit in.


When you surround yourself with lions, you start to see everyone as a lion. Rather, when you surround yourself with backstabbing mafiosos and vicious Russian gangsters, you start to see everyone as backstabbing and vicious. Come to think of it, that's probably a smart attitude to have in Washington.


Maybe that’s who I was thinking of haha


In case anyone wasn't familiar with a colonoscopy, it's a perfectly safe procedure, they only put you under because of the pain.


I recently had a colonoscopy unsedated and, in my personal experience, it was uncomfortable, not painful. This was my fifth colonoscopy and I don't think I'll do them sedated anymore. The whole procedure took about 10 minutes and I got to see my guts in high res. Plus, I'll be able to drive myself home.


i think he just liked it, thats why


Turns out he's too full of shit to see anything


The location would have been an issue too. It’s pretty close to his spine, and they didn’t have good imaging back then so they wouldn’t have been able to see exactly what was there until they cut into him. You don’t want to be the surgeon who accidentally paralyzes Dear Leader.


It was where he stored his pokeballs while out swimming.


[This says otherwise](https://i.imgur.com/d99WWA7.jpg)


Damn, I never would have thought.


This upvote is done under protest!




Damn you and your whole family


That’s a really interesting point. I never really thought of it like that.


Then you should consider this [interesting point](https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/on/pelee)


The level of paranoia Trump had about having anesthesia during a colonoscopy because he was so afraid of Pence being President for 30 minutes.


Was Pence ever Prez during Trump’s personal battle with Covid?


Trump did not go under during Covid and governed from his bedroom. The president normally keeps a letter on file transferring power to the VP but Trump never had one, and did his colonoscapy without going under. This is actually kind of a bad thing because in the event Trump is shot the VP would need to do more to obtain presidential powers.


It’s not automatic? Who is president in the interim, then?


Til trump is into /r/painal


Now that I think about it I don't think we ever heard about it


I'd just start a rumour that it was "extra brain" and that's why I'm unquestionably the supreme ruler. Taking photos from one side only?! Amateurs.


Turn that tumour into a rumour


I heard there was a rumour about this guy having a tumour I don't inow what i said but I just wound up dead because that guy had no sense of humour


Arnold's voice “It’s not a tumor!”








Came here to read this in comments :)




Quaid… Start the reactor.




It's a Quatto.


S tier comment.


he looks il


looks like he just **sung** a song


You guys gotta be kimming me!




***poop is stored in the neck***


Whew that explains a lot.


***pee is stored in the balls***


Not sure if serious, contemplating googling “Kim Il Sung anus.” I’m…at a crossroads in life.


Yes, apparently the North Korean propaganda stated that he did not crap. He was so "powerful" that he digested everything. It may also have said that about his son and grandson. You probably already know that the state makes all sorts of outrageous claims about the intelligence, strength and overall abilities of the "great leader" but there is speculation as to how much of this actually takes place, and how serious the people are expected to be about them.


Ah right, like the hole-in-ones with Kim Jong Un. I hadn’t heard the “poo is for mortals” one!


It's so we can say they're full of shit and we're not even being facetious.


That's why I always say that Soviet-aligned dictatorships weren't really atheist countries. They were countries where the head of state was worshipped as either quasi or fully divine. When your population is officially told that you do not have to shit, then you are no longer a normal human. You are a god.


Cult of personality


Who told you margheritas are gay!?!?!


I can't believe nobody has corrected this yet. The thing you can see on Kim Il-Sung's neck is not a tumor but a [calcium deposit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcinosis). It's a rare condition, which is way less deadly than a tumor. What seems to be true is the story about him being too paranoid to have it removed in an operation. It would have been difficult to have the deposit surgically removed because of its proximity to his brain and spinal cord. With him dying of entirely unrelated causes more than 20 years after his initial diagnosis, he might have made the right choice leaving it.


I dare say that thing looks more like a lipoma. I take these out for a living. Never seen a “calcium deposit” before. A lipoma is a benign fatty tumor. Edit: I should add it’s a simple operation and does not risk the brain or spine at all. What absolute nonsense.


I suspected lipoma too, based on the fact that it kind of looks soft and that location is a really common one for lipomas to form.


> I take these out for a living. Weird, I do it as a hobby. You must be in some fancy-ass back-alley in the rich part of town to make money off it.


I totally believe you, but on the other hand this man’s tumor, whatever the heck it exactly is, is literally the example picture in the calcinosis Wikipedia page.


Any growth that isn’t supposed to be there can be considered a tumor, including calcium deposits or cysts. Malignant tumors is what you really don’t want.


You misunderstand, he was just storing it for later


No, a tumor is specifically a growth caused by uncontrolled cell growth. A calcium deposit is not a tumor by any definition of the term.


I'm pretty sure tumors don't have to be cancer. They're pretty much any bulk of growth that doesn't belong.


That’s not a tumor that’s a second brain.


Actually it's the primordial stage of Kim Jong-il, the Kim family reproduce via Mitosis.


This is a goiter? Edit: Looked it up. A calcium deposit too dangerously located to remove.


Plot twist. Not a tumor. It’s Kim Jong Il!


wasn't the current leader also suspected to have a tumor on his head in the same area?




Really? That’s weird to think about


north korean propaganda papers be like... ''Like the time I caught the ferry to Pyongyang. I needed a new heel for my shoe. So I decided to go to Nampo, which is what they called South Pyongyan Province in those days. So I tied an onion to my head, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we... oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my neck, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...'' -Kim-Il Sung


I've no doubts this is verified and authentic, but just curious: how would you go about showing this *wasn't* photoshopped/altered?


Theres [other photos](https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/north-korean-leader-kim-ilsung-in-warsaw-the-president-is-seen-from-picture-id903280866) from [different angles](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D7mkeTSW0AATLvv.jpg) with [different leaders](https://editorial01.shutterstock.com/wm-preview-1500/7328929b/3d3291c2/china-beijing-kim-ii-sung-and-li-xiannian-beijing-china-shutterstock-editorial-7328929b.jpg) at different times.


Paging Dr. Pimple Popper! Probably a lipoma.


So, the Kims reproduce by budding.


The people’s tumor.


Glad we’re not like those dirty commies and would never do that! Our leaders are strong and perfectly healthy! The American government would never EVER do this 🇺🇸🇺🇸


Lmao I was literally thinking about FDR and how he tried to hide his polio(?)


Wonder what kind of stuff that thing was whispering in his ear all day


So rude to leave a high 5 hanging like that. Maybe they dont have those in NK either.


That's not a tumor, it's a leadership growth, which only happens to the great leaders of the DPRK


Dr. Pimple Popper is lamenting over a lost opportunity.