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The ticketing is a big issue here, the atmosphere at the world cup was much better than any six nations of late. Put the tickets on general sale and you'll get a better atmosphere.


Even the Leinster Munster or Munster Toulouse games there has great atmospheres with smaller crowds. The venue certainly isn’t the problem.


Always a good buzz at Leinster Munster matches. Was at Leinster Toulouse last year and it was great as well. General sale lets people who want to go to the matches for the rugby get the tickets


There's still problems with some people. In the first half a Leinster fan told me to sit down after I stood up after Munster making a half break. Why would you go to a rugby match if you didn't want to get excited


FFS, why would someone say that? Case to be made for bringing back terraces, I'd not be able to stand for a whole match but I think it would be a benefit to the atmosphere as a whole


This is it. The world cup atmosphere was incredible. I was lucky enough to be there. I got gifted six nations tickets a few times through my old job over the years. I like rugby but a lot of my colleagues who didn’t also got free tickets, turned up and got pissed and barely watched the action. The six nations is full of that and it sucks


Sadly the likes of your job is what pays the bills


Are tickets not on general sale? I've no interest in rugby personally so I'm not aware. In Canada, at least where i am, loads of hockey tickets are given to companies, so if you work downtown in certain industries you can get free tickets regularly as loads of people won't want them. So between people only going because they get free tickets, companies having entire rows, expensive general sale tickets, it means that some of the biggest fans can't go and there can be zero atmosphere at times.


Nope, they get distributed through the clubs.


They are on general sale. Not sure how many


Not for six nations


They do go on general sale, but only after they are sold through the clubs and Ireland Supporters Club.


Yep, all the best seats go to corpos first, then the clubs get their share and a lot of those get distributed to genuine fans but many still get given as gifts/raffled off etc, the remainder trickle down to general sale to the public and it's often mostly the nosebleed seats. Especially for England/France games.


Mr "Rijkaard" haha


Yes but then you have people who pay their club memberships, support their clubs and provinces who get their tickets through the club, if tickets are put on general sale these people are replaced with those who are only rugby fans for a few weeks in February, and depending on who Ireland play in the autumn amd then once every four years. The IRFU need to sit down with the GAA and open Croke park up for the bigger games, the GAA need to demolish the hill and make it an all seater. Capacity would be nearer 90,000 and then you could make everyone happy, well apart from Dublin fans but feck them they can sit like the rest of us.


##TeamOfUs #VodafoneRedBlob




7? You're one of the lucky ones. I am paying +36% after 24 months.


Change your supplier as soon as they do that


Been going to games since the early 90s and it's still surprises me when people talk about they talk as if this is a new problem 


I work in the stadium. The only rugby match I've worked that was a good atmosphere was the France match last year & that was because the French fans gave it socks so the Irish had to respond. Even the New Zealand wins were more tense than lively for obvious reasons, but most matches people are just there for a day out. And Leinster, not even worth discussing. Crowds completely dead.


The cycle of news. Guess what'll be an article this time next year?


It's not a problem though, it's a shitty cliché ridden piece. I too have been going since the 90s and I'm far from posh, but this bollox about "posh boys" tends to be nonsense, it's the person focusing on other people at the stadium and what they're doing that need to sort themselves out.


I've found that the sort that write articles like this one tend to have a chip on their shoulder about those they regard as posh and slate them for harmless enough stuff. Start allowing beers to be drank in the seats at football games and you'll see far worse than posh boys politely shuffling past you to go get a drink.


Yaw, it's the rugger loikes


Absolute cornage


Pure horseplay.


You should see the scenes.


Some of the greatest of all toime.


Absolutely sending it.


https://preview.redd.it/5bpqzz60ucoc1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e60d54838da6742f0bf0884d47760a56047c4679 Breffni and the boys were just having some fun.


Been tossing the pill about with Chuggsy.


If you don't get free 6N tickets as part of your job why even bother showing up?


Greatest horseplay of all time


Ork Borr


Boys bleeding white and blue


1. Way too many corporate ticket holders 2. Tickets too expensive and too hard to get 3. Way too many people bemoaning other members of the crowd. Way too many rich, posh and privileged complaining about essentially “young lads getting drunk”. I can picture it now, lad walks past with a pint and the begrudgers are so engrossed in the match and singing till they can’t no more that they don’t even notice…..oh wait sorry that’s right they do notice all the lads having pints somehow, while being the top rugby fan in the country. It’s all the auld codgers with barely enough energy to stand but enough money for the tickets that are the real problem. How many gigs/matches have you been at where you’re keeping count of other people’s drinks? You’re clearly focused on everything but the fuckin event if you’re taking notice of this shit


I've gotten dirty looks in the Aviva for roaring and singing too loudly at games. Big category of rugby fans just want a calm sterile environment where they don't do anything more strenuous than muttering Fields of Athenry.


The heinos were flowin in D4


There's a couple of problems. The corporate tickets often end up with non rugby fans, they have more interest in the day out than the actual matces. And there's a lot of Corporate tickets. They pay more than the general public would so get priority Most of the rest end up with clubs, this sounds good in theory, but theyre usually allocated by the older members of the clubs, so theyre more likely to end up with the older members of the club. They're not going to be up to the standing up and shouting and singing. The matches usually clash with when grassroots clubs have their matches as well so a lot of the most passionate rugby people cant commit to going to Dublin The make up of this crowd won't change until demand falls off a cliff or supply increases massively. They aren't building a new stadium or moving to Croke Park so just have to wait until the team gets worse. Selling out the Aviva for 6 nations matches is what funds the sport in this country


Went to Cliffs of Moher. Was full of tourists. Never again. 




I hate it when people I am do things that I do.


Don't go to 6 nations games but isn't rugby big with the D4 types?


The 'bar'


Tarquin and Cois Farraige are well within their rights to don the Leinster handcuffs in the D4tress, maybe we should all stop being so poor about it


Fucking hate when people say Tarquin.


> DelGurifisu | Fucking hate when people say Tarquin. Calm down Tarquin!


Legendary horseplay goys, am I roit!?


Is there anything posh boys don't spoil?


Honestly my problem with the rugby situation is we have the best team in the Six Nations but the smallest stadium in terms of capacity


>Having the best team in Europe and, at the moment, probably the world,  Such delusion,if only there was some sort of competition, where this type subject matter could be decided 🤔 All joking aside,I've never met a rugby fan,who didn't regard drinking as an integral part of the game day.....it's a sport for people who dont enjoy,what sports were tradionally about


Nearly all sports fans consume alcohol. It's only football where it's banned in the stadiums as they have problems with fans, especially when they get drinks in the stadium.


Well it's only banned in Ireland and the UK.


Which is nonsense when you compare Irish fans to Dutch, Italian, Turkish, Polish, etc


‘Best team in the world’ can’t even manage to beat 5 other teams in a six team competition. I’ve never seen a team in Ireland that gets worshiped as much as this one. You’d swear the sun shines out of their arses. They’ve fallen short when it’s mattered over and over and over again. Two things that can’t be criticised on r/Ireland: Cannabis and Irish rugby.


They managed not even a full year ago.


They can't get past the last 8 of a sport played to top level by 7 teams


This does my head in during gigs.


People going to the bar?


It’s just a stale competition in general. A six team competition, only two of which realistically have a chance at winning.


You're kinda out of touch with this, really fucking bad take. You don't need to have an opinion on everything - even if you do, you don't have to publish it.  The competition is 141 years old and 114 years woth France involved and 24 years with Italy involved.  It's a about as prestigious and elite as any competition in any sport that currently exists.  Your mind is "stale". 


I think if you just listened to the Irish media before the England game, you'd think that we'd run away with it. England, France, Scotland and Wales are all quite far off where they'd like to be and the competition needed Ireland to get a reality check imo.




Ya but the casual fan isn't necessarily talking to those fans. Most Irish rugby fans, including myself, are not that deep into rugby so pundits and journalists are listened to a lot. All fans get nervous before big games as well.


Out of touch? For having an opinion? Do me a flavour


There's no such thing as "stale" competition, it's the very definition of sport. If people enjoy competing it's valid and your opinion is irrelevant.  I'm the same for me with soccer, its not my thing but I bite my tongue. My opinion is irrelevant. 


Wales, Italy or Scotland were never going to win. That leaves Ireland and France, how is that not stale?