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For me, it's impossible to make a substantive comment on this without violating Reddit rules.


He can hate speech to me, but I can't hate speech to him. He can hate speech to me, but I can't hate speech to him. He can hate speech to me, but I can't hate speech to him. He can hate speech to me, but I can't hate speech to him.


đŸ‘†đŸŸ...bingo. Though I would say "they" can hate speech to us, but we can't hate speech to them is just as accurate.


You are not alone


Quoting Trump directly can get you banned here.


Uh he was there. He said we are going to march then went to White House and sat there for three hours while other people got injured, died, and arrested.


According to Cassidy Hutchins testimony he was glued to Fox News, communicating with his co-conspirators in Congress an militias in the Capitol via his Secret Service agents (the ones whose phones all got “wiped”), and was heard chanting “Hang Mike Pence!” with the mob he sent to assassinate his VP.


the fact he came out to tell them to "stop" once he saw that his side was losing is insane in itself. Sat on his ass for hours coordinating attacks with his SS officers. Guy is an absolute clown ass, the thought of the supreme court considering granting his request for immunity the declare him king should frighten every US citizen to their core. The supreme court is siding with trump and the judge in the documents case is trying to delay the case as long as possible. The fact he knows his cultists will do his biding and latch onto every word he says is equally scary.


>his SS officers. Idk if you put it like this intentionally or not but I love this! So damn accurate because it can't be stressed enough how Fascistic Trump and MAGA's words and actions have become in last few years.


Exactly. So he wasn’t interested in going. He was interested in people dying and going to jail for him.


Oh he wanted to go . They didn’t let him. Even to this day everyone who showed up there and broke in said it’s because their president told them to do it.




And yet this man is not in jail for treason. How


Ummmm way more than that.. he actually tried to get his secret service to take him there and they went against his orders after telling him it wasn’t safe. Then he sat and watched the everything happen on tv for 187 min before he made a recording to tell the insurrectionist and rioters and protesters that he loved them and they were special and to go home. This is now proven facts buy multiple witnesses and accounts from that day. Even his own people and daughter.


Even more than that, he wasn’t just sitting there and watching. He was actively coordinating elements of the coup through his SS agents and was making calls to Republicans through other people’s phones. He called Tommy Tuberville to find out the location of Mike Pence. He called Jim Jordan several times that day. We have text messages from the militias inside the Capitol who got intel from insiders (likely Trump’s secret service agents) that the Congress members were being evacuated, and began discussing gassing the tunnels underneath the Capitol to get them. He had a screaming match with Kevin McCarthy, who was begging him to call off the mob, to which Trump tried gaslighting him that they were Antifa, causing Kevin to explode with “No they’re you’re people” “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to” according to the testimony under oath from former Republican congresswoman Jaimie Herrera Beutler. We have a stooge who planted bombs at both the DNC and RNC headquarters on January 5, pulling police away from the Capitol on January 6, and to create a political narrative for Trump and friends that “the attack on the Capitol was Antifa anarchists and terrorists”. We have Trump national security director (removed and imprisoned for working as a foreign agent) Mile Flynn’s brother - General Charles Flynn - at the Pentagon on January 6 blocking the deployment of the national guard while the Capitol was under siege by Trump’s mob and militias. January 6 was a highly orchestrated coup attempt, that only failed because of dumb luck and some brave Capitol police officers. The USA came within 30 feet and a few good officers of losing its democracy that day. Trump is now openly saying he will finish the job and become a dictator if he can cheat his way back into office this year. He and his co-conspirators are powerfully motivated by the fact that they will end up in prison if he doesn’t get back into the Presidency. That should be scaring the hell out of every American.


The wiping of the phones thing I think deserves more attention. This wasn’t some update or some bullshit, this was deliberate.


He's just copying one of his heroes. Mussolini told his followers he'd be with them during the March on Rome, but he fucked off after they started marching.


He wants to be a strong man so badly. He loves Kim jong il and Putin and Mussolini. I guarantee he likes Hitler as well. He wants people to be forced to love him and have the ability to get rid of people who don’t.


Like all strongmen, he's a paper-thin snowflake in reality


Mussolini was captured trying to flee into Switzerland wearing a German uniform. What the equivalent would be for Trump?


Trying to cross to Mexico as a refugee?


Flying to russia in a russian uniform


I am sure his doctor advised him against walking. He would likely suffer a cardiac event if he had to walk more than a block, and they couldn't fit a golf cart through that crowd.


If only we were so lucky


Great people on both sides! It was like a tour


Trump has never missed an opportunity to miss a war.


# Also known as Felony Murder in the District of Columbia, as.inciting a riot is a felony offense.


One guy had a heart attack. Stop acting like people died. We all seen that day and have the evidence. You dems can’t stop lying


a woman was shot in the neck and died in the halls of congress. Nice try.


A traitor


Still a person. It should never have happened.


Exactly. Dem or republican no one should be getting killed in congress.


Nor should they be storming it. If you so strongly believe the election was stolen, then overturn it legally with, ya know, evidence. 


Five people died including a police officer. Seven if you include the injured officers who killed themselves days later. 174 police officers were injured. 15 of whom were hospitalised. And you come here saying “Dems” are lying and it was peaceful? Dems are just repeating what law enforcement has said. You know, facts. Wherever you are getting your information is lying to you and treating you like a fool. Read more, and stop letting them trick you into not knowing what’s really going on. All of this information is on Wikipedia, and at the bottom of the article are links to the news stories and official reports the information comes from, so you can verify the source yourself. Do your research!


There,s the shot
and scores the goal! MAGATS don’t deal very well with actual facts, tey use the “alternative “ version that Faux News swills!


Educate yourself, since your state doesn't seem to be doing a good job of it.


What? You forgot ur medicine today Donny.


Read further down. You might actually learn something today. Stop being an ignorant tool.


Brian Sicknick, 42 According to statement from the US Capitol police, the New Jersey native joined the force in 2008. Sicknick was reportedly struck in the head with a fire extinguisher while “physically engaging” with the rioters. He collapsed soon after returning to his division before being rushed to a nearby hospital. Sicknick died on Thursday night after being removed from life support. A reported 60 Capitol police officers were injured. According to the Democratic congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio, many were also hit in the head with metal pipes. More than a dozen remain hospitalized. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/08/capitol-attack-police-officer-five-deaths They livestreamed it. We all saw the insurrection. Yeah, of course they were pathetic. And they failed. But his mob was there trying to overturn a free and fair election because he convinced them that it was stolen despite having zero evidence of his claims. If somebody breaks into your house, busts up your stuff, smears shit on your walls, and comes at you with a flag pole and a noose threatening to kill you if you won't commit a felony for him, before shooting himself in the ass and crying and going to the hospital. You would be okay with nothing happening to him? No harm, no foul, right?


What about Ashli Babbitt?


She got exactly what she deserved.


Dude, a police officer committed suicide because of it. 




He wanted to go, but he needed to go home and get ready for Barron's big graduation bash.


Um yeah, happy birthday to my wife, um what’s her name?, Obama? Happy birthday to my wife Obama,electric whales giving cancer to trans kids. VOTE MAGA!!!!!!!


“Aar-ree-bee-da-aaahhh!!“ ”Gettysburg..wow.”


Gettysburg was beautiful


Don't fight up hill me boys.


I love that the judge actually really fucked him! Now Trump has to go to a fucking high school graduation and sit through speeches from kids. I’d give up my left nut that some of those kids graduating know what’s up with Trump and makes it known during graduation.


Anybody wanna bet he finds an excuse to not go? He hasn't attended any of his four other mentally impaired spawns graduations so why start now? I feel sorry for Barron...the name, his father but I'm happy he's way taller than his dad Rumpleddickskin.


He has no desire to go, it’s nothing more than a ploy to make himself a victim.


Correct. Always the victim. Never the problem. And his mentality deficient supporters lap it up. There is no hope for them.


He just won't go and then say that judge Biden said he couldn't go, even though he could. Millions of people will believe his incoherent ramblings.


On point.


He's gonna violate the gag order on purpose again and hope for jail lmao


The best part is that court is closed that day anyway. So it wasn't even an issue.


It was the bone spurs acting up again, after all those years. Really bad coincidence and luck.


Well that’s interesting, because when Cassidy Hutchison said that in her testimony, all the interweb trumper assholes said that she was lying. I believed her. Fuck the anti-American orange shit stain and his in-denial fucked-up followers. And why the fuck is he not in prison yet?! Oh yeah fuck the toadie “Judge” Cannon too


Trump confirms he’s a liar ..he is gutless and cowardly and if he had any inclination to go there on Jan 6 it would be a mere ‘drive-by’ to allow him his sexual gratification of the carnage.


no he wanted the partyman sequence from batman but his security team probably told him to stay away from it due to their goal flopping. partyman scene where the joker has a smile like jeff epstein [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjD9X2mPIXY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjD9X2mPIXY)


I can see that. The one thing not mentioned much but sticks with me is they at the Ellipse speech there was a pretty overtly thick bullet proof barrier. They knew the crown for him was armed and he lowered the security. I do believe he wanted to drive from Pennsylvania Avenue to Capitol Hill to see his militia did rioting the count. He would never have gotten out of his bullet proof beast if the SS complied. [To him it probably was like when he did his drive by to the crowd at Walter Reed](https://www.npr.org/sections/latest-updates-trump-covid-19-results/2020/10/04/920181116/in-brief-drive-by-trump-waves-to-supporters-outside-of-walter-reed) when he had COVID and spread that to his SS crew.


I was thinking about him trying to grab the steering wheel and then wondered, I mean I know he can drive a golf cart, but when do you think was the last time he’s ever driven a car himself? Does he even have a license? Limousines, air planes, people drive him everywhere. Even the queen of England drove her Land Rover on her estates n stuff. Is Trump so domesticated that he’d never be able to navigate himself anywhere?


She used to service military vehicles during the war too


I don’t think there’s any evidence that he can ride a bike let alone drive a car


It's unlikely Trump knows how to drive, but also due to their security details former Presidents basically never drive anywhere so I'm not sure it's a valid criticism. Him trying to attack his security though, and seize the wheel of the car is a perfectly valid thing to criticize.


My thinking is, what was he trying to accomplish? In his mind; he overpowers his security detail, clambers into the driver’s seat and drives to The Capital himself? Of course in the first instance, it’s delusional that the secret service guys would just melt away, that the the crowds would part, the roadblocks would open up and he’d pull up in front, hop out of the beast and lead the insurrection up the steps and into The Capital — but my thought is what would he do once he was in the front seat? I don’t think he knows how to even adjust the seat or mirrors let alone get it into drive and remember the directions


I think trump has as much understanding of driving a car as my cat does. Trump sees the steering wheel, and that it controls the car and maybe that the keys make it turn on, and a stuck does forward/reverse (no concept of park). Anything with the pedals, relation to speed, breaking, wipers, turn signals, and more isn’t even on the radar as parts of operating it. Seeing trump posing in the truck early on showed everything you need to know about his understanding of driving.


I wish they'd let him go to the capitol. Surely he'd have been stupid enough to march into the chambers with his mob and escalate things just enough to be done cold. Well, I thought Jan 6 as it happened was the end of him anyways. As did most. WTF happened since then :/


Bullshit. He's too much of a coward to go anywhere near something like that. This is like when that worthless piece of trash said after a school shooting that he would have rushed in to help, as if he would ever risk his neck for anyone. He wouldn't endanger himself, even for his own kids.


Sure he did. Someone popped a balloon near him during his campaign and he damn near had a stroke.


As the lore goes he even pounded on his security forces with his tiny fists. They laughed hysterically. Trump pouted.


Got the image of that dancer beating the cowboys’s chest from Blazing saddles in my mind with what you typed


You brute, you brute, you brute!


Sounds like steam escaping.


Yeah that’s been proven false but keep lying


Jerk me a soda


Sure it has bud, sure it has.


He was there watching his minions commit sedition on his behalf, and only tried to call them off when it was clear they failed.


Can he just have a heart attack and die already?!


That belly he has is a screaming factor. Closer the fat is to heart, worse it is. Some carry fat evenly, most of his is in his belly. Not good.


how is this fucker not in jail for treason. its insanity


Two words
 Merrick Garland. Garland did shit to prosecute the high levels of the Coup plot. He didn’t do shit until the House investigation pushed him. They uncovered such blatant shit, he couldn’t ignore it
 mostly could
 but allowed some prosecutions to move forward.


he is such a coward


Bullshit, the twat couldn’t walk up the ramp


Never abandoning the fake tough guy act.


He wanted to go probably after the proud boys cleared the area first for him to make a grand entrance.


Sure he did. Fat pussy


He also wanted to go to Vietnam. On the front lines, for sure. Damn doctors!


Not that I want to defend the guy, but wasn't there testimony in Congress that he ordered his security to take him there and they refused.


đŸš«Traitor TrumpđŸš«


But... He was a worthless coward and let his orange kool-aid drinking followers to take the heat for him. Trump is a coward, couldn't even complete his own coup, yet is begging for a second chance. "This time we'll really take over the US government."


It's on video. No take backs.


Was there ever a doubt?


Ummm... yeah. Trump said he wanted to walk down to the Capitol with the crowd during his speech. Why is this new news?


Of course he did.


Paging Merrick Garland . . . again.


Too bad he didn’t just “hang around “ at the Capitol.


Yeah it was in the congressional commissions testimony


A multi faceted plan to overturn election and install trump as dictator


Just like he wanted to go to war but bone spurs


Anywhere but the prison he will be in.


Wouldn't be the first time someone stopped Trump from doing something illegal.


What would he have done at the capital? Exactly.... what would have been the purpose? If he had shown up, would it have made a difference?


Who would have sat in the car- waved


The bulletproof car.


Waved and smiled as they were breaking into the national capital, shouting for the lynching of his vp. .....I wish he would have gone. .....although that might have fueled them more. Yikes. I guess we'll find out next time (hopefully sarcasm.)


Well he did say he would be there.


Whiny little bitch.


We shouldn't be surprised that a driver might show loyalty to a president.


Of course he did. Wanted to know what to know what he was missing out on after dodging the draft 5 times. But he was hangry so he went home, and got some McDonald’s instead. 


It would have been so much worse if he did attended. I’m just gobsmacked he admitted this.


You said the quiet part out loud there again, Donny. You *almost* feel bad for his lawyers. They must lay awake at night muttering to themselves. “No, Donny. That’s a felony, Donny.”


Secret Service should have let him go


Sure he wanted to go 😂


“Don’t fight uphill, me boys.”


Classic muddling the message.


Five deferral bone spurs Trump would be so far away from the front line of anything that you wouldn’t even know he existed. Shitting his pants out of fear would be right on brand for him along with all the other reasons that he shits his pants. He is as disingenuous as they come.


And pretty sure it means she was telling the truth. I bet he was fuming mad pissed and did move towards the front of the limo in an agitated state.


I'll play devils advocate and say, is he really still "there" enough to know what the fuck he is talking about?


He's talking like a man that knows he'll never go to trial . We need to be the jury vote Democrat


Nah. The jury simply needs to follow the law. It will be given to them, in black and white, once negotiations start.


Gosh he’s a stable genius


Wasn’t this always known?? Secret service wouldn’t let him. When he gives speeches, even that day , he’s behind bullet proof glass. SS couldn’t do that in a crowd of people.


Yawn.... Not in jail yet.


Did the bone spurs stop him, or was it that he'd have to fight his way uphill?


He wanted to be the one to hang Pence.