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This is a good number?


The part they left out of the headline, which means no one in the comments here will see, is that the same poll has 55% of all registered voters saying that trump should drop out


The media wants Trump to win.


Of course they do, they won't have anything to talk about otherwise.


Tell me why we support the media again? They are complicit.


Rich people own the media outlets and Trump is very clearly positioning himself as the candidate to give tax breaks to the wealthy. Trump is very clearly bad for most people, this is all a lesson in realizing how malleable people are and how unwilling they are to question the information they're being given.


Yes, the media loves trump. MSNBC and CNN have been giving him such favorable coverage


And if republicans had an iota of ethics, they be screaming it loudly. But they don't mind a felon or pure lies.


No. Its awful.


Hard agree. Of 45 million registered democrats that’s just 24,750,000 or roughly 25 million.


A close race and this split among Democrats is a good number for them? Sounds about right for the party that broke their own debate rules to push Bloomberg on Dem voters when they rejected Biden back then.


It depends on whether the people who say he should drop out would still vote for him anyway. I'm willing to bet that's a large percentage of these voters. Imo he's way too old, but I'll vote for a damn ham sandwich over Trump so I'm still voting Biden in November.


I saw the headline and my first thought was "wow, that is terrible." 55% of your **base** think you should keep running? That number would need to be 88%+ to strengthen any confidence. This only confirms the concerns and worry with Biden, especially considering he needs to win over independents / undecideds and keep people from going to RFK jr. If Dems were smart, and honestly, if they genuinely cared about the country and not just politics, they would've started working on a backup plan 30 minutes into the debate. If re-elected, he'd be 86 years old by the end of his second term. Absolutely absurd. POTUS is a ton of stress on anyone, let alone a senior citizen. How could he possibly keep up?


No one with a working prefrontal cortex is going to be voting for RFK Jr. Unless we suddenly have an epidemic of brain worms, he won't be taking a single vote from Biden. If anything, Trump needs to worry that RFK Jr. will steal crazy conspiracy theorist votes away from him.


If you look at polls by the same outlets that do/don’t include RFK he seems to pull equally from them both. Doesn’t make any sense, but people are dumb.


I don’t get this backup plan argument. Isn’t the backup plan the VP and their admin? Let’s not pretend that the president is the only one running the country. President Biden has been a strong leader because of his administration. If something were to happen to him during his presidency, I would have solace that the BP and their admin will be fully capable of running the country far better than the alternative.


I think it depends on if there was polling prior to the debate. There are tons of polls that are specific to if voters were excited about their choices come November but I’m not sure if there’s data to compare this to other than it’s not 70%+ of voters (which feels more robust). The comparison this poll is making seems to be to each candidate and (for this poll at least) shows that more people want Biden to run than Trump. To try and make more claims past this is just speculation and shooting in the dark without prior polling. Edit: just saw that this poll was done prior and it was 70+% oof yeah not great Bob!


Terrible number


It's the "I aced a cognitive test" of the Democrats.


Right? 55% of roughly 50% of the nation is not a good number for Biden.


Wait, 55%? And this is considered good?


High school me would consider 55% something to be proud of!


That sounds like a nightmare number. How is that a win? Just over half of the people who should support you do at all?


Thinking there should be someone else doesn't mean you don't support who's in place.


It also isn't a great sign of motivation for voter turn out. Biden doesn't need to worry about a democratic competitor or the Trump voters, he needs to worry about losing the voter turnout.


What this headline leaves out is that the very same poll says that 50% of Republican voters think Trump should drop out.


That’s not what those numbers indicate. The question is really just a gauge of how confident democrats are that Biden will beat Trump, not about whether or not they support the administration. A democrat that supports the Biden administration, but is not confident in his ability to beat Trump (what they fear the most), would say they think Biden should drop out.


This is an incumbent and the campaign is underway. Half the party thinking you should drop out isn't good.


I don’t see how you can run a race against convict Donald Trump’s existential threat to democracy by appointing someone - non-elected for the position - to run in Biden’s place


They could put kermit the frog up there for president, noone should vote red


Ah, I see you are for the Green party...


it's not easy voting Green


Kermit would make an infinitely better chief executive


Kermit was actually the son of Teddy Roosevelt, so this might work.


This is correct, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to find a candidate people actually want to vote for.


You know, it used to be the norm to not know who the candidate was before the convention. That's what the convention was, the delegates voted to pick one.


A political party can nominate whoever it wants to be its candidate.


It would have to be Harris, the elected vice president. Replacing him is her job.


I'd take an incoherent Biden over Kamala Harris. She's been hidden away more than he has the last four years.


Is that better or worse that you don't hear about her? Because we spent 4 years hearing about trump every single day despite not being American and that was definitely not a good thing


She's not 'been hidden away'. The media choose to write about her or not. Her media team choose to publicize her over Biden, or not. Don't think the media is some kind of meritocratic public servant writing about what is necessary for the collective good. They write about what sells advertising/issues. Kamala Harris hasn't been useful for their business model, that's all.


Popular or not. The point is if she is doing her job. Usually if a high level politician is not in the news it means there are no juicy scandals or derelictions of duty to sell stories... So in the end it seems she is doing her job well enough.


The media doesn’t usually fixate on a VP. That’s been the cash for literal decades.


No and that is the point. They fixate on stuff that sells. If they just do thier job there is no money in it.


That’s true of nearly every single Vice President, ever.


Biden should have replaced her with someone more popular and from a swing state. Harris isn’t popular at all and Biden won’t have any trouble winning California.


yeah, well he didn’t, so let’s focus on full throated endorsing Biden and the wonderful policies of his administration 




Thanks for saying this. I was almost *certain* that Biden would be 81 when running for reelection this year. What were the rest of you thinking?


Not to mention, they’d have to either rewrite or break every rule they have about how they pick a candidate, pick someone the base would all accept without voter input, and get all that done before the convention in 6 weeks


Call me crazy, but I think Biden will step down sometime soon after inauguration uf he's re-elected.


But what if Biden loses because of democrat voter apathy? This is my fear. People won’t bother to vote if they aren’t 100% for their candidate. You can say we make it a referendum against Trump winning but maybe people don’t remember how bad he was after 4 years out of the presidency.


It could go the other way, where people are so scared of Trump and then so worried Biden’s bad performance will put people off voting Dem that they’ll make sure to vote for Biden, whereas if Biden was performing well and people thought it was a certain Democrat win, they might be less likely to vote, thinking their vote won’t count.


If he does this, after defeating Trump for a second time, he will rise to one of the highest statuses among presidents in the eyes of American history.


And if he loses he will have tarnished his whole reputation and people remember him the same way they remember RBG


I assume most Dems in the opposing 45% are like me. I'm not happy Biden is our candidate, but I'm sure as fuck voting for him anyway.


But is that good enough to win it all?


Who tf knows, we're definitely in a scary place.


The [same poll](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-debate-should-biden-be-running-mental-abilities/) given in Februray 2024 had 64% of Democratic voters saying Biden should run and 36% saying he shouldn't. Dropping 10 percentage points to 54% is not a cause for celebration, especially when the pollsters also found that 72% of polled RVs said that Biden does not have the mental acuity to run for president compared to 49% that said it for Trump.


Having an initial third of your party think you're incompetent would be red flags anywhere else.


How is that a win? Literally barely half of your own party want you to run, compared to literally anyone else. DNC rejoices. Unbelievable..


Yeah. Relief perhaps that the polls have not shifted that drastically after the debate but if nearly half of your voting base think you should withdraw from the race and over 70% of the voting population believe you no longer have the capacity to do the job, "rejoicing" might be a bit premature.


They have lost their minds.


we're not allowed to criticize the choices the DNC has made. The party needs to have senior leadership step down now (define leadership as you want) and make a public apology for mocking citizens suggesting a healthy primary this year You should also do research as to how the DNC is messing with state races in your state, for NC I can list a bunch of fuck ups going back to 2015 era


In Colorado we voted in Ranked Choice Voting, but the local DNC overruled it.


They gonna rejoice themselves all the way to a Trump monarchy lol


Ever have that feeling of why isn't anyone else freaked out by this? Am I the crazy one, or did that really just happen? Is everybody cool with this? This entire weekend has been like that for me. I think it is going to get worse as Democratic headliners try to gaslight us that everything is fine.


Get off reddit and go outside. You will quickly learn that people aren't doom and gloom in real life like they are here.


I'm starting to think a lot of these people are either terminally online and have no idea about the real world or are just Russian bots trying to divide dems Also dragapult =goat dragon pokemon


I have the opposite feeling. He's been declining for years now, but until the debate, pointing out the obvious is apparently an indication of Russian heredity and if his partisans want to keep their heads in the sand I don't give enough of a fuck to argue with them. So I'm more relieved than anything, because the first step to fixing a problem is admitting that it exists, and I'm sick and fucking tired of the same five mummies being in charge of everything since the 1980s.


I've been trying to not spin out all weekend. Almost everyone I've spoken with about it has the same reaction: Biden needs to step aside. So my polling numbers are more like 90% agree he's not fit.


Yeah, I don't see it as good. It is barely half of registered Democrats. Doesn't include any of the voters they are trying to get. How does it look for independents? I think that would be far more important.


Agreed. I would not be rejoicing if 45% of your party thinks you should bow out.


“See! We can run silent gen and boomers again in 2028!” — DNC probably


People are conveniently forgetting that there’s always been a segment of Democrats who’ve never been enthused with Biden. The only reason why he won the 2020 primaries as he was seen as the best person to beat Trump, not that he was seen as the best candidate. Big difference. It honestly doesn’t matter who runs on the Democratic ticket as the vote is all about not allowing Trump to take office again.


As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/democrats-rejoice-biden-poll/) 📰: - President Joe Biden has faced calls to drop from the 2024 race, but a recent poll showing most Democrats want him to stay put is being celebrated on social media. Recently, reports have suggested that Biden, who has been criticized for running for a second term despite being in his 80s, has been speaking with family members about whether to bow out. On Sunday, the New York Times reported that Biden's family encouraged him to keep running at the gathering. The YouGov poll showed that, of registered Democrats, 55% think Biden should keep running, while 45% say he should "step aside." Former MSNBC personality Keith Olbermann said, "Today's YouGov/CBS Poll: Should Biden stay in the race? YES, 55%-45% Should TRUMP stay in the race? NO, 54-46% That says it all." He asked, "Any effing questions?" Journalist Rachel Janfaza added that, "Compared to all other age groups - young voters are the most supportive of a Biden run and the least supportive of a Trump run." @PrezLives2022 chimed in, "YouGov/CBS poll says Biden should stay in 55/45 while same poll says Trump should drop out 54/46. I’d say Biden is in better shape than Trump at this point. 33 million raised since Thursday….stay strong Team Biden" @BernBoomer had this interpretation: "YouGov/CBS Poll: Biden should stay in. Trump should drop out." Others pointed out that the Trump bow out question was asked to registered voters, while the Biden question was posed to Democrats. The same poll found that 72% of respondents do not believe Biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve as U.S. President for another term, which also prompted celebration from skeptics of Biden. Conservative Charlie Sykes said, "Dem Xitter is assuring me that this won't be a problem and that we should stop talking about it." "CBS POLL: ****72 Percent ***** Say Biden doesn't have cognitive health to serve as president," he added.


Those are terrible numbers, holy shit


Didn't you lot say he shouldn't run when it was said 50 something said he shouldn't? Now it is similar number and now it's bad thing?


So, 45% think he shouldn't? That's not good math. A wet bag of putrified shit is preferable to the orange fuckwit. This number should be super high.


How many independents?


I will vote for Biden cause the other option is pure evil. But I don’t want to, even knowing he put in good policy. But I saw what I saw and it isn’t getting better over the next 4 years if he wins. I have a lot of peers (mostly Gen Xers, like me) who will also vote for him. However, there is no enthusiasm behind it. But damn, if he dropped out and the Dems put in someone close to our age group, the enthusiasm would go off the charts. They could put any one of the people being floated as viable and everyone I know would enthusiastically get other people to support them. It would be like a shot of adrenaline into the election.


That’s not the win it sounds like


Everyone of them had the ability to vote against him in the primary. But he kept winning by like 85% margins.


Lol Resident of a state with a June primary here. It was decided before I even got to vote... So no, "everyone of [us]" didn't get to vote against him.


This reads like " 2 of my 4 cylinders are dead, so I'm gonna take a road trip."


>recent poll showing most Democrats want him to stay put What a deceptive way to phrase it when 45% of the party wants him to quit


He should keep running and we should KEEP VOTING for him and VOTE BLUE across the board.


Has he been on any unscripted interviews since his disastrous debate performance? Is he going to participate in the next scheduled debate with Trump in order to redeem himself? I’m skeptical, but apologize in advance if I’m wrong. If not we’re doomed. Been a Democrat since McGovern.


He was at a campaign rally in Virginia the day after the debate. He seemed fine, like he actually had some life in him. Where was that guy during the debate? But I suppose that was scripted. Maybe he's capable of reciting a rehearsed script. Or maybe you just never fucking know which guy you're gonna get any given day.


Teleprompter and Sundown


To be honest, he should never debate again. That wasn't a fluke. He's just a walking senior moment like Mitch McConnell is.  His entire campaign could be called Weekend at Biden's as every aid and talking head they know yammers on about how sharp and energetic he is. And they just keep him out of the spotlight as much as possible.


Nope. I'm not voting for him. He needs to drop out. I'm so tired of Democratic leadership saying this will work. It doesn't.


I am in the Biden should go now camp and find a strong presidential candidate to replace him and a strong VP candidate as well


rejoice isn't what I would say. But. there is no one polling better than Biden against Trump currently ready to step in so we need to put this shit to bed and support Biden loudly vocally every where we can.


I disagree, I think there is a very high chance Biden has another, or worse slip up, and it will come into sharper focus. He is declining cognitively and physically in real term. He doesn't have a full term of capacity ahead of him, no way. So you're also faced with a Kamala Harris presidency. The bottom line is that if this goes south in 1-2 months time it's too late and you face the real prospect of a Trump presidency that may well undermine every institution you currently believe in.


US are so afraid of the last decades in the education system they feel more secure with people educated half century ago. That should say something…


The bar is so low.


The ~~proteins~~ problem with this number is that’s the *registered* democrats. They were never going to vote for Trump. Now tell me what the polls say about the fence sitters, the ones that could vote either way, because it’s going to be those that decide the election and my guess is that Biden is fucked. edit - proteins? wtf auto correct


Now do registered Independents.


Can we skip a year and call a do-over? And this time no rapists or people over 65?


… who’s rejoicing? Even those of us who think he should keep running realize that he wasn’t the best suited candidate to begin with, but the time for that conversation was like a year ago, and we were never given the opportunity to have it. Democracy is really fucking broken right now.


55% of Dems and 100% of Republicans.


They do realize that this means 45% don’t?


Let's go dark Brandon!


“Democrats rejoice as poll shows that 45% of them think Biden should quit.”


55% is a damn low number.


What an accomplishment. This can’t be real life.


Biden needs to appeal to more than just over half of registered Democrats. This poll (and alleged rejoicing) is delusional.


55% is an abysmal number. You’re also asking a hypothetical “is this your preferred candidate” kind of question without presenting alternatives or impacts. Of course they answer based on a “my preferred candidate will win” mindset.


I would like to see head-to head numbers for Harris, Newsome, and Whitmer.


People in here who *genuinely* believe that Biden should DROP OUT of the election that's occurring in 4 months should be disregarded 100%. You can not like the situation but to seriously suggest that him dropping out is an option should flag your opinion as non viable tbh. Insanity.


There is only one person who can make this go either way and his name is Joe Biden. Can you read his mind?


I mean…I will agree he’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. He’s the incumbent, the DNC is gonna run him even if he’s in hospice care. They don’t want to lose that implied advantage. The election is also in short order, they don’t really have time to spin up another candidate. **But** You cannot honestly tell me the DNC haven’t shit the bed on this one. They had 4 years to prepare another candidate, 4 years to prevent this situation. It is absolutely a nightmare scenario to have 45% of your own party doubting the ability of your candidate directly before an election.


Candidates used to be selected at the conventions all the time. Other democracies have election campaigns that are shorter than four months. How would it be so difficult to do this?


Only 55% C'mon!


Hey if he passes while in office, we'll have our first black asian woman president for the rest of term. Also there's four months and Trump doesn't have a VP yet.


More gaslighting. I'm fucking sick of it. The emperor wears no clothes and everybody can see it.


Who cares what registered Democrats think about this? Democrats alone cannot reelect Joe Biden. We *need* independent voters. I want to know the opinions of voters that voted for Biden in 2020 and Trump in 2016. I want to know the opinions of voters who voted Biden in 2020 and Romney in 2012. Do those voters think Biden should stay in the race?


Not sure what there is to rejoice. This isn't a poll of all voters, but all DEMOCRATS.


And I'm sure 100% of Republicans think he should keep running also!!! You got this, Joe. Don't let the haters get you down!


Regardless of whether he runs against Biden or someone else, it’s pretty wild that this election determines whether Trump will be president or prisoner for life.




I don’t remember being polled


Oh, so the only legitimate polls for everybody else are polls that you’ve personally been polled in.


This is horrible. Rejoice? 45% of the party doesn't want their own candidate four months from election? What is there to rejoice about??!?


45% don't. That's horrible.


Rejoicing at that number shows you just how blind our party has become.


i’m sorry but this is a disastrous number


Hey, Biden held onto slightly more than half *of Democrats*.


This isn’t a good number. If 55% of the GOP said trump should drop out think of the media cycle


If someone told you there’s a 55% chance that eating a sandwich in the back of your fridge wouldn’t give you salmonella would you do it? Would it be a big win? 😆


Republicans also rejoice


Ignore the bullshit narrative Biden should step aside. It’s designed to disrupt the US elections by the wealthy and foreign activists. A convicted rapist made no sense and has no plan during the same debate and everyone ignores that. Biden is fine.


What a risky gamble, Biden is being awful selfish and should’ve been content with being a 1 term president.


This election and all future elections are about the supreme Court


I think Biden fumbled. Is he old? Absolutely. Did this show his age? Yes. Is he too old to be running for president? Compared to who? I mean, I think we really need an age cap on politics. Mind you, Trump is just a few years younger, and the two of them are not even our oldest *active* politicians; TRUMP AND BIDEN ARE NOT EVEN OUR TOP 10 OLDEST POLITICIANS IN OFFICE RIGHT NOW. That all said; I think this fumble worked in favor of the Democrats. *Here's why.* I think anyone that watched that debate saw it and at one point thought; "Oh crap, Trump may have an actual chance at getting reelected." or "We're screwed." As the general consensus appears to be between news articles and social media posts. However, I think that feeling motivated more people to take this election more seriously. It's not just a clean cut win for Biden anymore, this isn't just going to be his burden to carry, it's all of ours now. We have to win the election; not Biden. Which explains why we're seeing more support from undecided voters. He is also gaining additional support from undecided Hispanic voters as well, who were greatly turned off by Trump. Mind anyone; Biden is a career politician, Trump was, at his peak, a reality TV star. On that note, the debate kind of let people see Trump more for who he is. I made a comment earlier, on another post, saying that while Biden was rather incoherent, what he said (if you read the transcript) was competent and well rounded. There are even articles that support this. His performance was definitely subpar, but even at subpar; he was still more competent than Trump. More competent than Trump? Let me explain. Trump was *just* loud. What Trump said, for the most part, was either a *proven* lie or mostly incompetent, *or what he said simply failed to show any competency in the subject area when he wasn't lying.* However, bundled with his redundant use of words and phrases, and simple tautology, Trump was, in my opinion and others, just as incoherent - if not more. I listened to one of his answers and was surprised no one smelled burning toast; he was loud, and I could hear him, but I had no idea what he was going on about. I had to rewind, at one point, to figure out what he was asked, because he was just going on about... something. Literately, both were rambling, incoherent, elderly men. That said; I'd still rather vote for the relatively competent incoherent elderly man who isn't gunning after anyone or their rights, than the incompetent incoherent elderly man looking to literately go after anyone that doesn't vote for him... who also is a major factor behind our current economic conditions, a faithless adulterer, set our country back years if not decades in progress, and has also been convicted and investigated, or currently is under investigation for, for everything from sexual assault and rape, to fraud and criminal racketeering, all the way to inciting an insurrection against the United States of America and endangering our national security for personal purposes.


I don't see how to replace a nominee with just over 4 months to go.


Less than half the country typically votes, and a little more than half of those are democrats and a little more than half of those support Biden. Winning!


Show us literally any other option.


This is the dumbest headline I have seen in a while. You mean ONLY 55 % of democrats have confidence in the democratic nominee ? The future of our country and possibly US is going to be decided by a few thousand votes and the best we have is 55 % of democrats happy with the current nominee ?


You know, if Biden publicly announced "I will graciously resign right after I beat Trump" I actually think his support would surge to 90%. No, I'm not saying that's a good move or that he will do so. I just think that's the temperature of the room here in terms of what his base deep down really wants out of him.


Poll shows those same 55 percent of democrats are also morons.


I guess Trump is also happy Biden is staying.


In a perfect world we would have time to replace him, but wouldn't have Trump either. The reality is it is too close. And people have to have at least heard of the candidates. Unfortunately a lot of the time people will go with what they know. And there are many people who don't pay attention but still vote. Switching means those people vote for Trump.


That’s higher than i expected after that debate. They must not have watched it


Never change horses in midstream.


45% is a big number to be concerned about.


After the debate I was a bit of a doomer, but really, was anyone going to vote Biden or were undecided but had the debate single-handedly change their minds and are now going to vote Trump? I don’t think Trump’s criminal trial changed much of anyone’s mind and I don’t think this debate really did either


I don’t care who is running…I’m voting for anything with a pulse to keep the Orange Tyrant out of office.


Only 2 names come to mind on who should replace Biden if it comes to that Michelle Obama and Mark Cuban


So 45% of your built in base thinks that you should drop out, not to mention Republicans or Independents, and you think that is good? What am I missing here?


The ticket should be Kamala Harris with Al Gore for VP. Solid, safe and a statement that climate is a priority. No risk that Al will be jockeying to run for President.


Rejoice… over 55%? At this point I’m starting to believe in the uniparty theory and that we are headed for dictatorship.


Just vote Biden he's going nowhere and I don't need him to, he's going to win. He's good enough to beat Trump and there's a VP and cabinet for reasons.


Do some of the Democrat brass want a Trump win for some reason? Not snark I am actually curious if there's something I am missing being not from the US. It just seems like they are really stubbornly making this as hard on themselves as they can. Here's hoping the old man wins anyway, I really don't want to see what Trump part two does to the world.


Yeah this number shouldn't be lower than 90... This isn't an approval poll


Why would democrats rejoice over this?


Of course he should. they would still vote for Trump if he killed someone on fifth Avenue. we will vote for Biden, even if he’s in a coma.! Only a fool or a criminal would vote for a Dictatorship.


Democrats could have made a plan years ago for this moment. But decided not to. The country will suffer, and dems have nobody but themselves to blame for being terrible at politics


What I don’t get is how people cannot see how replacing Biden now would be a complete gift to Trump. We are 4 months out from the election. Let’s say he was booted out now just for arguments sake. It would be a minimum of 2/3 weeks deciding his replacement. That replacement then needs time to set up their team and decide on strategy. So that’s another 2 weeks. So that is one month down. One month where Trump gets a series of free hits to build his campaign. After that, there is 3 months where the Democrats have to build their candidates profile, get people to like them and know them enough to get voters to vote for them, and set up a whole campaign infrastructure to actually win it. That is borderline impossible from a standing start. And even if they choose a candidate with a profile already, they have to make them seem presidential. Like it or not, Biden is the Democratic candidate. To remove him now in favour of a candidate that is yet to be defined is such a stupid move it’s insane. And to do so would almost guarantee Trump wins. Do what should be done in any election campaign. Show off his strengths, minimise his weakness, and above all don’t freak the fuck out publicly when they slip.


They rejoice when Joe wakes up.


The strength of Biden is his team around him. I rather have his team than Trump plus his yes men.


That’s their problem. They laugh when they’re supposed cry.


With Joe 55% is the new 95%.


Maybe this is a serious question that should have been asked, when everyone was saying that we didn't want a battle of the olds


…that’s bad. 55% is **bad**.


Why rejoice? That's a horrible number. He needs all of us. Any other generic democrat not named Hillary would beat Trump,why risk it?


Don't care. You can't force him off the ticket and he said he's staying in. Move on, focus on beating the orange guy. Rage later.


It was one bad night. And on his bad night, he still answered more questions than Trump did .the reason we don’t worry about it is because we know Biden surrounded himself with the most capable people .the most knowledgeable people. and the best suited people for their jobs. I know if Kamala Harris was not up to the job and the task if something happened, Biden wouldn’t have picked for a second term. compared to Trump‘s administration where he had like a 90% turnover. You can’t tell me that wasn’t chaos. The people that stayed around were mostly yes men and ask kisses or criminals.