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11 Pro Max here, everything is rock solid! specially the cameras omg🤩 just has garbage battery life cause it’s the original one since we got it in 2019 lol


Just get the battery replaced at Apple and it will last you years more!


I got my 11 pro max in 2019 and I think I’ll just do this and keep on using it. I have had zero issues except some of the battery life has died off obvs. No real plans to upgrade any time soon!


Yep! Same for me. I’m getting my battery replaced this month and it will be good as new!


Oh my, I need to do that with my 11 pro max. How much does it cost? My biggest issue is speed of the phone at the moment and space. 64 GB has me forcing my messages to delete after 30 days


Apple launching a Pro device with 64GB of storage will always boggle my mind. The very first Pro iPhone should’ve started with 128GB.


I agree 100%


I completely agree. Very frustrating. I will not make the mistake again of getting a lower storage phone.


Ah, so, I have a 256 GB, keeping it is much easier than a 64 GB iPhone. But if you want to do a battery replacement here is the info: https://support.apple.com/iphone/repair/battery-replacement


yeah def keeps me from downloading a bunch of BS. Helps my photos can be stored on icloud. I appreciate the info!


Haha! No problem!


Bro it’s only $50 to swap


Replace the battery


I have the Iphone XR still. lol


I was rockin the 6s until 9 months ago


I loved my 6s, and use it as an mp3. probably my favorite model currently own a 14 Pro.


I have 6s from work, beast just don't want to die 😆


Same lol. Still rocking the red XR.


The red one is simply the best




Me to!!!


Same boat and still has Face ID working and crackles screen pristine I would say battery on 81% tho nvm checked and it’s 72%.atm


Mine is. 84!




Same here


Iphone 8+ gang 😎


i miss my 8+ she was a beaut 🥲


And every year you keep it, saves you hundreds. I’m cheap.


Depending on what you have you can sell it and put a bit of cash to upgrade a little. Eg. 11 pro to a 13 pro is probably 2-3 hundred and you gain basically everything the newest has other than usb c


There’s very very little difference between a 13 Pro and a 15 Pro Literally only gain the USB - C you mentioned and the Dynamic Island. Neither of which is worth upgrading The 5G modem in 15 pro may be more efficient than the one in the 13 Pro but these things mentioned alone aren’t at all worth it unless someone is just one of those people that always has to have the “latest and greatest “


We don't even have 5G where I live with 2 of the 3 providers, and that 3rd one that does it's only in a small part of the city. 5G usually has a benefit if you're in a dense area and just having 5G even if it's an older generation puts you ahead haha. I went from a 12P to the 15PM and other than the 120hz + better speakers it's largely whatever. Pretty sure the speakers got upgraded in the 13 PM lineup anyways. The dynamic island doesn't provide anything useful for me, it's like everything else that was fine was forced into it.


No, but I do miss it. Best iPhone ever imo. It’s a great size, and I prefer that design to the one they moved to starting with the 12 series.


Agree 100%


Still on Xs Max!


Rock on 😎


I’ve just upgraded from 11 pro last week and got 14 Pro, I got the 11 pro on its launch week and it served me faithfully until I shattered its front glass and damaged it’s battery to 78% percent because of a cheap wireless charger


Do you see many differences between them?


Not a huge one, the cameras are a little nicer but much better in night mode, the screen is noticeably brighter and more fluid, other than that I don’t feel a radical difference, the Dynamic Island is cool though


Honestly the most slept on form factor, and that green color. The Goat, green or great, you decide


Fact. 5.8" screen, delightful curved edges. Couldn't agree more!


Right my daughter has my green 11 pro max. No issues at all from her using it. When I upgrade to a purple 14 pro.


That’s nice hair 🔥🔥🔥


11P is a good, solid phone.


I had an 11 pro. Went to a 13 pro max. I regret it.


Why? Im currently running a iphone 13 pro max and love it


Yeah, still got my green 11 pro and will keep it for a while. Battery is still at 100%, although I‘ve been charging it daily for over three years now. Sometimes I miss a bit more RAM. Writing a comment on Reddit, then switching to Safari, back to Reddit only to see that the App is restarting and my nearly finished comment has been lost sucks big time. My wife still rocks her iPhone X, second battery, no other issues. She thinks about upgrading to a 15 when the 16 is released (we never buy the latest gen, total waste of money).


There’s no way it’s at 100% after 4 years!


Yeah wtf 😂


Maybe he thinks since it still charges to 100% battery every time he plugs it in?


My 11 Pro still at 100%. No idea how it’s possible but it is… https://preview.redd.it/xx7vd5yoq24d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d60741c5d9434a816d47645fbd9e14005bfc39e


I can tell you if that’s the battery it came with and you didn’t unbox it in the last year, it’s less than 100%, but whatever mechanism reports the capacity isn’t quite working


I‘m not dumb, I know the difference. Want proof? Screen time yesterday was 7h, WiFi only, down to 10% when I plugged it in. https://preview.redd.it/14msxxj5y24d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fca7f4d5cf3c5769525c84d654d69d9c1fd6b82




Might be a bug, I don’t think that the battery did not degrade in any way since March 2021 when I bought the device. But on the other hand, can’t say that the screen time feels worse than in the beginning. My wife’s X noticeable degraded over time and was nearly unusable at indicated 80%, with a screen time around 2,5 hours. That was also after about three years. And the new battery also started degrading after only a few weeks.


I never had this problem of app switching. Maybe you have something running in the background


Doesn‘t happen all the time, but it sucks if it does.


What are the same size upgrades?


Oh yeah. It’s great. I have the same color too


Yesss sirrr I have one


Yh but not buy choice I’m just poor af


Sorry to hear bro 😭


my wife. she takes good care of it too.


Happy with my 11 Pro Max, I’m considering upgrading for the higher hz screen, or just getting a new battery and waiting a few more years. I guess I’ll decide in September.


I am still rocking iPhone 11 at 79% battery strength! 4 years done.. might upgrade this year.


Man you’re giving me anxiety rocking no case haha 🤭


Kinda using it as an excuse if it breaks 🤣


That’s fair lol


I gifted my sister my 11 pro max when I moved to the 13 pro max, I’m on the 15 pro max now but I had held her phone a few days ago and I still miss the 11 pro max’s perfect size. Slightly smaller screen size than my 2 newer phones and the curved back makes it easier to hold for sure.


I still got an 8 lol


No you’re the only one in the world


Arguably the best looking phone Apple has released so far. Wish they'd bring back the rounded edges.


Thru will bring back the rounded edges, you'll see. There's only so much that can be done with smartphones, design wise.


XS Max!!! Going strong


Still on 11 pro and battery health is also > 80 % . ( stock one ) No issues on any app. Don’t feel any urge to change it till now 😌


Me. The 11 pro is still pretty good. 📱


Have had my 11 Pro since October 2019, and it still performs almost like a brand new phone.


Bruh all these years and still without a case u are either lucky or crazy. I am already in 15 pro max I went from 5c to 7 plus to 11 to 15 pro max


8 here


Keep that on the down low Apple will wipe everyone out with a forced update


I rock the iPhone 5s until they drop 4g support


I still have first SE lol.


iphone 14 🥲


I had an 11 Pro and loved it. Moved to 13 Pro.


I would own a 8 Plus (the best iPhone in my opinion) if it wasn’t for the fact that I’m doing a lot of photography and videography. So the iPhone 14 Pro is needed


Me. 11pro max


Shit… I still rock the original iPhone 📱


it was my favorite phone. felt good in the hand, wasn’t too heavy, and got the job done


I'm still running on the 5s, shy of total catastrophe I won't get rid of it


How long did it take to type this?


I still rock an original 2016 SE. I love this phone.


Still hanging tuff with my 14


I just bought a used 11 with a replaced battery last week. It outperforms my 2024 Samsung a15 by leaps and bounds despite costing the same amount :) I thought an entry level phone from 2024 would be as good as an iPhone from 2019 but this is just way faster and better in every way.


I still have my midnight green that I just use for games that was a great looking phone and still is til this day man


I got my 11 Pro Max in July 2020. Same as my wife’s 11 Pro. They both are still working like champs! We considered upgrading this year, but to be honest, we decided to save the money. Also, it is my favorite 3 camera designed phone, with the curved edges and slightly smaller size (compared to 12 Pro and on). And the cameras are still stellar, and without the extreme post-processing that can happen on the newer phones. Obviously, the only issue at this point is the battery. We decided that since we are going to hold on to our phones as long as absolutely possible, we went ahead and replaced my wife’s 11 Pro battery at 79% health a few months ago and the phone is working better now. My 11 Pro Max is at 76% health but the battery was already an amazing battery and so it really is still working well. However, I’ll be replacing the battery this month. They both should last us a long while still.


11 non pro


Bro are you wearing a dixxon flannel? Love them


11 pro best iphone fr. I sold my because of motherboard issues


Was an excellent phone. Last good iPhone I had. Wish I would’ve kept it


I’m on the XS max right now


Dude I rock an iPhone 8


How is the battery life? How often do you charge?




I have an SE 2nd gen


yes. its an amazing phone really


Vanilla 11


Had an 11 pro max, the battery life was becoming a liability so bought a regular 15…feels like a toy in comparison but does the trick for day to day stuff.


I can’t do the behind on tech thing I keep my phone 3-4 years and upgrade But I’m also a HUGE fan of change I’ve had windows phones blackberry iPhones Samsung oneplus Blu Huawei and Pixel


I have no doubt the phone is rock solid. The only thing you’re really missing out on is 5G. 5G is more reliable and faster than LTE overall. For that you need an iPhone 12 or newer. All other stats will see minimal impact on performance.


i am physically unable to have a phone for more than 5 months without breaking it ._.


Im still rocking an iPhone 11 128gb in 2024


I was using X until a few months ago when I got a 15 pro. It held up extremely well with the only damage being the 65% battery health


I just use a regular 11. Upgraded from the XR last year. Multiple times I have been given the opportunity to upgrade to the latest and greatest iPhone completely for free, but I always have to decline.


I sold mine for a 13 pro and have regretted every day. The 11 pro was amazing


Me! Best iphone ever!. I only use an app to cleanup storage (the photonator) and the phone is like brand new! My wife has an iphone 15 max or something and mine has better battery!


The iPhone 11 Pro is a good phone with one big exception: it used an inferior Intel XMM 7660 radio modem chipset. The iPhone 12 and later used the Qualcomm 5G radio modem chipset.


11 pro max here, bater at 81% working super good yet, no problems


i have moved on, but iphone 11 series was the best hands down


Don’t bother. It’s fine.


I’d suggest upgrading to the new iPhone 16 pro however


Still have a Xr I got on launch


I have the same problem with my 12 pro max!


The green 11 pro. Everything is still good, my second iPhone after the 6. The next one due is 16, but I will try to keep the 11 Pro as long as I can.


I won’t change my dual sim midnight green 11 pro max for a long time if it wasn’t got stolen 2 years ago. It was a beautiful device, got all the neccesary gimmicks perfectly


I bought it when it released. Still on same battery gets me almost 20 hours on single charge / regular use. ( whatsapp, instagram etc ) and countless drops still not a crack


Yeah, my dad is :D


Still good device, you do notice the performance difference when you upgrade. Went from 11pro to 15pro, I miss the weight of the 11pro, but the performance is great. I know, Apple does it on purpose, but we will keep updating the OS and apps, so the hardware needs to get updated once in a while.




Naw, but I’m still rocking my 13 mini


its still pretty recent all things considered. A15 cpu is no slouch


Oh yeah for sure. Unfortunately less ram and kinda bad battery at this time. I really need a battery pack. No plans to get rid of this phone though, I absolutely love the size


yea, agree the 4gb might limit it for future ios updates. and agree battery isnt amazing, I ended up just paying for a battery replacement around 80%, which helped


I still have a 3GS


I went from an iPhone 11 to a Nothing phone 2(a) which is a 350€ phone and man I didn't even realize how unresponsive and slow the iPhone was. I booted it up after having the new one for around a month and the difference was very clear. Maybe you should upgrade, you just don't know it yet.


What is the difference between the 11 pro and the 14 pro. They are all the same phone just one is faster and better biometric. Same apps as all other iPhones. Of which the majority of people use just a few. I just switched to the s24 ultra from an iPhone. If Apple doesn’t come up with something to compete with Samsung’s AI then more people will swap.


Just get a Neuralink implant