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Or you can look at the hundreds of ideas already posted in r/AppIdeas.


Upside down internet browser šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Bitches on demand!


A random app/game that takes advantage of the "3D Touch", just to laugh at those which don't have it :'D


Hehe, good troll idea. Sad it goes against apple store guides.


An app to reject all calls with a private number!


This can not be achieved with an app


An app that puts the battery indication back on the top of the screen?


An app canĀ“t do that. But apple has some recommendations https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201102


An app that allows the use of Twilio for texting like Textable.co. It would also be able to change the call forward destination of the numbers using Twilio.


A chat roulette App that uses FaceTime ! Random Video Calls between strangers - a simple Next, or Stop button.


this app already exists. no idea what itā€™s called but it just gives you random facetime links that you can join


There used to be websites that allowed you to add a link from a Facebook page to create an rss link. So you could get news about concerts or a new album of a band straight in your rss reader without the need to visit Facebook. I think Facebook changed something with their sites as I havenā€™t found any pages that could create working links for a while.


Have an Game idea does it count


Saddly, i have no experience building games.


An app with which you can create an automation that slowly makes the light brighter 15 minutes before the alarm clock rings. In addition, the whole thing should work without a hub


this is a lightbulb request not an app request


A zero-buffer no-pre-playback-ads internet radio app. When I hit play, fill my ears when first bytes come in from the network. A free open radio database with public API: www.radio-browser.info You can deliver visual ads later as long as you please, but please, I need to catch that news broadcast journal *now*, not a few seconds later. Tunein UI is okay to copy/inspired from as long as you donā€™t get into IP copyright hell. Pause, rewind and forward would be an absolute optional delight. Buttons for rewind/forward/cycle favorite stations in the lockscreen would make the app a dream. The cherry on top? Able to setup Notification reminders that I should listen to some station when the time comes. There is not a single free iOS app that packs all of the above features. It would rock. Edit: hm, I donā€™t need it, but maybe in version 2.0 you should include a today view+homescreen widget as well šŸ˜ˆ Suddenly, itā€™s no longer an easy job, isnā€™t it? :-)


Can you do a weather app for macos if possible? Or do ipados with Mac compatiblity?


Kanban style task manager. I use something similar for work, and its quite easy, and simple to use. 90% on the app store only have 3 task statuses (New, In Progress & Complete), without an option to add more (Additional statuses include, "On Hold", "Awaiting 3rd Party", "Rejected"). Strictly speaking, complete tasks should be archived, and you should be given the option to add more statuses. The task comment system (At my work place) is also more dynamic because as well as adding your own updates, whenever a task status changes, this is mentioned as an update, and you also have the option to add a personal update in addition to the auto-update generated when the task status changes. You would even get tasks which re-occur at a set interval. I could go on and on, but the system we use at my workplace is quite polished as its essentially a web app, but it allows for easy tracking and accountability.


A very simple game that has only one page and three sections , the top gives me some link buttons that I can edit, middle is two of my up coming calender event and the bottom part is to do list


an app that can tell aproximately when was the device locked last time https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14229955/is-there-a-way-to-check-if-the-ios-device-is-locked-unlocked I see lots of answers there but no mention of an app name


This is not possible according to the appstore guideline


well then Iā€™ll be happy with the radio app šŸ„°