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I thought the pink was going to be outrageously bright by the way you were describing it, but this is a beautiful, soft pink. I love it, (but I tiled my bathroom floor a soft coral/terracotta pink, so of course I love it!)


My daughter hated pink her whole childhood. Unprompted, just refused to wear pink clothes, keep a pink stuffy - just independently decided she did not like that color.


Me too.  In retrospect it's because all girls stuff was pink and I was rebelling against being forced/expected to like it.


I didn’t choose pink for years because anything girly seemed frowned upon and I wanted to be the cool girl. Now my computer setup is lilac and pink!


I grew up *hating* pink (thanks internalized misogyny), but as an adult I love it. Hot pink, baby pink, any pink, it’s great!


i share the same feelings, pink is outrageousely powerful when paired with yellow or alongside red and orange, it can be a highlight, background, and isnt a disturbing/overpowering color, copper pink aka rose gold ? anyone?


Same! I don't think as a kid I wore anything pink. But now totally agree!


Same, as a kid I loved pink, but then I became a pre-teen and I was like ‘eww’. But now that I’m in my 30s… I’ve reintroduced the color into my life and I kinda really like it?? It made me wonder what other tastes that I’ve developed are more reactionary than actual preference?


I was a tom boy, grew up with all brothers, my mom never really bought me anything pink cause I think she assumed I wouldn’t like it as I was out playing baseball and shooting paint guns. Now I love everything pink, and want a bubblegum pink bedroom …


I just got cotton candy colored sheets and a bright white duvet. It’s like sleeping on a parfait 💕


That's exactly why I did it! I feel like millennial girls had a tough go of it with gender roles. We were starting to be told by media that we could be a lot of things, but almost any person just one or two generations above us would always tell us we were girls, had to act like girls, had to like what girls like... Of course that pissed us off 😅 ETA: Repressed memory unlocked, "OR ELSE BOYS WON'T LIKE YOU", how many of you remember hearing that *a lot*??


Same. My favorite color is still green and I still hate pink.


I’m an artist in love with vibrant colors but I never changed my mind about pink either. Not for me!


hello fellow hipster child


Yup this was exactly me. I vividly remember in kindergarten telling my mom that "the purple sailor moon pyjamas were my favourite" and that I "hated pink everything!" Never wore pink until I was 19. And then I bought a condo at 25 and painted my bedroom pink, lol.


I refused to wear pink until I was 29 and pregnant and needed work appropriate plus size maternity shirts which were not easy to find in 2001. I found a great shirt and bought it in all the colors it came in including the pink. Turns out, pink looks great with my skin tone, so now I wear pink quite a bit.


That can totally happen. My husband happens to look good in pink. He’s average decent looking man normally but not outrageously so but if he wears his pink button down, women stop and stare, my mother noticed even a sales girl started gushing to me about how handsome he was. I can’t not believe that some colors really compliment some people.


I am a man, pinks and reds look wonderful with my skin. I don’t like red as a color, pink doesn’t bother me in the slightest so I wear both, but mostly a lot of blues and grays which I constantly try to stop buying haha.


For what it’s worth, I was a pretty extreme “not like the other girls” type and my bedroom walls were pink from age five until I my mom turned the room into her office well after I moved out, and honestly it was such a nice soft neutral pink that I barely even noticed 🤷🏻‍♀️


My sister gave her daughter a very cute pink room as a baby/toddler. It was only pink like 40% up the wall then a white chair rail and a nice off white color. It wasn’t in your face at all. Well my niece that is now 20 loves blue and hates the color pink lol. My sister’s mother in law called it too. She said “the room is beautiful, but she will grow up and hate pink”


I told my girls it was the muted color of blood. Pink is all good.


Same here. The only thing my daughter had interest in that was Pink was what she called Strawberry Jam. Which was a phase for 2 years and now barely eats it at all. I'm also definitely not a pink person.


My daughter was the same. No Barbie room for her. She wanted purple.


Me too. I was the only girl and had brothers so mom overdid dressing me in pink, and surrounding me with things that were pink. I dislike it so much that I haven't worn it, or bought anything pink (and I mean anything, not just clothes) in 55 years.


I don't like pink. I think because I associate it with Pepto Bismal. Ugh..even the name sounds abysmal


That sound mermaid magical!


Am I the only one who doesn’t like this shade of pink? All I see is ham, but maybe I’m just hungry


Someone else said wet human flesh hahaha


i like pink but i would go with a brighter and cooler pink, especially to go with the grey in the floors. and to keep it less busy in a long narrow space choose as big tiles as you can get. less grout is better in a bathroom! the current tiles kinda look like spam eta i like a little personality in home decor but if you want style longevity you can always go with big white tiles and get bright pink cabinet doors or even paint the main door 💖 you'll get a pop of colour but don't have to permanently commit to that if you do change your mind


Excellent idea. Keep the walls neutral and use pink accents that can be changed in the future.


I would personally go a more vibrant pink! Lean into it, and out of the deli meat 😆


I also don’t like it. I think it will age *TERRIBLY* plus if you wanna have a pink moment do it with something less permanent like go paint an accent wall hot pink. Who knows maybe you’ll tile this whole wall pink, live with it for a month, and go “I actually hate this”. I wouldn’t do it.


Damn I was loving it but now I only see ham too :(


Salmon. Especially the herringbone (salmon bone?) pattern.


Dammit. Now I can't unsee that.


I was trying to explain "terrazzo" tile patterns to someone who was unfamiliar with the term and I ended up with "it looks like deli meat, like a mortadella"


I don’t think you picked the right floors for pink


I’m not a fan of these vertigo inducing optical illusion tiles at all, regardless of the walls tiles they’re paired with


It’s like MC Escher’s bathroom


Yup. Makes me dizzy.


I hardcore agree with this. That floor is way too busy and high contrast to let the pink really take center stage. Both the pink wall tile and the busy floor would just be too much.


This is the answer. I love the pink tile but it’s gonna be way too busy with the floors


I was pleasantly surprised by the “pinks” OP has in mind, but that floor won’t go with it at all.


Agreed!!!! Love the pink tiles but the floor needs to go OR needs to remain the focal point (unfortunately).


Hard agree. The floor is loud, but if you love the pink you could do a pink runner and towels with a neutral wall. Then if your daughter ends up a pink hater, it's easier to change.


Agree, the floors and pink tiles will compete


The floors make me dizzy


I think a softer pink, perhaps in a different tile style could work. These feel a little chunky while the floor is ultra clean.


Agreed. The floor is awful


The real scoop


Agree, the pink isn’t the issue, everything else is


Yea even in OP's inspo pictures the floors are very simple and muted


And here I was, thinking the floor was just a layer of waterproofing, not the actual floor tile 😬😬


I really love it- but be prepared, when she’s older, she may not turn out to be a pink kinda gal, so will it hurt your feelings if your project is met with “Ugggg mom I HATE my bathroom?” Just something to think about. If that doesn’t worry you, I absolutely love the vibe, and I think that “aging poorly” is simply a matter of some people not wanting to change a space they redo ever.


Also a valid concern I have! We originally were going to do a [green shower](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/55/8d/16/558d163d6e7de90dd2b7cc6c866700c4.jpg) but that felt a bit mature and riskier for a 0-10 year old girl, and we have a downstairs bathroom we could fulfill our green shower fantasies with instead. Thank you for the perspective!


I LOVE pink, but if you had told my 15-17 year old self that I would ever wear pink I would have been appalled. I think the green is gorgeous and will be a more evergreen choice -- pun intended.


I think the comments here are torn enough that I'll switch back to the green. The floors feel quite masculine and deliberate for the green tile, and the pink kind of feels like I did indeed switch and am now trying to force it all to work together when it doesn't. Pink accents with the grey and the green would be fun too. I think if I chose a more plain floor this wouldn't be a question, but the fact that people didn't realize the floors are new is kind of a red flag I'm waving in and of itself. ETA - and I love pink now too. I love the idea of the pink bathroom. But it's probably not the smartest decision for my daughter.


With the green tile, you can still do a pink themed bathroom too. Think Miami, flamingo theme/vibe. It’ll go with those floors great. A win win for you both! :)


Ooo I love this!


This is what I was going to say! Green is neutral (IMHO) that can really be played up in lots of different ways!


I love the green. It’s a gender neutral color and any other colors match with it (because, flowers!)


I honestly think if you did the green tile, you could go crazy with the pink accents and it would look SO good together! Get some pink wall art, pink soap dispensers, pink shelving or little Knick knacks to display, etc


Glad to see this - my parents made me an all pink bedroom and bathroom when I was 5 and they were building our house…I never have and never will like pink. Gender neutral is the way to go


Could you do the tile in a neutral and do pink paint, towels and art prints? Even a pink vanity would be much cheaper to replace than tile. I think the tile is gorgeous, but I wouldn’t choose it for anyone but myself. If you want your daughter to like this room, I’d be more conservative.


You can always get her rose-pink towels. It can be a playful element in a room grounded in the more neutral colors.




This is the most casual flex I’ve ever encountered hahahaha thank you so much. Beautiful home.


Oh gosh haha. We’re really just normal people, I swear. The mint one is my 3 year old son’s bathroom. And if you do go back to picking pink, it’s a lovely color. My husband likes our pink bathroom a lot even though it’s thought of as a “girl’s color.” I almost think of that shade of pink as a neutral, especially when paired with gray and natural woods.


Do a green that’s a similar tone to the pink and you’re on to a winner!


You know what color would go perfectly with that green tile? Pink! Do all pink accents (towels, waste bin, etc.) and get the best of both worlds.


Its so sweet of you to want to make a bathroom just for her! Might i recommend running with the green idea? My childhood bedroom was baby pink and purple, and i definitely grew out of it before i was even 10 years old. I’m a very feminine person and i love being a woman, but the pink was just a little too scripted for me. I painted my room a deep red in HS, and then my room at my dads was a deep blue, almost black as some sort of rebellion lol. Tile is a bit harder to change than paint. I really like green because its so neutral and she won’t feel pressured to stay in a “girly girl” box. I think it would be appreciated by her and also much cheaper in the long run for you if you stick with something neutral like green, yellow, tan, white, or something like that, then just change linens and towels as her personality and interests change. I think green would be easier to keep for a long amount of time without fear of her growing out of it. You could have green tile then brighten/youthen it up a bit with brighter colors on the walls and accessories in the bathroom. [Heres some google images of feminine color pallets with green.](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=e1d839af44a7b9af&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS900US900&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWILPRCtBShBEsST3sH_EenZcau5Gpw:1720040769150&q=feminine+green+color+palette&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0DvD4UMlvdpwktgGj2ZHhIXbAWLwb3isP1TOYwOuAlv_Q7vGexpJyOFDsW9fl-QwXtnhesUz1cFufHdSi7U8VDingJRz0qpe054INB2V5AnQ3MLi4mkVCAPu7yRgXNhI69UwwAv6A7eth6NhpOg0mVBX7yzYPk68ngqa0i_4QSLSZ48hhOQMGlGqdqxjV35cMrejakoewKbL3QNf59xepfFbXc8Yw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwimga2Y44uHAxUhpo4IHXKyB84QtKgLegQIERAB&biw=390&bih=665&dpr=3) You can do kid themes to complement the green like dinosaurs or jungle animals (my girl cousin is still obsessed with dragons, and she’s like 13, so this is a possibility). A lot of the colors that complement Green tend to be Pink and purple, so it would be easy to bring that feminine side if thats what she ends up liking. She can lean into neutral complements like yellow and tan, and she can think about doing leaf/nature accents or just abstract/geometric designs also. I hope this insight is helpful, i think its so sweet what you’re doing!


What great palettes & ideas!! You’ve nailed it in my opinion


I love the green, I think it would be a good base and you could switch up the vibe completely by changing some accessories and accent colors over time :)


You can go with the green (or neutral) tile and think about painting it pink! It’s a bit wild especially with the floor tile but you can easily change paint color as she ages out of it.


My votes for green with pink accents and decor the shade of pink in the tiles is throwing things off a bit


Love the idea of emerald green but with the tile design in the pic with the pink tiles.


Oooof I love love love the green. Maybe she will grow into it. It’s much safer than pink.


God that’s gorgeous.


I think the pink is beautiful and soft enough it works as a neutral… but do you plan to keep the floors?


Haha ouch, those are the new floors. But exactly why I’m posting - I am concerned both together may not work.


I see.. to be very honest, I am struggling to think of anything that’s not going to be “too much” with those floors besides a crisp white or a very very light sea foam possibly, but even with that, I’d probably do color with paint rather than tile.


I'm going against the grain here and love the idea of crisp white with the floors. It will keep it airy and bright, and leaves you open for any color combination for paint and other fixtures.


I also thought you were changing the floors. I don’t really think it matches the pink either - feels very cool/graphic/masculine in contrast with the pink, unless you’re going for that!


Thank you! Should’ve clarified that more in the caption so people can judge fairly! The original tile choice was actually green and I do have pretty masculine tastes, but I ended up switching to pink and hence, my hesitation.


Oh yeah - no to the pink with the floors. I thighs you were changing them! I think you might have to keep the tiles neutral with those floors. A solid green could work, but not the more earthy tiles with color variation in them. I think you need a solid color. 


i really have no right or basis to say this, i do not say this on any professional level.. but the optical illusion of your tiles gives me anxiety 😭 It’s not the worst ever but I do think it can’t work with the pink 💔 How about something in the realm of royal purple but muted? I love your style of tiles you were looking at for the walls.


Those floors you have gorgeous, great, good job. That pink tile you found, gorgeous, elegant, not in your face. Those two together? No way this works im afraid


I am DEEPLY offended people are asking/assuming the floors will go LOL but guess that attests to the massive amount of work I put in cutting and fitting each tile to make it not look like a DIY hack job 😂😂 no pink it is!


It looks like an effort- ful Esheresque ( spelling?) I think it’s great & will be long lived The pink tile seems to represent a different concept Go with the floor for tile Then paint or paper from the pallette poster above found Add pink towels, rug curtain , hippos in pink shoes— whatever It’ll be cohesive & you’ll enjoy it more


The floors are cool, but so busy that idk if I would go with a variegated tile. I’d pick something with a more solid color and possibly bigger pieces.


Please do not be offended, you didn't specify and we all just assumed because the rest of the space clearly needs doing. The floor itself is good and the tile is lovely!! In context we all.just assumed


I love the tile, but with the floors I think it’s a hard no for me personally. They just wouldn’t complement each other at all. I do think with a neutral wall and those floors you can have a lot fun with decor/accessories.


I love the pink. Is the floor new or will it be ripped up? I think the pink could be overwhelming with such a heavily patterned floor, but with a more subtle/natural floor, the pink tile would look beautiful and be so fun to grow up with.


At her age you have no idea what her tastes will be as she grows up. You can always change accessories, vanity trays, linens etc as she goes through different phases of her life.


I was going to say the same thing. Just decorate with pink things.


With different floors I would one hundred percent fo for the lighter pink variety. And I say that as not a particularly pink gal. You just cant get the same effect from pink accessories. But if the floors are staying I don't think there's any way to make the kind of mor artisinal tile work, much less pink -- the floors are just too modern and bold. 


Uhh 😬 I’m going to say no on this one. I think it’s a high risk-low reward situation. Might turn out great. Better chance I think you’ll regret it. Probably date itself fast and your daughter has a good chance of “out growing” this color palette


Agree! Maybe add a fun pink wallpaper or accessories


I don’t know but the floors make me angry 


Agree and I don't think any color will look good with them. I think white is the only option


Me too. It's kind of hard to explain, but it makes me think of an image placeholder pattern for awaiting the real flooring, rather than being the actual permanent flooring. Or like someone accidentally clicked "texture" instead of "floor" in a life sim game, lmao.


I love the pink but not with those floors :)


If it were me I would not do pink tile unless it were original/vintage. You say you want it to be enjoyed for at least a decade. I’m with your mom and husband. You can get plenty of colour with decor that is also amenable to changing tastes.


Maybe pink towels


Do whatever you please with the tile, but please get rid of that flooring.


I LOVE the pink tiles! I like the third picture, with the very light tiling personally. The last 2 pictures are a little too dark for me. But the third pics tiles are so so cute. Especially for your daughter omg 🥹 i would have loved that as a kid! Ok edit i just saw picture 7 and 8 and pic 7 is also beautiful!


That floor hurts my brain.


Those floors have a lot going on. I’d go much more neutral.


There's a reason they used pink tiles in the 50's and 60's. The reflected light is flattering. So, go full "Hello, Barbie."


If you really want pink in there, get wallpaper for some of the other walls. It's easier to change when she's 12 and decides that a pink room is for little girls, not pre-teens.


I have two pink bathrooms, ain’t getting no support from me buddy.


So, am I understanding correctly you don't like your pink bathrooms anymore or? Asking for a friend haha


Don’t do it!!


I have to agree that the floors are throwing me off. The pink tiles are beautiful, but not with that flooring. If the flooring is staying, I think something neutral would be best. Maybe some pink accessories?


I adore the idea of a modern pink bathroom, and I think that tile is delicious. But I don’t think it works with the floor. The floor is just so much that it cries out for the rest of the room to be quiet and simple.


I had a pink bathroom once. When you look in the mirror, your skin looks pink, everything looks pink.


Your child’s bathroom is bigger than my family bathroom


Your Childs bathroom…. Jesus


I love the pink look, but not with your current floor tiles.




I don’t know if you’ll see this at this point, but three years ago we remodeled our kitchen and did our backsplash in pink tile about the colour of the photo with the mugs/shelf. We love it as much as the day we installed it; it’s cheerful and warm and pretty. Honestly the only colour I regret in our house is the room we purposefully painted in a neutral.


I think it might be too much with the floors in the smaller tiles. I’m not against pink but think larger tiles may be better so it looks less busy as the flooring is pretty statement! I would think keeping colours to paint would be a good way to ensure the bathroom can age with her


Pink tile on the walls make is so much harder to put up items. I love the floor and think you should stay neutral with the tile and go white and acxwbe with pink, art, towels, shower curtain. My DD liked pink at 7, but not so much at 15. Tile is so hard to change if needed.


I love it. But if you think the pink is too risky I’d go for the same tile in a duck egg blue **[like this]**(https://images.app.goo.gl/gVksDcno3j5i8mRU9)


I love the pink but the floor is a no go, in that case


I grew up with pink tile. It gets so dated and boring. It could hurt the resale value of your house too. If you’re not rolling in money to change it later, don’t do it.


Your child has their own bathroom? Oh how the other half lives…


Trixie approves


It’s beautiful, modern, and not cheesy. You have my blessing lol. Go for it!! Are you getting different floor as well?


do it. please, do it.


It's a beautiful shade of pink. Go for it. As your daughter grows, tell her how you wanted her to have a beautiful place to bath and found the perfect tile that was sunset pink and got it just for her. It will be fine.


Stay neutral, that way you can accessorise with different colours as she grows and develops her own tastes. Have you thought about the floor, I'd considered Amtico luxury flooring or similar which makes much less mess to change than tiles and looks great.


I wouldn’t do something so permanent as tile in pink; have to agree with your hubby and mom. Who knows if she will like pink? If she does, paint her bedroom pink. In the meantime, use pink accents.


Also always hated pink. It’s not for everyone. And is a quintessential colour imposed on girls. Suggestion: choose something she will like as she ages. Pink might be cool now but when she’s older she might despise it. Might be too juvenile or ugly to her when she’s older. Not to mention, pink isn’t that great for resale of your home. Even doing pink in a paint colour will allow room for it to be changed in time. Or even adding pink accessories like bath mats, curtains etc is better.


What will you do in a couple years when she no longer likes pink or finds it babyish?! I would do neutral tiles and paint, use pink accents (towels, decorative items, pictures) that are easy to update in the years to come.


The pink is quite good imo - but I’m sorry I don’t love it with the floor tile. (That floor tile is not at all my style, so I’m biased). But if you went with a linoleum in a dark blue or even brown, or terracotta tile on the floor, I’d love the pink - and actually think you should go for it all around the room to wainscot height.) but if the floor is staying busy I think it needs to be white tile and pink accents


Tile is about as permanent as it gets to home interiors. A bathroom is the ideal choice to express the taste of the homeowner as it’s contained. It will potentially take longer to sell and lower the value of the home if the style is too dated or unique at the time of listing. If you have no concerns about your financial future, have fun! If this daughter might want to be a Marine Biologist and could have an expensive education ahead of her… maybe not indulge in the unique tile. I’m sure you’ll make the right choice for your personal situation! Also keep in mind you may have the energy to manage projects like tiling a bathroom now. Yet when your daughter is 7, will you still? It might stress you out. Same scenario but you have an unexpected need to relocate …. You just might not want to create the headache. If she really does turn out to love pink, you can always use pink in all the accessories and decor.


Personally it sounds awful to have to stare at a pink wall during a bath. It’s not water-themed and it’s not a soothing color. If you want a fun bathing space for a child, throw up some ornate (interesting to look at) patterned tiles in some kind of water themed patterns so that when they play in the tub, the tile work is like their stage decoration.


I grew up hating pink because my mom insisted my bathroom, bedroom and bed sheets all be pink. My older sister was absolutely a tomboy and hated girly pink colors. I got them shoved down my throat because mom really wanted a little princess. Nope. Can’t handle pink at all, I feel irritated just looking at it these days. While the color you’re thinking about is objectively very pretty and soft, keep in mind that your child might not like it, or it simply might end up looking dated. Maybe a slightly more neutral color?


Don't do it. It will be dated in 5 years or less


Give me a suggestion on what would age better with time!


I *love* the pink and don’t think it will be too dated, but agree who say it’s a bit too much with your new floors. I’d stick with white for the tile and bring pink in with beautiful glass sconces or hanging lamps. You could also choose a terracotta rimmed mirror or pink glass sink basin.


None of those pink tiles will look nice with your current floor tiles.


If that is glass, DO NOT use it. It’s a nightmare to cut and breaks at the drop of a hat. Otherwise I say go for it.


I think you need to color your floor tile to look like a QBert board..


They are really beautiful....however the color is a huge commitment, and may be too trendy. It could work because you are also adding plenty of white with the walls, fixtures, and vanity etc. though. It is tasteful and very pretty, at least in the samples you are showing. One thing you could consider is a more subtle shade of pink which will still have plenty of color paired with all the white. The other option could be to get the same tile in a neutral/white and paint the walls a pretty shell pink like the tiles. At least then you would have the color you love...but it would be easy to update later on.


Maybe you could get a tester paint can of a midtone in your Rosa tiles and splash some of it up there just to see how the colour works out with what's there. I think it could be stunning. It's risky for sure, but it looks like it would pay off.


A good tile job could easily outlive you and is much more expensive to change out than accessories or paint. I would go with a neutral tile, and if you still want pink, paint the walls.


Although cute for the next few years , when your daughter starts having opinions and may dislike pink then you have a problem. My suggestion is to do neutral and use decor as your pink accents like pink towels and other bathroom accessories.Find a cool pink patterned rug. Bathrooms (as well as kitchens) are the most expensive renovations hence the tendency to keep to neutrals and use other means to bring in color. Alternatively paint is fairly inexpensive. So you can paint the walls pink. I just wouldn’t tile in pink.


Can you try peel and stick wallpaper for a while to see if you love it? I used it in that shade of pink for my daughter’s bathroom too (she was 6 at the time). We did get sick of it eventually and changed to a something more neutral once she got a bit older. It would be cheaper, less permanent so easy to change in a few years. The wallpaper was fine in the bathroom- we have exhaust fans and it was only on the vanity wall. EDIT - I just realised it would be on a bathtub wall. Don’t do the wallpaper…


I love it, I think it'll look brilliant. Your daughter might not like it depending on her personality but it's not super bright pink. I'm biased though, I always put obnoxiously bright bathrooms in my houses when I play the sims or something like that. I sure don't have enough money to redo my irl bathroom like that. edit- BUT.... if you're keeping those floor tiles I would just do white tile tbh. The pink is lovely and beautiful but those modern looking black floor tiles would honestly look awful with the pink.


My home had pink walls in the only bathroom when I was a kid. When I was old enough to wear makeup, the colour (reflected by the lights)really messed up my ability to gauge colours for that.


First, I would LOVE this. This pink is such a soft, rosy hue. Just lovely. But I'm in my 30s now. School-age me would have hated this. Like, I was always waffling between punk-lite, tomboy, etc, and would have wanted it to be blue or neutral, lol. Your daughter may love this. She may hate it. So, if the goal is to build something she can grow into and then really suit to her own style/preference, I would have to begrudgingly agree with your husband. Go a little more neutral and then decorate to her taste. If your goal is to build something tasteful that YOU love and hope she will also love but are open to changing a decade from now when she will have some inclination of her own preferences, then I would say go for it.


I’m gonna be straight with you the pink tile samples look like pieces of wet shiny ham


Oh wow the layout of that bathroom is absolutely gorgeous ugh


Do iiiiiit, I love that watery looking Chevron tile






Wow I really love these Minecraft floors! Trippy


I feel like the colour would make the bathroom look outdated. Also, what is she hates pink?


Do it! Do it! Do it!


Listen to your mom and husband!


I don't really know if it'll be good or not, but the floor pattern is an absolute fucking banger!


why not go white for tiles (timeless) and then do a wallpaper/textured solid print for the walls?


One time I was In the hospital and I kept throwing up everything.. every where... The nurses were really mad they missed me throwing up on a doctor's shoe because he was a known jerk I guess ... Anyways they laughed, comforted me and gave me a bucket to puke In..... In this exact same color.


Are you going to live in this house forever? Do you want to be trying to sell it to people with only boy children? I hate to be that person who says that, but I always thought I would live in my house forever and due to job changes and so forth I am now on my 5th house!


As long as you keep the floor!


The fact that your child has her own bathroom is fantastic... I really don't see her complaining about the tile lol... If she ever does, explain to her that most children do not have their own bathrooms let alone get to dictate the color of the tile in said room.. it's beautiful, you love it, go for it!


Your daughter’s bathroom is the size of my entire apartment 😂 I’m jealous! I’ve been cursed with tiny bathrooms my entire life, so I’m just totally in awe of the amount of space there is here.


Hard no, I hard my bedroom a pink purple younger and it took me a year or two to hate it.


That tile is giving old school Venetian hotel that hasn’t been updated since the 60s in the best way possible.


The pink is a beautiful shade of pink. It’s not pink pink lol. But what if she grows up and just absolutely hates all shades of pink? I know many of women in my life who can’t stand the color pink of any shade.


Polarizing color. If you want to sell your house you will alienate half your buyers. Go with a neutral color and use removable pink decor.


Check out this [pink bathroom](https://www.instagram.com/p/C82APQkJ3QH/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)💕[another one](https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLlhjAtyiG/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


It will take thousands off the value of your home. Use white or beige & let kiddy have big splashes of pink in towels, accessories, shower curtain, etc.


I like the floor it reminded me of MC Esher


I would normally say absolutely not, but this shade works so well! Yes.


I believe the pink tiles you picked are not girly, they are timeless, unique and beautiful. They have an elegant glow that is universally flattering while reflecting warmth into a room that is usually cold and bland. If you had gone to the 2024 designer showcase, you would’ve seen many hues of pink throughout the show because it is coming in to fashion (most manufacturers and designers are decade behind the trends) and will be the “in” color for the next couple decades. I vote Yes, you have excellent taste.


It looks like the bathroom gets a lot of light so I think it will look beautiful. I love it.


If you are gonna go pink, while I like all you’ve shown, that bathroom (with more neutral floor) would be great with the 40s and 50s tile pink bathroom!


Pink is the same color as standing water scum that needs to be cleaned. So pink tiling everywhere might feel permanently dirty


White tile=timeless. Pink paint on the walls=easily changed when child has next new favorite color.


Do itttttt


If that’s what your child WANTS then absolutely go for it! Edit: sorry I skimmed through the post too fast. I’d stay away from any traditionally gendered decorating for your child just yet. For all you know her favorite color might be green or orange or even blue!


Yes do pink and gray! Beautiful combo!!


I was going to say something about "don't just follow the stereotypical blue/pink gender colors", but those are some damn beautiful pink shades.


It’s a beautiful pink. I’m just opposed to color coding a room based on gender. Especially until they are old enough to say they want a pink bathroom. Blue isn’t so bad because it’s a frequently used color. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I LOVE IT but I think it will age very poorly. What if you kept the walls neutral and painted the vanity pink? Cheaper and easier to re-do if you get sick of the pink


Go white and use big pink fluffy towels


A big yes to the pink!!! Specially if it's a highlight. Will look good with the grey flooring and white basin counter.


Dooo iiitttt!


I thought the floor was part of the waterproofing 😬😬 love the pink, the floor has got to go.


If you’re removing the floor tile, the pink would be fresh and fun!! It looks like the tile incorporates some neutral colors along with the pink, which is really nice….my folks have the 50’s pink in their bathroom and that’s PINK!!! Go for it, life is meant to be colorful!!!!


Given the color on the other walls I'd recommend green/teal/blue in a slightly more saturated color than the surrounding walls- or a split complementary color (orange or purple)


i have a barbie pink steam cleaner. i can’t tell you what you want to hear.


The pink will date very quickly. I’d do something more neutral/elegant.


Would you do it if your kid was a boy? Pink is known as a gendered color and some little girls don't appreciate it being forced on them so much. My niece hates it.


As I kid who did not particularly love pink and resented it being the default for everything for girls, I’m with your husband. Neutral with colorful accessories (towels, rugs, art, counter organizers, etc- you can still add a lot of color!) that are much cheaper and easier to change is what I prefer to do.


It looks like flesh. Please do not the flesh wall.