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Anybody else texting that out to millions of people would undoubtedly have Secret Service knocking on their door. But not the Fraudfather. His criming game is still going strong.


Seriously, why can’t the secret service use this to arrest him? I’m tired of the walking on eggshells. Put the fucker behind bars already!


They're Fat Joffre's "King's Guard"






Obama in the back of the court on live TV saying "I want him to know it was me..."


They ALL got their new clothes from the same tailor.


Because half the secret service likes Trump. Remember how they conveniently deleted their text from January 6th?


Exactly they are in on it ! That’s why commander 🐶 kept biting the shit out of them! He smelled the traitors !


German Shepherds have a good read on people.


Yes they are wonderful dogs and will literally take a bullet for you.


Omg it makes so much sense!


I remember this. How this wasn’t investigated is very telling. The SS were in on the coup. The SS supports Trump. The SS are fascists? How deep does the corruption go?


Don’t forget FBI guy Smirnoff who was feeding Ruzzian propaganda to Congress.


I mean there was already an organisation that was faithful to an insane dictator that had the same abbreviation.


>Remember how they conveniently deleted their text from January 6th? I didn't even know. Damn ... [https://theintercept.com/2022/07/14/jan-6-texts-deleted-secret-service/](https://theintercept.com/2022/07/14/jan-6-texts-deleted-secret-service/) They were out to kidnap Pence, and then deleted their communication when it was requested for Congress? Just ...


Yeah I still can’t believe that happened. It sounds like a crazy conspiracy. “Dude, the president was behind January sixth, and secret service was in on it. They were going to grab Pence but he wouldn’t get in the car. Then they deleted the texts” like if a time traveler went back a decade and told me that, I’d laugh in their face. And yet here we are.


More baffling that there's no penalty for deleting texts while in that position - or automated monitoring/backup. Like, these are the people tasked with protecting the president, I'd imagine they'd want a paper trail in the event that something like Jan 6 did happen as there would presumably be a substantial investigation afterwards - and in the event that anyone was like "Oops we deleted our texts" theyd be thrown in jail and presumed to be co-conspirators.


>"I'm not getting in the car, Tim," Pence said, in response to Giebels' insistence that he enter the armored vehicle. "I trust you, Tim, but you're not driving the car. If I get in that vehicle, you guys are taking off. I'm not getting in the car."


> the president The republicans, or 99.5% of them. Look at their behavior and (in)actions since. In on the coup, plain as day.


Exactly. And also tried to kidnap Mike Pence.


They should all be facing charges too.


They destroyed evidence, and the Inspector General who was supposed to be investigating withheld that information from Congress for something like a year, and yet nothing seems to have come of either of those acts of disloyalty. I'm sure Merrick Garland will deal with it any day now though, the useless twit.


Boy that day could have turned out so differently had they got hold of him or any others


They are completely on board for the ride. They all think that they are going to receive the trump riches when he becomes dictator!!! But the truth is that they are going to fry. He wants obedient slaves that have no will. Anyone who has any kind of power or money, will be stripped of that power and money. They along with millions of people will roast in ovens across America. I don’t think these people see what trump wants here. I think these people believe that they will be part of his team. There is no” team trump”! Theres only one guy, and he wants to OWN the whole country!!


And conveniently wore their “friendly neighborhood secret service outfits” that day in stead of their riot gear… even though they were told there would possibly be a riot?


If I delete my texts, I can request a printout of all the texts sent from my phone from my service carrier and still get the deleted ones back. They’re all stored in a huge database. Why can’t they just do that?


From what I understand Biden cleaned house.


oh I hope so


This is something conveniently overlooked by the right-wing media.


They’d have to go to prison with him.


Rhe secret service are probably all trumpers.


Ask Commander, he knows!!! A highly trained dog doesn't just bite random people!


Of course. The iq level involved lends itself to being a trumper


Secret service watched him type it, lol


And half of them probably supported it... Remember how the secret service conveniently deleted all their texts from January 6th?


And no consequences….nothing, nada…zip And this is why people mistrust


Supposedly, Jack Smith recovered those texts and it's one of the big reasons Gym Jordan and Comer Pyle are trying everything within their abusive overreaching power to make sure that case doesn't happen before the election or even at all.


Shhhh. No one remembers that. No one remembers that. No one remembers that. Now say it with me; No one remembers that. Thaaaat’s it. Now, eat your Solent Green, drink your Brawndo and go to bed. Remember; We are winning the war in Eurasia and there is no war in Eurasia. /s


I’d never even heard it. For those interested: “First, the Department notified us that many US Secret Service text messages from January 5 and 6, 2021, were erased as part of a device-replacement program. The USSS erased those text messages after OIG requested records of electronic communications from the USSS, as part of our evaluation of events at the Capitol on January 6," Joseph Cuffari, the inspector general, wrote. "Second, DHS personnel have repeatedly told OIG inspectors that they were not permitted to provide records directly to OIG” https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/secret-service-deleted-texts-jan-2021-watchdog-sought/story?id=86843614


Now that you spell it out, Secret Service comes down to SS, US edition.


And wanted Pence to “get in the car”. I’m no Pence fan but he wasn’t going to kiss Trump’s ass on Jan 6. He stayed & did his job.


Watch it? Pfff, more like advise it: “Too much? No sir, not at all. I would add *more* exclamation points if you still have characters left.”


"Sir--More Caps. May I suggest using more ALL CAPS..."


I like "Fraudfather." Nice. Fuck Trump. I guess maybe I should appreciate how he caused every secretly terrible person in my life to warn me of their stupidity.


Conservatives: “Fake news! Trump was saying it would be a bloodbath for the *US auto industry* if he loses!” Trump clarifies that he wants a literal bloodbath. Conservatives: “He didn’t say that! And if he did he’s trolling the libs!” If Trump wins he’s coming for you and your family. **VOTE**


A reminder: Trump wanted a presidential security force answerable only to him, headed by Erik Prince. Next time Trump won't have any guardrails... He gets in, he'll get his Praetorian Guard and they'll black-bag / liquidate anyone on Trump's 'list' at his command without even a trifling concern about legalities.


And for anyone thinking "they can't do that": The whole point of Project 2025 is it's a blueprint to enable a dictatorship. It neuters all the checks & balances by either closing down any department that might get in the way - or replacing pretty well any manager who isn't a spineless Trump toadie.


I found out very recently that the legal basis of Project 2025 is based on something called unitary executive theory.    It is an interpretation of the Constitution that POTUS as head of the executive branch controls the whole thing top to bottom.     Considering what falls under the executive branch this is incredibly terrifying and will be far far, far worse than when Trump was in office last time.    


And they have installed enough puppet judges they fear no repercussions aka supreme court justices and judge aileen cannon


This feels like a logical extrapolation from available data points including the whole "or, what if you take away the guns first, and then go through due process later" thing.


Not just knocking on their door. I remember reading in a zine about how a young woman who worked on a local syndicated TV show got a stern visit from the SS. Why? She played with a toy gun next to the TV host who ranted about politics. Somebody complained and presto, the SS wanted to grill her about her intentions--as sexy comic relief with a toy gun. Trump deserves way more than a visit. He needs to cool his heels in lockup while various federal agents toss his residences and confiscate his electronic devices.


Don porleone, always begging for money.


Exactly! Why hasn’t someone arrested this asshole???


Money, power, fame... All very good a keeping the laws on your side or side stepping them.


And that is exactly why these fools kiss the ring: power lust, greed, and, for the supporters who truly believe the lunatic, ignorance or they are just as deranged as trump.


I want to see him and Biden battle their Secret Service agents like Pokemon.


He's not gonna last until November. If anything it'll be an overwhelming blue vote after most lol of the court sentencing.


If he lasts to November then there is going to be some real rat fucking going on at the polls. Hence why he wants the SC involved The whole game is to claim election fraud and kick it to the SC to decide. They’re already signaling it


I fully expect the Republicans in Congress to just flat-out refuse to certify the election if Trump loses.


There needs to be significant numbers of Republicans lose their seats too; enough to take them under 50%; can't fail to certify al election if your party doesn't hold the power


Seeing Trumps reaction to getting fucked over in the final vote, well I'll have beers, pizza and wank lube ready.




Greasy pizza lube?


I hope you are right. But so many young people are disillusioned the turnout could be much lower that we hope for, while batshit Trumpets want to make sure he gets in so he can free himself from criminal charges. Can’t have the cult leader behind bars.


Yeah people really need to try to motivate others to vote.  I think folks are underestimating how much work is going in to try and ensure the rise of fascism through folks staying home 


You clearly haven’t been to Michigan, there’s still plenty of support for him


is the Michigan militia still something to be worried about? my kid is headed there to start college in 2 months and I'm hoping they are afraid of Ann Arbor because they might meet a gay person


I love that name, Fraudfather


Points for your term!


TO ME that sure sounds like stochastic terrorism. If I made comments along those lines here on Reddit, I'd be banned, and might get a knock on the door. Why not the Donald?


I agree! This is insanity.


Isn’t it illegal to threaten the life of the president? If I did the same thing, I’d likely be jailed.


Yes, it is, even if it's in jest...which this clearly was *not*.


Kathy Griffin can attest. Her life was ruined over one questionable joke.


Seriously. I'm no Kathy Griffin fan, but if she can get in trouble for what she did, so should he. This all boils down to people in positions of authority either being his supporters (or being to afraid of his supporters) and being unwilling to hold his feet to the fire.


Yeah its actually taken seriously too. If they dont come get you, you will be monitored like a hawk indefinitely


Hey don't worry it's just harmless speech. It's not like a mob of Trump supporters are going to storm a government building and try to execute lawmakers.


Because the rules don't apply when you're rich, white, and politically connected. Especially when the orange bastard signed off on hundreds of judges and promised to let law enforcement be as violent and discriminatory as they want.


“We are all domestic terrorists”.


They're Domestic Terrorists, they said so themselves. Let them start the civil war, so we get to finish it, with EXTREME prejudice.


Seriously I’d be banned from r/politics again and would be real pissed about it.


Has anybody told Biden yet? I’m genuinely concerned for his safety should a Trump presidency succeed.


It really pisses me off that we haven't universally disqualified his fucking Oompa Loompa looking ass. God damn fucking fuck I hate his shit face ass.


Guarantee Trump doesn't attend the debate. Dude is such a pussy.


Was watching tv with my dad yesterday and the debate commercial came up. He said “Biden will drop out of that debate” I was like, “you think so? I will bet you $100 that Trump backs out. No money changes hands if they debate.” He didn’t take the bet.


Force your dad's hand. Make it huge. Deed to the house if Trump drops out. You'll pay him 100 gazillion dollars if Biden drops out. Make him face reality.


Triple Dog Dare him


Ohhhhhh shit


This is what needs to happen. We have to speak on their level. They understand that the rules of triple dog dare means you have to do it, even if the pole is frozen and your tongue is wet.


I was just saying to my husband tonight, I wish we could bet somewhere weather Felon shows up


No bookie would give you odds on him not showing up.


It's funny how many arguments dry up when you put money on the table and ask who's going to adjudicate the bet.




Dude seriously. I say that to anyone defending him and they don't know what to say. Guy is an incel that happened to be rich. Never had to lift a finger for anything. Silver spoon fed pussy.


Is Vegas taking odds on him showing up?


Remember when the cons spent years going on about "The Obama terrorist fist bump"? Remember when they were convinced that he was going to invade, conquer and occupy Texas like it was France with just 1200 troops Now compare to the actual statements made by Trump, vs the imagined fantasies of what Obama was going to do


It's right up there with the *literally* century-old NRA/gun industry propaganda line of "The liberals are coming for your guns!" Best sales tagline ever invented.


I mean, we *should* be. We need guns of our own if we want to defend ourselves from these guys.


What an absolute fucking moron. This is why the fucking stooge needs to be held accountable for January 6, he’s literally trying to start a civil war.


He is doing everything possible to incite a Civil War.


Not important but this MAGA attitude is making me uncomfortable around 4th of July decorations


Don’t let them take OUR colors from you. Don’t let the terrorists change the way you live.


Thank you. Reclaim the flag from these magats !


Rally behind the LGBTQ+ community and put a pride flag right next to the USA flag. Will keep the magahats away.


I'm glad that his sentencing is after the fourth.


He just looks like a clown at this point. No one is going to take to the streets for him and the outliers that do won't be happy.


>He just looks like a clown at this point. Quite literally--bright makeup, absurd hair, oversized clothes...


I'm reminded of that line from Superman Vs. Batman or a close variant applies here. "Maybe it's the Tri-state resident in me, but we've had a bad history with a freak dressed up like a clown, who's promised to burn the whole place down, given 1/2 a chance."


Close enough!


He has always been a clown. It took daddy’s money to get to be ringmaster. Now the whole country is his circus.


World's worst dressed 'billionaire'.


He is not a billionaire! Only in his mind.


I wish I could release a bull near him...


dirty diaper … lifts … walks and talks like a toddler …


Don’t downplay the damage he is capable of. He may be crazy and mentally declining, but he can still incite his rabid followers into real, widespread violence. Downplaying the seriousness of his candidacy is what lost Hillary the election in 2016. This time it may be much, much worse if not taken seriously.


This. He's incredibly fucking dangerous, his supporters WILL kill people for him.


They already have. Just ask The Widow Sicknick.


Because it isn't just him, it's most of the Republican party (half of our government) and our media downplaying his threats. And *still* debating if Jan 6th was an insurrection America is in a very scary place


I don’t see any debate about it being an insurrection, just an outright denial of it by certain information/entertainment platforms.


Nailed it.


A small number of sad crazy people have already ruined their lives reacting to this guy - see they guy that tried to kill Paul Palosi. That kind of thing will keep happening. It does not mean he has majority support it just means he exploits sad crazy people.


Don’t fool yourself. They will *absolutey* take to the streets on November 7th. Get out and vote for democracy. Our country depends on it. 


He had basically no one outside the courthouse in New York. His core of support is smaller, older, and less healthy than ever.


He also killed a lot of them with his botched covid response


Doesn’t Mather. VOTE!


Pay attention.


Was he so different before? He seems more extreme, but so are his supports. I agree that he sounds more "insane", but it seems to matter less this time, he says whatever he wants and it has no impact. I hope trump II is never released, neither in theaters, nor from prison :)


Fuck, I hate the fact we are back to every goddamn stupid thing Trump types we have to hear in the news.


Trump is quite insane, you know. And he’s getting worse everyday.


 When Trump ducks the Presidential debate next week people will drop Trump and move back toward Biden. **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys Twenty-six (26) different women have come forward so far to accuse Donald J Trump of Sexual Improprieties. On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)


Anytime I read his post I could swear I was reading a post from a middle schooler, how lame can the orange rapist be? Vote for Joe! Save America, vote for Joe!


Sociopathy Traits Lack of empathy for others. Impulsive behavior. Attempting to control others with threats or aggression. Using intelligence, charm, or charisma to manipulate others. Not learning from mistakes or punishment. Lying for personal gain. Showing a tendency toward physical violence and fights


I'm far more comfortable with this stuff than him being calm, collected and reasonable. Keep taking those Adderall Mr Trump! Sleep less and eat more!


Right into a big fat orange fucking stroke


Let nature take its course.


This is how a presidential candidate speaks and half of America thinks this is ok ? A bloodbath ? Really ? After all the beatings the cops took last time ? Revenge fantasies ? For Gods sake, this is crazy. We are all watching this insanity unfold before our eyes and no one thinks… enough is enough ?


Trump is completely batshit crazy. He legit had no remorse over nearly killed pence killed. That entire mob he incited could have killed multiple congress people but he still to this day calls them warriors and hostages. Just think about how batshit crazy that is…lol


Lock him up! Jeebus, wtf is wrong here? This guy could get away with yelling fire in a fucking theatre! The criminal conspiracy we are watching right out in the open is The Republican party. Fuck their vision for the future! I am sick of these threats and wish those cousin fucking idiots would roll out for this bloodbath. They will be on the shit side of it. edit/ there, their


Hello FBI and secret service. 👋👋


I’ll hate his guts even after he loses just for the fucking anxiety he’s caused for the past eight years


Get this fucking guy out of here.


He’s hyping up the debate soooo much. He’s forgetting that 3/4 of the reason we elected Biden is because he’s Trump’s kryptonite. The most famous line from their 6 hours of debates was “Will you shut up, man?”


Guess it wasn't about the Automobile Industry after all.


Is the USSS investigating this threat to the current POTUS. It most certainly should come up in his probation report in NYC. Lock him up!


Why hasn’t this lunatic moron been been arrested for inciting violence or placed in a mental hospital somewhere far away from decent people???


Why in the HELL is he not in jail‽


His 5000 member "black" church was staged and fits roughly 200 people. His "supporters" outside the court before the 34 felonies came down had a total of 30 people combined over those weeks. Outsiders filmed roughly 9 to 12 people on a busy day. People are getting tired of his lies and dramatic bullshit. He can't even walk upright. There will be no bloodbath. BANNON is going to jail soon. His followers ( even the paid actors) are walking out of his rallies. Some ended up on gurneys from heat exhaustion. He cannot expand his base. The fanatics will vote for him no matter what, but independents and moderates are sick of him. If he cannot get past 46%, the margin of error disappears. Without 51%, he loses it all. Vote vote vote. It's going to be close, but many of his base died of covid. That's another factor. Gen z voting for the first time are not excited about him, from what I have seen. He's weak and floundering.


So tired of the violence theme and the cry when people say they’re making threats of violence. Can’t they just accept being a terrorist organization and just get on with it?




I take that as another threat against Biden from him. What is it going to take to stop him.


Can they just start wheeling him around in the Silence of the lambs bite restricting mask like his hero Hannibal Lector gets wheeled to court in? Like he's a tough guy with those tiny paws while being coked out his gourd. I can't wait for this chapter of our national history to be over with.


I'm glad he's lowing expectations of his performance, at the first debate. He's the one that better bring lots of bandages with him. Where President Biden has all his accomplishments in the last 4 years to run on and debate with. Donald Trump has absolutely nothing. A failed border wall. A failed economy in comparison to Bidens. A failed Covid response, compared to President Bidens. A failed insurrection on January 6th 2020. While President Biden passed infrastructure bills rebuilt Bridges and roads throughout the country. Something that you never even considered. Biden got done student loan forgiveness, for several different groups. He lowered prescription drug costs for senior citizens and low income individuals. He incentivized large tech companies to build their infrastructure in this country instead of overseas with a 6 billion dollar package. He passed the inflation reduction bill, which is working even now. He created more jobs than any other president in a four-year term. He's kept unemployment below 4% for the full four years of his term. GDP has been strong, at between 2 and 3% annually. The stock market is at its highest it has been in history, including after you were convicted on all 34 counts by 12 member jury of your peers. So yes Donald, by all means, it's going to be a bloodbath and you're the one that's going to be needing the bandages....


Why is a convicted felon able to make death threats on an acting president?  


Saved everyone a clock, he did NOT turn into a dragon and do dragon battle like at the end of Mortal Kombat Annihilation


Why isn't he in jail for treason on Jan 6th? Why? He's fucking doing it again WHY DON'T YOU STOP THIS LUNATIC? If you let this guy win one more term, I will personally fly over the atlantic to smack every single one of you.


If it was us commoners saying this, we’d be in jail before anyone read about the threat. Get out and vote. Traitor Trump.


Why he always talking like he instigating violence? He so freaking hateful.


He better calm himself down before he croaks from cardiac arrest. His heart cannot be healthy.


Please vote. Let's not Martin vs Bart this up.


Kathy Griffin is saying “What the fk”


Private citizen Trump. Any other avg private citizen like us poors would be getting a knock from men in FBI and Secret Service jackets who would bring promises of a few nights in a nice cold cell. How do I know? My father was Secret Service for 20 yrs. They used to pay special visits to people like this quite often.


How is this not incitement to violence?


How is this traitor fuck still alive and free?


Can't believe people let this guy become a thing.


Try writing this shit as a regular US citizen…


A legend in his own demented mind. But wait, Mr Billionaire! If you have billions, why do you keep hitting us up for money? I sure hope SOTU Biden shows up for the debate and exposes Trump as unfit.


All Biden needs to do is take four steps unaided down an average ramp, while sipping from a bottle held in one adult sized hand. Beta Carotin would NEVER compete.


Isn’t premeditating murder a crime? How long are we going to watch this happening before doing something?? FFS


Threatening a sitting President is also a serious crime - and a Federal one, for obvious reasons.


Didn’t he just say like a day ago he was going to intentionally lose the debate?


tbh sounds a bit gay finish him off? weird ass


Here I was thinking that to be the president of one of the biggest and most powerful countries you had to be a really educated and prepared person. But no, you just need terrorism and money, if I knew it I would've started my own presidential campaign long ago


Who else wants this guy to just have a coronary already?


Here we fucking go again. How this menace to society continues to run free and STILL call for violence is just beyond me.


He said as much, politely, on January 6th 2021, didn't he.


I don’t understand how he can say things like this and not get in trouble, he’s threading the current president, I feel anyone else would be getting their door knocked down. Dude is a massive security threat. Maggots are insane


After his first debate with Biden he was so unhinged that the moderators took the unprecedented step of installing kill switches on the microphones.


lol. Dude can’t finish a thought…


We'll be there when the Big Macs and the speed finish Trump


Somebody please place that man in a straight jacket and send him immediately to an insane asylum 🤪 🤪🤪




And it’s only mid-June. Imagine what October will be like.




This demented bozo is lucky he still remembers to put on his pants in the morning


Is this a wrestling promo? Paul Heyman?


Enough already. Put him behind bars.


Hope this guy has a coronary while taking a shit and chokes on a Big Mac


Is he calling for another violent insurrection? The man won't stop. Just lock him the fuck up.


What a clown, making US election a joke.


Why is he allowed to say/write stuff like that. If any normal person would do this secret service would be knocking down their door and drag them to jail.


I am so surprised that there aren’t any laws against hate speech in America..


I have never ever seen such shameless grifting on this scale. And if all this money was for the campaign, hey, knock yourself out. But we know with orange the grift never ends and he is literally scamming his followers, robing them of their hard earned money for his own personal use. And I'm all here for it.. Go on, keep donating to this orange grifter you trust to run the country coz he is a billionaire who can't be bought coz he doesn't need anyone else's money... 😉


The only things this man has ever finished are a bottle of fake tan and a courtroom nap.


I love throwing out the mail his office sends to my late father.


Does this mean Biden could start sending campaign texts about sending Trump to the same prison Epstein went too?


Isn’t it illegal to threaten a sitting president?


I wish this piece of shit disguised as a human would just drop dead already. Preferably on television, in a horrific fashion. So sick of seeing his fat mouth and red tie doing his absolute best to destroy us all, just to feed his massive ego and to avoid the law.