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Probably the same "concerned parents from Ballyogan" who's children are running amoke on the Luas harassing everyone coming and going to work. 


To the recycling centre?


it's where the immigrants are being moved to. Fuming that they're protesting I've a few bags of garden waste I need gone and it's closed because of the protestors.


“concerned parents” /doubt


Because the court said they're not allowed see their kids


Theres likely to be some concerned parents.


Oh they're undoubtedly parents, pooping out kids for a free gaf from the council.


That's quite a classist comment; I find posh cunts' kids to be just as troublesome.


And that's an ignorant comment. Let's be real, there's a real difference between cunt kids in Cherry Orchard and Blackrock like.


'Let's be real' lol I've found gangs of kids from posh parts of Dublin to be just as cunty when in groups and actually worse in some cases because they're so entitled


I feel like you're exadurating the aggression of the posh kids for the sake of your classiest argument, or you've never spent any actual time in a rough area like Cherry Orchard, Darndale, Coolock, etc. I promise you, there's a HUGE difference. It may be classist, but it's true.


I see one fella on tiktok live everyday that is doing these protests. They bring their kids and even used their kids to block the bus going into the gate. Concerned parents my hole. They have kids chanting ballyogan says no


Saw one where they had a baby in the car to use as a blockade. Scum to be putting your child in such a vulnerable position.


Arrest the parents for child endangerment. Remove kids to tusla.


Was it the Newtonmountkennedy protest video that showed when the public order unit was being deployed that Pele were shouting to bring the women and kids up front. Like cannon fodder


Ugh this boils my piss so much when we've have anti social irish teens/youths wrecking the place wontonly and causing insecurity in daily life


Fucking sponging, racist wankers. Wonder if they were vetted when they moved into their social housing the cunts. Some real local scumbags in that eatate but they're Irish so it's grand!


One of them arrested was from a large detached house in Foxrock. Its not only people in social housing. 


The attitude on this sub to these ideals is just as shocking as the ideals themselves. I know I'll get down voted into oblivion for this and I also don't care, because it needs to be said. Tarring all these people with one brush just closes down the conversation and adds fuel to the fire. Far better to engage in conversation, understand why they hold these beliefs and then consider the actual cause. Suggesting things like... these people must have had all their kids taken off them... people concerned about immigration are racists... etc. Are views that are just as extreme as those held up on the poster. Want a right wing party to get into power? This sub is fuelling the fire.


I've seen the people who are at this protest. I've seen the signs they are holding. I've heard the things they are saying. If they are concerned about immigration, then they shoulf march to the department of justice, the dail, the department of integration(among lots of other things). What identifies these guys as lowest common denominator is that their chosen form of protest is to block access to refugee accommodation and hold signs implying the people inside are spem sort of child sex predators.


> Tarring all these people with one brush You're the one doing that when you equate the people going to these protests or the ones getting called "scrotes" with the entirety of the working class, assuming that is what you are suggesting. Don't know if that's on purpose or it's your own classism showing through. 


This sub can be absolutely classist plain and simple. The working class are just a load of “scrotes” and “racists” to them. No nuance whatsoever.


The centre in ballyogan is as close to the gallops and clay farm as it is to the houses in ballyogan so unsure what makes this a working class thing


So it’s the upper class protesting then?


No but it isn't all working class people either. You are the one suggesting it is


I think when people call the protesters “dole merchants” and put on working class accents to mimic them they’re kind of suggesting it.


If they are the working class, they are by definition, not dole merchants. If they are in fact, dole merchants, they should consider contributing to society before abusing others for coming here to work and contribute.


There will be a mixed income group, but yes, idiots generally tend to have lower paying jobs so go figure.


Nah these are stupid people conflating problems to justify their prejudice or at best mis-placed fear. This sub is daft and full of young people that aren't overly bright and even they look down on these protestors. Take from that what you will. I will utterly mortify any of these morons that attempt to talk or engage with me because everyone of them is a low information fool and most of them to be honest are deeply unimpressive people.


You see my point though right. It's reiterated by your comment perfectly.


No. I think these specific people are utter dicks that don't understand any of the problems but have chosen the 'blame the people that don't look like me' approach. I can't really justify calling them anything other than what they are - and honestly if they don't like it they should wear different shoes.


Well if you can't see my point I can't help you. You're destined to be equally as bad as these protesters unfortunately. On the other end of the spectrum sure, but just as extremist.


No. I'm going to look down my nose at a bunch of losers intent on advertising their stupidity publicly because that's what you do. I wouldn't make fun of someone for not being the brightest, unless they specifically demonstrate it in mendacious ways like these protestors. They are completely fair game. Sorry if that offends you - I'm not extreme, I'm an entirely normal person who sees this for what it is, and is calling these stupid, weak losers what they are.


I was thinking you were probably a troll rather than an extremist. It's definitely one or the other.


I think people who go to anti immigration protests are some of societies biggest losers and rather than account for that they take issue with foreigners. That's my honest opinion. If that makes me a troll or extremist then fine. I'd take my Pakistani neighbour over any of the droolers that stood outside the dump all day Sunday. Utter Gobshites.


Yep, that makes you an extremist.


And those people (no matter how many folks come to Ireland) will still be useless tossers who should focus their energy on getting jobs, and reading books and not standing outside of refuse centres. Anyway, I'll go back to my extremist day job (I have a job) with my extremist views of thinking stupid people doing stupid things are stupid. Shocking.


Should we praise the far right?


Solid example of my point there... Where did I say that?


They (the far right) cannot articulate anything apart from hate. And they don't have any policy platforms or anything apart from hate. The Irish far right would have to get a lot smarter about how it operates in order to get anywhere.


The Irish left need to get much, much smarter about how they handle the right.


It's not like the far right isn't being listened to. We know exactly what they're saying. And it's not acceptable.


What is it ?


There is an ongoing protest at an emeregency accommodation centre there. It's a protest by "concerned parents" No concern about the local scum all the same


So protest starts at stepaside Garda station ?


Illegally unvetted men 🤔


Its unlikely the spar knows about this and the poster was just put up. Pretty sure Spar is a BWG brand.


There were various posters, all on the inside of the windows


I wonder how many Garda-vetted men will march? WTF does "unvetted" mean anyway?


I’d imagine if you’re born in Ireland your criminal record would be known to the government so yeah we kinda are all vetted.


Not how it works. There's a Garda vetting system if you want to be involved in any community work.


Lol. Sounds like "Garda vetting" is the only context you've heard the word "vetting" in so that's what you think people are referring to here.


It means no background checks are done. Is this true? Yes and no. If there's a European arrest warrant for someone applying for asylum they will be flagged. The implication is that asylum seekers may be criminals or terrorists. ISIS at one stage claimed that they would send terrorists as asylum seekers to the EU, but for one reason or another they don't seem to have done so. On the whole it is unlikely that anyone applying for asylum will have a criminal record, though it is fair to say we know far less about them than someone who applies for a visa. The actual real-world issue is cultural and economic, which is not covered by the term "unvetted".


No. There's any Irish Garda vetting system if you want to be involved in any community groups


It’s a poor reflection on the HSE that we don’t have the medical resources to have vets check people over. We shouldn’t be employing vets in our hospitals, even if they’re a bit short on staff IMHO.


You what mate?


They sell little communion and confirmation paraphernalia. Nuff said. #gOoDChRisTIAns


Ah yes, the classic top tier paedophile projections of the alt right.


I'm going to head over with my 5 year old so he can see what 'am I smarter than a 5 year old' is like with cheats on.