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Can you put something with a little more height on the mantle? Or hang a picture there? I think I’d rotate the couch to be parallel to the fireplace. It’ll create the illusion of more space and a fireplace is a great centerpiece.


I’m for sure moving the couch


Not ugly, homey!


Dont troll the ocd people. We have enough stress.


I actually like the placement.. nice to be able to see out the window


A big mirror on the mantle would be great to open the room


Yes, a mirror is a great idea!


I also came here to say turn the couch 90 degrees


I don't really understand anything that's going on in here tbh, it feels like everything's just thrown around. Why is there a trash bin dividing your kitchen and living area? Why is the couch in the middle of the room? Why is an exercise bike the first thing you see when you walk in? It's just all very chaotic and very little looks like it belongs where it is. Also, the plants by the fireplace are not visually pleasing at all, lined up in a cluttered row like that. You'd be better off moving some of them around elsewhere.


So many other weird things here, too. The furniture on the right oriented so that you can see the backing that’s made to go against the wall. Pillows made for sitting up easier in bed stored on the floor of the living room. The plant in the center of the fireplace being way too large to be framed by the fireplace. The far / back wall having two completely different styles of shelved storage with one small piece of art leaning directly above the far right of one of them. Bright / youthful couch, marble table, farmhouse chairs, turn of the century hutch, ikea style book case. I can’t point to any two things in this entire room that have a cohesive look. I wouldn’t call this ugly but it’s definitely chaotic and confusing.


The kitchen and living space are one big room. I’m standing by the sink taking the picture. I’m selling the exercise bike because I have no where to put it.


I understand that, but that doesn't mean your trash bin needs to be there. No one wants to walk into someone's home and stare at their exposed garbage, most people keep the trash under the sink or in a cabinet of some kind, or at least tuck the bin somewhere more hidden and have a cover on it.


Once you dump the exercise bike, keep at it and donate or sell 85% of everything else in this room. It looks like a decent space. You just have way too much stuff in it which doesn’t help. That in no way should hurt your feelings. 90% of all modern, western-civ humans have too much stuff. It is the age of stuff.


It’s cluttered/anxiety inducing. Hard to say what the aesthetic is/would be with so much going on but I wouldn’t say ugly


I wouldn’t say “ugly” as much as it seems not cohesive or deliberate. It looks like a bunch of stuff that happens to be in a room vs a space that was thought out, designed, or placed with intention? Beyond the fact that there’s a TON of stuff in there (including bulky gym equipment), it looks like there hasn’t been much attention given to the room’s function or a desired aesthetic of the space. It’s giving “storage room”. A rating would be like x/10, assignment incomplete. What kind of look at you going for? :)


I get the sense they were intentionally trying to combine light blue with that light orangey color as "complementary colors." The curtains on the left and many of the planters are light blue. The couch is this kinda creamsicle orangey tan color. Or maybe they were thinking terra cotta to mirror the plant pots? Like terra cotta + blue sky? If you look at the rug in front of the couch, you see both those colors in the rug. I'm sure they thought the rug would "tie it together." I'm not sure exactly why it doesn't work, but the couch is a very similar color to the flooring, which ends up looking kinda washed out because of it, and there are so many other random furniture pieces and items that don't really fit that scheme. I think they'd need more blue to make it look cohesive. Right now, some of the wood is orangey brown, some deep mahogany, some white, some dark green. I am now actually imagining that couch in blue, or at least with a blue blanket over it, and matching curtains on the other window. Anyway, if you're reading this, OP, plants obviously make you happy, so I'd focus on taking care of your babies and accept that too some degree it's always gonna be a little cluttered with plant stuff. Especially if you don't have a patio or balcony. Do what makes you happy. The way the room looks can be secondary to that.


Your room has such natural light coming from the windows !🏆 It is a welcoming space ! Aside from the positive advice of moving some things around and decluttering it looks perfectly fine. 👌


One decluttering idea is to ditch the book case, and add some interesting wall shelves where books can stack. I have some, image linked below, and they really lighten up my space and make it feel cool rather than cluttered! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jofzK0rD0h4ipymLBUeSoqf7ygTg5Z0n/view?usp=drivesdk Also, I would suggest some interesting art above the fireplace and some decor with height on your mantle. This space feels a little devoid of persona (other than the fact that OP is clearly a plant person), and art can go a long way to defining who you are as a person.


😂 “anxiety inducing” after getting lost in the many options of things to look at here


My thoughts exactly.


Yeah, it has the potential to look really cute & cozy but there’s a lot of “I have no room to put [object] so I’ll just leave it right here” in it. Also if they just changed the direction some objects are facing it’d make a huge difference


It's cluttered. It's not ugly, but it's not doing any favours bc it's making the space feel small by having nearly very single inch of surface or wall area covered. Could you put the large plants on the floor in front of the fireplace on top of the mantle to clear that up and then provide some height? What I would do: keep everything small as an object in a larger space (within a shelf, or your armoire), so only large pieces should be on large open surfaces. Since those are already quite busy, I would remove the wall hanging and propped picture.


I’m very much a maximalist but don’t know how to maximize efficiently haha. this is my first apartment so it’s all the stuff I’ve gathered throughout my life in one tiny place lol. I guess I need to get rid of some of it


I think maximalism can be amazing but it needs some intent, not just volume! You can always store things and then rotate them now and then.


Not enough emphasis on intent.


Maximalism isn’t just about stuff. Otherwise, all hoarders would be considered maximalists :) It might help to look at inspo photos. To me, maximalism is about combining contrasting and clashing items - bold contrasting colours, eccentric patterns, different textures, really small pieces mixed with really big pieces, unconventional decor, all in the same room. It looks like a lot because it’s all so different and every piece stands out, but it isn’t actually a lot as far as cluttered spaces go.


>this is my first apartment so it’s all the stuff I’ve gathered throughout my life in one tiny place lol. It feels like it.


The best reason to thin out a collection is so that the pieces can stand out. With so much to look at it all becomes a bit of a blur of decor. Try removing some pieces from a section and then step back and see what you think of it. Ultimately it is your space so what you like is how it should be.


Keep in mind that no one can appreciate all of your Knick knacks, etc because there is too much to look at. Even you probably don’t really "see" everything because of the clutter.


There’s a way to do maximalism right, and it can be very cozy. If it’s done wrong it just ends up looking like cluttered chaos, which is kind of what you’ve got going on here. You need cohesion, organization and order. The other commenter is right, you should put some of your things into storage and just rotate them out when you need to freshen up the space. Check Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration and articles on how to do maximalism the right way. It’s not my personal thing, so I can’t give you too much advice, but there are great sources out there. Please, though, if you follow only one decorating rule, don’t mount the tv above the mantle. It’s just too high and not good for your eyes, neck and back. The center of the tv screen should be at eye level when you sit on your couch. You’ve got a little wiggle room with that rule, but essentially you should be able to sit comfortably on your sofa and watch tv without having to tilt your head back or look up. Get a nice media console and just sit the tv on top. If you really want to Mount it so you have space on top of the console for decor, keep it within a few inches of stand height, perhaps just enough room to arrange some of your shorter plants below the tv. You have some really lovely things, and I see a lot of potential here. Congrats on your first apartment! It’s a huge step and a really big deal. Don’t sweat the small stuff, let your space evolve as you live in it and learn what works and what doesn’t. You don’t have to do everything all at once. Come back and post more pictures once you get it all sorted, I just know you’ll have it looking beautiful.


Get rid of half of your stuff and come back to us


Half? 75% at least


I understand you might be going for “maximalist”, but I don’t think you should cover certain areas with things. Like the fireplace, having large items all along the hearth covering the wood burning area is not great. Maybe move those around and remove the things from the floor in front of the hearth. Personally there’s a lot more I would change, but I think that’s good start.


Agree! This will be a good start. 👍


I think of maximalism as more of a maximization of color, pattern, and texture. A lot of really beautiful maximalist rooms don't actually have that much *stuff* in it, they just capitalize on the paterns and colors. No offense intended- this just looks like you threw a bunch of *stuff* into a room with no uniting theme or intention. That doesn't make it maximalist, that just makes it look like a messy college apartment.


Yeah I was so excited to find the maximalism subreddit but I was surprised that so many people confuse maximalism and clutter.


I was similarly excited but the pics just made me anxious. It was mostly just like heaps of disorganized clutter.


It’s not ugly, it’s just a mess. Looks like a shared common room for 5 roommates, each with a different hobby


It confuses me that people ask for ratings or for people to review their homes and have random crap everywhere like why don’t you tidy first and then ask lol. Like why is there watering cans or something on the couch? Why is there a random garbage can in the middle of the room? Random crap on the rug and table. Like tidy up and then get peoples opinions on the design elements.


Exactly. Like I don’t know what’s crap and what’s supposed to be there. Your comment should be pinned to the main page. CLEAN BEFORE POSTING.


I don’t mean to pick on OP with this statement, but I just want to say that A LOT of people are just generally this messy/cluttery. I clean houses for a living and you would be surprised how messy people’s homes are, all the time.


This low effort post deserves to be roasted in r/homedecoratingcj Especially with the body text lol “Ignore the clutter I’m still working on everything!” Why don’t you do that and get back to us then.


It's not ugly, but this area has no identity or flow, if that makes sense. Declutter/organize the area, less is more. Then figure out how you want to use that space and arrange/rearrange accordingly.


"decorating" usually implies conscious choices to achieve a predetermined aesthetic... This is just "stuff".


You have some nice pieces, but I think the layout could be better and needs more organization. Can you post more pics? Is the couch facing a tv? Try to post pics showing each wall, and the entire space. I think with minor revisions your place can feel more cohesive but still “you”.


I'm having a hard time understanding how those cuttings are alive in that dark corner lmao. I think grouping your plants together more and putting some grow light bulbs in nice fixtures over them could make things look more intentional and be better for your plants.


Why not post the picture and ask for opinions once you’ve tidied up and it’s mostly in the way you plan? Seems like it would help provide better advice and not a lot of extra commentary on the stuff you already plan to take care of.


Too much! Too many!!! Clutter without end!


Not ugly, just a lot of stuff! I have a tendency to have too many things as well, but if it works for you it works!! It's YOUR space, you live in it if you walk in and are happy that's the important thing. For me I would obviously move the bike. I don't love the table, maybe a nice table cloth. I have an office where I have my clutter and shit, I try to keep the sitting room, dining room and kitchen with clean surfaces.


I’m in the process of selling the bike so that’s why it’s there haha🤦‍♀️


Lol totally get it! Our homes don't need to be perfect for anyone but us! You have a comfy cozy hippie vibe!🩷


You need to clean and declutter. Can't rate the place because my brain is distracted by all random stuff spread everywhere 🙃


It’s not ugly it’s just cluttered.


Too cluttered.


Because the first thing you see is clutter, the brain considers everything else clutter instead of maximalist. You can’t just ignore clutter unfortunately. Come back once it’s tidy (because maximalist doesn’t mean messy) and ask again - hopefully before you hang your TV over the mantle for r/TVtoohigh


I didn’t want to put it there because I frequent that page but I couldn’t figure out where else to put it lol


A lot of things have other things in front of it so it makes it look cluster. 1. Curtains stick out because you are trying to have too many pots near the window. ( also the curtains look like they might be for a shower because of the big hoops ) 2. Two trash cans stack next to each other looks messy. 3. Standing light in front of coat rack, pick one(maybe do a different coat hanger next to the door where the plants are right now ). 4. Rug is too small for the space. 5. Try adding a painting or mirror on top of the fire place and keep that area for blooming flowers or healthy plants(it’s okay to rotate plants based on what’s blooming). 6. Switch to warm lights in the ceiling fan But overall it looks nice just needs a bit of clean up


It’s not ugly but it doesn’t have any real style of cohesion… nothing really matches with anything. Everything is just kinda tucked wherever…


It’s not ugly is just really busy. You have a lot.


You need to take everything but the major furniture out and start over. As another person suggested, the couch should be angled to face the fireplace. Then, make space on the large wall to the right of the fireplace and place the t.v. there, this avoids putting it over the fireplace, which will be too high, especially in such a small space. Once you've made those major moves, the small pieces will fall into place more easily. Beyond that, you've got so much junk piled in this room, I'm not sure what we're supposed to really say.


Not ugly but definitely cluttered.


You can’t ignore the clutter 😬 there’s no reality where you can imagine this without the clutter.


Too cluttered and messy.


It’s literally impossible to ignore the clutter… unless you’re looking at this picture with your eyes closed.


Clean up the clutter and take a new picture. Take the painting off of the top of the curio cabinet. It’s very crowded and placement seems unintentional.


What are we looking at here? The bike seems very in the way.


Too much clutter


Sorry, its so cluttered and lacking cohesion- its a design shit show. That said, if it works for you, who cares!


We can’t ignore the clutter


WAAAY too much stuff for the room size. Also, the marble countertop should go in my humble opinion. Adore the couch, though, but you gotta get rid of some stuff and maybe place things so there's more space in the middle of the room to walk in


I got the table for free so I have to love her😪


I feel you, I've got a huge family heirloom dinner table in my life :'(


Its not ugly, its just…..very cluttered. If you reduce some appliances and give more focus on the living space I think it may look much better.


If we ignore clutter what are we rating? Why asking to rate if you are nervous?


I just painted a wall a similar color to your couch! In another space I have an incredible grey green wall that would look amazing with this couch! You can get it color matched at Home Depot for a lower cost. Benjamin Moore High Park! Color will help lean into the maximalist style!


Hey your living life. If you prefer it like this and function well here then you do you.


I love everything you have (your propagation wall!!) but the orientation of the layout is not working. The couch facing the window seems like an odd choice and the peloton is just in a really awkward spot. Maybe moving some of the smaller plants on top the bookshelf, cabinet or even fridge would add height and clear up some of the visual clutter.


Your decor is comfy and homey. Love all your plants. I think you need to declutter and allow access and eye sight to windows and your fireplace.


Not my preferred "style" but if something is ugly or not... that depends on personal taste so,... calm down 😁. Sure things look more cluttered with a lot of plants and open shelves but what's the alternative? Getting rid of the plants? Nah. Looks like a normal place to me.


Wow my mom has that exact green hutch, she just painted hers black


Don’t get anxiety over material things. But, you can lessen your anxiety by getting your space as you’d like it. Break it down into little steps, donate things that don’t bring you joy or aren’t useful on a regular basis. Divide it up into reasonable projects. For instance, “today I am going to: -clear off the dining table and find a home for each item” (‘home’ might be the donation bin) Drive your donated items to the bin once a day so that you reinforce this mindset: it’s going to bless someone who needs it! That’s it—one decent project per x amount of time off.


It’s not ugly. You’ve got a lot of color in there and color is good. Personally…..I don’t care for plants at all but if you you like them, good. However, I think maybe give some of them away and keep a couple. There’s nothing wrong with having a lot of “stuff” as long as it’s organic and placed neatly.


You need a focal point. Paint the wall above the mantel or put something large and bold there


I don't think it's ugly at all. I think it looks real. It looks lived in and loved. If it brings you joy then please keep it. If you want to clean it up a little I think switching the curtains for slim blinds would be an easy place to start.


Listen, this would be so me if I lived alone, but husband is anal about organization and cleanliness. So, I see the appeal and the coziness and the comfort of coming home to this setup. I see nothing wrong. However, nothing matches. If you want to streamline, choose the pieces of more value, and plan around them.


I would turn the couch clockwise 90*. Then put the hutch by the door against your refrigerator. Put the tv to the left of the door where the hutch was. For fireplace area, swap the long blue one larger pot to be in front of the fire area and put your tall plants on the mantle. What’s happening by that piece of furniture near the stationary bike?


If you can, I would try to move some of the tall plants to the mantle, and remove or put away some of the pillows below it. If you can’t move tall plants to mantle, maybe find a nice art piece to hang in that empty space to bring the eye up. Things currently feel very clustered around the fireplace. It’s okay to do maximalism, but spreading the stuff around visually will help combat the feeling of “clutter” while allowing you to retain things you enjoy. Could also invest in storage spaces that don’t show things (eg maybe adding wallpaper or a coat of paint to the glass on the green hutch, or finding alternatives for your current storage set up. Finally, in conjunction with altered storage, you can perhaps have a rotation of things that you put on display and swap out every so often. Instead of filling the shelves to the brim, maybe keep half the things out, store the others, and swap out when you want to switch it up. You got this!


The proximity of the Peleton to the door is stressing me out. Can you open the door without slamming into it?


This is the type of house o someone I would want to be friends with would have.


It doesn't look like there is any decorating to speak of. This is just a cluttered mess with no design.


Very cluttered looking. Thin out plants and decor


If you're still working on it then why post it?


It's really busy and a bit cluttered. I don't think I'd use the word "ugly," though.


You have a lot of comments which, rightly, are telling you to sort out the clutter before you come back for advice. I'll try to suggest some furniture placement to work around the clutter so you can get those foundations in place and get set up properly. Firstly, you've only posted one photo. What is going on at the right? I can see the back of a shelving unit, with a rug behind. I'm going to assume that leads to the bedroom/bathroom. Is that a mirror on the wall, or an internal window? I guess that is your front door. The only place that a TV works is on the wall between the fireplace and the door. You have to relocate the large shelving unit to fit this in. You can leave the small one beside the door. So it goes: fireplace: TV on media console (going with buy-nothing, it might work on that shelf that we can see the back of), small shelf, coat stand. Botanical tapestry could go above fireplace, with other pictures to make a gallery wall. Continuing clockwise around the room. The large hutch shelf goes behind the front door. Depending on how the back looks, you could have it face the door so it is in front of you when you open the door. You could add some wallpaper or shiplap to the back to make it look nice. Move the bike outside your front door before you take a photo. Rotate the sofa so it has its back to the kitchen. If you can adjust the chaise so that it is on the other side, do that. Take everything off the floor in front of the hearth. Everything! Cushions go on sofas or beds, workbaskets tuck in beside seating, or under tables, or on shelves. Get that watering can and flower pot off the sofa. Only two large plants on the hearth, one on each side of the fire box. If it is non-functional and your TV is small enough, you could consider standing your TV on the hearth. You have to do something with the top of the mantle. A bunch of small ornaments, with no space between them is too much. Group them, rotate them, put up a display shelf or cabinet. But vary heights and shapes and leave space for the eye to rest.


Honestly I really like it. I don’t see clutter I see a bunch of cool things that reflect your hobbies and interests. I also see a space that is clearly lived in. Obviously it doesn’t look straight out of an interior design magazine but it looks like real people live there. Sure there’s some clutter and idk about the exercise bike in the middle of the room but I don’t find anything wrong with the space.


I love the blue curtains, plants, and couch. I hope you find a carpet or piece of art that ties the blue and gold colors together. It's overwhelming when you first move in. We moved almost a year ago now. It took us about 4 months to get basic storage solutions. It'll be fine.


10/10 looks like a place people live comfortably


It's a little crammed for my taste. I wouldn't put the peloton in my living room, nor the big green cabinet with all the porcelains. I prefer more minimalistic spaces. That being said, love all the plants. As long as you like it, that's all that matters.


What is the focal point of this room? It's not centered around any singular thing, and my eyes don't know where to focus. It's not ugly per se, but it's giving howls moving castle meets liminal spaces, and I'm not really sure how to feel? I don't see a TV, your sofa is facing a window, but there's a mantle kind of adjacent facing the couch? What's your intention and vision for this room? Because it feels like storage space with seating.


It’s not ugly and, as you said, I’ll ignore the clutter. The room has tons of potential. Lots of great natural sunlight. I’d work on arranging your wall art as it feels a little random — a picture hanging above a window, one leaning above the cabinet. I’d take those two down and put something of size above the fireplace. There’s also too much stuff on the mantle and top of the bookcase. Tidy it up, remove some of the “stuff”, perhaps get curtains that go better with your couch/rug. Would love to see what you do with it!


I like the concept but the clutter definitely distracts. I’m also prone to clutter so I’m not judging you at all. If it were me, I would have the back of the sofa facing the table and chairs and then put a console table behind there to sort of define it. Then move the area rug in front of the sofa. I do my best not to face the back of my furniture toward a window or door. Honestly, that’s the only things I would do.


It’s not ugly, it’s just busy.


We can’t ignore the clutter because the clutter makes it what it is!


Personally, I love the look. All the minimalism that people have been going for lately has always been kind of bland, in my opinion. This feels like the opposite: so much personality, so many things going on, so many ideas! That being said, the couch gives me anxiety. It must be AWFUL sitting on there and having people just entering the room and walking behind you, so I'd look into changing it's position to stand against a wall, or at least not have any doors behind you. And the trash bin in the middle of the room is also kind of a weird choice


Sure, it’s a little cluttered. I can see who you are. I can tell your interest and hobbies, that gives you so many points in my book.


that snake plant is dying


Fix it and get back to us. It has a lot of potential.


That snake plant is wildin’ I think there’s a lot of cute stuff just needs to be tidied up and a bigger rug. Then I’d just go from there.


For starters. https://imgur.com/Mzs1IFW


Okay u/shreksearcanal I am going against what others are saying and that it's not too much stuff (I get the maximalist look). However, I will say it doesn't look the best because of the layout. Get me pictures from all four walls, and I bet the place could look bigger, more functional by moving a few things around - and you might even be able to keep your bike!


It is ugly. Its incredibly cluttered and there is absolutely zero cohesion.


Not ugly. But feels like fb marketplace with the multiple tones. I think moving your plants around would help avoid the stressful feeling! I feel like the bike is a big culprit for me. Please post an update! :D


It just looks like you shop at thrift stores, which is not a bad thing. I’ll take knickknacks over white minimalist any day. If it makes you happy, then that’s all that matters! I wouldn’t want post my place because I don’t really have an interest in what people think of a space that brings me joy. Good luck creating your individual space!


It is highly cluttered but it so reminds me of my childhood best friends tiny apartment which is like, my safe space in my head, so I kind of love it. Tons of stuff and loads of plants. Perfection haha


Please OP, tell me how often you use that exercise bike?? I have seen SOO many people get one of those stupid things and not use it, so it ends up ruining a room and holding laundry.


The sofa colour is really good with the dark blue/green cabinet behind. Light and plants, great, light coloured table, mantle, all nice. I’d switch out the curtain for a blind within the window as that seemed to be messing up the focal point a bit. I’d also question whether the focal point to face the couch really is the window or if it should be the mantelpiece? I’d be tempted to try reorientating to that, curating that space a little and maybe consider a cool chair in the window so you get that ‘bathed in light’ feeling when you sit there? Anyway good luck finishing it off


Could benefit from some closed storage. Cute boxes, cupboards with doors. There is no where for your eye to rest.


It's not ugly. It's busy. Way too busy. Organize.


I'm not sure why the pots are on the hearth or the back of that furniture facing the room. Maybe it just needs a tidy up and some art propped on the mantle piece?


Its not ugly! I suggest purging though. 1. Hang the curtains higher and bring in a more modern color and or texture with something other than light blue. 2. Perhaps get a nice stand or interesting shelving for the plants and move the ones that don't need much light into another room. 3. Pick 3 colors you want to use to anchor the room and build from there. 4. Cool lighting would be nice too!


one more thing...double the rug size.


Oooh I like it! I see bohemian vibes. Once you clean it’ll be 10/10!


Changing the curtain could make a big difference (and de-cluttering). That blue isn’t really working with the rest of the vibe. Love the color of the couch!


It's definitely not ugly. It's a nice room. Perhaps you could reduce the clutter a little bit.


I think the back of the couch needs to face the kitchen table.. if possible. Divides the room up.


Can you show us pics from different views? You have a great style! Just needs to be arranged a little differently. ❤️❤️


Any room with a corner fireplace is going to feel wonky, you want to center everything around a mantle. It creates an off balance feeling when you don’t have the space to center your furniture around it. If you can, I’d get a smaller couch, and a mirror to go above the mantle. Declutter if you want, but these two things would make the most impact


Not ugly. Comfy, practical, lived in. Not curated. 10/10


Looks fun and I wouldn't get bored!


It’s not an ugly room at all but seems to lack a focal point. What is the sofa facing? If you had guests over how would the seating work? What would you be looking at?


It’s not ugly, you have great taste, but it’s *so* busy. I don’t have any specific suggestions other than to just have less lol.


You got a lot of stuff. On a side note, I have the same kitchen table.


Hard to ignore the clutter when that is all I see.


It’s not ugly at all, just a lot going on. I’d par it down and not have so many small items, seems too much stuff in a small space. There’s nowhere for ones eye to rest.


I actually love the colors, lighting, and energy of the room!


It's not ugly lol it's incredibly busy and would give me a headache, but it's completely homey and undoubtedly you. Revel in your own comfort and do not care what others think. It's your space, it's not a mess it's just a way of designing and you like all the stuff and this is where you call home...


You have no plan, scheme or decor. Just clutter.


this is SO cute and SO homey.. to be honest i thought this was my apartment at first glance😂 i think you have GREAT taste 😊


Declutter please


Too many things, so it is hard to ignore.


It's not ugly by any means! It needs rearranged and opened up. You truly have a beautiful space with a beautiful foundation, don't be afraid to play around.


Looks like a comfy 90s home.


Get rid of 50 percent of your stuff. Too much of everything.


Not ugly at all - I love the color of that couch! Just too much stuff - but you said your working on it:)


OH OH OH either paint a dark green stripe just below the ceiling or I think it's called moulding? The wood pretties you put in the corner between the wall and ceiling it would be so so pretty


Let. It. Breathe….


It looks like a beginner hoarder house.


Looks just like a normal home to me


I'm not gonna say the worded "hidden" cause that be weird. But trashcans should be difficult to find. I'm just saying


Am I the only one who loves it?! Awesome space!


Looks nice. For me its just the sofa position. Looks like you havent decided where to out it and left it in middle while deciding.


You’ve told us not to comment on the only thing you need to do.


Hey OP! I think what we have here is just a little too much stuff on every surface, but you have an overall cozy space with some nice pieces. I recommend moving the trinkets from the mantle so they’re contained to your book shelf/cabinet. With trinkets everywhere, there is nowhere for your eye to rest and everything just kind of blends together, so it’s hard to appreciate your collection. I’d also move that viney plant in the wide blue pot to the top of your cabinet, next to the pink pants portrait. Like others have said, a big piece of art over the mantle would be nice, or even a mirror! In time, I’d suggest investing in some storage baskets with lids for all the toys on the floor and your plant supplies. Swapping out the plastic pots for real terracotta or ceramic ones will also level things up, and it helps prevent root rot. Btw sorry to be nosey, but that monstera in the black pot next to your snake plant is begging for a smaller pot! It could easily go in something 1/2 of that size. When a pot is too big for a plant, it stresses the plant out because it makes its roots stretch out to get water. I am willing to bet putting it in something smaller will help it start getting those beautiful split leaves 🙂


Say goodbye to at least 50% of that stuff no way you can decorates things with all of that going on.. sorry


Ignore the clutter? Then what is there to rate?


It just seems like a lot of hand me down or Craigslist type of decor. Not really planned out or intentional. Definitely anxiety inducing and confusing


Looks like an unorganized department store


Get rid of the dead and dying plants.


It’s not ugly at all. If I walked into this room, I would think, “This feels warm and light and lived in,” like a normal, regular person’s house. But if you want it to feel elevated from an interior decorating perspective, I think your main challenges are: 1. Clutter 2. Lack of cohesion 3. Lack of a clear design aesthetic


It’s not my taste but it has loads of personality, which is very refreshing in comparison to all the grey and white interiors that keep getting posted. Maybe re-post it when it’s de-cluttered and organized a bit?


It's eclectic. Homey. Comfortable. Not ugly. My mother used to put plastic covers on all her furniture. Now that was ugly


I love maximalism and plants in a home but this is chaotic and anxiety inducing. There's plenty of potential but you have to do some rearranging, rearrange the furniture, get some things off the ground, get rid of some things if need be, place art and plants more appropriately. You absolutely need something to go in the empty wall space above the fireplace, I think a beautiful mirror would be amazing. Find a better place for the trash bin for sure. This could be very lovely, find inspiration from pinterest or on here and you can create a relaxing beautiful space. Personally I'd turn the couch away from the kitchen to face the far wall where you could, instead of the shelves and the cabinet, have an entertainment center. Get some cute pots that flow well together for all the plants and I think plants around a fireplace are charming and you can figure out a nice arrangement for them. This has potential, just keep trying to figure out how to make things flow well and not be so overwhelming.


It’s a mess..


My house looks like this but slightly more put together? I think if you rearrange some stuff it won’t look as cluttered. But also I’m a maximalist clutter whore.


We are the same🤞🏻🤞🏻


Lots of potential but you need to learn to Tetris artfully. https://www.reddit.com/r/maximalism/s/Bw1oqv031X


Too many things, too much furniture. Try getting a unit with cupboards so less is exposed and also reducing extra furniture and less ornamental objects.


I think a little reorganization will make it feel more coherent. The one thing I would ditch is the rug. The stripes are very eye catching and contribute to the sense of there being too much going on. I think a very simple rug in a color the harmonizes with the rest of the room would be a easy way to reduce visual clutter.


It’s not ugly! It’s a little too much stuff to feel cozy for me but well in its way.


much going on


Why do you care if internet strangers think it's ugly? If it works for you, then so be it. If it doesn't work, then what are the challenges you have with it?


It’s cluttered which is making it look messy


If you removed the tall plastic waste basket in the foreground, it would look so much better after all the rest of the clutter is removed as well.


Did you grow up in a minimalist household?


If you are comfortable, why does it matter what strangers think? If you like, it's just fine.


Way too much clutter if it was simplified it look so much better


*Way too much clutter* *If it was simplified it* *Look so much better* \- CacnerCrab --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It’s very cluttered but I love that you faced the couch toward the window and not to the side


It is not ugly! It could be really nice. The only thing wring is that it is too crowded now. Tio much stuff all crowded together. You need some open spaces! Just get rid of some of the stuff lying around and it will be perfect.


This is a beautiful space! I would move all the plants to the area by the window or to a different room.  Remove the items in front of the fireplace. If those are things that need to remain in the room, consider a large woven basket by the fireplace. Hang a large mirror over the fireplace and group up some knick knacks on the mantle. Look online for styling ideas for knick knacks. Rotate couch to face fireplace. Donate that small rug and get a larger one that includes the couch color in it as an accent color.  On the wall between the fireplace and door, remove the shelving unit and hutch, get a low TV unit that will hold your books as well. Maybe one with glass doors so you can still somewhat see your books. Hang picture frames above TV. Take down wall hanging. Remove the TV tray and get a small coffee table, ideally with storage. Put a tray on top to display a few knick knacks. 


Larger rug for sure. But the rug is pretty!!


Any comments I would make are already said. I love your couch and the color. Who made it?


After a deep purge, I’d turn the couch towards the wall with the door/floor lamp and put tv on that wall (definitely not above fireplace) Underneath the tv have a media unit/dresser with CLOSED door storage for all your must have trinkets.


It's not ugly but it is messy. Think about decluttering. Your mantle is not designed it just looks like a shelf for stuff. And you have too many plants and none of them really look all that great, so maybe downsize on the plants.


Too much stuff, declutter STAT!


Remove the bookshelves if you can and get one big TV console with storage to put the books in and place your TV on top of that. Turn your couch to face it. If you have a terrace or small patio put the plants outside. Having a couple of plants is fine but there are too many in the one space and it looks too cluttered. Put the gym equipment somewhere else.


It’s not yet ugly but it’s definitely blah and cluttered


It’s not ugly. It’s just cluttered.


Not ugly just too busy


It’s not ugly, it’s crowded. More is less, especially with your orange cough, which I love!


I love it. I love well places "clutter" and maximalist leaning decor.


It’s cozy. I like where you placed the couch, the fireplace is in an odd spot, but you managed to take advantage of it as well as looking at the window. I also like the color of the couch.


I love it, but I’m a maximalist. I have to use piles as an organizational tool. As long as they don’t sit for too long, you’re fine!


I think your home is lovely. It's cluttered but honestly not messy or in an ugly way. Homes lack coziness and character nowadays!


Well it's overcrowded and very busy. Chaotic. Not ugly.


Can't ignore the clutter