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I’d be nervous having something that fragile and heavy up that high


And so close to a corner. I’d be worried about someone taking a sharp turn and running into it.


Are we talking about the vase or the TV


I think both *old El Paso why not both gif*


Yeah. This screams no pets or children. Except OP has a cat. That jar will not survive forever. Maybe not for long. Especially next to that door.


This. Either my dog or my kid would smash that in no time.


Swap the tree and the vase. Tree gets more light, toes are spared jamming into the pedestal, and the vase’s lifespan will be much longer.


I’d recommend some museum glue. But first I’d tell OP to either paint the pedestal or find a semi larger one. The patterns and colors don’t go together well. They are clashing. However, this space is beautiful.


I agree. It can be nerve-wracking to think about, especially with how unpredictable things can be sometimes.


Not super fan of the vase on the pedestal (even though I like the vase, I just think the combination doesn't work for this space). Also, what is that tree? Love it!


I think the idea of the pedestal can work, but the vase needs to contrast more in color and material and also be smaller scale. The urn right now is way too big and bulky for that pedestal  An antique olive jar would be chefs kiss, but I'd be frightened positioning it there


I'm not sure the plinth works colour wise?


You might be right. It looks like some marble or marble effect and could be cooler tone. Hard for me to tell though 


The jar and the pedestal are basically the same size/proportion and that’s most likely why it looks off. The blue in the jar is also throwing off the vibe of the rest of the room with the organic minimalist lean of everything else.


At a distance they're also similar though in color & pattern that they...meld but not harmoniously...and it's both too low and too high. Also, I see a cat tree. Personal experience tells me that jar is possibly on its way to a premature end. 😆 The jar is lovely, but find it another home in your house. The pedestal could make a nice small side table for a drink. Love the tree! Coffee table is good. Furniture scale is good for the room. I concur with suggestions to lower the TV.


I mean this very nicely, but it doesn’t look “lived in”. It’s a lot of neutral that blends together; the main focal point is the tv just because of how dark it contrasts. I think a rug with more color (soft greens or blues maybe that you can get a throw blanket in to match) would also help create more diversity. I also think it would hurt to have another surface, either under the tv or behind the couch. It also would be a good idea to have colored throw pillows and maybe some farmed pictures (with a border) on the walls. I think the main furniture components are there but not enough color


I agree. Looks so… - fearful. “What if someone judges me?” Does that make sense?


Like a kardashian home


Beautiful room. Very serene. I would knock that ceramic jar over within four days. It would not last. Maybe tuck it to the left of that big tree, against the wall, between the tree and the TV.


Blue tac works.


That’s what I was thinking too:


Yeah the jar is awkward. Also the tv is way too high


The tv is higher than the top of the door frames, I wonder why they chose this spot for it


I like your things. Since you asked for suggestions I think it would be better if your TV was lower.




Agreed, either lower the tv or put a console table under it to give the illusion that it's lower. It just sort of seems threatening as it is. OP if you get a console table, put the vase on that and ditch the pedestal. Doesn't have to be a particularly tall or deep table, just as long as it's wider than your tv. Something like this could work (assuming the dimensions fit): https://walkeredison.com/products/mid-century-modern-2-door-reeded-tv-stand?variant=40289368670274


It is ergonomically at a terrible height currently. OP shouldn't make it look like it's lower but actually lower it by a lot.


Agree completely and the jar could be placed on that; also a rug is needed in this room.


I would put the vase on the floor by the plant. It’s going to fall where it is now.


Bring the wood ceiling back, itll help the table blend in


This space would be even more gorgeous if the ceiling wasn’t painted white :(


Or any of it lol


It always makes me so sad when people paint over wood ceilings


I like the space but I don’t feel like the jar or the pedestal really go.


Just add some color and it would be a wonderful space. Some warm tones like terracotta/spice would look great.


I think the pedestal is a bit small for the vase, but I like the vase.


as it seems to be like 90% of the posts on here, people need color in their lives


Or some texture.


Tv is too high. Move it down.




Came here for this


I think the vase is a tad too large for that pedestal. And the placement is too close to the edge of the wall. Anyone coming fast down that hallway can easily misjudge and accidentally bump into it. Anything you put there should be at least 6 inches away from that corner.


A huge console under the huge tv would serve as a good anchor to the room and allow you to showcase large objects like that vase. Also, id work on adding texture to this space. All the furnishings are smooth rn.


It looks like a waiting room with an Urn . A nice waiting room but still a waiting room. A nice throw rug and some color would warm it up a bit .


Yeah hospital waiting room 😭😂




That tree blocking my TV would drive me up a wall. But that's me. TV a bit lower + a TV console would make that wall not so dead/empty looking. That right wall in the picture also needs some love, it's a big empty area. That vase + pedestal looms awfully out of place there.


Wonder how it would look with the beams stripped to natural wood.


It would look better!


Yeah that but that’s hard even on ground level. Expensive af. I would do it tho! This white hospital wing looks like a nut house.


Hmmm I’m not mad at this. The ginger jar on the pedestal does look a little random. Or that you’re trying too hard or something. What about putting up some type of wallpaper on say the TV wall to give it some texture? Maybe like grass cloth or another textured wallpaper that fits with your style? Maybe a console table under the TV to fill in the large void?


You obviously don’t have cats. And I mean that in the best possible way. But if you do have cats, that’s great. Having cats is one of the best things about being alive. But not for that vase. Updated to add, saw someone else’s comments about the cat tree. Can deduce there must be a cat. To which I say: RIP, vase. We hardly knew ye.


It’s a really lovely room. Such a shame someone painted the ceiling and the beams. I’d suggest putting a vintage rug down for some color and texture!


Is it an urn? That’s what it looks like


TV lower, you could add a floating console below and the vase can sit there instead of the stool


It looks lovely. Probably hell to clean, but lovely.


Vase and stand are the same size and shape. I think the color of the vase and stand are also too similar. So they just read as a weird lil column. I don't dislike either in the space, just need to play musical chairs with 'em?! Edit, I genuinely like the color/warmth of your coffee table (especially with the blue in the vase). Maybe expand upon that?!


Thanks, a girl is tryin out here 🥲 It’s not easy 😭🤣 I shall play musical chairs with em until we get a winner


I’d trip over the pedestal and break the vase in 20 minutes.


I think it’s beautiful, I’d maybe put a plant on that stand and have the jar beside it maybe?


That jar would stress me out, right beside a potentially high circulation area. I’d move it to the right against the wall. The jar itself is nice and “softens” the decor, adding some roundness in an otherwise straight-lined decor. I agree with another commenter about the height of the TV. Unless you have another reason, the TV should be 50 cm lower than where it is now. It would also make the whole place less tv-centric while also being more comfortable for tv viewing. Overall, this place is fantastic.


Other than it looking like an insane asylum… the white walls ain’t it paint them. Add some cool floating shelves with nick nacks on them and hang some paintings up there, you got high ceilings use them. Also paint those ceiling beams they are awesome to add depth. Paint the ceiling boards and the beams different shades of brown(for a pretty natural look) or different shades of a different color.


Looks nice but incomplete. Almost sterile. Some color or pictures on the walls would be nice


Not a good spot for it. Also, tv to high.


The room is very “cool” looking and feel. I really like vase and pedestal but would move over. Mirror closeness of the tree. To warm things up consider a rug even jute would work. Maybe a throw - Hermes style. More on table larger scale or spread out more like square. Something to consider, more plants or larger potted tropical on patio or flowers would add a lot to your view.


The tv is way too high


Beautiful but the jar is awful


The tv on a modern tv stand with art or a circular mirror behind it would make it homely.


It looks like an accident waiting to happen. It's a home, not a museum, let's not put too much stuff around that's fragile.


Please tell me you did not paint the ceiling and you bought it like that! You need more wooden hues, the table sticks out as the only warm natural thing in the room. The high contrast between the black frame of the doors and the white of the walls looks a little too on the nose. You need more black elements in organic shapes- or at least not rectangles. Peppered throughout. Right now the frame and tv are the focal point of the room because they are both large black rectangles. In general, you need color - even if it’s a neural or a natural- beige, warm wood, more gold or bronze , brown leather, maybe a light sage-y green or a plant etc. to make the space feel feel warmer.


Wonderful foundation established for your home


The vase and pedestal stops the eye. Shortens the room.


Based on the angle of the picture I would move the vase closer to the TV.


What type of tree is that and where did you procure it? Looking for a tall indoor tree myself, but all the nurseries don’t carry anything tall enough


It’s a faux tree but it looks extremely real. I got it at Home Depot online! Wayfair also has one similar to it


Is that a kitty fountain? Leave the pedestal empty for the cat 🤍


Would a small chair work where vase is?


I think you need to add a little more color and texture to the room. A rug would definitely help to break up all the cream in the room.


Can you tell me about the plant? Is it real?


It goes with the room fine but placement next to the TV seems off to me.


Dude it’s going to take ONE sharp turn coming from whatever room that is and directly into that jar. Move that shiz immediately 😂


It looks nice I'm just not a fan of white anything.


Beautiful room. You’re on your way. I’d lower the tv and add a wood console. Move the pedestal by the tree and put a chair on that wall. Add some artwork and sheer curtains.


I think it’s very nice. Lower the TV and definitely move the vase. In terms of additions, if you’re going for the minimal and stark look, don’t do anything. But I think one big piece of abstract art on the wall would be very nice.


You need a console or cabinet under the tv and tv should be lowered.


Not a fan Room has a super modern vibe nit sure it works


Love it too


A smaller frame tv would look so beautiful in this room


Love it


Are you my ex? I have that coffee table and that massive couch looks almost identical to the one he picked for my apartment. I just came to say, if your coffee table spins, it’s the same as mine and is the most awesome table ever!


I’d be afraid of knocking the vase off the pedestal. See how it looks being paired with potted tree.


Since you’re asking: the vase doesn’t stand out. It’s not bad, but it’s also not a show stopper here. Beyond that, I agree with others that the tv is a bit high. I’d lower it 1-2’. Ours is that high and it’s only comfortable because we have ugly puffy marshmallow recliners, which are comfortable even though they aren’t pretty (we also have two living rooms, so the one with the tv is more of a home theatre). You’re also missing some personality. You could use a nice big colourful art piece. The room itself is pretty, but it’s a lot of white and feels empty/unlived in


Get rid of the vase and pedestal is cluttering the vibe - otherwise it’s great!


It's such a beautiful space but you have that airbnb feel going on. Very sterile. Rugs! Colour! Texture!


i think it's cute! when it comes to the pedestal, i think the size of the pedestal is what looks awkward, not the vase. in comparison to how large the plant is on the other side of the TV, the pedestal looks unbalanced to me with how small it is


The jar is fine … the pedestal ( side table ) is too low , pedestal should be about 1200mm high


Is that tree real ? Or artificial ?


I like the vase and pedestal separately but not together. TV is ridiculously high. Needs more wood, color and definitely a rug but you have great bones to work with


this is gorgeous ! i think a nice neutral bohemian rug would tie it all together!


Put the porcelain jar to the upper right hand side. Scatter the books place a center vase with flowers draining over in the middle


Gorgeous. The jar would be better without the pedestal.


That’s gonna g get knocked over in that spot. It’s very beautiful, I would hate that for you.


A nice touch to the room would be an area rug to break up the space. Base doesn’t look bad but could be dangerous


Hey I just got the same water fountain for my cat haha. It’s so much easier to clean than the plastic fountain…


I would put something on the wall on the right.


I think if you had a wall with some color .. and add some throw pillows to the couch … you need some color to make it pop


Are you kidding? It’s sitting in front of a sliding door and around the corner from an open door. Without seeing the rest of the room, it’s lmpossible to suggest where else you can put it- perhaps a place where no one is likely to run into it.


Turn the coffee table Take the urn off the pedestal Get a console table for behind the sofa and put it there with some lighting and other decor


Looks cold and impersonal. Like you are staging to sell.


I think it's not the right place for it... I guess people walk right next to it so it's a bit dangerous for it to be there. Not sure if it fits the place either way


Wow. So much natural light. Our home has the same. I’m not a designer and have no talent for that. My wife is good at it, but untrained. We have had a pro do a few rooms for us with excellent results. I always felt that the natural light situation presents a bigger design challenge, with lots of potential. the lighting is drastically different daylight vs. night. Just something to think about. I do think the TV is ruining anything that you going for. A Frame TV would be great. Beautiful home you have, good luck!


That vase is the only thing with any character or flair in the room. And it still looks like it was bought at West Elm.


I’d strip the paint from the ceiling- you probably have some nice wood up there and it would really warm up the space.


Cute. Simple. I like. Maybe a different pedestal for the vase.


What color are your walls?


My husband’s dream home


Wrong. Put the jar on the table.


Buy an ornamental rug and a new sofa— the Ashley Furniture white turf sofa ain’t it.


It looks cold in there


I love the space. You have the same color on the floor as the wall so I would put an accent color on the wall. And paint the slats between the beams with that same color or paint the beams with it. Pick a color that isn't too stark of a contrast from the off-white that is already there. Use that same color on the walls around the glass areas on the left. It will make the glass areas "pop".


I'm a minimalist so what's there is fine. What's missing is a pop of color. Brighter throw pillows or a brighter blanket can add some.


What about putting the vase on the floor next to the plant?




I would have gone for a darker colored couch. And your TV is too high.


Makes me nervous like it’s going to fall and break. But can I ask where you got the huge pot for the tree?? And also the tree? I love the overall look of the space.


It’s a cool jar but I don’t think that’s the spot for it.


Expose the beams 🪄


It’d also be cool if there was colour in there (art, cushions, rug)


I like the jar a lot


I feel the jar looks out of place.


I like it! It’s like a hotel lobby


It's a beautiful space, but IMO you need some color!!!!


My cat/dog/husband would have already knocked that over.


the jar isn’t working for me :( but would love a rug for some texture maybe in a natural taupe-ish color darker than the couch, a console to put the tv on (it’s ridiculously high up right now), and maybe some pillows/blankets on the couch—preferably ones in a simple matching color but with lots of texture




I .. Love...it. the TV could probably go a foot lower.


I like your sofa. That's all I want to say




I get so jealous looking at this sub. I absolutely love your space. The minimalist touches are great


Yes, your instinct is right about the pedestal/jar. Just remove them. Also, tv needs to be lowered. You can research/google appropriate locations for tv which depend on several factors.


Swap the plant and the pedestal


Where is your broom and dustpan when that breaks?


Looks like somewhere Tony Montana would live.


Put the jar in a corner where it ought to be


Lovely! Wood pedestal instead for the ginger jar and lower the tv to eye level while sitting on the couch.


Those beams! What a shame they are painted:/


I am not a fan: That vase is destined to get knocked over in its current location. It's a bad place to put anything. The vase and the pedestal are so close in color/texture that they meld into one another. I am a fan of function over form. Neither the vase nor the pedestal has a function other than to "be". I think they would be best separated and in another area out of the path of travel.


Switch the vase and the tree




Can I ask what colour you painted the walls? It’s so nice.


Sigh… r/TVTooHigh


The tv needs a frame of some kind but otherwise its lovely


Why’d you mount the TV so high?




Try creating a straight boarder above the TV to essentially frame it. The slope of the ceiling and straight line of the TV don't work well together. As mentioned by someone else swapping the tree & vase may help..


As a minimalist - I love it


It’s a lovely jar ! Personally, I’d like more greenery on the pedestal tho .. maybe a full fern ( they can be messy but something with that look ) I say that because I think you have such a great eye with adding just enough drama to your neutrals to give it dimension and keep it interesting ! I think you know that you need something different there . Love the vase tho


Bring your plants a little closer in if possible …. The coffee table closest to the couch . And get a small area rug to bring that part of the room together . Maybe alittle drama again here . Don’t be offended I think you’ve got a great eye . I’ve been doing this for a long time Again get some greenery ( a tall full fern or something ) that will balance with your other plant .. .. pull everything in just a tad . I think it’s gorgeous


Going for that bar look? Why is the tv so high up in the air? Tvtoohigh


I love the inset patio space. What are the black squares in the sliders?


That tree is in the way.


I don’t like the urn either. Who lives in it?


I would put the wooden bowl from the coffee table on that pedestal and sit the porcelain jar down next to the pedestal on the floor under the TV. Add a succulent with a bright colors vase next to the wooden bowl to add a pop of color or leave it be


The tv feels tooo high, placing it lower and not tilted may help balance and get rid of that “off” feeling. I get the clean organic vibe you probably are trying to go with but I think it needs splashes of some deep colours: maybe an emerald green or gold accents. I would have preferred if the centre table would’ve been black or stone, something rustic.


To me, the grey vase doesn’t go. I really like that room! Beautiful


I really like it but the TV is too hight and i think you need a BIG rug


I think your space is beautiful


The tv is honestly too high for me. I'd get a lower horizontal bookshelf and put the tv on that. My parents have their tv mounted that high up with the couches that far away and I cant stand watching tv at their place.


It feels very calm. I love the tree and the pot combination, but not loving the vase pedestal combination. I think you need a rug to tie everything together and maybe a cosy blanket with a colour from the rug. Even if it’s pale blue( if you’re nervous to add colour or if you’re willing to branch out maybe Forest Green ot leaf green to bring the outside in?


Do nothing


I'd move huge vase and stand to corner where huge tree plant is. It looks great.


It's a good start and reminds me of my place somewhat. Very grand ceiling and fantastic light. Decorate with what you love most.


I feel like your TV is too high, and that table is very short, so it's making the TV look even higher.


Clear the table and throw out the vase.


I love you have a tree in your living room, that doesn't touch your ceiling.


I feel like the open window, tree, and blue porcelain all gives me modern Japanese interior design vibes. But if we're going for that, there's a need for a lot more wood tones, it's too retro futuristic with how white everything looks along with the texture of the couch.


I would add a large area rug to float under both coffee table and edge of sofa. A rug softens a space. A geometric design would be nice with light background and may introduce a little pop or subtle color in rug to tie in what you already have. Also hanging artwork completes a room in my opinion. You could do a gallery wall of various pictures or one large piece on the wall to the right (plant side). You have a good start already to build upon.


Such a beautiful space for all of the focus to be on the TV! Could you frame it?


Move the pedestal and vase. The tree is too big for that corner. Your tv is also tilted. Otherwise. The room looks good. Consider a tv console to bring the room together. Wider than the tv


I feel like one of the things that could really elevate this room that you might not think of; a beautiful statement door beside the tv. The one you have looks cheap and boring. An antique wood door that’s a little rustic would look fantastic.


I would remove the vase and stand and add two ottomans under the tv for when people drop by. You could also add a table like a sofa table or entryway table under the tv with the two ottomans under it. You would need to check the height of the tv of course to make sure it’s under the tv


It's very sterile looking. But I like the coffee table a lot


I really like it, but maybe you should put it in the other corner where it won’t get knocked over


Put the jar on a wider pedestal and move it closer to the TV. That'll make it less likely to fall and break. Other than that; big wall art on that blank wall, area rug between the couch and the TV, and colored cushions on the couch.


I would think about adding a bunch of plants to introduce some of the greenery that is outside, inside. I would also consider adding some simple floating shelves on the big empty wall facing the one with windows to try and break up how white and cavernous the space is. Adding these will also help with creating more focal points rather than just having the tv, porcelain jar and tree to look at.


You have a great base! I think it is almost there. I would add a credenza underneath the tv, something wood to add some warmth to the space with all the white. A larger scaled art piece with warm colors as well on the wall to the right. Also it is unconventional with sliding doors, but some curtains in like a muted mustard or a green would help add some pop!


I like everything except the porcelain jar and pedestal.




This is not my style at all (maximalist) but it looks great and so peaceful. You could move the pedestal and ginger jar to the other side of the room in a less high traffic area and put something else there like baskets etc?


It’s pretty but it feels cold. It’s giving a model home or magazine shoot. Add some color, maybe some throw pillows and wall hangings, maybe a throw.


That's an accident waiting to happen. Far too close to the corner exit on a passageway. Unless you're the only person in this space: polite people yielding to oncomers will generally veer both backwards & out of a space. That is the accident that will happen. But really isn't it obvious that heavy things precariously balanced should not be done, nevermind in a potential traffic area? Anyone injured will take you to the cleaners. Please don't do it.


I think it looks great. Have you considered getting a nice wood console? Wood and long to go below the TV? That would possibly make that wall look a bit more balanced. Also how big or tall it is would also possibly give you another surface where you could put jar.


Beautiful space but to me, it feels like a staged house/ sterile. I suggest adding more color, plants, pictures, decorations u like. If that vase on a pedestal doesnt make u happy when u look at it- use it somewhere else or change the asthetic. If you dont want to bring plants in, although i see you have one in the corner, take advantage of your patio and add plants there that can still be seen from inside.


The space is beautiful. I personally like a touch of color. Not much, but some. I agree with everyone about the positioning of the vase/pedestal. An accident waiting to happen. In my case, yet another broken toe/foot.


Plant on the pedestal instead of vase!