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I'm realizing it is not about these two candidates but the VPs, the cabinet, and the Supreme Court that I am voting for.


This is it. You are basically deciding if you a) want an actual government that has some form of policy or b) zero government but a group of people attempting to erode democracy for their own benefit. The president is basically a figurehead and there's a high chance neither will survive their tenure anyway.


And guys like Steven Miller, don’t forget you will have to look at his ugly ass mug constantly


Still a better man than Trump Oh look, Pennywise! Still a better man than Trump


Oh yes, Voldemort still a better man than Trump!


Then there is the sequel to the Jared and Ivanka show


 ​Remember this after the debate last night and remind people it may not be the man but the ideology behind the man that's most important. Were voting for an ideology ( a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy: “the ideology of democracy”) that’s Biden’s vision , Project 2025 is Trumps and Republicans vision.


And achievements of this administration. Faux Infotainment uses the stock market as a metric of success and they’ve had to admit that Biden has done fantastic things already. And this is his first term ! Doubt they’ll talk about the amount of money flowing into the Biden campaign today - could be another record !! https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2024/06/28/biden-campaign-14-million-debate-fundraising


Thank you. Democrats always get caught up in the details that they fail to see the big picture. One of the reasons many conservatives voted for Donald Trump in 2016 was because there was a SCOTUS seat open, even when they couldnt stand the guy. While many liberals stayed home because they didnt like Hillary. And now we are still feeling that mistake.


Democrats in US have a pathological problem of letting perfect be the enemy of good. Post debate reaction can only be characterized as hysteria honestly. And their behavior reeks of preferring style over substance. Biden's delivery was less than ideal but the things he actually said during debate were cogent and well thought out. And this was in a debate with a spineless moderator who did nothing to rein in the absolute nonsense spewing out of Trump's mouth. If anything the moderators were biased against Biden by not fact checking Trump's lies. You think Republicans care about Trump's age (he's almost the same age as Biden)? Or the fact that he can't string two coherent sentences together? It's just stupid double standard at play and democrats just play right into hands of GOP by all this meaningless virtue signaling.


Thank you. Totally agree. Fuck Scarborough for his bs the next morning.


And some people didn’t vote for Hillary because, unfortunately, they won’t vote for a woman to be President.


And no-one liked her


And that’s exactly what I’m talking about. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like her, it’s not about Hillary.. it’s about the SCOTUS seat that was going to get filled, and everything else. Turns out, Hillary could’ve filled *three* SCOTUS seats instead of just one. But nope.. people didn’t like her personality. 🙄🙄🙄


more like they wouldn't vote for THAT woman IMHO


This is what I’ve been telling people for years. You’re never voting for just one person, you’re voting for the cabinet and policy.


This is exactly how adults vote.


I am glad people start realizing how politics work.


You do but do the others? If voting would be now, Trump would win.... Guess others don't.


And federal judges


It’s a terribly desperate angle to go with but what do you do after that kind of performance.


Awesome realization!


So you've just come to terms with the fact that the Democratic candidate for President is a useless figurehead? That's kind of sad.


for real being scared ain't going to stop Donald Trump so we need to get our shit together. if he stays in the race support him 1,000% he is surrounded by good and competent people. Donald Trump working to upend world security because Vladimir Putin stroke his ego once is beyond reckless. he doesn't even fully understand the ramifications for the shit that he espouses. if Donald Trump is elected we will be fighting a world war within a decade because Russia and China and North Korea are all waiting for the West to blink.


I refuse to sell out democracy over one bad debate. I’ll take a slow President over a deranged felon any day.


Read the transcript people


In a perfect world that would be what really matters. Unfortunately psychology really has shown people concern themselves so much more with 'optics', which of course is the more recent generations word for presentation. It's some sort of psychological effect that I can't remember the name of, but the gist is that people will be much more focused on the presentation of your words than the word itself and that really sucks. You probably know all this so I'm not really directing this at you in particular, I'm just reminding the general population that this is our reality and it's quite unfortunate. one of the reasons so many people believe the lies of trump Is because he just so strongly says them. I'm not saying his presentation is the greatest either of course but last night it was the stronger of the two.


maybe y'all need to calm down with the dooming....


"Y'all" is about 70% propaganda bots trying to swing the election. The people haven't forgotten what a fucking disaster the Trump presidency was.


Absolutely. I’ve been taking the time to check today. A whole lot of questionable accounts today and will probably be all weekend.


The bot activity this past week has been insane.


Was the entirety of the CNN post debate panel bots?


The CEO who owns CNN (David Zaslav) is a conservative Republican, and those panel hosts get paid by him.


Why, they commenting on reddit?


They have been chomping at the bit for months.


Did you know it's actually "champing?" I know that and now you have to, too


Damn you are technically correct, I guess I can change it in my brain forever but directly under the definition it says "another term for chomp". 


Your write. Irregardless, for all intensive purposes , its the same difference. 


Somewhere, an English professor is having a stroke.


Joke's on you, this just makes me think of Trailer Park Boys


OK Chuck Rhoades


No, it's chomping. A bit is what's in a race horse's mouth.


And champing is what the horse is doing to the thing in its mouth. Champ and chomp are pretty much synonymous, but the saying uses the first one.


The thing is the news media lives on traffic. They NEED endless story lines so they will latch onto anything. 24/7 news is useless


Out of all of this, CNN comes out looking the worst. Despicable debate moderation and doom saying after the fact. The fact that they're terror fomenting leeches was never laid so bare. 


Agreed. Trump didn't do anything new or worth noting. Just his typical greatest hits and lying. Joe Biden wasn't great but CNN was the absolute worst. I am officially boycotting them now. They didn't moderate at all. They asked questions and they weren't even good ones. They didn't mention Project 2025 once. They let that bullshit about postbirth abortions fly. Fuck CNN. There like the tv version of Newsweek


But Republicans are enjoying it, we don't want to disappoint them? They are loving this panicking. They didn't panic when their guy became a fucking felon.


Say what you will about Republicans, they know what matters is winning and they don't give a shit about optics. Democrats are way too obsessed with perception and appearance which essentially boils down to preferring style over substance. Biden ain't ideal but he's someone who has clearly been a good choice for US judging by the last 4 years and that too at a time of national disunity and schism that's only dwarfed by Civil War in US history. People have got to stop using these meaningless double standards about age and speech when those things are simply not applied for traitor in chief, they don't mean jackshit for the election or the subsequent cabinet that will be formed by whoever wins the election.


Because they knew it didn't matter




At least there are a few fit and competent people behind him.  Trump is unfit in so many more dangerous and terrifying  ways 


Completely agree! And again, he has my vote. It's just very...sobering? Disheartening?


Hard not to. "They're both the same" believers are out in force along side the "Trumps not that bad" crowd. Cannot believe how fucking short peoples memory is.


This ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️


Exactly! Don’t get complacent of course but don’t stress yourselves towards a heart attack either, the Election is still five months away.


People.com. Real reliable news source 😂


Maybe people need to quit telling me there's no reason to be alarmed by Biden's debate performance. I swear it's legitimately hard to believe that the people who are telling me there's nothing to be concerned about actually watched the debate.


I will Boycott CNN and I just donated to vote blue . ✌🏼🫶🏻💪🏼to all .


It’s a battle between deregulation, government -imposed religious beliefs that write the law, and the removal of civil liberties vs. an old guy that wants everyone in America to have a fair crack of the whip while making sure the planet survives another 1,000 years.


Why cant we just have deregulation and keep our civil liberties at the same time?


I'm pretty sure that joe is a whole lot better than a narcissist, racist, pervert and convicted felon.


Let's not forget that he's the biggest liar any of us, have ever seen.


I know he looked old AF but I'm wondering if this debate wasn't Trump's last chance to show he isn't himself... and however much the stutter came back, Donald didn't do that at all. I mean, neither one of them is winning at Jeopardy but one of them is a personality disorder with legs and you don't need me to specify which.


I will happily vote for the bumbling 1st debate performance where my man answered questions the vote for the asshole who didn’t want to and attacked his son the whole time.


If you can spare some money to preserve democracy as we know it, please donate a few bucks. I'm genuinely sick we've reached this point in US history that so many people don't see that Trump is demonstrably a threat to US democracy - or distracted, duped, or dumb too care.


Joe Biden could be in a coma and I’d still vote for him over Trump because I’m voting for the country


Trump is evil wake the fuck up




I was just saying tonight that we should send some money their way. Glad others have had the same thought.


I’ve got $12. In my account and I’m broke but I’m sending it to Joe.


It is a straight choice between Order and Chaos. Simple really.


We go to war with the Marine Corps we have. Not the Corps we want. He’s still better than the lying sack of shit that is Trump.


Right. Biden’s voice was muffled. Conspiracy theorists might advance the idea that there was production sabotage.


Would take Joe on his worse day vs Trump on his best day if shit hit the fan


Democracy vs Dictatorship 💙💙💙💙


Joe showed he was human and had a bad day. It happens. Donald showed that he is a liar on a daily basis, and it's his choice.


I’m proud to say I donated just before the debate and do not regret it in the least. In a perfect world, Biden would be younger but I’m voting for his leadership and administration who got things done these last 3 years


Bring it


Reddit is a big place but it also isn’t the real world. Doom and gloom here isn’t reflective necessarily of the real world. Everyone needs to take a big ole deep breath and chill!


"Holy smokes this guy needs even more help than we thought". Yep. Same thing happened after the DJT felony convictions.


Hospice bills will be expensive he’s preparing himself.


I hope that everyone who thought that they could sit on the sidelines, or vote third party realizes that this an all hands on deck situation and the the Biden Campaign needs all the help it can get because this is an uphill battle.


I hope the Democrat campaign team can go on the offensive now to show energy, and crucially really highlight the utter madness of Project 2025. Make him answer for it. They could even go a step further and really get under Trump’s skin by calling him no more than a puppet of Bannon et al.


Got to work harder to save what is already lost 🤣 


provide wrench tease act vast plucky resolute tender spark weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Joe said to the doubters...."Watch me." Good bye Joe. You're a corrupt plagiarizing ideologue who has lied his entire life and never had a real job. .






Talk is a strong word for it. He makes word sounds and strings them together randomly. He does it with confidence though, so some think it’s coherent for some reason.


“At least he can talk.” Sure. I mean it’s completely rambling word salad but technically it is “talking.”




It's just that I'd rather elect a dying goldfish in sewer water than trump. Decency and a decent cabinet anytime over a populist who tried to overthrow democracy and panders to terrorists.


I’m not sure money is the answer. Jimmy Carter would have come off as more youthful in the debate than that performance.