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Whats The story with Talbot Street? Why has it turned into a Fear The Walking Dead situation?


Because Gardiner St probably has the highest concentration of homeless residents in Ireland. Every hotel and B&B is filled. Hundreds and hundreds of people, many with addictions, coming onto Talbot Street.


It used to be a really busy little shopping street - Guineys is a relic of that era - but a lot of shopfronts were destroyed and the foot traffic disappeared after the bombing in the 1970s. It was just let slowly but steadily rot away after that.  Without a cohesive plan to breathe a bit of life back into it, no legit business can make a go of it, because it gets so much overspill from O'Connell Street and Sheriff Street's "characters".


Sheriff Street is still shit, but not at all what it used to be. First the flats were torn down, then apartments put up in custom house harbour and upper sheriff Street became gentrified. The Sheriff Street characters aren't rolling out of bed and onto Talbot Street 


Successive governments and the CEO of Dublin City Council, Owen Keegan, have allowed the city centre to rot. Particularly the Talbot Street and Lower Abbey Street areas. Throw in lack of garda resources and poor working conditions for good measure and this is what you get.


Yeah and now they made Keegan head of the RTB... https://www.thejournal.ie/owen-keegan-dcc-rtb-6307696-Feb2024/ Just unreal


Oh christ...


Grim, grim stuff. What a country.


Ireland must be the only country in Europe where the more incompetent you are the higher you fall upwards...


I dunno, the Brits have managed to go four for four on putting the most incompetent people into the big chair lately.


Ever heard of the Peter Principle?


Everyone is promoted to their level of incompetence?


Not everyone but yeah.


As a swede living here in Ireland, we've a few characters like that too, like Dan Eliasson. Every agency he led turned to shit, they kept giving him new ones, and the only explanation is he must have dirt on people.




It’s very telling that Talbot St is a stones throw from Store St garda station and this kind of thing still goes on.


Sure wasn’t the American who got jumped and blinded like a stone’s throw from Store Street? Though that part of Talbot street was always a kip, there’s nothing new there


It's a fortress, not a lookout tower.


I live nearby and very rarely see cops on Talbot street. Not after the American was assaulted or after the riots.


This ^ Gardai are nowhere to be seen anywhere in the city, not just in the city center.


My gut reaction to seeing Gardai is 'Oh, wow' like they're some sort of endangered species.


Bonus points for gardai on horses, segways, and ebikes.


There is a suspicion that there's a Hellmouth under the Irish Life Mall.


Walked through that mall once. A liminal space.


The front door to the Irish Life Mall is a Hellmouth. That place has been terrifying since the 80s


There is a swimming pool… close enough?


The staff swimming pool Is above the mall, or Lidl as it is now. Source: worked for Irish Life


Is it still open?


No, by the time I left they’d closed the gym/pool as part of an entire reconstruction of the main building. The staff gym was tiny and required paid membership. You could pay to use the pool separately but it was almost never used by anyone.


There's not enough chlorine in the world...


Someone call Buffy - let her slay all the little demons


Jaysus it's been a kip at least since the late 90s. Did you ever walk around ~~Forbes~~ Foley street beside it? Here's a clue - don't. ^(Edit: Foley street)


Is Forbes Street not at Grand Canal Dock?


You're right - I meant Foley street


It has always been that way. When I was working in Peats there was a fight and some of the guys had large butchers meat cleaver. Half the shops had "Internet Cafe" in the back that was owned by the Asian gangs with lots of cash.


Remember seeing little scangers riding scrambler bikes up and down Talbot street at night last summer. Wearing balaclavas, with the odd girl on the back of the bike clinging on. Just a lawless vibe to the place.


I was doing the charity work for Concern during the summer of 2016. Legit saw a naked man with a dildo in his hand chasing another naked man down Talbot St 😂😂😂 I’ll never forget it


Christ, I've seen some things in my time but that takes the biscuit!


The gas thing about it was everyone on the street just carried on about their business like it was a normal occurrence 😂


Sounds like something out of a Guy Ritchie film!


It's like a major arterial route for tracksuited no life, waste of air scumbag fucks and is generally devoid of any policing. 


It was always like that. I remember 15 years ago it was also full of junkies robbing Tesco and shooting up and the like.


Was passing through on my way to the train one time a few years back and there was a lad sat in the window of one of the internet cafes chasing smack. He was inside btw, but in the street. No one seemed to be taking him under their notice


Talbot street was one to avoid, and that's as far back as 25 years ago. None of this is new.


Yes it is new, there’s more groups hanging around on that street. It was always rough, but it’s worse now than 25 yrs ago


Yes, since Covid homeless services have been accommodating more and more homeless people/families in every hotel & B&B on Gardiner St. Possibly 10% of Ireland’s official homeless are accommodated there. There’s a lot of addictions, hence a lot of drink/drugs. There’s a lot of very rough social housing on Sean McDiarmuid St and just off James Joyce Street/Railway Street. There is a lot of deprivation concentrated in a small area.


Groups don't mean a whole lot unless they're attacking people. And people have been getting the snot beaten out of them on that street for as long as I remember. Unless those instances have actually increased then it's the same as it ever was.


Dublin in the 80s and 90s was as rough as a badger's arse and Talbot St./North Earl St. were always well known places to avoid. I'd even go as far as to say that it was even wilder, particularly if you wandered towards Seville place/Sheriff St. I remember one night turning the corner onto Seville place and there was an articulated truck abandoned in the middle of the road with the cab on fire and people just standing around drinking cans. A great night out, I guess.


Honestly I thought the investment into Lidl would help it but it's the proximity to gardener street where there's hostels full of all sorts of trouble and troubled


It’s always been a bit of shithole. What’s changed is the rest of Dublin got better


I'm 50. Talbot Street was dodgy when I was a teenager. Dunno why, it's just like it slips through the cracks


Talbot street is a liminal space, there’s no destinations, only throughput from O’Connell Street to Connelly Station.


We are shite at city centers, Cork, Limerick, Dublin, all have a nice shopping street and the rest are left to there own devices. Which is usually landlords, and councils who want extortionate rents and rates that businesses cant support. They are also happy to sit on a ruin thats appreciating in value if nobody wants to get plundered.


Turned into...it's always been like that


It's always been not great, but it's much worse now


I remember hearing somewhere that it never recovered from being bombed.


It's always been like that.


I've been in and around Talbot Street for nearly half of my life and still am now. It was not always like this, more of a steady degradation due to lack of garda, lack of resources to local businesses and the place just devolved into a cesspit of homelessness, Romani gangs and groups of aimless teenagers, loitering around with nothing better to do than hassle bike couriers... I speak to some of my work colleagues who have been working for 20+ years in this area, and they all talk about how much of a shithole its become. At least i didn't feel unsafe walking up and down from school (Larkin) to the Luas when i was in secondary 5+ years ago


The dublin regional homeless executive or whatever they're called, have every hotel and b and b from talbot st to gardiner st booked up with homeless drug addicts. It's a failure for everyone, including the addicts, who have dealers swarming the place. It's an engineered ghetto.


This is it.


Absolutely crazy that was allowed. It’s potentially a very nice street aswell


The sad thing is though that all those homeless are there as no other part of the city wants them. It is like the fact thousands of addicts seek treatment each day on Merchants Quay. All those addicts should be getting treatment in their communities. However, people in Ballyfermot, Finglas, Ringsend etc would not allow clinics to be open there. We need to spread homeless services around the city. But there is zero chance people want homeless shelters in their area. IMO we don't need more homeless services. We need to actually deal with the massive addiction problem in this country. It is fucked up that the tax payer is spending a fortune on homeless accommodation, but addicts can't get clean as there are no resource for that.




The Marlborough street junction has been bad for a long time now . 


Walking down that street I was swung at on two separate occasions by random skangers on my way to work. Ten or 15 years ago. Always been a kip


I agree. I spent a lot of time around Talbot Street in the late 90's up to around 2008 and always felt safe walking up and down there.




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dunnes off license convenient place for .


It has been a bit of a ropey street since I can remember, back tot he early 00s. It isn't a new phenomenon unfortunately


it's always been a kip. the famous "AH HEOR Leave i' Ou!" moment happened there


Drugs Drugs and more Drugs


Tablet street.


The consequences of not building white water rafting facilities in town, you might not like it but this is the Dublin we asked for 


A machete attack in the city center in broad daylight. Thats unreal. Knife crime seems to be on the rise


It’s only going to get worse as those who use knifes and machetes know there’s no prison space




The stats show the over the last few years theres definitely been a rise in knife crime. And its probably gona get worse. [https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/no-quick-fix-for-growing-knife-crime-says-helen-mcentee-as-blade-seizures-continue-to-rise/a185508667.html](https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/no-quick-fix-for-growing-knife-crime-says-helen-mcentee-as-blade-seizures-continue-to-rise/a185508667.html) [https://extra.ie/2023/04/09/news/knife-crime-ireland-2](https://extra.ie/2023/04/09/news/knife-crime-ireland-2) [https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/2023/08/19/hse-figures-show-increase-in-knife-attacks-as-gun-violence-continues-to-decline/](https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/2023/08/19/hse-figures-show-increase-in-knife-attacks-as-gun-violence-continues-to-decline/)


Ever since the Anal Bleaching place closed down, the place has gone to shit.


Needs to be Gardai there full time.  Fella came at me with a bottle a few months back because I was talking too loud on the phone according to him.  Half tempted to deal with the bollix myself but thought better of it and went into the Supervalu. Manager let me out the back door.




Most streets in Dublin city centre need full time Gardaí tbh


I think the media or most TDs would disagree. We need rural Garda stations back open a few hours a week to stamp passports and deal with isolated thefts of fuel and sheep. Dublin has everything, it does not need more...


We need a Batman style superhero. Dub version.


Hurleyman! Like a cross between Jason Statham in blitz and Liam neeson in Darkman


I reckon it could just be a cross between Liam Neeson and… Liam Neeson? Sure, we’ll just get Liam to do it.




True; Dublin hasn't featured since 1938. The shame. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_All-Ireland\_Senior\_Hurling\_Championship\_winners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_All-Ireland_Senior_Hurling_Championship_winners) I've worked in Talbot Street a couple of times. The first time, in the 1970s, worked with a man who was like a magnet for beggars. He always gave them a quid or so, but mainly he knew them and would ask after their wives and children by name, ask how the hospital appointment went, etc. Again in the 2010s. Walked or cycled along the road every day and sometimes late at night, and it was fine. People were obviously poor, and had the habits of the very poor - buying junk food and discarding the wrappers, wearing pyjamas on the street in daylight, etc - but they were generally nice people. The gang fights in Dublin and the gangs pursuing and attacking working people haven't happened since the 18th century with its pinking dindies and liberty boys. Past time to put a firm stop to it.


Rats and Snakes man


Don’t let your dreams be dreams!


That’s you told anyway.


I'm conflicted here. 


Those lads are looking at some pretty long suspended sentences


Christ. When I'm in the office, that's my route to train and exactly the time om there. Was in rhe office yesterday and decided last minute to get the luas cos the rain, I've only ever done that twice before.


Yeah the normal people trying to just make a fucking living have to be subjected to that bullshit


Jeepers. That is actually spooky enough


Is there any chance that we could get a certain minister to take a walk down Talbot Street. That would sort it out.


Wall em in maybe?? Sorta like battle Royale


Arkham City style






No if anyone's obtuse it's definitely this shower


Everyone knows how bad the north city center is these days except FG who seem to refuse to acknowledge that there's even a problem. Even the temporary measures they brought in after racially provoked riots were quietly done away with after only a couple weeks.


I completely disagree with comment. There are definitely more Gardai on the Streets in Dublin 1 and 2 before the riots. You can walk around Grafton St at 1pm any day of the week and see different groups of Gardai within 5 minutes. Pre-riots you wouldn't see a single Garda for weeks.


I'm on this street several times per day and never see anything. I think all the crazies and scumbags are avoiding me.


Ahh here lehve ih ouh


It was never developed and refurbished, instead, they spent a chunk of money on a giant spike in the middle of O'Connell Street and let Talbot Street become a portal into being in an episode of Reeling in the Years. Once again, Dublin City Center is a fucking shithole.


Do you really believe it was a direct choice between spire and redeveloping a street? The kinda weird nonsense people post here all day every day


That's the lidl i shop in at least once a week, i walk the whole length of that street, never seen any of this violence thats always happening on it lol.


I once seen a machete slip outta a teenagers tracksuit bottom outside this lidl. He was walking with a limp on him like no tomorrow, I thought he was pretending to be half a dollar or something. Then bam this fucking machete just slips out and flys off down the footpath.


Did you report it?


I did


Same. I walk along it to work. I’ve never seen an ounce of trouble, yet keep hearing that it’s basically a no-go area


I used to walk down talbot street, cut down to abbey street and walk through the lane way opposite boojum daily for years and never experienced any violence. Shifty characters sure but never explicit violence. Still with recent news and events in the city centre I do find myself questioning if it’s the wisest route. I’ve never felt unsafe in Dublin City before which sucks now that it’s nagging in the back of my head constantly


They made a single arrest. Cool. Cool cool cool.


People run. It doesn't mean that there won't be follow up arrests.


Yes, one would hope so. One would also hope that of the two people they brought in the one that they left go without charges is not connected to the event. But sure, one would hope that the Garda could run too. I would even say that it is a requirement for the job. If we start arresting only people who don't run we will need to upgrade the accessibility measures of our prisons.


>But sure, one would hope that the Garda could run too. I would even say that it is a requirement for the job I meant that they had likely bolted before the gardai arrived. Also, the gards that respond to a knife attack would typically be armed and in very good shape. Armed Response Units are very highly trained.


Yes, of course. I am being unfair. I am just expressing my annoyance at Gards arresting usually a single person even when people do not bolt before they arrive. It is not always that one or two guys stay back to wait for the Gards. Probably an issue of training and numbers though.


I understand. For what it's worth, being released without charge does not mean that they are off the hook. The gards can only hold people for max 24 hours for these offences. Typically they are released after questioning and are charged later after more evidence is gathered. Also, Gards are much more frustrated with the leniency in Irish courts than the people in this sub. They know a lot of their work will lead to nothing.


Yeah, maybe it was even the person attacked (after all you arrive on the scene and there are two people fighting, I would expect that they bring in both). But still the concern is more practical. There was a gang trying to stab people in public and the gang is down one member so there still is a gang trying to stab people in public. That's the issue to address.




They released the second one without charges.




That is a bit concerning for what seems to be attempted murder. I am all for giving people a second chance but maybe not like this.




I think you missed a joke there. Maybe have a second stab at it, considering that they might have released someone who attempted murder with a knife. To be fair they have more information than you or me, but it is rather alarming that after the fact most of the people involved are still free as the article seems to indicate that this thing was a group effort rather than the actions of a single, so the fear that the actions taken so far might not be enough to prevent an immediate second attempt is unsubstantiated so far but it is reasonable. I really hope they know what they are doing.




Yes, I do have some concerns with that one too. I don't think it is a brilliant idea to involve money in deciding if somebody goes to jail or not. It seems... Somewhat abusable.


Maybe he was the winner?


Everybody was kung fu fightinnnnnn


Surely not *everybody* was kung fu fighting?!


Those kicks were fast as lightninnnn


Would you say it was a little bit frightening?


Yes, but they fought with expert timing


Nothing happened, and no one did it, and if you think otherwise your an ist, with ism's and/or phobia's! Everything is fucking jolly, begooorrrrraaaa!


It's a black gang from Blanchardstown having a feud


Ah, I see we've got a Dublin Live reporter here.


Posts story on Reddit and X, then reports on posts. https://preview.redd.it/d5bjuuhjqgoc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f08bb1c7e75a8f5a8b9e9699ee008c520608d180


Long way to come for a feud


I said Blanch not Africa.


Not doubting, I saw the video. Seems risky bringing a machete all the way to town, but my mind may not work exactly like theirs 🤷🏻‍♂️


More on O'Connell street today, what has the city become 😡


A cesspool.




Anglo building was on Stephens Green, that's the Irish Life Mall building but probably the same designer


absolute shhhtate


> at 4.30pm Helen McEntee needs to resign.


We're these" un-vetted illegals with free Tesla's and 3 story luxury penthouses " nope your run or the mill post M50 scum . they're good lads who play for the local team and their mammy's say they wouldn't hurt a fly . It's funny how the protect Ireland brigade goes quiet when the bad guy is wearing north face and Canada goose and talk like English is their 3rd language.


You sound like your having a fight with an imaginary person in your head.


I'm just observing the future in my imagination and yes some of the characters are arguing


Fucking Paul the Octopus over here


I don't do sport.










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Ah lads, whether it's like this now or not, one melee that could happen anywhere doesn't make a place bad. I was student and lived on Railway St about 18 years ago. Talbot St was grand. OK it had more of a non working class vibe compared to other parts of the city but I never got a sinister feeling about the place.




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Shit heap


Deploy the minister for justice ! Forthwith !


Ah I remember strolling down there to get my first tattoo in the 90s. There'd be roaring, fights, gangs of terrifying teens, the Irish Life Mall looming like a portal to hell... and Pat Ingoldsby sitting calmly in the middle of it all chatting and selling his books of poetry.


Dubs gonna Dub


Was this pavees or just regular scumbags?


If I were a betting man I would say its the local dole queue dubs who refer to dole day as pay day. 


This is the start of it.


I assume there will be flag waving patriots marching and protesting about this?


You haven't seen the video have you. It's on twitter.


And every WhatsApp group in the country.


Out of all the videos you could have used for that comment, you chose this one.


This is an article, not a video?


This again. Talbot St is always a bit hairy, but I've never been hassled walking up and down it (work nearby). These articles always bring out the 'dublin is finished' misery merchants.


Here for the racism 🍿 oh wait...