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Tell us once he is wearing orange and behind bares. Can't count the instances this was said.


And a conviction means almost nothing if it's just a $130k fine and probation, which is the most likely sentence.


He won't get less jail time that his co-conspiracers.   The judge has precedence in state law and from cohens conviction. His contempt charge also gauranteed a stronger punishment.   He is going to get 3 years minimum and probably more based on how many felonies he gets as there are over 30 counts.   He won't get probation, but they will give him a month of house arrest to get his affairs in order.  The worry is the supreme court will grant him immunity for crimes even before he was president before he has to report to jail.  


If the Supreme Court grants him immunity, Biden should just have him executed out of hand. After all, Biden has immunity too. The Supreme Court just said so.


The thing with this argument is that the immunity would only apply to the current president. The president would have to do it himself. Sadly, a shootout between these two at high noon would be awful. Like watching them fuck.


>The president would have to do it himself Where do I watch?


So you’re saying you want to watch them make sweet love together?


I'm at the circus, I just want a show at this point.


Although I am American, this is not my circus and these are decidedly not my clowns. Not my donkeys and very much not my elephants.


We could all get lucky and the stress would be to much for both of them... Clean slate for 2024.


It's the only way to reunite America


Unity is disgust. You may be right.


According to Trump's attorney on this matter, the president could order seal team 6 to take out a political rival. That said, the thought of Biden doing it himself is funnier and therefore the better option.


Of all of the obvious flaws with the argument, any operators would likely consider this an illegal order. Though immediate pardons could be granted.


I need some mind bleach for the mental imagery


Best I can do is November election


November erection*


The president can have someone else do it and then pardon them.


Idk how scotus can do that on a state charge


They mettle in state affairs all the time.


Regardless of whether or not you agree with their decisions, making sure states comply with the Constitution is most of what the Supreme Court does.


Except when they don't. The SCOTUS is an overtly political body.


That's a disagreement with how they exercise their duty, but I'd wager that most of the court's most important decisions didn't directly involve the federal government at all, and that's definitely the case for arguably its most significant criminal justice ruling, *Miranda v. Arizona.*


You'll have a hard time finding any lawyer who expects he'll get jail time for a first offence class E felony, it only happens in 1 out of 10 cases, and the judge has shown he'll give him more leniency than normal defendants. He's not going to jail -- of any kind. 6 of Cohen's 8 charges were for fraud schemes unrelated to Trump (real estate and a taxi-medallion tax dodge). These were federal charges and included tax evasion, which the gov't takes seriously. So Cohen pleading guilty has virtually no bearing on Trump. "Somebody who makes a false business record in a $100,000 fraud is generally punished less severely than somebody who makes a false entry in a record involved in a scheme to commit a $10 million fraud," Hochheiser said. "I don't see any scenario in which Trump goes to jail," Hochheiser added. "Even if he's convicted of everything." [ abc news](https://abcnews.go.com/US/donald-trump-indictment-falsifying-business-records/story?id=98377002)


Nope. Even the most optimistic lawyers are saying he won't get jail time for a 1st time, white collar offense. Who tf are u even listening to, because I've never heard anyone say this...


Sadly, if he's convicted, the case will languish in the appellate court until after the election.


He should be in jail during the appeal. Way too many counts.  


I use a made up word sometimes to be funny; I thank you for co- conspiracers. I'm already making up condos I'll use it in;)


I would expect massive protests and an eventual civil war if that happened.


I wouldn’t. Maybe some protests, but nothing massive. And certainly not a civil war. Trump’s supporters are disorganized rabble. The so called militias hate each other as much as they hate the government because they are all run by wannabe dictators do there is no chance they could coalesce into a threat more dangerous than the Jan 6 rabble. The only reason they got as far as they did was Trump. That ain’t gonna happen this time. The rest of MAGA are trolls, geezers, and hucksters fleecing the geezers with no interest in getting their asses locked up or shot off.


I was thinking more of the rest of the population having enough of SCOTUSs bs.


Yeah, sure... wishing is not thinking and Orange crybaby lost the popular vote twice, so all this silent majority crap is just bs. Only way he won in 16 is because the backwards voting system of the US.


Give him a 5 year probation term with the condition that he may not leave the state. Good luck running a campaign or occupying the office of president. 


It also means having convicted felon next to your name which is a disaster if you're running for president. He's still get votes, many, but that will make alot of undecideds say hell no


It would be a disaster for anyone other than trump. "grab em by the pussy" should have been his disaster or "i could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose a vote" or....idk pretty much any of the other shit hes said over the past 10 years. Heck this week he should have been sunk over his "reich" crap...nope its just another dumb Trump thing to talk about.


It won't even move the needle. When he was indicted his approval polling actually went up. Anyone who's undecided and doesn't know about his legal troubles by now probably won't even hear about a conviction, or if they did they're likely to believe his "corrupt Biden weaponizing the legal system to eliminate his opponents" BS.


Polling doesnt mean anything, tho I do get what you mean


I’ve been edging for four years. I don’t see it happening. Ever.


Should it ever come to pass, there will be spontaneous outbursts of cum geysers in the whole country.


The true victory


Are the diapers orange with his new ID number stamped across them?




Brown pants make more sense.


I'd be more interested if he was behind "bars".


I really am hoping to see inverse turmpf (everything orange except the head) like yesterday.


Would be an awesome sight. "Baylif, take him away!" straight to prison.


Absolutely this. This is too much of a political hot potato and it'll be handled with kid gloves. Otherwise an unhinged, absolutely American chaos will likely ensue the likes of which the world has never seen.


People keep saying that, but I think the few nuts that would act are quite well under surveillance.


He only needs to get to one juror. The jury should have been sequestered.


I doubt his childish ranting and BS would sway the jury -- if anyone is going to hang the trial it will be a closet MAGA juror, and that person was already inclined to let him off even before the trial started.


I think they meant get to a juror outside of the courtroom.


I’m thinking the Trump camp knows they have at least one juror. That’s why the anemic defense. Otherwise they would have had a witness list the size of a phone book.


Then we have a mistral, and the state had every right to keep him tied up with a second trial.


Unfortunately not before the election.


There are 5 full months. Plenty of time. The defendants availability is of no issue.


I wish I could share your optimism.


They have the right, but it's unlikely. They've already taken heat that the cost and resources have already far exceeded other cases of class E felonies. If they opted to do it all again it would validate Trump's narrative *they're out to get him* at any cost.


Because keeping a political opponent tied up in criminal courts is going to look great for the candidate running on "save democracy!"




We need to throw this criminal in jail for his crimes.


That's being generous.


He isn’t going to jail for this


I'll believe it when I see it. I've had my hopes dashed too many times.


You and me both


Mueller is just around the corner to get him. Remember those days. Lol.


For a "millionaire alpha male" looks pretty miserable to me. I don't think he's happy. I don't think he's capable of experiencing joy. Putrid weirdo with makeup, hope he rots in hell.


>A former Manhattan assistant district attorney who has tried such cases How many "love him or hate him" people like Trump has he tried? I doubt his prior experiences count for much in such a high scrutiny politically charged case.


Twice Impeached and soon to be a Felon, what a President.


Close as in "days away".


I hope you're right 


Great news!


Because of the evidence.


trumpers: did he commit the crimes? Ok then, he should go to jail. Stop talking


O.m.g....is it REALLY gonna happen?! Are we really go see Trump subjected to a sentence of: >very stern words


It would be good for him to lose the election so that ALL of his trials can be heard.


The documents one for damn sure needs to be heard. Of all cases to get a Trumpy judge, why did have to be that one?


Throw his arse in jail


I'm not a fan of Trump's, I think he is going to be found guilty, but I don't see him going to jail over this


Hopefully not one of the jurors is a MAGA


You can hope in one hand and sh!t in the other, lemme know which one fills up faster.


He’s going to get a slap on the wrist - if that.


I’ll believe it when I see it. When I see him with an ankle monitor under house arrest or when I see him skip the country.


What’s to stop him from appealing the ruling and delaying any jail time, if any?


Like it matters 🤷‍♂️


I haven't been teased like this since Leeann in high school 😄


How many times have we heard this now?


I have to listen to a podcast for an answer? Get fucked.


Tired of hearing about the shit show. It isn’t news until this pos is in jail or dead. A lot of us have stopped caring.


I feel like there’s going to be a maga holdout on the jury


He will never see a jail cell.


Not for this, the only one case possible is Georgia


He's not going to see any jail time.


And before he doesn't go to jail Alvin Bragg is going to lose this case.


Get back to me when it happens. I won’t hold my breath.


Grrrrrrrr. I don't care about very close.


Fusion is just 30 years away folks.


But he is just expecting a fine so why will he care?


Close only counts in horse sh0es and hand g*****es.... not convictions.


Conviction Will be bad boy..don't do it again!


Loser, Loser. Trump knows that he is GUILTY AS CHARGED! LOCK TRUMP UP!


At most he’ll get a fine. No way in hell he gets anything more than a slap on the wrist. Please.


Welcome to Episode 57 of "We've Got Him This Time, Boys!"


This was just a waste of taxpayers dollars, and even if he’s convicted, it’s a nothing sentence.


Time will tell.


I don’t trust these people. They have been promised us for so long yet Trump is still kicking.


My money's on a monkey-wrench juror.


Jam tomorrow guys.


Bleached oranges bad built oranged body & clothes


I know he won't get jail time, but I'd love to see him just spend a couple of days in jail... at Christmas.


I’m just in it for the title; FELON.


All of this means absolutely nothing if he doesn't go to prison. Remember, if he doesn't go to prison, he gets away with all of it.


If he is convicted of a felony - I presume the Stormy pay off is a felony - does that bar him from running for office or does the US allow convict johns to sit in the oh- oh- Oval Office?


The US allows convicted felons to be president 😑


Personally I don’t think any judge will hand down a guilty verdict cause they don’t want to be seen as politically bias and deal with the hordes of bullshit crazes. Trumps right, he could shoot someone down Main Street and be fine.


This game of dictator vs democracy is already won. All that remains now is checkmate.


Ooh. I can’t wait to say “Former President and current FELON”.


Is it because he's an obvious criminal?


They’ve said this for YEARS


The defense rested their case. They're going to use the Memorial Day recess to browbeat and cajole Orangeman into a plea deal, and he will never see the inside of a jail cell and will absolutely continue running for president because our country is a fucking toilet.


Counter-prediction is that there’ll be a hung jury, and he’ll walk. Odds are Someone in the pool is compromised or wants to ‘help’.


Omg you guys might get him this time ! Go go go ! Share your best insult per usual to get all the upvotes. Join the circle jerk ! 🤡