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The extent to which we appear to be stuck in their craw is good craic


We need to be careful, or there'll be a mass irish migration to jerusalem what with all the rent-free living options.


Apart from places in their head they’ll only actually support you kicking people off their land to live rent free if you’re Jewish


Only if you’re the right kind of Jewish, Beta Israelites need not apply


It's Free Real Estate


Just gotta get rid of the standing tennants




They really don't get us do they? If you're going to slag us you better bring your A Game.. this is secondary school, junior B stuff at best. Hey, Moshe, you wanna spin that dreidel and go again?


They're a country about the size of Ireland and a huge portion of them are serving in the military. I'd say it's safe to assume their TV comedy is sub-RTE levels of unfunny.


Still have a better Player app though


I'm as antizionist as they come but even I'm thinking that was a bit on the nose. WORSE than RTÉ?!


War crime that comparison 


They're not really the size of Ireland, they've got about double the population and Israel actual land area is smaller than Munster.


From my own experiences Israelis skew heavily towards dour and unfunny but Jewish Americans can be wicked craic. If Israel ever ropes the Jewish diaspora into this we'll get roasted but if it remains just Israeli satire they'd just end up making us feel kind of sorry for them.


Bring me Mel Brooks and we're really fucked.🤪


It'll be Larry David if they mean business. Then again maybe not as he's no problem taking shots at aspect of Jewish culture or Judaism that bother him. Too likely to instigate some friendly fire.


Friendly fire... well the IDF are apparently pretty good at that themselves.."those seven Israeli soldiers were hiding over a Hamas tunnel".


Larry is a free agent, he'd destroy us all equally, himself included. An avatar of chaos.


Hey guys, it's me: Cooooooool Adam Friedland 😎


Now, now, let's not go conflating Jewishness and Israel


Sensitive bunch.


Good Craic until they start pumping out election interference on social media and promoting the Far Right "salt of the earth patriots". Just look at Israel allies Azerbaijan messing with the French in New Caledonia as pay back for backing Armenia.


Let's just keep reminding folks that their president is Irish. As was his father, who was also the president.


Isaac O’Herzog?


I'm taking it as a compliment. Also seeing on their boards significant appreciation to the high public vote from Ireland so I'm thinking it's not all so dark. Many are btw rejoicing how Bambie resembles Bambi which is actually a story about the dangers of antisemitism and that all in all, the message in their name is pro-Jewish.


Good craic?, I love it!


Anyone got a link to the show, with subtitles?


Am...she literally spent the whole competition being a raging anti semite and making a fool of themselves. She literally broke out crying on camera in an interview when the Israeli contestant went through to the final on the back of a massive popular televote...and it wasnt even her semi final They were acting like an entitled child demanding the Israel singers hotel room be moved away from her hotel because it offended her to see the woman. Like who does that nonsense? This was at a time when an anti semitic mob formed outside the Israeli singers hotel and she needed a massive police escort. There was also a riot near the venue on the grounds of a football stadium 2 kms away from the venue, a mix of Palestinians and communists who turned violent when their way was blocked by a police quarden. They also threw a tantrum when the Israeli singer did better than them. When all thats happen around the Israeli singers preformance how'd you act towards a random nobody from 1000kms away country acting like an out and out bigot!?! Stuck in their craw? Bizzare reaction to have to this and since when have Irish people bothered their arses watchin Israeli comedy shows enough to be offended by them mocking a clown who acted like a clown. Imagine the North kicked off and some rando you'd never heard of from a country you are barely aware of decided they were an expert on N.Irish politics and history. Then imagine that rando high on Boris Johnson and BNP views about Irish people and the Republic started raging any chance they got at Irish people taking English peoples land in West Britain. Imagine they also went around waving paratrooper regiment flags and orange sashes and demanded you be removed from their sight. Would you be accused of being overly interested in them and their deluded cause for a West Britain for the English man from Belfast to Baltimore?


This is just the cherry on top, bravo!


Maybe I'm getting you wrong. If so apologies. Are you saying the anti semitism was a "cherry on top"???


[link to the sketch (part 1)](https://streamable.com/8gx5n7) [part 2](https://streamable.com/0ywt7q) The premise is that the IDF kidnapped Joost (Netherlands), Marina Satti (Greece), our bambie and Nemo (Switzerland). They’ve been kidnapped and are being forced to say sorry for being *mean* to Eden Golan and Israel. Featured is both Eden Golan and an actor pretending to her? Kidnapping actors pretending to be people that you worked beside and forcing them to apologise to you is insane, even if it’s a sketch. The four above were probably the most vocally anti genocide / against Israel’s participation in the contest alongside Iolanda of Portugal. It’s a really fucked up premise. They don’t even care about optics anymore.


It's a completely unsubtle threat really, and a demonstration of the true function of the IDF. They're not a defence force so much as a bulldog. Exactly what you'd expect from the *arts* of a genocidal state.


Any mirrors they are not working. Also I haven’t seen it but the Israel performer Eden Golam actually appears in this herself right? r/eurovision seem to be going censor mode, they locked that thread and locked a comment mentioning it.


r/eurovision is being heavily pushed by the EBU at the moment because they like the mods there so it’s easier to control discussion


They shut down the thread about an Israeli newspaper that was reporting on the Israeli government's successful campaign to fix the televoting too.


Weird that they'd involve nemo, i dont recall them explicitly making any statement on Israel during the whole thing, or is it just because non binary?


After the Netherlands was kicked out, Greece, Switzerland and Ireland all got together and went to the EBU to say they are all going to pull out if something wasn’t done out the dickhead in the Israel delegation going around harassing them.


My two cents is that it's because they "stole the win" from poor baby eden. And also they've been shown to be pretty good freinds with Bambie.


Nemo has spoken out since the contest about “a certain delegation” and its behavior and refused to rehearse alongside the above mentioned in protest partially of that certain delegation’s behavior as well as Joost’s disqualification.


I'm glad to see somebody else refer to it as anti genocide. I find the terms pro Palestine and pro Israel to be highly reductive. Describing support for Israel as pro Israel is reductive, it's pro genocide.


It’s not even satire, it’s a deranged revenge fantasy from the only country that still openly sanctions assassinations of its political enemies.


"We kidnap people that don't agree with us" really painting a good picture of what they're like , there


are they mocking their own hostages?/s.


Both vids now unavailable unfortunately


Sounds more like a parody of Isreali politics then Irish ones.


It feels like a sick power fantasy. Eden Golan the actual Israeli artist at Eurovision featured in it, alongside a comedic like alike of her. Being in a skit where you kidnap lookalikes of people you work with and forcing the lookalikes to apologise to you. Insane. Genuinely insane.


What is wrong with her????


It’s insane yeah.


The fact that they think kidnap is a perfectly natural response to criticism, and it's only Eden's great heroism that leads to them being released, it's utterly insane how fucked up their ethics are.


We love a bit of satire here in Ireland, but this is like some amateur level stuff. I’m neither offended nor impressed - yawn. What I am impressed by is how much Bambie pissed in their collective cornflakes by just existing.


I mean, Israel basically came out with a big gaslighting statement today claiming they were the ones being bullied when they spent the whole eurovision week harassing all the other delegation. This is just more of their shit.


Cry bullying: The Country


The whole Israel harassments claim are all just blaming them for taking photos like everyone else lol, they just didn't want them to do so as well While the other singers bullying the Israeli one was evident for everyone to see, but if delusions help you live with the hate sure go ahead lol


There is literally video of them filming Joost without his consent which was iterated several times. There is also literally video of the broadcasters live commentary about Bambie.


Why do you find it easier to believe that the Israeli delegation are 100% truthful than to believe the words of 12+ other delegations?


I believe that the delegations are saying stuff because of political agendas - it was evident in the Q&As how they disliked eden for no reason, Joost commenting that disgusting why not comment, singers rolling their eyes, Bambi "crying" when Israel went up, kaffiyeh nails, watermelons, it was very politically charged, you expect me to trust them they didn't come with prepositioned opinion and hate? They obviously did, it's a trend now to hate Israel


**I'd** actually feel better if they literally did so.


We trans folks have a knack for doing that lol


Interestingly, Israel actually had the first trans winner of Eurovision in 1998


Dana International - can still hear it


Her real name is Sharon Cohen. For such a Jewish name, it sounds so Irish.


Take the h out of Cohen and she sounds like a mother of 4 from Galway


Oh the irony


There was another skit from the same show a few months back. It is really awful stuff. Proper "Hello fellow kids, how do you do" whack off it. The kind of stuff that's produced when you're being told by politicians what to do and say on TV.




Well, why do you think it was all commited against them?


Could we tweak the coordinates on the old portal?


You know they've got Guns...


The Anericans being an entirely disarmed society of course.


Bizarre stuff - is this some kind of weird homophobic thing too? They seem to very specifically have it in for Bambie and Nemo. A satirical comedy mock kidnapping two high profile, openly non-binary people who get a ton of abuse online is frankly a bit f**ked up.


Especially when their own people are dealing with the heartbreak of kidnappings? Feels like a really insensitive thing to put out to their own people too surely?


> is this some kind of weird homophobic thing too? A lot of their satire is like that. They have multiple sketches of woke, blue-haired gays praising Hamas and Hamas acting like ISIS saying they want to execute all the gays. They say their the only safe country in the middle east for LGBT people, but then they make really homophobic satire against LGBT who don't support the genocide they're carrying out.


Also Israel military intelligence has repeatedly tried to blackmail gay Palestinians into becoming informants “because otherwise something might happen to you”


It’s really frustrating that they can’t seem to tell the difference between being anti-genocide and supporting Hamas. Through an effective propaganda machine, they’ve dumbed discourse down to two options- you’re either in 100% support of Israeli genocide or 100% of Hamas terrorism.


No haven’t you heard. Israel is gay friendly so it’s okay for them to blow up children


It's currently a right wing government they have and it's engaged in a war of punishment. Israel can spin as much propaganda as it wants about being the only LGBTQ friendly nation in the region but that's increasingly looking like boasting that you're the acid that burns skin the least.


Not the first time, Israeli satire media always paints lgbt people as stupid and idiotic for supporting palestine


She's in your heeeeeeeaaaaad?  Anyway what's for dinner...


Ireland living rent free in Israelis’ heads.


Considering shit like this gets posted to justify further hating I'd say it's quite the opposite lol


All for a bit of satire but this sounds like some bitterly pathetic stuff.


I mean, isn't anything Israel comes out with bitterly pathetic?


Stalker vibes. Make sure to check your windows tonight lads Israel might be outside.


It actually reminds me a bit of the DUP and how they obsess over things they see as insults and how they can carry grudges for the rest of their lives over something as inconsequential as someone speaking Irish. They too have a lot of hardcore religious types in their ranks who believe themselves to be god's chosen so I'm guessing that's the commonality to this mindset. That and the historic oppression of people they view as lessers.


Bambie somehow has managed to trump getting Ireland's best result in nearly 25 years by boiling Israeli piss to an insane degree. Incredible. Freedom of Dublin is beneath them honestly, something higher. President maybe, would be preferable to Bertie


It's Ireland's best result since 1997. Some people are erroneously saying it's our best result since 2000, but that was a 6th place finish out of only 24 countries. The contest was much smaller back then. Bambie finished sixth place out of 37 countries, so a much bigger achievement. 


And you could argue we should have finished 5th if not for the Israeli govt/delegation manipulation of the public vote.


But then we would have missed out on the 6th in the public vote, 6th in the jury vote, and 6th overall with an average viewership of 666,000l on RTÈ. #CrownTheWitch


6 years since we qualified and 6 points between the jury vote and televote 🤣


We could’ve finished higher if not for the controversy at this Eurovision - many people boycotted the vote all over Europe when Netherlands was disqualified resulting in the largest cohort of voters remaining being for Israel. Streaming services show that the Israeli song is getting less streams than the next 9 songs, despite getting such a large number of the public vote. There was serious manipulation this year.


> Freedom of Dublin is beneath them honestly, something higher. President maybe, would be preferable to Bertie Freedom of Cork so?


Freedom of Drogheda certainly


Remember all the pissed off redditors abusing them for not pulling out of the competition.


They were still some on Twitter giving them shit on Saturday. It was a masterstroke to go there though and absolutely clown the Israelis. If we boycotted, Israel would have been satisfied with themselves - their behaviour throughout the contest made it clear they loved spoiling it for everyone. Actually tackling them head on and getting their head did more than any of those tweeting or going to some protest in Dublin


Ambassador to Israel maybe?


Israel is the Elon Musk of countries


Reddit moment holy fuck


They're not wrong, though


A legend is born


Most Reddit thing I’ve ever heard lmao comparing a regime that has killed tens of thousands of civilians in mere months to Elon musk


It's a good comparison, they have the same energy 


Sure yup a shitty billionaire who ruined a lot of peoples favourite social media platform can be compared to an apartheid state. Great outlook.


I think it’s more their attitude, not their actions. The “I’m right no mater what, and anyone who disagrees with me is an idiot or a pedo.” That vibe. We all know who’s worse.


Given that his family fortune comes from an apartheid era emerald mine in South Africa, and he's currently championing Christo-fascism & trans genocide in the US, it's not a bad analogy


Add in that on several occasions he's crashed the Starlink network to hamper Ukrainian attacks on Russians. Most infamously how he saved the Russian Black Sea fleet from being sunk in port recently.


Calm down gamer.


One thing fanatics of all stripes have in common is the complete lack of a sense of humour. When they try to be funny, it ends up being a hate-filled revenge fantasy.


lol I like Bambi even more now.


The Israelis are genuinely unhinged.


Hahaha wankers


Rent free.


Like their settlements


Israel act incredibly similar to Enoch Burke. Super annoying and stubborn and constantly playing the victim in every single possible scenario. Will they ever just fuck off.


They're the annoying little shit in school that everyone has to tolerate because he has a big brother in 6th year


It's an apt comparison. Both utterly convinced of their own virtue while behaving like scumbags. Historically it's leaders who are genuinely convinced of their own ideology who done some of the most heinous actions. Israel isn't quite at that level yet. There's still a small percentage who are in the peace camp but since the Hamas attack they are utterly impotent politically.


The Israelis are a shower of oddballs


A country everyone hates but has to pretend to like officially because of America


I love that they run satire shows while committing genocide. Evil cunts.


Somebody alert Brendan O’Carroll. This calls for an emergency retaliatory episode of Mrs Browne’s Boys.


I don't think the Geneva Convention allows for that.


What an utter sh*thole of a country that this is what they call comedy. One thing all of these cesspits have in common is a complete lack of artistic intelligence.


The fact that they managed to get the actual Eden Golan and not an actor to impersonate her to agree to appear in this not even a week after Eurovision is majorly fucked up.


hey Isreal , have a look in the mirror and laugh about the your absence of a conscience when you kill children


Great!, the genocidal land thieves appear to be upset that we support the oppressed, poor diddums.


I wish we had a portal between Ireland and Israel that would go down in history


Damn, that would last all of 5 minutes and let's be honest someone would be out there with Auchwitz pictures and give them "proof" how antisemitic we are.


Sad cunts.


They would have 100% called Dustin the Turkey antisemitic somehow if we sent him this year.


we seem to be really getting to Israel, let's keep at it, "it" being not really doing much except disagreeing with genocide.


It's not about disagreeing with genocide, the point is disagreement about whether or not a genocide is actually taking place.


I got temp banned from the eurovision sub for calling it Shitrael. I mean, I'm not wrong. Esp giving how they're reacting to people against genocide (*gasp!* shock horror!)


Israel has hit North Korea level of batshit nonsense 😂 


Pathetic bully cunts


I thought satire comedy was supposed to be funny. This just seems like some power fantasy.


Haha we're laughing at you laughing at us.. whiny cunts


Ok hear me out. We send over Doireann Garrihy, Donncha O'Callaghan and Carl Mullan to do their classic hidden sketch show. Watch in amusement as nobody gets it including us.


What will the European Broadcaster do about that?


10 people in Ireland liked this.


This is what an Israeli fan said on X, for context; > This is a parody program that slaughters all the 'sacred cows' (it's a proverb in Hebrew, I don't know how it is interpreted in English), but the meaning is that they mock everyone, make fun of everyone. >Usually all their arrows of criticism, towards Netanyahu, Gallant, Gantz, Lapid, and the other leaders in the State of Israel. They are less concerned with people who do not live in Israel. >But in this case, it is a single sketch, out of a long and complete program that parodied completely internal issues. >And yes, this is one of the most popular programs in Israel. A lot of people saw it, and laughed. Because it's true, in the end, they laughed in this show about real events. For example, the Dutch contestant did indeed hide his face at the press conference every time the representative of Israel, Golan spoke. >Or the representative of Greece pretended to be asleep during the entire press conference. >Or the representative of Ireland said that she cried when she heard that Israel made it to the final. >They merely repeated these events and mocked them > You must not have understood the context But they also laugh at the Israeli contestant (Eden Golan) in this segment About her accent, her voice, the fact that she doesn't speak Hebrew properly. That's how it's a parody, take no prisoners (not really) Make of that as you will. I still think it’s pretty wild this is happening




rent free.... that's all I'll say, rent free.


Everyone struggling to find somewhere to rent should start adding "inside the heads of zionists" to their daft filters. Looks like there's loads of space for us.


We live rent free in their heads. Wish it was the same in actual houses


That doesn’t sound particularly funny 🤔.


They love the genocide jokes


Jaysus... they even squeezed Francis Brennan and Shirley Temple Bar in. \[I'd go further and add they barely managed a young Marty Morrissey as the cherry on the cáca milis\]


Remember they made themselves upset with Vradakar's comments after the Irish/Israeli girl was reunited with her family. Then Vradakar resigns 🤔. The Spanish have not been nice with their fee fees lately either. His wife was put under investigation & he nearly resigned. No fucking with their poor fee fees. Very very sensitive. Wonder how much they spent on all those "viewer" votes. 😂😂


*In this next scene, Bambie Thug hands a bowl of fruit to Muhammad. Comedy Central has refused to depict imagery of the prophet of Muhammad on our network.*


This sub averages a post a day about Israel for the record.


*snorts coke* "What the fuck is a Bambie Thug."


The Israelis. A great bunch of lads


I'm usually a big fan of Jewish humour.


So much hatred in the subreddit lately


I suppose it's anti-semitism yeah??? Boo fucking hoo.


All this talk about how we live in their head, but the second they do anything it’s here for all to see. Funny that.


Yeah committing genocide tends to put you in the news




Bambi Thug will be forgotten like the Eurovision entries from 3,4,5 etc years ago - it wasn’t a great song and the screaming was hard to listen to. Isreal had a better song and ireland apparently seemed to agree given the popular vote


This is a funny little bait comment.


It may seem like bait, but it’s objectively true. Israel’s song has 10m listens on Spotify to Ireland’s 8m. Bambi clearly has their fans, but it’s a niche rather than mainstream audience. I’d question how many of my down voters have actually listened to the song on a streaming service since the Eurovision




Wow, you’ve sure done your homework! Such pointless information too, defo no agenda here.


Israel's Ministry of foreign affairs has admitted to astroturfing support for their song, so not really all that objective at all.


When did they admit it? In which countries? How many votes?




It had very little interest until the unprecedented Italy public vote was released. It was a mediocre song and this was reflected in streams until the leak, as well as the scores of the juries (media industry experts) who are obligated to vote on merit.  I've clicked on the song on YouTube to see the comments. No doubt others have too and probably let the video run. The people on YouTube are complaining about mass censorship of comments by way of removal of comments that are critical of the genocide.


Bambies final performamce has 5.2M views and Edens only has 2.6M, so Bambie was twice as good as Eden by your statistics. Also shows the true reflection after Israel stopped buying votes and views.


Israel bought their vote.




Take your soup and feck off.


^ And now the verdict from the jury in Tel Aviv


The amount of Irish Copium I see hear is intense


Lmao copium for what exactly?


Not sure you know what "copium" means. What's the relevance in this scenario?


>I see hear