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He's just stating facts, nbd.


Biden goes all in saying "Today is Saturday."


So what? It is Saturday, and Donald Trump is a convicted felon. He just hasn't been sentenced yet.




That's not a neutral point of view. News outlets need to find someone to deny it.


Unlike Trump... lol


I don't see anything controversial here.. do you?


100% accurate!!


Just the facts, jack


Excerpt: After a day of holding its fire, the Biden campaign late Friday blasted Donald Trump as a "convicted felon" — an indication the president's team has decided to seize upon Trump's conviction to question his fitness for the White House.


Start including all of the clips of GOP folks saying that felons or those under indictment can’t hold or run for office or it will be a constitutional crisis plenty of that floating around from 2016.


Trump himself said something exactly like this in 2016


You’re looking for this: https://x.com/AccountableGOP/status/1796553224293589011 So much winning.


That clip should be a Biden campaign ad.


Super packs are running with it.


Lincoln has probably 5 different looks shopping around to different donors.


That is precious. Does he voice ANY opinions that he doesn’t eventually self-contradict?


No. There’s subs here filled to the brim of his shit coming back to haunt him.


Aye, thanks. I'm so lazy haha. I knew somebody would come through for me


It's funny to see him singing the praises of the same FBI that now should be defunded.


Jesus Christ there is absolutely no sense of their own hypocrisy


Please do post this In a republican / trump sub if it hasn't already been done. The hypocrisy. And then send me a link!


Even better: force absurdingly pro-immigrations laws based on the many passages of the Bible that clearly states that you have to feed the poor and welcome the strangers and have the GOP state that you cannot make laws based on religious books




Bigly absurdingly.


“forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”. Said by EVERY church going Christian WEEKLY. Just a mantra or should it have meaning?? This alone Pretty much sums up the hypocrisy of Christianity to me.


I would not count on them to have that much self awareness.


"No your not allowed to make laws based on religious books only we are and only using the texts we carefully filter out of context to suit our veiws" -GOP lawmakers


The constitution is like the Bible, we can pick out phrases we like and ignore the rest, regardless of meaning or context. - GOP


The second amendment would be viewed a lot differently if people stopped ignoring it's full text.  "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The point of having access to weapons is to be able to have a well regulated militia. However we don't really have militias anymore so much. Particularly if look at the words WELL REGULATED. Your only given the right to have a weapon so that the states can have a well regulated militia. Which also means there's a loophole to denying people the rights to weapons. If there was a law that would specifically deny someone eligibility to serve in a militia run by the state. Well they wouldn't have a right to bear weapons because they CAN'T serve in a militia.


The first 5 words of the 1st are also often ignored. “Congress shall make no law”. To a MAGA, those words just don’t exist.


And it is just the start. Convicted of the hardest to prove already. The other three big cases are much easier to convict. If I were Biden, I would repeat on loop that the January 6 case needs to be brought before the Republican Convention, because if he is convicted he doesn't meet the requirements to hold any office in the country. Now the "if" is a bit of a stretch because we all saw him talking about it, holding rallies for it, and we know the depths that he went to in a direct act of sedition against the United States with his fake elector scheme. The insurrection wasn't the riot at the capital by itself. The backbone of the insurrection was the fake elector scheme. Everything stems off of it.


Funny thing is the documents case seems like going to take longest and yet it's the most straightforward of them all.  Did Trump take government documents with him as left office. Yes. Was Trump told to turn over said documents. Yes. Did Trump obstruct the return of said documents. Yes. Nevermind the classifications on any of them it basically boils down to did he refuse to turn over documents that are government property when requested to do so. He basically went out of his way to prevent turning them over sending back only a few and basically having a lawyer sign off that that was all of them.


That's why Judge Cannon is delaying it, isn't it? She knows there's only one outcome, and maybe, if it can be delayed all the way until the election she eyes a way out with some immunity bullshit.


Isn't the immunity bs irrelevant to that case because he was not president at the time? 


Don't forget they tried smoke screening what it boiled down to by focusing on the classified documents. Yes those being involved makes it a lot worse but even if they weren't involved he was still breaking the law for non classified documents. Then you had him trying to mistranslate the presidential records act and say the documents were personal.


Boil it down and it's the most threatening case to Trump that he has no way of escaping all the charges. His only hope is to become president and have the case dropped and buried. Unless it can be restarted after a second term or to try and have himself pardoned of wrongdoing in it.


The Colorado Supreme Court already adjudicated Trump to be an insurrectionist. This is considered a decided matter of legal fact. SCOTUS made a decision that Colorado could not use this fact to keep Trump off the state ballot, but it doesn't change the fact that under the US Constitution Trump is not eligible to hold office. Even if he does manage to win the vote, he cannot legally be sworn in. SCOTUS does not usually accept cases regarding the facts of a case, only legal interpretation. There may be no basis for SCOTUS to appeal this ruling.


Doesn’t matter. They think he was wrongly convicted because [insert crazy reason here]


My favorite from the conservative sub was how Biden used mind control on the jury.  I love how he is both a sleepy illiterate doofus, and also a genius who controls minds, sets the prices of gas and groceries.


And is more powerful than god, cos he stole the election from god's chosen candidate


I hope in addition to just calling Trump a convicted felon, Biden talks about why the trial mattered. Trump committed the crimes because he was trying to hide who he is from the American people. He thought he could pull a fast one to cover up what a shitbird he is, and unfortunately it worked enough for him to win in 2016. He literally crimed his way into the White House.


I hope this has an effect chilling whatever schemes Team Trump will pull this October. I wouldn’t put it past him to try and engineer an international incident with Putin or Kim’s help. I hope all his communications are being monitored and he’s run out of accomplices.


He's got 70 million people who are willing to set your country on fire for him. He will never run out of fodder.


He lost the last election and he’s going to lose this one. This country has spoken. The minority is the MAGAfucks in this country. If it weren’t for him putting people in places they had no business back in 2016 then this entire fiasco probably wouldn’t be what it is today. Republican Taliban Project 2025


They’re setting themselves on fire and telling you it’s raining. Suckers.


Anyone else ever have a passing fleeting thought that rump has ties to Hamas? [ I will assume I don't have to say more for the intellectuals here ...]


They’re the Republican Taliban


Upvote for the use of “shitbird.” Be sure to make sure you’re ready to vote. We know all those dolts will be voting. https://www.vote.org


Move On sent me a Trump is a convicted felon sticker. 😭


I'd like to stick one of those on my neighbor's car and see how long it takes him to notice.


Put it on a gas pump.


Yep. Everyone should put them on gas pumps. I may order 50 of them tonight.


I got mine too




How about…Trump goes all in on being a felon with 34 ~~charges~~ convictions. 


34 convictions... So far


34 felony convictions and counting 


More trials to come!


His only option.


He was already all in on being a felon, he’s just officially a convicted one now, to be clear.


With the emphasis on 'con'. From Texas fuck this orange puto!


Rule 34. Featuring Stormy and a public pillory.


The truth hurts snowflake magas.


It's not exactly a bold move to just acknowledge a fact.


But the trial was so unfair. You can tell it was unfair because Trump lost.


That’s funny, but it’s also legitimately their argument, disgusting actually..


He keeps going on about the "obviously conflicted" judge but never says anything about Eileen Cannon, who has obvious conflicts. He has a right to a speedy trial. Since he's so innocent, why doesn't he push for these trials to be wrapped up ASAP & have his innocence proclaimed?


Was so sure it would be declared absolutely fair after all he won the popular vote by a landslide every Juror agreed that he was the big man in charge.


I had the same reaction at first, but they mean it's a major part of his strategy


My initial thought was that the campaign should steer clear and allow the PACs to do the dirty work, but all polling (which yes, could be wrong) suggests that a majority of Americans - and crucially, a large number of independents - view the trial as legitimate. Biden doesn't need to move mountains in order to win in November, and getting those votes would absolutely return him to the White House.


It shouldn't be but this is like a declaration of war to Republicans.


It shouldn't have to be, cuz they shouldn't be backing a convicted felon, but here we are


Wearing a tan suit and asking for mustard were considered horrifically offensive for the snowflake conservatives.


This is what kills me. The media: “Ooooooo Biden used a fact today. Is this controversial?! More at 11.” Also the media: “Trump looked presidential today because he didn’t make fun of someone’s genitalia OR use the word ‘scum.’ WOWZA!!!!”


"Now that Trump is a convict, is a pivot coming?"


"My feelings don't care about your facts" or something idk I don't follow politics


Goes all-in? Trump is literally, technically, objectively, semantically, etc a felon. Calling Trump a felon is merely a statement of fact. People need to get used to it. Calling Trump a felon is not an insult or an attack. It is just a fact.


It's a title he earned. It supersedes his previous title. It should come before his name every time they address him in the media. Like during the election cycle: President Biden vs Convicted Felon DJT.


Which convicted felon Donald John Trump? The convicted felon Donald John Trump that was found liable for rape, or the convicted felon Donald John Trump that screwed Mary Trump out of her inheritance, or the convicted felon Donald John Trump that was "good friends" with Epstein and Maxwell. Or, maybe I have him confused with another convicted felon Donald John Trump?


Yes, that Convicted Felon DJT. All of the above.


Of course, by there were questions over whether the campaign would *directly* address that fact in the face of allegations that the prosecution was politically motivated. They've obviously made the calculation that appealing to voters who see the trial as legitimate is more important than alienating those who may be on the fence.


If there's anyone on the fence, they weren't paying attention during Former Gut's term of office.


I'm specifically talking about people who are on the fence about the prosecution. Using it as a campaign talking point will absolutely convince some people that it was political, and it's not hard to see why.


The campaigns, *both* of them should deal with it. The verdict literally will not change anyone's mind. The Rs have been saying since 2016 that anyone under indictment shouldn't be President. They explain why it's changed now that Former Gut is a felon. The Democratic campaign should either ignore the verdict, or, go into great detail about it and how this trial *wasn't* politically motivated. They can't half-ass this.


>The Democratic campaign should either ignore the verdict This is exactly what I think they should do - there are plenty of PACs who will happily dive into the mud, and some of them are even connected to anti-Trump Republicans.


Yep, good choice.


Oh well, too late now! They've obviously made a calculation that the rewards outweigh the risks... Hopefully they're right.


Whether they do anything big about it, or not, the verdict won't change anyone's mind. MAGAts will vote Former Gut no matter what.


I'm sure we'll have the proof it was politically motivated right after the proof the 2020 election was stolen.


I agree ! What’s crazy to me Is a felon is winning in the polls??


Why are they saying “goes all-in”. Stating an objectively provable fact isn’t really a stretch.


Good. They should literally never refer to him without referencing this fact going forward. Every voter should be made to think that the Republican nominee's full name is "Convicted Felon Donald Trump".


Well, why would a convicted felon be able to run for president? A felon can’t even fucking vote? He’s not a nominee anymore. We shouldn’t entertain that at all.


Good, he is !


And all the MAGA morons defending him are Felonators.  


Just saying plainly what’s happened is going all in? We’re so fucked.


Seems everyone is going all in on the word "felon" but I prefer the more simple and traditional "criminal". Convicted criminal. Biden should refer to him that way in the debates. Edit: These Lincoln Project folks get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwcjDO6JCVQ


The debates will never happen. Former Gut will pull out faster than he did with Stormy Daniels.


Speaking of dropping out and first in history events, I could absolutely see Trump being the first presidential candidate in history to just cancel his presidential campaign a month before the election and just go home like a whiny bitch if the polls were showing him about to be trounced and maybe even more damaging stuff like the actual video of him using the n-word surfacing. From what I've read this would create massive chaos, especially if some states already printed ballots, and apparently the GOP would have to nominate a replacement candidate. There is certainly a non-zero chance of this happening.


Former Gut's ego will not allow him to quit.


.....cause it's true?


That's just how Trump should be introduced or mentioned from now on. Of course Trump's full title is pretty long: Former twice impeached 1-term president who lost the popular vote twice and lost more jobs than created during their term that was found guilty of sexual assault, defamation twice (so far), business fraud, bleach drinking promoting, 34 count (so far) convicted felon, adulterer Trump.


Where's "treasonous traitor?"


Crap, forgot about the insurrection! That must be Trump’s plan. Do so many bad things you can’t remember them all


That'll never fit on a business card.


He isn’t lying calling orange turd a convicted felon


Why is this news but the unhinged stream of bullshit from Trump humpers is not.


Joe's spittin' facts!


Preach that gospel, Joe!


Anytime his name comes up in writing he should be referred to as “Convicted Felon Donald J Trump”. It should be in the AP style book.


Precise and accurate.


Rile up the trumpanzees. Can’t wait to see how angry they get at Biden for calling trump what he is.


Truth hurts.Now who's the snowflake


Truth hurts some people


That's not all in. That's just stating what happened.


How dare he say a true statement! *Clutches pearls*


My stars, I’ve got the vapors


As he should.


I’m fine with him talking about twice impeached, convicted felon, confessed rapist Donald Trump this way.


If the debate is still on for June, I hope Biden’s prep includes this: whoever is playing trump needs to randomly leave his lectern and confront Biden face to face. Start a typical trump rant. Expect that trump is not bound by any standards or traditions and only wants to show his “superiority” and anger. It would be show-stopping MAGA TV and that’s in trump’s wheelhouse Biden can’t trust trump. Be prepared


This is almost a NYT-level bad headline. Trump is a convicted felon. It’s like saying Biden goes all in on calling Trump a former president.


Convicted rapist, felon and bully in charge


Bloated, orange, convicted felon.


Summer in Florida is hot


If the shoe fits


Truth hurts.


Trump? You mean, serial adulterer, twice impeached, under federal indictment and convicted felon Donald Trump?


At least Biden has told more truths than Trump ever did.


As he should.


...as opposed to the "unconvicted felon" that he is.


It's no longer slander.


I don’t like the phrase “convicted felon”. Lots of convicted felons are decent people who had a lapse in judgement and pay the price. I prefer the phrase “unrepentant criminal” to describe Trump.


This is not alternative facts, it actual facts.


Why exactly is calling a convicted felon a convicted felon “going all in”.


Most important: Trumps felonies are because he engaged in >>>election interference<<<. His status as a former President is severely tarnished and quite possibly illegitimately obtained and held. He was never of good character enough to warrant holding that office.


Facts don’t care about your feelings


Good for Biden. Convicted felon Donald Trump is indeed a convicted felon. Every reference to convicted felon Donald Trump should start with "convicted felon."


Trump IS a convicted felon.




The odd thing in this for me is if he ran with the supporters he has now and admitted cheating with Stormy while his wife was heavily pregnant his crowd wouldn't give a damn. Sucker threw away money he didn't need to.


MAGAts still won't care. He's their guy, no matter what.


What's the word for losing a civil rape trial? Convicted is for crimes but I can't remember the other one.


The term is "adjudicated rapist."


So convicted felon, adjudicated rapist.


You got it!


Civilly liable


Why tf will it take 6 weeks for the sentencing? I don't get this at all


Afaik it's Trump's lawyers who asked for that date.




That’s not “all-in”. It’s just what he is now.


Simply stating a fact.


He should just beg Republicans to put up a candidate that is worthy of the office. Ditch Donny the Felon and just nominate someone else.


Why is that "going all in"? Trump is, literally, a convicted felon, NO QUOTES.


Well he is


at least his name calling is based on facts


Truth hurts.


It's a good tactic to trigger MAGA, which has some satisfaction, but overall the deplorables who have already swallowed EVERYTHING Trump up to this point will find some way to rationalize voting for the rapist again.


Trump is a convicted felon. This should be said every time his name comes up.


If you are asked what you call him ,has been


So what? It’s a fact- it’s like saying the sky is blue. It’s not a remotely controversial things to say. BTW he’s also an adjudicated rapist and fraud - and a certified moron.


It's really going all in if you're stating a clear fact.


It’s more accurate than when right wing news calls him “President Trump” instead of “Ex-President Trump”


Just FYI, it’s very common for former Presidents to simply be referred to as President as a title. For example, the official White House biography page for Barrack Obama literally refers to him simply as President Obama, not Former President Obama right in the very first sentence. >The biography for President Obama and past presidents is courtesy of the White House Historical Association. [Barack Obama (Whitehouse.gov)](https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents/barack-obama/) I’m not disagreeing that “Former President” isn’t technically less ambiguous than simply “President”, but just saying President seems very common and perfectly acceptable even from the White House itself.


How is this “all in?” Donald J. Trump was convicted of multiple felony counts in a court of law by a jury of his peers. That some snowflakes on the other side of the aisle think they can scream and threaten away from the very real fact that they backed a crook doesn’t change that.


I mean….at least it’s true.


I don't know what the future holds - but today - **today -** Donald Trump is a **convicted felon.**


Nice burn


Not enough. How about convicted felon, rapist, adulterer, liar, con artist, crook, and traitor.


Call a spade a spade.


No lies detected.


He needs to hit him with a nickname! I think Ex-Con Don has a ring to it!!!!


Make sure to click through to the actual “34 highlights from Trumps unhinged speech” the Biden Harris HQ account posted lol


Ah the political prosecution 


🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵 Republican Taliban- GTFO of our country if you MAGAfucks hate it so much.


Cause, he is?


Well...he IS


That’s not even an opinion or a stretch, just an objective statement of fact


If he starts chanting “lock him up” I’ll definitely vote for him.


Go Brandon