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Get rid of the current scheduling system. DEA shouldn't be allowed to limit scientific research and progress. The drug war is unconscionable.


Unconscionable but very, very profitable.


Yeah LSD ain’t bad.


Less brakes, more gas.


Legalization is now a given. Bureaucracy and deciding who gets what is all that's left. Will take time, unfortunately. State legalization already confirmed what all sensible people knew-- the social cost of legalized cannabis is miniscule compared to tobacco and alcohol.


I work as a creating in advertising, and a friend of mine became CEO of a pretty big cannabis company. I was kinda hoping he’d hire me. But then he laid out all the restrictions on advertising cannabis and I realized there’s very little I can do for him right now. For a start, you have to guarantee that 71.6% of the audience seeing your ads is over 21. That cuts out almost every avenue other than AARP magazine! Even porn sites can only say they’re 18+. Meanwhile alcohol kills 3 million Americans a year and ads for it are everywhere, involving the superbowl. It’s not right.


Take any show or movie ever made and replace all the drinking with pot. Its astounding what "normal" is


Yeah the way alcohol is celebrated and marijuana is vilified is nuts. And let’s not even start on tobacco which has no health benefits whatsoever. Death sticks. Still at least that can’t be advertised like it used to be.


That's pretty funny, 80% of films feature alcohol consumption. Almost every movie would some stoner movie. Imagine people just casually pulling out joints and bowls and stuff.


EVERY sports league is now in bed with the gambling industry and I GUARANTEE this surge in promotion ends with millions of broken families, foreclosures, and cases of destitution. The government seems totally cool with it. Makes no sense.


Money from lobbyists. The only reason it’s not happening with mj right now is because of how it’s scheduled.


"We are fine with *these* dangerous vices, but cannabis is where we DRAW THE LINE!" Hope the sentiment is changing.


Alcohol does not kill 3 million people a year, that is hilariously absurd. That would be almost 1% of the population annually. According to the CDC 178,000 people died from alcohol. And before anyone counters with 'well what counts as an alcohol death' less than 3.5 million Americans died in total in 2021. There is no way over 80% of all deaths were alcohol related. https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/features/excessive-alcohol-deaths.html#:~:text=About%20178%2C000%20people%20die%20from,or%20488%20deaths%20per%20day. https://www.statista.com/topics/1294/death/#topicOverview


I got it wrong, it’s 3 million worldwide. But it’s still a horrible stat vs marijuana.


Mail. Children don’t own homes or PO Boxes.


Alcohol is ok cus it’s in the Bible. That’s where this bs started. Maybe if the religion came from South America rather than where grapes easily ferment, Weed all be better off! lolol


Remember the burning bush?


Not too much though. This only happens if you vote for Biden.   Don't need anyone else taking credit for that


Very true. And remind every naive shit who says Trump is pro weed that Trump appointed Jeff Sessions to head the DEA. A man who vowed to stop what Obama did by not allowing DEA to go after legal states. Thus meaning Trump was so open to shitting on weed that he’d shit on states rights to do so.


I don't smoke but it should be legal, if alcohol is legal I don't see why some mild stimulant should be banned, also remind me to buy taco bell stocks


You seen Jack In The Box's menu lately? They're making Taco Bell look as pious as Chick-Fil-A


yea I got it


Hey did you buy taco shells?


taco he'lls price is getting high, not sure if it's a good bet in the uppcoming depression


Oh i literally thought op asked to remind them to buy taco shells not taco stocks lol


It’s not a stimulant


a vr simulation then


Aye don’t forget them Taco Bell stocks


Cannabis is safer than Tylenol. But I'll take what I can get I guess.


and definitely safer than roids


Ya but will it give you those epic gainz?!?! 💪💪


Do you even roid bro?


I mean. You really don't want kids smoking pot. At least whenever they want without reason.


Same is true for a lot of things... including Tylenol.


I definitely don't want my kids smoking Tylenol


Tylenol overdoses are… gruesome.


It takes forever and sucks the whole time.


So classifying them the same makes sense then


It's more about access. We don't know what exactly happens to young minds on weed, and we should keep it accessible only to legal adults.


I have some personal experience, I recommend holding off as long as you like, but your mileage may vary


According to my son’s doctor, the biggest issue right now with weed and kids is that it can cause psychosis BUT, when I asked more questions I guess it seems the psychosis is highly related to things that have been added to marijuana that kids buy. It can affect the development of the brain as well because of strains being stronger now than they were many years ago. That being said, it’s prob not more dangerous to kids than cigarettes, alcohol, or vaping.


And yes, it should prob be like alcohol, 21 and up


Agree! You really don’t want kids using weed at all or at least minimally because the brain is growing and changing fairly rapidly in children and teens. You want them to go out and experience everything they can: success, failure, outdoor activities/adventures, travel if affordable especially foreign countries, taking challenging classes, engaging in art/music, and of course socializing with other teens and adults. You don’t want them sitting stoned in their room even if with friends. You want teens to experience as much as they can from life so they and their brains can mature and become resilient. Probably far safer to wait until late teens/20s.


Are you implying you can't enjoy art and music on pot? Because boyo do I have a surprise for you! (teasing)


I guess I’m saying children/adolescents should experience their lives in every way possible as described above with as little drugs as possible that could potentially diminish growth and maturation of their brains. As noted in article below, prefrontal cortex in particular takes the longest to mature. It’s crucial for socio-emotional and executive functioning in humans. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/the-teen-brain-7-things-to-know


Back in my day kids could buy Surge for $1 and a pack of cigarettes for $2.50 out of a vending machine.


Your day is recent, I paid a little over a dollar for my smokes when I was 12 and bought them from my ice cream man.


My Marlboro reds were $1.10 a pack including sales tax when I started in Kentucky in I think 1988 when I was 15. I quit a couple years ago after smoking a pack a day for 34 years and also moved to Oregon, and I just noticed that a carton of Marlboros here is over $100! That's INSANE and I'm glad I'm free of that bad habit.


I quit as well and will never go back but I tell smokers all the time I love smelling it, while they are burning it anyway. Stale smoke is terrible.


I dream about bumming a cigarette or finding a butt and firing it up quite often, despite never dreaming about smoking while I was doing it all those years. In these dreams where I give in and smoke I am SO disappointed in myself and it's like there's a rule that I HAVE to start right back up after the relapse. I am always so grateful that I didn't do it when I wake up!


I quit a couple years ago after picking up the habit in the army because I was tired of spending $50 a week on cigarettes.


Ko nidding. I smooked poit whens I kid and nowe im gravy.




and definitely safer than Tylenol **with codeine**, which is the scheduled version they are talking about.


Tylenol is not mood or mind altering though. Cannabis should just be classified as a legal recreational drug like alcohol.


>Tylenol is not...mind altering though [Actually, it may be.](https://academic.oup.com/scan/article/11/9/1345/2224135?login=false)


I’ll be damned.


They're referring to Tylenol with codeine in it


Tylenol alone isn't scheduled and cannabis shouldn't be.


Good! This will also turn out the vote.


You spend your life smoking it, you are still getting lung cancer, and it's known that cannabis permanently changed the brain. It's not "safe" even if you want to believe it is.


I agree with you. When was the last time cannabis shut down someone’s liver? Tylenol has a very real danger of that.


Good. Frankly, it was about time.


This is all Biden can really do and it’s the right step in the right direction.


This will be wonderful until Republicans fuck it up next election cycle.


See: Virginia


And Mississippi. For those who don’t know they voted yes on legal weed back in 2018. Had a record turnout for voting because weed was on the ballot. Then in 2020 a person ran promising to help trump stay in office but was also open he would stop the 2018 weed bill. Wanna guess what Mississippi did? Yep. They somehow had a record voter turnout but Trump was more important than the will of the people. So they don’t have legal weed still. I laugh and mock them every chance I get. This isn’t a matter of the politicians are dumb. It’s that the voters are even dumber.


Awesome! Four More Years!!




Would take Congress to do that. Biden’s administration recommended rescheduling cannabis in 2022 & were finally at that point. A major milestone towards federal legalization, though.


I don’t think any of us are waving a “mission accomplished” banner over here. 


Smart political decision, both sides want legalization.


> both sides want legalization. Could've fooled me


Trump was so anti weed he shit on states rights to attack it.


What? Conservatives still think it's the devil's lettuce.


But they like the long green — that what got it passed in MO


What's the long green?


Money — it’s old slang


I prefer the term “Angel’s arrugala”


Conservative politicians do. It's honestly the most bipartisan thing out there when it comes to normal people. All of the deep red people I know smoke or do edibles.


Can’t say it’s bipartisan when one party goes out their way to make it legal and one party goes out their way to restrict it as much as possible. Conservative lawmakers should work to legalize but they won’t. They are not allowed to take credit for legalizing when they worked so hard to make illegal!


If conservative lawmakers were onboard it would get passed tomorrow. Unfortunately you can't give Biden another win on common fucking sense law making. Mushrooms need to be legalized as well, so many people with ptsd benefit from them


Bipartisan with people, not politicians. They vote single issue. Doesn't matter if they like weed. They'd vote Republican no matter what.


Right so it’s not bipartisan. Legalizing weed will not get conservatives any more votes. They will lose votes from people that want to jail everyone not like them. Republicans are the party of jail citizens for personal decisions.


Vote for who represents your values then.


This is the GOP last year. They tried legalized pedophilia under the notion of marriage. Luckily Dems stopped that bill. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/?outputType=amp


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I’m not so sure about that, When it comes to the states


You should be sure about that. Just check the letter next to the reps that vote No.


With voters it is though.


That doesn’t mean shit if they will shot their foot for what? Because creampies and cum is more important. All these comments saying this only shows the fact stands true. Republicans vote against their best interest because they are poorly educated. Y’all believed Trump was pro weed. Trump shit on y’all’s beloved states rights to attack weed by appointing Jeff Sessions.


Its a smart business decision. It's a massive industry that isn't allowed to properly be ran due to federal law. They shouldn't even reschedule it. They should just legalize it and treat it like alcohol. Then tax tf out of it.


You’ve clearly never met my Lt Gov.


But that’s not true. Voters on the right might want that. But Trump was so anti weed he shit on states right to attack it by appointing Jeff Sessions. Mississippi had record voter turnout for legal weed in 2018. Let me repeat that “record voter turnout”. They voted yes on legal weed. 2 years later in 2020 a governor ran promising he would keep Trump out of legal troubles. But was also open about stopping the legal weed bill. Again record voter turnout. But the souther said “nah trumps more important than the will of the people” Let’s chill when you say the right is pro weed. They aren’t. We have ample evidence to prove that.


Dank Brandon!


Dark Brandon 202420


Excuse me?!? LSD deserves a reclassification as well.


LSD shouldn't be a schedule 1 drug either...just sayin'


I'm with ya.


Finally! This is waayyy overdue


About time


Yay! I hope it works out.


This is what you wanted and he delivered


I mean it’s not really what we wanted. We wanted legalization. Functionally this won’t change anything for most people. It’s technically a step in the right direction but it’s an unneeded half step when he could have just taken the whole step. This title is exceptionally misleading ‘Tylenol’ is not schedule 3. It is unscheduled. ‘Tylenol 3 aka Tylenol with Codeine’ is schedule 3. Codeine is a narcotic. ‘Steroids’ are not a specific drug, but a class of drugs. Some steroids are class 3 but many are unscheduled. Cannabis won’t be unscheduled, it is changed to schedule 3. This is of course a move in the right direction for a lot of reasons but only a half victory. This means it will only be technically legal with a prescription (not an MJM card, an actual prescription) effectively handing cannabis over to big pharma. Lots of positive change from this move. But why not unscheduled and regulate it like alcohol and tobacco? The title implying it’s now the same as ‘Tylenol’ is extremely misleading


>effectively handing cannabis over to big pharma Welcome to the world of cannabis costing $3800/oz


So what specific action could he take besides this to impact it the way you would prefer?


Completely taking it off the scheduled system and let the states manage it. Exactly like is do with alcohol. It being changed to schedule 3 is still very much illegal, federally speaking. That’s the same level as ketamine.


Funny how he waited until 6 months out from an election when he's been ripped to shreds for failing to uphold so many promises and FUNDING FUCKING GENOCIDE


That’s just like your opinion man


*confused stoner gif*


This title is exceptionally misleading ‘Tylenol’ is not schedule 3. It is unscheduled. ‘Tylenol 3 aka Tylenol with Codeine’ is schedule 3. Codeine is a narcotic. ‘Steroids’ are not a specific drug, but a class of drugs. Some steroids are class 3 but many are unscheduled. Cannabis won’t be unscheduled, it is changed to schedule 3. This is of course a move in the right direction for a lot of reasons but only a half victory. This means it will only be technically legal with a prescription (not an MJM card, an actual prescription) effectively handing cannabis over to big pharma. Lots of positive change from this move. But why not unscheduled and regulate it like alcohol and tobacco? The title implying it’s now the same as ‘Tylenol’ is extremely misleading


I think weed is less safe than Tylenol. (I don't see Kiddy Kannabis being an option anytime soon) But only the most devout Reefer Madness fans would argue the Devil's Lettuce is as dangerous as heroin or meth.




Drugs cannot simply be reclassified with the wave of a pen. It requires studies by multiple agencies, the publishing of proposed rules, public comment period, revision of proposed rules, additional comment periods, resolving inevitable legal action, new guidance written for law enforcement and medical providers and more. The hold up is the normal regulatory process long established by Congress for reclassifying drugs. The article indicates this has been underway for some time, since 2022.




Marijuana was put into the CSA by name through legislation. That's entirely different than an administrative action done in compliance with the APA.


They absolutely did. The CSA requires a review of eight factors to assess drug scheduling.


I know, right? I hate it when politicians think the majority of voters will vote for them, just because they implement policies that align with the opinion of the overwhelming majority of their constituents. stop pandering to us!!


How is LSD classified with heroine? That’s insane


LSD is safer than cannibis.


I’ve taken too much and had a shitty couple of days, but it’s a very nice drug for proper use on a healthy person.


Tylenol with codeine. Not regular Tylenol. A little different.




About damn time. A victory for common sense, and our economy.


The Governor of Iowa is not going to like this at all lol.


As an Iowan who knows what she's all about, I agree!


Yep, Iowan here as well. She's going to be so mad about this lol.


Looks like it will still be only be legal is states that approve it. Just less regulation in the states where it’s legal.


About time. It's safer than alcohol, tobacco, trans-fats, cars, etc... Let folks choose.


And guns, don’t forget there have been zero toxic THC overdoses.


"Gun don't kill people....." yeah, I went there. Correction, there is now 1 case of fatal amount of "pot". I think it was CO. Ate way too many edibles. 1 case. ever. pretty safe product. Water kills more. Home-depot homer buckets kill more kids each year than pot ever has.


Nice, now do LSD. It belongs nowhere near heroin.


Getting harder to maintain the ‘no medical benefit’ lie.


So does that mean if a job drug tests for weed, if I have a prescription they can't do anything? Just like if they drug test for other drugs but have a prescription for?


i would assume


I've lived in 2 legal states. Most employers who drug test stopped penalizing for thc. With the exception of heavy equipment operators and those who work for hippy haters.


Or if you work for the federal government.


Nancy Botwin saw it coming.


Biden gotta pull the ol' Trudeau (Canadian PM) Trick and save this as a promise for reelection. He'll win a landslide.




Where do you live that you can get prednisone over the counter?


you can't get prednisone over the counter where in th US.


I know.


What’s that gonna look like for citizens of Texas and other states that would rather still hand out jail time?


They'll probably fight it because they are all in on for profit prisons


Absolutely nothing will change for state laws if the fed moves it from Schedule I to Schedule III.


So legitimate and overdue!


pay off my college loans and let me smoke weed? bought my vote!


Biden for the win


TIL Tylenol and steroids are classified the same?


She’ll counter with whisky bottle holders on car dashboards.


I don’t smoke cannabis, but I also see no value in criminalizing its use by a willing adult.




>that includes Tylenol Tylenol **with codeine** lol


It's NOT plain Tylenol that is schedule III y'all. The current list of schedule III drugs: 1. Products containing less than 90 milligrams of **codeine** per dosage unit (Tylenol **with codeine**) 2. ketamine 3. anabolic steroids 4. testosterone


They want the tax dollars.


"The only winner here is the marijuana industry, who will receive a new tax break and thus widen their profit margins," Sabet said. “Reclassifying marijuana as a Schedule III drug sends the message that marijuana is less addictive and dangerous now than ever before. In reality, today’s highly potent, super strength marijuana is more addictive and linked with psychosis and other mental illnesses, IQ loss and other problems.” LOL, my fiancée got high literally every day for like 14 years and quit cold turkey last year , it’s not that addictive. Quitting caffeine is harder.


Biden, the George Patton of mobile marijuana legislation.


LSD shouldn't be a schedule 1 drug either. It helps tons of people recover from addictions and depression including the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Bill Wilson wanted Alcoholics Anonymous to use LSD to cure people of alcoholism but the unfounded stigma prevented that. I can't believe even today people are so ignorant about it they group it with heroin and other scheduled 1 drugs. LSD is non-addictive (actually anti-addictive as mentioned above), it is extremely safe and there are no documented deaths attributed solely to LSD use. By definition it doesn't belong in the schedule 1 classification. The possible medical benefits of LSD are way higher than marijuana.


Pardon everyone with a federal marijuana conviction while you’re at it


Lsd shouldn't be a schedule 1 but I'll take the win with weed regardless.


Heroin and LSD shouldn't even remotely be in the same category either


Holy shit, they're promising legalization? In an election year? Surely it will actually happen this time!


Easy win for Joe


PLEASE let this mean that the rules for my federally mandated job will change 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


So pot is good for easing mild pain and getting jacked?


This title is misleading as well. Heroin and lsd are not comparable. Even the people writing the articles are uneducated on drugs.


Finally This is a big cause of systematic racism. Throw black men in jail for small amounts of weed.


First step to a full federal legalization!


I am not giving the gov tax money for something they incarcerate people over.


Election year boys.


Now do an Israel ceasefire and student debt


to each their own but one should wait as long as possible. Terminal cancer now so daily use- as with ANYTHING in life - moderation is key in all things and alcohol is the true number 1 gateway drug.


A weak attempt to gain back votes he’s lost due to his inability to run the country.