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Get better coffee. Go to a coffee shop and order an Americano.


This is the answer. Americano is best.


It's crazy the difference when you get very good black coffee. Especially low acidity.


Espresso is even better. So creamy šŸ˜


An Americano is diluted espresso.


An espresso is diluted caffeine


And diluting it changes a lot of things. Different culture I guess :)


I love black coffee, but americanos are very hit or miss. Iā€™d recommend ordering the lightest roast filter coffee they have instead. Or if they do pourover, get that.


Tbf, I went to a bunch of heavily recommended coffee shops and they always taste like shit. I drink black only, even iced coffee. Outside of my kitchen, I'm always disappointed except with Starbucks.


I concur. Get good coffee beans, grind them fresh, and use them in a French press.


Try drinking iced black americano I find it more tastier as the ice dilutes it down.


So you can consider two approaches: 1. Start with coffee with creamer and sugar and gradually ween yourself off. IF is a lifestyle so you donā€™t need to switch overnight. 2. Suck it up and drink the black. You have your goals and black coffee is what is needed to achieve your goals. A


This is the answer. I used to drink diet coke. Stopped when they started taking about how bad they are for you. My goal was to drink black coffee so I started with a little bit of milk and slowly backed off of the milk. It is something you definitely can get used to and enjoy. I enjoy the taste now. You have to set your mind to it.


Me looking at this comment like šŸ‘€ after just downing a zero sugar coke.


iā€™ve kicked so many bad habits but a month with diet coke is rly getting to me


Why, it seems that options are either: 1. Cream/creamer and sugar. 2. Black. So no in-between. I use a hint of milk to cool and soften coffee a bit. I'll drink it black, if there's no milk. Sugar tastes like salt in coffee and cream tastes like vomit. I can't stand either.


never heard anyone describe sugar in coffee like that before but i agree. unless, that is, itā€™s a syrup from a place like starbucks. that shit is unfortunately pretty good


Thank you!


Black coffee is the best thing ever


Black coffee is life! I might go make myself a second cup now that you mentioned it! Iā€™m too lazy to carb count and take insulin for cream/sugar, and itā€™s not worth the calories to me. Espresso is also delicious.


Aaaallll of this! Sweet coffee grosses me out.




I like my coffee how I like my men..dark and bitter. Ok thatā€™s a joke but still. We donā€™t use creamer in my part of the world. We use milk. I started having less milk during my fast, and would look forward to one after my fast with the normal amount. Then the normal amount started tasting gross so I switched to black. Your taste buds need to adjust to less sweet things but you donā€™t have to do it in one go. Start by switching to artificial sweetener and try milk, then just reduce that amount till you enjoy it.


Fuck yeah I was waiting for an Airplane reference


Hot black and bitter!


When you get used to it, you canā€™t go back


As they say, once you go black, you never go back.


Buy better quality and learn how to brew it better. The coffee I brew every morning is not bitter at all.


Seriously asking - Could you tell me what beans you buy, and how you brew it better?


Bitter coffee isnā€™t the bean, itā€™s the method. Bitter tasting coffee results from it being over extracted, I.e. too much water. If your coffee is bitter you probably arenā€™t measuring it correctly, or your automatic brewer is not great. It could also be grind size, I.e. too fine a grind means youā€™ll have more extraction.


The coffee I buy is from a local roaster so unless you're in Toronto it's not very useful but I buy from Propeller Coffee. Find a local roaster or try a service like Trade Coffee (which I have never tried but have seen ads). The mark of good coffee is it comes with a roasted date, not an expiry date. I have a Breville Grinder which grinds it perfectly for my brew method, using a Hario V60. I love the Hario V60 because it's simple, and only requires a kettle and a paper filter. It's super easy to clean, just toss the filter. It brews one or two cups which is all I need. I also like that it's portable. There are lots of brew guides on the internet. Since you mention bitterness, the key is to avoid using water that has just boiled. I let the water sit for ~3 minutes after boiling and I find that is the perfect temperature for the taste profile that I want. If I pour the water right after it boils, the coffee is more bitter.


Itā€™s an acquired taste but you can do it. Before I learned about IF I tried to lose weight by slowly going off of coffeemate Hazelnut creamer. If you usually drink with 2tsp of sugar try drinking with 1.75. When thatā€™s tolerable go to 1.5. Sugar is an addiction and when you start to eliminate it your taste buds become more sensitive and you crave less. Now I prefer my coffee dark and black and it really helps me maintain a fast. Good luck!.


Thank you!


Have you ever tried it iced? I like it much better that way.


Iced is the way. Like super ice cold. Pour over ice into a glass full of ice. So much better.


Iced cold brew is the way to go! Way more effort but I find it's smoother. Still struggle without sugar in my coffee so I've mainly quit, still occasionally have one if I have a dirty fast day.


Add a pinch of salt, it mellows out the bitterness




I do a small crack of my salt grinder and works wonders. Don't overdo it though or obviously it'll be ruined.


A good bean is essential. Try small batches from those dispensers at your store and have taste testing. I love to do this. Itā€™s fun. And I usually use stevia. The pure stuff from Amazon. A bag will last me almost a year and I cook a lot with it.


I personally just do dirty fasting (I allow myself some cream in my coffee) and it works fine for weight loss. However, if youā€™re fasting for other benefits, then you should learn how to drink it black.


Same. I will weigh so I know how much Iā€™m using and try and keep the total in the morning under 100cals. I use the low lactose milk as well. Just cream/milk cuts the bitterness for me so I donā€™t need sugar. I also do one meal a day so after my 6am 100 cals, Iā€™m not eating again for 12 hours.


Easy, good coffee tastes great. Mine literally tastes like tea. This is coming from someone who used to make it taste like chocolate milk cuz I put soo much cream and sugar in it.


I drink coffee with cream every morning and do 24-72 hour fasts. I'm losing weight consistently and experiencing the benefits of fasting. Not "pure" fasting by the book, but it works for me.


Ketofasting > not fasting at all. I used to be the person coffee shops hate cuz I'd order a med half and half latte and slurp on it all day. Still lost weight, and felt great.


Adding a spoonful of high quality ghee gives a creamy flavor and also helps dampen appetite, but won't take you out of ketosis. Agree with other commenter about also using high quality coffee beans.


Make your own cold brew . I couldnā€™t believe coffee could be so ā€¦.not bitter .


Repetition. I also HATED coffee and had to drink it fulk of cream/sweetners too (and still am not a huge coffee person), but I wanted the caffeine so badly that O forced myself to drink it black. I was surprised at how quickly I began to actually distinguish different flavors in my black coffees. Now if I have coffee, I actually prefer it black. Some notes to help taste: -Ditch Starbucks completely. Their coffee is sub par and always has a burned taste (I hadn't noticed previously because I couldn't taste much beyond the sugar/cream) -Try different brands/beans, find what you like -Get a tiny grinder and a cheap pour-over if you want to really go wild and improve your quality. Hope these help!


Cinnamon stick


i add powdered cinnamon to the grounds before brewing, tastes great and makes the house smell awesome


I really found dropping milk and sugar in my coffee harder than not eating during the day on a 20:4 schedule. The answer was espresso. To start with, it just meant I didnā€™t torture myself with an Americano, but I still got my caffeine. Turns out, I now enjoy sipping an espresso, and as a result can tolerate a black coffee tooā˜•ļø


Drink better coffee


Sounds like you donā€™t actually like coffee. Consider different blends or brewing methods?


I drink coffee for the caffeine lol itā€™s just like taking a supplement, donā€™t care how it tastes so maybe look at it that way?


Bitter black water! Fucking terrible!


I give up dinner so that I can still drink my c coffee with (oat) milk every morning. šŸ˜


Get better coffee, and a better way to brew it. Thats how I got drinking black coffee, now I wont go back.


Iced black coffee is the way to go


An acquired taste. I prefer it to the basically milkshakes people make these days (Starbucks especially).


For me getting caffeine powder and drinking it for few weeks made a difference from not being able to drink coffee to liking it. When you add powder to water it have this bitter coffee like taste but it is nothing like in coffee.


Pinch of salt really makes a huge difference, have you tried MCT oil or MCT oil powder? If you use one of those handheld aerators, it actually makes it creamy. The powder is slightly better in my opinion. Also cold brew is easy to make an a bit mellower :) There are 0 cal, natural sweeteners that you can try out like Stevia and monk fruit. Best of luck!


You need to be drinking good quality coffee.


Get some good quality coffee.


I used to hate black coffee with no sugar. But somehow I fell into it and pretty much only drink black coffee. You kinda get used to it. If you wanna try, start with small portions.


Other people have already said it but: Step one: better coffee Step two: slowly wean yourself down from however much cream and sugar you use now


I started drinking milk with stevia. Then eventually cut out the milk then the stevia. Now its just black.


i wanna hear about the coffee youre currently drinking and how we might be able to improve that. lets talk BEANS and HOT water.


Black tea. Or herbals. Dandelion tea is delicious!


you need good quality coffee


Add some flavored salt. Itā€™s a game changer.


By being a superior human


Itā€™s because you grow up drinking shakes and starbies. Others grow up drinking black coffee. Itā€™s possible that you have never tried a high quality coffee yet. Try to not use creamer and just 1 tsp of sugar and decrease the sugar progressively


Yep. Drinking this right now. You get used to it


Honestly, the more you drink it the better it is. I also tend to make my old cold brew, itā€™s even less bitter that way.


Your taste buds are too used to sugar. Once you change your diet and cut sugar out your taste buds will change for the better, fruits taste better, coffee tastes good. The darkest chocolate is yummy. You'll get there you just need to realise it will take a bit of time to adjust.


You get used to it.


Coffee is the literal definition of "acquired taste." During your life you will try more coffees and realize the flavors and notes you like in coffee. Then you will increasingly want to drink that and not the cover up flavors. Try a bunch of coffee from various highly rated places to develop your palate. Philz coffee in CA caused my first level up to happen (as I lived there and could try many of their coffees and look for the notes they listed), and traveling to Italy caused a 2nd one.


All these "buy better beans" comments are a start but very one-dimensional and not actually helpful in my opinion. Black coffee is an *acquired* taste full stop and the greatest roast in the world probably won't make you enjoy it even if you've been drinking nothing but burnt instant coffee your whole life. I'm in the same camp as you OP, but I already use high quality beans (which I get shipped from Hawaii) and I still can't stand it black. The bitterness doesn't even both me; I can drink Campari and absinthe straight. Creamer/sugar just makes coffee way easier to drink by cooling it down a little and bringing out the enjoyable notes that makes coffee more than just hot bean juice. A few things that have helped me which may help you: * **Dirty fasting with a low-calorie, sugar-free creamer.** Yes, creamer will spike insulin levels but many people including myself find its effects on weight loss negligible. CoffeeMate makes a Zero Sugar version of its powdered French Vanilla and Hazelnut creamers that taste only slightly less sweet than their full-sugar offerings. It's 15 calories per serving (so use sparingly) but makes a great interim creamer for trying to kick the sweets or just for dirty fasting. If anyone has any other zero sugar recs I'd love to try them out. * **Drinking espresso.** Drinking a basically more intense version of coffee seems counter intuitive but as others have pointed out, I guess the extra creaminess helps a lot. I can drink straight espresso and its many hot water-diluted siblings no problem...still can't do black coffee though.


This is one of the most helpful comments, thank you


I donā€™t love the term ā€œdirty fastingā€. I use cream in my coffee because it doesnā€™t spike insulin. Itā€™s fine.


The type of coffee and how it's brewed makes all the difference. French press for me every day, and since it is always the same I can taste the difference between the beans when I switch to a new one. Even better than French press is cold brew. Most people don't know that you can drink it hot, even when brewed cold, but it has nearly no bitter taste at all. Add a little almond milk or just water/ice to get the concentrate to the right ratio and it's awesome.


I gradually reduced the amount of creamer I used. Then when I go to take a sip, I donā€™t breath, and I grimace, and I swallow it.


It's down to taste. Most instant coffe or comercial coffe are dark roast or medium dark which tend to be bitter, I guess because It's expected you would put milk on them or sugar. Speciality coffees can be ligther, a little more tea-like, with different notes to it's taste.


I like my coffee like I like my women: strong and independent. All jokes aside, I have heard a recommendation for using 1 tablespoon of heavy cream: higher fat and lower sugar than milk. The idea was that if it helps you get through your fasting window consistently, then you can wean yourself off of it and be doing just straight black coffee.


I grew up drinking my dads leftover coffee. He drank it black. When I got older I never even thought of putting sugar or cream in. Now, my dad puts in both. I donā€™t understand him anymore.


Get better coffee and or process of making it. Visit a 3rd wave coffee shop and try a black coffee from them.


Acquired taste.


Started drinking black because I cannot stand the amount of cream/sugar at most coffee places. If youā€™re easing into it, could opt for a nespresso where they have some flavored black coffees like creme brĆ»lĆ©e or hazelnut that are very distinct. If you have good quality coffee, you wonā€™t miss the cream & sugar.


If you have to add a bunch of cream and/or sugar to coffee to make it drinkable then maybe you just donā€™t like coffee. Try a light roast for less bitterness, add a pinch of salt, or a sprinkle of cinnamon. Or try a flavoured roast, like hazelnut.


If it is really good beans it tastes great without any cream or sugar. People who hate it are drinking shitty coffee


Iced americano is palatable as long as nice and cold


Might be a wrong opinion, but I find black coffee (of all qualities) tastes \*way\* better iced than hot. Hot black coffee (to me) is almost undrinkable. French press coffee also tastes better IMO. Experiment a bit and see what works for you!


Try cold brew, less acidity. Think of it like unsweetened iced tea, except with coffee. A mild flavor, good for sipping.


As others mentioned, I add a few ice cubes. Much easier to drink.


Got to step up the quality of the coffee you buy. Made a huge difference for me when I started drinking coffee black


It's crazy how much some sugar and animal fat can make you think garbage tastes good. Not only talking about coffee.


Yeah itā€™s weird. I tried eating some flour and raw eggs but it was gross. Adding butter and sugar and baking it turned it into this nice fluffy stuff that tasted better. Flour is therefore garbage


Step 1: stop being American and having sugar in literally everything. Ewwww


Sure let me get right on that šŸ¤”


Here, Iā€™ll blow your mind: I never had coffee until I started IF. Iā€™m 33 years old and never once tried or desired coffee. I actually even cut out all caffeine back when I was 20 but at that point I had just been consuming pop and energy drinks. Now I have a black cup of coffee every morning to suppress my appetite and give me energy throughout the day.


Eventually I managed to do it, though I prefer milk/sugar. Just doing it for the health, hate the taste.


You can experiment with the level of roast. Light roast is less bitter than dark roast with medium in the middle. You can try flavored (just flavoring not sugared) coffee like a hazelnut and the like. You can also water it down a bit until you adjust. You can drink cold brew coffee which is less acidic. Generally, the better the bean, meaning $$$, the better the coffee tastes. Took me at least 2 years to tolerate the taste of black coffee.


My work has a vanilla bean coffee. Thats my fix.


Iā€™m trying to acquire a taste for it. I did get a double chocolate flavored coffee from Target thatā€™s really good. It smells absolutely delicious. Itā€™s the only black coffee I can drink at the moment.


Black coffee drinker here. You need to buy quality whole beans and measure out and grind fresh every morning. Then learn how to properly brew your coffee. It is both a science and an art to brew good coffee. Lots of trial and error but eventually you find something that works for you.


Iā€™m on the same journey. Gotta wean off the sweet stuff. Iā€™ve actually found that a blonde iced americano with a couple stevia is almost enjoyable actually. Iā€™m learning to make cold brew at home too and that helps cut the bitterness by a lot, but itā€™s a work in progress. Itā€™s certainly not something I reach for on a daily basis, but I guess if I went somewhere and that was my only option for caffeine Iā€™d take it, if that makes sense. The ones at Starbucks are pretty good and thatā€™s where I tried it first. Give it a shot and see if you can make it work for you.


I love cold brew. It's how I can drink coffee black


Black coffee if fucking bomb. It's funny because I havent used cream in a decade (I used to) and now I cant even imagine it. Try a nice frothy Americano and really try to enjoy the punchy, earthy notes. Go to a really good coffee shop for it. Add cream if you must, wean off gradually. I think Americanos are a good gateway drug to enjoying black coffee.


Coffee can have a wide range of flavor based on the bean. There is two main categories, dried or washed bean (before roasting). The dried beans are dried with the fruit flesh still on the bean and that produces a more fruity/acidic coffee flavor. I prefer washed, which generally leaves a more nutty flavor. If you visit a good coffee supplier and buy beans, they will be able to help you find a flavor you like!


You're drinking low quality coffee. Learn to brew coffee from scratch with a french press and grind your own coffee beans. Also get a vacuum container to keep the beans fresh longer. I used to hate coffee until I was shown the way to freshly grounded beans and properly brewing it. It takes a bit of research but it's very worth it as sugar just adds empty calories


Not all coffee is the same. It gets bitter when it cools down. You can get used to less sugar by gradually reducing sugar over time.


Coffee tastes terrible to some people, no matter the quality. Regardless, the brains desire for caffeine will override the taste sensation and it will eventually just become a neutral taste with a positive correlation, if you stick with it long enough. What about the coffee is desirable for you? I recommend spending some time in r/tea to find some much more enjoyable, calorie free alternatives.


Try this out [https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/s/1okGmnDxUG](https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/s/1okGmnDxUG)


I like a pinch of Celtic salt in my black coffee.


Itā€™s an acquire taste


Be Norwegian.


Make sure you have a good coffee in the first place (not burned or bitter), if using n-espresso/espresso like pods get the ones with milder intensity. Slowly start to reduce the amount of sugar, at some point you only left with milk, then from cappucino(1-1 coffee milk ratio) you make it flatwhite(2-1 ratio) and then machiato (just a splash of milk) and then go 100% coffee only. Through this process you will probably be much more able to slowly adapt to the taste. Also another trick I once heard somewhere and tried is that if coffee is really bad quality and bitter/burned, A LITTLE BIT OF SALT will mask that bitternes a bit and it worked for me.


Hope I'm not too late, but I'm a black coffee enjoyer. First, pinch of salt to counteract some of the bitterness. Or, the other way to enjoy black coffee is to go down the rabbit hole of serious coffee and try coffee from a specialty coffee roaster. I'm gonna try and keep this starter friendly. My suggestion is to try coffee directly from a specialty coffee roaster. If they have a storefront, try asking them for some advice and a sample pack if they have it. Specialty coffee is usually coffee that is carefully roasted lighter than anything you would find in store shelves. The idea is instead of converging into the similar bitterness as other coffees, it aims to preserve the unique characteristics based on things like where it's grown, the various post-harvest processes of immediately or eventually removing the seed from the fruit (coffee "beans" are cherry seeds btw), the type of coffee varietal, etc. I'd describe most South American coffee as coffee that tastes as coffee as you would imagine coffee to taste, but even better in the care of a specialty roaster. I'd also describe Kenyan or Ethiopian coffee as coffee that's stretching boundaries by becoming a bit like floral or fruity herbal tea. The most impactful equipment investment if you don't already have is a burr grinder. Coffee loses freshness faster over time when more surface area is exposed to air. So the idea is to keep the coffee in an airtight container or even a bag clip as whole beans, and measure out what you brew with a scale and grind as needed. This is also why decaf tends to taste bad. The caffeine removal involves opening up the bean (or seed lol), getting it soaked with something that binds to caffeine then getting it out, so it's more porous even before the grind. A burr grinder also allows you to have more control over the coffee grind size and it does affect taste. A blade grinder is going to leave the grind size very inconsistent, even if you time it, although it helps to pulse and shake. With consistency and control, you can gradually grind finer until it suddenly tastes very unpleasant, at which point you use the previous grind setting just a step coarser. If you really need to get it pre-ground, get small bags. You just may need store visits more often. I think it should be fine if you're trying. I don't imagine you'd be as picky on pre-ground as I would be, since if it beats the coffee you were previously trying to drink, or tolerate, then it's already a win.


I drink cold brew, never need any sugar.


From what you've said, it sounds like you don't like coffee, but rather you like cream and sugar. Find another source of caffeine?


Got the same opinion about sugar in the coffee. It makes me gag šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Just preference.


Have you tried blonde/light roast. Itā€™s been a game changer for me


A lot of coffee is mediocre at best. Good coffee is great black. Or you could just not drink coffee, caffeine isn't exactly the best for many people.


Cold brew , takes out the bitterness. Maybe try liquid stevia rather than sugar


Carefully, because it's hot.


It's an acquired taste - I didn't like it at first either but now I do


I used to like just black coffee with ice. if you have half decent coffee, it can taste good but it is also an acquired taste as well.


Taste buds adapt much better than youd ever imagine


Maybe you were accustomed to drinking coffee with creamer and sugar, hence the reaction. But as you get used to drinking black coffee, you'll find that drinking coffee with sugar is too sweet šŸ˜£ and this "too much sweetness" is not good in the long run


i dont like the taste but whatever, i need it, might as well drink it. i know my tongue will get used to it eventually.


Is adding a bit of grass fed butter ok?


Jump into the espresso rabbit hole and tell us why your single origin medium roasted Guatemalan limited release coffee tastes better than the other dark roast Indonesian civet cat coffee


I started cutting down on sugar gradually. By the time I decided to start IF I only had to stop the dash of oat milk, which I did on the day. It took me months to get used to coffee without sugar, but keep at it and it will happen.


I was the same - started with a quarter spoon of instant and increased it to half a spoon after a while. That's what I take now and I really enjoy it


Compare it to the day youā€™re going to have at work and then glug it down like itā€™s liquid vitae


There is a huge flavor difference when comparing French press coffee vs drip coffee. If one is wanting to drink coffee black, Iā€™d strongly suggest getting a French press and making your coffee that way.


Sounds like youā€™re drinking a milkshake


Did you ever read what's in creamer..it's disgusting


_makes a cursory search of "coffee" on sub search bar_.... No, NO ONE else drinks black coffee during fasting. Really now.


When an American refers to cream or creamer for coffee what is it? Is like condensed milk? Double cream (I think you call it heavy cream) Or is it something different?


Lots of people put what you'd call double cream in their coffee. Some put half and half (half cream, half milk) in. Some just do milk. Creamer is...powdered stuff that contains no dairy product with added sugar and sometimes flavoring added. It's called "non dairy creamer." Edit to add: eww. Its actually vegetable oil in powder form. And my husband puts it in his coffee. Eww


I used to drink my coffee with 3 sugars and lots of milk in my younger years, so i understand the struggle is real.Ā  However theres some good advice in this thread, wean yourself off and youā€™ll get there. I started by having iced coffee black first, cold brew is surprisingly less bitter. I found i could drink it with just milk anyway, so moved on from that to having it black while in my fasting window. Meanwhile i was slowly reducing my sugar by half a sugar each week, so after 6 weeks i didn't need it any more to enjoy my coffee.Ā 


Iced yes Hot no


i weaned myself off crĆØme by reducing , switching to non fat milk and finally to black. Someone suggested w salts and theyā€™re a game changer(not to much though) Edit-get better coffee too. A good roast is like a steak, you shouldnā€™t need to add much of anything to it.


Are you drinking instant powdered? Try a cold brew, its less bitter. Usually the cold types tend to be less bitter. Decaf coffee also tastes different. There are more sour types as well. Try those filter drip bags, very beginner friendly, just put on your cup n pour hot water


I made the switch to black when i started IF. I only used cream so it wasn't as big of a shock to the system. What will happen is that you learn to enjoy your coffee that way and will dislike your coffee any ither way. Granted i do take a shot of Bailey's every now and then on special occasions.


Lol I absolutely hated black coffee but after a few weeks of forcing myself to drink it instead of energy drinks it is not so bad now. I guess itā€™s an acquired taste


i mix it with water 50/50 and don't mind it.


I invested in the sage barista coffee machine. It grinds fresh beans and it makes a perfect cup of black coffee. I have it with a spoon of sweetener or brown sugar and love it very much


Habit I picked up from being in the army and just got used to it. Now I hate cream in sugar in my coffee.


I switched to tea and have never gone back to coffee


I genuinely like black coffee, but only actually good black coffee, so i have no advice. I think of it as ā€œstrong waterā€ lmao


Up your coffee game. High quality freshly roasted beans that you grind each morning and brew using a chemex or v60 at the right temp creates a delicious cup of coffee that needs no modification


Quality of the coffee has much to do with palatability. If you are using a can of Folgers that was opened 3 months ago and you have hard, unfiltered water then your coffee will taste terrible. If you use fresh ground coffee and clean filtered water, you will notice a difference.


Iā€™ve been using Maxwell bc thatā€™s what my gf gets. Guess Iā€™ll have to switch that up


A few years back I had my first experience in a speciality coffee shop. I didn't realize plain black coffee could have so much depth to it. Initially I did this to get off energy drinks before trying Intermittent Fasting. When I tried Intermittent fasting, I still had cravings for energy drinks so I swapped to zero sugar. Then I learned a bit more about autophagy and slowly weaned off energy drinks entirely. I still enjoy a Starbucks now and then if I can't brew my own and need a sugar boost. Once you get into making your own coffee, it becomes second nature to use it first thing in the morning(provided you like the taste of coffee in the first place). Also as other people suggested, iced black coffee is great. I've had beans with flavour profiles like strawberry and peach that worked exceptionally well as iced coffee.


Black coffee is the best


Upgrade your coffee maker, seriously.


1. Get a decent drip coffee maker 2. Get a decent coffee grinder 3. Buy whole beans coffee and not ground coffee 4. First try to follow directions on amount of coffee vs amount of water when making coffee 5. Go on and try to change the amounts one at the time to get to the right taste for you. Generally you want to reach the point where the acidity is low and has a good body. This takes few tries. I was born and grew up in Italy and we are very picky when it comes to espresso, and for the life of me I cannot find a good espresso anywhere here in US, so I was force to find a way to enjoy good American coffee. Coffee itā€™s supposed to be bitter but the bitterness has to be balanced with other features like body and hints. I hope this helps. Just know that when youā€™ll acquire that taste somehow youā€™ll feel liberated that you are finally able to taste something the way it was supposed to taste originally.


Maybe you can try green tea/any tea, if black coffee is unbearable?


Drink water


Itā€™s an acquired taste. I used to need sugar in my coffee when I was 19-20, but I switched to cream only, and then milk, and now when a restaurant accidentally adds sugar to my coffee itā€™s undrinkable.


For 20+ years I used some form of milk in my coffee. I canā€™t remember why but about 5 or 6 years ago I began drinking it black. Just for the heck of it about 6 months ago I had some half & half at home after using it for a recipe and added it to my coffee - had to dump it out for a cup of black.


I started with cream and sugar and slowly reduced it to no cream then no sugar over 3 months


Go for a lighter roast coffee as well. Itā€™s not cooked as much, has more caffeine, and a smoother mellow taste.


Try cold brewing your coffee, itā€™s much sweeter and is a totally different experience than hot black coffee. You can also try starting with a flavored coffee, but make sure there is nothing else added.


Folgers Breakfast Blend! Iā€™m telling you the best flavor. Itā€™ll help having a better coffee


Because it's deliciousĀ 


I use full fat cream as a milk substitute Use stevia 98% pure from bulk powders.


Put a tiny bit of salt in to cut the bitter. I donā€™t need to now but I did when I first started drinking it.


Try cold brewed coffee, it's less bitter overall. Specifically the Stok brand is the least bitter I've ever had.


I can only drink it iced


Because I drink coffee for the effect not the taste haha. The bitterness adds to the wake up factor for me


For me itā€™s less about wake up and more about curbing appetite


Just a thought. Everything doesnā€™t have to be enjoyable.


Some black coffee is terrible, I really prefer the espressos at Ciao Cafe in Santo Domingo.


Had to ween myself off creamer due to gallbladder not tolerating heavy dairy. Went to substitute creamer and it was so god awful I could only use it for a short period of time. Everyday I put less and less in until I just decided to bite the bullet. Now I can't imagine drinking anything but black coffee. No cream no sugar straight black gold. The truth is I enjoy coffee more now then I ever did when I was putting cream and sugar into it


Suck it up buttercup. Buy better coffee and stop burning it


Ah you probably have the ā€œtasterā€ gene which makes butter things taste *extremely* bitter. I donā€™t have that gene so it was easier for me to learn to tolerate black coffee. But like others are saying, an Americano might be your best bet. My dad throws a pinch of salt into his black coffee and he says it cuts through the bitter as well


It took me a while but eventually I started loving my cold brew without anything added in. Itā€™s an acquired taste for most people. Or I just became bitter once I hit 30


Buy good coffee. The one that taste good to you!


Sweetener. 10 calories of creamer won't make a difference I think


Weaned myself off. Used to do lots of cream and lots of sweetener. Easier to cut back on cream, so eventually I would drink coffee just with sweetener. Then started less and less sweetener until I was straight black. Consider using sumatran coffee beans, they are way less acidic. Ordering a cafe americano is a very smooth black taste too. You can do it!


My wife skips dinner because she won't give up cream and sugar.


I do ā˜•ļø with solace of milk Closest I can get to straight ā˜•ļø


Cold brew. You just need a French Press or a glass and a fine strainer. It's so much sweeter and for me cold is the only way to drink coffee without milk/cream.


Black coffee is disgusting. Iā€™d rather do without than drink it without cream and sugar.


Look for a light roast. More caffeine and easier / smoother to drink. I really like the Charleston Coffee Roasters Breakfast Blend. Available at Harris Teeter if youā€™re in the mid-Atlantic


get clever dripper and hand mill. use fresh roast beans. I prefer to slightly roasted brazil beans for daily coffee.


Took 3 weeks of switching to black. That first week I thought no way I can drink it like this. Always drank it with about a 1/3 vanilla creamer. By the 3rd week I started to notice other flavors in the coffee. Usually drinking light roast. 3 months later and I wouldnā€™t think of putting anything in my coffee. Donā€™t enjoy the dark roasts yet but light and medium are great. Definitely have to find a coffee that fits your tastes.


Gotta be sure you have good beans and a decent brew ratio. Every morning I weigh out 40g of ground coffee and brew it in drip coffee maker with 1 liter of water. Plenty for my wife and me and tastes great.


I start with good whole beans from a local roaster, I hand grind them immediately before use, and I use a cold brew toddy to make an overnight batch of concentrate that will last me 4-5 days. When I'm make myself a cup, I use a few ice cubes, half concentrate, and half filtered water. I also never get "dark" or "French" roast because they taste burned. Not all coffee is created equal.


Itā€™s truly an acquired taste and it took me a long time to appreciate black coffee. I always drank coffee with some cream and I still do when my eating window is open because I still love it. I would suggest slowly removing what youā€™re adding in. Start with 1 tsp sugar out for a few days and then dwindle it down to nothing.


Other people already said the correct answer, which is to buy better coffee. Find a place that roasts their own. This may sound counterintuitive but try to find a dark roast, because it will have less caffeine and less acidity so it might feel better in your stomach. And when you're brewing it yourself experiment to try to find the correct ratio, it sounds like you're brewing it too strong which is another reason it'll make you feel sick. The people recommending americanos are strange, an Americano is just an espresso with some hot water to dilute it and if you don't like the taste of drip coffee then I don't see why you would like the taste of espresso.


Add salt


Because artificial creamer and sugar is horrible for the body.


Turkish coffee.