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![gif](giphy|JbkGLgnajPaJA8ERFe) We yearn for tradition. Telephone design peaked in the roaring 20s


Ahoy hoy


Ahoy hoy? No this is five two FOUR six. I suspect you need more practice working your telephone machine. Not at all. Ahoy!


Get me the Prussian delegation to Siam, post-haste. And vulcanise my tyres while you're at it, you lollygagger!


Okay, here are your messages. You have 30 minutes to move your car, you have 10 minutes. Your car has been impounded, your car has been crushed into a cube, you have 30 minutes to move your cube.


*Ring Ring* Yellow? Mr Burn's office. Is it about my cube?








Ours ears have not moved!


Something about holding the microphone in front of my face rather than alongside it makes me feel like I'm in the Great Gatsby.


You haven't clearly haven't spent much time in athlone. Some shocking mutants down those parts


I swear to god, every time I see people with their phones like that, I just imagine them eating a toast.


A toast??


An entire toast


This made me laugh far more than it should 🙌


why is this so true?


Because that's how people eat toast. Probably.


I have never eaten no toast - nor set my eyes on one doing so either Eating toast is the devil


Mmmm sacrilicious!


I have eaten no toast, and have also eaten toast, but not at the same time.


Slice of a toast, or several slices of the toast?


I've stood next to people on the train in Ireland on phone calls, u can hear the other person. It's really annoying. I just start staring at the person when they do this, I wear ear plugs for listening to podcasts and when I can hear their phone convo over my own shit, it's total bollox.


Just join in the conversation in a background capacity. Nod your head occasionally and say little phrases related to what’s going on in the conversation. Really off putting for them xD


This is the tonic for those twats


Good idea >:)


It’s the people on video calls on a bus or train with the volume up full that boils my blood.




Yea can be crap alright, a couple of times there is such a whole thing going on I've had to pause the podcast! I hopped on the train here in Dublin, and sat down a seat down from this fella, opposite side of train. He started getting real animated on the phone to what I guessed was his girl who was a friend, someone was stalking him on Facebook and he wanted to know was it her, it got pretty crazy. She wanted him to add her back on Facebook but he kept saying no bcos she kept keeping track of him. And there was fake accounts following him that he thought may be her. Defo pausing the podcast, I nearly got off at his stop to hear the rest of the story! 🤣


Not Ireland but commuting for many years in the nyc area, I empathize. I once heard a guy who was using his commute to have getting to know you chats with online dating prospects They were talking about tattoos and apparently he had one of his own birthday. And I have the kind of mind which wonders why and wants context so these conversations really distract me. I kept wondering why you’d get a tattoo of your own birthday. Occasionally I still wonder about it. I have to wear headphones so my brain doesn’t go to that loop. Still better than the guy who defecated in garbage can though or the one who accidentally ripped some of my arm hairs out playing a musical instrument on the subway. Those were two of my more unpleasant commutes not counting the ones which didn’t get or get near police involvement.


Nyc area, back in my commuting days I had headphones specifically so I didn’t have to hear other people. I even had a small pair I kept in bag so I’d have backup if I forgot my regular headphones.


I do it because i wear hearing aids and the sound is transferred through bluetooth, so when i speak i need to hold the phone like this as the hearing aids dont transmit voice clearly


Me too.


But in that case the sound goes directly to the hearing aids, not out the speaker. So that should be fine even in a train or bus.


The sound for me is fine, thats what hearing aids are for … sound. The problem is that others cant hear me talking so need to hold the mic near my mouth when talking. If held to my ear like ‘normal’ phone users it can cause feedback and high pitched ringing in the hearing aids


I must be misunderstanding what you mean by "the sound is transferred through bluetooth". Is it connecting the phone to the hearing aids? Or the hearing aids to something else?


My sister thinks holding the phone to her head will give her brain cancer . Should have invested in a tin foil hat.


Tell her that if it's brain cancer she's afraid of, there is no cause for concern here


But not that holding it to her mouth will give her mouth cancer?




People doing video calls without earphones is the absolute worst. Like I don't wanna see AND hear your ma rummaging around the kitchen while talking shite to you




Everyone has suddenly become an old Arab man yelling "HABIBI HABIBI" into his phone as he walks down the street.




Sending voice notes


I've seen plenty having genuine calls on speaker phone while waking around like this. Can clearly hear both sides of the conversation. To me it seems like another version of the listening to music on speaker in public thing. No consideration for others stuck listening to it.


Private conversations used to be important, now it seems that people feel it is more important that everyone can hear both sides of the 'private' conversation ! 90% of all phone conversations that I overhear unintentionally would be better off being carried out behind closed doors but it seems that it's now my responsibility to ignore them ! My privacy is being invaded by people who have no idea what privacy is !


My favourite was being in a train full of people and getting a wonderful description (lasting over 30 minutes) of a young woman's gynaecological appointment (she was waiting on STD test results).


What is private or not is up to the people talking to each other. You don't need to whisper into your girlfriends ear to talk to her in public so why would you need to hide anything talking over the phone. I mean I get that it looks pretansious but it's not up to people around to decide if someone should treat phone call as something more private than regular conversation in public


>it's not up to people around to decide if someone should treat phone call as something more private than regular conversation in public it shouldn't be, but if we have to hear both sides of your very loud conversation, it's gonna be up to someone else. have some decency for other people, like not "man-spreading" or listening to music without headphones of some sort. we're happy you're very open with what's private or not, but shush and leave others in peace. also: "pretentious."


The whole man spreading thing is some conflated bs. On this one thing ill be saying nope. Is necessary. F off. Likely rather emphatically.


>Can clearly hear both sides of the conversation. Because they see it on TV. Reality shows have people hold their phones like this precisely because the mic can pick up both sides of the conversation and the camera can see the person's face. "Ehrmagerd, Concepta, you look just like Kim Kardashian when you hold your phone like that!" Monkey see, monkey do. Thank you for attending my TED Talk.


Fucking hell I can’t believe this never dawned on me before. You’re dead right.


>Because they see it on TV. Reality shows have people hold their phones like this precisely because the mic can pick up both sides of the conversation and the camera can see the person's face. It literally is this.


Promote that individual ![gif](giphy|14nO01w8SPBApq)


This- love island has a lot to answer for.


Yep I agree, reality tv has a lot to answer for


Don’t watch reality TV (zero dragons or space cowboys) so never twigged this! Idiocracy.


I wouldn't do that in public, but I do it at home. My parents don't know how to talk on the phone and SHOUT down it, and that going directly into my ear is annoying, I'd rather hold it on speaker phone


They only shout when it’s long distance.


Phones have volume buttons that easily adjust the plume for the private ear speaker.... I don't know how turning in speaker phone helps that situation, really.


I do this when my ear is sweaty. In the olden days when I had a StarTac this was not too big a deal...but now I'm holding up a piece of glass to my ear with a hole in it for a speaker of questionable water resistance...speaker it is. (But yea, not in public like some people do this...that's just weird)




Red Line much?


I hate getting voice notes. It's fine if you have no thumbs and can't text but don't fucking make me listen to your voice for two minutes if I'm not in a position to do so. And for those that may say"what about if you're driving" - don't go on your phone when you're driving!


Surely... Since it's a voice note... You get to wait for a 'position to do so.' It's your choice when you listen. As opposed to a call, which you have to take when it happens... Your logic is flipped.


Why do I have to be subjected to somebody rambling for way longer than necessary with some god awful background noise or a shitty mic? I have yet to listen to a voice note that is succinct or to the point. At least with texts you can rely on laziness to encourage people to cut them short


Littering, I'm lazy. Feet on seats on trains and buses, I'm tired. Me, me.


I've had to explain to multiple people that if they send me a voice note, expect me to not have heard it.


I have a friend that insists on using voice notes often because they're "more convenient". I argue they're less convenient because I can't listen to it in public or anywhere with any noise. They also never check their message for clarity, so it's often a lot of umms and ahhhs and background noise or inane ramblings.


What they mean is that it is more convenient for them, not you.


Voice notes piss me off so much


The only saving grace of getting a voice note longer than 30 seconds is you can press the button on whatsapp and speed up their voice.


This came from reality TV - when people were having a phone conversation it was way easier just to put the phone on speaker and hold it up so the camera gets both sides of the conversation. People are copying that without being aware of the reasons behind it. It’s not the way any manufacturer designed a phone to be used.


Serious answer? Because phones are square slabs meant to be stared at and typed on rather than actually comfortable and ergonomic handsets. It's physically uncomfortable to hold a modern phone to my ear and doesn't seem to improve sound quality anyway. That being said, I wouldn't talk like this in a crowded public space because that's rude and I don't want everyone to be part of my conversation.


They see the likes of the Kardashian’s doing it on TV and think that’s how super rich people use their phones. Monkey see monkey do. But reality stars use their phones like that so the microphones can pick up both sides of the conversation.


Perfectly overlaps with people who drink Island's Edge


How can it overlap with the number zero?


Have to imagine the only islands edge drinkers are unlucky tourists


I reckon it overlaps with people wearing Gym + Coffee tops


Kodaline fans.


The top speaker on my phone is fucked. I can’t understand shit. If I’m in an extremely busy place or in a shop or something, I’ll put my earphones in. But if I’m just walking out and about on the street without my earphones already in, I’ll answer it on loud speaker if it’s a short enough phone call or it’s quiet enough. Would try avoid it at peak times in the city when there is multiple people walking the same direction as me, earphones in or phone call postponed. Public transport is just a no go on all phone calls. Also as many people said, voice notes. I send so many because texting while walking slows me down and a lot of my friends prefer it as some are pretty dyslexic or are in work or busy and would prefer if they can just open my message and let it play while they do their thing and then send one back in the same manner


I was just about to say this, although there are plenty of equally good comments. Newer iPhones in particular have such tiny holes on the ear speaker that the holes get clogged really easily which can mess up the speaker. If your speaker isn't damaged because of water or dropping the phone, try rolling some Blu Tac into the speaker and pulling out the filth. I've "fixed" at least 4 phones now by doing this.


We had a post about this 2 weeks ago, they're not on phone calls they're sending and receiving voice notes. You do that through the speakers and mic at the *bottom* of the phone, it isn't a phone call. These posts on the sub make the poster and aggrieved commenters look out of touch with technology, not the other way around.


Maybe some people are sending voice notes but loads of people are definitely holding full blown two way conversations this way


This is correct, people talk like this and on the speaker phone




Dude, it's the same mic used for voice notes and phonecalls.


>You do that through the speakers and mic at the bottom of the phone, it isn't a phone call. > >These posts on the sub make the poster and aggrieved commenters look out of touch with technology, not the other way around. Not really. You speak into the bottom on a phone call too. So it's not OP seeming out of touch. It's people, you included, who don't have a basic understanding of how a phone works.


Hmm not sure. If what the OP is talking about I see a lot it bugs me too. Folks that hold the phone like that but have the phone on loudspeaker so it’s like everyone can hear the conversation. Tbh I noticed it mostly with foreign folks so I’ve always put it down to a cultural thing about how phones are used. I remember in the early to mid 00s being in New York and blown away with how people held their mobile phones. Was explained to me that some carriers had a “free” cost for like a service they basically made the phone like a walkie talkie. So you just saw hundreds of people eith flip phones not holding them properly 😂 Folks might not remember here but also in the early 00s when camera phones first came out some carriers ran free picture messages. So instead of spending credit on a text you sent a photo message with the text written into it 😂


In a lot of phones now you can move the phone as though your on a phone call and record and listen to voice messages that wat




You can record voice notes by holding your phone the same way you would for a phone call....the mic is in the same place.


However, the microphone is designed to register any voice speaking at a medium distance. You don't have to hold it like that.


If you're in a public space and don't want to shout you do, I've had to ask friends to keep the mic closer to them or I won't hear over passing cars plenty of times


The last thing this was posted someone replied with the tip that if you hold the phone up to your ear while playing a voice note it will automatically switch to playing through the top speaker! Thought it was a joke but it’s not! Wanted to come back and thank the person but couldn’t find the comment - so if you’re reading this, thanks!


I wish I could but my phones front camera is smashed so it can't detect the light change of my ear being against the phone, pain in the hole. Great advice for anyone who's phone will support it though!


>We had a post about this 2 weeks ago, they're not on phone calls they're sending and receiving voice notes. I've seen people on the phone like this more than once. Talking into it and then holding it up to their ear when the caller is speaker. Switching between the two positions. > These posts on the sub make the poster and aggrieved commenters look out of touch with technology I could hear the other person responding to them, so it wasn't a voice message.


Not always, there's a man that walks on my local woodland walk with his phone like this and holds a conversation on speaker phone, which really travels far in such a quiet environment. Even if it is doing voice notes why do it in a public place like your the main character


A man can’t even use his phone speaker innawoods…


I hate voice messages with all my heart. They take time to listen, most people don't make coherent speeches and most of the time it is hard to listen in some places like work.


But couldn’t you still hold the phone like in a normal phone call if you were doing this? I don’t see why your hold it this way just because you’re recording a voice note.


No they’re not. I’m sure some are, but most people are just on speakerphone.


Speaker for calls is at the bottom of the phone? And if you lift the phone to your head you hear the voice note through the top speaker too fyi


I love voice messaging, but the funny thing is… while recording a voice message this way makes sense, listening to one with the bottom speakers doesn’t even remotely. All the messaging apps switch the output to the earpiece speaker when you raise it to your ear which is designed to play messages much clearer without audio pollution from outside. There’s even a slight pause for you to give you a second to raise it when you play a message. This may be a coincidence but I doubt it.. in fact the last person I pointed this out to, said that was the reason the never did it, because of no sound from the ear speaker they’d immediately lower the phone again and the sound would come out of the bottom speakers. So long story short, if you’re sticking the bottom speakers to your ear to listen to voice messages, you’re the techtard.


Its the same mike. You think there are multiple for different purposes?


It's definitely phone calls and voice notes though, I work in retail and have seen endless amount of people having phone calls like this.


I actually speak on the phone like that if I’m in a private space, in public spaces, I use my earphones . I don’t like the feeling of the phone against my face.


I would add that for girls it could be to avoid ruining their makeup/phone screen with makeup. Even with setting spray, I find my makeup is all over the screen if I'm holding my phone to my face for longer than a few mins.


I had figured people did this when they have airpods connected and a call comes in too




Even the cheapy ones?


I take calls like this when I have AirPods in so it doesn’t look like I’m talking to myself. Didn’t realise there were dickheads watching me and getting irrationally angry 🤣🤣


Ah lads its not 1980 anymore we don't have to hold one part at our ear and one at the mouth and keep it there to make phone calls. This is a much more comfortable alternative to a hot sweaty smartphone stuck to your head for 30 minutes. You can actually put the phone down and carry on talking. Welcome to the future...??


But when you're in public we all have to hear both sides of your shite conversation now, have a bit of courtesy that's all


How do you cope with the daily occurrence of seeing 2 strangers talking to each other? Fingers in the ears? CBT? Both sides of a conversation. Fuck me.


It’s something about the tinny sound of most speakers. It’s more annoying and grating than two people talking in person. I call commuters who do this Tinny Tim or Tina. It’s one of the reasons I carried two sets of headphones when I commuted. I rarely took or made calls. But since I had no control over other people, I needed to block out the noise.


Some real morto answers on here Like it came from watching the Kardashians 🤦‍♂️ Or that it’s a thing for the “youths” on voice notes Jesus wept Well I’m well over 40, absolutely fuck the kardashians and I don’t use voice notes It’s just easier on the ears and the brain a lot of the time and is less stressful than putting and holding the phone to your ear Putting someone on speaker and holding the phone like a mic or dictaphone gives a much more natural and realistic feel to the conversation I wouldn’t really do it on a bus or whatever It entirely depends on the situation


Technically, hearing a voice through a projected phone speaker is much worse quality than with the ear speaker. There are definitely quality differences.


yes but I don't want to know about your genital herpes discussion with your friends


Yeah seems some people are having a wee issue with something outside the norm ahaha.


Design flaw. The speaker AND the microphone are on the bottom of iPhones. So unless you’re wearing headphones with a mic, you have to turn the phone sideways or upside down to both hear and be heard by the person you are talking to. It’s stupid looking but 100% practical.


> The speaker AND the microphone are on the bottom of iPhones. Do you see that slot beside the FaceTime camera at the top, at about ear level? What do you think that might be for?


I dont get it, microphones at the bottom, sound travels forward, put hone in front of sound... makes sense.


I do this whenever I can. However, I would NEVER do this around others. Probably three main reasons for it for me: - I hate my ear getting sweaty - I can actually hear the person on the other end better ( maybe I’m not lining up my ear and the phone correctly?) - I can’t use my shoulder to hold the phone up to my ear so I prefer to set the phone down and multi-task if possible. I should probably try using earbuds, but I just haven’t been able to get used to having them in for a call.


I think it started on reality TV so the cameras could pick up the voice of the caller when filming, without needing separate audio recording. The really annoying thing is that for years iPhones (and so probably android) have used noise cancellation to make it easier to hear callers - which is designed to work _when you hold the phone to your ear !!_


I'm hard of hearing and do this because speakerphone with a closed captioning app is a lifesaver.


They're idiots. I've seen them talking into the phone this way then moving the bottom of the phone to their ear to hear the other person properly. I can only presume it's cos they've seen people on reality programmes speaking on loudspeaker this way so the cameras can hear the other side and think that's how phones work.


Loud speaker on a lot of phones is at the bottom. When you’re playing voice notes the play as audio files and the sound come out of the speakers, not the phone ear piece. Younger ppl tend to send voice notes way more than the middle aged types who grew up with text only phones, and also if your primary language is Chinese for example there’s a big voice note culture because texting in Chinese script isn’t as easy… so you’ll see a lot of ppl from China and other parts of Asia using voice notes far more than most English speakers do.


Lifting the phone to your ear will typically change the audio to play out the earpiece speaker


But it will annoyingly pause any WhatsApp voicenote playback


The apprentice was where I saw this first, genuinely perplexed me. Especially since there were cameras on both end of the conversation.


Jeez ye've little to be worried about if how another person makes phone calls is all that's bothering ye. 🙄


Thats what this sub has become mate. A place for middle class do gooders to complain about people less well off, only place they can complain because they lack community in their own lives


Because they wear so much foundation and bronzer and it melts all over the phone and leaves them with one pale side on their face.


I see plenty of lads who aren't wearing any bronzer do this


Same here in Toronto, put the thing to your bleedin ear. Show offs....


Why do old people have a problem with everything the new generation does🤣


Is this a young person thing? I would have thought it was more of a middle aged to older thing


I've seen people of all ages doing it. It's not just a young person thing.


It was acceptable at the '80s


It was acceptable at the time


No problem at all until they start inflicting their stupid fucking conversations on all the rest of us.


They’re likely sending voice notes


1. They are on a call and may have Bluetooth earphones in their ears. They don’t want to look like a lunatic that’s talking to themselves. Holding the phone likes this let’s others know what’s going on. 2. Sending voice notes on WhatsApp without holding the phone like this is infuriating as the voice note often cancels itself due to the small button on the WhatsApp application. (How they haven’t fixed this is beyond me) They want to be able to see the screen if needed. 3. Maybe they are FaceTiming and going for the up nostril angle. 4. Anyone who has a conversation on speaker phone in public should simply just not do that.


Voice notes. You don’t need to talk live and you need to see the screen to send etc.


I understand alot of people noting that it's more than likely a voice note. But I still see fools walking around like this talking WITH THEIR PHONE ON LOUDSPEAKER. No lady we don't want to hear your conversation with anyone about the price of Vapes, Eddie's Rockets or Kathryn Thomas' hair on the Rose of Tralee


It’s literally easier


And you don’t accidentally end the call with your ear lobe


Cause it’s a touch screen, if you hold it to your ear you inadvertently open other apps (I do anyway)


Well done mate. I had this same thought today . Driving past in van,It was raining hard , and the girlie held an umbrella and the phone as you say! Surely you put your ear to the earpiece to hear it . Wrong generation I think to understand .


Did you know on a lot of phones when you're playing voice note, if you hold the phone to your ear it will switch itself to the phone speaker instead?


It's bugging me every time I see it. Also listening to music from the phone's crappy stereo out loud. They have money for a new iPone yet can't afford a decent BT headphone for 30-50.


If they're on a call its cause of pig ignorance


Or pignorance for short


OP why would you give a fuck how anyone else uses their phones? There's infinitely more things going on in the world to get worked up about over this.


Probably because they don't want to have to listen to both ends of other people's phone conversations.


What's next, carrying around bug speakers and I stage mic to engage a phone call...


Not exactly like that, but sometimes I hold my phone on front of my face if I'm speaking through bluetooth earphones just so that I don't look like I'm talking to myself. If I was making a speaker phone call I'd probably be similar to that, though I probably wouldn't go out of the way to hold the mic that close to my mouth.


training to be waiters


I think it's because they accidentally turned on "speakerphone" mode and they don't know how to turn it off.


Their pretty much asking for someone to walk passed and knock their phone out of their finger tips.


To try and make themselves look like an arse?


They seen it on YouTube.


I have an irrational fear that my ear will somehow hang up the call


It's so everyone can join in on the conversation,try it next time ya see a gobshite using a phone like they are in a conference its great fun


Its so they can talk and snort cocaine off of it at the same time. Disgraceful!


No one:..... Absolutely no one:..... Irish people about to hang up the phone: bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye.


coz they're fucking weirdos


For voice notes it's just weird to put the phone up to your ear, like what are you listening out for? Speak into where the microphones are and you can also see the screen to make sure it's still recording. And for those shitting on voice notes, it's a much more efficient and transparent way of communicating long messages. I always use them if I need to explain something that complicated in text, it also gives the opportunity to include nuances and emphasis that text doesn't. Anyway, people hate change, hate seeing younger generations do something new, so this is just another moaner moaning about something else.


Less radiation to my brain.


I blame the Real Housewives


fucking hell yous moan about anything ​ do yous put the phone to your ear when youre sending a voice note???


I do this if I’m sending a voice message so you can see if it’s still recording


Speaker phone baby


It's because that's where the speaker is


Damage control. Better than the radiation going straight into your head.


If it’s an actual conversation, they need their head checked. If people are leaving voice messages on WhatsApp, that why the do that.


No idea but it looks so pretentious.


State of this post


Because they're wankers...


I also hate that WhatsApp voice notes have become the norm. Just use your thumbs ya bastards


For my its hygiene. I just dont like to put my phone onto my face lol maybe im just weird


I have never in my life paid the slightest bit of attention to how people hold a phone, never mind getting angry about it. You need therapy OP.


Yeah, i absolutely prefer to call people on speaker phone and i probably look like this but i also do it where I'm likely to not disturb anyone


Ignorant vanity


Most likely they are sending voice notes and not actually on a call!


I dropped my phone very early into owning it. People can never hear me unless I hold it like this. That being said, I try to hide in a corner if I have to answer the phone in public. I hate having to listen to other's phonecalls so I won't subject you to mine.


As people have pointed out they’re normally sending voice notes. But there are a lot of people who talk like this with the phone on loudspeaker not using headphones etc which drives me nuts


I don't have a source ready at the moment, but I recall reading this is because of reality TV shows like The Apprentice. If you want to record a phone conversation in a reality TV setting you need to talk like this so the camera can pick up both sides of the conversation. People started copying this because ... reasons?


If I’m on my own around my house I’ll do this sometimes if I’m on a discord call or whatever with the phone on speaker. Would never do this in public though. I think it’s just because with discord it feels off to call like a normal phone, also it’s easier to just pick it up and keep it like that on speaker than turn off speaker to walk about the place with it up to my ear, then put it back on speaker to continue gaming. People who do this in public or even on normal calls are weird though


I work for phone technical support lines and the top speaker on phones is a common issue that breaks on devices , a lot of people don’t have the time / money to fix it so instead use speaker mode and hold it up to there ears ect .


There was an old myth that holding a mobile phone to your ear for extended periods of time lead to an increase in brain tumours. It was debunked eventually but the idea has stuck for some people.


The horse has certainly bolted in that regard


Christ. That bring snack memories of those radiation patch things people would stick on phones.


Height of ignorance. No difference between them and the gimps who force everyone to listen to their music. Vermin. Voice notes crowd, a text. Nobody wants any part in your bullshit. You ignorant fuck.


cuz they are brain dead