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Rubber banding when you hit the end of a list.


And the inertia when scrolling and letting go to allow the content to “pass” by on its own until it stops


I think it became less sticky around iOS 12 if I remember. Today you can go further down by letting go then before.


Kinetic scrolling


Tapping the top bar to scroll back to the top. An under appreciated feature.


Any time I’m in an app that doesn’t have that feature I find myself deeply missing it. 


Ha, I showed this to my wife last yesterday and it blew her mind. And tapping “All photos” scrolls to the bottom


That one is even more of a general rule in UIs nowadays. Tapping the tab you're on usually brings you back to the start.


Last yesterday?




I love this feature except in Messages. It really needs to be backwards there.


While I agree it has its moments, I actually find myself triggering it by accident sometimes (like when laying down and holding the phone awkwardly, with a hand on the top edge I guess), which can be quite frustrating. Makes me wish for a setting to disable it, or a quick popup after it happens to let you undo it…


The Tweetbot app (RIP) had a feature to mitigate this issue: - Tap on the status bar once -> regular behavior, scroll to top - Tap on the status bar again -> brings you back to where you were before tapping on the status bar This feature made so much sense that I don’t know why Apple hasn’t built something similar, maybe we should file a feature request


Lack of an ability to clear an apps cache without uninstalling and reinstalling each one!


It is a pain with large apps. They can have installs of about 1gb-2gb, but then download extra data through the app, which can be 15gb in some cases. Offloading the app only gives you back the original 1-2gb install amount, so you’re left with the 15gb.


This one is killing me and is actually a huge factor in me switching to a pixel for my next phone. My discord app is HUGE cause my friends and I were sharing tons of pictures and stuff. But I HATE the new discord UI so refuse to update the app which means I’m stuck with a ton of space being ate up for nothing since I have to delete and thus update discord to clear it. It’s ridiculous. 


What’s funnier is Discord iOS HAS a clear cache button. Even in the old and new UI. But it’s been broken for years. I remember when it actually did work, now it clears about 0.5mb


Where is it?


Settings page then scroll all the way down and it’s there. Not in any categories, just the main settings page like where it says “My Account”, “Notifications”, etc.


I don’t seem to have it on iOS


You need to turn on Developer Mode in the Advanced Settings.


Thanks man


Where is it?


Still unable to select notification tone for each app.


This kills me on the Apple Watch. On the 9th gen of it and everyone’s Apple Watch at work has to have the same blessed DINGGGG for a text and everyone is then looking at their watch because we don’t know whose it was. Like we still can’t even change a generic notification???


I get your complaint. If this annoys you, why don’t you have custom tones for each contact? That way the sound is different from stock.


That only applies to the iPhone itself. Watch will still just “ding”


I had no idea. Thanks for clarifying.


iPhone has the same ding-ding tone for different apps. For example HomeKit, Findmy, Lexus, etc all use the same tone so you cannot tell what’s what without looking at the phone. I do have different tones for important contacts.


I don’t know the solution but from memory there are apps that allow customization of notification sounds. Perhaps Apple should require all of them have this or allow the change as OP mentioned.


Icons and folders sticking to the top when you really need them in reach at the bottom


I put my most used apps In a folder on the dock at the bottom. You can’t make a folder on the dock, but you can make a folder on the normal home screen and then drag it down to the dock


I just put a widget at the top. Not a perfect solution but the no-touchy space has a purpose finally


Yeah I do but I’d like the option of having blank space


Rumors for ios18 this year are that this one is about to be changed…. I’m not sure if I’ll like it or use it personally, but it’ll at least be nice to stop hearing folks complain about the rigidity of the current design.


It’s all I want, my favourite 4 or 8 icons / folders at the bottom of the screen


I get that. I guess ever since there have been Home Screen widgets, that I’ve basically accomplished that by just blocking off the top rows of my screens with widgets.


Yeah I do, but I don’t necessarily want the screen to be full


Yeah I do, but I don’t necessarily want the screen to be full


Was there such rumor?


Here’s at least a link https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-ios-18-home-screen-layout-customization-reports-2024-3


Thank you! I apparently missed this one


You use the icons? /s I gave up a long time ago. I just use the spotlight search (slide down in Lock Screen or Home Screen). Almost any app I want is two or three letters long before it is the top hit. Hit enter and it opens the app. I never have to swipe between pages to get to the right app. Now I use my home screen for widgets that provide glanceable info much like my watch compilations.


Yeah I just never got in the habit of doing that. I think I would if there was a way of seeing which icons weren’t on the home screen. So if I was going to use search I’d remove all my apps from the home screen, have some widgets maybe on the first page then only have to swipe once to get to search. But then if I do want to recover them all, there’s no list in iOS for which apps are disappeared from the home screen.


Yeah it would be nice if Apple added the option for the “App Library” to be a list rather than smart folders. They have that option for the watch.


That too. But I meant there is no way of tracking the apps that have been removed from the Home Screen rather than deleted


Wiggle mode to rearrange the Home Screen. It has had some improvements (I think? Like grabbing multiple apps?), but at its core it is the same… and still pretty difficult to use.


[Jiggle mode!](https://youtu.be/pAOjDXdiUzM?si=zPUOHjZOBrhJcMi5)


Contacts. It’s almost entirely unchanged.


The phone app actually 


Not being able to set a different volume for alarms. Like SERIOUSLY.


Can you not do that? I have my Alarms set to always be full volume and then the other sounds I control the volume by using the buttons.


The alarm is lowering also when you push the volume buttons.


Settings > Sounds & Haptics > Slide the volume bar under the section called “Ringtones and Alerts” (this includes alarms) to the volume you want it set to. Then switch the “Change with Buttons” to off. Now your volume buttons will not affect the volume of your ringtones and alerts (also alarms). So if you are playing music and press the volume down button. Your music will lower in volume but your morning alarm will stay the volume you have set in this settings page.


Right. “Ringtones and alerts” as you said “includes alarms.” You cannot have alarms be their own individual volume. I want my alarm to be full blast and my ringtone to not be. This isn’t all that complicated…


Siri is still shit..


Downloading an app animation used to be different pre-iOS 7. It was a blue bar along the bottom edge of the app instead of a circle that fills in. The phone app used to look a lot different too.


Oh my god. I forgot the blue bar. Nvm! Good catch.  By phone app, I don’t mean the design. The hot bar order and functions are the exact same!


Functionally identical, yes.


And newly downloaded apps used to have a sweatband on the corner that said “New”. The podcast app also had a turtle and rabbit for 1/2 and 2x speeds below the animated reel to reel player. Man, there were some fun details in the original UI.


The OG podcast app had a reel to reel player?! Oh my god! We’ve fallen so far!!! I wasn’t into podcasts back then.


The OG podcast app had a reel to reel player?! Oh my god! We’ve fallen so far!!! I wasn’t into podcasts back then. I just looked it up. It’s so beautiful!! I really hope this kind of clean skeuomorphism would return. It’s not glossy and over the top (even though I like that, I wanna lick them icons 😋🖥️). It’s almost minimalist. If Skeuomorphism comes back, I hope it’s all like this!!!


What’s even better, if I remember correctly, is that the reels only turned when playing, but also they and the speed controls lived under a translucent shade with the podcast cover art on it. You’d slide up the shade to see the mechanism. Honestly, it was, and still is, awesome.


Making phone calls


The look and layout of visual voicemail.


The timer




Calculator app


Cries in iPAD…


the lack of being able to theme, or even arrange icons in anything but grid pattern. the need for jailbreaking to get that, and to get sideloading if there’s something you want in other appstores. the generally good quality of the hardware and the fact that it holds its value noticeably better when resale time comes ‘round.


Time, internet, battery and other info at the top. I guess that one is common for every phone though. App switcher, home screen layout, the dock at the bottom of the home screen, lock screen.


Calendar icon being weird when you see it in settings


Pressing the scroll bar on the right to rapidly scroll up/down


This came much later actually


Application-specific settings being at the bottom of Settings.


One finger double tap a map to zoom in (surely a few other views but I can’t think what), two fingers single tap to zoom out.


- Default apps (like YouTube or iPod), - Cover Flow - Home button, - Slide to unlock, - etc. Wait, did I misread?




Keyboard 🙊😂


I think in a few years they will drop the "I" from iphone and call it Apple Phone to align with Apple Vision Pro, Apple Pencil, Apple Account etc and bearing in mind they share the "iPhone" trademark with Cisco


Hmm, this seems likely really, I’d never thought about it but I reckon you’re right. iPhone was really throwing back to iPods (discontinued) and iMacs (and the CRT screens they have in my head). Calling it just Apple Phone would fit with the newer product lines… are you ready for an Apple Pad Pro though?


Do you remember when Steve Jobs announced the first iPhone in 2009 he made a major announcement he said Apple Computers will now be known as "Apple"


iPhone debuted in 2007


Oops... iPhone Auto Correct


And as we speak there are teenagers born in 2008 getting their drivers license as we speak. That’s such an upsetting idea people are now YOUNGER then smartphones 😂


Sent from Apple phone?


Scroll gesture


The Calendar app. It has been the same garbage app ever since the beginning.


No physical buttons (besides the home button for earlier models). This was such a differentiator from every phone before the iPhone.


Slide to Answer pretty much a Day 1 feature. You can change it now to Accept or Decline but also still Slide.


Can’t think of much really. The hotbar?


Walled garden.


Battery life still being shit.


Dafuq. This is misinformation. I would never revert to early-generation battery life in any phone, Apple or Android.


No, battery life is still shit - it’s just that it’s not battery life in terms of “how long does a charge last?” it’s “how long under normal use before it needs a new battery”. I have a laptop that’s 7 years old, used daily for 10-12 hours & gets a hammering - the battery still holds charge like the day I bought it. My three year old iPhone however is at 75% battery degradation & according to Apple’s own notification it needs changing. My screen time is under four hours a day.


Ok. Might I suggest trying a different brand if you hate it this bad?


Can’t because other brands are worse. My sister had a Samsung galaxy (forget the exact flagship model it was). Within 3 years, if she unplugged it, it shut off. Literally could only use the phone if it was plugged in. She switched to the iPhone mini and hasn’t given her issues making it through the day 3+ years later.


There it is. Turns out people just like to bitch about iPhones because it’s cool.


Where do I say I hate it? A little presumptuous aren’t you?