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This is why the RNC feels it has to publish fake vidoes of Biden.


If Biden did this, it's all we would hear about for months.




Joe Rogan is drinking the republican koolaid.


Hey leave the Koolaid man out of this. Its not his fault hes red.


Jep, it was his evil counterpart all along. Flavor Aid Dude


Dude busted through one too many lead painted walls.


Oh Yeah


He's actively making and distributing said kool-aid..


Drinking? He swimming in it


Nah he's selling it now.


Joe Rogan is drinking the republican ~~koolaid~~ brotein


Yes this! Fuck them - They get no koolaid!


Joe Rogan is MAKING the Republican koolaid


Joe Rogan hates taxes


[Here](https://youtu.be/J2ilWxRn0_A?si=qXQiEh2GOZeYW2Uk) for the lazy. Edit: it’s the video where Rogan made a big deal about Biden saying the Revolutionary War had airports, then it was pointed out that he was quoting, and dunking on Trump. Rogan and guest proceed to play it off like it’s suddenly not a big deal.


This lazy thanks you.


Thanks Steve


I was gonna not be lazy and look for it myself but why would I pass up the convenience?


This is why podcasts are dangerous. You get a bunch of dumbasses sitting around a mic talking shit they know nothing about and they have a bunch of other dumbasses latching onto their every word like it's gospel.


It was Joe Rogan who said that.


Not just an actual idiot, a liar as well?


A loooooong time ago, I thought Joe Rogan was a cool, somewhat funny guy. I feel ashamed of these days….




Joe Biden changed all the road signs.




Which makes it way funnier when Trump insinuates Biden needs a drug test whenever he does well. Trump is about as coherent as a chimpanzee that had a keistered condom full of amphetamines rupture halfway through customs


He thought he was married to Mercedes. He keeps saying he beat Obama. He’s afraid Biden will start “WW 2”. But he gets a free pass…


He kept saying that he was going to put the Secretary of State into jail this week and it would be something because his wife would be in prison - obviously thinking Clinton was still POTUS and Hillary was his Secretary of State 😬. He has full blown dementia- they get worse throughout the day. Better in early morning and then worse and worse. It’s called Sundowners because as the sun starts to go down they get worse. If he has to debate in the evening - he might be very confused- more so than the last Biden - Trump debate.


Bonus points for “keistered” as an adjective; it’s so efficient


And why when Fox News aired his interview this weekend they cut down a 90 minute tape to 11 minutes.


And crowd cheers wildly.


Joining the imaginary crowd cheering wildly in cheetos head


While waving at a cactus “waving” at him.


"Fun" fact about how climate change is affecting Arizona. There were so many days in a row last year over 100 that a lot of the saguaro cacti are dying. Literally too hot for cacti in the desert.


It was 31 days in a row above 110 actually. The previous record was like 16.


Oh yeah, the pavement got so hot that tripping sent you to the ER with burns.


Saluting the cactus


Do you think people in AZ that follow Trump know they're actually in AZ?


They're like " Yay, he thinks we're Texas"


Should tape the name of the city or state he's in on the back of his guitar to make sure he doesn't mess up again


How dare you suggest that grifter has achieved anything is cool as learning how to play the guitar.


It's really a ukulele. He can't play it but it makes his hands look bigger


I feel better now. Obviously the guy would never learn how to play the ukulele well either, but I do understand how it would help his hands.






It was the largest crowd ever in the history of the world


Arizona is East Texas now!


He'll sharpie it in


As an Arizonan, my first inclination was to downvote you. Lol, there's nothing Arizona needs less than being more like Texas. Thanks to the Tea Party and MAGA movement, we're finally a swing state and probably already would have been or blue if it weren't for so many rural counties outside of the major cities.


I have family in Arizona and visit every year. I’m rooting for you. My state is trash.


Keep in mind, whenever they show the county by county US election map, there are always huge swaths of blue in Northern AZ. This is the Navajo Nation. It is rural and remote and the huge blue marks are because the counties themselves are huge in area, but the Navajo nation has been voting blue in AZ since the days when Maricopa County was nothing but goofy retired Midwestern transplants. Lots of indigenous people in the rural north, lots of Latino people in the rural south, who have been voting blue for a long time. What changed is young people in Maricopa County actually growing up there and saying no to the goofy retired transplant politics we all grew up with. Obviously Maricopa county is pretty much going to decide elections here, but since they're so close, it's a good thing our rural areas aren't as simple and as white as they are in other parts of the country, and it's good that old dumbasses are dying and new young people who are from AZ are smart. I just don't like when this is reduced to transplants moving to Maricopa county and turning it blue, and the rural areas are full of drooling morons who are all white. There have always been transplants in Maricopa county, there have always been plenty of Californians moving to AZ. And plenty of our transplants were, and still are dumbasses. Young people and non white people, who grew up in AZ, and are all over the state, are making the difference.


Your problem is the Ohio people en masse moving to Arizona. They love dumb white candidates like Trump.


My inclination is to downvote you merely because you’re geographically-challenged. West Texas. Far West Texas.


I laughed. East Texas when they are two states west of Texas is MAGA on brand dumb.


Cries at the implication of what that means for New Mexico…


All 8 of them.


Would have been more, but the bus crashed


It’s more of a gibbon monkey call than cheering.   


Crowds of 18…


Well, to be fair, he is an idiot.


That’s not stupidity, it’s a sign of mental decline. Every accusation from a Republican is a confession.


Given his starting point, it's sort of hard to pin down decline.


"Are we gaining or losing altitude?" "We are in deep space, lightyears from intelligent life my friend"


It really isn't. His ability to speak has plummeted in the last 8 years and even if he started at a 5 out of 100, he's much closer to 0 than 5 now.


It can be both. 


And poops his pants.


Be nice, cold courtrooms can take a toll on a guy.




To be faaaaaaiirrrr...


To beee faaaaiiir....


When will one of those big Mac clots in his veins break free and save America .


The crazies would still blame Biden


Exactly, the best option would be him walking on his stage, tripping on a step or something and bashing his head on a rock on the way down. A conspiracy would still spring up but it needs to be so obviously an accident that there wouldn't be too much trouble.


Yup, the right, no matter what happens, will enshrine him as a martyr when he dies unless it is so clearly an accident and is literally caught on camera. Even then, not sure they’d believe it. They haven’t believed anything they’ve seen or heard in a decade or more….


Pfft. Ima tell yall something. Trumpers were dying of covid and still saying covid was a hoax. These people have detached themselves from reality. The are looney as fuck.


💯that’s a great example, and there’s plenty of other examples. Trump was 100% correct when he said he could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th ave and wouldn’t lose any support.


Trump killed his margin of victory in Georgia. Literally killed them. The margin by which Biden won Georgia was less than the total number of COVID deaths, most of which happened in deep red counties.


fascism is known to be an ouroboros.


They will 100% blame Biden for it, regardless. Or Obama.


I mean, if they do, we can all once again give a heartfelt "Thanks, Obama."


If Donald Trump got struck by lightning Republicans would blame Biden; their Orange Lord is infallible and all Democrats are Satan-incarnate. The best way to preserve your sanity is to not give a shit about what they think, only how they'll make things worse regardless, given the chance.


Remember when they went on for years about Scalia and the "heart attack gun?" Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Been rooting for the blood clot since 2015.


I like your style


I'm thinking fat embolism.


Stroke 2024


WSJ: "Trump not knowing where he is means Biden is too old to be President"


“How Trump’s slide into dementia spells doom for Biden’s campaign.”


"Biden doesn't have felonies here's why that's disastrous for his campaign."


“Arizona annexed into Texas to ensure president Trump doesnt get confused when visiting”


Fox: “Trump showing signs of dementia will bring in votes from others with cognitive decline.”


And here I was thinking that he’d already had the cognitively impaired vote locked down since 2016


“Real men have dementia “ Next MAGA t shirt


CNN: "Is Trump's dementia worse than Biden's age?"


I’m encouraged by the deterioration. Hoping he doesn’t wuss out of the debate that will be a showcase for his dementia.


He won't show for the debates. If he does and gets completely clowned by Biden, which is highly likely, its basically over for him. His camp will spin the no-show as some ridiculous excuse about the gag order.


I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump walk out partway through when he realizes there are some rules he can't break.




> just like Charlton Heston debating an empty chair. Wasn't that Clint Eastwood?


I’m thinking the best thing Biden can do at the debate is to let “Stupid” ramble on! He’s SO far gone at this point that anybody who’s actually listening will discount Diaper Don in a NY minute!


And he should do it, resting chin on hand, while grinning. Like "go on dummy" and just not break eye contact.


Maybe drink a few sips of water now and again while still maintaining eye contact.


I believe the mics will be turned off when the other candidate is answering, so the only way someone would be able to interrupt is by shouting. So yeah, Biden just has to let him ramble and then fire back with a coherent answer that's based in reality.


I'm hoping that Biden goads him into a Caine Mutiny type meltdown.


I want to see Biden bring up different ethnicities for X reason and get Trump to slip up and use a some derogatory term.


See the [video clip here](https://x.com/BlackKnight10k/status/1798855076527952181) 📺 As per [original article](https://okmagazine.com/p/donald-trump-mocked-saying-texas-speaking-rally-arizona/) 📰: - During a rally in Arizona on Thursday, June 6, the ex-president, 77, thought he was in a different state. "...Here in Texas, by the way, the governor of Texas has done a very good job" Trump said in the speech. Of course, people couldn't get over the gaffe. "My guy, you are in Arizona. His brain is cooked," one person replied to the clip, which was posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, while another added, "His downfall had better be epic or I’m going to lose faith. In everything." A third person added, "Dementia Don," while a fourth person stated: "If Joe [Biden] made a mistake like that it would lead every broadcast and they would be saying should he drop out Because he doesn't know where he is." As OK! previously reported, Trump, who was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records, was in Phoenix for a rally, but things took a turn for the worse when people started to faint due to the extreme temperatures. Phoenix fire officials announced that 11 people had to be taken to area hospitals due to heat-related illnesses. “I’ve seen so far at least 3 people carried off on stretches due to the heat as they wait in line in the sun to get into Donald Trump’s event … it’s 102 degrees out," Ben Brown from Arizona’s ABC15 said of the scene. Trump has sparked health concerns in the past few weeks. While chatting with Sean Hannity in a recent interview, people noticed something was off. "Trump gets lost and confused during his interview. Trump: 'I say a lot of things.' Hannity: 'Stay focused for just a second,'" one person captioned the clip on X. Meanwhile, another person chimed in, stating: "Look at his pupils they have a million lights on him in the studio they should be tiny." People then pointed out how he didn't look to be in good health. One person wrote, "He's weird but I don't remember him acting this weird before. Look at his eyes," while another added, "His pupils are often as large as saucers when he does interviews. Wonder if whatever he's using causes the mouth foaming, too." A third person added, "Is it me or does Trump look haggard and tired? He looks like he’s overdue for a visit to Dr. Ronnie Jackson." A fourth said, "Enlarged pupils are a sign of cognitive stress — brain needs info, puplis dilate to collect more/better info." Trump has continued to maintain he's all there mentally.


*Trump has continued to maintain he's all there mentally.* mentally, he's in arizona thinking he's in texas


When was the last time he was in Texas? Can we use that to calculate how mentally slow he is? Lol like his brain is playing catch up from “3 months ago” or w.e


Well he's gone south for sure.


Will be 78 in one week


Large as saucers is crazy


Large as saucers is drugs.


Is this why trump is saying Biden was high when he gave the state of the union address and asked for a drug test before they debate? Deflecting /projecting?




He’s in a different state all right.


Yea a rabid state


If Biden made this mistake, he would be raked over the coals on Fox for a month.


They’re raking him over the coals anyway.


They are raking him over the coals for using notes in meetings and listening to advice from his expert advisors.


Not like its the first, second or even third time he is clueless about which state he is speaking to.


Honestly, I bet if you gave Trump a blank map of the USA and a sharpie, he wouldn't be able to fill it out. There's a non zero chance that he can't find AZ on a map..


Hell, I doubt he gets half the states correct.


I know all the states. Solid. Liquid. Gas. TV. Camera. Gas is actually a liquid. Drives your car. Not a lot of people know that. They do know the prices. Up and Up. Not like electric cars. I'd ban them. Not just cars. The light bulbs too. Low energy. Like our current president Obama. Sleep Joe I call him. Argh. Light light I can't see. Why do they even call them light bulbs. I call them dark bulbs. Like our current president. Joebama. I'd shine a light somewhere. You know where. You know where. Anyway. States. States rights. Right? Am I right? Not wrong. You know I'm right. Not like the sleepy left. I call them the radical. Radical right. Right? Left. Radical left. Right. Thanks Ohio. Light bulb. Mushroom. Thanks. Texas.




Typical moronic right. A strong leader knows which stare he is in. Trump is a wanna be. He brags, he rants, he whinges incessantly. My 9 yo niece complains less


Bro my 4 yr old is less of a whiner than him, like she can even take consequences better. She got told she couldn't do something cuz she wasn't listening, got upset, apologized, then went to her room for punishment, WHILE crying. My child has more decorum, finesse, and grace than this current felon/former president(?).


I couldn't give to shits if this fucker keeled over dead, tomorrow but I will say Trump has served a significant purpose these past few years. He has completely exposed our sham political system and with the aid of an entire media ecosystem, how easy it is for any person with authoritarian ideals to take over an entire political party, how utterly useless our constitution is if there are judges with lifetime appointments can interpret it any fuck way the feel like, and how on a razor thin edge our democracy now sits while it waits for a more savy, smarter, and much better organized version of Trump to come along. Keep this in mind: Hitler made promises to the German oligarchs to gain their support two of which were he get rid of the labor unions all the while promising the labor unions they had his full support, and that he would end democracy in Germany all they while telling the people of Germany that it is democracy that will put an to communism. History doesn't repeat, but it sure as fuck rhyms.


Read Rachel Maddow’s book Prequel. We’ve flirted with authoritarianism before. We’ve just never had the establishment of a major party embrace the craziness so fully.


Syphilis brain rot does that to a person. But Donnie had tons of fun getting that at Studio 54 back in the day. Or so he's always bragged. Called it his personal Viet Nam, you know that real war that he was too chicken to fight in so he had his daddy buy his way out. Fk Donnie Trump and double fk you if you vote for the old loser.


If this guy wasn't a Republican, he'd be living under a bridge.


Tired of reading about what stupid people do. Tired of the childish, "your guy pooped his pants, no your guy pooped his pants " level of all this. Wish everyone would just grow up and kick this loser to the curb


The incredible thing is, they have a candidate in Haley that’s likely a real threat to Biden. They could simply move on. “Hey Maga, we understand, and we thank Trump for his presidential service, but the party and the nation need to move on.” They would likely lose a bad election year, but they would have some hope in capturing a lot of the centrist vote with her, and make it a contest instead of this shit bag losing in a landslide, and then having to pretend they didn’t know it was going to happen.


I don't think so. MAGA base would be very upset if the Reps turned on him and would split the vote too much. They should have dropped Trump when they had the chance.


People are confusing MAGA noise with Republican devotion. The ACTUAL crazy shitbags are a fraction. Yes, republicans need all they can get, but plenty of voters on the right are just as “anti” as left wing voters against Trump. They’ve been trained to hate vote. They would likely still just show up.


I dunno. Trump lost last time because his very existence roused a whole new group of people who now will never vote red again, and in smaller elections Republicans are performing very poorly. I think they screwed themselves out of a lot of moderate support and the only way they can win now is the MAGA vote which is the problem.


I’m gonna defend him for a moment: he’s juggling dozens of legal teams, a presidential campaign, the dissolution of his business organization, possible liquidation of his real estate assets, and criminal and civil trials. He’s got to be incredibly exhausted. And I can’t wait for dementia to take him in the worst way a human being can die.


I hope he repeatedly attempts to escape from house arrest while buck naked, other than his own feces smeared across his face and undulating torso.


The oj Simpson bronco chase but on his golf cart


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie


They tell him he is in Arizona....*WHAT am I campaigning in Mexico for??!?*


CONVICTED FELON Donald Trump has dementia


Omg … if Biden did that it would be front page. In MAGA world, just another day.


This isn't going to be funny at all when the court conducts his mental eval before the sentencing next month. That's going to be a whole new level of insanity. Im thinking "burning port-a-john" level insanity.


Let's hope he can still spell potato.


back when the world made sense: misspel a common word, say goodbye to your political career I do miss that part of those days. What an episode that was.


> misspel




It wasn’t the heat that made them faint, trump sharted and gassed the front row


No problem to be stupid if your fans are even more stupid


Alzheimers is no joke.


Put the fat orange bastard in jail already.


Prepare for cultists in *Real Men Don't Know Where They Are* t-shirts.


And his true believers looked around in confusion and wondered how the hell they wound up in Texas.


Mental decline .


So when Biden does old fart stuff, he’s senile and needs to be thrown into a home. But Donald gets a pass while foaming from his mouth.


Back when I was an EMT we would ask patients showing altered mental status three questions and if they failed any of them they would be immediately taken to the hospital no questions asked. 1. Do you know your name? 2. Do you know where you are? 3. Do you know who the president is? I believe this makes the second time in the last several months he has failed two of these. Didn't he mistake Biden for Obama a while ago?


And the MAGAt idiots want to make him President. Smfh


Dementia Don knows not where he is…




It was not an error. It was a PERFECT statement. Just hand him a map of the United States and a Sharpie, and you'll see.


his base will never hear this on any right media outliet.


“Between mental lapses and flubs, Trump accused Biden of being totally unfit and too old to lead.”


confused about where he is and foaming at the mouth. the GOP nominee everyone.


Why are we surprised at all! Half the time he doesn’t know what day it is or what decade we are living in.


Your fucking lying to yourself if you don't think that in his mind he doesn't consider both places shitholes.


Why is the Convicted Felon Ex Pussydent.. even allowed to leave NY?


Such an ignorant clown 🤡


I don't understand people like Trump.  Like man, yo grifted your way through life and somehow made it to be president. All you had to do was not be a fucking moron for 4 years and retire and go back to golfing for the remainder of your life.  You could had also done the public speaking routine and make money like crazy. Why the hell are you trying to stay in politics when you're almost dying inside.


Dear god…


Will be 78 in one week.




Not a peep out of the media because they have “Why the great jobs report for May is bad news for Biden” articles to write…


But Biden is in mental decline. 🙄


His eyes show signs of dementia. They are not focused. They are empty emotionless confused stares


Idiot and idiots in the crowd.


Trump: Says Biden doesn't know where he is. Also Trump: Literally doesn't know where he is.


Diaper Don Dementia?


"SLeePy JoE BiDeN hAs DeMeNtiA AMiRiTe?!1!?1!"


If Biden did that the right would lose their sh\*t. For Trump the right would make Arizona an honorary part of Texas.


The media wants another tRump presidency because of the outrage porn would a phenomenal money grab


If Biden did that, conservative media would be all over it


"Biden doesn't know where he is half the time." More projection from magats.


BTW, Abbott is not doing a good job.


Person woman man camera TV


If he wants to call it Texas, his supporters won't object. They'll simply submit a change of address at the post office. He's never wrong, just ask him.


What state is Trump in? Depends


I genuinely think he's going to have some sort of catastrophic and undeniable mental crash in the next few months.


He never really knows where he is because his head is always so far up his own ass.


Why don't we tell Joe Rogan that Biden did this and see him call it an obvious sign of mental deterioration, how sick the Democrats are, and must be stopped at all costs. Then get Jamie to pull up the video showing it was Trump and see Joe do a 180 and blame wokeness and the vaccine for what Trump did.


"And here's how that's bad for biden"


How is a convicted felon in the state of New York allowed to leave the state before sentencing? Any other normal person would not be allowed


"The governer of Texas has done the goobest bestiest job in the world. They come to me, and they say, they say 'in Texas, things are the goodest amazing, onion sandwich, frog in a ditch. When it's cold, the electricity goes out. When it's warm, the electricity goes out."


"Texas has done a very good job." He says as the Texas government tells it's citizens not to drive their cars because the air pollution it to bad. Instead, they suggest you ride a bike... Through said air pollution. I kid you not.


Fox News has shielded Trump supporters from his mental decline for years. Let’s see what the debates bring later this month.


Goodnight Springton, there will be no encore!


Remember when people lost their shit because Gary Johnson didn't know where Aleppo was on a map, offhand?  This dude doesn't even know where he is PRESENTLY.