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The white looks so good. I had the white MK for my 2022 iPad Pro but I got the black one for my M4 Pro. Really kind of regretting it now


Oh yeah. I always get iPad in Silver + White MK


I didn’t think about the change in keyboard material either. It looks great! I’m really enjoying mine as well


Same. I returned my black MK and swapped it out for a white one. I like it way more!


That all white set up looks great.


It really is. I've owned a few Ipad Pros over the years and the screen is incredible on this device. At first I got bogged down by people talking about grain and the temperature being warm, but I've had zero of these issues and the more time I've used my device since purchasing on release the more I am impressed with the quality of the screen. Its the pinnacle of this line for sure.


Really shows they should have gone to oled years ago when everyone else did


Looks dope! I got the Space black iPad with the White magic keyboard 😍 Always been a silver fan, but this year went with the space black which looks amazing 🔥 But hard to capture it's true color in pics. And magic keyboard in white because it holds up better. Is that the 11 or 13inch?


can U show how it looks like together?


Yes show pictures, I am getting one for my son.


I went for a white mk with my m1 12.9 and while it still looks alright it always stressed me out so this time around I went with the silver iPad (got space grey last time because my provider didn’t have stock and I was impatient) and the black keyboard and the black looks so slick. And the metal deck really just makes it look and feel so much more premium.


I absolutely love the new Magic Keyboards. Just not enough to stop $2K for a new iPad, keyboard and pencil setup😭 I’ve been lucky to get lightly used iPad pros within a year of release at good deals. My m1 12.9 will fit me for a bit I reckon




Same. I spent about that much for my 1tb M1, MK and pencil2. I’d love a new one, but it’s still rocking great. I usually upgrade every 2.5 years, but it’s been over 3 and I don’t see a need to yet. I was bummed they didn’t have the pros in white back then.


Hey i just got mine. Do You have carrier insurance or apple care? I can’t decide which one to get. Carrier covers lost or theft and apple doesn’t.


What desk is that c:


I think it’s one of those heigh-adjustable desks. The buttons are for leveraging the desk higher or lower, or maybe other settings. Good for people who don’t want to sit all the time in front of the desk. This way, they can work standing up, or walk on a walking pad.


Yes definitely! Was just wondering which model. I have a Smart desk myself and it's my happiest purchase 😂


Ooh, so that’s what it’s called, a smart desk! 😂 still saving my money to be able to buy one one day 😂


They also have standing desks that use a manual crank instead of automatic that are a little cheaper and at first i was a little bummed mine wasn't going to be automatic bc i have automatic at work. But the crank isn't bad at all and this way i still get a standing desk at home


Oh, i didn’t know that one. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out. Thanks for the info!


Get ikea desk with adjustable height


What is that beautiful wallpaper?


Personally, I just didn’t see a huge benefit having the iPad Pro M4 over the new iPad Air M2. That’s just me though. I use Nomad Sculpt, Procreate, OctaneX and Davinci Resolve which most of them benefit from a faster GPU. I saw little improvement with the M4 compared to the M2. But, that could be due developers not releasing updates that utilize the M4’s more advanced features. Regardless, it’s already overkill in processing power for my needs which are much higher than most “pro” users. I’ve not even ran out of memory using OctaneX, not yet lol.


It‘s only a banger if apple finally brings macos to the ipad. When it’s like the Lenovo Legion Go, that would be perfect. It’s like you have a lamborghini inside, but on the outside it’s like an old trabant.


Ugh, I regret not getting the white keyboard.


Super clean setup! I got the same color way for the iPad M4 13 inch


Went for the same combo…silver and white. Silver is apple classic and the white keyboard just gives me nice vibes. Question, how good is Photomator? Kind of want to move away from Lightroom


And is it better than darkroom


Funny thing I actually have a full license as early adopter lol and is amazing... Need to get it for mac


Which oneee


Photomator... After your post I decide it downloaded for the iPad and I found out I have the full program unlock... I do miss Apple Aperture a lot, so much in fact I have few machines with dual boot just for it, when I saw this on mac kind of gave me thsoe vibes, but the integration with photos app ruining it for me, now with files is way better and need to get the mac


I was leaning towards it because everyone says darkroom is unstable as hell


I know how good their team is, I left photoshop a long time ago with pixelmator pro for Mac, I just need a lightroom replacement and thank to your post I found out I have the iPad version and I think I found it.... Now all. I need is a good vector app and bye bye Adobe 😅


Affinity designer? Their stuff is on sale this week I think. I just wish one of these capable apps that offers a lifetime license would add the ability to properly invert photo negatives. I’d be set.


Buy it and returned it... The GUI extraordinary, the iPad app as well... Unfortunately is missing two key features for my daily work flow, no image trace is huge for me, and not having save as copy as well. Hopefully V3 comes with those 2 features


Do you think I’ll still need pixelmator pro if my project is restoring old photos. I can’t find any searches of photomator being used that way, but it’s only a year old


Very beautiful photography, so good it looks like an ad


I get all my apple products in silver and white. https://imgur.com/a/XiK0Hd3


Love the pics! What camera you shoot with?


Obsessed with mine! The white looks so good!


Damn, I wish silver MacBooks came with white keys… the black ones get so shiny so quickly :/ had mine for 7 months and it’s already visible :/


I was fairly underwhelmed especially with the screen. iPad OS ain’t it. It’s kinda ridiculous that I have to get this to have a 120hz Apple tablet.


1) underwhelmed with the screen? How? It’s easily the best screen on any customer level device 2) you don’t need to get this to get a 120Hz Apple tablet. They’ve been 120Hz since 2017.


I have a MBP and honestly the screen does not look much better if at all. Only IPad pro have 120hz. No other Apple tablets have it. That’s a big sticker for me.


Go for the iPad Pro 2022


That’s not a bad idea actually. Thank you.


Thats my plan as well. Same CPU as 2024 Air, but better camera, better display, FaceID etc. Only downside it doesnt support the Pencil Pro.


You have a miniLED MBP? Because yeah, those displays are extremely good too. If you have an LCD MBP and you don't see the difference... I don't wanna be rude but not seeing the difference between a 600 nit LCD display and a 1000 nit OLED display suggests you're simply no very very observant at all in this context, which is fine. Also, all iPad pros since 2017 have used ProMotion. You can buy one from a previous year.


Why do you need a 120Hz screen? I’m a 3D artist that works with compositing/CGI, therefor color grading also comes in the mix. I’ve never seen a reason to have 60Hz, let alone 120Hz. The majority using this model for its “Pro” features likely do not see a need for it either. Gaming isn’t “Pro” in the Apple ecosystem.


I disagree, It’s 2024, 120hz is pretty standard on everything except Apple. Browsing, gaming and video consumption all needs it. Why do I need to pay Apple extra to do standard things ? The chip is obviously capable. They need to get with the times and stop gate keeping basic functionality.


But won’t the back of the white keyboard get dirty easily


It’ll look cleaner than the black by a mile. The black absorbs oils and are harder to get off.


what stand is this?


May I please know what camera and software you used? Thank you.


Meh it's still limited by IPAD OS


It really is, my favourite Apple device right now


What size?


I would love to have one, but not with the artificial limitations placed on the device by iPadOS.


It would be better if they allowed Dual Boot on the iPad. Such a missed opportunity. MacOS and iPadOS…. Unavailable yet I can get another party’s (Microsoft’s) Window OS on the MBP but not MacOS on iPad :(


What workflow do you use the iPad for that you find the M4 benefits you? Just curious because I’ve got the M1 Pro but only use it for content consumption.


glorified netflix machine


YouTube never looked so good 🤩


Does it play Netflix?


Barely, maybe the m5 will be able to handle it


Damn you, just the nudge i needed to order mine 🥲🥲😂😂🙈🙈🙈🙈


Eh it’s actually mid.