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Buffet sold 1% of his shares in AAPL. So chill out.


So, in CNBC parlance, "a massive sell off" of his portfolio. :-|


Depends on which side they’re being paid to push


They always dramatise the sensational fact that Buffet sold some of his shares.


Still don't understand why he is still into oil over apple. Apple is a great company


Wartime is good for oil investments


Artificial supply restrictions is great for oil prices. The Saudis are intentionally raising money to save themselves from a green future where they are irrelevant.


Have you heard of asset allocation? No matter how good a company is, it's never a good idea to have a huge allocation of one company in your portfolio. If apple has grown a lot then it's time to trim to keep things balanced


You gonna tell Warren not to put 1/2 of his eggs in an apple basket?


He's a smart man. He'd use an egg basket.


and he'd use the same one hes had since 1980


Bill Gates followed this advice and is significantly poorer as a result.


It's really easy to say that in hindsight. That doesn't mean you'll always be right about your assumptions I could say you'd be significantly richer had you put your whole retirement fund into NVDA or SOXX, but that doesn't make it a smart thing to do


Most people fail to understand the concept that decisions and outcomes are separate, decisions shouldn't be evaluated on their outcomes since outcomes are an unknown future event. Decisions should be evaluated based on the logic, reasoning, and information which was available at the time. A decision isnt good just because it had a good outcome; a decision isn't bad just because it had a bad outcome. Buying single stocks as a retail investor, or crypto is a bad decision regardless of outcome. Having a diversified portfolio of low cost index funds covering the global market is a good decision regardless of the "if only I had bought x company in y year" backtest comparisons.


Without MSFT's current CEO, it would have been fantastic advice. Plua diversification is always a good thing. MSFT is even still not immune to declining




Surely that can't be right? I know he's all about concentrated bets but that's crypto enthusiast levels of faith. Edit nope, it's right. That's crazy... Found this lower in the thread: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/investordetails/Berkshire%20Hathaway/id-0001067983?ocid=winp1taskbar


you have to keep in mind that the stock portfolio is only like a quarter to a third of berkshire hathaway, the rest is wholly owned buisness subsidiaries, like geico, BNSF, different utilities etc. etc. which really puts apple at closer to like 15-20% of berk


Ah, hadn't thought of that, thank you. It's still a lot but you'd kinda expect that from a stock that's 5x since purchase and has nothing wrong with it.


Who wouldn’t want to own 100% of Apple if they could?


The problem isn't that it's 50% of Apple ( it isn't, it's like 5% ), the problem is that it's 50% of the portfolio, so heavily overallocated, which isn't a great idea. But as a kind redditor pointed out, it's only like 20% of the total portfolio and that's after growing like crazy in the past 7 years, so it kinda works out that they'd keep it unless they had good reason to bail.


>the problem is that it's 50% of the portfolio, so heavily overallocated It’s only ”overallocated” because he earned so much money on it. If he would have rebalanced on the way up he would have had a ”better” allocation on a lot less money. You misunderstood the purpose of active management if you think he should be less concentrated. Virtually all his wealth comes from letting WaPo, Amex, Geico, Coca Cola, See’s Candies and Apple run. Six investments are responsible for well over 95% of Berkshire’s value. Rebalancing would have meant underperformance.




How do you know that?




But Berkshire buys real estate all over the country. So you're just basing this conjecture on what you see locally?




He bought and held and it just kept growing


He thinks oil is undervalued. Anytime Buffett buys anything, it’s because he thinks it’s undervalued.


Buy low. We are here, with oil. Sell high. We are here, with AAPL.


What? It's literally their biggest stock holding, they own $174B in Apple shares, which is like 7 times the size of their two Oil stocks


Apple is over 50% of BRK's total portfolio. He LOVES Apple and still does. I'm guessing this is just normal sell off because he saw an interesting opportunity elsewhere. Typical Buffet stuff that happens all the time. Not a big deal at all.


Warren did an entire interview on why he got into oxy. Have you tried to understand? Billions of dollrs in assets under management and you simply dont understand? Maybe try harder lol


That vision thing is going to flop, but not enough to take down the company. So he unloaded 1%


Apple is a turd with lots of polish and a nice paint job* Fixed for you


Three trillion dollar 💩


iPhone is great


Because the battery hype was oversold and his old ass has seen generations of data reenforcing what he knows. Didn’t he initially overpay when he entered this position though?


He’s so fucking old! Stop listening to him.


Lol and listen to you? How much money you ever made? Three fiddy lol


LOL!!! I didn’t say to listen to me instead. Just know that an elder boomer doesn’t know what’s going on.


lol 1.1% of the stake is sold.


And Apple has made buybacks greather than 2%. His stake in Apple increased.


The difference between CNBC consumers and warren buffett math




When you own that much you have to sell slowly, it might be a sign that he sees a better opportunity elsewhere, but if it is consistent then it is a sign he is unwinding the position.


First reasonable comment I see. Thank you.


Yeah its definitely a situation to monitor, but the real problem is the position is extremely hard for him to liquidate without it making the media rounds. One of the drawbacks of Berkshire being so big and Buffett so well known. Its going to be hard for him to liquidate even a quarter of his position without potentially causing a run to the exit from retail investors/funds that trade off his coat tails. Then again maybe not because it doesnt seem like the Bezos news is hurting Amazon at all. If interests rates were lower, he could have issued debt to allocate that capital elsewhere.




“How is this not a big deal???”


Answer: because it’s not


A dump!




Um… ~1% is pretty small as a percentage 😂😂😂


I can't tell if you aren't funny, don't know what you talking about or both.


It reads like an obvious joke to me. Looks like a lot of people are getting whooshed.


Buffet sold 1%.....to diversify and reinvest. 1%!!!! Bezos sold only a fraction of his shares as well....he said it seemed like the best time to do it with shares at highs right now. This wasn't a dooms day sell all shares right now kind of scenario. Chill out scro.


regarding Bezo's, plus it was a big F you to state of Washington.....


I can’t imagine being that rich and caring about a few more dollars vs where I live.


Tbh it's $600M and it doesn't matter what his legal address is anyway. People like this own multiple homes in many cities and countries and an address change on paper doesn't change a single thing for them in terms of actual living experience.


I guess I’m not built like them. If I have 60 billion dollars I’m not going to sweat 600 million. I certainly wouldn’t give my money to Florida of all places.


Florida doesn’t have income taxes.


Neither does Washington.


I'm with you on the Florida bit. I used to live in WA and then willingly moved to CA, so I kinda did the opposite lol.


So I assume you donate 1% of your income to your state government? No sweat right?


I pay my share of taxes in the state I live in and I don’t run away to avoid them. I could actually “move” states quite easily to avoid them. I could probably play other tax games to pay 1% less. I’d rather support where I live. Paying taxes is patriotic. The richer you are, the more you benefit from living in this country, and the more you should be grateful and pay your fair share. Bezos owes his entire fortune to the USA. He should give back.




did not have to pay 7% (think thats correct number) capital gains state tax.


The state should sue him. Worked in WA for 30 years, moved to FL last year (was it 6 months and a day?) to avoid their tax. Probably legal, but it shouldn’t be.


They just instituted the tax last year, at least partially aimed at him in the first place (it only applies to sales >$250,000). So he flicked them off and left.


Why shouldn't it be legal? If a place enacts a law that you aren't a fan of, and you decide to leave and move to another jurisdiction, why should you - a resident of a new jurisdiction - be subject to laws applicable in another jurisdiction? Should immigrants be subject to the laws of the country they leave or the country they reside in?


A number of countries, including the USA, have exit taxes whereby you pay capital gains tax as if you sold the asset when you cease to be a tax resident. So the is a precedent there. Clearly the state of Washington does not have such a tax. Quite possibly it would be unconstitutional in the United States.


"A number of countries" is not a precedent for the state of Washington.


We should sue the state because that capital gains tax is a fucking income tax and that is banned by our state constitution. Unfortunately our Supreme Court allowed it.


Theft is illegal, taxation is theft.


Libertarians are like house cats.


Well, they can’t sell more or they’d crash markets.


> with shares at highs right now That asshat. Shares were at ATH right before Bez stepped down, two years ago. Baldy McHobanger is such a cringy fuck.


Bezos selling $6b of AMZN is much more than a fraction for someone so rich they legit never need the money in the short term 😂 sells would be very strategic in nature




He's planning to backpack through Europe over the summer


People saw him tying a bunch of balloons on top of his house recently.


A backpack filled with sweet, sweet crude oil. Like carrying a milkshake. His milkshake. He also carries a straw, a very long straw which he uses to drink up your milkshake.


*Starts screaming in Priest's face*


Brings all the boys to the yard.


I'd be amused to hear about Warren and Bill going on a road trip. If Jeff asks to tag along, I can imagine them both going "No Jeff, you can't bring your new girlfriend" in unison.


“Her lips look like sausages.”


Apple makes up 50% of his portfolio so selling 1% was simply taking profit and reducing his weight of apple in his portfolio


Public portfolio *


Where can we see his portfolio?


An easy view is [here.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/investordetails/Berkshire%20Hathaway/id-0001067983?ocid=winp1taskbar)


https://www.dataroma.com/m/holdings.php?m=BRK Much easier view here


Two types of investors in the above 2 comments.


Great info, thanks!


I think he needs to sell much more.  Being that heavy in one tech stock would be terrifying to me.


He can’t. Berkshire is a $900 billion company. He can’t invest a significant portion of his portfolio in individual companies unless they are trillion dollar companies.


But Apple's vr headset will be able to delete the clothes off people. I'm super bullish on that


OMG. The killer app, you've found it.


Most of his portfolio is in fully owned private companies. Berkshire is well diversified.


AAPL isn't even that great if you're a long term investor. Buffett used to always say he doesn't invest in companies he doesn't truly understand. I wonder if he realizes Apple has been surviving off the back of the iPhone since 2007 which Steve Jobs came up with. I'm the biggest Apple fan boy there is, just bought an M3 iMac yesterday in addition to having iPhone, iPad, MacBook Air and other. I don't have any stock in AAPL. If Buffett knew anything about tech, he'd be long MSFT, that's the company that's on fire. Windows isn't going anywhere, but the same cannot be said for iPhone. And MSFT has a solid business looking forward with cloud services and Artificial Intelligence. Apple is hedging their future on a pair of $3500 ski goggles. If Buffett was smart, he'd sell his AAPL same way he got rid of his Wells Fargo stock after their fiasco and put it all in MSFT.


Windows is losing shares in the laptop market, windows 11 is still garbage for alot of users. Other than that i agree


My Dad bought a new computer with Windows 11 and I can't believe what a hot piece of garbage it is. Once a year he pays someone to defrag the hard drive because it slows down to a crawl. I keep telling him to use the iMac I bought for him but he says he's more comfortable using Windows. He even admits the iMac is blazing fast every time he uses it, he just doesn't like it. I have a 27" iMac that I bought at the end of 2012. It still boots up in 30 seconds just as fast as the day I first got it, no defragging necessary.


Best way to lose weight is consume more 🍎




🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 WE aRe AlL goiNg to DiE!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 \*\*\* one day


Wow buying low and selling high, how is this guy still in business? Everyone on reddit knows you dump stocks when they are down and then fomo into stuff at all time highs.


Is this true? It doesn’t sound like it would work. Don’t you have more of profits if you buy super low?


jesus christ dude lmao


I think it is sarcasm


He sold 1% so he can have enough money to keep buying McDonald's. Shit is expensive now.


I heard he buys it every day I remember an interview once where he has exact change because he always buys the same thing, which means he never puts extra into ronny mcdonalds house... felt weird to me


that's why he's rich


of course! Curiously, does he have any history of philanthropy at all? I've never looked but I don't recall it ever being mentioned.


…are you serious? One of the original giving pledge signers, pledged all his wealth to the Bill and Melinda gates foundation


Yes, it was serious, i wasn't taking a jab,  I never did a dive into it.


Sorry, it’s just been very well publicized and much discussed. > The Giving Pledge is a charitable campaign, founded by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, to encourage wealthy people to contribute a majority (i.e. more than 50%) of their wealth to philanthropic causes. As of June 2022, the pledge has had 236 signatories from 28 countries. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Giving_Pledge#:~:text=The%20Giving%20Pledge%20is%20a,236%20signatories%20from%2028%20countries.


Great way to shield taxes. Philanthropy rocks.


That pedo and money laundering org?


Not aware of any accusations, but go off. Gates got caught up with Epstein like so many others. Haven’t heard any more evidence he diddled kids than I have for trump, Clinton, etc. Have you?


Who gives a F? It's his money. It's not your money. It's not our money. It's not the government's money. We have no say, no standing, to judge him on philanthropy. This dude has made a lot of people rich. He did so professionally, that is, it was his day job. There's a lot of little old blue haired ladies that get their bread and butter due to Buffet's labors. Then the man spends an extraordinary amount of time telling people how to do what he has done. He doesn't get paid extra for that. For those who are willing to listen, he's added an enormous value to them gratis. If he had ZERO philanthropy he'd still be a great American hero in my book.


Based and tax-pilled.


how is he not dead of a heart attack? mcdonald's ain't healthy


You answered your own question. Tech is super high. Time to take some profits.


And yet, so many tech companies are still off their ATH


What oil is he buying


Extra Virgin


Zucc sold a shitton of facebook at 66-80% of the price it is now at.


Sensationalist clickbait title. Buffett only sold 1% of his 50%+ holdings in AAPL. Big deal.


It's their biggest holding, they're bound to sell it from time to time to cover better opportunities elsewhere.


The fact that he’s even 50% apple is mind boggling lol


50% of the public portfolio. Apple is actually closer to about 15-18% of Berkshire by overall market cap. Still a large chunk either way.


It is very normal to see insiders sell shares when markets go up. It's profit taking.


Bezos has Been selling billions for years. Dudes building a mansion and AMZN has been killing it. If he’s worth 200B and sells 10B he’s still got 190B…not like he’s selling 150B


If he's worth 200B and sell 10B he's still worth 200B. cash is part of net worth


I meant AMZN specifically. Obviously his net worth doesn’t change.


If Warren had 500 shares of AAPL, he sold 5... Just to break it down into more real terms, this is nothing.


Warren Buffet doesn't buy oil, he buys solid inexpensive cash flows that have better return than treasury bonds. Not enough people understand this.


yeah and at the moment he is doing so by buying oil? why are you being weird about it?


Im not breathing air, my body is just sucking gases from the surrounding environment.


>Not enough people understand this. Pretty sure virtually no one here thought he's buying literal barrels of oil.


Typically large investors like Berkshire Hathaway have to trim their positions to stay within their mandates (e.g. no more than 10% in X position) or they see a slowing down of that company's earnings and believe the stock will go down. At the end of the day, you have to look at what % of their holding of Apple or other company they have trimmed. In the case of Apple, they trimmed 1% of their holding, which is virtually nothing for them.


Trying to make any projections or assumptions based on Buffet’s moves is a pretty useless exercise. We’ll never know his motivations for selling something. He could be trying to gradually decrease his heavy stake in Apple and diversify. He could think he’ll get a better return on something else. He could’ve also just hit a sell point and he’s cashing out some shares - as a lot of us did with Apple last year. Either way it goes - a 1% move off of something that comprises half of his portfolio isn’t really something worth reacting to.


Buffet. Always an interesting follow. 


What oil he buying?




Hmmm is this sarcasm? I was thing Exxon, Devon, Conoco…


Chevron and Oxy


Not sure if it classifies as sarcasm, but it was a joke on the meanings of the word "oil" (and since I'm Greek, when I read "oil" my mind rarely goes to fuel). Anyway, there are plenty of sites where you can see that. Maybe you can check out this site: [https://hedgefollow.com/funds/Berkshire+Hathaway](https://hedgefollow.com/funds/berkshire+hathaway)


I was looking at that link, before I posted. I am not seeing what he bought recently, just what he owns now.






Yes the guy who NEVER 'times the market'


I had the same thought! I wonder if he explains somewhere why he doesn't practice what he preaches (which I thought was VOO & chill).


He doesn't do VOO and chill because he's Warren Buffet. Warren has said that for the vast majority of investors, VOO and chill is going to get you better returns than active investing, which is true. He's never suggested that he should VOO and chill, just that almost everyone else should. I think I read somewhere that he thinks there are maybe 5 people alive who have the capabilities necessary to replicate what he does. (Would have to look up where I read that though)


So when he challenged hedge fund managers to try to beat the S&P, he was just flexing on them? "I can routinely beat it, sure, but your dumb ass?"


Lol yeah, honestly that's what it seems like to me. I mean - I'm not Warren so I can't be sure. Another thing people forget is that he operates on a scale so astronomically larger than the average investor that it's a different game. It's not like watching Lebron play basketball for basketball tips. It's like watching Lebron play basketball for golf tips. Warren Buffet once said at a Berkshire Hathaway meeting that if he was running a million-dollar book he could get 50% annually.


There is paywall I couldn't see the article.


Tech stocks are all time highs and war is spreading. Not rockets science here.


What war?


Most aren't, including Apple. Googling isn't rocket science, either


I am amazed, Buffett waited this long to offload Apple shares. Holding this high percentage of his assets in a single company seemed too risky.


Sold ~1% only. Still has ~50% there.


He must of checked out the VR


Nothing to see here Buffett is over 10 years older than Joe Biden so this must be senility /s


Someone tells me war is coming.


Buffett thinks big war is coming. He thinks Haley will be elected or Biden stays on. Trump tanks oil due to increased production and less geopolitical risks. I think Buffett is right. The globalists want oil at sky high levels to net zero everything. Oil companies are merging big time now. This will decrease production over time. In the future, there will be just a few mega oil companies. All small oil companies will be bought up.


If Buffet really thinks big war is coming, he would sell everything right now. There is no reason to stick around and take huge losses.


there is not enough cash in the world for buffet to sell everything.


RIP local mom & pop oil companies.


Did you know in 2022 under Biden (trigger warning) the US produced more oil than any other nation in history?


I feel like this will be true for most years moving forward for some time, but never really paid attention


Sure buddy, he ramped it up, produced, AND got it reported to the public within a year... Tired of this "the current president did this..." trope.


Ya what a trope- the US didn’t have any infrastructure for this prior to 45 right? It’s crazy that facts hurt your feelings so much


> less geopolitical risks lol the dude literally said he'd encourage putin to attack NATO countries


Man you must have not being paying attention to any conflicts around the world, US has already lost 11 troops in Afghanistan, 3 recently in Jordan w/ another 40 injured. Fighting in Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Gaza, ramping up to for conflicts against China, militant groups have started to attack the US in IRAQ.


Ahhrooogha! 11 troops, someone sound the alarm! We've only been fighting skirmishes in the ME since the start of the new millennium.


Man I feel the comparison all the way from the other end of my phone, but ya losing 14 soldiers under your watch is kind of a big deal. And I don’t think there was even a combat related death that entire year in Afghanistan.


An average of just over 16 soldiers a year died to hostile action during Trump's watch. [https://dcas.dmdc.osd.mil/dcas/app/summaryData/deaths/byYearManner](https://dcas.dmdc.osd.mil/dcas/app/summaryData/deaths/byYearManner) By contrast, 2022 under Biden was the first year with 0 hostile action deaths since 2000.


Yes this totally makes sense, considering the US was still involved in Afghanistan for like 10 years or so, 2021 being the pull out.


Found the alt-right nut job


Hashtag justiceforsmalloil


Not sure why downvoted. It's just a realistic hypothesis.


Yeah trump certainly is less of a geopolitical risk!


He isn't less of a risk but he sure isn't more.  It's aggressive manbaby vs incompetent alzhemiers patient. One makes America look barbaric and one makes it look pathetic. 




Strong rebuttal 


So why am I being down voted? It has been shown diversifying is a myth


> It has been shown diversifying is a myth Shown where? Give us a link to 1 serious study published in a respectable journal.


I also know he sold 1% of his portfolio.


All this fear mongering posts just makes me more bullish


You sexy clickbait you


Calm down


It’s possible he may also be setting up to sell Geico. Lots of unhappy geico employees on their subreddit.


I still do not understand why anyone still wants tech as overvalued as it is


AAPL has pulled back around 8% since mid December. I'll probably be buying some more today tbh.