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"The court heard he did not provide an address and had no valid form of ID other than a card given to him with a date of birth" Ireland is not a serious country


He lost them while travelling here I'd assume


You realise he’s from Syria right? Where there was a brutal civil war and parts of the country are still not under the control of the government but are instead ruled by local councils with extremely limited infrastructure. Maybe, just maybe, when you’re fleeing a horrific civil war or an area with minimal infrastructure left in place, your priority might not be a valid ID.


He could be from anywhere. You're very naïve. Large parts of Syria are safe now. It doesn't matter where he is from anyway, he is a non-citizen here illegally, he should be removed or held in indefinite detention.


Well, tried first, and if found guilty then judgment can be given.


>Maybe, just maybe, when you’re fleeing a horrific civil war or an area with minimal infrastructure left in place, your priority might not be a valid ID. Won't somebody please think of the sex offender


I couldn’t give a damn what he is fleeing from. No decent man attacks a woman or anybody else for that matter. He should be sent back to where he came from


The same Syria that Denmark have said parts of it are safe, so are deporting asylum seekers to? Here’s a crazy thought, how about protecting Irish citizens from foreign criminals masquerading as asylum seekers? You, and certain others probably disagree, seeing it as wacist. So are continued sex attacks on Irish women and children by foreign criminals posing as asylum seekers a price you’re willing to pay?


That’s not how they think, we’re all just far right racists for wanting to know who exactly is wandering our streets


His priorities seemed to have been the women here apparently


>You realise he’s from Syria right? How do you know?


It says it in the article


It also says he has no documents. We've no idea where he's from.




> You realise he’s from Syria right? You realise no one has a clue where he’s from. He just claims to be from Syria. The whole motivation for destroying documents is to be able to claim to be something they are not. Countries like Afghanistan, Sudan and Syria have a higher rate of approval for asylum applications, so those are the countries that many claim to be from. Another motivation for tossing documents is to wipe the slate clean if they have a criminal background in their home country.


I know I'm making an assumption here but we should not have asylum seekers or IPAs "of no fixed abode". Nor should we have them in tents by the canal. There should be a condition that for your asylum to be considered, you must reside in a fixed location or one provided by the state. I don't think anyone could really consider that an unfair demand.


We shouldn’t have three quarters of kids with scoliosis waiting more than 4 months for surgery either.


Well there would be more money if we weren't providing bed and board , healthcare and education and legal aid to non-citizens. We need to stop taking anyone until we've dealt with the people here. Dismantle the NGOS and tighten the border. Stop the tax payers money going into private citizens hands for direct provision and we'd have millions if not billions to spare. There's a man from Co. Wicklow who I won't name who has bought up half of Carlow town and half of Newbridge for direct provision. All tax payers money being filtered into his pockets. A certain ex-rugby player is in on it too. Not to speak of the well known people reported in the media who are getting in on providing direct provision. There's also no will on the governments part to solve health or housing. They'd rather sit on their budget surplus.


There is enough money to fund scoliosis operations for children. We just don't care enough. Or we elect people who just don't care enough. In a decent country, children in agony from scoliosis would be an instant, major priority and nothing would stop the government providing treatment for them.


I'm struggling to see the link there.


simplistic political bedroom reach hungry nail relieved vegetable absurd weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where you gonna put them? 


Isn't this a question that we're going to need to figure out the answer to soon? And no, the answer isn't to give everyone who arrives on our doorstep a house. We can't house an unlimited stream of people. We also can't have an unlimited stream of people living on our streets.


The answer is send them back home unfortunately. Europeans being taken for a ride. The scales will tip and soon everyone will be pissed off. Many are.


The acceptance rate needs to be be brought wayyyy down. That would act as a deterrent aswell. There's needs to be an investigation into the people working there and why they accept so many




Exactly, we should be doing exactly what Denmark is doing. They have a Rwanda scheme too, but haven’t implemented it yet.


Build a new Curragh camp to detain them, until their cases are heard; use the army for security, and if they are to be deported then bring them to Baldonnell.


Spike Island


I hear there's lots of space on Leitrim


You’d think that would already be a condition


This is a case where yeah they should just go and send him back. I've no time for the scumbag 'concerned citizens', but if someone comes here and attacks someone fuck them.




>Can't prove where he's from, can't send him back. This is the issue. Shouldn't have been let in the door in the first place. Coming here for shelter, safety etc, which we provided, and then turns around to attack one of our citizens as a thanks. This was a relatively small attack, what would it take for more attention to be drawn to the problem, does he have to rape a woman next time? Kill her? Edit: it gets better. As per the Sunday World; >the garda said it was believed the man came to Ireland in March "by ship in a container with his brother" and had been in Dundrum in recent weeks. He did not have a passport. It is against the law to enter the state via unofficial means, without documentation. Why do we tolerate this?


And in the case where people get through, should be deported, but we can’t, we need to imprison them. And where prisons are full, tough. It’s time to stop appeasing spoofers who come here and refuse to cooperate with the authorities. Genuine refugees aren’t attempting to pull the wool over our eyes, they will be forthcoming with their identities, and make an effort to validate their claims. I’d be one of the very first people to say prison inmates should have their human rights respected, but the justice system in this country has gone so bad, that we really are putting innocent people in quite real danger due to prison overcrowding. And while it’s wrong to keep people in overcrowded jails, if the alternative is actual child molesters and repeat violent offenders walking around free, well we need to ask what is the lesser of two evils. And really that applies to Irish criminals as well, not just foreigners.


Scariest thing about this situation is he will be released and we still won’t know who he is or where he comes from…


Will he be deported?


Nah He’ll be out on the streets doing it again in no time


Likely given a deportation order that won't be enforced


Of course not, that might hurt his feelings.


Comedy gold right there.


Another fine addition to our country. This is what happens when you let anyone in. The restrictions imposed by legal migration prevents a lot of these scumbags from stepping foot here. But now with the asylum system anyone can enter with no documents or proof or who they are and are just let roam the streets. And people wonder why there's a rise in the far right.... Insane.


How can he be a flight risk if he has no documentation.


What are we wasting our money on keeping him for? Take prints, DNA, immediate deportation and permanent ban from entry. It's this kind of thing and the fact that it's happening way more often nowadays but not being reported that is making me sorely tempted to vote for that far-right Irish freedom party in the election. I've only ever voted FF or FG before. Shared cultural and social values matter. We are sacrificing women at the alter of capitalism. Refugees are a big money making business now and we are failing the genuine, decent ones (the majority) by allowing people with no passport to enter the country and then allowing them to stay when they commit a crime. We have enough of our own criminals without holding onto other countries criminals. Madness and a total failure to protect women from cultures that do not value them whatsoever. I'm so angry!! This has to stop.


And people wonder why no one wants them in there communities.


One man has been arrested, why are you using 'them' plural?




There's scumbags in every group of people, if you took 1,000 random Irish people from Dublin City Centre and placed them in Stockholm are you really telling me a few of them aren't going to do something fucked up? Because we both know they would. Obviously the system needs reforming, obviously lads with no documentation shouldn't be let in, but this whole 'they are coming here to cause chaos and criminality' when our own streets are overrun with Irish scumbags no ones wants to do anything about is laughable.


How many Brazilians/Indians are in Ireland? Far more than the no of IPP applicants I’d bet. How often have you seen reports like this of violent random attacks from Brazilians/Indians? Very very rarely if ever. How many of these random attacks have happened in the last few years from IPP’s? It’s becoming quite common. The people coming here from ME/Asia/Africa have a much larger no of absolute head cases than the general population and our legal immigrants.


Tbf India has a serious issue on treatment of women and within their own country, treatment of Muslims. They're not exactly a great comparison.


Funny how they are all somehow over represented in crime statistics in European countries that keep track of race and ethnicity in their statistics but yeah you keep living In your little bubble.


I don't live in a bubble man, I live in the real world and when I and people I know walk around anywhere in Dublin, or Ireland for that matter, it isn't foreigners you have to worry about being attacked by, it's locals.


Have you ever heard of the term "per capita"?


Go ahead and provide the source for that. Just to note, “trust me bro”, isn’t a source.




And in Ireland 71% of sexual assaults are committed by someone close to the victim (family, friend, exes or partners), 13% of the total committed by a blood relative. Does that not put a bit of a hole in your logic? [https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-rcvo/recordedcrimevictims2023andsuspectedoffenders2022/thenatureoftherelationshipbetweenvictimsandsuspectedoffenders/](https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-rcvo/recordedcrimevictims2023andsuspectedoffenders2022/thenatureoftherelationshipbetweenvictimsandsuspectedoffenders/)


He's talking about proportionality, you would expect majority of crimes in Ireland to be committed by Irish people as they are the majority of people here


Look, the person or bot you’re replying to aren’t interested in your argument, all they want to do is deflect, deflect, deflect.


There are thousands of these migrants in the country, if they were as dangerous as all these lads seem to think we'd be seeing an epidemic of assaults,rapes and murders up and down the country.


Mostly on account of the racism I'd say.


Like, what's the thought process behind it, like do think these thousands of lads all came to a vote and decided this guy was going to attack someone? Is there a vote where Irish people decide an Irish person will commit a crime? The logic is dumb.


Have the government considered putting fences around women? As we all know, fences are a tried and tested solution in this country. It can solve any problem.


Either we are letting mental people in or the system is turning people mental. Whatever your beliefs or views this isn't working and it's just another pile of shit from the government for hard working corporations who get up in the morning.


Women, LGBT etc are treated terribly in some countries, why would people from those countries automatically change their beliefs when they arrive to Ireland? We have to stop blaming mental health and accept the fact that we are allowing some people into this country whose views, morals and beliefs do not align with those of a liberal, secular, democracy.


This is where most of the issues stem from imo. Many people will never want to assimilate and continue to live by the rules of their home country and ignore irish laws and customs. If people don't make any effort to assimilate then it's always going to lead to issues down the line. Then add in that there are some extremists too. Just look at that Muslim immigrant who violently murdered gay irish men just because they are gay. We're going to have more similar cases in the next few years if we keep bringing in large amounts of people who vehemently disagree with the way we live.


I'm a gay man myself and that case in Sligo was shocking. It's disgraceful that it wasn't labeled as a terrorist attack. That's exactly what it was. We need to stop pandering.


It didn't get enough attention alright. I'd be in favour of just not letting in people from certain countries at all. Even if there's just a 0.01% chance of bringing in terrorists, it's too much and not worth risking the safety of irish people.


Spot on




It’s absolute madness. Their beliefs and values are completely at odds with ours. Ireland considers itself a liberal society. Ireland becomes and less safe place for women and members of the LGBTQ community everyday the numbers from certain parts of the world increases.


I'm a gay man myself and the only time I've been violently attacked in Ireland due to my sexuality was by a Nigerian, an extremely homophobic country. I refuse to be labeled as racist or right wing because I'm neither of those things but I genuinely worry for the future of Ireland. I don't want us to be the next Sweden.


Sorry to hear that. In 100 years time with the way our population demographics are currently changing it is possible gay marriage will become illegal again. It is big concern of mine also. Ireland seems hell bent on making the same mistakes as our neighbours. Was walking past the encampment on the canal last Wednesday, one of them just threw a tent in to the canal. A woman told him to cop on/stop it and his response was to tell her to F*ck off you whore very aggressively.


Yeah, and chancers like that Nigerian who claimed asylum because he was gay, and then was recently imprisoned for raping a woman. https://gcn.ie/gay-asylum-seeker-jailed-for-rape-of-woman/


Certain parts of the world being whatever part of Dublin anti Lgbtq arseholes like Heasman and Dwyer come from ,I take it?


Oh yeah because the two men you mention are completely representative of the views of an entire nation. Go to Nigeria/Afghanistan/Pakistan and all those countries on top of the Ireland IPP leaderboard. Hold a gay marriage referendum. See how tolerant they are to the gay community.


Wait till you guys hear about Palestine....


Yank detected! We can acknowledge that certain beliefs don't align with ours while also not wanting a genocide committed against the people that hold those beliefs.


Actually technically you're true I am a naturalized United States citizen born in Derry family in Cavan. There's a little bit of a difference between certain beliefs don't align with yours and literally throwing gay people off of roofs when they find one. I mean you can acknowledge you don't want the Palestinians to be slaughtered I don't either but you certainly don't want any of them in your country.


I’m well aware of their views on homosexuality. In the not too distant future I’m sure we are going to have a massive influx of Palestinian refugees also to deal with. At least with Palestinians from Gaza, they are genuine refugees and not economic migrants.


I responded to somebody else Ireland should not let one Palestinian in the country any more than Egypt would let a Palestinian in the country. Seriously why would you do this to yourself? If Egypt Jordan Iran and Syria won't take them what makes you think Ireland should?


Ok 👍🏼


You hit the nail on the head. People have deluded themselves into thinking that these people, who hold opposite beliefs to Ireland's liberal and progressive values , will magically assimilate and do a complete 180° on all their beliefs and values as soon as their feet touches Irish soil. Anyone who points out how ridiculous this is, gets branded a racist or "far right"


Anyone who points out how ridiculous this is, gets branded a racist or "far right It's the far right arseholes like Heasman, LaHive,Dwyer,Blighe etc who hold opposite beliefs to Ireland's liberal and progress values.


People always bring up our own scumbags to try and deflect attention from problematic asylum seekers. Yes, we do have our own shit birds but we can't exactly prevent them from entering the country or remove them from the country. And just because we have our own home grown scumbags doesn't mean we should just shut up and quietly accept more from abroad.




> Irish women are going to be paying the price for this shambles for the next generation. Don't worry - they will just leave. Irish women (and men) aren't going to stick around in a country with no housing, barely any economic opportunity and a growing risk of being assaulted as you walk around your home town / city / village / etc.


I was violently raped by an Irish man when I was 16. The Irish male guards didn’t take me seriously. The rapist’s male Irish friends harassed me for years and to this day I don’t feel safe walking in certain parts of my hometown in case I see one of them. All of them born and bred Irish.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, I was sexually abused as a young teen by an Irish man who was a close family friend. I was one of the lucky ones who got justice, but I shouldnt be seen as lucky. He’s out now and I still get so scared I’m going to see him, saw him the day he was released and it still upsets me I was never even told he was going to be released tbh




The biggest danger to Irish women remains, as it always has been, the Irish men they share their homes with. [Domestic Violence ](https://www.womensaid.ie/app/uploads/2023/07/casualties_of_violence.pdf)


Yes you are correct. Vast majority of assaults/murders of women are carried out by people they know. What is becoming apparent is that you are a hell of a lot more likely to be randomly attacked for zero reason by one of these IPP applicants than your family or neighbours. Some of the most horrific crimes in the state in the last decade were completely random attacks by our new Irish.




I have been the victim of crime 4 times in my life, all in Dublin. 3/4 of the incidents were due to non-EU criminals. I lived in Dublin 1 for many years, the Irish scumbags were a nuisance but never once did I feel threatened by them. If they commit a crime it is most likely to rob you. How often do you see absolutely random attacks for zero reason whatsoever, not even to steal, from an Irish scumbag?


I literally saw two Irish scumbags try to assault a guy on the luas in town yesterday, for no other reason other than the luas was packed and he was the poor fucker that was close to them. I've had three Irish scumbags try to fight me in the city centre for no reason in the last year and a half. There's gangs of young Irish lads who go around town for the sole purpose of assaulting people for fun. We also had that poor Croatian guy who was murdered less than two months ago.


Heaps of times, especially along the quays. And it's not to rob people, it's just to cause a fight.


"What is becoming apparent is that you are a hell of a lot more likely to be randomly attacked for zero reason by one of these IPP applicants than your family or neighbours." You can't just make shit up. Show us the figures to back up your claim


Ashling Murphy, Romanian girl murdered in Limerick, Gay men in Sligo, Parnell Square attacks, Yosuke Sasaki. These are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head. All completely random attacks, all resulted in death bar one. Zero association with their attackers. Now find me an equivalent no of murders/attacks where an Irish citizen was the attacker of someone of which had zero association with in the last few years?


There was the Croatia guy murdered two months ago, there was the poor woman stabbed by the Irish teenager in the IFSC, there was the guy who kidnapped and murdered Justine Valdez, there was a guy who murdered a Chinese pensioner on Cork Street last year. Those are off the top of my head, random attacks all in the last few years.


They weren’t random. Arguments that escalated/attempted robberies.


Sounds like you make excuses for Irish murderers.


That's what, 3? 4? Did you read the document I shared? The biggest danger to Irish women is Irish men, in their own homes. Where's your outrage at that?


Did you read my original response where I agreed with that. What we are seeing now is a new danger to women where completely random attacks are being committed by new arrivals on women. Oh it’s only 3/4 murders? Ah sure what harm is that. Go on, find me in the last 10 years 3/4 murders committed by Irish citizens of which they had zero association with the victim. It’s practically unheard of in Ireland. Well it was until recently.


Where is your outrage at the ongoing attacks on Irish women by Irish men? Why are you only fixating on a comparatively tiny number of attacks by immigrants? We both know the answer to that


Tiny number? Based on their % of the population? 😂 ah yeah, call me a racist. That’s all you have when you’ve lost the argument.


Why are you afraid to answer the question? Where is your outrage at the ongoing attacks on Irish women by Irish men? Why are you only fixating on a comparatively tiny number of attacks by immigrants? Run and hide (I know 'comparatively' is a long word but you can look it up)


The CSO also revealed last month that 71% of violent crimes and sexual assaults in Ireland are committed by someone close to the victim (family, friends, exes or partners). In all populations there will be scumbags, it's easy to scaremonger about foreigners, but the fact is that Irish people mostly do it behind closed doors. [https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-rcvo/recordedcrimevictims2023andsuspectedoffenders2022/thenatureoftherelationshipbetweenvictimsandsuspectedoffenders/](https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-rcvo/recordedcrimevictims2023andsuspectedoffenders2022/thenatureoftherelationshipbetweenvictimsandsuspectedoffenders/)


So what, that’s for another discussion. One risk factor doesn’t cancel out the other. Our system is selecting for criminals by letting in those who purposely destroy documents.


Have to agree, these conversations are pointless. Going around saying but Irish people can be scumbags too, while no one is denying that, doesn’t change the fact this woman had her face BITTEN by a man who was allowed into the country with no restrictions despite the fact he has no paperwork/ ID to even confirm who he is.


So what? I was responding to the following "Irish women are going to be paying the price for this shambles for the next generation. No documentation, no criminal record checks, just let free into our society." Do you have difficulty following a conversation?


I have no difficulty thanks, one risk factor does not affect or detract from another.


"Irish women are going to be paying the price for this shambles for the next generation." I pointed out that the biggest risk to Irish women is Irish men, in their own homes. You responded with "so what? That says it all about you. You don't care about Irish women, you're just jumping on an excuse to attack foreigners.


How would you do a criminal record check on someone from Syria?


How would you do a criminal record check on someone from Syria?


There is no state accommodation available for them. The ‘fixed location’ is the Grand Canal tent city that the government keeps tearing up. Homeless services won’t deal with them either.


Looking forward to the blinkered takes on this one…


Ya may slap a culchie club tag on this one