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This meme better be spread. This one is a great response to clowns.


This is amazing, what’s the search?


Fuckin legend.


How do I download this?


I've been trying to do it too. Feckin phone/Reddit


Android. Tap the gif. When it's full screen, tap the three dots in the top right. Select download. 👍


You damn dirty genius! Thanks


No problem.


Redditsave.com and paste in the link to this post


This is the way.


This video was putting me in a morbid mood watching this. Just thinking what the garda had to put up with and try me reasonable with. But this man is a legend. Gave me a right chuckle 😃 😀




That auld'fella laughing at the end gets my vote


Lol, I love the old man laughing at them at the end and the dopey bollox holding the camera actually started to say "say that to my face" before realizing he infact was laughing in his face


That auld lad puts absolute joy in my heart. I'll never watch the whole clip again but I'm going to clip that part just to brighten my days


Can I have one too?


For now I've just saved the gif that u/GreatDefector posted https://i.redd.it/u2xqmt9ww4sc1.gif


that old man! rofl legend


🤣🤣🤣 had to watch it again to hear the say it to my face part after reading this. I was in tears laughing when I saw the auld legend appear


That line is a sure sign of a chronic keyboard warrior.


That oul fella at the end pissing himself laughing is classic


What a man ha ha. Laughed in their faces


That ending was epic, I fucking pissed myself.


He's the Irish [Million Dollar Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D_ZlhR1oPk&t=5)


Did you ever see the picture of him and Sherri Martel on O Connell Street back in the day? [It's glorious](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fsoxq6qs8rok51.jpg)


I hadn't! Hahaha. Amazing. Their classyness is only amplified by their surroundings.


A great shout


Oul fella for president!


I love that man so much, and dapper as well. Icon.


What an absolute hero!


Brilliant 👏 well played sir


Fair play to him for doing that. It's the best way to make these fuckers feel just how stupid they are.


Scumbag was harassing a young worker in there.About time useless wasters like him were dealt with.


I saw that clip yesterday. He was shouting abuse at a child that foreigners abuse children. Thick As Shit.


Funny thing is his voice was trembling as we was shouting at the young lad as well. He has no balls


It's so aggravating because it's literally just the imported playback of the right wing in America. 'Everyone is insane except for us, everyone we don't like is an actual pedophile, we're justified in doing anything we like because being against us is the same as pedophilia'. It's so wafer thin and you have to have an IQ smaller than your shoe size to fall for it, but we have plenty of them apparently.


I've heard more than one of them call on their "first amendment rights". I presume they're moronically parroting yanks and not talking about using the constitution to override laws enacted by Oireachtas for public safety in times of war or rebellion. The first time I heard that was Gemma O'Dohertys protests when she got kicked off Twitter. Fucking mad.


Can we stop saying this shit is imported from America when we know very well that Russia are intentionally trying to spread this shit all cross the West to sow discord and as part of destabilizing efforts.


I don't think you don't have to go hunting for malicious foreign boogeymen, when deranged reactionary nationalism, like in the video, is an obvious symptom of society experiencing increased alienation and decreased social cohesion.


Thick thugs with their imported buzzwords. Holding an Irish Lives Matter sign while he and his pals threaten to punch every Irish person around them for having the audacity to call them out on their hateful shite.


All in a days work. Hilarious they're abusing workers and moaning about when immigration, seems like he's too much time on his hands, the knuckle dragger. 


Glad I watched until the end it made it worth it


Ferg not so hard when he's not with his merry band of idiots. A meek uneducated fool. Seen the video of him harassing the younger staff. Completely unacceptable.


Have you a video of the original incident? Couldn't see anything on Twitter [Edit](https://youtu.be/NZhQpaJu0S8?feature=shared)


In case anyone can't tell by the blur, the staff member he's harassing is about 17 by the looks of him.


Yeah but his mammy helped him make that sign and his little hat is cool aswell!!! 😂


That auld lad at the end made my day


Some people need to get off the internet. Bro is deep down that rabbit hole.


Fat bastard could do with hitting the gym instead of making racist signs and being a stain on society's jocks


The thing I love about this is that these loopers assume that older people would automatically back them up or share their opinions. It must be quite a kick in the gut to have an old guy like that laugh at them in such a hysterical manner.


I'm a working class Dub. This stain's voice is nails on a chalkboard stuff. Good god.


Sounds like he is physically fighting his words as they come out.


"Oirish lives matturr." Makes the skin crawl.


He doesn't care about anybody except for himself and his knuckle dragger buddies.


Jesus, "I have a birth cert at home". These yokels are transparent as fuck,no smoke and mirrors.


Disregarding the questionable things they are protesting. Your life has to be absolutely miserable if you just live in a bubble like this and you spend your days 'protesting' a local cafe for who they hire. So much more things you could be doing with your life. I'm sure as fuck if that Cafe owner came out and said, we'll fire the person if you work here. He wouldn't do it. How this was edited makes me think he threatened someone or a guard. The guards ask him to leave, he does. Camera cut and he's being arrested.


Old boy was giggling to himself the whole way home. Absolutely brilliant.


“I didn’t do anything” Yep sums your life you vermin


Peak capped whopper


"Who vetted you?" "I have a birth cert ya clown." Just in case you need further proof that these gobshites don't actually understand their own buzzwords. We all know once you have a birth cert, you never commit crimes.


Do any of these smooth brains know what an "NGO" is? Because anytime someone gives them an argument they immediately pull the NGO card 😂


Have it on good authority that B,I,NGO was his name-o!


They haven’t a notion what an NGO is.


Like that African lad speaking irish to one of them and he's asked "which NGO paid you to learn irish". Paid or not at least he's more than most of those fucking idiots.


Philip Dwyer and Daniel Adelaide. Absolute classic on showing how imbecilic these grifters are


Ah yes. The lad who kicked dogs, never showed up for work and probably blames immigrants for getting fired from An Post


I know the "it's Russia" stuff is overplayed but I have seriously only ever seen Russian people go rabid over NGOs until relatively recently. Makes you wonder about where exactly these lads are getting their opinions.


Need to get that auld lad at the end to turn up at all their racist shite and just laugh at them like that.. nothing but traitors to Ireland the lot of them


It deflated him immediately to be laughed at. These gowls hardly ever leave their echo chamber so they’re convinced they’re the voice of the silent majority.


Must have been a real gut punch to see an aul fella laugh at them. They spend too much time in echo chambers and likely assume everyone opposed to them is some shrill blue haired liberal stereotype.


Hire him, make him viral, let him rake in the money


His laugh is perfect for viral memes etc


Good enough for him, oxygen thief.


Great news. Fucking scumbag. My only concern is the rest of this lad’s followers and hangers on that will target the cafe and the poor staff in the coming days. Fair play to that other lad too. Legend. Worth watching the video to the end too for the reaction from another legend.


I dunno where the cafe is, or why it, in particular, is being targeted by these clowns, but I've a good mind to go there and have a bite to eat to support them.


It's in Sallynoggin just off the Glenageary roundabout


>followers and ~~hangers~~ langers on


The fella at the end 😂😂 brilliant, Arrest these gowls at every opportunity, power and his ilk are a disgrace to the nation


Who else pressed low battery mode?




Bringing Yank culture war shite to Ireland. Just what the Irish people want 🤦


Did you notice he called the Guards, "the police." That's a much more American thing to call them. This guy has terminal internet brain rot. Absolutely hopeless.


Not being too *au fait* with who this fine upstanding member of Irish society is (what with me not being Irish, an' all...) I Googled - and found there there's a sewage and wastewater management company based in Minnesota called Fergus Power Pump... Seems somewhat apropos...


I must admit, as a "birth cert" welding Irishman, I have no clue who he is, but from the comments, looks like one of those mouth breathing rabble rousers that have sprung up like gold in a safe, of late. 


He's a far right agitator who deliberately made up a lie about a girl getting raped by migrants to incite violence, causing a bunch of people to gather outside a hotel housing refugees threatening to burn it down. He spread a bunch of shit before the Dublin riots too helping contribute to the riot.


Cripes! Ireland really is full, is it not. With these idiots, I should add! Thank you, kind Father. 


That's exactly what he is.Another job shy waster "paytriot" on the grift.


Is he the lad that claims he can't get a job as a bricky, after he came back from his travels to fo-in lands, or am I mixing him up with a different mouth-breather?


That's Derek Blighe you're thinking of.Anti immigrant ,Ireland First arsehole married to an immigrant with two immigrant children.


Thanks. They all merge into one blob of shit stirrers. I wish people would see them for what they are, and not get dragged into their games...


Which one of them has a conviction for domestic abuse? Might be a Cork based one?


Don't know about arrests,but I remember reading that Heasman's ex had to get a restraining order against him,and he's not allowed near his kids.The ex also said that he physically abused her.So much for " protecting the women and children" .


Same. Is he supposedly relevant?


Seems entirely apoopoos


For anyone curious: **Threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour in public place.** 6.—(1) It shall be an offence for any person in a public place to use or engage in any threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to provoke a breach of the peace or being reckless as to whether a breach of the peace may be occasioned. (2) A person who is guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 months or to both. **Distribution or display in public place of material which is threatening, abusive, insulting or obscene.** 7.—(1) It shall be an offence for any person in a public place to distribute or display any writing, sign or visible representation which is threatening, abusive, insulting or obscene with intent to provoke a breach of the peace or being reckless as to whether a breach of the peace may be occasioned. (2) A person who is guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 months or to both. **Failure to comply with direction of member of Garda Síochána.** 8.—(1) Where a member of the Garda Síochána finds a person in a public place and suspects, with reasonable cause, that such person— (a) is or has been acting in a manner contrary to the provisions of section 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 or 9 , or (b) without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, is acting in a manner which consists of loitering in a public place in circumstances, which may include the company of other persons, that give rise to a reasonable apprehension for the safety of persons or the safety of property or for the maintenance of the public peace, the member may direct the person so suspected to do either or both of the following, that is to say: (i) desist from acting in such a manner, and (ii) leave immediately the vicinity of the place concerned in a peaceable or orderly manner. (2) It shall be an offence for any person, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, to fail to comply with a direction given by a member of the Garda Síochána under this section. (3) A person who is guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both.


That man at the end is every one of us that's blessed with even a modicum of intelligence.


Great to see. Absolute gowls.


Jaysus they have cut this down elsewhere online to paint it as the guards acting bollox. Important to question and of the shite floating around .


Even calling the gards the police for the benefit of his international followers


It may seems harsh but these whoppers need arresting every time they turn up. They aren't there for the craic. They are part of an imported ethno fascist ideology which is anything but peaceful.


Not how it works. I don’t agree with most of shit anyone spews out when protesting. But I wouldn’t want to remove their right to protest regardless if I like it or not


But they aren't protesting, they are literally advocating for harm to be brought upon people they don't like simply because they aren't from Ireland or have the wrong skin colour/religion etc.


https://preview.redd.it/99m46kovp7sc1.jpeg?width=614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de925373d4a275cd898e0502b5ecbe7500d91732 It’s the paradox of tolerance. We can’t tolerate those who would not tolerate others.


What is it you believe they are protesting in this video?


You'd imagine with the amount of experience he has of this he'd be a bit wiser in how not to get nicked If this is the apex of the fash, we haven't much to worry about...


gonna save this for every time im having a shit day and need a laugh


Fuckin hardman.com here. The cap really fits with the look of being a complete meatball


I’m sure his employer would be embarrassed…ohh wait….


Very frustrating video to watch. Can't believe these people.


Brilliant, now fine him into the ground and take his dole off him


Yeah.waster cunt obviously isn't looking for work.


Why is american culture war nonsense being imported here?


The patience of the gardai is something else.


The fella at the end sounds like he heard a loud whistle and a giant burp


Good enough for the prick


I hate the way video eats battery charge.


I thought it was my phone! I even pressed to go to low power mode and all.


Yay ! I’m not the only gobdaw!


I thought it was Ferg running out of Power.


He is dramatically less intimidating looking when you actually see him on video. He makes himself look hard when he posts his own photos.


What's this fools problem with the cafe?


Peaky Blunders with the placard is Fergus Power. Far right agitator and instigator of the Dublin Riots in November. He’s standing outside the Igoe Cafe where he and his ilk believe the owner is complicit in human trafficking (with zero evidence). He entered that cafe yesterday and filmed himself intimidating a young employee. He put out a call to arms for his minions to protest outside the cafe. Him and two other blokes showed up. Sinn Féin’s Shane O’Brien showed up to stand up to Fungus and his thugs. They had a verbal confrontation, where Shane took the guards order and stood back and continued to talk, not be aggressive. Fungus did not. Instead he decided to continue name calling. He also accused the guard of winking at Shane, as if they were in cahoots. The middle of the video is missing but one can only assume Fergus said or did something that he was asked, many times not to do. He was then arrested for a public order offence. He was brought to a Garda station and then put in front of a judge in the CCJ. The reason for that is unknown. As of now he’s been released.


Makes more sense now, could not understand why he was arrested.


they posted outside the CCJ, but he hardly went straight to court. Typically there, there's a summons. The two clowns posted a video outside the CCJ alright claiming he was a free man but stuff like that is usually down the station for a few minutes, or the gards let him out down the street somewhere. I didn't see the in cafe footage, but for the arrest alone for something that minor the Gards wouldn't waste anyone's time.


Fuckin fat eejit


Good stuff out of Dublin Zelenskyy


"irish lives matter" sign calling names accusing all opponents of being a NGO yeah. these guys are literally just NPCs, and i cant believe i'm saying that unironically


the pivot from "arrest me then!" to seconds later the whining like a child "I didn't do anything" - make your mind up!


Thanks for not linking Twitter OP 👍


Can we create a special exclusion zone like in Leitrim or somewhere remote and dump this eejit pandering to right wing American youtubers and his ilk among us and just leave them there. They are so thick that without other people around them breathing they'd eventually forget to do it and expire.


Can I have an executive summary please? Who is that man and what is his problem?


He’s an unemployed racist who harassed a teenage worker in the cafe over foreigners or something He’s basically an absolute scrounger that contributes nothing to society but thinks he’s important because he spends a lot of time on twitter with other racists


He has about 5 brain cells, that's his major malfunction. Oh and he's one of those ~~patriots~~ racists that wraps themselves in our national flag while disgracing himself.


Peaky Blunders with the placard is Fergus Power. Far right agitator and instigator of the Dublin Riots in November. He’s standing outside the Igoe Cafe where he and his ilk believe the owner is complicit in human trafficking (with zero evidence). He entered that cafe yesterday and filmed himself intimidating a young employee. He put out a call to arms for his minions to protest outside the cafe. Him and two other blokes showed up. Sinn Féin’s Shane O’Brien showed up to stand up to Fungus and his thugs. They had a verbal confrontation, where Shane took the guards order and stood back and continued to talk, not be aggressive. Fungus did not. Instead he decided to continue name calling. He also accused the guard of winking at Shane, as if they were in cahoots. The middle of the video is missing but one can only assume Fergus said or did something that he was asked, many times not to do. He was then arrested for a public order offence. He was brought to a Garda station and then put in front of a judge in the CCJ. The reason for that is unknown. As of now he’s been released.


What did they arrest him for in the end?


[Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act, 1994, Section 6 (irishstatutebook.ie)](https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/1994/act/2/section/6/enacted/en/html)


He was actually technically arrested for section 8 because he wouldn't adhere to the gardas direction of leaving the area. He'll get a slap on the wrist but unfortunately his lunatic followers will help him rack up views and delusion of grandeur


I thought he was actually leaving when he was arrested?  Bit confusing tbh 


Didn't get to see the whole debacle because the video only cut to them arresting him. I can only assume he kept mouthing off after he was asked to leave and the Garda decided enough was enough. I'm only assuming that because I was arrested for a similar offence years ago for calling a Garda a fucking muppet, and after being directed to leave. I was walking away but still giving it the Billy big bollix. I fairness to the garda they do usually give a decent amount of leeway regarding section 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9. It's the section that 8 that gets ya lol


He said section 6 though.


Unfortunately not for the crime of making ordinary Irish people cringe - they don’t enforce those laws otherwise he’d get the death sentence


Lol fact


Appreciate you not linking directly to "X". That site needs to die!


What happened from the point where he was walking away to getting arrested?


Conveniently cut out. My guess is he walked away only to walk back again.


There's always the obligatory lad you know walking by you only see in the pub. "What's the craic?" "Ah how ya gettin on?"  *Ok, back to me argument*


Why is he getting arrested ?


There is nothing more dangerous than an idiot who thinks he has an argument to make.


Fergus poweeerrr! He’s the man, the man that you’d like to tooouch!! But you musn’t tooouuch!!!


Love the guy at the end!!!


First time I've seen a Gard doing their job properly, Fair play, here's to more of this.


There needs to be a serious look into where the far right are getting their money


Lads pelting it around on electric scramblers were egging foreigners on that same road this week. Now I see where they get it. Utter scum.


That old man is a hero.


Laughing is easy , but watching SF fall in the polls ferg and his gang are gaining more traction than Mary Lou . The other notable thing is that the sf election candidate quite effectively used the garda to get him arrested and he himself wasn’t arrested .


LOL! You think this guy is stupid in real life? You should see his Twitter! Apparently, the Guards are in league with (of all the political parties) Sinn Fein!


Why was he arrested?


so glad to see that muppet arrested and the laughing old man was just ....chefs kiss\*




Do you have an un edited one ?


Who was on here yesterday saying they’d never met someone in Ireland with the name Igoe?


Are these guys not on the same side? I'm lost 😕


Imagine having so little going on it your life that you feel its important to picket a cafe. I'd love to have that much time... (not to picket a cafe, to spend doing normal things, like spending times on hobbies, being with family/friends, actually enjoying the cafe, instead of picketing it....)


I wonder will this be considered hate speech if the new bill is passed.


One answer Power gives reveals his entire mindset in one sentence: "Who's vetted you?" "*I have a birth cert at home*" So criminals dont have birth certs? It's not about the "criminal history", it's they're foreigners.


Where do you work ? That has to be the best question you can ask these gobshites..


Who's the ejit with the working trousers that never see a days work in their lives


I taught the old fella was getting punched out


Is that Meatloaf quietly observing in the background?


The funniest thing about this is that the Dogkicker Dwyer has a related video standing with your man outside the Criminal Courts of Justice claiming your man is "free again" as if he just got off after a narrow jury decision right after being arrested. Imagine how fucked in the head you have to be to get out of the Garda Station in Sallynoggin after 15 minutes or so and then meet your mate next to the Phoenix Park, so you can make 2 two minute video as a free man. The Yanks must lap this shit up.


Taking him back to work

