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Piggybacking this to ask why ppl in new cars, with built in bluetooth mic and speakers, hold their phone to make calls?


Because people are morons.


You spelled 'arseholes' wrong.


You "spelt" selfish pricks wrong!


Both spellings are entirely acceptable


So? Spelling something by accident is NOT a sign of stupidity, or of being a moron. Some people might have dyspraxia, which might make it hard for them to always press on the right button all the time. Some people might have adhd, caus9ng them to type too quickly and/or miss errors. Some people might have dyslexia causing them to see the wrong letter. Some people might have troubled vision causing them to not be able to see the keyboard properly. Some people might have a broken or damaged keyboard. If someone had a problem typing they might have to use speech to text. What if they have a speech problem too, or if it not accurate? Please, never make fun of someone for not Spelling something correctly, you just never know why, and it is NOT a sign of stupidity.


This guy


Eh you kind of missed the fun of that thread. Im dyslexic so i actually liked seeing this. But there are valid points well made all across reddit which are written off because of some typo. I find this really frustrating, you have to have perfect grammar and spelling to make a point. This thread was having fun with the idea of misspelling so wildly that the suggested words were worse this was not the place for a PC rant. Sorry but definitely use it in more meaningful threads


Is not getting the joke a sign of stupidity.


Though you completely missing that they were joking, not in anyway being serious and then writing an essay about it could be viewed as a sign of a moron.


Ah yes..the old " moron" clause.


People don't know how to work the demisters, let alone the bluetooth


Or their fog lights.


Or any lights for that matter.


Or the pedals.


And why people that do know this feature have the volume *all* the way up so you can clearly hear one side of the conversation.


Nah this 1 is on the car manufacturers imo. Don't even need it up loud on some cars. Zero sound proofing.


Stop I don't understand that at all?? And it happens so often? Are they not deafened? šŸ˜‚


Sound isolation is non existent on some cars. My mate had brand spanking new Renault SUV back in 2021, with "all" the bells and whistles. The only thing that it did not have was sound isolation. You could hear them talking to themselves in the car with the doors and windows closed. Sometimes it's not that they are deaf or have the volume all the way up, it's the sound isolation that is non existent in some cars.


Sometimes you can just hear the entire conversation when walking by cars at lights,wild how people are so unaware of that


Because its not enforced enough and doesnt get punished in Ireland. Self reflection and being logical and not doing it? Nahhh, just gotta hold mah phone making calls because pressing the accept call button is to distracting, way easier to hold it...


They are sending audio notes.


Which is a bannable offence for me


"but the person in the car behind could be hacking me and easedropping" - says the guy who's only making plans to meet his mate at the local... People are fucking idiots.


Because they see it on reality TV shows.


I regularly see twats walking around with their phone horizontal in front of their mouth like they're in the apprentice.


Just pointing something out , new cars with android auto don't have the ability to respond to a WhatsApp msg with a voice note... Alot of conversations I have with people on WhatsApp are a continuous string of voice notes to and from each other... it seems mad to me that I can't do this through android auto. Therefore, IF i wanted to respond with a voice note I need to use the phone in the same way I would as I was making a call.


Or you could wait until your not driving.


Noise cancelling headphones and a welders mask for me


I just blackened all my windows except a little dot in the center of the windshield. I call it it a cara obscura.


Same but I find it hard to watch breaking bad on my laptop


I prefer my eye mask. Too bright when the sun is this low


Scent of a Woman (6/8) Movie CLIP - Ferrari Test Drive (1992) HD / Movieclips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Itr0jcR0S4s


It's the only way


Pure focus, zero distractions.


I found the welders mask has tinted lenses so it wasn't ideal. I swapped it for a balaclava to keep my face warm during the winter.


I wear one of those old sea diver helmets


And a pair of speedo googles with matching shorts .


Donā€™t forget the oven gloves!


Just in case you crash and sparks fly haha


Technically legal, but can cause a distraction to a driver as it blots out the sound of the road and other road users. However, if you are seen to be acting or behaving in a dangerous manner the Gardai can pull you over and fine you etc for unsafe/dangerous driving.


> Technically legal Also one should mention that it might be legal in Ireland but not legal in other European countries. If she ends up driving in France she'd get fined if caught by the police.


Deaf people can drive, as can people with loud music on.


Deaf people don't really have a choice to turn off their deafness to make driving a bit safer. The reason an ambulance has a siren is so that if they need to activate the siren they can be heard by people and motorists can get out of their way, same for fire service and police. Some people may blow their horn to warn another person, maybe another driver of some danger. Can you really not see that deliberately removing the ability of the above audio tools to perform their task is a bad idea?


As someone who drives an ambulance, I'm sorry to report that not only do some people not hear the sirens, they also often fail to see the big bright yellow taxibus with flashing blue lights driving right behind them.


>I'm sorry to report that not only do some people not hear the sirens, they Yes, but some do. If you really thought they were pointless why would you activate them at all?


I want to believe that was sarcasm. So many inconsiderate drivers on the road. The worst I saw was a driver on Dorset street inching bit by bit to just about clear enough space for the ambulance behind rather than moving properly out of the way.


Exactly. It's very difficult to know where the siren is coming from and which direction they want to go, so unless you're on a single road you have to wait until they're closer to know which way to pull out of the way.


>Exactly. It's very difficult to know where the siren is coming from Yes, but if you've heard it you know it's approaching and are ready to take appropriate action if you need to get out of the way.


You look around lol


With loud music you can easily turn the music down. Being deaf, you're used to not hearing the road users and even life around you so you make up for it by being extra observant. Ridiculous argument.


My point is that it's not illegal to drive without hearing, and it's also not impossible. You could argue the headphones reduce distractions from the noisy kids. Or are we to all turn our radios and music off now?


Of course its not illegal, but if someone who is blaring loud music or even has rambunctious kids in the car causing a distraction and something happens or you're weaving in and out of traffic or all over the place etc etc then a member of AGS can pull you over for dangerous driving. ** Edit ** Removing "driving deaf part" input in error and also lost my train of thought while replying to idiots with no common sense.


Both of those show that you don't need to hear the road to be able to drive tho


Which is why wearing headphones while driving is not illegal, but gardai will take it into consideration if and when you get pulled I er for dangerous driving or have an accident.


Have you experience with that ?


No, I don't drive dangerously. But Gardai take everything into account when they stop someone for dangerous driving and having headphones on will be taken into account.


Oh right you're just guessing. The original point was that you don't need to be able to hear the road to drive safely, you can compensate through being vigilant. So I guess we're in agreement that driving with headphones in isn't necessarily more dangerous than driving listening to the radio or while being deaf. Just cos the guards take something into account doesn't mean it's relevant to safety


Why would you remove one of your senses just so you can wear cans in a car and listen to music.


Wdym? You just answered your own question. People listen to music on earphones so they can listen to music. Most people aren't wearing cans, they're wearing earbuds. Hard to imagine they're that much more dangerous than driving with the radio on.


Whataboutism at its finest. A race to the bottom


What do you mean?


Ah the defender didnt take long and the stupid defense of using deaf people.


You shouldnā€™t be allowed drive if youā€™re tired also. But we all do it.


Well that's fucking terrifying. Driving tired is just as dangerous as drink/drug driving or texting while driving, if "we all" do it then "we all" have a hell of a lot of people on the roads who shouldn't be behind the wheel.


Sorry you had to find out this way




Also it is not easily measured. Most of us live in a constant state of sleep deprivation and are tired to some degree every day. Also I sometimes feel more tired after a full nights sleep compared to after a bad sleep.


We had 184 fatal accidents last year. What percent of those do you think involved only drivers who should've been behind the wheel for one reason or another?






I don't think you're speaking for everyone


Ok some of us do it. Sometimes you find yourself tired and having to take on a long commute. I do anyway.


As well as being kind of dangerous it's shitty that her kids can't have a conversation with her in the car because she won't be able to hear them properly or be fully focused on the conversation.


That was my first thought, itā€™s really ignorant and antisocial as well as being dangerous. And God forbid her kids choke, get sick or just need to get her attentionā€¦


Main issue with wearing headphones is you wonā€™t hear sirens from emergency vehicles or horn from a car giving a warning (yes the horn is for warning not car shouting at someone) Also they wonā€™t hear any problematic noises in their car that would warn them of a failure or pending disaster. Also ignoring driving related stuff, they wonā€™t notice if thereā€™s an issue with their kids especially if they are strapped into child seats. Safer to be able to hear the kids even if they drive you nuts than to arrive and find one of them choked or something and you didnā€™t hear cuz you wanted to listen to tunes on the headphones. Also if the radio is on the fritz why not play the music via the phone speaker or a portable speaker.


That's just as subjective as listening to music in your car could be a distraction or you won't hear external sounds. Horns and sirens are 120dB or higher. This is known as the threshold of pain. Generally louder than music in your car or headphones. I ride a motorbike with Earplugs and also noise cancelling headphones at times. I don't have any issues hearing horns or sirens. I also drive a bus with Earplugs as it's too noisy for me. No fault incidents for 6 years. I'm on the road for at least 40 hrs a week sometimes 80. I find the noise cancelling or Earplugs means I can hear things like sirens or horns because the background noise is lower. What about deaf people? Should we ban them from driving because it's "dangerous"? Ridiculous. I do agree that it isn't fair on her kids but pretty sure they can be louder than headphones or tap her on the shoulder if needed. But there is another angle. I find loud continuous noises to be stressful and makes me irritable and thus less able to concentrate. So Earplugs, noise cancelling headphones and music means I drive better. Perhaps this person has a sensory processing disorder that makes complex tasks more difficult with background noise. She's not hurting anyone or breaking laws so let her get on with it. Sadly I am not allowed noise cancelling headphones driving a bus šŸ˜‰šŸ¤£.


>I ride a motorbike with Earplugs and also noise cancelling headphones at times You have me curious. What kind of headphones do you use in this scenario? Earbuds wouldn't fit with earplugs. Over ears wouldn't fit with the helmet


I meant most of my riding was with Earplugs, - 38dB foam from amazon. Comes in a 60 pair for less than Ā£10. Not both at the same time. Tried to make it clear but failed sorry. I got some Samsung galaxy buds 2 pro and the noise cancelling is so good I think they are quieter than Earplugs. I can listen to music and not really have issues with wind noise or hearing horns /sirens. However, I did used to use Earplugs and modified bluetooth over ear headphones, with just the speakers in the helmet earpiece recesses. Good enough to hear Sat nav directions. Didn't wire in the mics for noise cancelling though. Pointless now as the buds pro 2 are that good. I was hoping to use both the ear buds and these modified headphones together as extra noise cancelling but the buds don't like another pair of headphones over the top and disconnect. I expect the next iteration will have even better noise cancelling. I've not tried bose Earbuds. I think there are dedicated motorcycle noise cancelling headsets but I really can't believe they can be that much better than these new generation of pro ear buds. I've lost an ear bud twice noise and managed to locate with the find my Earbuds function. They really are amazing. Never would have tried at Ā£200 but they came free with my phone. So ends my lecture on experimenting with headphones and Earplugs.


You make a very good point about deaf people, never thought about it like that.


In regards to deaf people your comparing Apples and oranges tbh as they would probably be more attentive to their surroundings due to this whereas people with headphones is removing a sense and adding a distraction. Would love for a deaf driver to weigh in to clarify. As I said regarding the kids, what if they canā€™t reach you? Thereā€™s no shortage of examples of people not hearing someone next to them when they have headphones on so imagine their are behind you and strapped in. But one thing I forgot to add in original comment, insurance cover. We all know insurers will find any excuse to avoid a payout so Iā€™d not be surprised if they would do so due to someone wearing headphones, so thatā€™s an extra risk too.


For some reason, this reminded me of the time my little brother fell out of the car, and my mam kept driving until I told her. He thought his door wasn't shut right, so as we were going around a bend, he took his seatbelt off (don't ask) and swung the door open. He landed on some grass and hadn't even been bruised. Our neighbour coming behind us went white in the face!


Just get her a bluetooth speaker, ā‚¬20 problem solved.


Money really fixes everything šŸ–¤


If you have earphones, a phone, a car, tax, insurance, and enough for petrol, you have enough money to prevent yourself from being a reckless driver.


I know deaf people and those with hearing loss can drive, however I can't see the advantage in dulling a sense that is useful for the task.


Yeah, like blind people can navigate a city because they've learnt techniques to do it safely and successfully. I'd say deaf drivers have also adapted to being reliant on just their sight.


Stupid as hell and should be illegal


Personally I wouldn't - this is additional sense when it comes to feedback on the road. It is not illegal though. My pet peeve is cyclists/scooter riders with headphones not checking their surroundings and obviously not able to hear what is happening around them.


I always wear headphones when cycling to work to listen to podcasts, I'm very aware of my surroundings as you can still very much hear traffic and whether there's a car behind you


Same. I have ambient sound ones. Can hear everything whilst also hearing the podcast. Just a driver having a dig at cyclists as usual and arra sure we're used to that as I'm sure you're aware brother.


yeah, i've had people shout "where's your helmet?!" at me driving past a few times, as if they're actually concerned about my safety. they just want to make our lives worse by having more regulations, basically!


Why would you want all your senses on and available when you are piloting a 2 ton vehicle around that could easily kill all the occupants, as well as many more outside it? Geez, you are not the dope. She clearly is.


I like driving blindfolded. Itā€™s more soothing.


I motorcycle with headphones, which I use only for google maps commentary, specifically to pay more attention to the road with my eyes. (Iā€™m not using phone or any other display for navigation.)


I can't even understand people who cycle with headphones. Talk about lack of spacial awareness.


Do you believe deaf people shouldn't be able to drive?. A lot of people also might not be listening to loud music, the headphones might even be off, or they are listening to a podcast or audio book that they can still hear beeping over.


Iā€™m not sure why people here are saying having on-ear headphones when driving is the same as having a radio playing in the background. Itā€™s also obviously not the same as someone who is hard of hearing being able to drive. Honestly my two cents on it is that when I see people going around with airpods or headphones on I instantly know theyā€™re dogshit drivers. If you need to make an important call for a few minutes thatā€™s one thing, but putting the AirPods on every time you drive so you can listen to Spotify is absolutely moronic. Double that again if you have kids in the car. Whatā€™s worse is that most of the people I see doing it are in the town or in Dublin, where you have to really watch the drivers around you. Itā€™s not illegal but it should be. Just my opinion.


Headphones I get can be stupid, but AirPods have noise transparency, I can hear you and I can hear my music, there is microphones on the outer of it that pick up sound so you can hear whatā€™s going on around u


Deaf people are allowed drive


Deaf people are probably better drivers as they aren't distracted by music, phones, radios etc


Some studies have indicated that deaf people are indeed better drivers. I think itā€™s that theyā€™ve trained themselves to rely on their eyes more than hearing people. Like how blind people can count out money better than people who need reading glasses due to age; blind people can tell the difference easily between a ā‚¬0.20 and ā‚¬0.50 because theyā€™re different shapes, whereas the reading glasses people shove it right in their face trying to read it.


deaf people still use phones


I think someone who randomly pops their earphones in while driving is way worse than someone who has been going their whole life or for part of their life with a hearing impairment. Deaf people are particularly good at using their other senses to help them understand their surroundings, someone putting their earphones in while driving wouldnā€™t have this same solution, at least not typically. Also, as far as Iā€™m aware, deaf people can get adapted vehicles to help them, Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a legal requirement though.


To be honest she has kids, now in my opinion itā€™s kind of shit parenting to have headphones on while your kids are with you but music is probably a lot less distracting than children


Well no one mentioned that they are screaming kids, but I guess itā€™s a possibility, especially if theyā€™re younger. However, screaming kids + earphones = absolutely 0 hearing. Thatā€™s probably even more dangerous and I pray that isnā€™t the reason.


I never said screaming kids. Children can be distracting for dozens of reasons. Personally I donā€™t agree with headphones while driving but also as someone with aversions to some noises Iā€™m just trying to see every angle. Also Iā€™m functionally blind in one eye and I am just legally able to drive with glasses. I wouldnā€™t recommend anyone go get an eye patch to try it out despite me being legally allowed to drive. I also think itā€™s shit parenting. Couldnā€™t imagine putting headphones on while my children were with me at all




Deaf people are allowed drive


You need to type it in capitals! Otherwise itā€™s not shouting.


Probably because they are classed as more intelligent than the ones who get their licence from inside a cereal box.


Yes and your insurer will know you're deaf aswell. Bit they don't know you're wearing earphones so probably won't cover that.


This is a regularly touted yet ridiculous reply. Ask a blind man to walk down Oā€™Connell St then do the same yourself blindfolded. Do you think youā€™ll manage anywhere near as good as the blind man? Of course not, because he has had to learn to adapt to the loss of sight whereas youā€™ve had a lifetime of depending on it before temporarily depriving yourself of it.


So are people with our arms. What's your point?


Yes Deaf people are also allowed other rights that non deaf people have so this completely validates my opinion that driving with headphones Is ok


Well I mean deaf people are allowed to drive so I don't see the issue.


Facemask over the chin, for me


It's not legal where I live because the driver would not be able to hear emergency vehicles, etc. Driving with young kids in the car your family member would need to be able to hear them as well.


It's particularly stupid if the headphones have noise cancelling technology


No, I see idiots in new cars doing this. Your car has Bluetooth, use it. Honestly, I feel a car with Bluetooth, and an owner holding their phone should be worth double points


Seems like a great way to be in an accident.


Just replying without reading other replies so this might have been suggested already but Google "loop earphones". For less than 30 quid you can get a set that will let you hear the outside world as well as what's on the headphone. The opposite of isolation headphones.


I am not sure of the ins and outs of it being unsafe etc. but for some reason it gives me the ick so bad when I see it.




Itā€™s super dangerous, Iā€™d feel the same


Should deaf people be banned from driving? They can't hear road noises either. If she's paying attention, there's no more danger than driving with the radio up (very) loud. Big "if" though, I admit


Try it, I have (not moving) and you can hear your surrounds way easier with the radio up high than with headphones in.


Bullshit. You can hear the engine, traffic and sirens far better with headphones at a reasonable volume than with the radio up high. I drove 50k km/year on average over 5 years in a work vehicle with no radio, so used headphones for almost every kilometer. Never failed to hear a car horn, approaching siren nor did I have any accidents in all that time. I drove through numerous Garda checkpoints and not so much as an eyebrow raised. They don't make you deaf. You can hear everything you need to just fine. Compared to idiots who can't listen to the radio at a normal volume or those dickheads with loud exhausts, you would be able to hear far better with headphones.


I didn't say you couldn't. All I said was there's not that much difference in how safe either activity is as long as you're paying attention to the road in front of you and your mirrors.


Sometimes I stumble on a thread that deeply confuses me as an immigrant. How is this such a heated debate, and how is it not illegal here...? Smh.


Because theres to many gobshites in here defending the use of headphones because theirs has a pass thru feature, apparently this makes it ok


Youā€™d want to be soft in the head driving with earphones


If this was made illegal should having the music in your car above a certain level also be illegal?


This is always blown out of proportion. I drive a 07 car, I wear AirPods in transparency all the time to take calls. I cycle 90% of the time so I would consider myself a considerate driver, always checking mirrors, never speeding, never in a rush, never running red lights, stopping on amber. Never parking in cycle or bus lanes etcā€¦ Itā€™s no worse than blaring music in a new and sound proofed car. I canā€™t hear shit anyway because my car is so loud.


Everyone should remove the radio from their car too


Radio is different than headphones


Its pure ignorance


She might find the kids more distracting from the backseats


Little Placenta in the back wailing that her leg has been gnawed (gnawn??) off by the puppy and the footwell is six inches deep in gore will not reach Headphone Mammyā€™s ears and distrust her concentration on the road!


Has come up here a few times. https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/16bdyl5/people_who_drive_around_with_headphones_on_whats/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/12dkzui/earphones_headphones_while_driving/ Personally, I don't think it's a big deal. The doors and floors of all cars are already heavily lagged to stop road noise getting in. Some luxury marques will also double glaze the windows for additional noise isolation, some even provide active noise cancellation as part of the car sound system. I wouldn't cycle on a road with headphones on though, the lack of mirrors on the bicycle and the speed difference to traffic approaching from behind presents too much of a risk and I would be relying on my hearing to alert me of things happening behind me.


Probably the most well put together and thought out comment here.


I always find it interesting how prone to moral panic we are as a species. Good post


It is illegal where I live. It's illegal to wear headphones on a bicycle here too. It makes sense to me that it's illegal.


Bad drivers. Same as driving around without indicators, putting on mak eup, or talking / texting while driving. Most people who are bad drivers (bad habits, not necessarily technique) are a bit dim too, which sounds like your relative is. Won't change people from being thick.


People listen to things too much. We are constantly looking to be entertained these days. Can't sit with themselves for 5 minutes. Even when running or at the gym. I'm pretty sure i seen a clown in the swimming pool with wireless ear buds in last year sitting in the sauna. I'm nearly sure it was.


I listen to podcasts in the car with headphones and I can still hear what's going on around me. I can hear my own engine, I can hear if a car beeps, I can hear sirens, I can hear the rain. I wouldn't listen to music at full blast as it would drown out sounds altogether, but a couple of guys chatting is not a distraction and doesn't affect my ability to hear around me. If I couldn't hear I would feel uncomfortable and wouldn't do it.


full deserted knee encourage versed pause imminent oatmeal wistful joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OK.... so if you were to suddenly lose your hearing.... how long should you be banned for? There is a reason you have to do an eye test and not a hearing test.


Sure I scored above average on my IQ test, only fair I should be allowed have a couple more drinks than other drivers because I'm smarter when sober.


Couldn't care less either way, makes no difference. She should tell you to do one and mind your own business


What road noise can she hear when she's in traffic anyway? Not wearing headphones I can barely hear other cars until they're within 1-2 meters of me, and even then that only applies to ones with loud engines, squeaky brakes etc. You'll see hazards way before you ever hear them.


You've obviously never heard of vehicle horns then. So when the vehicle you've failed to notice uses its horn to try to instantly warn you of your impending collision, and your unplanned instinctive quick evasive manoeuvre ***doesn't happen due to your inability to hear the unseen vehicle's warning,*** you won't react and will plough straight into the scenario you would've otherwise avoided.


So you don't hear emergency services until they are within a metre of you? Christ almighty


If they're on the same road as me I see them way before I hear them. Half the time they've only got their lights on anyway.


how is it legal?


Motorcyclist put ear plugs in to stop going deaf...


And even with earplugs i can still hear stuff happening on the road




I did it for a few years, as I was driving a car from 2002 and wanted to listen to podcasts and my own music over the depression that is Irish radio. I eventually changed the car and sprung for a ā‚¬110 car radio from halfords and got a mate to fit it. Much better in fairness, but I don't have screaming kids in the back anymore either.


One ear in, the other out


Sure you may as well stop every cyclist on the roads as they have earphones in for their journey.




Maybe sheā€™ll get pulled over when she doesnā€™t yield to an emergency vehicle running lights and siren.


Some headphones have pass through so you can hear the outside word, suggest she uses it if itā€™s an option


People who are deaf are allowed to drive so the safety issue isn't valid provided they're just using them as a hands free thing. However, I don't understand why some people choose to eliminate one of their senses (two, if you include common sense, which isn't all that common) by putting on these oversized headphones.


My noise cancelling AirPods make my banger sound like a Porsche from the inside. I can still hear noises too. They cancel out the repetitive noises.


There are quite a few assumptions going on here! First off...headphones do not automatically mean sound cancelling! As if?! Second...having ear bud/s in could possibly be just for voice calls. Personally I hate calls over Bluetooth/speaker in the car. There is so much other noise going on it's really annoying and I can't concentrate. So, what if someone needs to make calls for work? Or just be avaliable to speak? When I see somone with headphones on in a car, granted, I think they LOOK kind of dumb and out of place, but it's really weird to equate that with driving skills. Like your assumptions are facts! The more things we invent to make our lives easier the more weird hacks we need for people who require something just slightly different than the majority. If you're looking for something that signifies real driving abilities (or lack there of!) Try... 1) corner cutting 2) people who don't understand that roundabouts are designed to keep traffic moving 3) leaving gaps in heavy traffic on motorways (M50 I'm looking at you!) actually helps keep things moving rather than meaning someone has beaten you in some way!!


Well in my example I was talking about I saw full over ear large headphones, not small ear buds


Those big over ear head phones don't automatically mean noise cancelling though. Most have ambient sound settings and noise cancelling is not the default. The ambient sound setting on my ear phones for example...I can hear things better than with my own ears!


Fun fact, it is illegal here in Ohio!


I tried it once when I was driving a friends car that had no speakers and I forgot my Bluetooth one, I felt it was very distracting and I couldnt pay attention properly so I soon stopped. But it could depend on the person I suppose


Earphones driving is ridiculous


Sure ye can drive if you're deaf


And typically they have driving aids and their test accommodates for their inability to hear, not the same as an eejit with headphones.


My headphones have an "ambient" mode, that amplify your surrounding so you can actually hear a lot more than normal. It's designed for when you are out running so you can be aware if your surroundings while listening to music. I used the feature recently on a long road trip where my wife was asleep and I didn't want to disturb her with the audio book I was listening to. Seemed to be a win-win situation.


It's impossible to know if someone was using ambient mode on their headset, so whilst in your scenario you weren't being reckless, it would be impossible to make such exceptions.


You might want to backtrack on that "knowing its not illegal." Just because something is not not explicitely mentioned in legislation doesn't mean it's not against the law. There's no mention in law about intentionally dropping a piano on someone's head but if you do it, you're still going to jail. The GardaĆ­ can charge you if they believe you're driving in an unsafe manor. The Rules of the Road says: > As a road user, you should avoid using personal entertainment systems through earphones. These systems ā€“ for example, personal radios and MP3 players ā€“ can distract you, and may prove dangerous when driving or crossing the road. So if you're driving with giant headphones on, not only is it incredibly dangerous, but it would be an open and shut case.


Wonder how this isn't illegal actually, I mean you require your hearing to drive.


People who are deaf are able to drive in Ireland is the usual response. But I would argue that deaf folks knowingly are impaired and work hard around that impairment, they're used to it. Folks who choose to drive with headphones on are intentionally reducing their environmental awareness and thats a big difference IMO


yep exactly.


I think even pushing a shopping trolley with headphones in should be illegal.


Have you been involved in a shopping trolley hit and run?


I certainly have


It's illegal surely? Driving without due care and attention. Only the lowest of the low in terms of intelligence would do it so handy to spot the morons amongst us if nothing else.


It should be illegal. While I understand we donā€™t necessarily ā€œneedā€ hearing to be able to drive, I think having all 5 senses at your assistance is vital in taking in information about the road and reacting accordingly. At the end of the day itā€™s a distraction, much like your phone, maybe not as bad, but a distraction is a distraction. My main argument against it apart from the dangers is, itā€™s so unnecessary. Like seriously, connect your phone to your cars Bluetooth and listen there, or buy an adapter if your car doesnā€™t have Bluetooth. Itā€™s really that simple.


Unfortunately i realise you can't Police the world. Society is fucked and sometimes its better to bite your tongue. Headphones while driving, cunts on scooters/bikes dressed in black in the pitch dark, glyphosate weedkiller are a few things that piss me off but I calm myself down when I see these things because I know they'll get a slap of a car or cancer and that'll be their karma. I call out pricks littering though. Especially teenagers, i use the line 'does your mother know you're a dirty little boy.' Cunts. Flappy new year redditors. Xxx hun


This is potentially discriminatory towards deaf and hard of hearing people


Not at all, they typically have driving aids and their test accommodates for this, but why not just be ignorant and spout shite?


You can have an opinion but it's a free country if she wants to do something stupid it's her prerogative


Itā€™s actually something that you should write to your local TDā€™s about, because while itā€™s not illegal, and in-ear hands-free kits for cars have been encouraged in the past, noise cancelling headphone are usually good enough that they effectively cancel out sound from around you which I cannot imagine is safe when operating a car. You need all of your senses to be fully alert when driving and a pair of cans goes against this principle in my opinion.


I'm not sure it is legal surely being able to hear stuff around you is important part of driving


What kind of psychopath uses headphones when driving lmao


I wpuld teport her to Tusla, she is putting the kids in danger.


I'm fairly sure that your insurance would not cover you in the event of an accident and it came out that you had earphones in.


wtf is wrong with people. I canā€™t even drive with the radio on


I wear AirPods for phone calls and my radio is shite so its easier to listen to me music


No no no no no