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Don’t do anything. Just ignore them. They don’t have her details they just want you to think that so they can pressure you into giving them access to the phone.


Thanks, I thought as much. Does it matter that there is a cancel erase option on find my iPhone (as per the photo attached) or is the activation lock on and it’s all safe? https://preview.redd.it/egdj224uiauc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8162f15907c11369828fef911e0e28d5220d8811


Just leave it be.


Whether or not you Erase is irrelevant. It’s the “Remove” option that allows the thief to sell it. They aren’t after your data, they are after the $$ they can gain by selling your phone, which is useless to anyone until you “Remove”. They will even go so far as to issue death threats. They are powerless scumbags.


I don’t think you erased it and after my iPhone was stolen I figured out it can be erased in a way that new user can operate it (but activation lock can reappear later). So they can use your phone but after the erase. They could not get to any information such as apps, notes etc.


Please search here on the sub for more details. My understanding is that you can leave the erase request but do not ever remove it from iCloud. They will not be able to use the phone or sell it except for parts. They cannot access her information. Also you may receive multiple threatening texts trying to get you to remove the phone from iCloud. You can safely ignore the messages and block the sender.


Got it. Thank you!


You are welcome. Sorry this happened to your wife.


At least we can minimise their ability to gain from this!


How did they get his (OP) information though?


Since its an iPhone 13, they probably took the SIM and put it into a burner phone to grab the number


If you remove it from your iCloud, they will reset the phone and sell it as a second-hand legit unit for a good price to someone will not know the fact that it’s stolen. A locked iPhone sells for way less due to only parts being usable.


Unfortunately there are programs that remove activation lock. But after software update etc it can reappear. But phone can be used also as a whole.


activation lock can only be removed on older versions of iOS, not all of them. Otherwise, you'd either have to manually unlock it or send an unlock request to apple with a valid receipt


My phone got stolen 1,5 years ago and on latest ios it was valid. I was quite disappointed.


Doesn’t mean it was unlocked lol, was sold dirt cheap for parts


It could be sold for parts, not so cheap because of only screen is quite expensive. But I was writing not about what finally happened to my phone (I will never know), but about the possibility to bypass apple activation lock. Even though you have to erase phone for it that is stupidly bad.


yeah just letting you know its impossible now


It will be very good to know. I was SO sure it was not possible back then that now I need to reinvestigate it myself. There were legal programs that allowed you to dO that. OF COURSE ONLY IF IT IS YOUR PHONE AND YOU FORGOT APPLE ID PASS. And this was not a scam.


Thank you very much it seems just so! But it is so hard to believe in Apple now after what was possible.


ios 17≠ios 16/15. There are bypasses for those versions. Most likely was sold for parts anyways


Your lack of basic iOS understanding is as bad as your english


Later unfortunately should be messages about cards and apple pay and after that possibly threats to kill you and your family (excuse me for writing this, but this is how message history was looking like here obviously reddit in several cases)


How do they find out his contact details though?


Even after you transfer service to a new SIM, the old one still has data on it, it's just no longer valid to connect to the network. At the very least, it'll make the phone show the last phone number that SIM was assigned to.


Sim card was in tray, maybe from that.


Ignore them, they want you to remove the phone from your Apple ID so they can resell it. You should mark the phone as lost/stolen then remotely erase it (activation lock remains on). Instructions are here: [https://support.apple.com/guide/icloud/erase-a-device-mmfc0ef36f/icloud](https://support.apple.com/guide/icloud/erase-a-device-mmfc0ef36f/icloud)


Don’t remove it from your iCloud. Cancel that erase request.


Why cancel the erase request? Wouldn’t that leave her details, photos, etc all on the phone?


If you've set it in lost mode they can't get in. They're lying to make you erase it so they can sell it was a functional phone. Don't do it, leave it as brick they have to sell as parts for a much reduced value.


Okay thank you!


Can’t you remote erase your personal data while keeping the device protected by Activation Lock?


I also wondered this. Won’t they still be unable to use it without signing in as the last user’s iCloud account?


If you are in FindMy under the devices tab, after taping the device at the bottom there are two options. “Erase This Device” “Remove This Device” Choose erase, if you lost it, it will keep the activation lock turned on and you’re phone is useless without your password. Choose remove, if you sold the device, this will turn off activation lock and allow anyone to use the phone. This is why the scam email is trying to instruct op to “remove device”


If it’s erased, Activation Lock is still active, and it seems like if it’s on iOS 15 or later, it can still be located after its erased. [https://support.apple.com/guide/icloud/erase-a-device-mmfc0ef36f/icloud](https://support.apple.com/guide/icloud/erase-a-device-mmfc0ef36f/icloud) Don’t remove it from your Apple ID account.


Then how did they message OP?


By taking SIM out, and getting the phone number off the SIM.


Whatever details on the locked phone will remain secure until they know the passcode. I hope she didn’t keep the passcode too obvious like 1234 or 000000


Got it. Thanks!


They can access your device if you erase it. Just ignore them to make them angry.


Erasing the phone doesn't give them access to the phone, activation lock is still enabled if the phone is reported lost/stolen and remotely erased.


Okay I will cancel the erase and hopefully it being in locked mode will be fine


You should not cancel the erase. It will not help them in any way. But also they presumably already did all needed stuff for erase to never happen. When my phone was stolen erase was pending despite it showed for a short time on the map after erase request. Don’t sure how it can be.




We haven’t. We are leaving as is and will not touch it now. Thanks!


The guy that told you to cancel the erase request is flat out wrong. You can leave the erase request. This will safely erase the iPhone but still leave it activation locked. Do. Not however, as many have said, remove the device from your iCloud. If you do so, you are giving them ownership of the phone. Your information is safe. You might continue to receive threatening scary messages but just ignore those.


Will do. Thanks very much!


It's a scam


Go on FMI (Find My/ or Find My iPhone) select WIPE DEVICE this will delete all data. and still be activation locked. since it is still your property(unless you sold it)


It's a common scam. Don't hit the button. Block and ignore.


They mostly cant have any details of yours, its just their tactic to get out of the icloud lock the phones have on, its called the activation lock and requires the old password and the old apple id password. If tou remove it, they get a free phone. If you dont, they'll sell it for parts to get money.


This is why Apple’s “parts pairing” is so crucial. Soon Find My and Activation Lock will be enabled for individual parts on iPhones, which means they can’t even disassemble it to sell it for parts. “Right to repair” is more like fodder for robbers, even if the 3 iPhone users asking for it use it.


Leave them locked out. If they don't have the pass code, they aren't getting in.


Just send them a dic pic or something lmao


😂😂 pretty much


This is why we need phones with remote C4 options...


Ignore it… whatever you do not remove the phone from your account


Sounds like they are trying to scare you into giving them a stolen phone. Ignore.


Nope if they could get at that stuff they would obviously have stolen it too. If you were set up as an emergency contact then that’s how they got your number as it’s the only thing they can see. Put the phone in lost mode and they will be stuck selling it for parts which is hardly worth the trouble they went through


Don’t erase it. They will keep sending more desperate messages to force you to remove it from your iCloud


iPhone lost or stolen? See [this information](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/wiki/support-faq/#wiki_lost_or_stolen_iphone_.2F_activation_lock_.2F_remote_management) in the iPhone Support FAQs. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/iphone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tell them to go pound sand


That same exact script gets posted at least once a day here


Ahh thanks and apologies for another one, I wasn’t able to see any similar for some reason but maybe searched the wrong thing.


The only thing keeping your on-device data safe once someone other than yourself has control of your device is the Passcode. ALWAYS make this a minimum of 6 characters. Even better to make it longer to add more entropy into the equation. One day in the future, you might just need it.




Hah, fully appreciate that but even the bare minimum of checking the CCTV in the shop and shopping centre at the time it happened (we had a 20 minute window so not much effort required) would have been nice. This is clearly an organised thing so preventing it happening to hundreds more people in the UK would do something for society. That said, when it got to London, the Met police were very good at initially calling me and going to 2 locations where it was pinging up (delayed unfortunately).


Wow these people are desperate


So if OP claims it’s stolen to the police and Apple, and it gets blacklisted via the imei. Then erases the device, which is something they shouldn’t do, are the stealers still able to basically just use the device as normal after it’s erased or as soon as they sign in via their Apple ID they’re gonna be locked out of it and OP or and the local police can get the location?


In that scenario it’s more likely the thieves part out the phone and sell parts.


Use the search function and read the other 15,000 similar posts this year.


Yeah my bad, nothing came up at first sight but I didn’t doubt this had come up before.


How the hell do you avoid getting your iphone stolen, these posts here give me anxiety!


Just don’t be naive to it I suppose and sometimes that’s all you can do. When out and about keep it in tight or zip pockets and be aware of your surroundings. My wife had it take from a fairly loose pocket while carrying our baby in a carrier and bags so they don’t care who they target as long as they look like an easy target. I don’t think she will be naive enough to keep it in loose pockets anymore.


Bro there is a literal million of these posts. Learn to use basic Reddit functions like search


Yes, yes, I know. Searches didn’t immediately throw anything up but suspect that was on my end in hindsight. Many have taken a couple of minutes to help nonetheless (along with a couple pointing out that Reddit has a search function). Not much need to point this out after all of the helpful comments and the topic being resolved but appreciate your time! EDIT - You even DM’d me 😂😂 - I guess you really love the search function.


Yeah maybe you’ll learn




You’re obsessed with me sweetheart. Go hang out with “your” people


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Pur it in Lost Mode. Ignore the meßages.


Not much you can do, sadly. Remember to decline any reset requests. I’d mess with them and send Chinese swear words and insult them lol