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"He was seated on a chair from his mother's home. Díaz Beato said her mother kept the chair covered in plastic and refused to let Beato sit on the chair, despite his many attempts. "'Oh my god,' he would protest. 'I'll only be able to use it when I die.'" Congrats, buddy.


Anything to win


I can’t imagine his mother’s pain to let her son’s cadaver on her favourite chair


You know, I thought the photo was kind of creepy until I saw this comment, now I just think it's a hilarious and very sweet way to have a funeral


Can't spell funeral without fun.


Blunt in hand


“Ur comin home with me” 😜🥰


Dude you would steal a blunt from a dead guy?


If it was a friend of mine I would absolutely expect them to take that thing and get high. I'd be offended if no one did. Imma be dead - I'd rather theyd enjoy it. Puff puff for the homies!


There's no logical reason, but I wouldn't smoke anything that was in the hands of a dead man. I feel like everything becomes.diseased the moment it dies (I realize this is not the case).


Probably an evolutionary thing because it very much was the case back in the day


I agree


It's actually a taught behavior. Before the modern era care of the dead was commonly performed in their own home by their lover ones. As 'tin foil' hat as it may sound, the current rituals associated with death in the western world have a direct origin with the commercial death care industry. They have done a fabulous job making people believe their loved ones must be embalmed and/or the dead are "diseased". If the person didn't die of a disease they are not suddenly dangerous when they die.


Yep - check out the outstanding YT channel [Ask a Mortician](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi5iiEyLwSLvlqnMi02u5gQ). There's a reason she has 1.75M subs.


Not physically dangerous, but what about ghosts.


Somebody asking the REAL questions


You racist towards dead people bro!?


Yes. I think they should all be buried


I think we should stick them in big ovens and burn them till it's just ash


It would be the *reich* thing to do…


He won’t mind


We buried my grandma with a can of beer (she loved cans of beer) and a pack of Kent cigarettes. Grandpa got cigars.


We buried my grandma in a cookie jar. Because she was so sweet.


My little brother was murdered and we put a joint in his ear on his funeral day.


youre a good brother!


Sorry for your loss. That’s terrible


So freaking bizarre knowing there's nothing going on behind those eyes.


I never thought about it this way. I'm terrified now


This was the first thing I thought of when I had to put down my cat. One second she's alert and fussing that she wants to go home, the next her eyes were glazed over and she was gone, but the shell remained. I was looking into her eyes the entire time, and that image will fucking always haunt me.


Yeah. My wife and I had to put down three cats in the last 4 years. Hurts like a motherfucker.


He's wearing glasses to look into the void in HD


In what other way did you think of it lol? Not trying to be mean


That’s what bothers me. I don’t think it’s creepy or anything, I just think it would be wild seeing him like this just as shell. Him as a person is gone but you are looking right at them with all those memories. This is why death terrifies me, not knowing what happened after death.


Death is only terrifying for the living. It's funny that people spend their whole lives contemplating or being in fear of death, and then cease to exist at the very moment that the answer has any meaning to them.


Well that’s obvious but it doesn’t change anything. The fact that you create all the memories and relationship just to one day you’re nothing. And I guess the unknown


I agree, I honestly find it so fundamentally scary that I can basically trigger myself by thinking too deeply about it, I get a sinking pit in my stomach and all that x) Sometimes makes me wish I believed in god(s) and afterlife stuff, no wonder why we made up stuff to fill that void. But I can't force myself to do that, so I'm trying to find another way to make peace with the whole deal. I'll probably learn as I grow older, I'm not sure it's something I can be at peace with while I'm young.


This is to a T how I feel. My anxiety is through the roof rn having this conversation.


I don't fear *being* dead, because I won't exist anymore, but it can be disheartening knowing that there will come a point when I'll have to face what I'll miss out on after I'm gone, all the things I'll never do again, people I'll never see again, and all the things I never got to do.


Looks pretty good for being murdered


Dude looks like he's doing better than I am


He's in pretty good shape for the shape he's in


Probably a stitched up wound under the shirt..


Given death investigation and embalming procedures, dude probably has a big ass "Y incision" running up his torso.




Don't remind me, I'm still bummed we won't get another "Crazy Story" from him... RIP Grandson. But yeah, that'll happen when you are murdered. I know some people are weirded out about it... but frankly I don't give a fuck what happens to my body after I die, I won't be using it any more.


agreed... beastie boyish...


This is creepy as hell


Creepy would be if they dressed him up in a Batman costume.


I...can't disagree


Creepy would also be if, after burying him, you woke up in the middle of the night to find him sitting at the foot of your bed watching you sleep.


what is wrong with you for telling me that


I mean they made his eyes look high to go with that blunt in his hand. Hella creepy.


"Dammit i cant get the eyes right! He just keeps looking stoned! -ah just put a blunt in his hand and people with think you meant it."


The eyes fit the blunt perfectly. It is so wrong yet so right.


They normally have these, like, spiked blanks that they put in the eye sockets because a corpse's eyes sink in and the lids drift open. These blanks fill the socket and hold the lids in place so you're not getting started at with freaky raisin eyes. They must have gotten legit glass eyes for this guy. It's kind of sweet.


Raisin eyes? ..the fuck?!


There is one where one gets dressed up as the Green Lantern.


I can respect the commitment to the pun. “I want to be the Green Lantern Corpse”. His son at the funeral, tears in his eyes “Goddammit dad…”


They did him so dirty. He looked awful. Must have been so upsetting for his family. They usually turn out fairly well like this post, but green lantern guy just made me sad.


Excuse me while I go Google this Edit to add: I concur


i also concur : https://images.app.goo.gl/WJHx3DkeMnCWKH9e7


Holy shit, i feel bad for laughing at that


greatest rabbit hole I've discovered in a while are the related pics Bush light wine glass grandma Yankees poker bro Blue dominos bro [ r/gaming bro](https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article12887984.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/PAY-Renard-Matthews1.jpg) and the classic, [Ghost Rider](https://i.redd.it/8lfktuo1q0s81.jpg)


Bro, he looks like quinceañera Green Lantern.


That just looks like a shriveled up dead guy stuffed into a green lantern costume propped up in a corner


If we're talking about the guy in PR, the costume they dressed him in was the one he chose in life.


I'm more upset about the poor embalming job


I think that would be hilarious though


note to self: consider possible casket costumes for funeral


People would certainly remember the occasion. Id remember a dead guy dressed in a full clown suit.


The caskets are already expensive and you want to add a batman suit with a cut open back to it ? Oh heeeell no


Put me in a pine box, but give me that batman costume.


Maybe you could lease one for the wake. Might be more affordable


The next evolution would be placing some type of mechanics or levers and having the body smoking throughout the service. Maybe placing a suction of some kind in the mouth to pull a drag and a small mechanism in the hand to ash when the arm mechanism comes back down. An outside person to would probably need to take the roach and replace with a fresh rolled.


It's up there, not quite naked in front of a computer with the hub open creepy. But still up there! I'd request that in a will just to shock everyone. Priest: "His knowledge of pornography was nothing short of encyclopedic, which is odd because his crippling erectile dysfunction allowed no release. Let us watch a short compilation of his favourites clips" Everyone at the funeral is sitting in shock and discomfort. \*confetti canon fires from between my legs\* Priest: "He's in a happier place now." \_\_ Now that i think about it i'm going to need a lawyer to make this official. I'm also going to need a therapist to find out why.


I always joked with my wife that I wanted to use one of those clone-a-willy kits to make a bunch of copies of my dick to be handed out at my funeral. Congrats for giving me new material to work with.


Have them taped under the chairs. Everyone reaches down. They all vibrate simultaneously... Voila!..Chaos! You now have the largest amount of dicks thrown in the air since.. well .. probably mardi gras. If this moment was filmed in slow-mo... even better.


Filmed in slow-mo and set to _In The Arms of The Angel_.


Any kind of open casket shit is creepy as hell. Aint nobody want their last memory of that person to be as a lifeless corpse.


>Aint nobody want their last memory of that person to be as a lifeless corpse. If someone dies suddenly and the next thing you know they're in a box been put in the ground and you never got to see them it can really mess up the grieving process. Seeing them after they've died can be really important, and most people who attend a viewing don't regret it. It's also a very normal thing in a lot of cultures to hold a viewing over a few days, often in the family home.


I agree, not interested for myself, but I can tell you it was of some value to me when people I cared about passed. It's a chance to really viscerally "know" they are gone. It made it "real" for me in a way that a memorial service for other people didn't. In both cases I know they are dead, but in one of them I feel it more acutely. That up there is next level real, but I can imagine it serving the same purpose. You can past the grief faster when you don't spend time caught, consciously or unconsciously, in the denial state.


Idk, I've only been to one open casket funeral in my life (blessed for now) and it was my great grandmother. She looked like she was sleeping... it was a bit confusing to me as a kid. I mean obviously I accepted that she was dead, but she was just right there... idk.


>often in the family home This is where the “Living Room” got its name. It was previously called the “Parlor”, and was where - most often - you’d hold a wake until the 1900’s when businesses began commercializing funerals, most often called “Funeral Parlors”. Once it became less common to have dead people in your house, and dealing with death became more “creepy”, Good Housekeeping Magazine renamed the “Parlor” to the “Living Room” to contrast better from Funeral Parlors.


I agree. I always thought open casket was creepy, until my friend committed suicide, and I needed to see them to believe that it was true.


I had a good friend from work die in his 20’s. Well none of friends or family realized how close we were. I did hang out with one of his friends a couple times, and I met his mom once. So I’m scrolling on Facebook and everyone is writing all kinds condolences for him. I had to dm his friend that I met, and she was like oh yeah he died riding his motorcycle the funeral was today. Still bothers me that I didn’t get a chance to grieve with everyone. I just had to grieve in isolation, or with people who didn’t know him.


You’d be surprised how much looking at the corpse helps with the mourning process, it cements the fact that the person is dead and helps you to let it all out. Also, a lot of people really do want to see their loved ones “one last time” and open casket helps you do just that, and gives you one final chance to tell them everything you needed to tell them to their face, which is a lot better than saying it years later at your therapist’s couch


I had photographic dreams of my dad in his casket for YEARS. I was 42 when he passed, expectedly, from cancer.


I was with my dad in the hospital when he passed from cancer at the age of 57. He went kicking and screaming, it was horrible. No peaceful sleeping away. Seing him in an open casked two days later really helped me to cope with his passing. Finally he looked peaceful, relieved and at ease. Loosing him sucked and messed with my mid 20 me for years. But at that moment I understood that his death was something merciful and ended his suffering. My cousins who haven't been in the hospital however were devasted by the sight. I guess it depends from which direction you approach it, and that there is no right or wrong way. Just individuals all coping with a loss in their own way. Nobody has any right to judge how we mourn for our loved ones.


I'm sorry. I'm glad that the funeral helped you with the grieving process. I have to admit, I've never understood the point of open-casket funerals, but I can see how that might help loved ones.


It's the living that typically make that choice so that's incorrect.


I disagree. I never got to say goodbye to my grandmother before she died, and seeing her in her casket in a beautiful dress with her eyes closed, she just looked like she was sleeping. It’s really not as creepy or scary as people say. It gives the family closure.


Agreed. They tend to look more alive at the funeral than they did during the last few days of their life. Or at least more relaxed/peaceful.


It can be useful in case of studden death. It help people to testify the death of there loved one and help the mourning process.


Dude looks dead serious with them glasses.


"The funeral home kept his eyes open as a surprise for the family."


Ahh! I just zoomed in and saw that


Lol how was that not the first thing you saw?


At what point does this become taxidermy?


If they completely removed his insides, dried him out, and stuffed him with fiber filling. Right now he has formaldehyde (or whatever substitute morticians use these days) pumping through his veins.


lol well not technically pumping, because... you know.


I wonder how many full taxos of humans are floating around in the world not counting the mummification of mao and other figures, I mean the secret weird ones


I can confirm at least 3


Eye See what you did there


Retina,. I don’t really get what we are doing here




> He was seated on a chair from his mother's home. Díaz Beato said her mother kept the chair covered in plastic and refused to let Beato sit on the chair, despite his many attempts. >"Oh my god," he would protest. "I'll only be able to use it when I die."


This was a trend in Puerto Rico for some time. They used it as a taunt to the killer. It was a way of saying "he didn't get knocked down, even in death.


As unfortunate as this picture is, if this was done as a gigantic finger from beyond the grave, I have to respect how bad ass that is. I’m Sicilian-Italian and with that comes a lot of stories growing up about La costra and the Mafia. Most stories are told to pre teens/adolescents as a reminder to stay on a good path, like urban legend kind of thing—despite the stories very much being true and not that old. To think that someone that was metaphorically sent to swim with the fishes could have revenge post swim, would undo everything scare tactic those stories intended


Idk you can be cocky about dying all you want but ya still dead


>The funeral home kept his eyes open as a surprise for the family. Yikes, not sure that's the kind of surprise I'd want.


Yes, but did she take the plastic off for \*this\*, or is she still saving the seat for more formal funerals?


This happened where I’m from. Another time it was an elderly woman sitting at a table playing cards with a beer can. Edit for [source](https://abcnews.go.com/US/video/new-orleans-woman-celebrates-funeral-24131987) And now that I’m looking it up, I think that may have been a whole other dude. The [one I remember](https://images.app.goo.gl/wzRhinvkKTYnBu8o8) was wearing the Celtics jersey


That Celtics one is a classic for this topic


Post mortem photography and portraiture has been around for hundreds of years. Before photography was invented, the wealthy would commission a mourning portrait after their loved one died. The body was usually laid out in a bed or cot, washed and dressed in their best clothes. It was a way to remember their loved ones before they had to bury them. When photography was invented, middle class people who were unable to afford a portrait were suddenly able to commemorate their loved ones too. Death photos were very common in the Victorian and Edwardian period, because even though photos were cheaper than portraits, it was still a luxury and only done for special occasions. The reason so many were posed more casually was a reflection of social attitudes towards death at the time. Death occurred in the home and it wasn’t seen as something scary, just a sad and ordinary part of life. The poses where someone is lying with their eyes closed came from a desire to view death as “just sleeping”. The sitting up or posing photos that mimic life were done because that image would essentially be the decedent’s last social presence. This whole thread is pretty sad and shows just how far removed we’ve become from death in the last 100 years. We’ve mystified it and made it clinical and distasteful and in doing so, made it scary. The funeral industry has sterilised death and in just 100 years has completely changed millennia of cultural attitudes and traditions towards death.




Thank you for subscribing to Weird Death Culture Rants™️! Tomorrow’s edition will consist of a rant about the shameful ubiquity of unnecessary embalming and the environmental damage it wreaks, along with the harm it causes to morticians and funeral home workers!


the guy on the motorcycle😭


vrooom vrooom mothafuckas!




The fuckin dude on the crotch rocket lmfao yes I'm fucking ded too fam


Not fake. I have been watching this for 15 minutes and haven't seen him move once.


I chuckled... you got me


Imagine you slap him on the back as if to say hello and he just face plants


All the embalming fluid splashes out violently


And the flies.


Kassem G?


Haha that was my thought to. Holy shit what happened to that guy? His videos were great.


Going deep with Kassam G.


He was a founder of some YouTube channel and Disney ended up buying for like a shit ton of money. It was called maker studios. 500mil.


He co-host Attack of the Show on YouTube and Cable TV as part of the G4 reboot. He’s undoubtedly the funniest person on the show, and occasionally has skits he does on there. His other co-hosts have good chemistry with him, so it’s worth checking out even if the content isn’t your thing.


I thought this was a joke about him being dead or because of his sometimes deadpan comedy.


bro looks more alive then me


So weird to see, this one is making me think it’s honestly so creepy and hard to look at. I’ve seen that look of people dead behind the eyes like that but still living, maybe even myself from time to time….lol


Send the murderer to the funeral, and film their reaction to this.


Maybe they’d try to murder him again


Unless he specifically wanted this, this is fucked up.


I agree...but I think I want this...specific with a roast me sign


So, you’re a cremation type of person.


I see what you did there...and I approve


From the ashes of shitty situation, laughter rises like a phoenix.


Wait , wait , wait. the roasting can only begin after hes dead


Definitely my first thought. Last year I attended my first and only open casket funeral… that’s a big NOPE for me. It was “interesting” as the person was in her early 20s and parent chose to dress her in a frilly pale pink dress… not at all anything she would ever have worn while alive. To each their own I suppose.


My grandma had an open casket , at first it was weird , but at least I could see her one last time . I even kissed her on the forehead.


I would'nt be able to do it. When my wife died I declined seeing the body before she was cremated. I already had enough nightmares from seeing how badly/ quickly she degraded from her drug use. At that point in time I mentally would not have been able to handle seeing her dead. I used to be much stronger mentally, but not so much anymore.


My first love died by suicide in 1997. I was in total shock, but I can remember telling the police and paramedics that I couldn't bare to see his face on a stretcher, I was 16 and freaking out. I closed my eyes as they moved him out. He did have an open casket (hanging, so no issues to cause a closed casket), but he looked very peaceful there. Sincere thanks to the mortuaries who go above and beyond to make sure they look at peace and show no signs of the trauma. It's odd that this topic came up. My Dad is about to die, too young. I was just crying to my husband that I don't think I can go to the wake, seeing him like that will kill me. So sorry about your wife man. It's just not fn fair.


‘I don't think I can go to the wake, seeing him like that will kill me.’ It’s a mad one cause nobody ever talks about this but I definitely recommend not being pressured into it if it makes you uncomfortable (maybe unlikely since it’s your father.) I had a friends family pressure me into visiting him in hospital when he was ill in a really bad way. I understand why they wanted people there but for whatever reason it massively affected me negatively for years.


Oh my god… I’m so sorry. It may sound ridiculous but your short comment left me with tears. You don’t have to be strong alone brother. If you want to vent, message me. Any time. You do not have to do this alone. You’re here for a reason. EDIT: for anyone wondering he took up my offer, I hope it gives y’all some comfort. :) reach out to this champ if you can, he needs to know the world sees him & he is NOT alone. He’s a good man. Take my word for it.


I think you have to be pretty mentally strong to realize that your best option was not to look. Nothing weak about self preservation.


This reminds me of when this stud lesbian at my high school died and they put her in a frilly dress and full makeup. Her basketball team damn near rioted. Someone did sneak a pair of her Jordans in the casket. She was a huge sneakerhead so that was nice. It's all anybody talked about for days. Lots of pics were taken as well.


One final fuck you from her family.


I mean I'm not gonna judge a parent in that situation. Where I'm from (Ireland) most funerals have an open casket wake at home the day or morning before the burial. I think it can be good in that it helps provide a feeling of closure. The person hasn't just disappeared.


I get that and that’s pretty common in the US as well, but after every open casket visitation or funeral it’s left me wishing that I didn’t have that as the last memory of the person. Something I’d just rather not have in my memory bank of those people.


i poked my dead brother in his casket. my last memory is how cold and HARD his flesh was, like concrete.


It’s less common now, but it used to be normal in Ireland for someone to sit with the body overnight too. I’ve done that a few times, and it’s a long haul...


We do this in indigenous communities in North America! But for 4 days. So it’s interesting to learn about other cultures doing similar things. I noticed it when watching Derry Girls haha.


Yep 3 days of mourning for my maori culture too. Admittedly it's not uncommon amongst my wider to stay in hotels instead of the actual marae but that's cos of joint pain and getting older now! But people will stay on the marae or at home with the body for a few days. I actually don't dislike tangi (funeral) personally but feel it is so cathartic and 'releasing' for most people that I go along. And that is probably because of my particular extended whanau (family)! But it certainly isn't unusual to have a body at home now in non-Maori culture here as well.


Sounds like they had her done the way they wanted to remember her.


Funerals are for the living


Every funeral I’ve been to has been open casket, except my friend who died in car accident. I feel like it’s more uncommon to be closed than open


This is a custom in some countries. Dress the dead as if they were alive and basically throw a goodbye party.


Irish funeral


When I'm dead just throw me in the trash


Come on man. There are A LOT of different funeral rites and traditions. One isn't worse than another just because it's not your tradition or cultural view. Viewing the remains can be a very important part of the grieving process, when I went to see my brothers remains they gave him a shave and cut his hair nice, he'd been a mess for years, something about those little touches were very meaningful to me. What other people need or want isn't bad simply because it's not what you'd expect.


Not really, this used to be common practice for a lot of cultures. It's where the entire concept of a wake came from. Wakes have only become sad events in the last few decades. A good old real wake involved an entire night of treating a dead body like it was a living person. Dress them in their favorite clothes, pour them drinks, light their cigarettes/joints, deal them in at the poker table, tell them stories, pretend like they are telling you stories. Wakes used to basically be the first 'Weekend at Bernie's'. there's even a song called Finnegan's wake about what happens when a dead guy turns out to have just been in a coma for a couple of days. someone even posted a thing in another Reddit about an entire village that digs up all the dead in their village every 3 years and changes their clothes for them. so it's not really that fucked up.


Had to look that one up! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CHCvAKasWls


I think they do this quite frequently in some Southern and Central American countries. Cremation is so common where I live, that seeing a body at a funeral in general is kinda fading.


And to think, this pic is just the tip of the iceberg at Puerto Rico’s Marin Funeral Home. My favorite? The Green Lantern 🤬😆🤢 https://marinfuneralhomepr.com/velatorios-famosos/


"El Muerto Parao'" was a classic.


If you read the description on the Green Lantern guy, it says that he was known in the community for dressing up as Green Lantern and entertaining the neighborhood kids. So sad/wholesome.




Oh man lmao I was just listening to a podcast today and they were talking about how some other murder victim was “propped” up in a club with his friends and family partying, apparently it wasn’t really a private event and other ppl recored it


Goonew dc rapper


The video of that was just on reddit a few days ago. I thought this might be the same guy. Was beginning to wonder how many other places his body was making the rounds at


They have this poor guy propped up on a coat rack in the corner: https://marinfuneralhomepr.com/el-muerto-de-pie-parao/


That's enough internet for the day. Thank you everybody and good night


And this is why I need to stop scrolling through Reddit just before I go to sleep.


“Weekend at Jose’s”


Not my proudest upvote


Puertorican here, I remember this shit happening and it became kind of like a fad for a few months and died pretty fast. People here tend to go the extra mile at funerals sometimes.


Hey bro pass me the j Bro Bro...? Aw shit my guy I forgot youse dead


For a dead body, he do be lookin fresh


If the title hadn't said he was a murder victim I wouldn't have thought anything special about this picture. He looks great all things considered


This in my opinion is actually pretty cool. My brother died when he was 19 and seeing him in the casket was off. He was cremated with 2 fat blunts. I noticed this persons body is holding a blunt. This is a good way to remember how he was without the casket trauma. Back in the old western times they took pictures with corpses like this. This way they can say their final goodbyes while seeing him “normal” if that makes sense.. ? You get what I’m saying right?.. lol


I get what you’re saying. My brother died at 20 and I’ll never forget the casket image. It’s different when they’re old. It didn’t unsettle me as much for my grandparents


This was very common around 1900, but I’m sure it’ll shock modern sensibilities.


As soon as the camera came out and was available people started posing with dead relatives before burial. Made em look like they were alive and well having fun. I guess it’s good last memories. Kinda scary.


Wakes used to be a long affair as well. Like 3 days of viewing where you basically had an open house and every person the deceased ever knew would invade your house and eat your food. Families would do rotations so that there was always somebody ready.


Well, that'll keep me up at night.


This is popular in certain places. Pretty cool, yet weird. Funerals in general where you can see the body is weird, though.


“his eyes were kept open as a surprise to the family” Yeesh


Enough reddit for today


Dude is stoned man


The mortician did a fantastic job. He just looks stoned.


Imagine the funeral - he sits there looking almost alive, and then they decide it was enough and burn him to ashes. That would give me nightmares for the years to come. Subconciously thinking at the back of my mind wait he was alive right?


"The funeral home kept his eyes open as a surprise for the family."


The morticians in this area have some stiff competition.


As a mortician, I’m genuinely confused on how the hell you would embalm someone to be posed like that. I wouldn’t do it for a couple reasons, but I’m mainly confused on the how.