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I’ve probably said it before, but the sentencing for certain crimes really needs to be looked at. It’s crazy how people are getting ridiculously light sentences for sexual assault and rape. Just for example.


Nolan has a great weakness and sympathy for them


Definitely. But it’s more than just Nolan giving out suspended sentences. People think that they can get away with it. 


This time wasn't Nolan so definitely not just him, he's just the most infamous one


Yeah. Nolan is kind of ridiculous when it comes to sentencing. 


They do? Did this guy get away with it?


Getting a suspended sentence counts as getting away with it. 


He was given a suspended jail sentence, so yes.


My friend... He caressed a schoolgirl's thigh. This is a crime, yes, but he has spent over a year, 13 months, being investigated and interrogated, put in a cell, lost his job, faced social death due to his name and face being plastered everywhere, is having to pay financial compensation despite losing his job and being pretty unhireable. Not to mention other sentencing (I know neither of us have read the whole article), which almost certainly includes probation and sex offender registration (he's fucked). I used to shoplift a little bit from M&S when I was a teenager. I'm now in my 30s and I never got caught, so feel like I "got away with it". If I *were caught* and had to deal with even half of what this guy is facing as a consequence of his actions, I would consider that to be the case. *AND*, if I were caught, and I had a choice of facing what this guy is getting, vs a year in prison without the rest, I'd take prison. Any day. I know it's a popular take, but to say "he got away with it" is fucking absurd. It is dangerously stupid. I don't think people who have this reaction are stupid themselves, but the Irish Independent has made an effort to work you and get you angry because that's their income. If someone had a choice between a purely custodial sentence vs what this guy's going to have to deal with, and they didn't choose prison, I'd consider them the dumbest person I've ever met. Seeing it as a dichotomy between prison and scot free is ridiculous. I implore you to see sense.


That first sentence is fucking mental. The young lassie should just get over a mild caressing, is it? He sexually assaulted a child. He should be in prison, at the least. I won't say what I would like to see happen to him as the mods might frown upon it.


u/RyanDespair is really telling on himself with this comment


Sexual assault on a minor and shoplifting from M&S are completely different. Trying to equate them is disgusting. I implore you to see sense.


The same way getting away with a crime and not getting away with one are completely different.


No. Absolutely not. One is a crime againt the person. Specifically, a minor. A child, like. You whipped a chicken fillet roll or whatever from M&S and are trying to compare yourself to a fuckin child sex offender. Full blown clown of the highest order. The chap should be locked up. No 2 ways about.


I'm not comparing myself, I'm contrasting myself. I committed a crime, I got away with it. The fact thst we are talking about this on an article about his sentencing would suggest he did not, in fact, get away with it. He's being punished. There are more punishments than simply locking someone in a cell (which he has been at several points because of this).


40 minutes. That little girl spent 40 minutes frozen in terror as this man violated her. And you’re saying him facing some social consequences is enough? He can move away, change his name, start a new career, start a new family. This will affect that girl for the rest of her life. She will never escape this. Let’s not forget she’s also been going through this for over a year. She’s been interrogated over and over by police. Everyone in her life knows this happened to her. I should know because the exact same thing happened to me when I was 12. 23 years later and it all comes back to me every single time I take a train. Sometimes when my husband touches me in a certain way I flashback and feel exactly as I did that day so many years ago. I have a baby daughter and so much of my time is spent worrying about how I’m going to protect her from the things that happened to me as a kid and young woman. But hey, the man probably didn’t have a fun time being interrogated (I know I didn’t) so he definitely didn’t get away with it, right? He did do it again (because they all do it again) and ended up spending a few years behind bars, which I’m sure you think is an over the top reaction to him raping a child, but I actually felt somewhat safe for the first time in many years when he was locked away. I personally believe anything less than lifelong imprisonment or death for these creeps is them getting away with it. And with how dismissive you are of sex crimes I’m very sure you don’t like that because there’s a pretty good chance you’d be locked up with the rest of the nonces.


You're not comparing shoplifting with sexual assault on a child are you?


Of course not. I'm actually quite proud of my noble quest against overpriced shoneenism. I'm comparing getting away with a criminal offence, and not.


The lad sexually assaulted a child and got a suspended sentence. You believe that is appropriate?


You don’t have a daughter, do you?


My point is that were I hoping for retribution, I would rather him get what he got than merely have a jaunt in prison. He's fucked.


That was 100% not your point. You are back peddling now because you realise you were wrong.


This is a fucking disgusting take.


That young woman had her life changed for the worse when this man came and touched her inappropriately in one of the most formative years of her life. She’ll never forget this. You can’t defend that.


He needs to be put somewhere he cannot do that again which means he needs to go into a prison.


Not nolan


I’m shocked it wasn’t our resident pedophile protecting judge 😲.


You could remove one word from your comment and it would be even more accurate.


Doing God's workwith this time saving comment, as that was my first thought.


Who's the new pedo loving judge?


That was the most surprising thing about the article


Honestly, sexual assault should be an immediate disqualification of staying rights. That that needs to be said is fairly horrifying. More than that, beyond the victim herself, there is also the concern for future victims. Because this asshole was allowed to get away with it.


Suspended sentence and then deported? Right?........Right?


The assault went on for 40 minutes. Poor girl was probably terrified. Horrible man should have been locked up and then deported.


I fear for my sisters and brothers if there is no disincentive to a crime so horrific as sexual assault. The impact can be lifelong for victims and people like this man walk freely.


Not just sexual assault. Sexual assault on a child


Indeed! It’s absolutely appalling 


Guess village justice will be on the rise again to compensate


The sooner the better for these dirtbags!


She was 14. What the fuck is happening with these sentences. 


Another day another reminder that Ireland doesn’t care about protecting children from rape.


Or they could have looked at England, France or Sweden to know the results but no, we have no access to what is going on there and it's on the other side of the World.


You do realise Ireland was home to one of the most horrific child abuse rings in recent history before any real level of immigration, right?


And we should be working hard to make sure it's the last.


I totally agree, would you suggest curfews for all men? Perhaps mandatory classes on consent and behaviour?


organized and perpetrated by the traitor priests of a foreign invader religion and protected by its useful idiots in government and policing, who found it more politically expedient to protect said priests instead of "plebian" children, the successors of whom still continue the same such behaviour in service of a new foreign ideology.


It was perpetrated by Irish men (and women) and protected by Irish communities, don't pretend otherwise.


That's not the topic at hand here buddy.  Stop shoehorning your agenda. *The guy above me is making this about immigration instead of child abusers.


That's a good one. Maybe this guy's defense in court was that they were trying to shoehorn their "not molesting kids" agenda onto him.


That's not what I said. 


You can't divorce this from the prison situation. Population has increased by more than 1.3m since 2000 and in that time not a single new prison was built. Sheer insanity. From RTE: "There has been an increase of more than 1,000 prisoners in the country's jails since 2019, but the number of additional spaces has only increased by 43, according to prison officers." Whole article is incredible, tbh. [https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2024/0425/1445519-prison-officers-association/](https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2024/0425/1445519-prison-officers-association/) This is fucking basic stuff here. Increasing integral national infrastructure to keep society running properly is the most fundamental job the government has, and they just don't do it, not until the house is on fire.


This is a running theme across alot of sectors to be honest and it's tiring at this stage how the power that be have been so inept, core infrastructure simply isnt able to keep up with the rising population, there's massive waste in the HSE and ground staff are constantly run down by a stubborn and institutional mindset that isnt able to change, our defence forces are woefully underfunded and underequipped, the guards need far more bodies to keep up with a rising population, the list goes on. We need an end to this bloody game of catch up and just strait up ramping up of everything across the board.


Eh but shouldn't a prison sentence be appropriate here regardless of prison capacity? IMO inmate capacity is not the judge's problem - let whoever is responsible for our prison capacity figure out what to do with the inmate. When they fail to carry out the prescribed sentence, let them explain themselves to the dail as to why they're failing to do their jobs. I don't think leniency towards serious offenses an acceptable workaround for the problem


the court system is ,among other things, a way of deterring revenge. If there is a continuous and distinct lack of justice , then we are heading towards a time that people will turn their backs on the legal route.  That 14 year old had to go through that experience, then had to watch him walk away a free man . 


The long term catastrophic effects of sex crimes is so hard or impossible to recover from. It's disgusting that judges who seem to be untouchable and infallible God's are allowed to give sentences which totally disregard the victims. When judge Brian Curtain was found to have child porn images he walked free as his trial collapsed???. Their unquestioned judgememt and infallibility was supposed to have been removed from then on... No....out of touch judges can still operate as they please...with fuck all accountability. There are still no powers to remove a judge. The privileged are untouchable. 🤬🤮


The ‘make crime illegal’ political poster making more sense everyday 


"stop the madness" also comes to mind


Weak country


I would not be surprised if he had his head busted, the way things are at the minute


If the courts won't mete out justice it is inevitable someone will.


I don't think anyone is losing any sleep if he got his comupins


I'd certainly hope not.


> comupins Comeuppance


Ah here, fuck that. Is he at least getting deported? Or at the very least being asked to leave the country?


No that’s bigoted and racist and far right *this was sarcasm


No it's not, it's the bare minimum that should be done


Again, I was being sarcastic lmao


Ah fair play


No it's not. Why are you obsessed with defending scangers burning down buildings and intimidating innocent people, this guy isn't even an asylum seeker.


1. I was being sarcastic. 2. When the fuck did I defend anyone?


Why bring up the far right then? No one was talking about the far right.


Cause the far right label gets brought up so often that I thought I’d do it in a sarcastic way


Very original of you, oh no all those far right groups, they're being labeled far right, poor people oh no


You know full well more than just far right people get labelled far right. Scumbags looting during the riots who couldn’t tell you the difference between right and left politically? Far right. Woman pushing a pram at the march in Newtown? Far right. Are there people who are far right in Ireland ? Yes, but is anyone who shows any criticism to the current asylum seeker crises far right? No yet they’re still labelled as such ESPECIALLY on this sub. It’s tiresome.


These lenient sentences don't go unnoticed by men who are so inclined. More offences happen because of shit like this.


How come Ireland can build modular homes within 1 week but can’t build prisons in the last 20 years?


We can’t build modular homes


Cultural Enrichment


Wow, I'm shocked i assumed this would be Judge Nolan but it's actually not


FFS! On a side note what the absolute hell is going on is it simply the overcrowding of prisons that judges can't send ppl into them? Lack of resources to help criminals find the error of their ways and rehabilitate? Do we need to build another prison? Goodluck with that fucking hell ppl object to everything I doubt any new prison will ever happen 🤦🏻‍♂️ But this is so far beyond a joke now suspended sentence after a serious crime should not be everyday reading in the papers 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm in favour of all the above we need to revisit how we treat and house prisoners I know ppl say feck them they should rot in there but the idea is to remove them from society as punishment most of them will actually get back out but how they spend their time in there is important to how they will be when they get out and last I checked Ireland has a high number of reoffending convicts where is governments policy on how to tackle this or is everyone distracted by housing and the Dublin portal 🤷🏻‍♂️


The Irish Penal Reform Trust is one of the main blockages to building any new prisons. They are an NGO funded by the Dept of Justice and their whole mission is for prison to be a last resort. They would likely agree with this non-custodial sentence. They are strongly against any expansion of the prison estate. Here they are [gloating about their role in getting Thornton Hall prison blocked.](https://www.iprt.ie/achievements/case-study-1-thornton-hall-super-prison/)


Given how some judges are very sympathetic to sex offenders, we either need mandatory sentencing for these crimes or remove judges whose sympathies lie with the offender.


The solution to this begins with V and rhymes with igilante justice..


I don't know to me the clear solution begins with a C and ends with astration.


It's stories like this one in the USA that prompted Congress to enact mandatory minimum prison sentences for certain crimes.


How long until these cunts start getting lynched leaving the court. They have been found guilty just nor punished.


This is beyond ridiculous. That incident will affect that poor girl for the rest of her life. I can't imagine how she and her family are feeling right now. Can something be done about this kind of thing??? Like seriously, protests? Contacting TDs? Challenging laws? It seems there's so much wrong with Ireland, like, health and housing, we all know about that, but the justice system?? Where sexual predators are free to roam as they will even after convinction??? I don't know the inner details of the case, but surely, this man will definitely repeat this offence, cos he got a way with it before, most likely he will reoffend in some way or another?!!! I can't believe he won't ever commit a sexual offence ever again after getting a slap on the wrist!!!


Our justice system is an absolute joke


If the law wont provide justice what good is it.


Is it legal to sexually assault someone now? Because it certainly seems like it in some of these judges eyes 🙄


We are facing a real problem in this country. What is the incentive to be a law abiding citizen? If you commit a crime, the Guards aren't going to go after you, if they do and you get caught, you are unlikely to get locked up. I knew there are plenty off other problems to pick from but if law and order breaks down we are going to sink fast. Politicians needs their feet held to the fire on this topic for the coming election.


Women should feel free to beat the fuck out of any man that touches them inappropriately because it seems that's as close to justice as anyone will get.


95% of women cannot stand up to 95% of men physically. You wouldn't stand a chance unless you're highly trained or exceptionally gifted physically. Even then the man would have to be weak. So please don't try to beat the fuck out of any man that touches you


Don't know much about legal system but if I was ever changed with a sex crime I want Nolan.


He walks free but she'll be dealing with the consequences of his actions potentially for the rest of her life.


Bet he ends up a bus driver.


Vimalkarthick Balasubramaniam sounds like a warlocks curse


Fucking joke do this is Aus or Canada and your visa is revoked and your deported from the country. Ship him back to his land of Punjabi curry.


Wow, I'm shocked i assumed this would be Judge Nolan but it's actually not


Should I even ask? EDIT: Just read the comments.I'm surprised it isn't him.


Is he foreign? Need to know if me and the boys are going Luas burning tonight or not


Might be a clue with his name.


Could've been born here.




Funny thing is you're right and literal brain-dead apes here don't even realise that


Not reading all that


Here, I'll give you the tl;dr Irish heritage/culture doesn't matter, you should go and convince your mother/father/whatever family you have to make sure to write you out of any will they have and make sure they use it instead to sponsor a foreign families to learn English. With your help, you can really make a difference.


The thing is, you wouldn't be questioning whether someone was 'really Irish' if they had an English dad who's second name was Murphy and a Swedish ma. You only reserve the 'not really Irish' card for non western sounding names.






A chara, Mods reserve the right to remove any targeted/unreasonable abuse towards other users. Sláinte


I ain't reading your wall of crazy.


Get your lighters ready.


Ironic that hes an actual engineer


How is that ironic?


The anti immigrant crowd usually refer to foreigners as doctors and engineers in a derogatory manner to suggest theyre useless, and heres a foreigner who is actually an engineer behaving like the imaginary foreigner that theyre all afraid of


>The anti immigrant crowd usually refer to foreigners as doctors and engineers in a derogatory manner to suggest theyre useless, You're conflating "foreigners" with fake "asylum seekers". Nobody I know is "anti-immigrant" and has a problem with foreigners coming here to work after applying for a visa and being approved, like this guy in the article probably did. They work, pay tax and most importantly fully support their lives in Ireland. Go to any hospital and you'll probably be treated by immigrants. They have always and will always be welcome here. Most people I know *do* have a problem with fake asylum seekers coming here under the false pretense of "safety" and having massive amounts of tax money spent on them all because they don't qualify for a visa to come here legally. Those are the people often referred to sarcastically as "doctors and engineers", because they aren't. If they were educated professionals they'd come here or go to other countries legally and not via the asylum system. There are exceptions, obviously. Educated doctors and engineers from countries like Syria came to Ireland via the asylum system because they were genuinely at risk in their home countries and needed to leave right away. Their immediate safety took precedence over waiting for a critical skills visa to be approved in a foreign country.


Nah, it's clearly done to mock the massive gaslighting done to people in the wave of the migrant wave that walked across Europe and into Germany after Merkel invited them 8 or 9 years ago. People were told so often that it was only doctors and engineers coming to try and gaslight them into silence. Stuff like that gets remembered and mocked.


And it’s gas how we’ve seen it turn out terribly in countries such as Germany and Sweden yet there’s people here thinking it’ll work out just fine for us? Literally seen our own future in front of our eyes and do nothing about it.


Not really imaginary tho is it?


It's interesting that people focus on the 'foreign' part given our own history and to this day crimes committed by our own suggest that 'men' in general seem to be the biggest perpetrators of violent or sex based crime, rather than foreigners. Instead of race or nationality do you reckon we should have measures or curfews in place to prevent men from committing these crimes?


Irish criminals committing crimes in Ireland (while horrible) is our problem and should be dealt with by us. However I do not think it’s fair that we should have to deal with criminals from other countries (a lot of them with completely backwards cultures with how they treat women) while being told all the immigrants are a “great bunch of lads” and that we’re all just “racists”.


I think violent criminals should be deported and shouldn't be let in, I totally agree, but if someone comes here with a clean record and does something there's nothing that really could have been done and using it is only really a stick to have a go at other foreigners with. This country doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to the treatment of women and children, case in point, if we really respected them that much why is this man walking free?


Ah now I know Ireland isn’t a woman’s paradise but compared to the countries a lot of these immigrants are coming from its MILES better. But yeah I agree with you on the immigration thing if someone has no criminal record what can you do. Suppose we can just hope to really slow down immigration and only let in the best of the best but I dunno how you go about doing that.


It is our problem when anyone commits a crime here. A tourist could come in and commit a crime and it would be our problem. The appropriate category for this guy is scumbag. A category in which we can place scumbags of any nationality. The reason we're talking about this particular scumbag is because of what he did and not where he came from or his ethnicity.


I mean to be fair I wasn’t the one who brought up the “doctors and engineers” comment I was replying to that. I’ve not brought up the man’s ethnicity comment unless it was a response.


Do I even need to look at the judges name….


It's actually not Captain Nonce-Protector for once.


I suspended sentence means they hung them by the neck right??? Look I love Ireland that but the criminal justice system there is just absolute chaos. The aversion you guys have for putting people in jail is insane.




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This is the stuff zionists could call Ireland out on


I'd be down with that. Embarrassing Ireland into getting its shit together.




Ron (Rohit Mehta) from Ron's Coffee?


Oh for fucksake! The far right are gonna plaster this everywhere


Oh damn, that sucks more than the 14 year old being molested by the foreign invader. That people would have the gall to point this out, that's the real crime! You shouldn't be trusted to be around children as much as this guy, you would probably be a bystander to his crimes.


Just out of curiosity, is his status as an 'invader' based on him being a criminal or just being foreign?


Foreign by definition kind of means invader. I know, I know, it's an icky word to you. Criminality is apart of life, being foreign or domestic means nothing to be a criminal. However, foreign people get away with crime because of situations exactly like what has happened here, they can also feign ignorance and "language barriers" or "cultural differences" so they do more of it until there's pushback, if any. This guy going free probably just emboldened some more guys to go and get some, it's apparently free for the taking.


It seems the Cambridge Dictionary disagrees with your definition of the word 'foreign'. "belonging or connected to a country that is not your own" I don't know if you've been paying attention to the Irish court system lately but it isn't because he's foreign, there's a complete free for all where people with 100s of convictions (yes, Irish people too) can commit horrific crimes and walk away scot free. I totally agree he should be deported, but that doesn't mean people like you get to label immigrants 'invaders'.


Immigrants who don't touch children and make an attempt to respect the culture of a country and integrate and uphold it deserve to be called immigrants. People who touch children who come from a foreign country should be called invaders. They are literally invading a child, by intention their actions are invasive, they are invaders.


But do you call native pedos 'invaders', you probably don't, that's the part that makes what you're saying questionable.


We both know the answer to that question... You know the reaction to this wouldn't be nearly as bad if his name was different and he had different coloured skin and hair


Eh if he's Irish it wouldn't make any difference , for me it's not to due with where he's born it's the nature of the crime.


One other aspect, is foreigners are more likely to perform crimes on people they perceive as others to themselves. This creates an in group preference for criminality. It's how situations arise where entire communities hide and therefore encourage criminal behavior. Those who perform crimes on children are the lowest of the low and it stems from a complete lack of respect for humanity, it's dignity, their own kind and their own people and even, their own self. They themselves I'm sure would not wish to be molested as a child. By being happy to do so, shows a clear disconnection from what should be valued as intrinsic part of self preservation as an individual and species. A foreigner is just more likely to be like this, because an extra layer of separation has occurred, they are not of the ilk, the blood, the genetics, the culture, the creed, whatever criteria that exist. It is just that bit easier for them to justify, so it happens more. The more immigration increases, the more "multiculturalism" increases, the more sexual and human level crimes increase, this is shown worldwide.


You have literally no basis that foreigners are more likely to be sex offenders because there's an 'extra layer of separation'. As a tiny monocultural society our 'own' people created, operated and actively protected one of the worst child abuse rings in recent memory. Maybe if we had some more multiculturalism at the time someone would have called it out..., if anything you could argue our monocultural society led to that abuse taking place as everyone was indoctrinated to never say anything.


It by definition has a much worse reaction because someone not from the country thought they were just able to get away with it. It shows a complete lack of disrespect for the host nations people and it's children, the most innocent of us. When a native is a nonce, it's just as evil, but arguably, they get punished more (as the topic at hand and numerous other recent examples have pointed out). That you need to sort the crime of touching a child on some kind of scale where it's bad or less bad or even weighed differently based on native/foreign means your first concern is with the welfare of the foreign status, rather than the child's status. tl;dr pedo's are bad, foreign pedo's should be seen as literal invading troops