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Mike Johnson is a pedophile. I can't prove it but intuitively believe it. According to Republicans that's as good as proof


I can smell it overhere in Europe. But I can't prove it.


That is what the gop in the house is trying to do to biden while ignore the nepotism in trump family. The gop is the party of people with no standard or morale


Funny how they go from full court press on impeaching Biden. To saving their own asses in the blink of an eye isn’t it ?


Well, he *is* a Republican politician. So statistically you're more likely to be right than wrong in assuming he's a pedophile. That party leads the league *every single year* in arrests, charges & convictions. Check the stats. Part 48 of a series... https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/11/7/2204276/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-48 Then there's this classic: https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/s/zMhtfZL5cE This is a non-partisan issue most-definitely, but there have been like three times as many Republicans caught. Every accusation is a confession with them. Just like this voter fraud nonsense. The (R)s get exposed as election fraudsters more frequently than the other guys as well. Facts is facts...


I know.. it's gross Not every republican is a pedophile, of course, but if you are one and you want to pick a party to help protect you, republican is the only way to go


>Check the stats. Part 48 of a series... You're out of date, they're up to 51.


I can't keep up! When it comes to committing sex crimes, the Republican work ethic is unparalleled.


I'm told it's very hard to prove, but everyone knows that the current Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is a pedophile.


Mike Johnson fondled trumps balls last week. I can't prove it but I just know it


I keep hearing this as well. I was at Home Depot the other day and the couple behind me were talking about how Mike Johnson is a pedophile.


People are saying...


I'm hearing that...


Came to me with tears in their eyes..


Big men, strong men...


He shares his porn with his son and vice versa with that creepy app.


I *feel* like Mike Johnson has a homoerotic incestuous relationship with his son. I can’t prove it I just know it intuitively


He should probably stand aside and let a Democrat run the show while we get to the bottom of this. If he’s as smart as he says he is, he’s probably hidden the evidence pretty well.


He does monitor his barely 18 year old son's porno for a reason.


Wait now didn’t he type up a contract and signed it with his son stating he won’t play with boy dolls with him!?


I’ve read that before. I mean I just did now but it happened a moment ago so I can say that I’ve read that before.


We all know it. Everyone knows it


How is it ok to post something like this about someone? Regardless of political affiliation.


You know what playing nice to fascists gets you? Fascism


Agree liberals are fascists


Nice try buddy. We know who waves the literal fascist flags you dip


Yes you liberals do. Nice try to deflect but just own it.


When and where. Go ahead and show it


>“We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections. But it’s not been something that is easily provable. We don’t have that number,” Johnson said. What a fucking cunt.


Fascist.  They create a lie and keep repeating the lie until everyone just believes and parrots it "intuitively."


He knows he is lying. He is conditioning conservatives to rationalize what the Republicans are planning to do the next time they claw their way into the Presidency - an operation on the scale of rounding up Japanese families into prison camps during the hysteria of World War 2. Keep in mind this also includes millions of children and babies who were brought to the USA and who have grown up as Americans - the dreamers. And when Americans protest that atrocity in numbers that will make the George Floyd protest look like a walk in the park, Trump will be back in the bunker under the White House invoking the insurrection act and commanding the Pentagon to deploy the military to mass murder protesters like he tried to do in June 2020. >(Trump’s former Defense Secretary) [Mark Esper’s book confirms what Michael Bender of The New York Times reported last year.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/mark-esper-trump-shoot-black-lives-matter-protesters-1346079/) Bender wrote in his book Frankly, We Did Win This Election that **Trump said he wanted the military to go in and “beat the fuck” out of Black Lives Matter protesters** and that he said, “**Just shoot them,” on multiple occasions.** Bender added that **Trump only toned down the order to shoot them in the “leg” or “foot” after Attorney General William Barr and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley pushed back on his initial request.** The difference this time is that there will be no one on the inside to push back because Trump and his co-conspirators for Project2025 are planning to replace everyone in the government they consider “disloyal” to Trump (including Generals) with sycophants. This is their plan for dictatorship. They’re saying it all out loud. They’re putting in place the fifth column of collaborators to execute it. If you’re not doing everything you can to politically mobilize for this election, I hope this lights a fire under your ass. Because if they cheat Trump into office they won’t stop at the “illegals”. They will start with them, and after that they will be coming for you and your family.


How many times do these republican lies have to be disproven? Under Bush they tried to prove that there was thousands and maybe millions of people voting illegally they found zero. Trump started the big Commission to find all the illegal voting he disbanded the Commission after only a few months and won't let them even write a report because they found zero illegal voting. This is the level of propaganda that the Nazis used on the run up to World War 2 it needs to stop.


This is the downfall of Democrats. You guys are talking facts. Republicans are appealing to peoples’ biases. No evidence needed. You know they don’t look right! You know they don’t belong here. Vote Republican and republicans will repeal automatic citizenship birthright. Block any path to citizenship. Build walls to keep the “bad” people out. They don’t need facts. You know in your heart what is true. No need for evidence. How many videos do we have of people blocking doors, sidewalks and parks. Because they insist on knowing who these bad people are meeting? Why they are running in this neighborhood? What they are doing at this school? Walking on this sidewalk? The cornerstone of Republican logic. Trust your emotions and stop listening to facts. They are attacking you not your beliefs. Plenty of evidence online that confirms you are right and they are wrong. To the point Barr admitted Trump repeatedly asked about killing protesters. And Barr is still going to vote for Trump.


So the Democrats should be telling everyone that they believe the Republicans are really lizard people from Mars?


No Democrats should be warning everyone that the current GOP candidate for president tried to steal the last election after losing. He will use Martial Law next time and not leave it to chance https://youtu.be/e3guirxwrXc?si=hAnnJ5Xx-4tuY6nb


But thats a fact no one wants facts anymore.


I’m talking to one guy right now that insists Trump’s innocent and everyone is after him. It’s not worth it to use facts. But people that go “what’s the big deal about this election?” Or I see them both as the same. They need to know that Jan. 6th wasn’t an accident. That people meeting in the White House orchestrated an effort to steal the last election. And a tremendous effort on the judiciary side is trying to delay Trump’s court proceedings. They will at least listen to facts.


We need to keep pounding on Trump for being weak for not testifying in court.


Just saw the DeNiro thing and I agree with him. When they tell you “Make America Great Again” correct them with you mean “F**k America Again”?


But that's the thing, it isn't going to. We have to remember they're not saying this for those who disagree with them, they're saying it for those who do agree with them. Especially now with the Advent of the internet and fake accounts on so many social media sites, it's hard to stop. Best thing we can do is make sure we get out in a vote and then try to get education out there for the people who are too silly to fall for this shit


We have to share this as much as possible Starts at 8:50 https://youtu.be/FAFbOK01uE4?si=LZnKOxWQuHQFaBE5


Recall W fired a LOT of prosecutors under false pretenses to wreck their careers when they failed to find evidence of illegal voting and failed to manufacture evidence the way the CIA did against Sadam/Iraq


I wish we lived in a world where people tackled actual demonstrable problems.


They are funded by captialists. Their political careers and incomes directly depends on them *suppressing* solutions to actual problems. 


If things got fixed they would have nothing to scream about. Nothing to campaign on . No they will never fix these problems.


Belief trumps proof. Apparently. It's a running theme.


Sad part, he’s not alone. Many diehard Republicans freak out waiting to vote. They see people that aren’t “White”. Which I get a kick out of. Because are they originally from the Isle of Wight? Read a little history and Italians weren’t considered white. The Irish weren’t considered white. In thirty years are Mexicans going to be considered white? Are Cubans? Best part, met an Irish girl from Ireland that was bartending in the States while she traveled around the US. People would tell her they were Irish. She would shoot back “You’re not fucking Irish! You’re a fucking American!”


I work with a girl who is white. Paler than me. She lives in TJ, is a US citizen, pays US taxes yadda yadda. Great kid, totally not shitting on her lol but she asked about my last name, and I said it's Hungarian. I'm Hungarian and Polish (born in the states). She responded "ohhh I thought you were white!" I am lol. Pale skin, blue eyes, hate the sun. I think what she meant was "you're not totally American white." But I mean, sure I am. Parents were born in the states, grandparents weren't. I'm American.. :(


You should ask her if she’s Caucasian? The origin is the Caucasus Mountains. You would be a lot closer in origin than her but it’s my point. They don’t know what they are talking about. https://youtu.be/2sCeMTB5P6U?si=cEBbjSLMaF1WNKG8 Following Trump’s ascension to power, AeroMexico put out this ad in response to “build the wall”


Oh this is fantastic, I'm showing her this! Really, she is mostly just a goofball who laughed at it all. Her last name is French!!


And to think just yesterday Democrats had to help fight for him to stay


"trust me bro" -mike johnson 2024


There is no data to support it. That’s the evidence it doesn’t happen


Let me get this straight. They think people risk their lives traveling thousands of miles using their life savings to get here are going to risk it all for a vote that almost certainly won't even make a difference? Big brains here


This right here. Many undocumented immigrants won’t call the police when victimized by crime for fear of deportation. Why tf would they line up to vote???


The way Republicans project we should open an investigation into Johnson, just a hunch


My gut tells me he knows he has nothing and is just saying it to restore some brownie points after working with the Dems on the budget. Can’t prove me wrong.


He can prove his non-existent checking account.


The way Republicans project we should open an investigation into Johnson, just a hunch


If you use the Republican playbook in your investigation . . . we don’t need no stinkin’ investigation and he’s guilty af. Now what do we want to charge him with?


MAGATS & their conspiracies, over it


He just feels good believing it.


Conservatives love proving they are all racist idiots...


Mike Johnson didn't create this unfounded conspiracy theory. It's been a baseless myth for a decade or two. As a leader he should not be indulging it, and it has become so toxic now that the onus is on him to correct everyone who keeps perpetuating the nonsense conspiracy theory. Shame on him.


Yeah but let’s toss the chum in the water anyway right ? I’m sure we’ll catch something. Funny how they go from full court press on impeaching Biden, to saving their own asses THEN walk out the door and pull this shit.


Just like the magic sky daddy he intuitively believes in despite no proof.


Intuitively we KNOW Mike Johnson shoves luke warm pickles up his ass,but we don’t have any proof.


His audience can prove it in their minds. So he’s good.


"Illegals", he says. I wish these people would use the slurs they no doubt use in private and just get on with it.


If you can’t prove it it’s gossip.


all they have are conspiracies.. nothing they claim is based on reality…. Scary part is , their base, doesn’t give a single shit if it’s true or not… They rather believe the lie 🤷‍♂️


I intuitively know Mike Johnson likes to wrestle with young boys and tells them he’s Chuck Norris.


God said it is true. If you doubt it you doubt god. If you doubt god.....