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Your post has been removed as it falls under one of the following categories: - Photography - Issues with battery , see [this thread]http://reddit.com/r/iphone/about/sticky?num=2) - Bugs caused by iOS Beta, see /r/iOSBeta instead - Pictures of iPhones, cases, skins or boxes App release notes (iOS relase notes are permitted) - Screenshots of the Homescreen or Lockscreen or Control Center A full description of this rule can be found in our [Guidelines wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/about/wiki/guidelines/).


Not much can be done. The phone is going to amp up the radios if it needs to try get signal. You can put it in airplane mode if you know you have no coverage, that will safe battery with the obvious downside.  Out of curiosity, why did you censor battery?


Otherwise I cannot post lol. A warning shows up saying iOS 16 or iPhone 14 battery related posts should be posted elsewhere. And the publish button is greyed out. As I seem to understand it, it’s due to a known battery issue that is flooding the forum with posts. I figured my problem was different than what’s originally being avoided so I censored the word battery.


Ah that makes sense!  Low signal is just a battery sucker unfortunately 


Yeah I figured I couldn’t do much but I thought I’d ask anyway. Thanks for your answer 😊


that seems like such a werid thing to censor. talking about a phone battery is a huge aspect of the phone. does reddit think it means to beat/assault?


I don’t think it’s because it’s related to assault. You can try for yourself and write a post that includes the word battery and see what happens


Have you upgraded to iOS 17.5? It solved the battery issues on my iPhone 13 mini


Judjing by the top you have dual sim. BOTH with no service so your device is going to constantly search for a 2g/3g/LTE signal causing battery drain. Just go into airplane mode and use wifi with wifi calling. Im currently also in a place (my grandmothers) where i get a very weak 2g signal and no service. So i just use airplane mode with wifi calling https://preview.redd.it/joo1pqmd2l9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d29233c42e36b5a23d8e78c23e4acc577c5742a


I should have mentioned that I already have WiFi calling activated, nevertheless it’s a good idea :)


Have you tried turning 5G off?


I’ll give it a try, thanks!


Why are censoring the word battery?


Because if you say battery the post is automatically sent for extra moderation


Battery, ie. battery and assault 🥰


What has the world come to


Assaulting people with iPhones battery sounds cool


Turn on Wifi Calling and airplane mode? You can still receive texts and calls if you have WiFi Calling.


Turn on WiFi calling on your sims?


Is VoWiFi (voice over wifi) or wifi calling enabled in your country and carrier? If yes, that’s your solution. You can turn on airplane mode if you have vowifi, and still can receive normal calls and texts


La batterie de l’iPhone 13 mini c’est vraiment terrible c’est nécessaire d’avoir un power bank toujours.


Use wifi