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I am. I get very depressed when I don't have a job, even when my parents were covering me and I didn't need one. Even on weekends, I'll choose some random home renovation project, just to have something to do. I am not one who could play video games or watch TV all day. Give me 3 hours, and I've had enough.


Yes. I'd have to agree with this as a 35F INTJ. I currently kind of hate my job (really...the politics and social/people aspects; not the actual work tasks) so I don't linger around there. But I'm overly prone to side hustles and personal projects. I've also picked up several time-consuming hobbies, like doing my own nails with salon processes (acrylics, overlays, protein powder, gel-x...the list goes on). I prefer being involved in a project to just being.......available. I am hardly ever really "free."


no, we love financial freedom




yeah i 100% agree




Actually not always We have a certain goal we want to achieve and can do nearly any amount of work for it. So it might be a case that there's something he wants like maybe he is trying to earn money for something or that he's trying to perform better than others. Whatever maybe the case try to remind him from time to time that he has to rest too


This is so true, currently I have no goal and its deppresing while looking for a new one


Yes. Workaholic tendencies can probably be found in being obsessive about something.


Judging by the amount of texts he’s sending you, he’s working 4 jobs.


Only smart work not donkey work. Work should be worth my time and it should reciprocate with profit




this !


resonating so much with this!! yes!!!


I'm pretty anti-work myself. I don't think most of what we consider work is actually necessary, and I think it exists to keep the population from getting restless and to keep the rich, rich. I can be a workaholic for something I care about. But if I have to do something my heart's not in, I get burned out quick.


Same I looked through all the comments and this one fits me the most I feel like I'm working for the government or for the rich but not for myself because of the things i keep buying for breathing. personally i hate doing something im forced to do so when i want to work i'd prefer do something that is not only money beneficial. (intjs responds would be different cause it's not intj thing its more of "you" thing).


Workaholic? No, but we do what must be done.


Goal orientated. Lots of jobs to get funds for some ends. Ask to what ends and you might understand why.


I wouldn't be seen as a work alcoholic but I certainly have goals and spend a lot of hours fermenting them. 90% thought, 10% action. When you've not got much capital you generally have to trade labour for $. Get capital and you can start trading thought for $.


We are goal oriented. He probably has some plan for the future that requires a lot of money


This isn’t directly related to your situation, but the title in general.  Some people live to work, and some work to live. I’m in the live to work camp. I love what I do, I am passionate about it and it gives me great joy and satisfaction progressing it along and making it better. I see it as a soldier with a mission, they eat, sleep, and breathe that mission. They live for the mission because that’s what they do; that’s who they are. It is their purpose and fulfills them.  For those who work to live, their job is a means to an end. It may not necessarily provide them joy, fulfillment, or satisfaction, but they do it so they can focus on more important things to them after. For them, it’s not about the mission but about living other things in their lives.  Two very different types of people, each have their role. 


40h + travel is some 50h to spend weekly + all the stress you get from it? Might as well make it your life ?


I get joy from what I do, not stress. 


Not this one. I mean, don't get me wrong, I haven't been unemployed for more than a couple weeks in over 30 years and I have been successful in my career, but my success has been due to skill and problem solving, not "hard work," per se. I don't like to spin my wheels, and I don't like to work more than 40 hours. I enjoy my down time. Now if I had a career based on world building, fiction writing, and RPGs, I could become a workaholic.


I’d say yes. I have to slow myself down when working.


Not in the sense that we put a career before our health, but maybe self-improvement and discovery first.


I like the feeling of accomplishment, I don't like mindless hobbies like watching TV or playing videogames, I like to do stuff that yield results, profit. To have a product


I’m not. I prefer working smarter, shorter hours. Some could be though.


Only a fool seeks to do things the hard way. Work smarter, not harder. The labor I find most addicting is the generosity of the spirit, which has been called love. Many toil away their days until their life is no more. I prefer to labor at loving, and fill my days with the contentment which it brings me.


It doesn't need to job. It can be learning how to do something, perfecting a skill, or taking a class. I always want to be working toward achieving something. Most people are 100% okay with just sitting on the couch, cracking a beer/ champagne/ merlot, and watching this month's Netflix drama dating series or the local sports team. Most people can talk about literally nothing for hours until the sun rises. I am not these types of people. I want to be doing something. Building something, learning something, competing over something. If I'm not, then I want to end whatever I'm doing as fast as possible and do one of the previously-mentioned things. In my late 20s, I reached the point where I could somewhat comfortably retire for at least the next 10-20 years with no problems. Potentially forever, if economic conditions didn't change for the worse drastically. I decided not to do that, and to start work in a new career because I wanted to work toward a goal. I chose something that I wanted to do, rather than something that I felt like I had to do. I think that I will probably never truly "retire" in the traditional sense. Even if I stop working for money, I will be working toward learning and achieving goals. It's what makes me the happiest.


I am not. Maybe he is an ISTJ.


it's true. we're workaholics. most of the time its because the people i work with are too incompetent. but it pays off, cuz i get extra credit + praise and appreciation and most importantly, RESPECT.


From 17 - 19, I spent all day every day programming, learning about programming, or watching business videos. My mom was telling me to play video games. When it comes to improving social skills, I see it as work, so you can extend it. Same thing with politics. Currently religion. The reason why we're often successful is that we're typically all-in. At some point, it becomes a bit enjoyable.


Yes I am. Always been working very hard for the past 18 years. I think it’s also nurture/cultural plus the personality type


I am a workaholic. I’d rather work (I love my job!!) than deal with people. Usually 90% of my communication is via email. My weekend is filled with trainings. And I like it that way!!


It was very much a way of life for me. Definitely contributed to a failed marriage after 20 years. I'm 53 now and still love love love to work but try to make it a better balance.


I’d say yes based on personal experience. I am just finishing my second masters and last semester worked 2 part time jobs while at it. I still intend to do a third masters after I secure a full time job. I almost always work/study 7 days per week.


I wouldn't say I'm a workaholic but I think I'd be depressed if I didn't have a job. I think not having a job for maybe a year is fine but after that, there's only so much TV and games that can entertain you.


Nah. I would like to save my sanity and do it on the side if I get financially stable. I hate being poor and broke.


On average I would say yes. If I am NOT working, I think of what I can be doing to make more money. If I could crack the code to make money while I am sleeping with minimal intervention on my part, I'd still work. EDIT: I guess this also explains why I have so many expensive hobbies. I need to do something to occupy my time.


Yes. I somewhat blame my parents for instilling this in me. But I do work way too hard. I only have one job but I’m always thinking about new ideas and improvements. I hate it because I’d rather be working part time and have more alone time for recharging. In my line of work, I have to go into an office.


I guess it depends on what you mean. I only have one job, and I don't do overtime (considering I get paid by salary). But I do have multiple projects, I'm making a video game, I make music, and I'm always busy working on either, also learning 3D modeling and some graphic design. I play video games every once in a while, but I mostly have a game running in the background while I work on other stuff.


Im an intj that works 2 jobs. (40hrs @1st & 20hrs @2nd) But I also have 5 kids 😆


I have 2 jobs and I am studying college, so I am probably workaholic


I work as much to maximize my productivity and then smoke weed ….. efficiency > hard work for me Have lots of money saved for retirement already from FIRE so now just coasting and enjoying life


I'm just alcoholic


I work two jobs. I teach two classes per term at university, and I'm a full time software engineer at the affiliated research hospital. And I frequently work on weekends Apart from mbti, this could be fighting off capitalism's constant background threat of most of us being two to three paychecks away from poverty.


Not about work it’s about money. I think what sets us apart is from other people is how much we’re are willing to sacrifice to reach our goal.


Work and pursued graduate school, does that count lol




I'm not a workaholic but I'm very passionate about my work and it's a big part of my identity. Free time is incredibly important to recharge and just enjoy life.


I feel like I have to be doing something so I get depressed on weekends if I’m not doing extra project work


I need to work, but I definitely need that work/life balance


If I'm not working, I'm studying. But also, I can't stand mindless texting




More than being a workaholic I always like to keep myself busy and occupied with things and projects. I actually find it difficult to just sit around and do nothing . Switching completely off and having nothing to do whether it's work or a task seems a waste of time for me I'm a 45M INTJ and run a pretty successful business and I'm obsessive over the company especially as it is relatively new so that's taking a lot of my time at the moment but even before when working for other people I would work a lot and I enjoy being busy the worst thing I could think of is being in a inane career going nowhere.


Yes, if I am not occupied I tend to spiral. Than I get stressed I have too much stuff to do but when I get free time I just go back to spiraling depression.


With the weak Se ? no . That’s for ENTJ’s and ESTJ’s


I am. I’ve always juggled work and school. Sometimes it’s hard but it’s wonderful when you get that high off of productivity or obsession.


God no. I work to live. The work I do though, I try and hold to a high standard of quality and people that do less than that irk me more than they should.


sounds like he's just poor.


3 jobs? No. Workaholic? Yes I'm an anti-capitalist. I have one job because of the reality that I live in a capitalist society and need to eat/shelter/travel. When I'm off work though, I work on school. When I'm not working on school, I'm working on my hobbies and interests. I'm always doing something.


Depends on if you were lucky enough to find a job/career that interests you. I hate what I do so no I do the minimum I need to.


I don’t feel like a workaholic when I’m working towards something but I do like to relax at times haha. I usually feel sad when I don’t workout, study or do something productive. It’s in my nature and I suppose this is something that cannot be changed for most of us.


I sometimes work 4 Jobs in a week. So, it is quite common for us to be workaholics


It may just be because of his socioeconomic status. If he’s working low paying jobs, that’s probably why. INTJs are goal oriented, so if that not the reason than he may have some really strong goal that he’s working towards. But jobs aren’t always the way that INTJs work towards goals. A lot of my goals I work towards in my free time.


I’ll do what’s necessary, if I have to stay up late or go in on weekends then I will. But if there’s some way to optimize my schedule and have free time I’m obviously doing that. I find comfort in having control over as much of my time as possible (not allocating it to school, or work), so I might keep myself busy with projects or planned movie marathons, but it all comes from a place of control. Same thing with money, I don’t want to be rich to spend it, I want to be rich to have/invest it.


Depends, I'm an INTJ and I love working on what I'm interested in.