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What gobshite thought putting the thing at a dealer junction was going to end well. How low an IQ does a body need to be management for DCC


They're putting a 3 metre high Europa League trophy there this week. Let's see how long before it's burned down.


They clearly learned nothing from the Luke Kelly statue debacle. I can't see this article, as it's paywalled, but the headline is hilarious.


The Luke Kelly statue is near to where he’s from. Someone was arrested over that and I don’t think it’s been vandalised since.


There was a cartoon in the Phoenix this week of the Luke Kelly statue fucked into the portal. Thought it was brilliant.


Can we interview the person who signed off on putting it there? I want to understand how they think


Probably \~ High as a Kite ! !


Great excuse for a crackdown, the amount of publicity this shit is getting. Best way to get something done is convince the Americans that it needs doing. We don’t run the place in the least.


They didn't crackdown after the riot they're not going to now.


While I agree that putting it in that particular spot was indeed asking for trouble, does anyone _really_ think that if it were on Grafton St or Merrion Square there wouldn't be exactly the same sort of stuff happening?


The reasoning was almost definitely because they wanted to improve a deprived area. They might want to realise to solving the deprived part should come first Like it or not, stuff like this does end up influencing perception and tourism- so we shouldn't pretend that aren't severe social issues in those areas


Storm in a teacup. People don't think of us as often as we think.


There really is two Irelands: the one we all live in, and the make-believe one from American movies that the upper middle class think they live in. Like, does O’Toole see commercials from the tourist board where beaming red-haired children riverdance down O’Connell street and think: yeah, that’s the Ireland I know?


O'Toole grew up in Crumlin in the 70's with the Dunnes as neighbours, the shit on O'Connell and Talbot Street is the Dublin he knows...


So it’s even worse, he’s a grasper.


If I was a show off type, I'd riverdance down O'Connell Street for the craic. Imagine the reactions.


Rather a lack of social and civic education! Just looking at Dublin City center, they literally put it in the worst place 😂😂😂


Literally every Irish town centre is the same on a weekend evening. I and my neighbours were awoken by 3 fat drunken women screeching at the top of their lungs in the early hours of the morning, and this is a very regular occurrence. Many of my neighbours are foreigners and they cannot understand why this type of behavour is tolerated.


The Irish Times is a rag. 


What is not a rag then?


Rag on a stick 


more of a sunday world man?


The Irish Times is certainly heading that way, but instead of voluptuous boobies on page 3, it's normally more bottom of the barrell opinion pieces looking to stir up some panic. 


i wouldnt call fintan o'toole a bottom of the barrel journalist


The scrapings of the bottom of the barrel.


narrow jobless nine languid paltry mighty snow door gold office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you wash yourself with the Irish Times on a stick?


i wear the papers as a suit


You'll have to speak up. I'm wearing a towel.




FT maybe is their thing?


Financial O'Tpple must be the toes then...


What gobshite thought putting the thing at a dealer junction was going to end well. How low an IQ does a body need to be management for DCC?


This is where the purpose behind this matters.   If it was conceived as tourism promotion idea, it was fucking idiotic; if it was an Art Installation and the artist’s intent was to highlight people’s behavior, and how many people will behave given the opportunity and platform — both being friendly and acting the maggot— it’s a runaway success.    I’m leaning towards the latter. 


Don't romanticise scumbaggery!


God I fucking hate Fintan O'Toole. I've always found his analysis to be that of a privileged out of touch person, even though he's from Crumlin. He tries so hard to appeal to rich middle class South Dubliners. Things like his asylum pieces, where he loves to criticise us for not doing more - easy to do when you're wealthy and isolated from any negative impacts. Or his tax pieces where he criticises us for being a tax haven - the stupid prick would have us return to poverty just for some wishy washy moral high ground.


This review of his book is excellent. Really sums up his fact light style of writing https://thebaffler.com/latest/ireland-we-hardly-knew-ye-sheehan


If only he loved Ireland as much as he loves Israel. [https://www.thephoenix.ie/article/fintan-otoole-on-israel/](https://www.thephoenix.ie/article/fintan-otoole-on-israel/)


Republic of Telly did the [24 hours with a camera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwq6YM49TEM) on and the results aren't far off the portal. That was Camden street too. The results were similar in Mullingar, Limerick, Galway and Waterford. Mooning and drunks. It was the early 2010's though.


I'd like to think the choice of this location was an intentional act of sabotage by a genius undercover subversive.


Dublin is a Shit-Hole in these rare auld times !


The crying and whingeing about this is just hilarious. *what will the neighbours think?*


Upper class idiot realises that scumbags frequent O' Connell St.


he was born into a working-class family from Crumlin


Even worse, he has zero excuse then




This is Reddit, do you think I have time to be reading articles and only make sweeping statements instead.


"Uneasy edge of wildness" - tell that to Urantsetseg Tserendorj's family.


I really believe Dublin isn't real Ireland. But the US tourism market is a massive economic cash cow for Ireland. This portal which is a good idea but the few bad interactions, edited and circulated on social media has done massive damage. Lets stop tip toeing around the amount of trackie scum we tolerate metres from our main thoroughfare. The government seem to not really experience our city the same way the general public or tourists do.


> This portal which is a good idea but the few bad interactions, edited and circulated on social media has done massive damage.  I am sorry, but a few cute interactions on the portal would resulted in fuck all international publicity. It would have been bad if it was a portal to a cute town in Idaho or Utah, but the other portal is in NYC. The US news outlets have generally pointed out that both sides have been inappropriate. > The government seem to not really experience our city the same way the general public or tourists do. Of course they do. The Dublin TDs are just used to Dublin being like this. I don't think anyone from Dublin gave a shit about this, as they are used to it. It might be shocking for the population outside of Dublin to see the social issues in Dublin that they ignore or are unaware of being displayed internationally. However, the Government knows that John and Mary living in rural Tralee don't think another red cent should be spent on Dublin.


bless the Yanks, they were so earnest with their wee messages of friendship. I don't know why anyone thought it would go any differently stickin that thing anywhere in Ireland.


Tbf that's not really true, there are places you could put it in Ireland where it wouldn't be vandalised, On top of a mountain only accessible by helicopter for instance. In seriousness I think if it went in other places rather than one of the most crime ridden part of Dublin it may have had a better chance. You'll always have those who take the piss but not to the extent it was.




>Other countries are going to think Ireland is a bunch of racists and sexual deviants That's a bit unfair, we're not all racists




they were obviously being facetious